#reader x doggo
lipglossanon · 1 year
Stay Right Through
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Dogman!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader (one shot)
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, hybrid au, dogman Leon, master/pet dynamics, dirty talk, oral (f receiving), mounting, breeding, knotting, unprotected sex, creampie
not proofread 👌
Title from Wandering by Good Charlotte 💜
Part 2: I Only Touched Her Hips But She Saw It
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Excitement makes your leg bounce as you wait for the lady to come back from setting up. 
You did get to the hybrid adoption center a little early, but you’re just really happy to be here! 
Hybrids were all the craze ages ago, but since the newness has died off (aka puppy syndrome has waned) there were more and more of these places opening up. Your parents never saw the point in getting a hybrid for the family, very old fashioned not to mention pretty anti pet in general. 
So now, you have your own place and a steady job that isn’t eating up all your time anymore making it the perfect time to get a feel for what kind of hybrid you want. You’re definitely open to any of them, but it seems like the dog hybrids have a higher turnover rate which is why you’re at this specific adoption center. 
The lady finally comes around to the front desk and smiles at you. 
“Sorry for the wait, now how may I help you?”
You glance at her name tag, “Hi Patricia, and I’m looking into adopting. I was hoping to kinda get the ball rolling today.”
She laughs, “Not a problem. If you could fill out this form, I can put this in the system while you take a look around and see if there’s anyone you like.”
“Thank you,” you smile, taking the forms and returning to your seat. 
It takes a lot longer than anticipated, but soon enough you have all your i’s dotted and t’s crossed. Turning in the clipboard, Patricia stands up and leads you over to a locked door. She runs her card across the electronic sensor and opens it for you. 
She gives you a little nudge inside, “There are caretakers throughout if you have questions or concerns. Cameras are all over the facility but you look like a nice enough person so I’m sure we won’t have any issues.”
She laughs a little and waves as she closes the door behind her, leaving you to sort of walk around and look. 
The place is a lot different than the mental picture you had; it’s set up like an open floor plan, but with individual mini rooms separated by cubicle partitions. It seems like in the center is just a large lounge type area with couches and an entertainment center. Past all of that you can make out granite counters suggesting a kitchen. 
With that, you can see all kinds of hybrids hanging around in the living area or just milling about talking with one another. 
“Hi! Need help?”
You look over at the perky blonde woman with the name tag Sherry.
“Uh kinda, I just don’t want to step on any toes, y’know?” you smile feeling a little shy. 
“Not a problem,” she laughs, gesturing for you to walk with her, “I’ll just give you a quick tour and let you meet some of the pups.”
“Not that I don’t appreciate it, but I was really hoping to look at older—“
“Oh gosh, that’s great,” she gushes, “sorry to cut you off, but we have more than we like to see with older dog men.”
“Oh,” you laugh at her bubbly attitude, “well that’s great,” you wince, “not that it’s great.”
She pats your arm in solidarity, “I totally understand. But I’ll take you right over to where they like to hangout. They tend to stay away from the center of the lounge, too many yapping pups.”
Her voice must mimic one of the older hybrids with that last comment and you laugh along with her. 
She guides you closer to the kitchen area but off to the side that sort of resembles a ‘man cave’ for lack of a better term. It’s more dimly lit with similar lounge furnishings. 
“Hi everyone!” Sherry lights up the space with her presence, some of the hybrids calling back to her as you two walk closer. 
“We have a new prospective friend here,” she introduces you to a trio of dog men standing up from the couch. 
“Nice to meet you all!” you wave, excitement probably making you smile like a maniac but you’re just so happy to finally have this chance. 
“Nice to meet you, I’m Chris,” a tall, dark haired dogman nods, his Rottweiler ears flopping a little as he tilts his head to look over at the other two. 
“H-hi, I’m Ethan,” the mild mannered blonde rubs the back of his neck nervously, his twitching ears reminding you of a Chow Chow making you smile wider. 
“Leon,” the last dogman gives you a lazy two finger salute, sandy blonde hair nearly hiding his soft Labrador ears.  
“Would you like to hang out here while I run off to grab some pamphlets?” Sherry asks you with a twinkle in her eye, giving you an option to hang out with these three alone.
“Sure,” you nod, watching as she spins on her heel and walks in the direction of the office. 
You turn back to the three dog men who quickly invite you to sit and hang out. Chris is quick to talk, adept at conversation making you laugh at some anecdote or other. Ethan’s a little more subdued, reminding you of yourself, chiming in every now and then. He seems to help reign Chris in when he gets a little too enthusiastic. 
Leon, although he talks less than Chris, constantly draws your attention. You don’t know if it’s cheesy puns or his overly cynical jabs (which Chris takes offense to and then Ethan’s breaking up their growling and snapping), but you have a good feeling about him. So by the time Sherry makes her way back with some actually helpful pamphlets, your mind is all made up. 
“It was so nice meeting you all,” you wave cheerfully, following Sherry back to the front.
“Well, any lucky candidates?” Sherry asks with poorly hidden enthusiasm. 
“Yep,” you smile at her, happy with your choice, “I’d love to take in Leon, if he’s fine with it of course.”
“I’m sure he will be!” she enthuses, clapping her hands, “he’s been here the longest so I’m so happy to see someone finally pick him!”
“Really?” you look back through the door right before it shuts, “I’m surprised.”
“Eh,” she waves you off, leading you over to a different section, “he’s just grumpy,” she pauses and looks around before whispering, “people come in, pick him out, then being him back after the trial week. Always the same, he’s too sarcastic, too grumpy, they just want a younger dog.” 
Your heart cracks after hearing that, determination blazing through the sadness, “Well that’s not happening this time.”
Sherry looks at you, eyes contemplative before grinning, “I think you two will be a good fit!”
She has you hang out in her office as she prints some documents to put in a Manila folder for you to take home. 
“You’re all set,” she leads you out the back to the parking lot, “your background check should clear in about three days and we’ll call to set up a time to have Leon do a trial stay at your place.” 
You hesitate but push through to ask, “Is it okay if I come by tomorrow? I’d like to make sure Leon is fine with it, too.”
Sherry looks a little teary eyed as she quickly nods, “Of course, please do. I think he’s gonna be perfectly happy with ya though.”
You bid your goodbyes and you get in your car to head home. It’s not that far of a drive, luckily, and since it’s on the other part of town there’s no crazy traffic. You’re home lounging on the couch in no time, texting your friend Heather all the details. Once you send her the link to Leon’s profile, she does not shut up about him.  
Rolling your eyes, you close your phone and start reading through the folder. It’s all pretty basic info on how to care for a hybrid; they’re pretty much like a person, just a little less adept at some things. They can hold a job if they wish but more seem to choose the pet lifestyle. 
Gazing down at Leon’s profile photo, you  just really wanna take care of him. Show him that not all owners are complete douchebags. 
The next day passes quickly and by the time works over, you’re tired but buzzing—excited to get to the adoption place and meet up with Leon again. 
Sherry greets you again, just as enthusiastic as before. She leads you over to one of the cubicle partitioned rooms and raps her knuckles on the side. 
“Leon, she’s here,” her voice sing songs. 
“Have fun,” she pats your arm and turns back the way you both came. 
Leon’s nice enough to you, but you can tell he’s acting very closed off—keeping all of the conversation pretty baseline and shallow. No matter how grumpy and gruff he’s acting, you’re literally showering him with enthusiasm. You show him pictures of your house (including the room that’s all his, if he wants it or you can work something else out). 
You ask him tons of questions, but he only answers a few. A few times you say something that makes him smother a smile or a laugh making your heart flutter in your chest. Right before it’s time to go, you’re shifting on your feet at the opening of his room. 
“I know I’ve asked a million times, but are you good with living with me? I promise I really won’t push it if not,” you smile shyly, “I’d be super bummed though.”
His blue eyes watch you, unreadable for a moment before he smirks, “Hey beats being here,” he raises his voice a little, “plus I won’t have to deal with deadbeat rotties.”
The partition wall next to you rattles and you see Chris looming over it to glare at Leon. 
“I’ll be glad to see you go, tomorrow can’t get here soon enough.”
“Tomorrow?” you ask quizzically. 
Leon looks a little sheepish but shrugs easily, “Pretty sure they pushed it through this afternoon.”
“Oh,” you beam, feeling giddy all over, “that’s great! I’ll be here as soon as works over! Oh! And then we have the whole weekend to get you settled in, this is going to be so much fun!”
Chris and Leon both look amused as you finish rambling, now feeling bashful for coming on too strong.  
You fidget before clearing your throat, “C-can I pet your ears?”
Chris’ eyebrows raise and he grins at Leon, “Can’t believe you, Kennedy; she hasn’t got to pet you yet?” he tilts his head toward you, while looking at Leon, “you can pet me, ma’am.”
Leon steps between you two and snarls at him making Chris laugh and drop back down behind his wall. He walks closer to you, lowering his head due to his height. 
You smile sweetly making him blush as you softly run your hands through his hair before coming up to rub his soft sandy colored ears. He shivers and headbuts your shoulder, silently asking for more. Stifling the giggle that wants to escape, you use both hands to pet and rub his soft ears. 
“You’re such a good boy,” you murmur not really thinking. 
He whines a little and nuzzles into your neck making the giggle you were suppressing come bubbling out. He noses against your skin, huffing warm breaths as you continue to pet him. 
“You’re so sweet, Leon, I’m happy you’re coming home with me,” you keep your voice low and soothing.
He only chuffs against your neck, rough tongue coming out to lap at your skin before he’s pulling away. You smile at him as Sherry turns the corner. 
“Sorry to cut this short, but we’re closing soon. Good news is you and Leon leave out from here together tomorrow,” she hands you yet another folder filled with information. 
You take the folder and wave to Leon who moved back over to his bed, “See you tomorrow, Leon.”
He just gives you a little wave as Sherry leads you back to the front. She sees you out the door with a smile and a promise to be the one to help you out. 
Once you get home, you pace your living room. You feel like you have so much to do but don’t know where to start. Texting Heather, she tells you to chill out and actually sit down. Laughing to yourself about how well she knows you, you collapse onto your couch just realizing how tired you actually feel.  
Your phone dings with a new text from Heather. Honestly, ever since you told her your idea, she’s been sending you cute puppy videos. They’ve been full of all types of pets getting along with their owners doing silly things together.  It honestly helped you cement your plan on picking an older dogman since you rarely saw any in those videos. 
This text, however, was sent with the cryptic ‘to fill in those lonely hours 😜’ and knowing her sense of humor you’re kinda worried about the link. 
Knick Knack Paddywhack sounds kinda cheesy but you definitely didn’t expect porn to be on the other side of that link. 
At first you don’t even realize that’s what it is; it starts off pretty tame in general and before you know it this female owner is being mandhandled face down onto the couch as this huge, buff mandog is mounting her from behind. 
“Yeah you’ve been fucking gagging for this doggy’s dick huh?” 
You really should exit from the video but some dark horny part of your brain is too entranced by what’s happening to even move. Distantly, you notice that his dick looks exactly like a human male’s just with the addition of a knot at the base. He fucks her roughly, stretching her out and forcing his cock deep in her wet pussy. 
The dirty talk is really what’s making you go a little cross eyed with arousal. 
“Oh fuck yeah, knot me, breed my little pussy.”
“You want that? Wanna be my pretty bitch always on her hands and knees?”
