#reader x elorcans daughter
throneofsapphics · 1 year
can i please request one where reader is rowaelins daughter and she goes out and parties with lysaedions daughter, manorians daughter and elorcans daughters? in this elorcans daughter is dating reader , they all know but help them hide,they organize a sleepover at the palace and sneak out when their parents are busy. they party all night long, going from club to club praying to all the gods that their parents don't catch them. they drink and flirt and dance until they grow bored and decide to go to a brothel for some fun. they finally leave and are met with the most scary sight ever, they freeze be they are caught by all of the parents.
all good things come to an end  
Reader (Rowaelin’s daughter) x Elorcan’s daughter 
Summary: you and your friends have a night out. 
Warnings: drinking, drug use, overprotective parents
Word Count: ~1.8k
A/N: a bit different, but still similar. thank you for the request I loved writing this! coming up with names was a struggle, but Elorcan’s daughter is Emelyn, Lysaedion’s is Brielle, and Manorian’s is Astra. 
Their parents went on the hunt. Well, the immortals were doing most of the searching. Elide and Lysandra watched in amusement. 
They knew their kids were up to something. Even though they’re of age, they couldn’t help worrying about them. Still, the mothers mostly wanted to catch them in the act. Aelin maybe to have something to hold over them - or make fun of them for. She loved a good challenge, and so far they’d done well. In a way, she was proud. The males, on the other hand, were in something of a panic. 
They were clever enough they’d never been caught, yet, each inheriting the best - or worst - of their parents. It was made tricky by Astra, Manon and Dorian’s daughter. She had inherited his magic, and used it to subtly alter their features - enough none of Orynth’s citizens would recognize the trio. Rowan figured it out when y/n came back last time - her normal Ashryver eyes hazel. They were fixed by the morning. 
“Fussy bastards,” Lysandra murmured affectionately, tugging on Aedion to get him to slow down. 
You spun Emelyn, your girlfriend, in a circle - the small laugh that left her brought a smile to your lips as you pulled her closer, running a thumb over her cheek. She leaned into you and pressed a light kiss to your lips. 
“Gross,” Astra hissed. 
“Don’t be jealous,” Brielle teased her. Astra had dragged her away from the male she was flirting with, one who’d bought all of them a round of drinks - a hopeful expression on his features. Like he might get very lucky tonight. 
“We’ve been here too long,” the witchling snapped back at her, eyes darting across the room. You’ve all had a feeling you’ve been hunted tonight. Astra insisted on modifying their features with each bar they went to. 
“Why are you so paranoid?” You sighed, separating yourself from her. 
“What’s the worst that can happen if they catch us?” Emelyn piggy backed. 
“Your father,” the other two said in sync. 
You ran a hand through your hair. She did have a point. Lorcan was the most likely to … overreact. Your parents were protective, but if they figured out exactly what you were up to when your friends visited, you couldn’t guarantee their reactions would be pleasant. When you and Emelyn were … “discovered,” Rowan had quickly shoved him out of the room, meanwhile your mother’s started asking when you’d be married. 
You’d stood in the garden, arms wrapped around her as you buried your face in her neck, breathing in her scent. Your thumb ran gentle strokes up and down the back of her neck. They’d approached so silently you had no chance of covering it up, “I didn’t expect this,” the Lady of Perranth’s voice hit your ears. 
“I’ve been hiding our scents.” You hedged. 
“And you give us a new look every hour.” Lysandra and Aedion’s daughter, Brielle, tagged on. You shot her a grateful look, that she was on your side for once. 
Golden eyes narrowed at you. “Let’s go.” She jerked her head towards the door. 
“Bossy.” You muttered under your breath. She was the unofficial leader of your group, even if the three of you gave her slack for it. She would either roll her eyes, or snap iron teeth at you, depending on her mood. 
“We should be afraid of your mother,” you said wryly. Emelyn’s elbow jabbed you in the side, and she shot you a look that said “don’t jinx us,” you returned with a grin you knew would irritate her. “I know where to go,” you announced. Orynth is your city. You led the way, stopping briefly for Astra’s magic to do its job and led them somewhere hopefully your parents wouldn’t recognize. 
The owner, a demi-Fae, smiled at you - undoubtedly recognizing your scent again, even if you showed up wearing various faces. “One of these days, you’ll tell me who you’re hiding from, she chuckled,” and led you inside. 
A small room in the back, a door securely locked and shielded with three layers of magic. 
“I wish I didn’t end up naked every time I shifted,” Brielle muttered - to no one in particular. 
You started re-arranging the small pipe on the table, surrounded by a few bottles of wine. You’d never pressure anyone into smoking, of course, and usually only you and the shifter indulged, the others picking up wine instead. 
“Mixing is a bad idea,” your girlfriend cautioned. 
“I’m an expert.” 
Astra snorted, rolling her eyes at you. “Say that again when I’m dragging you home.” 
“I,” you pointed a finger at her, “can drink any of you under the table.” Nobody disagreed. 
An hour later, you lay against Emelyn’s side, giggling at Brielle’s recent recounting of her latest encounter with visiting Courtier’s in Cavarre, she’d taken up her mother’s role of prowling the halls as a ghost leopard. Maybe taking a few too many liberties with her new position. 
“Do you ever want to leave?” Astra asked everyone, and the room fell quiet. 
“Sometimes,” you admitted. You weren’t first in line to the throne, thankfully. Emelyn ran a hand through your hair, combing out the slightly tangled strands. The two of you spoke extensively about traveling - leaving Terrasen to see other places. 
“Where would you go?” 
“The southern continent,” your answer was automatic. If you could convince the King and Queen to agree to a trip. Well, the bigger issue was convincing the Lady and Lord of Perranth to let you take Emelyn. You glanced at the clock. It was nearly three in the morning. 
“We should head back.” You stood, swaying slightly on your feet. 
