#real bostonians know what i'm talking about
klanced · 1 year
what if they made klance canon in the next voltron reboot. what would u do
i think i would throw a party in the boston commons under the mlk jr cunnilingus statue
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thelonesomequeen · 1 year
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Hello! I listened to this garbage so you don’t have to! —Part 2 (April 6, 2023)
I typed up a transcription from the podcast that I will post below. I typed quickly, so please excuse any typos I might not have caught. Don’t drag me for the grammar. That’s all DM talking. I just typed it out the way she said it. For those of you wanting to hear it for yourself, she starts at 52:30.
DM: Well. I did a little poll on Instagram. Because I posted that Chris Evans is Boston’s hometown hero. And I did a little pill for the Bostonians. I said Who is your hometown hero? Ben Affleck or Matt Damon, I grouped them together, Chris Evans, Mark Wahlberg, or Hilaria Baldwin who I just threw in for good measure. And Matt Damon and Ben Affleck won the poll by a landslide and I just need to clarify for my Boston followers, I didn’t realize that Chris Evans didn’t grow up exactly in Boston, he grew up in Sudbury which
Lex: Yeah, Like a suburb.
DM: Which is like right outside of Boston, so I had someone write in and say “grew up in Lincoln Sudbury, was about 8 years behind Chris, but fully agree with this.” so the Sudbury people, and I hope I’m saying that right, they do think that Chris is Boston’s hometown hero.
Lex: Right.
DM: This person says “Lincoln Sudbury” I’m assuming that’s the school “was obsessed with Chris and our whole theatre department was like a shrine to him. He’d come home frequently to visit his family in the early 2000s and we’d see him at the local Natick mall. Him and his family are super suburb-normie. Like I think his dad coached youth soccer when we were all younger. He’s for sure a Sudbury hero, but not Boston. Just a star that loves Boston and Massachusetts." so I felt like I needed to make that distinction because I didn't realize that before I claimed Chris Evans as the...
Lex: I love this distinction. You know, any chance to talk about Chris Evans is a chance I'll take.
DM: Bost (laughs, cuts off word). Wait, I was just going to say! Aren't you, don't you love Chris Evans? Do you still love him so so much?
Lex: I mean, I do but it's so hard because I'm not getting enough content. That's why I posted, you posted those like high school or elementary school, his like bowl cuts year book photos and I was like "I needed this today!" I feel like we never see him anymore because he's got his girlfriend! But we're gonna get some press soon, right? Because he's got that movie coming out on Apple with Ana de Armas again.
DM: Yes. And he's in New York right now with Alba.
Lex: I mean, yeah, like in my, I don't know what the rumor is circulating or blah blah blah, but like, I just feel like they've been engaged since last year. He would not do the People magazine, come out about his love life, again, you wanna talk PR game. That is all strategic to keep the crazies at an arms length...
DM: You think so?!
Lex: satisfy the beast, but still maintain his privacy. Yes! Yes, yes ,yes!
DM: So you think that their relationship is PR?
Lex: Oh no! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I think their relationship is real.
DM: Got you. Got you.
Lex: I think he gave...he's normally very private, but he like gave the PR the big, uh, People's Sexiest Man Alive and blah blah blah to then double down and then drop his relationship so that it's like, you know, he's given, he's giving us, he's breadcrumbing us a little bit and then he can still have his life.
DM: You know, I had heard People magazine was pissed about that. Because he didn't disclose to them..."
Lex: Stop, that he was in the relationship?
DM: When he was....yes. Yes.
Lex: Oh my God.
DM: Mhmm. And he did the photoshoot, did the article, was in the magazine, was in the article, and then was like SURPRISE! I'm in this relationship and they were kinda like...why didn't you just tell us? Like you were just on this huge cover and...
Lex: Talking about what you look for in a relationship...
DM: Yes!
Lex:...and like, what you want in a relationship.
DM: Yes, yes. They were like what the f-ck, but whatever. I mean, you know, happy for him. He seems really happy. I'm still...
Lex: So happy.
DM: in the...
Lex: I'm devastated.
DM: I'm still in the camp that if they do get engaged, or if they are currently engaged, I would not be surprised. I'm still in the camp.
Lex: Same. A thousand percent, I agree.