“Unh unh yeah, make me your bitch. Wanna have your pups.”
You watch in mounting curiosity and arousal and shame as the camera shows her cunt take his entire knot, sealing them together as he ruts through her climax. 
Quickly exiting before the video can go further, you drop your head in your hands. Your panties are soaked, making your thighs feel tacky. In a daze, you move off the couch and head into the bathroom to take a shower. Your thoughts are a whirlwind. 
You’ve honestly never given it any thought about inter species relationships; you’ve heard about them sure, but only in passing and never any details. Now, you literally can’t stop thinking about that mandog dominating his ‘owner’ and knotting her. Shivering, your nipples pebble under the warm water. 
Leon’s gruff voice and handsome face swim into your thoughts making your clit pulse with your heartbeat. Would he—
You shake your head vigorously. Nope, not going there. You’re gonna shower and then go to bed, maybe watch a cartoon or something to keep your thoughts G rated. 
All of that’s easier said than done, but you somehow manage and before you know it you’re waking up the next morning, excited to go pick up Leon and bring him home. 
It’s pretty anticlimactic once you leave work and pick Leon up; Sherry had everything at the front ready to go with Leon just standing next to her. She leads him out to the car with you carrying the essentials, stowing them in the trunk while she unclips his collar and leash. 
“Please keep us updated,” she ruffles Leon’s hair making him bat her hands away with an eye roll, “we love seeing our pups flourish.”
“Not a pup,” he grouses, climbing into the backseat and shutting the door. 
Sherry laughs, “I’ll miss him but I’m more happy he’s leaving.”
“Thank you so much for everything,” you shake her hand, “and I promise to stop by every now and again with updates.”
She walks back inside as you climb into your car. Looking at Leon in the rear view mirror as he stares out the window moodily, you crank the car and slowly leave the lot. 
“Do you need anything before we get home?” you ask, breaking the quiet. 
He shakes his head no making his ears flop. You hide your smile and turn your attention back to the road. Once home, Leon settles in seamlessly; he takes the bedroom you offer but after the second night has made a little bed for himself in your room, tucked into the corner. When you asked, concerned he wasn’t happy with his room, he just gave you the short reply of needing to make sure you’re safe. 
You didn’t push it but let him know he’s more than welcome to tell you if he’s unhappy with anything. 
Days passed into weeks which quickly became months. Leon made himself right at home and now you really couldn’t picture your life without the dogman. It was nice coming home after a long day and be greeted with someone so happy to see you. Although Leon is still pretty stunted with showing affection, you usually can convince him to snuggle you on the couch and let you pet him til his tail wags. 
He’s really particular about having his tail touched so you don’t pry or push, more than happy to just pet his head and ears. 
Today when you get home for work and enter the house, Leon’s beelining straight for you, burying his face in your neck. 
“TGIF huh,” you laugh, petting his ears making him whine. 
“Missed you so much,” he breaths in your smell, tongue lapping up your neck to your jaw, stubble tickling your skin. 
He licks across your mouth once making you jerk back but he quickly follows, raspy tongue licking over your lips and chin. 
You try to tell him to stop as you push at his shoulders but that just gives him the leverage to lick into your mouth. You keep pushing at him while you take a step back to make him stop, but your legs get tangled and you both fall back on the entryway carpet. 
Leon still hasn’t let up, and since you were more worried about making sure neither of you hurt yourselves when tripping, he’s drooling and licking into your mouth making you whine and push harder at his shoulders. 
He shifts until he’s between your legs and rocks down against the apex of your thighs. Grunting, he shoves your skirt up and tears your panties in half. One of his broad hands, grabs your flailing arms by the wrists and pins them to your chest. 
Finally he pulls away from your swollen mouth, licking his way down to your neck again. 
“Leon, stop being such a bad boy,” you gasp out, “what’s gotten into you?”
“Heat,” he sniffs against your neck before lightly licking the skin again, “need you so bad.”
You’re in a daze as you feel his bulge grinding against your bare pussy, slick starting to slowly drip out of your hole. As much as you protest, you’re really getting off on this, on Leon losing control and wanting to fuck you. 
“T-there are heat toys the center gave me,” you try to cut this off before you both go too far, “you can use those.”
He growls and nips your neck making you whimper. 
“Don’t wanna knotting toy,” his growling is getting deeper as he grinds against you harder, “only wanna knot my pretty owner.”
“Oh fuck,” you moan as he rubs against your clit just right.
Your mind flashes back to that video you saw months ago, hips bucking up into Leon imagining him mounting you in the same way. 
“Leon, s’bad, we shouldn’t—ngh, fuck!”
He pulls completely away from you and buries his nose in your pussy, raspy tongue eagerly licking up the slick dripping out of you. 
He growls and looks up at you as he mouths across your swollen clit, letting his rough tongue lap at the bundle of nerves til you’re keening and spreading your legs for him. 
He smirks, “That’s a good little owner, let me taste your sweet little pussy. Fuck, been smelling you for ages and now I can finally eat you out as much as I want.”
“Leon, you’re being such a bad boy right now,” you hiccup a whine, thighs straining to stay open. 
“Nah,” he kisses hour clit and softy licks it over and over and over, “you’re just being a bad girl, need me to put you in your place.”
You whine as he goes back to tongue fucking into your fluttering walls. Reaching down, you softly grasp his hair and rock against his mouth. He grunts and somehow shoves his face even more into your soaked cunt, greedily lapping at you with his rough tongue. 
The arguments you should make die on your tongue as Leon uses his to make you shiver and shake, goosebumps trailing along your body. With a low keening moan, you relax against him, letting him use that rough tongue to lick your cunt until you’re bucking up into his mouth.
He keeps you there, pinned to the entryway carpet as he eats you out for hours, never letting you cum once. By the time your bleary eyes take in the street lamps through your window, Leon’s pulling away from your slick pussy making you whine. 
“Leon, we shouldn’t,” your pussy throbs, entire body strung tight from your denied orgasms. 
“Have to,” his eyes are so dilated they look black, “don’t you wanna help me? Just need it one time.” 
He looms over you, forearms caging in your head, his jaw and mouth covered in wetness as he grinds his dick against your mound. Glancing down you take in just how big Leon is; he’s so hard the head is peaking through his foreskin, dripping precum all over your thighs.  Then, right at his base, you can see the beginnings of a knot forming which makes your pussy ache with want.  
You’re nodding up at him, belatedly answering his question, “Yeah, I wanna help you,” your hands come up to pet his hair, “wanna help my good boy.”
He yanks your blouse off, seams popping and tearing until it’s in shreds around you then snaps your bra off and tosses it away. His mouth eagerly licks and nips at your pebbled nipples making you gasp. 
“Gonna make you feel so good, breed this hot pussy.”
With a growl, Leon flips you over onto your stomach, hands going to your hips to raise your ass up. You try to push up onto your arms, but his broad palm pushes on the middle of your back shoving your upper body down. 
You rock your hips back although there’s not much room from how he’s laying on top of you, back pinned to his broad hairy chest as his cock rubs against your drippy cunt. 
“You wanna breed me?” you tease making him growl and snap at the nape of your neck, “wanna knot my pussy?”
He buries the first few inches of his cock in your pussy making you squeal and arch away. His hands move to keep your hips still as pulls out to thrust back in, sinking his cock all the way inside of you making you squirm in place with a cry.  
“Think it’s funny?” his tone sounds mean as he ruts his fat cock deeper into your pussy making you wince and try to move away again. 
He clucks his tongue and tightly squeezes your hips, “No little owner, you wanted it and you’re gonna get it. Show you how I breed bitches that need a knot.”
“Oh god,” you whine as he bullies his cock even further into your cunt, “Leon s’too much, you won’t fit, I wasn’t made to—“
“This pussy was made for cock,” he scoffs down at you making your body hot all over from his words, “just gotta break you in first; I’ll have you begging for me to knot you.”
His mocking is only making you wetter, pussy walls clenching and pulsing around his cock. 
“S’too much,” you finally gasp out, not stopping yourself from rocking back against his slow thrusts, “shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Yeah?” he snorts, “think it’s dirty? Think it’s wrong to want me to fuck you? I bet this entire time you’ve been thinking, Oh please Leon need your big doggy dick to stuff my needy little pussy.”
You moan loudly at his crude words as he laughs. 
“Like I thought. You like it you dirty little slut. Like my thick doggy cock filling you up?”
“Leon no,” you whimper, eyes rolling back as he grinds against that spongy spot in your cunt that has you moaning nonstop, “s’dirty ‘n you don’t even have a dog di—“
“Shut up,” his canines nip at your skin making you keen, “gotta teach this little pussy who’s the real master here.”
You gasp and keen as Leon stretches your pussy out on his large cock, bottoming out constantly making your cunt clamp down on him from the pain of his tip knocking against your cervix.  
Like earlier, he keeps you pinned to the carpet and slowly fucks your pussy for what feels like hours all while talking filth to you. 
“Mmm knew your pussy would be so good, been humping my fist waiting for my heat so I can fill you up.”
“My sexy fucking owner, letting me knot her pussy, breed her full of my pups.”
“I know, I’m so big for this tiny little pussy  but doesn’t it feel so good? So nice and stretched out?” 
“Leon,” you keen hands scrabbling at the floor, mouth drooling everywhere, “my knees hurt.”
He pauses and gently eases himself out of your cunt. Not giving you time to breathe, he already has you hoisted over his shoulder and carries you into your room. Tossing you onto the bed, he’s back on top of you in a flash burying his dick inside your sopping wet pussy. 
You look down and whine to see the belly bulge his fat cock makes inside your body. 
“Nice and snug,” Leon licks your cheek, “gonna be so tight on my knot.”
“It’s not gonna fit,” you whine up at him, nails digging into to his forearms so hard they’re bleeding. 
You’re already so full, pussy feeling like it’s stretched to the limit, but his knot is pressing against your soaked hole making you rock down into it. 
“Sure it will, little owner,” he laughs, voice gravelly and deep making you shudder and relax around his dick, hole giving just a little around his knot, “that’s why I licked you open so good earlier.”
You moan as he licks across your cheek, “Tongued you deep until you were practically squirting in my mouth.”
“Leon, oh fuck,” you hiccup a moan, tears slipping down your face. 
“So good for me, prettiest cunt I’ve ever seen and it’s all mine,” he grunts, grinding against your fluttering pussy walls as his drippy tip knocks against your cervix, “my owner and her fat pussy are all mine.”
“Leon,” you gasp, “you can’t say that.”
“Sure I can,” he huffs warm air against your neck, his canine teeth nipping at your skin, “I’m gonna knot your tiny pussy and breed you. Give you my pups.”
“Nooo,” you whimper, pussy pulsing and clamping around his cock, knot continuing to press inside. 
“Gonna mount my pretty owner like this every day,” he kisses your neck before licking his way back up to your mouth, “mount my little bitch and give her wet needy cunt my knot.”
“‘M not your bitch,” you finally gasp out around his tongue as he drools and licks into your mouth, “this can’t happen again, Leon.”
“Okay,” he chuckles, “gonna make me use that toy? That fake little plastic pussy? Y’gonna let me knot it in front of you, knowing what I feel like now? I don’t think so little owner.”
He pulls out and flips you over on your stomach, yanking your hips up so your ass is raised, head still down on the mattress. 
“Should be able to fit it this way,” he slaps your ass and you whine, fingers twisting in the sheets. 