“For gods-sake,” Astra muttered - not at the thought of leaving, but at your current state. You knew an alcohol flush was over your cheeks - and likely your eyes slightly red, pupils dilated. There wouldn’t be any hiding that, but hopefully everyone else was asleep when you got back. 
Emelyn grabbed your hand, leading you out the door. You called out some thanks to the owner, slipping her another few silver marks. She winked at you, wishing you a safe walk home. 
Tracking you had failed, again. Rowan was caught between being impressed and pissed off. Lorcan and Aedion were stewing, Aelin and the other females seemed more amused, insisting they could take care of themselves. Elide yawned, but they’d insisted on staying awake to see them home. Actually - to catch them at the gates. 
With a flash of white light, he shifted, taking in the air to circle around and search for four females stumbling back to the castle. Finally, he spotted a group - heading towards a smaller side gate, all of them supporting each other. The group paused, one - Astra, using some sort of magic. He was right - about you all changing your appearances. 
Astra spotted them first, a string of very creative curses leaving her. “It’s too late to turn back.” She muttered. “Act normal.” She snapped at you, and you tried to straighten yourself. It should be fine. Should be. 
“They all came,” Emelyn whispered softly. “Are you sure we can’t turn around?” 
“It’ll be fine.” Brielle said, fake confidence edging into her as she straightened her shoulders. “We haven’t done anything illegal.” 
“Only mildly.” 
“You’re telling us this now?” Her eyebrows raised, voice rising. 
“Quiet, don’t pretend you didn’t know.” you tried to hush her and turned to the others. “There’s no law saying it’s legal but there’s none forbidding it.” An exaggerated groan left her. “I’ll take the blame.” 
“Yes you will.” Astra snarled and grabbed your arm, keeping you firmly upright. 
“Wouldn’t it be better if Emelyn held me up?” You turned to look at her, the world slowing down as your vision blurred. The female in question was currently propped up against Brielle. You swallowed your fear, and kept heading towards the castle gates, Astra catching you each time you tripped against a small stone or crevice in the path. Maybe you'd smooth this walkway out tomorrow. 
The Queen of Terrasen watched you approach, eyes identical to yours dancing, even if her arms were crossed. Your father looked decidedly less amused. His eyes tracked the entire group, stopping on Emelyn. 
“Your eyes are the wrong color.” He deadpanned, and you snapped your head towards her, swaying slightly. They were. Still dark blue instead of their normal Onyx. Astra hissed under her breath, probably taking it as a personal insult. Emelyn only gave a sweet smile. 
“I’m trying out a new look.” 
Lorcan, apparently, was fed up because he strode towards her, the rest of you shifting out of his way, as he tossed her over his shoulder and stalked back to the castle. You watched her pound against his back, calling him an overstepping bastard and many other things you’d never say to his face. Out of self-preservation. 
“I’ll have words with you tomorrow.” His head snapped over his shoulder, glaring at you. 
Aelin stepped in front of you, returning his nasty look. “You will not.” His eyes rolled, and he kept walking, probably cursing your name the entire time. Elide mouthed sorry, and took off after him - yelling for him to slow the hell down. 
Dorian snorted, eyeing the three of you left. “I’ve done worse.” He admitted. You fought the smile creeping on your lips - you could always count on him, or Fenrys when he was present, to de-escalate. “Impressive with your magic,” he admitted to his daughter. She shot him a smile - one that definitely didn’t come from her mother, in return. “And yours.” He turned to you. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” You tried to say innocently - words all slurring together. 
Your father let out a sharp exhale, and your mother took you off of Astra’s hands, giving thanks to her. “Just because you’re not first in line …” 
“Rowan shut up.” Aelin snapped. “That can wait. She won’t remember it now.” 
“Yes I will,” you insisted. 
“At least two of you are responsible.” Aedion muttered. His wife elbowed him sharply and he winced. 
“Rude,” you frowned at him. 
“Go inside.” Manon snapped. You were surprised she hadn’t spoken yet. 
“You don’t give me orders.” Aelin countered. Aedion, rightfully, had an alarmed glance on his face. 
“I think I’m going to-” you mimed throwing up. Rowan almost looked like he would call your bullshit,  but realized what you were doing. 
After you’d gotten inside, your mother out of earshot, he spoke to you, “you’re lucky I hid your scents. Lorcan won’t be out for blood.” 
Gods, you hadn’t thought of that. “It was only me and …” 
“Don’t tell me.” He interrupted. 
Fair enough. He steered you towards your room, making sure you actually got inside. “I don’t need you fussing.” 
“Would you rather your mother come in here?” 
“No. Nope. No.” You quickly said, heading towards your bathing room. Maybe you’d burn your clothes - hide the evidence for now.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Throne of Glass
Tumblr media
After Flight
Ride (SMUT)
More Pink
Feeling Blue
Drop It (SMUT)
Iron Nails and Pale Skin
Just the Sniffles
Back With You (SMUT)
First Flight
Morning Coffee
Learning (SMUT)
Book Delivery
Right Where You Left Me
Dorian vs Echo
Once Upon a Time
Literally Obsessed hc
Cold Shoulder
Learning (SMUT)
Keep You Cold
Ddlg headcanon
Fluffy relationship hc
Bite Me (SMUT)
Light in the Dark
Cadre series
Cadre (SMUT)
Not on Speaking Terms
Dating headcanon
Pregnant reader headcanon
Eras Tour headcanon
Modern headcanon
Stay Still (SMUT)
Cured By You
Lay With Me?
Elorcan Daughter x Rowaelin reader
Anything For Her
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autumnshighlady · 1 year
Can you do a longer fic about Gavriel x Elorcan’s daughter please. Im obsessed with this ship and there are like no Gavriel fanfics out there:)
part 2 of the previous one is in the works but if you guys like the theme of the reader being elorcan’s daughter I can keep that up just let me know!