--and then they move on to the next topic.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
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This is his idea and the building that's next to faneuil Hall looks like this and he's seen it on the outside and it looks like a continuation of it and it is and if that was closed up it was some sort of business area for paperwork but it's not it was just closed and it can easily be made into this. It has columns you can just cover them and put arches and a ceiling and I'm sure bostonians would approve it and you do it in a Boston style. Which is very similar to this this is almost lost in style and it wouldn't do it in practice but I would do something like this. So kind of inlay, and you said that phrase that last phrase he did and it is an inlay yes and it's hard to tell but that's what they do a lot of up there is the inlay metal pan and it's worth a lot of money it costs a lot to put in there's a lot of people that do it and we're going to go ahead and try and get a permit I'm going to tell them that we want to put a beer hall at faneuil Hall until the place is open and it's going to be a tent and we call it the the beer hall and that's what's going to be called and the building room itself would be called the German word and beer hall underneath it and they will love it as a German word is beer tent and people like that kind of stuff and Boston especially people like teddoyle. He said he'd say you know Marie that building is a tent and she'd say back laughing no it is not dead said that's exactly what it says on the sign. She says no it says beer Hall it says the word above it means beer tent maybe we should go in there and see if they have any circus animals or performers. So they're going to laugh because they're going to try to go to that and we're going to do that everywhere so they might have a chance to do it. ... Is it as good and someone has to do this and put Stewie in it and the family Guy and Mac and Stan and they're arguing whether it's be called beer hole or beer tent and it started with Stan versus family Guy and family Guy was saying beer tent and Stewie was saying beer Hall, so Stewie said wait because family Guy was getting bulky too I'm going to get a double got Mac and Mac said beer hole and family Guy said beer tent it said wait a minute let me go get a double and family Guy got Stan and arguing beer Hall and beer tent and then wait a minute beer Hall after 10: tent and so they start talking and sat down and family Guy came back in I was trying to say beer tent... And Stewie is pretty big same height like six seven and he went ugh real loud. And then everybody is drinking and getting louder. You should see what's going on people trying to make the cartoon and have this animation cartoon system it doesn't work that good so we have devised one that you can actually be the character and it takes like minutes cuz you just feel yourself and you put other characters in doing similar stuff and some people are doing it in an hour and it comes out awesome and it's like 50,000 versions already of beer hall versus beer tent it's going to run a contest. Lifetime supply of our beer but draft beer and in the format they want and they can get the beer regular beer when they are out and then stuff at bars and eateries and package wherever they are with a special card for free it just goes on the card and any format but we'll send the beer to their house once a week a good amount of the draft and everyone is going nuts and they're trying to send it in now were going to make it into a commercial
But he wants to add to it and have the people who do the voices outside in Bostonian suits with Bostonian leather shoes and ties talking about the beer at the beer hall gently and in a Boston Way and Boston accents... And then going to the commercial as they walk in and it goes to clicks to another scene and shows you that people getting cartoonized just not the ones who are the actual cartoon people so this is great he said that's awesome so but the first few they said they want to do a human version and he accepts us a great idea he says and it's a better idea than his although the family Guy show might do it and will give them some money for running the beer it'll be a break from Duff and they say no way and Duff fear is more Simpson stuff and they said that's why oh it look like his.... They're going to go ahead and do it they say and try and take it over. There's a lot of deals coming up like this I got in a beer hall and it is a wonderful thing wonderful thing and we're going to open a whole bunch of them.... He wants to make like a Bavarian hotel attached to the ones where it would fit called Beer Haus.... So we're opening these beer halls in the form of tents everywhere like right now and we're going to put them in our circuses they already are we here and they actually are but we're changing the beer over is so damn cheap a can of beer is like 75 cents a lot of people just give a dollar
Thor Freya
Max and morlock will compete in Boston to occupy the space of the beer hall to meet and talk smack and plans and stuff and usually against each other and we're hoping they don't get access out and try and hit the barrels they say no no we won't do that that's sacrilege you might drink it outside said Aaron you're already bowing he says whatever I have to do okay go to the beer tent beer Hall stewy is saying I got you.
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lemon-pilled · 2 years
ao3 version here as usual!
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"Hey. Demo. Heyyyyy," Scout leans over the shoulder of the drunken scot, equally red-faced and NOT sober.
"Wot d'ya want, laddie? 'm clearly talking to Sniper right now."
"You said like, what, freakin' last week? You said you'd tell a story."
Demo stares at Scout blankly. "Aye. And?"
"Luv, I think he means he wants you to tell a story. Now," Sniper guesses, looking over to Scout for confirmation. The Bostonian nods, poking a finger at Demo.