His cock plunges back into your sopping wet cunt over and over; his knot teasing you on every thrust until he slowly grinds deep into your fluttering walls. 
“I’m gonna put it in this time, knot you nice and deep,” he pants against your shoulder, mouth drooling all over your skin making you shiver, “gonna knock you up, breed you til it takes.”
You moan and press back against him, mind slow and hazy. He pulls back and then presses forward slowly but insistently and you wail as his knot breaches your clenching hole. His cock’s filling you up so much it feels like he’s in the bottom of your throat. 
“Oh fuck, I’m cumming,” you whimper, pussy gushing around his impossibly huge dick, walls milking his knot repeatedly as he just continues to grind into your cunt. 
“Feels good,” he slurs, licking over your neck and shoulders, “pussy squeezing me so tight.”
You moan weakly, pussy pulsing around his dick as he continues to grind his hips into your ass.
“Gonna spill deep inside my pretty little owner and she just has to take it,” he chuffs against your neck, groaning as he humps deeper into your cunt.
His grunts taper off into low growls as he rocks harder against you. 
“Gonna fuck my pups into you,” he’s snarling into your ear, saliva dripping down the shell onto your jaw making you mewl, “keep this pussy plugged up with my cum all the time—oh.” 
He bites down on your shoulder, sharp teeth breaking your skin making you whine as your body burns with pleasure at the pain. You can fill as hot cum floods your pussy, Leon grunting as he keeps humping against your ass while his knot locks you two together.
His fingers slip from your hip over to your swollen clit and he roughly rubs against the sensitive bud until you’re crying and whining, pussy cumming around his cock again. 
“There we go, such a good owner,” Leon chuckles in your ear, before dipping down to lick over the bite he left, “mmm milk me, want you so full it’s spilling out.”
You lay there underneath him, feeling exhausted but content. It’s been several hours at this point and you feel like you’re on another plane of existence. Leon has fucked you better than anyone before and you’re definitely addicted to his knot. 
Reaching back, your hand finds his hair and pushing up higher you pet behind his soft fuzzy ears. 
“S’good,” he mouths against your shoulder as he ruts inside your knot plugged pussy.  
Shuddering as his fingers tease against your clit drawing another weak orgasm from your spent body, you whimper and press even closer to Leon. 
“Gonna take such good care of you, little owner,” he kisses you shoulder, “by the time my heat’s over, you’re gonna be my needy little pup.”
Your pussy tightens around him at his words making him whine and nuzzle into your neck. As you lay together, you let your mind drift into a hazy fog. Once Leon’s able to, he gently pulls out of your sore cunt, cum oozing out of your hole. 
His rough tongue licks across your cheek as he rolls you onto your back. 
“So pretty,” he says to himself as he kisses and bites his way down to your chest. 
He laps a path to the swell of your breasts and then softly suckles a hard nipple into his mouth. With a groan, he tugs the hard bud with his teeth before sucking harshly and releasing it with a pop. His mouth drifts over to repeat the same process to the other hard nipple, then moves back; repeatedly teasing your breasts until you’re squirming and whining, grabbing onto his hair to have something to hold onto. 
He finally pulls away with a growl, eyes dark and heated as he noses at your breastbone, “Smell so good.”
He drags his mouth down your body, eagerly licking and biting at your skin until he finally reaches your puffy mound and clit. 
“Taste good too,” his stubbled jaw tickles where he scrapes it against your thigh, “love licking your pussy all over.”
He follows his word by licking a broad stripe across your cum coated pussy, groaning as he brings his hands up to spread your cunt open. His rough tongue laps at your clit in quick little strokes before dipping into your creamy slicked hole. He laps and lathes his tongue all over your pussy, sucking at your clit before dragging his mouth over to your thighs. 
“Gonna mark you up, little owner,” he chuffs against your skin, eyes staring up at you with his tail wagging excitedly behind him. 
“Leon,” you whimper. 
Your fingers twist in the sheets as you cry out. His teeth are buried in the meat of your inner thigh making your clit throb with need.  He sucks harshly at the skin, digging in harder when your thigh trembles under his mouth. 
With a grunt, he lets go but then sinks his teeth into your opposite thigh; this one closer to your pussy, making you buck up into his mouth with a gasp. He hums in satisfaction, lips and teeth working at your skin until it’s sore and bruised.
He pulls back with a grin, “You’re even more pretty now.”
“Feel pretty,” you murmur, eyes glassy with arousal. 
He pants excitedly, hands grasping your thighs to hold you open as he licks and drools all over your pussy. You arch, his mouth making you rock up into the feeling as he noisily eats you out. Letting go of the sheets, your hands reach for his head and accidentally grab onto his ears. He snarls and fucks his raspy tongue up into your fluttering cunt, pressing you down even further so he can lick into you more. 
He pulls himself away before you can cum making you whine. 
“Please, Leon, ‘m so close, be a goody boy and make me cum,” you pout at him, tears pricking at your eyes. 
He crawls up your body, pressing your hands down with his as he rubs his thick cock against your pussy. His head glides through your slick folds til he’s bumping against you clit making you spread your legs wide. 
“You can cum on my knot,” he kisses you, all drool and spit, “wanna mount you again.”
You shudder underneath him and easily let him roll you over. Raising your ass up, you spread your thighs for better leverage. 
“Like this?” you ask a little shy now. 
“Perfect,” he groans, dragging his rough palms down your back to slap you ass, “my pretty owner and her pretty pussy ‘n it’s all mine.”
He sinks his cock into your willing cunt inch by inch, licking and biting at your nape as he rocks himself deeper into you. 
“Gonna breed you so good,” he mutters into your skin, “pussy made for my fat cock, isn’t it? Made to take my knot.”
“Uh huh,” you slur, pussy pulsing and fluttering around his dick as he slowly thrusts into your spasming walls. 
He chuffs and bites your neck a little harder as he snaps his hips hard against your ass. His hand moves from your back to your pussy, softly rubbing and teasing across your swollen clit. 
“Sweet fucking pussy,” he snorts, nose burying itself in your hair, “squeezing me so tight, know it needs a knot.”
“Give it to me, Leon,” you moan loudly, “knot my pussy, please, want it so bad, feels so good.”
His teeth latch onto back of your neck and he pounds into your squelching cunt, knot catching on the rim of your pussy with every thrust. 
“Knot me, Leon, knot me, please, need it,” you’re chanting under your breath , eyes fluttering as your orgasm is fast approaching. 
He can’t say anything with his mouth biting into your neck, but his fingers circle your clit faster, pinching it just right between his fingers making you shake under him. 
“Fuck, right there, please Leon, fuck me,” you rock back against him, wanting his knot to be inside your pussy already, “fuck me, give it to me, give me your knot. Wanna be your little bitch.”
He lets go of your neck with a low howl as he shoves his knot past your twitching hole and ruts hard in your cunt, fat tip grinding against your cervix so hard it’s going to bruise. 
You squeal as he tweaks your clit making your pussy clamp down like a vice around his knot as you cum so hard you see fireworks. Your walls rhythmically milk his cock as he grinds and ruts into your hole. 
“G’nna cum,” he whimpers, sounding drunk. 
“Mmm,” you squirm against him, feeling as hot pulses of jizz fill your pussy. 
He grunts as he spills deep inside you, spurt after spurt of sticky cum shooting out against your cervix as his knot keeps your cunt nice and full. 
“Gonna give you my pups,” he licks at the bite wound on your neck and then the one he gave your shoulder when this all first started. 
“Fuck,” you mewl, thighs tightening as his fingers go back to teasing and circling your clit. 
“Cum for me, little owner,” he goads in your ear, “show me how much you want me to breed this needy pussy.. again and again. And again.”
His fingers circle your clit, the rough pads rubbing you just right making you climax around his cock for the second time that round. You shiver and moan as he keeps teasing your swollen bud. 
“Good girl, so good,” he nips your ear, “my own little pet.”
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doggoboigaugau · 1 year
can you draw maybe a comic of ghost and soap and dog boy y/n? also could you draw a chibi ghost in a simple style i wanna get it tattooed (love u homie)
I'm a dumb dumb idiot too (I cannot come up with a comic idea) so I base this on a Tiktok audio 😂😂😂
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Doggo boi is too dumb to understand Ghost and Soap's way of showing affection 😂😂😂
And also DM me more about the tattoo 👍👍👍
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Can you do a set of headcanons of Dallas with a perfectionist reader? Like someone who stresses out before a test or beats themself up when they get a bad grade (and it's not even a bad grade, it's just slightly lower then they thought they'd get.)
A/N: Oh I liked this one. I liked it a lot- thanks for the request! Sorry it took so long!
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I wrote this during my anatomy class instead of paying attention, so yeah! Hope this turns out well, I hope you guys like it-
I’m gonna do general headcanons for this one?
I’ll definitely include the scenario you gave me, but I think I’ll have more talk about this way-
In general, Dally really couldn’t give less of a crap about going to school and he honestly thinks you’re kind of a weirdo for stressing out so much about the grades you’re bringing home
He just doesn’t see the point to it, ya know? Like he’s basically a dropout, I bet you he never really goes to school anymore, so he really just can’t wrap his head around why it gets you so dialed up
He’s very unhelpful when it comes to your studies
That’s all.
He’s just unhelpful.
When you’re studying? He’ll purposely shuffle up your papers, steal your pencils, mix up your stuff and just generally be a little nuisance
He does it cause he gets bored when you’re not paying attention to him so ya know, good luck getting yourself out of that mess with him, that behavior really isn’t going anywhere anytime soon
Dal’s absolutely astounded by your grades though- all those 100s and high 90s?
That’s miles ahead of what he was getting when he was still in school and it seems like you do it so easily, just like getting good grades is in your nature
Which, ya know, circles back to kick you in the butt because the minute you bring home something in the low 90s, high 80s range, your world is absolutely wrecked and Dallas doesn’t understand at all
When you start to go bonkahs though, and run yourself into the ground just because you got one question wrong, that’s where Dally kind of steps in and really calls you out on it
He’s going to say that you’re being ridiculous and he means it, he genuinely thinks that you’re being ridiculous because why does one missed question mean so much anyway??
You guys have a big argument of course, because the one thing you should never do is tell a perfectionist that they don’t have to be perfect
So you guys fight and you sulk off to your respective places before comes back, not to properly apologize, but to take you out to the diner or drive-in or something as a faux apology
He still thinks you get a little bit ridiculous about your grades, but now he’s smart enough not to run his mouth off about it, he does get mad though if you refuse a date because you have to study, Dal, I’m sorry
Insert Mr. Winston saying whatever, if you’re studying at home, I’m just gonna sneak in your window and claim that it’s a study date
Let’s just say…studying can get very…hands on…when Dally decides he’s going to crash your lesson cramming sessions 
Don’t think too hard about the phrase cramming sessions because I am NOT getting in trouble for that one but ya know….heh-
Dal calls you a nerd, a bookworm, a dork, a geek, but mah boy will not hesitate to throw down if someone else calls you those things
Dallas, admittedly a little bit of a bully, does not like it when other people try and mess with you, so boy’s got you covered
I can definitely see him trying to get you to skip school, especially if he’s fresh out of the cooler or reform or something and honestly? He just wants to spend time with you, and it hurts his feelings a little when you’d rather go to school
It’s all about that perfect attendance, okay? All about that attendance record-
But maybe your last period never takes attendance anyway and maybe Dallas just so happens to be waiting outside and you just maybe get your best friend to cover for you so you can skip one class to go out with him <3
I can see this dynamic working, at least for a little while-
Despite the fights that are bound to occur, Dallas does enjoy you being a genius and he’ll brag about you to the gang, telling Darry he needs to start hanging your report cards up on that old fridge
Dallas does his best to keep you from driving yourself to burnout and I’ve got this mental scene of you trying to teach him something you’re working on and he just kind of cuts you off in the middle of talking to give you a kiss because he hasn’t been listening to you for the past five minutes but his eyes have been locked on your lips and he’s pretty sure that he doesn’t know the answer but he knows he wants to kiss you real bad-
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brokenpieces-72 · 6 months
Stray Fluff
This is part 2. Part 1 is here. If you have any ideas or want to be included in the Taglist, leave a comment or send me a request. In this fic you are a dog, 100% canine, not a human. Enjoy.