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daevastanner · 3 years
Throne of Glass Ships and their future children
Including character traits of said children and their sexualities because if SJM won’t give us NB characters or more gay rep then I will
Lysaedion: one (likely a boy and he is the straightest man you will ever meet - even though he experimented once)
They’re that couple that travels around to their families throwing out gifts from their adventures. Basically everyone’s favorite aunt and uncle. When they eventually have one kid that kid is spoiled rotten and way too smart for their own good. But smart in a “street smart courtier” sort of way. He’s also deadly AF and Aedion’s replica, except for his eyes which are Lysandra’s.
Manorian: one (for sure a little princess who is very bisexual)
Listen, I just feel like these two would really want a small family. Dorian and Manon only want a kid because they saw the joy it brought their loved ones to have children (Dorian with Chaol and Manon with Asterin). They are the super protective parents, but in a great way. In the way that it doesn’t matter what their kid has done, they’ve always got their back. They’re definitely that family that has a family motto they all take very seriously.
Elorcan: 3 (I’m thinking one girl, one boy, one non-binary)
Elorcan kinda just happen upon having kids. One day they decide they want to and while they aren’t actively trying, they stop trying to prevent it. Almost instantly they have their first kid and for Lorcan it’s like getting hit by a freight train because he realizes “oh I could get used to this having a family thing” and next thing Elide knows he’s asking for another. And she’s game so they have another. And then after some hesitation they have a third. Elide has said three is the cut-off, but Lorcan is pushing for four because he wants a small army.
Nesryn x Sartaq: 2 (one girl - an amazing archer with a rakish wit - one trans-boy - a charming prince to rival Dorian)
A very conventional royal family for the most part. The children train in both combat and politics, they are a unified front. Where they differ is that when their daughter decides she has no interest in politics, or when their son drops the bow, both Nesryn and Sartaq are the “I don’t care — whatever makes you happy” parents. They keep their kids to their word, but they never make them do anything they don’t want to do, and similar to Manorian they will go down swinging for their kids.
Chaorene: 6 (three girls - two are tom-boy warriors and one is a more feminine healer - three boys - one is an asexual replica of Chaol, another is a gentle healer, the last is a voracious reader know-it-all)
No. I’m not wrong here at all. Because this man daydreams of “raising a brood of children” with his wife someday. In TOD Yrene catches him “smiling broadly” at a baby and says he looks at it like something he “might desire.” He’s not impatient for their family to grow though what with his own mother and brother and the surprise of a first child they had. But when Yrene tells him she’s pregnant a second time he’s over the moon. And every time she breaks the news again his excitement level is always through the damn roof. And Yrene is the soccer mom type. Hyper efficient. Super encouraging. Together her and Chaol are powerhouse parents who run their family on mutual respect and honesty. Also, the first time Chaol has to discipline his children he realizes that he has a severe aversion to any sort of physical reprimand. This man is that parent that is an anti-spanking advocate. Yrene couldn’t agree more.
Rowaelin: 5 (3 girls - all mini Aelins who are slightly vain, very confident, and bossy - 2 boys - one is a mini Rowan in every way, the other is the openly gay sibling and an orchestrator of familial chaos)
Now hear me out: I think that Rowan’s desire for a big family takes Aelin completely off guard. She kinda falls into a similar ring with Lorcan where she’s not anti-children, she just doesn’t see the appeal of a big family. But the second she sees Rowan holding their first child, she has a Lorcan moment where she realizes that “damn, that man looks so fucking happy and I can get behind more of this.” She loves how active and young kids make her feel, but more than anything she loves the soft side of Rowan that they bring out. She also loves that he reads them bedtime stories, and Rowan is that dad that will do different voices for every character. Also, Rowan is the surprise home-maker husband. He sees to the kids, to the schedule, while Aelin does the majority of negotiation and ruling. It’s met with some resistance by the more traditional members of their kingdom but Rowaelin have never given any fucks and practically make giving zero fucks an art form so Rowan will make trips into town with the five of his kids, sans Aelin, to do grocery shopping. It always draws a few strange looks but Rowan thrives on it. Together Rowaelin swap up the gender roles and not just to spite sexism, but because it works for them. Rowan is tired of being a warrior and Aelin is just getting her feet wet.
A quick apology to my queer friends who I’ve recommended SJMs books to that were disappointed with the lack of representation
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Javier Peña x f!Reader)- Epilogue
Summary: You and Javier get your happily ever after.
W/C: 792
Warnings: language, mentions of pregnancy and labor
A/N: YOU GUYS. Thank you for riding this emotional rollercoaster with me! I’m so honored that you guys liked it. I’ll have the prologue to my new Javi series, Caffeine Rush, coming sometime next week! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in it!
previous chapter | 💗
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A framed photo sits on your nightstand, and has for the past few weeks. You’re not in it, Javier protested when you put it in the frame, but you swear it’s your favorite image in all of existence.
Steve, Connie, and Javier sit next to each other on a couch, each with a beer in one hand and a baby in their arms. Olivia, the Murphys’ little girl, has her face buried in her father’s chest. Tatiana, their newborn, is cuddled in her mother’s arms. Valeria Peña has inherited her father’s charm and looks at the camera with big brown eyes and a toothless smile, Javier’s free hand on her stomach. The four with visible faces are grinning, a rare sight from Steve and an even rarer sight from Javier.
Four years have passed, fading the scar on Javier’s abdomen to a white line between two ribs and just above his liver. Escobar died seemingly ages ago now, and Steve and Javier were both there to witness it. The Murphys adopted Olivia when the two men found her during a chase, and the new family moved to Miami immediately after. It was a promise kept after Connie’s order to Steve in the hospital, so far back in your memory. A year after moving back, Steve was recruited to teach at the DEA headquarters in D.C., and the Murphys moved up. Tatiana, who you all called Ana (partially in honor of you) was born two months ago now.
