#reader going blind
muffinlance · 8 months
Wait, what’s going on with Embers???? That fic has been on my read later list since 2021, what’s happened with it???
Brief overview, then I'm likely never touching this topic again, because this is not a Drama Blog:
Context: Embers is a super old AtLA fic that was written during the early fandom days, read widely at the time, and was the origin of the widely-used fanon name of "Wani" for Zuko's ship (kind of by default that it was one of the first popular fics to give his ship a name, I think?), even though most fic writers don't seem to realize it's from there anymore.
"What's Going On": I used to include a link in all my stories to it, because I believe in crediting other writers for borrowed elements, and I was using "Wani" in all my fics. But BOY did I not want to be sending readers that way anymore, so I've adopted a new name for Zuko's ship, and removed all Embers links.
None of the criticisms about Embers itself are new; I'm assuming they date back to when the fic was being written, because this isn't an "it aged badly" thing, this is an "actually yeah this gets worse the longer you think about it and I shouldn't have ignored my bad feelings just because some of the worldbuilding was interesting" thing.
An Incomplete List of Why I Made the Change:
I don't actually like the story that much anymore, and don't want to rec it
I tried to re-read it recently to see if some things were as bad as I remembered and it turns out they were So Much Worse Oh Yikes. More specifically, the treatment of Katara and Aang and their respective cultures has... rather a lot going on. One example: The Fire Nation and Air Nomads are both given multiple backstory elements in an attempt to make the average Fire Nation soldier's participation in the genocide/war in large part the fault of the Avatar and the Air Nomads themselves, and also fully justified from the Fire Nation perspective. And I do mean fully. One of its core tenants is "People from the Fire Nation (and only people from the Fire Nation) who don't follow orders Literally Die, therefore murdering pacifists and babies and continuing the war (and their regularly scheduled war crimes) is the only thing it is physically possible for them to do". I cannot emphasize enough how literal that is.
Also the name "Wani" means "Alligator" and is... objectively a pretty lame name for Zuko's ship? Where's the personality, where's the deeper meaning, where's the resonance with Zuko's themes? @tuktukpodfics initially thought I was calling the ship "Wanyi", and that's what I've switched to, because it is Objectively So Much Better. In their words: “Wànyī (萬一): Literally ‘one in ten thousand,’ ‘perchance.’ Used grammatically in Chinese to mean ‘what if’ or ‘just in case.’ I think a ship called ‘The Perchance’ is perfect for a boy clinging to false hope.”
TL:DR; I don't rec Embers anymore, because I don't actually like the story anymore, and there are things about it that get worse the more I think on them. I've removed links to it and renamed Zuko's ship to "Wanyi" ("The Perchance") because our boy deserves a ship name that reflects his character arc.
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evilkaeya · 7 months
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Oh he means the world to me
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stoutstoatpress · 11 months
VAST Guides are here!
By using VAST, you can learn how to add accessibility tags for screen readers to your PDFs, by using Adobe InDesign and Adobe Acrobat.
I'm super excited to release a brand new publishing community resource: VAST (or Visual Accessibility Skills Toolkit).
VAST is a collection of short articles aiming to spread awareness about what visual impairments are, and how folks in the small press industry can accommodate them.
The guides are split into four sections:
Visual Impairment 101 explores what visual impairments are, how visually impaired people navigate digital content, and introduces some current language and definitions (circa 2023).
Screen reading PDFs explores the basics of how screen readers navigate through digital content. Includes video examples!
Using InDesign introduces different tools that designers can use to make their documents more accessible.
Putting Into Practice presents case studies of common structures in roleplaying games, and how they could be given accessibility tags using tools covered in section 3. (Coming soon!)
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VAST was developed by Brian Tyrrell (me!), and disability advocate and accessibility consultant Yubi Coates. Visually impaired consultants and InDesign experts were brought in to corroborate the guides.
All of the information in the guides is up to date, and we’re committed to reviewing and updating the guides in 2024 and 2025.
This project was completed using a small pot of funding provided by Creative Scotland’s Create: Inclusion program in 2022.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Master manipulator vs Master manipulator
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where-dreamers-go · 6 months
"Cheesy" Leon Kennedy x Reader
(A/N: What if you were set up on a blind date with Leon Kennedy? This is extremely self indulgent. You could picture any age of Leon, I guess. Also, Reader works at a school in this.
Warnings: awkward/nervous interactions, use of (Y/N), (mx), and (Y/L/N) for your names, pizza topping preference for cheese, language, and mentions of Leon’s arms.
Word Count: 4,087 words)
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Your friend knew people, could network like no other.
But set you up on a blind date?
You were anxious. Curious, but nervous at the thought of going on a first date with someone you had never met.
Your friend knew you well enough. Knew some of your preferences in a partner. A good amount.
You hoped.
They had gotten your permission to try finding someone.