"C'mon, cyclops, don't be a freaking party pooper! Tell us-"
"-me," Scout glares at Sniper. "a story. Something' about the Loch Nessie thing, you're always bragging about that."
"Aye! And she's real, no doubt about it! Y'see, it all started when I was a wee lad, 'n' I didn't know better…."
As Demoman continued to tell his story, Sniper lets his mind drift. This was, after all, one that he was familiar with. It never hurt to listen to it again, but seeing as the storyteller himself was drunk, Sniper probably wasn't going to believe all the details.
Tuning out the noises of the bar (a practice he had become painfully familiar with), the Australian finds himself staring at Demo.
Truely, the perfect man. Even shitfaced, he was cheerful and bright. A sunflower in the fields, so to speak, with a smile bright enough to lighten up the room.
And Sniper loved basically everything about him. He loved how animated Demo could become when he was in the middle of telling a story; how cunning and cutthroat he was in battle, laying traps of sticky bombs and tricking his opponents to follow him; and especially how patient he had been with Sniper, waiting for him to break out of his shell without even a complaint.
And those were, perhaps, a few of many reasons why he had fallen hopelessly in love. Sure, Demo had his flaws and Sniper had his own, but no one was perfect.
"-Sniper. Hey, pally, you ok?"
He blinks, snapping out of his thoughts. "What? Yeah, mate, I reckon I'm doin' fine."
"Are ye sure, lad? You didn't look so good." Demo frowns, the concerned look on his face morphing into one of mock anger. "You haven't been drinkin behind our backs, have ya? Who's gonna drive us home if yer shitfaced as well?"
"Hey, wait, yeah! Snipes, you promised you'd get not-drunk and drive us home!"
He chuckles, shaking his head. "I'm not a liar, roo. I promised I'd drive ya back to base, didn't I?"
"You'd better!"
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so forgive me if this is kinda a stupid question but i have an oc from Boston and I've never actually been there (I'm from the south so my experience with anything in the north is limited lol) but I was wondering if there are like... certain phrases/interests/general info that I could use to build up her character a little more?
Not a stupid question! An exciting question!
So, disclaimer: I’m not a native Bostonian. I was born and raised in New Jersey. If I have any followers who can swoop in and correct or add to any of this, please do! But I’ve lived here on and off for 12 years and married a local, so I’ll give it my best shot.
First of all: Where in Boston is your OC from? This is pretty vital to pin down. It’d be a hugely different experience growing up in, say, Beacon Hill vs. Mattapan. There are plenty of basic breakdowns of the different neighborhoods online, but my one strength in answering this question is that I’ve moved all over this city like an erratic Ping-Pong ball. So if you need inside information about any specific area, I’ve lived or worked in: the Theater District, Back Bay, Allston, Brookline (not actually part of Boston, but closely associated with it), Kenmore/Fenway/Longwood (that’s kind of all one neighborhood, but I’ve got all three parts covered), the North End, Lower Mills (part of Dorchester, which is huge), and Mattapan. I’ve also hung out a lot in Downtown Crossing, Chinatown, Beacon Hill, and Cambridge (which is also not part of Boston).
If you don’t know what part of the city your OC’s from yet, think about her economic background, ethnicity/nationality, what she or her parents did/do for work, the kinds of places you imagine her spending her time, etc., and see if you can find a good match.
Other Boston things:
The accent: The Boston accent (as in “We pahk the cah on Hahvahd Yahd”) is real, but not universal. It’s mostly a thing in working-class families who’ve lived around here (and remained working-class) for at least a couple generations. My mother-in-law, who’s from a blue-collar Irish family in Dorchester, has it. Her husband is straight from Ireland with a full-blown brogue. And their four kids--all raised in the suburbs, all educated at private Catholic schools, after which they all went to college--have no trace of either accent.
Phrases: I feel like you want to be really careful with regional words/phrases in general, lest a character come off like a walking parody, but here are a few tips:
Possibly the most stereotypical Boston (and general New England) word is “wicked,” which is used to modify adjectives, as in “It’s wicked cold out” or “I’m wicked hungry.” (A girl from Maine was playing with my hair once and told me it was “wicked pretty,” and it was, like, the highlight of my life.) This is NOT something I hear on the regular, but I wouldn’t balk if your OC used it once or twice over the course of a story.
A liquor store is called a “packie” (short for “package store”). Don’t ask me why. My husband calls them this every time without fail, and was previously unaware that it was not a universal term.