You and Javier remained in Bogotá for a bit, then Calí when Javier received a promotion. Javier was offered a job at DEA headquarters after a year, and took it. That’s where you resided for a few years, before the two of you became three. You moved from the city to Arlington, two blocks from the Murphy residence.
The other photo has you and Connie arm in arm, each holding your stomachs. Connie’s bump, only four months, was tiny compared to your swollen belly, nine months along. You both look excited, each holding an ultrasound image. Lorena took the photo.
Lorena moved to the U.S. a year after you and Javier had. She lived with the two of you for a few months before finding her footing and moving into a nearby apartment. She now works at a nearby hospital in labor and delivery, and is dating one of Javi’s DEA trainees. She’d helped deliver both Valeria and Ana. You had to laugh; it was fitting that she’d been at your side while rescuing your now-husband, letting you cry into her shoulder, and at your side while you pushed your daughter into the world.
Valeria is the image of her father. She has large brown eyes and wavy dark hair that sprouted from her tiny head. She’s seven months now and the absolute light of both your and her father’s life. Every day, she coos to her father as he walks out the door, earning her a “ten un buen dia, muñequita” and a kiss on the head. On days she wants him to stay, she’ll tug on his tie, making Javi pout and consider staying home for the day.
Life cannot be any better, you hum a quiet chuckle, rolling over in your husband’s arms and kissing his face softly. It’s early in the morning, before either of you need to be awake. Surprisingly, you woke on your own, not to Valeria’s cries. It wouldn’t have mattered if you did: Javier’s a naturally light sleeper, and always beats you to the side of her crib. She likes her father more than you, you always tease. He responds that it’s because he carries a gun. You tell him that his joke is stupid and so is he and he responds that you can’t hate them that much because he’s still right there, and then he kisses you gently and rocks his little girl and sings Spanish lullabies that send his daughter right back to sleep.
He wakes up from the kiss, smiling softly at you. “Why are you up?” He murmurs, voice rough and rasping. “Do I need to get Val?” he asks, sitting up.
“No,” you shake your head and cup his face. “I was just admiring you. We don’t have to be up for a while, you can go back to sleep. Sorry I woke you.”
“Mm, s’alright,” Javi slurs with a small smile on his face. “Love you,” he tells you and kisses your forehead as he lies back down.
“I love you too, Superman,” you mumble and press a kiss to his lips. He reciprocates for just a moment before pulling away and pulling you into his chest.
“Sleep, mi ángel. Te amo…”
“Y nunca lo olvides,” you finish with a soft smile, your eyes falling shut once more.
hi my dearest BST taglisters! lmk if you’d like to be on the taglist for my new Javi series! THANK YOU for reading Blood, Sweat, and Tears!
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers @diogodxlot @wonderlandgabby @yooforia @sara-alonso @dodgerandevans @pedrosmustache @apascalrascal @tanyaherondale @marydjarin @obsessivelysearching @sleep-tight1 @drinkingwhileblogging @pedro-pastel @notabotiswear @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel​
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 4 years
For the Fanfic Ask thing: either U, K or X.
They're all incredibly entertaining 😆
Ooo, let’s see!
U. A pairing I might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
Um... I think I’ve written all of them?
Like, if nothing else just look at “A Peaceful Night”. I’ve written 24 versions of that fic. I’ve covered every pairing I could with that one LMAO!
I’d kinda like to write more Elorcan, but not enough to... write more Elorcan XD
K. What’s the angstiest idea I’ve ever come up with?
I think like in general the entire concept of “Velaris”? 
Or the Archeron mother killing her own daughter in “The Feast of Souls” and that being the origin of a lot of Nesta’s hatred and wrath.
Or Rhys standing in the snow in “Velaris” and stifling his sob when Azriel calls out to him (30 years into the whole thing I think)
Or that scene I just wrote in TSON
Or in “Velaris: Fury and Ruin” when Mor realizes the Suriel is Rhysand’s mother
Or the fic about Rhys leading up to his crashing of the Feylin wedding
Or the fic about Lucien losing his eye
Or- christ on a cracker- you haven’t SEEN half the stuff I make myself delete from smut fics because it’s angsty and off topic and threatens to derail the whole thing.
I’ll open this to my readers to comment/reply with what they think my angstiest moment is LMAO
X. A character I enjoy making suffer.
Well, if Azriel survives TSON he’s going to come for my hide, let me put it that way XD
Ask Thing: Fanfic Asks
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throneofsapphics · 22 days
Hey! Hope you're doing better mentally ❤
I was hoping we could get something (anything honestly, I'm not picky 😂) on Lorcan's kid?
Take your time!
Here have a cookie 🍪
falling down with you
Reader (Elorcan’s Daughter) x Manorian’s son 
Summary: You spend an afternoon with your boyfriend
Warnings: none
A/N: thank you for the request & cookie! Hopefully this fits what you had in mind. Manorian’s son is Orion :). Ignore my very creative title
You supposed it was a “long time coming,” but it still felt quick. One day, you were kissing your best friend and the next you were entangled in each others arms, perched on a rock in your favorite forest clearing in Perranth. 
Emelyn, your nosy older sister, always knew and did her best to cover for you. Why were you hiding again? Right - he was terrified of your father, as any sane man would be. Granted, you were terrified of his mother, well she’s adored - as much as a witch can - you as a child, but dating her son was a bit … different. Orion, the second son of the King of Adarlan. 
But, with the beautiful man next to you, it was easy to ignore the feeling that your luck was about to run out, that you’d be caught sooner rather than later.
“I missed you,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hair.
“We saw each other last week,” you elbowed his side. You’d missed him too, dearly, but like your father affection didn’t quite come naturally. “I still think we should run away together,” you teased. 