“Pffah!” Johnny spat as he fruitlessly held out his arms for cover, and turned his head away while you shook your fur once again. The soap went everywhere including Johnny’s face, getting a bit in his mouth. Kyle shielded himself as well, as you wagged your tail unaware of their displeasure.
“Maybe we should call you trouble.” Kyle suggested, looking right at you. You just panted happily. Kyle couldn't stay mad at that face.
“Don’t name it Gaz ya’ll just get attached.” Johnny said, grumpily.
“The dog isn’t going much of anywhere mate. They’re staying here until we get a transfer sorted for them.” Gaz reminded him.
“Alright get over here mutt.” Soap commands. You obey, but not how he wanted. You walked over to him for another round of shampoo, and jumped up to lick his face, getting him even more soaked and drenched than before. Kyle was sympathetic enough to pull you off of Johnny who was getting fed up with your antics.
Price was still on video call with Laswell trying to figure out what can be done about the poor dog. Meanwhile Laswell was still trying to figure out how to deal with a dog and getting it safely off the base.
“And it stole a ration?” She asked.
“A potato yes. Soap was very adamant.” Price said, with a hint of sarcasm behind his statement.
“Hmm…” Laswell said before starting to mutter over the video call.
“You’re breaking up watcher.” Price commented.
"The dog is from an animal testing facility. Beauty products most likely." Kate exclaimed.
"Dog doesn't show any signs of testing, at least none that I've noticed." Price pointed out.
“There’s a stamp on the collar with a few numbers and a small logo but I can't make out what the logo is. This is very strange, John."
“Tell that to my sergeants currently giving the mutt a flea bath." Price commented. There was a small chuckle from Laswell.
“You’ll be the first to know if anything else comes up. Call it a fixation, but I'm going to do more digging, for now the dog will have to stay with on base.” Laswell said.
"Ghost is already out getting some extra supplies." Price said, guessing this would happen.
"I'll let you know what I find. Watcher out." Laswell said before signing off. Price sat back in his seat sighing. The Dog would stay until they figured out where it came from or a shelter could take it.
Price stood up and headed outside. As soon as he opened the door though, you slipped in, covered in shampoo and water. Price got out of the just in time to keep Johnny and Kyle from running into him. You’re around the corner of the hall in mere seconds with the two sergeants hot on your tail. Price just stood there and shaking his head in disbelief. Simon was standing next to him in a couple of minutes seeing the captain’s wet leg from you rubbing against him, and the remaining trail of puddles. He looked at his captain.
“What do we do with the dog?” He asked. Price looked back at his lieutenant and down the hall again, with neither you nor the sergeants in sight.
Each of the 141 came up with their own ideas. Or sometimes you were the one who came up with the idea.
Kyle would use his off time to give you attention. Didn't take long for it to become a bit of a routine and one you picked up on, finding him somewhere on base just finishing up, poking your head in and wagging your tail. It became a highlight of his day, and yours, as you got plenty of scratches and even belly rubs. Kyle enjoyed it for the chance to be active in a more positive sense. Work could be tiring for him, and he wouldn’t always go outside and throw something for you, but he welcomed snuggles on his bunk. Sometimes you would help with his work, actually listening to his instructions when you're ordered to drop it.
At one point Kyle decided to teach you some basic commands and even had a K9 unit and trainer join to help you learn as well. Yeah uh... you kept getting him tangled in the leash, and more than once you fell off whatever makeshift ramps and platforms they made. You did learn how to sit, stay, and go with leash tugs and spoken word. The K9 trainer would look after you whenever Kyle and the rest of the 141 had to leave to go on missions. You would often spend your days waiting on Kyle's bed for him to return. Anytime you overheard a chopper or jeep you would spring off the bed, barking excitedly until you got outside, standing and waiting to see if they had returned safely.
For the most part, you followed Johnny around while he was working out or doing other stuff on base. He found you a bit of a nuisance. If he didn't give you attention even when you were being so well-behaved, you would nip at his hand or leg. This led to him giving you attention, but it was usually just to chase you off. At one point though while he was working out he started doing sit-ups. You went over to him and sat at his feet before putting your paws on his knees. Your happy face stopped him before he got his first sit making him chuckle. After you helped him with sit-ups you made his push-ups more of a challenge, laying on his back. Johnny was able to distract you with a ball, but you two become more comfortable with each other. Eventually, he’s taking you with him to go running, using a leash to keep you from running too far ahead. You’re still a kind-hearted menace though, taking any food he leaves in reach of your mouth.
Simon found you very helpful. You’re a dog, and he could talk to you when he needed it. On occasion, he finds you sleeping in his bed, sometimes on his chest. You are not unwelcomed. Often you are discovered after he wakes up, sometimes from nightmares. You wake with him, and with you on top of him, you ground him.
“Good dog.” He muttered one night in a cold sweat. You stared at him in the dark and then felt his rough calloused hands massaging your ears. He found you soothing, even when you’re just hiding under the table waiting for something to drop. Simon doesn’t bother sneaking food, he straight up slips it to under the table.
Price didn't know what to make of you for the first week or so. You’re not like most stray dogs that tend to be frightened of humans. You’re curious and you openly show that curiosity. Price is often writing reports and doing paperwork so you’ll try to distract him, by getting a ball or stick. You get a ball and start begging for him to play with you. He has to focus on his work and he expresses this to you multiple times. Then you would see if you could get him to see the toy. He would scold you, and wrestle with you to get off his lap or desk.
Price sighed as one such wrestle led to the ball falling and bouncing away for you to chase. Then he noticed the time. Thinking for a moment he did need to take a break.
“Outside?” He asked you. You looked at him with the ball in your mouth, tilting your head. He asked again. “Outside?”
You wagged your tail as he got up, stretching and feeling his back crack before he took you outside. He was able to track down a large pillow, which was left by his desk for you to relax on so you could nap while you waited for him to finish. After that, if he ever has to step out of his office for drills or anything you’re walking right next to him, toy in mouth. You sit anytime he addresses the soldiers, at attention with the toy still in your mouth. If you couldn't be found on Kyle's bunk when the 141 were away, you could be found waiting on the pillow.
One day Laswell and Nikolai come by. Laswell was there to talk to Price and go over some intel, Nikolai came along as her ride (and to meet you). Kyle had you on a leash and you sat patiently. Laswell was somewhat impressed, seeing as your first story involved you getting into trouble.
“Captain.” Laswell said, shaking the captain’s hand, and then Kyle’s. “Sergeant.”
You gave a soft and polite woof, shifting your two front paws. Laswell couldn’t help but offer a hand for you to sniff. You sniffed it and then offered your own paw to shake which she accepts. None of them had seen you do that before. Nikolai is chuckling.
“Good dog. Knows manners better than most.” Nikolai commented.
“Take it no one has any ideas where the dog came from?” Kyle asked. Laswell shook her head. They all walked bavk inside and you retrived a ball as soon as Kyle got you off the leash. Johnny was close by, along with Simon intent to listen to Laswell’s intel. You took your toy to Laswell and basically sat on her feet staring up with puppy dog eyes. Johnny is snickering while Nikolai is laughing. Laswell looked back down at you while you wait for her to take the toy.
“John could you call them off?” Laswell asked the captain. Then she saw the grin on his face.
“‘fraid there’s only one way for that Laswell.” Johnny exclaimed. Laswell gave him a look that had him avoiding eye contact. You continued wagging your tail waiting for her to accept your gift. Laswell gave in and took the toy. She held it up for you to see before tossing it. You sprung after it quickly and picked it up again, this time bringing it to Nikolai. Nik wasted no time, playing with you, and even doing fake throws. Every time you returned it to him, he gave you plenty of praise and pets. This goes on for a short bit before Laswell can convince the rest of the team to go into a room to start the briefing. You follow the team inside where you're kept occupied by Nikolai.
While Laswell went over the meeting Johnny noticed you out of the corner of your eye and bites his tongue. To his surprise, you sat politely and listened to Laswell as she went over the intel she had brought with her.
Then Laswell brought you up in her intel, making you tilt your head. “Your canine may not be a simple stray.”
Laswell tapped the tablet and the view of the map moved and highlighted a specific location. A factory of some kind. “As suspected they were being used for animal testing. What they were testing was a serum. One that has yet to work without killing the subject.”
“They want to use this on humans?” Simon questioned, thinking this was starting to sound like a plot to a cheesy action movie. If Laswell brought up “super soldiers” he would’ve walked out or called bluff.
“No.” Laswell said. “They’re using it on animals.”
@yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @H0n3y_L3m0n @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444
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brokenpieces-72 · 7 months
Task force 141 x dog! reader
Author note: in this story, you are 100% dog. Not a hybrid (unless we’re talking mixed breed), not a half human half dog. You are a full on dog. Think Lassie or Littlest Hobo. With that in mind, enjoy.
Let me know if you want to added to the Taglist.
The 141 are taking some time straightening out the base, doing general tasks. Ghost is fixing up some jeeps, changing the oil, making sure the engine is working properly, and loading it up with the proper gear. Soap is doing some inventory stuff, after going through weapons he was asked to help in the kitchen, assisting with meal prep. Gaz has a similar task but it was more based on an accident from another soldier who spilled a couple storage totes of ammunition. He had to sort all of them with the soldier’s help. Price was having to go over some files and paperwork that Laswell had sent over to review and fill, as well as writing some reports.
You wander on to base by sheer accident. You overhear noise and strange smells in the garage. The bay doors are open for Ghost’s safety, as he does need to turn on the engines from time to time (carbon monoxide). You wander in and sniff around curiously, while Ghost is under a vehicle lying on a creeper. Your nose picks up his scent, but it’s very faint from all the stronger ones. Instead you find the toolbox more interesting than the oddly masked man in the black t shirt and overalls. You find an odd metallic tasting stick and bite down on it to pick it up. For a while you try chewing it before getting fed up and shaking your head around. The tool gets out of your grip and flies across the room, hitting the metal walls. The loud bang startles you and you bolt from the garage. The lieutenant rolls out from under the vehicle, to inspect the sudden bang. He looks over and sees the torque wrench across the room. Once he gets to his feet to retrieve it, you’ve long since bolted out of there and into another part of the base. Eventually you smell something else. Food? You notice a couple soldiers hauling cargo towards the base kitchen. Not wanting to be spotted you follow them and duck behind the crates waiting for the soldiers to leave before slipping inside. Once you see an opening you wander in and sniff around looking for what you’re sure is meat. At this point though you would take any scraps, your mouth visibly drooling. At this point Soap has been getting the meat cooked and you smell the remaining juices on his hands. You’re tucked behind an island counter, watching him work away. Soap finishes prepping the steaks and gets them seasoned and laid on foil for them to cook later. You still smell those mouthwatering, delicious smells of prepped steaks as he walks to another spot in the kitchen. Then you hear running water, and small something else. No no no, the smell is disappearing! Where did the meat go? Did he wash it down the sink?!