A milkshake is called a frappe (which is pronounced “frap,” and does not involve coffee). Or at least, the drink in which you mix milk and ice cream, which would be called a milkshake in any other part of the country, is called a “frappe.” Supposedly, if you ask for a milkshake, you’ll get a drink made of milk and syrup with no ice cream, but I’ve never attempted this.
You don’t make a U-turn here--you “bang a U-ey.” Again, I can verify this one based on the fact that My Husband Says It. (And he once yelled it while playing a multiplayer video game involving cars, and was horrified when none of his fellow players had any idea what he was talking about.)
Interests: You’re probably already aware of the sports teams (Red Sox for baseball, Patriots for football, Celtics for basketball, Bruins for hockey). This is New England, Land of the Endless Winters, so hockey is pretty big (including casual kids’ hockey teams). Ice-skating is popular in general; the Frog Pond on the Boston Common (which doesn’t actually have any frogs) is a favorite spot.
As someone who is Not A Sports Person, I can also assure you that whether you want them to or not, the Red Sox will affect your life as a Bostonian. You will find yourself almost smothered to death on the T by dense crowds of drunk people in Sox gear on their way to or from a big game. You will be casually shopping downtown when a deafening wave of noise approaches, confetti rains down from the heavens, and you are nearly trampled to death by a post-World Series parade. You will be unable to sleep a wink the night after a game if you live anywhere near Fenway. And do not set foot in a bar at such times. DO NOT.
Other things that Bostonians care about more than the average person, in my experience: SEAFOOD; St. Patrick’s Day (I’ve never been to the parade because of reasons, and honestly, I’d also recommend avoiding the bars, the T, and even the very streets if possible); the Boston Pops concert and fireworks display at the Esplanade every Fourth of July (ok, that’s actually pretty fun); and all things American Revolution (well, you may not be interested, but you probably studied it intensively in school and visited a lot of local historical sites).
Public transit: Boston’s train/bus system is called the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority), but literally everyone calls it “the T.” If you travel on the T regularly, you probably have a CharlieCard:
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These are named after an old campaign song by a politician who promised to lower the fares. It’s absurdly catchy.
Knowing what neighborhood your character is from tells you which T stations she would’ve lived near, which is also super important to my Bostonian mind. Is she a Red Line kid? Green? Orange? Blue? Or maybe she mostly took Silver Line buses, or rode the Commuter Rail (a.k.a. Purple Line) to work. (I‘ve only ever lived on the Green and Red Lines and certain bus lines, so I have Biases.)
College town: Boston is a college town. It is lousy with colleges. That’s what first brought me here, and even though I’m a townie now, I remember the culture well. College students make up around 20% of the city’s population when school is in session, and the downtown neighborhoods in particular are crawling with them. They swarm the bookstores and museums and bars (with real or fake IDs) and trendy restaurants. They work in every cafe and perform in every theater. They smoke clove cigarettes and take Duck Tours and ride the Swan Boats. If your character is a local, she’s had annoying encounters with college kids at some point or another. I promise not to take offense.
The Emerald Necklace: This is the nickname for a giant string of parks and waterways that surrounds the city of Boston. No matter where you live, including the most inner-city neighborhoods (which is where I currently live and work), chances are good that there is a substantial amount of green space and water in your general vicinity. Complete with hiking/bike paths that, if you follow them long enough, will take you through literal woods where you can see nothing but trees and hear nothing but birdsong. This is possibly my favorite thing about the whole New England region. It’s so heavily forested that you can still find your way to a little bit of nature in the most unexpected places.
Dunkin’ Donuts is not found only in Boston, but it is more beloved in Boston than anywhere else on earth. I swear there is one on every block in the city. It is the place to get coffee as well as doughnuts. Starbucks is around here too, but is scorned in comparison.
J.P. Licks is a local chain of ice-cream stores with locations all over the city. Everyone goes there. It is very tasty.
The annual Christmas tree on the Boston Common is donated by Canadians from Nova Scotia. There’s a story behind it. It’s pretty cool. (The tree lighting is a huge event with speeches, music, fake snow, and sometimes fireworks. They actually light up the whole Common, which is gorgeous at night. I could see it from my dorm windows in college.)
This is obviously just a tiny fraction of Boston lore, but it’s still probably more than you wanted, and I should wrap this up while the day’s still young, so...hope some part of this was helpful! Let me know if you have any follow-up questions. I’m happy to ramble about Boston all day (...which is probably obvious by now).