“The hell you are,” your father’s voice filled the clearing, you didn’t need to look to know his jaw was clenched, eyes murderous. 
Panicked, you didn’t first thing you thought of and shoved Orion off the rock. 
A loud oof, a satisfied grunt, and your yelp. Hands shoving down cold stone, dress catching on the various crevices, you tumbled next to him. Inches from the ground, you knew it would hurt and squeezed your eyes shut. Twin tendrils of magic caught you, one the black of death, the other magic in its purest and rawest form. Orion had received no such courtesy from your father, and you weren’t surprised.
The magic gently lowered you to the ground and you flopped on your back, staring up at the sky and avoiding everyone around you. Gods, this was mortifying. 
Orion, next to you, was laughing - bent in half.
“I’m going to kill you,” you muttered half heartedly. 
“You already tried,” he countered. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw Emelyn burst into the clearing, her girlfriend - Rowan and Aelin’s daughter - hot on her heels. The duo were inseparable. 
She shot you an apologetic look. 
“Well,” her girlfriend said. “Cats out of the bag - when’s dinner?” 
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
reader being Rowaelins daughter and she’s secretly seeing Elorcan’s daughter, at first rowaelin think that she has a secret boyfriend and they want to see him and kind of threaten him, but then everyone finds out at the same time that it’s actually them dating🖤🖤🖤🖤🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Elorcan daughter x Reader
A/n: this is such a cute idea I died reading it. And yes this is named after a folklore song but I’m focusing on the happy romantic parts of the song ☺️ Elorcans daughters name is Diana (BOTH ARE OVER 18)
Warnings: none
Light snores pull you from your dream and into the sweetest reality. Your beautiful girlfriend, Diana Lochan, the most beautiful female in all of Terrasen. You brush he thick black hair back from her face and smile. Even though your relationship is currently a secret, you were both happy. Besides, if your family’s knew the two of you would never have any peace to figure things out.
The future Lady of Perranth began to stir and her eyes cracked open. Diana’s soft giggle warmed your heart. “Morning y/n/n.” Gods her voice was so hot in the morning.
You moved closer, sharing a pillow with her and Diana wrapped an arm around you. You rested your face in the crook of her neck, placing small kiss across her skin.
Pulling away from your girlfriend you boop her nose. “What should we do after breakfast?” You ask. Diana hums in thought. “We could take a walk int gardens. Or we could go into the city, look around maybe window shop. Ohh what about the library?”
Before you could give your answer your mother was knocking on your door. “Y/n, breakfast soon. Are you out of bed yet darling?” You hold your finger up to your lips as Diana held her breath. “Yeah mom! I’ll be down in a few minutes.” The Queen of Terrasen’s footsteps faded and you could both breathe again.
The two of you scrambled out of bed to get dressed. “Fuck my shirt,” Diana sighed holding up the tattered fabric. “Uuhhhh,” you tore through your expansive closet and grabbed an outfit, throwing it at Diana, “wear this.”
Once you changed you noticed the shirt was one your family would know. You wrapped a cardigan with silver star patches around her and buttoned it. “You look so cute Di.” You give her a quick kiss and pull her toward the door.
Sure, sometimes you guys were sloppy with your scents and obvious signs. No one ever said anything though. Walking into breakfast the family was so lost in conversation no one noticed the two of you. It was kind of nice.
As you sat down your father immediately perked his head up, sniffing your direction. “Y/n,” he said sternly. “Yes father?” You ask confused at his hostile tone this early. “Who’s scent is on you?” At his very loud question the entire table looked at you.
Your eyes went wide as you looked at your mother, siblings, and the Lochans. You locked eyes with Diana and your mouth started moving. Nothing coherent came out, just sounds as you tried to think of an excuse. You looked back at your father, a white eyebrow cocked at you.
“Well father, uuummmm…Diana and I just,” Diana stood suddenly, her chair sliding back loudly, “We’re together!” She practically screeched. You slap your hands over your eyes. “I was just going to say we had a sleepover, babe.”
Removing your hands you saw Diana’s cheeks turn bright red. You could feel yours start to heat as well. Your mother comes up behind you, kissing your head. “We are very happy for you darling. Right Rowan?” She growled out that last part making you and your siblings laugh.
Your father snapped out of his shocked state, “Yes, yes! Of course.” Lorcan spoke up next, “I’m very proud of both of you for not being afraid to admit it. We didn’t mean to scare you, you’re very brave, girls” you and Diana were shocked that Lorcan was so understanding.
When he and your father thought no one was looking they began glaring at each other. Both promising death. “Oh we should take you girls out this afternoon. Wouldn’t that be fun Aelin?” “Absolutely!”
You and Diana groan, giving each other an exasperated look. You both knew your moms were just going to grill you on your relationship. You knew they were doing it out of love.
As breakfast went on you felt a little lighter. Like a weight you didn’t know was on your shoulders had disappeared. Everyone at the table were back to their conversations but you could only look at Diana. You were so happy to have her. And now there was no need to hide.
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
reader being Rowaelins daughter and she’s secretly seeing Elorcan’s daughter, at first rowaelin think that she has s secret boyfriend and wants to see him and kind of threaten him, but then everyone finds out at the same time that it’s actually them dating🖤🖤🖤🖤🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
secrets never last
Reader x Elorcan's daughter
Warnings: none
A/N: thank you for the request!
“So,” your mother grinned at you. “Who is it?”
You’d had iterations of this same conversation over the last few weeks. Your parents would constantly ask who your ‘boyfriend,’ or ‘lover’ is. Probably with the intention of finding them and threatening them within an inch of their life. As amusing as it would be to see their reactions, you both had agreed you weren’t quite ready. 