Soap finishes washing his hands and goes to another part of the kitchen where a couple of soldiers are sitting around an emptied box with a few other boxes with potatoes inside. Soap is glad he wore his comfortable cargo pants today cause the chairs were not gonna be comfortable to sit on for long periods. He got a new apron, discarding the old on in a bin. It didn’t hold the same smell, to your disappointment. But those potatoes would do. You just needed to get them away from the boxes. You’d learned from experience that kitchen staff don’t like when you take their food, even when you beg nicely. Soap puts a new apron on, not wanting to get wet stains on his grey shirt, if he missed the box.
You wait patiently, which isn’t really patient. It feels like forever that they’re peeling potatoes but you know more people might come, and you’re really hungry. This would have to be a grab ‘n grub. You eye one potatoe, and it goes into soldier’s hand. Okay not that one. That potatoe then, nope another soldier took it. Dang it. They kept grabbing them before you could lock on to a proper target. Screw it, you’re hungry. As soon as Soap takes out the potato from the box, locked in conversation with the others you make your move. You bolt out of the hiding spot, and snatch the food from his hand, just getting his fingers a bit. Soap looks down, only seeing an oddly shaped mass coming towards him out of the corner of his eye. He isn’t fast enough though to stop you from getting your target, and snatching it from his hand and running off out of the kitchen. You do knock over some boxes and cause a soldier to stumble while Soap is still reeling from what just happened.
Finally you’ve got some food! Your tail is wagging while you’re bounding across the base with joy, looking for somewhere to eat. It’s a little difficult as your stunt got you in a some trouble, so soldiers are looking around to figure out what happened. Nothing to high security but it’s clear you’ve cause a bit of a disturbance and you hear the soldier barking and shouting to figure out where you are. While he’s outside you best go inside and you find another door open, this one leading into the big building. You duck around corners and into rooms as you look for a safe spot. Soon you find one just outside a storage room. The potato is nothing compared to the meat Soap had been making but it would suffice. You continue eating, chewing away until you notice a couple men leaving the room. Not noticing you laying on the floor with a potato you go back to it until you hear someone sighing inside the room. Thankfully you’re able to finish your potato and lick up the rest before peeking inside and noticing Gaz sorting cartridges. They were pretty much everywhere with one right by your paws at the door. Gaz was sitting on a bin collecting groups of cartridges and putting them in groups to oraganize back into bins afterwards. After a good stretch you pick up one of the cartridges in your mouth and bring it over to him. Gaz looks up surprised to see a dog, but pleased seeing what’s in your mouth. When he tries to take it though you pull it away. You offer it again, but pull it back again.
“Come on dog, give. Drop it.” He orders. You don’t and instead step back bouncing with your front paws, and wagging your tail. Gaz gives in and stands reaching for the cartridge and you pull it away again, nearly making him trip over the other ammo on the floor.
“Oi! Come here.” He says, but you’re running off again in no time, making him give chase. By now he knows you’re not a K-9 so he wants to avoid damage while he can. You figure it’s all a game though. You keep running and eventually run past Price’s office who by now hears Gaz calling after you to drop the ammo. He gets up and peeks out of office, seeing only your fluffy tail as you round a corner, while Gaz slows outside his office.
“Kyle you want to tell me what’s going on?” Price asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Cap’n I-“ Kyle starts, but soon is cut off by a ticked off Scottsmen further down the hall.
“Ya bloody food stealing mongrel!” Soap shouts. Kyle and Price exchange a look before heading in the direction of the Scottish anger.
They find soap cornering you with the cartridge still in your mouth. You know you’re in trouble now. You finally drop the cartridge, ears going flat and whimpering.
“Sergeant?” Price asks. Soap doesn’t take his eyes off you, keeping you in the corner.
“We’ve got a rogue dog.” The sergeant calls back.
“Yeah I can see that, ease up on it Soap.” The Captain instructs. You whimper in the corner, barking at Soap now. You just wanted to leave now. You didn’t like someone keeping you cornered, and yelling at you.
“Soap let up.” Kyle insists. The sergeant steps back and as you continue to cower in the corner, giving a few more scared barks. Price shook his head. Clearly a stray that had wandered in by accident and was just hungry and wanting attention.
“What do we do with it captain?” Kyle asks. You look up at the burly man who is asking himself the very same question. Price sighed and stepped closer putting his hand out for you to sniff. There’s more whimpers at first, but you give a small sniff.
“You’re okay… you’re okay.” He says softly, and reaches out to touch you. You whimper again but his gently hand in your fur calms you down. It’s not everyday you get someone willing to pet you, or rather show you kindness. You keep your eyes on the captain letting him pet you. In the process Price was checking your collar for any information. Nothing. The collar was pretty rugged and in leather.
“I think this one needs a bath. Don’t need anyone getting fleas.” He says.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @H0n3y_L3m0n @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846
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medusavsviperz · 4 months
an- hey! i just wanted to but in here and give y'all a quick notice. I swear to God I am working on all of your fics. I have every single one of your request in my drafts, but I've been going through a lot recently so it's taken a lot longer. I'm just shoving something short out here so I can hopefully keep my fan base and not lose a bunch of followers. I love you guys with everything and I really hope y'all can understand.
warnings: smut, cussing, missionary, fingering, oral prep, needy and whimpery dogday, accidental knot
relationships: dogday (modern au, they wear clothes) x fem!reader
writing type: second person
genre: smuttttttttt
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"you have beautiful eyes, angel." dogday cooed, his face smooshed into your neck as he breathed in your scent. he was always so needy, wanting your attention, and getting snooty anytime you gave it to someone else. but god, oh dear god you loved him. he was perfect. everything no other man could be. he was caring, loving, and he worshiped the ground you walked on. nobody could compare. "thank you puppy.." your back was pressed against the bed, him laying lazily on top of you.
what could you say? he was everything you had dreamed of. he slowly lifts himself off of you, standing up. his arms reach out in a big stretch and you stare in awe as his muscles ripple. "dogday." you call out, he turns back to look at you, a mix of confusion in his glance. "wanna fuck?" he stares at you for a second, before bursting into a fit of laughter, his hand reaching up to cup his face. "a-angel why did you have to say it like that-?" he says in between giggles. you shrug and giggle aswell. "is that a yes?" he nods and climbs back on top of you, striping himself of his shirt. your hands fling up to run along his abdomen and chest, softly giving one of his pecs a squeeze. he gently tugs your shirt over head, and discards it across the room. quick to grab, his hands start kneeding and groping your chest. "you're so beautiful. you look like a greek goddess" he adds, teasingly running a finger over your nipple. you gasp softly and whine out his name. he leans down and takes a breast into his mouth, using his hand to rub the other.
He pulled back to stare at your naked form before pressing a kiss to your stomach. Dogdays' hands parted your thighs as he settled between them. he gently pulls off your sleep shorts, granted you werent wearing undies under them. licking, sucking, and kissing your inner thighs, he teased you mercilessly, his breath hot against your sensitive skin. "Dogday," you moaned, your voice trembling with anticipation. He glanced up at you, his eyes needy and begging, before finally giving you some relief by directing his attention to your pussy. His tongue flicked out to taste you, sending jolts of pleasure through your body. He took his time, alternating between gentle licks and firm strokes. His lips and tongue drove you wild, your hands clutching at the sheets below you and your hips arched off it as he brought you closer to the edge. "Please," you begged, your tone barely higher than a whisper. Dogday smiled against you, his tongue working faster, more insistently. You felt yourself teetering on the brink, every nerve alight with sensation. Just when you thought you couldn't take any more, he spread your folds using two of his fingers and licked up a final stripe before sucking hard on your clit, sending you spiralling into a powerful orgasm. You cried out, your body shaking as waves of pleasure washed over you. Dogday didn't stop, his mouth continuing the relentless movements while he slipped his fingers inside your pussy. The dual sensation was almost too much to bear, leaving you torn between pulling away and arching into the overwhelming pleasure. He pumped his fingers in and out of you with a skillful rhythm, curling them just right to hit the sweet spot deep inside. Each thrust of his fingers were accompanied by the tantalizing flicks of his tongue against your overstimulated clit. The combination drove you wild, your hips bucking against his hand as you sought more. "Dogday, baby," you gasped, your voice a breathless moan as you felt the tension building again, faster and more intense this time. Your fingers tangled in his fur again, pulling him closer as you rocked against his mouth. He responded with a low moan of satisfaction, his fingers moving faster, more determined to push you over the edge. His free hand lifted your leg up over his shoulder while he added a third finger in your pussy, stretching you perfectly. His tongue worked in harmony with his fingers, and you felt yourself climbing higher and higher. "Yes, oh god, yes," you panted, your body trembling as you reached the precipice of another orgasm.
he just smirks against you, gently rubbing your thighs and kissing them. he pulls away, his face covered in your juices... he uses the back of his hand to wipe his face, before leaning down once more to kiss your lips. the taste drives you wild, and you desperately try to pull off his sweatpants. he complies, helping you tug them off. already hard, he strokes himself for a minute, eyes locked on yours as he does. a wet, squelching sound is made as he smacks his dick against your still soaked folds. you whimper and arch into it, letting out a slutty sound. he slowly but surely pushes himself in, the stretch burning a bit.. he gasps and whimpers, using one of his hands to firmly plant it on the side of your head. lifting your legs up, he pushes them apart and holds them open with his hands pressing hard against your lower thighs. he starts at a slow pace, pushing in and out, before speeding up and hitting that one spot inside that has you screaming out his name. he lets out a slutty breath and whimpers out a mixture of your real name and angel. "g-gosh.. fuck.. baby, you feel so so good..~" he says in between breaths, his eyes squeezed shut as he pounds you intensely. you let out a moan of approval and arch your back into it, grinding harder on his cock. with a final thrust, he fills you up, making sure not a drop gets out. he stays like that for a minute, before pulling out, ultimately failing. he freezes, his body tensing up as he looks down at you. "wha-.. oh ..fuck.." you cut yourself off, realizing hes stuck inside of you. he sighs, before embracing it and leaning over you. "sorry angel.. we're gonna be stuck for a few minutes.." he whispers in your ear, his breath warm on your neck. your thighs are still being held open by his large hands, so he snakes his thumb over to trace light circles on your sensitive clit. you suck in a sharp breath and whine his name. "angel god.. please.. make that sound again.." so you do. over and over until hes cumming from your words. "b-baby~! nmgh-.." his whimpering is almost deafening against your ear, but god does it turn you on. after what seems like an eternity, his knot wears down. he pulls out with a satisfying pop and slaps his dick against your clit a few times before flopping down next to you. "you're such a good boy dogday.." he whimpers at your praise, whining a soft thank you.
he rubs your tummy for a bit until you both fall asleep, only to clean up in the morning.