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peters-pirates · 7 years
I'm bored
Get to Know Me 1. What is you middle name? I don't really like it, but it's Brooke 
2. How old are you? 17
3. When is your birthday? Too personal of a question for the internet so I opt not to 
4. What is your zodiac sign? Scorpio 
5. What is your favorite color? Pastel pink or blue 
6. What’s your lucky number? Uh 4 I guess 
7. Do you have any pets? No
8. Where are you from? Texas
9. How tall are you? 5'2 1/2"
10. What shoe size are you? 8 women's 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Too many to count; I have three down stairs, an entire shoe rack in my closet, some on the floor of my closet, ten boxes piled high in my closet, and at least three pairs in my bedroom floor 
12. What was your last dream about? The boy I like and myself where holding hands and walking through house of torment like my friends and I did last year 
13. What talents do you have? I have none but I guess drawing??
14. Are you psychic in any way? Not really, sometimes I get dejavu but then again so does everyone else 
15. Favorite song? Right now, probably Our Song
16. Favorite movie? I can't even pick but probably The Goonies 
17. Who would be your ideal partner? Someone who wants to care for me and love me for who I am and hold me late and night and tell me how much I mean to them and that it's all going to be okay 
18. Do you want children? God no, but if I had to just 2
19. Do you want a church wedding? I don't think so 
20. Are you religious? No, but if god told me he/she was real I'd believe 
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? No, but I stole a pen when I was 4 once and got caught does that count? 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Yes, it was embarrassing 
24. Baths or showers? Showers 
25. What color socks are you wearing? I'm not wearing socks 
26. Have you ever been famous? No
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? I don't think so 
28. What type of music do you like? Rock
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Don't think so 
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Four 
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
flat on my back or on my sides 32. How big is your house? Two stories, pretty decent but not huge 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I don't have breakfast 34. Have you ever fired a gun? No, but my friends dad offered to let me shoot one on my friends birthday when he was driving us to dinner it was super weird 
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes
36. Favorite clean word? Yes
37. Favorite swear word? Not sure, maybe whimsical 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 48 hours 
39. Do you have any scars? Yes
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yes?
41. Are you a good liar? I like to think so 
42. Are you a good judge of character? Usually 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Sometimes 
44. Do you have a strong accent? I hope not 
45. What is your favorite accent? Bostonian, Scottish, Irish, or New York's 
46. What is your personality type? I don't know 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Probably a $300 dress I bought just for my 16th birthday and have only worn twice 
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie
50. Left or right handed? Right 
51. Are you scared of spiders? Yes
52. Favorite food? Pastas of any kind 
53. Favorite foreign food? Italian or French 
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Most messy 
55. Most used phrased? It's fine 
56. Most used word? Bitch
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? An hour 
58. Do you have much of an ego? I don't think so 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck 
60. Do you talk to yourself? All the time 
61. Do you sing to yourself? Yes and to my friends and they hate it 
62. Are you a good singer? God no 
63. Biggest Fear? Being rejected or abandoned, basically not being wanted 
64. Are you a gossip? Probably 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? I don't really watch dramas 
66. Do you like long or short hair? Long 
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Uh maybe 
68. Favorite school subject? English 
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Extrovert 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No
71. What makes you nervous? Everything 
72. Are you scared of the dark? Yes
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Sometimes 
74. Are you ticklish? Very 
75. Have you ever started a rumor? I don't think so 
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? No? 
77. Have you ever drank underage? Yes 
78. Have you ever done drugs? No
79. Who was your first real crush? Peter Pan
80. How many piercings do you have? Two 
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ Yes
82. How fast can you type? 300 words per minute I think 
83. How fast can you run? Not at all 
84. What color is your hair? Dark brown 
85. What color is your eyes? Brown 
86. What are you allergic to? Pollen and Guinea pigs
87. Do you keep a journal? No 
88. What do your parents do? Software engineer and stay at home mom 
89. Do you like your age? Hell yes, 17 and can't die bitches 
90. What makes you angry? Politics, homophobes, sexists, my parents (god quit being and angsty teen), everything 
91. Do you like your own name? I suppose so 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Yes; Emily and Peter
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Hmm probably a boy first then a girl 
94. What are you strengths? Procrastination 
95. What are your weaknesses? Procrastination 
96. How did you get your name? Idk my parents just liked it 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? Don't think so, but there is a castle in Ireland that my mom shares a last name with 
98. Do you have any scars? Yes
99. Color of your bedspread? White with pink flowers 
100. Color of your room? Light pink cream
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