But, she was visiting this weekend. The two of you would either have to be incredibly sneaky or come out and tell them. At least you would be able to hide your scents. So far, you’d been able to avoid your father or siblings tailing you when you shifted and took off every once in a while, maybe a bit more frequently than that, right for Perranth. 
You forced yourself to act as normal as possible around your ‘best friend,’ but you recognized the smile and look in her eyes. You’d find each other later. You took a quick glance at everyone else in the room. Nobody was looking at the two of you strangely, a big relief. 
A few hours later, you grabbed her hand and tugged her out of the room for your favorite garden, announcing you were tired of all of them. Your girlfriend laughed as you tugged her along. 
Aelin watched you and your best friend disappear through the door, and noticed carefully how you didn’t let go of her hand, at least while you were in sight of them. And how your fingers had interlocked … she shot a look to Rowan, whose eyes were wide. 
“Do you think …?” 
“I don’t know.” He sounded a bit hesitant, shooting one more look at the now vacated hall where they’d disappeared, before turning back to their guests. Lorcan didn’t look suspicious, but Elide raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Later.” She mouthed, and her friend nodded. 
“Has your daughter started dating yet?” Rowan asked mildly, and she nearly kicked him for it. 
Lorcan’s features fixed into a familiar scowl. Elide elbowed him, “she won’t tell us.” 
“Really?” Aelin’s head tilted, and her eyes glinted. 
“What is it?” Lorcan snapped at her, recognizing the look on her face, and ignored Rowan’s glare. 
Aelin stood, motioning for them to follow, and tracked her daughter’s scent. 
“I didn’t expect this.” You heard the Lady of Perranth’s voice as you and her daughter jumped apart. You hadn’t been doing … anything but were in the middle of an embrace far too close to be just friendly. 
Your throat bobbed as you looked at Lorcan first. He wasn’t quite glaring at you, instead surprise showed on his features. Good, he likely wouldn’t threaten you within an inch of your life - yet. 
Your mother and Elide were grinning, wide smiles stretched across her face. The latter clapped her hands together, “this is wonderful.” 
Your girlfriend groaned, and you bit back a laugh. The secret’s out, and soon the entire court will know.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
hiii i was wondering if you’d be willing to write s part 2 to cardigan, the one with elorcans daughter, Diana x rowaelins daughter but now where they are faced with a threat and they’re alone so they have to fight alone. Something happenes and Diana almost gets hurt but reader takes the blow instead and Diana is heartbroken. the parents know something is wrong immedietly so they check on their daughters. They find reader almost dead and they heal her. Diana is distraught bc she feels like her soul is being crushed and they realize the mating bond is there🥲🥹 reader wakes up and Diana hugs her and cries and it’s all so fluffy. I just know Elorcan would have so much respect for reader after this, for anyone, getting Lorcans approval is damn near impossible but since reader is so close to them and especially after this, he approves. a little fluff moment with Elorcan
Anything For Her
Elorcan daughter x Rowaelin daughter!reader
A/n: not me liking this better than cardigan 🫣
You can read Cardigan here :)
Warnings: violence, blood and gore,
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It was supposed to be a simple recon mission. Just you, Diana, and your brother Sam. The small group of Dark Soldiers had spotted you and just started an all out assault on the three of you.
From a few feet next to Diana, you watched one of the last soldiers standing nock an arrow in his bow and aim for your girlfriend. Panic floods through you. You act before thinking. The only thing on your mind was protecting Diana.
As the soldier let the arrow fly you dove in front of Diana. The arrow found home in your stomach. You fell to your knees clutching at the wound. The world went quiet before you hit the ground, closing your eyes. It hurt so much. This pain was unbearable.
You swear you heard a primal scream come from Diana’s throat. You wanted her near you. Needed her to hold you as the pain consumed you. You try to call out for her but your lips feel heavy. As your vision goes dark you hear Diana scream again.
Diana watched you fall to your knees and she saw red. Rage consumed her entire body as she launched herself in the direction of the soldier who shot the arrow. Drawing her sword back, Diana ran and didn’t stop until she swung. The man’s head rolling in the grass.
Skidding to a stop her chest heaves. Blood coated the grass as the man’s body fell with a thud. Diana turned taking in the small battle field around her. Then Sam over your body. He had his hands over your stomach to help staunch the bleeding wound.
Dianna wasted no time grabbing you and getting back on her horse. She rode faster than she ever had before, pushing Flicka to her limit. She didn’t look to see if Sam was behind them. She had to get you to a healer. To your father. She can’t lose you, she just can’t.
Riding right up to the palace doors Diana dismounts gently pulling you with her. “Help! Get the King! Call for a healer! Help!” She screams at the top of her lungs. Sam came rushing in the open doors. Rowan and Aelin quickly followed by Elide and Lorcan came sprinting into the entry hall.
With wide eyes your father took you into his arms yelling out orders as he took you to a spare room. Diana followed as healers rushed around you, your family standing off to the side with Elide and Lorcan. Sam clings to his mother apologizing over and over again.
Diana felt something in her chest fading. Like her heart was slowing down. Her eyes landed on your chest which was rising slower and slower with each breath. Diana feels something clench at her heart, then a tug in her chest as your hand twitches toward her.
“No,” she whispers. “NO! You have to save her! Save my mate!” The room is stunned into silence. Lorcan and Rowan share a pained look. Aelin sniffs the air and lets out a gasp. Elide clings to Aelin’s arm as they just stare at you. Diana won’t stop yelling at the healers and they need to concentrate. Rowan points his chin at the door and Lorcan lifts his daughter, dragging her out in the hall.
She fought her father every step of the way. Hitting, kicking, and screaming at Lorcan to be let back in the room. To be by your side as the healers worked.
Lorcan had never seen his sweet Diana like this. She’s usually rational, all think first act later. But this…this was the mating bond. He pinned her to the wall holding her arms to her sides. “Diana stop! Listen to me!” At her fathers sharp tone she stopped struggling. Her long black hair half in her face, hiding her tear stained cheeks.