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made by medusavsviperz
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reveluving · 1 year
i can't believe my dog listens to my girlfriend more than me, an issue by commander graves
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summary: a.k.a commander graves has a shiba inu, who clearly favours you over him.
warnings: fluff, cuz who doesn't love a fic with a man from cod and a dog! + brief se~xual mentions (minors DNI—mf gives you an ass slap because he loves it)
come & check out my COD m.list!
graves owns a shiba inu named kai and is scolding him for making a mess in the house, only for the pooch to start yelling over his words like a kid covering his ears and going “LALALALA-” in an childish argument.
kai makes the same mess again but this time, it takes place around the time you and graves start dating and living together, so just when you’re about to scold him, you hear graves chuckle, wishing you a “good luck” before smacking your ass as you move off the couch. he begrudgingly lets you go at first, you felt the way his fingers dug into your waist, but the thought of seeing kai arguing with someone else for once?
he had to see this. 
he watches with a smirk as you and kai stare at one another, not even breaking contact ones when the latter sits up the same time you crouch right in front of him. 
he turns away from a moment, changing the TV channel but also preparing to hear his buddy yell over your words as soon as you open your mouth, especially with a tone as soft as yours, so imagine his bewilderment when he doesn’t hear a single protest from the pooch. 
no, but kai does, however, bow while covering his face with his paws and whining, almost embarrassed by the fact that its you being ‘mad’ at him, not graves. 
“aww, it’s okay,” you cooed, letting kai lean into your touch as you scratched behinds his ears, “try to tone it down, okay?”
and boom, kai’s back to his happy pupper self, wagging his tail and bumping his body weight into you to find that you're not, well, never mad at him. graves, on the other hand, wasn’t even watching the TV at this point, his mouth not only gaping at how the scene played out but also in disbelief at what seemed to be a cheeky look on his dog’s face. 
there’s no telling when graves moved from the couch, but you jumped when you felt his entire body pressed against yours, the feeling of his muscles practically hard to miss. he easily hoists you up, away from kai, and narrowed his eyes at him, but the doggo seemed all too pleased.
“go outside, kai.” for once, the pooch listened, zooming out of the house through the front door (when was that opened?) and probably excited to continue his zoomies episode, leaving you in the arms of your boyfriend. 
“phil, surely you’re not je-” 
"nope, that word’s not allowed in the house.”
“uh, since when?” keep in mind, you're having this conversation while he's still holding you in a way that a child would with their teddy bear; arms wrapped around the underside of your breasts, his chin comfortably resting on your shoulder and let's face it, your feet probably dangling off the floor right now.
(I don't have a size kink what are you talking about—)
“since now.” it was a no brainer that graves was, in fact, jealous of his dog, who knew! but he wasn’t going to let you finish that thought either, instead, he carries you over back to the couch with ease, letting you squish or caress his chin and tease him for a while, only because you’d ‘apologize’ with kisses right after.
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a/n: there were zero thoughts in the making of this fic(?). but it's also inspired by kylothedog because that shiba inu is something else (affectionately obv <3). that, and I wanted to talk about (one of) my fav cod men. you may not necessarily like him but my god is he handsome 🧎🏻‍♀️
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aylish91 · 11 months
How would axe handle a territorial bitty reader?
I am assuming you mean Axe from SOH as opposed to Axe from "a bitty fic?" ? If not, I would be more than willing to answer this question again. haha!
Anyway, Axe from SOH:
A bitty reader? A palm-sized wonder? Well, look at that precious little snack. How  c u t e.
Axe would find it overwhelmingly adorable how such a small little bean could be like that. He himself is highly a bit territorial, but this is just cute. They could help each other keep an eye on things, hide things, keep others out of their business… It’s endearing to have someone like-minded. He also finds it convenient how easy it is to keep them away from the others in the beginning.
He doesn’t like to share all that much, after all, his Paps being the only exception. A territorial bitty reader would most likely feel the same.
It’s nice having more time with them. He doesn’t even have to be all that discrete with it. Why sneak off to his room when he can keep them tucked away in his shirt? He would absolutely hide them in a pocket or a pouch hung around his neck and tucked securely down the hollow of his ribcage.
Axe would also be more willing to commentate the goings on around them this way, opening more opportunities for casual conversation. It would help them bond a lot faster beyond savior and rescuee. In a way, Axe would become more relaxed and less snappy around others to keep his little treat safe. (don’t want to get into an altercation where reader could get dislodged or smashed…) It also makes him a lot more dangerous should someone else get ahold of reader.
However, Axe wouldn’t be as balanced emotionally with a bitty reader. Like a double-edged sword, he would be calmer with them but more volatile should something go wrong. The stakes would be bigger in this scenario. There would be a more likely outcome for others getting truly hurt.
In short: Axe will be calmer to be around, reader would stay hidden a lot longer, and more mysterious shenanigans would happen around the ship. Don’t tick Axe off. He will be far less likely to hold back…
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dozing-marshmallow · 10 months
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The house was empty with just you and Chris.
And you were a long way from having children with him.
So, you asked him something that wasn’t as demanding as children, but all the more loveable.
At first, he refused,“We already have enough pets in our backyard, (Y/N)!”
He means those wild animals...?,“Those aren’t pets, Chris... They don’t live with us and they can look after themselves.”
“Oh, so you want a feeble animal to depend on you like the sick freak you are?”
When he said it like that...
“Joooooking! It’s a joke, don’t be sad!” he pets your head,“Let’s go get ourselves a dog.”
A dog? But he’s already owned three in the past. Why not get a kitty instead?
“Eh. I’d prefer to get an animal that likes me.” what a flawed answer.
“Chris, cats do like their owners.” you explained, doodling the head of a cat on his hand with a marker,“Just because they’re reserved, it doesn’t mean they hate you.”
He begged to differ,“Mhm. Walking away whenever I try pet them is love, yeah? No thanks. Dogs don’t have a social battery, much like me, and they all love me. They don’t just sleep around all day, they want to spend time with me.”
Okay then.
You make it to the pet store with him, taking longer than you guys thought it would to actually look at the dogs.
After all, the store had tarantulas, snakes, fishes.
Things you saw most of the time on the island, but looking so different seeing them in a tank.
“Aw, Chris... Look at this Turkish Angora.” you cooed at the pretty kitty at one point, who stared up at you with captivating blue eyes.
He takes one look at the white furry face,“Meh.”
“You just wanna look at dog pens?”
“Duh.” he responds condescendingly, frown twitching at you being the one wasting time.
“Alright.” you scoff, going ahead,“Don’t look me like you weren’t gawking at that axolotl for fifteen minutes.”
“They’re cute!” he tried to justify, catching up to you.
You finally get to the dogs, this aisle naturally being the loudest part of the pet store with their barking and playing.
“There’s so many choices!” you exclaim, leaping from one stall to the other,“Shih tzus, western terriers, beagles, dachshunds! Ah! They have everything here! I wish I could take all of them home!”
“And have my house smelly and scruffy? No thanks.” Chris sneers, no compassionate thought spared towards any of the breeds you mentioned,“Let’s just find one already.”
One of them will melt him,“Look at the chihuahuas here!”
“Hmm...” he peers down at the bundle of the tinier dogs, yipping at him, haven’t touching his interest.
“What’s with that look? Chriiiis.” you knew what could be going through his head,“Chihuahuas aren’t as bad as the media makes them out to be!”
“It’s not that...” his voice creeps with uncertainty,“They’re just...well...permanently small, aren’t they?”
“You mean you wanna get a big dog?” you twist your head to the end of the corridor, seeing there were quite a number of pens you have yet to look at,“There should be some down there!”
And there were! “Now we’re talking!” Chris eventually approves, watching the batch of huskies.
“They’re very beautiful... Though I was hoping I could pick up the dog.” you had every right to estimate that. These dogs were probably taller than you if they stood on their hind legs.
“Tough luck, dogs aren’t made to be carried.” Chris scornfully responds to your dream, before sighing,“If it means that much to you, I suppose we can get one as a baby... Hm...”
He had difficulty picking. You were fine with any breed, so you proposed to him,“How about I go buy the dog essentials while you pick the one you want?”
“Really?” there was this paw of gratitude that glittered his eye for a second, before he bashed it away with an egoistical,“I mean yeah sure, whatever, I know the one I’ll pick is gonna be right anyway. See you in a bit.”
You internally grieve from the way these dogs you met earlier looked at you as you walked past them. How long will these precious animals need to wait for the perfect family to take them home? The one... Such a shame he stuck to his word this time.
Whether Chris wanted to or not, you were definitely going to personally put some more money towards animal shelters.
By the time you were done paying and had carrier bags of dog treats, bowls, a bed, and toys, you set off on your journey back to the dog aisle to reunite with Chris, just for it to be completed halfway through as he had thought the same, newly sporting something in his hand too: a lead attached to a picturesque polar bear like dog next to him, with its tongue hanging out in a smile.
“I decided to get the Samoyed.” he grinned,“I was stuck between that or the German shepherd, but then I thought, why not get something new?”
“Aw...!” you bend down to pet the dog’s fur, the Samoyed, who was very welcoming, even cocking its head to invite you into doing so. The vanilla strands of its body fluffed in mighty submission under your hand, feeling too heavenly to be tangible,“Such a pretty dog! Is it a male or female, and did you give it a name yet?” you didn’t hear your voice pitching higher.
“It’s a boy dog, and no, I haven’t figured out a name yet, which is weird, since I am fantastic at those.” his tone too mystified at his current lack of creativity.
A random suggestion popped into mind after looking into the eyes of the big dog, noticing his being very similar to Chris’,“How about Lavender?”
“Lavender? Seriously? I can’t imagine calling him that! He’s not even purple! It makes no sense!” Chris criticised immediately.
Sheesh, you didn’t think it that bad of a name,“Alright then, what were some that you had?” you asked, straightening your legs back up.
“Snow orrr Snowball.”
“...Lavender, it is.”
Perfectly timed, Lavender let out a howl, sugaring Chris’ lemon mouth into stroking him with adoration.
“Aw!” he was back in the shoes of his fans,“I love this dog!”
Who couldn’t? He hadn’t been with Chris for a whole day and his person had already changed. Dogs... Purer than man could ever be.
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mushroommanstan · 1 year
Man-child’s best friend
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Shigaraki and a dog comfort fic.
No smut or anything, just wholesome. Please read and maybe tell me stuff to add onto it!
Ok so I know we in the Shigaraki simp nation have had a common theme within our separate, yet similar, Shigaraki comfort aus. But today I dare to break away from the usual, if not for a little while. Today I present an AU not with a loving girlfriend giving Shig the love he needs, but instead, a cute little puppy dog.
I really encourage you guys to ask me suggestions and prompts for this. I want this to be a series or something because I think the ideas so cute! Don’t let this flop ;-;
Cheap metal crashing into cheap metal was the only thing Shigaraki was able to intentionally cause that day. It was amazing, really, how a plan can fail that miserably. Literally every stage of the mission had gone wrong, all because some green haired prick gave some cheesy speech about friendship and got everyone riled up.
And even now, the soda can he kicked had some left over syrup still in it, causing the sticky concoction to land on and stain his already blood-stained shoes.
Psht. Friends. What does HE know about friends? I mean, his best friends an asshole, and his other best friend keeps rejecting Togas advances. Not that he cares, the brat. Yeah, friends are dumb. Why would he need friends? No, he’s glad. He’s glad he doesn’t have friends that’ll just someday betray him.
Yeah, he’s so glad he can feel his eyes sting with happiness. Tears of joy, obviously. He doesn’t need support, he doesn’t need someone to be there when he’s down, he doesn’t need any of the other shitty things friends do that the broccoli headed bitch talked about. He has sensei, he has Kurogiri, and he has his “family.” That’s more than enough.
Fuck. It’s just not fair. He doesn’t need friends but he can’t deny that it doesn’t sound appealing. Why do snot nosed brats get to have them and he doesn’t? That’s not fair! Where’s his friends? Huh? Where’s his?
His foot suddenly collided with something unrecognizable. It was soft, organic, fuzzy, the feeling made him jolt back as he took his hand away from his eyes to see whatever it was that felt disturbing him was a good idea.
There, on the ground, was some dirty little mutt, wagging its tail obnoxiously fast and holding the can of soda he had previously kicked in its mouth. It looked at him expectantly.
There was no answer, only the uncomfortable silence as it was looking at him with some irresistible, pleading expression… ugh, he knows there’s a phrase for it… uhh guppy frog eyes? Pruppy log eyes? Pruppy is that even a word…. Whatever that’s not important. He just wished the mutt would stop looking at him like that.
“WHAT?!” He yelled, losing his temper.
The can clattered to the ground as the doggie barked back at him playfully, mimicking his volume.
Shigaraki growled picking up said can and chucking it back from whence it came. The dog yipped obediently, bounding off towards the direction he threw. Fuck, finally, he’s alone. He’s glad the mutt left before he had to-
He’s stopped again by the dog, this time by it spitting out the same can at his feet enthusiastically. Huh.
Shigaraki picked it up again and threw it, noticeably less aggressively, and watched as it happily bounded too and fro with the can, waiting eagerly for him to do it again. So he did. Then again and again as he watched the dog twirl and pounce with excitement.
Before he knew it, he found himself caught up in a game of fetch, cheering as it continued to retrieve the can without fail. He didn’t even realize what he was doing until someone else started coming towards him.
“Hey! What’re you doing with my dog?”
What WAS he doing with the dog? Why was he… smiling? I mean, he wasn’t happy… was he? That doesn’t make sense. He’s never happy. So the unfamiliar warmth in his chest is obviously something else. Yeah, and the smiling, well that was obviously just a muscle reaction from the stench of the nearby dumpsters. Obviously.
“I said, what are you doing with my dog freak?”
Shigaraki crouched, snapping his fingers a little to get the pups attention before scooping it up. It wiggled in his grasp affectionately, attempting to lick his face with every movement causing Shigaraki to chuckle. When he heard himself doing that he was filled with disgust.
“Uh, yeah sorry I-haha, stop it!-I saw this dog and I don’t know one thing led to another and I guess I lost track of time… playing… with it…”
Shigarakis smile fell at his own confession. Playing. He was playing with the damn mutt. Fuck, who was he? What is he doing? He’s Shigaraki Tomura damn it! Infamous super villain not some little kid! He can’t be seen frolicking with puppies!
“Oh, playing with it? Mmm, ok.” The owner looked… disappointed. Weird.
“Uh, here” he said, unceremoniously trying to shove the pup into his hands but finding trouble as it struggled. It whined and scraped at him arms, scurrying back into his grasp as he tried to give it to the real owner.
He grunted with effort, the dirt and filth clinging to the pups fur rubbing onto his skin and making him scowl. After a moment, the owner sighed, reaching over and grabbing the yelping dog.
“Ugh. Finally.” The owner sighed. “You didn’t feed him anything did you?”
“Uh, no?” It was then that Shigaraki noticed the pups ribs pressing against its skin. “Maybe you should.”
The owner cackled. “Hah, good one. Yeah maybe I’ll let him sleep inside too when it rains!”
The owner gasped. “Oh, you haven’t heard? I’m starting a dog fighting ring!” He happily boasted to Shig, looking like a little girl talking about her upcoming birthday party. “So, you know, I gotta keep ‘em mad so they want to fight! What do you think? Is it time to file the teeth down into points?”
File the teeth into points? What the fuck?! I mean… seriously, what the fuck?!
For a moment, Shigaraki said nothing. Staring back and forth between him and the dog while masking his blooming rage with an impressive poker face.
“Can I see the mutt again?”
“Oh, yeah, sure! Here.” He handed off the enthusiastic puppy, who eagerly took the opportunity to jump back into Shigarakis arms.
“Perfect.” Shigaraki held the dog up before him, looking head to toe-bean. “Hmmm yup. This dogs gonna have a much better time without you.”
The guy chuckled nervously. “W-what do you mean?”
Shigaraki couldn’t hold back his smile anymore, lips spreading into a malicious grin. “I tell ya I really needed this. I had a shit day, you know?” Shigaraki took a step forward, and the guy took a step back.
“It’s always refreshing when I find some asshole that I can teach a lesson.”
He took another step forward, the guy another step back. “W-w-what do you mean? This isn’t funny!!”
Shigaraki giggled. “It’s a little funny! I mean, what are the chances that you, a dog abusing asshat would run into me? Shigaraki Tomura! Dog lover!”
His eyes widened with recognition. “N-no!” Tears welled up as he was backed up against the alley wall. Dead end.
Shigaraki pulled father out of his pocket and put it on, shattering any false hopes of this still being a prank. “Yes!”
“P-p-please don’t kill me! I-“ but Shigaraki had heard enough. He’s already pressed his hand into the man’s chest, watching with glee as he coughed up blood and bile as his body rotted away. The familiar crimson syrup spilled out as more parts of him succumbed to decomposition like a line of dominoes.
Shigaraki loved that face. That’s the face of someone who would wail out in pain if they could, but alas, his lungs were one of the first things to go.
Then, as quickly as it started, it was over, and the man was reduced to nothing more than a foul smelling, murky red puddle.
Shigaraki smiled, looking down to the puppy who had seemingly calmed down as it rested its head into Shigarakis chest comfortably. Cute.
Gently, the pup was lowered to the ground, when, having felt the cold gravel of the floor, promptly jumped back into Shigarakis arms.
The dog looked up at him expectantly again.
“Ok. Yeah. I said I was a dog lover. I heard it too ok? But that doesn’t mean anything! … I mean sure, I killed your owner so you wouldn’t have anywhere to go, and sure you’re still a puppy and wouldn’t know how to fend for yourself. And you’re dirty… and hungry… and… cold.” Shigaraki frowned, staring down at the dog sympathetically before growling in frustration.
“Well what do you want me to do? Huh? You can’t live with me!” He shouted, looking down at the dog like he was expecting a verbal response.
The dog gave him the look, the same one that got him into this mess to begin with. And deep down, he had to admit he felt his icy, frost-bitten heart thaw, just a little.
“Tch! Fine! Whatever. You can stay with me. But you better not stink up the place. And don’t bite… actually no, do bite people. Especially Dabi.”
The pup wagged its tail enthusiastically, licking his face before forcefully climbing into his hoodie.
“Hey! Careful!”
Before the dog could fall Shigaraki put his hands into his pocket and pushed his hoodie against his chest, creating a little foothold for the doggie, who then popped his head and paws out of the hem of his hoodie.
Once everything settled, Shigaraki gently rested his chin against the dogs head, the furry munchkin being a little too snuggly and comfortable for his own good. And to his own surprise, he smiled again. Genuinely. Wholesomely. He didn’t know why but… he was happy.
He had to admit, maybe the green haired brat was onto something with that whole friends bullshit. Maybe he finally found his.
Maybe the world isn’t so bad now that he doesn’t have to go through it alone.
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What about one of the pets accidentally hurting Little Nat? Can be headcanons or a drabble!
Thanks for sending this! You won't believe how quickly I wrote these. I apologize for how out of hand they got... (sorry, not sorry)
Nat getting hurt by the pets for the first time :(
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, injury/blood, and mild angst. 
Your wife’s cat mostly ignored the new baby that came to the house one day and never left. She’d occasionally look towards her when odd sounds were made or weird smells came out of nowhere, but overall, Fletcher was more than happy to pretend like she didn’t exist.
It wasn’t until Natalya was older and she could move around a little that the duo started paying more attention to each other. Fletcher would be wary of the arms that stretched in vain to reach the too agile or distant cat. Nat would let out quiet whimpers every time her cat would ignore her, and a couple times she’d have crying fits that alerted and worried her mothers.
When Natalya was around 18 months old, she was managing to almost walk on her own and she surprised Fletcher one day by grabbing her tail while the feline was sunning on the carpet. You and Wanda hadn’t noticed until it was too late, and you heard Fletcher hiss before Natalya shrieked and started to cry.
You realize what had happened rather quickly, but you still have to panic slightly as Fletcher runs off and Little Nat’s arm is spotted with blood.
Wanda of course freaks out more than you, but you silently run through the diseases that Natalya could get from being scratched by your cat as your wife calls the doctor. You already start to take off Little Nat’s cute outfit so you can wash her scratches thoroughly in hopes they won’t get infected.
Wanda’s still talking to the doctor, and you feel a little bad for him when you hear your wife ask ‘I’m sorry? Did you just say it wasn’t a big deal?’ Maybe next time you’ll call the doctor.
Luckily it wasn’t going to be a big deal just so long as you continue to watch how Natalya heals, and more importantly you make sure she doesn’t pull on Fletcher’s tail again.
Natalya gets to snack on her favorite cereal while watching your her favorite animated movie to help her feel better.
Boone was interested in Natalya as soon as you brought her home. He was always very protective of his people and as soon as Wanda was a few weeks pregnant he began to pay a little more attention to her. He still followed you around most places you went, but you started to notice that he’d stop and check on Wanda before leaving a room with you.
You honestly didn’t figure it out until after Wanda tested positive, but you started to see changes in both of your dogs fairly quickly after.
Boone would sniff your wife more than usual and he’d make sure that Rogue was nearby before he’d settle in his usual spot next to you.
As Wanda’s pregnancy went on, Boone started to spend equal time with you and Wanda. As her body changed Boone became more attentive and slightly clingier in a way that didn’t exactly surprise you. Despite being the favorite, you can’t help but wonder what Boone must think is happening to your wife. Does he understand it? Can he smell the baby? You have no idea so you just let him do his thing just so long as it's nothing concerning.
By the time Wanda gives birth, Boone and Rogue are often fighting for Wanda’s full attention.
When Natalya came home he was very curious and he sniffed her for an exceeding long time. He had his nose in her face for a bit before you got too nervous, or rather Wanda did, and you told him to sit.
The novelty of having a new presence in the house died off quickly for him, but he still took it upon himself to watch over the addition to the family. She honestly didn’t do much. She slept, cried and spent time with her mothers.
It wasn’t until she was a little older, maybe 8 months or so that she’d often be in her play pen in the living room rolling around with her toys.
The toys are left scattered along the floor sometimes when you or Wanda just don’t have time to clean them up. Boone’s used to stepping on them at this point, but one day he steps on a block as he’s walking by Little Nat and he jumps off of it quickly.
This causes him to push Natalya into the couch and she’s more surprised than hurt, but she starts to cry immediately. Wanda was sitting nearby when this happened, but she’d moved too slowly to grab her daughter.
You come rushing out of the kitchen with a worried look as you register the sight of Natalya screaming her head off, and Boone looking chastised. He’s lying on the carpet staring at your daughter with wide eyes and his ears are back as he makes himself as small as possible. You look to Wanda for an explanation but she just shakes her head and says it was an accident.