“You need to let Rowan and the healers do their jobs. You screaming like a maniac will not help y/n. I know you want to be with her but it’s best you do not go back in that room, understand?” Diana slowly nods and crumples into her fathers chest. She lets out a wail that dies into broken sobs.
Clutching at her heart she sends love down the bond to you. Sending images of your sweet memories like your first kiss, sneaking around the castle, making up after your first fight. Lorcan held his eldest daughter as she cried. Hell, he even started crying. He never wanted his baby girl to feel this way ever. If he could get in there and heal you himself he would.
Hours later Rowan comes into the hall. Aelin immediately embraces him. “Is she?” The Queen whispers to her husband, “Yes. She’s going to be out for a while but she’s going to be fine.”
Everyone visibly relaxed. You were safe and Diana could breathe again. She felt the bond hum to life again.
Your father moved you to your room once you were more stable. Diana refused to leave your side until you woke up. She fell asleep with her head on your thigh while sitting in an armchair next to your bed. When you stirred the next morning Diana shot up.
“Y/n/n! Oh thank the gods, baby I was so worried.” Diana flings her arms around your neck as you groan from her slight weight. She pulls back, holding your face in her hands. It was clear she had been crying for hours. “Never. Ever. Do that again.”
You lay your hand over hers, turning your head to kiss her palm. “I’m sorry I worried you. But I couldn’t let that guy hurt you.” Both your eyes line with silver. “I can’t believe you’re my mate.” You whisper, smiling like a love sick fool at Diana. Her lips crash onto yours in a loving and passionate kiss. “I can’t either.” Diana whispers back against your lips.
Before you could pull Diana into bed with you, your door creaked open. Your mother and father poked their heads in. “Hey sweetie,” Aelin says softly. She rushes over to your bed resting a hand on your forehead. “Hi mom.” She shakes her head lovingly at you.
“You scared us half to death.” “I’m sorry mom, I just…all I saw was Di in danger and had to save her.” Rowan stepped up next to Aelin. “While your mother and I are upset we are happy for you and Diana. I understand the feeling.” He smiled down at you as he gripped your hand.
From the doorway Lorcan clears his throat. “Sorry to break up the reunion. Can I have a moment with y/n?” Your parents and Diana look between you and Lorcan. You nod reassuringly at them. Diana seems hesitant to leave. “I’ll be fine.” You say to her. “I’ll be in the hall,” she grimaces at her father who raises a dark eyebrow at her.
Lorcan sits in the arm chair next to your bed. He looks at you with a dark gaze, like he’s dissecting you. “I know your parents and Diana have already told you what you did was reckless and dangerous. Let me tell you what I saw.” You tilt your head curiously against your pillow. “I saw someone who cares about my daughter put their life on the line to protect her. I would always tell Elide that no matter who Diana dated no one would be good enough for my little girl. Not even her mate.”
You had no idea why Lorcan was giving you this speech now. If he was here to tell you he didn’t want you and Diana to accept the bond he could at least give you the courtesy of fully recovering first. You were about to tell him that when his next words shocked you. “But I take that all back now. I know you really care about each other and you more than proved that. And will have the scar for eternity to show her as well. Thank you, y/n.”
He got up to leave. As Lorcan was half way across the room you called out, “So does this mean we have your blessing. Because you were the one we were worried about.” Lorcan smirks at you over his shoulder. “I thought I made myself clear,” And leaves.
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
can i please request some more rowaelins daughter x elorcans daughter? maybe some jealousy? imagine they’ve only told their parents about their relationship and want to wait incase of anything happening to them. And at one of the balls held in terrassen, someone in her parents court come up to her and introduce their son to reader. Reader is standing next to Diane and their parents. Di is absolutely fuming and gets closer to reader. Reader just smiles and declines. Right then and there they decide to announce their bond and relationship.
I’m Flattered But…
Elorcan daughter x Rowaelin daughter!reader
A/n: these two are my new favs to write for🥰
Warnings: teeny tiny angst
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A knock sounds on your door just as your handmaidens put the finishing touches on your gown. You watch in the mirror as Diana enters, stopping as she looks at you in awe.
“Wow,” she breathes out, “you look so beautiful.” You smile at her through your reflection as she comes closer. “Thank you ladies.” You say in dismissal. You want alone time with Diana before the ball tonight.
While your family, immediate and extended, know of your relationship the rest of the kingdom does not.
You turn on the raised platform, holding out your hands for your mate to take. She holds them tight, gazing down at you with love in her dark chocolate eyes.
You’re almost eye level with Diana. She inherited her fathers height making her almost six feet tall. While you stand at a comfortable five foot six. Personally, you love the height difference. Tall and muscular, Diana is every inch the warrior her father molded her into.
Leaning up you capture Diana’s lips with yours in a slow, loving kiss. When you pull back you wipe your lipstick from her plump bottom lip. “You’ll dance with me right?” “Uh-huh.” She hums out wrapping her arms around your hips as she lifts you off the platform.
Diana holds out her arm for you to take. “I’m also here to take you down to the ballroom.” You playfully roll your eyes at her, “Of course you are.”
The ball was going just like any other. Your whole extended family was in attendance. Manon and Dorain accompanied by Chaol and Yrene with their daughters. Elide and Lorcan with Diana’s siblings, Aedion and Lysandra, Gavriel even talked Vaughn into coming out of his hiding spot.
Before dinner and the real party started you, your brothers Sam and Nolan, and your sisters Malin and Evelin, stand by your parents thrones. As the oldest you stand between your parents to greet royal delegations or other lords and lady’s.
You tensed as your eyes landed on a lord and his son from Melisande. Looking at your father you saw a muscle in his jaw tick. He hates Lord Stagspire and his entitled son, Owen. They boy had been given everything he asked for since birth. Which made him think he was entitled to you.
Your mother let out a sigh as they approached, joining the staring session you and your father were having. They knew exactly what Lord Stagspire was here to ask. And the answer was a firm no. But as Queen, King, and Princess you had to put on a smile and play nice.
“Queen Aelin, King Rowan.” Lord Stagspire bowed deeply along with Owen. You gave a small curtesy back. As the lord prattles on kissing up to your parents you try to look anywhere but at Owen. You could feel his eyes burning holes into your dress.
You finally found Diana talking to one of Chaol and Yerne’s daughters. Her gaze met yours and she tilted her head in confusion. She began to make her way over to the dias. When she spotted Owen anger flashed across her beautiful features making her pace quicken.
Diana sidled up to Aedion at the edge of the dias, pretending to speak to him as she watched Owen like a hawk. She knew he made you uncomfortable. You felt better even if Diana was just off to the side for moral support. Plus you knew she’d absolutely kill Owen if he ever tried to fight her. The little lordling was absolutely pathetic.
Lord Stagspire clearing his throat brought you back to the conversation. “Now that your daughter and Owen are of age, I wanted to propose a marriage between the two. I think they’d make a fine pair your highness.” You heard Nolan cover up his laugh with a cough. Your mother didn’t hide hers however. Then you felt the rage from Diana’s side of the bond. You had to put an end to this before the two females you love most cause a scene.
Stepping forward, you place a hand on your mothers shoulder, giving her a calming look. “I’m flattered my lord but unfortunately, I don’t believe Owen and I’s pairing would be a fit.” Before he could say something he could regret Lord Stagspire gripped his sons shoulder, holding him back.
“Princess y/n, I was speaking to your parents.” “About a matter involving me and the crown I will one day wear. So I believe I have a say.” Your mother speaks up next. “I trust my daughters judgment and she is allowed to speak for herself as future queen of Terrasen. But, we thank you for coming tonight.” Your mother waved him off and he begrudgingly left.
At dinner you were quieter than usual. You had to sit with your family at the head table. Staring at your mate with a far away look you became a little jealous. You wanted to socialize with her and your friends. You wanted to show off your relationship freely.
Your mother nudged you with her elbow. “You’ve been quite since the dias. What’s wrong my love?” You let out a sigh placing down your fork and knife. That far off look not leaving your face. “I just want to be able to spend time with Diana during these things. I know we haven’t accepted the bond yet. But I want us to be able to be happy together.”
Aelin’s heart broke in that moment. As a mother all she wants is for her children to be happy. She would let you and Diana do whatever you wanted, Elide as well, but your fathers had voiced some concern. They just wanted to keep their baby girls safe.
Looking at Rowan, Aelin found the same heartbreaking look on his face. “I’ll go talk to Lorcan.” He said down the bond. The King pushed back from the table and strode over to the Lord and Lady of Perranth. Crouching, Rowan spoke to his brother.
Roughly five minutes later Rowan returned with a smile on his face. He gave Aelin a thumbs up and her lips widened into a grin.
Your mother leaned over to whisper in your ear, “What if we announce it right now?” You look at your mother with wide eyes. “Are you sure?” She nods lightly. Standing, Aelin raises her wine glass, tapping her fork against the side to demand the attention of the room.
“Thank you all for coming this evening. It is so wonderful to see my friends, my people, and leaders of Erilea together. It truly warms my heart.” She slowly set her glass down as your heart pounded in your ears. You ripped your eyes from your mother to look at Diana.
Elide was whispering in her ear about what Aelin was about to announce. Your mate looked to you with the biggest smile on her face that you returned. “On top of all other happy events of this evening this announcement is my favorite. My daughter, Princess y/n, has found her mate! She and Lady Diana Lochan are planning their ceremony and we hope you can join us when the happy occasion arrives.”
Applause sounds around the ballroom and Diana rushes to you. You pull her to a tight embrace, resting your head against her shoulder. You pull apart and the applause dies down. “Go have the first dance,” your mother encouraged.
You took Diana’s hand leading her to the dance floor. The quartet began playing and Diana began guiding you across the floor. “You sure you’re ok with this?” You ask, looking up at her with a bright eyes. “I’m more than ok.” You felt so happy you could cry. You sent a wave of love down the bond that Diana returned as she spun you.
Pulling you back to her chest you started laughing. “What is it love?” “We’re going to have to start planning our ceremony.”
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
hii i really didn’t think i’d like next gen stuff with tog and acotar but i really really loved the ones with rowaelins daughter, lysaedions daughter, i loved the one with nyx x reader and especially the one with rowaelins daughter x elorcans daughter, will there be more of them, perhaps jealousy or angst to fluff🥰
my fave has got to be the one where reader thinks feysand are hot and they overhear, do you think there’s a part 2 to that one?
ah thank you!! I'm so glad you like them, they're fun to write and I'm planning on doing some more for tog & acotar! there's a nyx x Illyrian reader I've been sitting on because I'm not sure how I feel about it
there's a part two for that one here!
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
hiii im so excited for your work, do you have a wip list? and if so are tou comfortable to post it?💗
Hi, thank you! I don’t have a list but I’ll share a few things I’m working on.
I’m trying to get through all the requests I can. Tomorrow I’m posting and Ithan, Azriel, and Elain fics for Halloween. A few Az fics, a poly!bat boys ddlg fic, and an elorcan daughter x Rowaelin daughter!reader fic 😊
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autumnshighlady · 2 years
had a really bad work day so working on the dbsf!Gavriel smut request to feel better hehe... I’m thinking reader is Elorcan’s daughter 👀 
then gonna do some bsfd!Gavriel.... then Fenrys x reader headcanons... then office hours part 2...then poly Rowaelin angst and fluff hehehe what do we think? any other requests?
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