Natalya calms down after you offer her a little of the lunch you’d been making her, and while the smell of food would usually lure the dogs, only Rogue comes up to investigate. Boone stays where he is looking shamefaced until you walk over to him and kneel down in front of him.
You recognize this behavior from when he was younger and used to get in trouble more often. You just reassure him that everything’s okay and that he just has to be more careful around his little sister. Eventually he’s standing next to Rogue looking for treats and despite not getting any, he is more than willing to help Natalya clean her shirt once she’s finished eating.
Similar to how Boone was mostly your dog, Rogue had become your wife’s dog fairly quickly. Once he was brought home from the compound, he began to become clingier and would try to follow Wanda everywhere. Even into the bathroom. He’d whine for a while if he wasn’t allowed to be by her side before he just laid down and guarded whatever door she’d disappeared through to wait for her return.
More than a couple of times, Wanda’s tripped over him coming out of the bathroom or arriving home. You wouldn't know where Rogue was sometimes until you heard a door open, and then a surprised gasp followed by a loud thud.
She’d asked you once why you thought Rogue had taken to her more than you, and honestly you weren’t sure. There were a lot of possibilities, but you’d just settled on telling her what you felt was the truth. Your wife was a safe, calming presence and Rogue was probably able to sense this early on. For this reason he’d migrated toward her because his extreme anxiety had made trusting people hard. He believed that she was less likely to hurt him.
Rogue was the first one to pick up on Wanda’s pregnancy. It was hard for him not to given that he spent every waking hour he could within the redhead’s line of sight. It was the smell he noticed first and he’d initially spend a concerning amount of time sniffing Wanda. Becoming pregnant wasn’t exactly a surprise, but she was shocked by how fast Rogue and then Boone picked up on it. Fletcher either didn’t know or care enough to change her behavior. The only difference in how Wanda interacted with her was she spent less time around her litter box. Lucky you.
By the third month of Wanda’s pregnancy, Rogue would try multiple times a week to sleep in bed beside her. It was a little inconvenient and sad to tell him no and just have him lie on the ground next to her and stare at her sadly. You knew that Wanda wouldn’t budge on her ‘no dogs in bed’ policy, but seeing her expression as she watched Rogue pout in defeat almost made you think she’d try to sleep somewhere else so he could be happy.
Between the two dogs, Rogue became much more protective of Wanda as soon as he realized something was different with her. He probably didn’t know she was pregnant, but he continued to go everywhere with her when she left the house. When she went shopping she tried to go places where he could come too, and he was always stuck to her side like glue. He would watch carefully as people walked by them and he’d shoot wary glances at anyone Wanda talked to. If the conversation was longer than a few seconds, he’d usually move so he was basically sitting or standing in front of her and between the stranger.
He was doing better at trusting people, but he still didn’t like strangers and neither you nor Wanda could fault him for that given his history. You’d learned quickly that he was a very good judge of character, and whenever he growled at someone from a distance, you made sure to avoid them.
He’d never attacked anyone though which was a relief, but sometimes his behavior would scare people and Wanda would have to explain that he was very very sweet, just distrusting and protective of her.
He continued to be this way once Natalya was born and he’d often check on her despite her parents watching nearby.
He would sit on the ground and watch her play and make sure that she didn’t get into trouble.
When she got old enough to be interested in him, he’d let the little one step on him and pull on his fur with only a minimal fuss. This was always under her mothers’ watchful eye and in Wanda’s case, with Little Nat in her lap.
Once she starts to crawl around, she becomes more trouble and Rogue feels stressed watching her try to wander away from her parents. You both are always around, but sometimes you look away just long enough for her to make an ill-advised decision and Rogue tries to step in to stop her.
He usually just gets up and blocks her path on the way to the electrical socket, or to an interesting object that Fletcher had left on the floor that looks perfectly tasty. He huffs and nudges her with his nose to support her sometimes when she’s older and trying to stand on her own. You always find it adorable and Wanda’s filming it while you make sure no one gets hurt.
One day Rogue is just waking up from a nap when he realizes that Little Nat has escaped her enclosure. Fletcher had been scratching at this pen for a while so it was in need of replacement, but the little escape artist had undone a latch and was wandering the house. He was only woken up because she stepped on his tail on the way to who knows where.
He’d looked for you and Wanda first before remembering that Pietro was watching his niece with Yelena for a bit. The duo were talking, rather arguing about something as Natalya escaped, so Rogue took it upon himself to go after her.
You and Wanda had only run out for a few minutes to grab something for dinner, it was your turn to host, so you’re back by the time everything’s over. You hear crying from out in the garage and you’re not surprised when Wanda runs inside.
You both know your daughter’s different cries at this point, and only a couple are a cause for alarm. Her hungry or tired cry is easy enough to deal with, but her scared or hurt cries always make you panic momentarily.
Rogue had stopped Natalya from trying to climb the stairs by grabbing her hoodie and pulling her back. He pulled a little harder than intended and Natalya landed on her butt at the foot of the stairs and immediately started sobbing. Rogue was still standing by her when Pietro and Yelena ran out from the kitchen. Neither of them had realized that Natalya was out of the pen and they couldn’t figure out what had happened either.
They weren’t around enough to see how Rogue really behaved with Natalya, and he usually took a backseat when visitors were here, so Pietro assumed he’d scared or hurt her.
You walk into the house to see Rogue cowering at the foot of the steps and Wanda yelling at her brother for scaring him.
You figure you could guess what happened when you see the broken pen, and you let the twins argue for a bit as you try to get Rogue calm.
He was a lot better from living with you for so long, but he still didn’t respond well to being yelled at. You made sure to discipline him calmly when needed, but most of the time he behaved well.
Wanda ended up holding him and cooing at him while you sat beside her with Little Nat who had calmed at this point, but was still a little shaken from her adventure. She eventually calmed down enough to reach out for her dog and Rogue just licks her offered hand before resting his head on her little lap.
You and Wanda could have cried at how cute the pair was being, and you smiled gratefully when you saw Yelena taking a picture.
Headcanons masterlist
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multifandomhere1 · 2 years
Could you do a fluffy kind of fic with reader and rammatra where reader has a dog (a big one like lab sized) that just absolutely will not leave ram alone? I wander how you think he would react lol
this will be fun
(I'm a little new to the Tumblr writer community but I don't know what a Kind is,I assume it's headcanons. if it's not what you wanted send me a message and I'll redo everything.)
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When Ramattra heard you had a dog, he didn't care too much because he knew humans had pets.
He believed not to like pets, they give a lot of work how can you handle that??!
He totally changed his mind when he saw your dog
Your dog was really big (almost dropped Ramattra because of his weight lol)
At first Ramattra didn't care for him
But when your dog started to get clingy to him, he just asked if the dog wasn't afraid of him.
With time Ramattra starts petting the dog and liking him.
When he starts to like the dog and almost an amazing friendship.
He thinks animals are much better than certain humans (and he is right 🧍)
before and was a little surprised when his dog just stuck to him
Whenever he goes to your house and sleeps there, the dog always sleeps with you and ramattra
Whenever ramattra is alone and so is the dog, the dog just doesn't leave near ramattra
The dog is very protective with who and his family (you and ramattra)
you are like a family 🥺
2 fics on the same day? Lol. I hope that you enjoyed! Don't forget to take a shower and drink water, Xoxo
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westcanaan82 · 21 days
We’re having a fetching good time with these cuties today, followed by a paws-itively perfect day in the village.🐾
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riiasstuff · 1 year
I did this for a contest in Valentine's day
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PD: ilost:')
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bbrissonn · 8 months
in case anyone was wondering, will smith is my white boy of the month :)
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neiveel3llson · 9 months
Sam and Max Nightmare HCs
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You have a Nightmare:
• Typically, when you 3 actually make it to bed and not the couch, Sam and you will sleep next to eachother while Max sprawls over you both in some overly complicated position- in which he's usually clinging onto you with his feet in poor Sam's face.
• Despite this though, when you begin to writhe or groan in your sleep, Sam always wakes up first. Perhaps it's because of his heightened senses, or his sight of fear, or just Max sleeping like a f*ckin' cow-
• Sam comforts you immidiently, or- the closest he can get to immidiently in his exhausted state, slinging his arms around you gently and putting his nose next to your cheek, prodding the soft skin with his wet, leather nose expectantly, trying to wake you up.
"Y/N.. Y/N, buddy, wake up, you're having a worse nightmare than a ginger in sunny Senegal strapped to a loung-"
• He seems to always get cut off by Max screaming bloody murder, which wakes you up, either because of the screaming or Max's jumping on you, landing on your chest full force. He does this because one more sudden writhe from you wakes him, because he's spoiled.
• No matter what though, they both really do care and try their best to lull you back to sleep. Try. It seems to come especially hard to Max, who smothers you with a pillow until Sam holds him up in the air, all 3 of you panicking for some reason while screaming.
Max has a nightmare:
• He just doesn't get the chance to have nightmares. He is such a deep sleeper but as soon as he feels the slightest bit uncomfortable or chilly or too warm or- he wakes up. Screaming.
• It's close to being a nightly occurance, living in the city and all. To get Max to stay asleep during the night, you'd need to make him sleep in an asylum.
"3, 2, 1-"
"3, 2, 1-"
"Good morning Max."
"Morning, little buddy."
• He's such a brat about it aswell, making both you and Sam stay in bed to talk or coddle(yes, I meant to put coddle) him until he's ready to go.
• He actually gets in a massive strop in you don't aswell. He'll huff and puff and complain how you don't love him with his two arms over his chest while he glares.
• He wouldn't do anything though, he hates the entire world as a whole, not you and Sam. Never has been and, hopefully(really, we don't know if he'll ever turn on you two), never will.
• But to conclude things, he's just never really had a nightmare. He's just really annoying and childish, you and Sam love him though, screams and all.
Sam has a nightmare:
• Sam is the one who rarely has nightmares, but when he does, they're always serious. He dreams about his insecurities, and the worst case scenario that could ever happen because of them.
• A frequent thing he has nightmares about is his weight. It's not like he's obese or overweight, but he would be considered 'fat' in some people's eyes, which makes him less inclined to run or do sports in general. He doesn't like that. Especially when compared to you and whatever you do or Max and his quick paced, undeniable shenanigans.
• He's really still when having a nightmare but not quiet, mumbling and whining out to his hearts unpleasant content. It usually wakes you and Max up, you up because- well- you care, and it wakes Max up because the noise annoyed him. You make sure to cover his mouth before he can scream though.
"Ah- I'll.. no.. I'll put off the weight.. I-"
*muffled screaming*
"Sam, doggy, wake up.."
• When he does wake up, he always feels bad for waking you and Max up, and tries to joke his way out of things before being cuddled by you and Max, with you making sure Max doesn't try anything whilst Sam is in this vulnerable state.
• He'll never tell you about the nightmare though, I'm sure that by time he does wake up, you have a good idea to do with what it was about.
• He'll just sit there as you pamper him, patting Max's head like a nefarious super villain with his cat. He always ends up feeling loved and blushy by time morning rolls around through, he can't help it.
"Well, darn, you two have made me happy as a midget in the kids clothes section."
• . . • ° ° • . . • ° ° • . . • ° ° • . . • ° ° • . . • ° ° •
(Made by neiveel3llson, not you.)
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