“Stop giving me that look.” Your friend laughed. “I’ve only heard good things.” They sipped from their cup of coffee.
“Only good things?” You asked.
They crossed their arms. Staring at you from the other side of the table.
“Well, I mean…like what? What’s his name? What’s he look like? Does he know my name?”
They laughed and nodded. “He knows your name.”
“And?” You leaned over your lunch.
“He has a steady job, his name is Leon, he’s interested, and you’ll like what you’ll see. That’s all I’m saying.”
“But is he nice? Clean?”
“Yes and listen, I basically asked fifty questions before fully considering this guy. And he had agreed to the pizza place you suggested.”
“Oh. Okay, cool.”
“Everything’s set for Saturday.” They beamed.
You exhaled hoping to calm yourself from the news.
Maybe this’ll be fun.
. . .
Saturday afternoon and the lunch rush was on its way.
Thankfully, you managed to arrive early. You could not think of arriving to your destination any later.
Nerves and excited curiosity filled you.
The pizza place was one of your favorites. Kind staff, good food, and a chill atmosphere. A nice small restaurant for a date. Nothing fancy and you would be able to hear your own conversation.
At least I picked a Saturday, you thought, Friday evenings are wild. Especially right after school.
Entering through the front door, you did a quick glance around the small waiting area. The smell of fresh pizza was a welcome delight.
Definitely not them, you thought as you watched two families trying to shush their children. Probably waiting on someone.
Squeezing by, you walked up to the server station. The little podium looking thing no one was standing behind.
You waited a moment.
And breathe. This isn’t a job interview or anything.
Running your hands over your clothes, you were still happy with your choice of outfit. A flattering soft of casual.
“Hi. Welcome,” a young woman rushed up to stand behind the station. “Sorry for the wait. How many today?”
“Two,” you said. “I’m meeting someone.”
A flicker of thought shown in her eyes and she asked, “Are you (Y/N)?”
“Oh. Uh, yeah.” You answered, clearly surprised.
“Is your date’s name Leon?” A small smile peaked the corners of her lips.
I thought they didn’t do reservations.
She walked around the station and gestured toward the dining room. “Right this way, please.”
Wait. Can I pick for a booth or somewhere not by the restrooms? Who would make the reservation? You thought as you followed her.
A good amount of the tables had hungry guests chewing between conversations. None too obnoxious.
Still, the woman led you forward, blocking some of your view.
You were starting to get the feeling you weren’t early enough.
Coming to a stop by a booth, the young woman turned enough to speak to you and a man who stood up upon your arrival.
“Here we are. Do you know what you two would like to drink or should I give you a minute?”
Locking gazes with the man, you swallowed.
You really wished your friend would had told you how handsome your date was.
You blinked and answered, “Ice water.”
“Uh, water, please.” He said and cleared his throat.
You caught the server’s smirk.
“All right. I’ll give you some time to look over the menu and I’ll be back.” She left with her notepad.
The last window along the wall illuminated the man’s brown hair and expressive blue eyes.
“I’m Leon,” he said and offered a small smile, “hi.”
“Hi, I’m (Y/N). It’s nice to meet you.” You gave a smile of your own and a small wave you wished you hadn’t.
“Yeah—uh. I’m glad we could do this.” Leon glanced over to the booth and gestured quickly.
The both of you took your seats across from each other. Two menus lay on the table between.
Maybe he’s nervous too.
“So,” Leon tapped the menu, “I have to ask… What’s your favorite topping?”
“Not pineapple.”
“Oh, good,” he chuckled, exhaling some tension. “I wasn’t sure if we were going to have a debate on our hands.”
“I hope not. I’ve always preferred extra cheese. You?”
“I’m not too picky. I like pepperoni. We could—”
“One water and one ice water.” The server placed each glass on its own paper coaster. “Do you know what you’d like to order?”
Crap. You thought and eyed the menu.
“Would you like to share a pizza?” Leon asked. “Half cheese half pepperoni?” His blue eyes holding a soft kindness within.
Here come the butterflies. You took a steady breath and nodded.
“What size?” She asked, holding her tiny notepad.
“Medium?” You looked to Leon.
“Medium.” He agreed while glancing over to the server’s notepad.
“Alright.” She tapped her pen.
“Thank you.” You said as the server left again and took the menus.
That was fast.
Taking a long sip of the water, you were grateful for the coolness. A nice refresh to ease you and cool you down.
Because your date was hot. Simple as that and yet you were still taking time to process the fact: you were on a date.
No weird vibes. That’s good. You thought as you set the glass down. And he got here before me! Peering up, you saw your date glancing around the dining room.
When he caught you looking, Leon smiled. “This place is nice. Do you come here often?”
His words made you crack a smile. “A little bit. Not as often as I used to.” You lowered your voice and added, “I usually make my own pizza now.”
Lighting up with interest, Leon leaned his arms on the table. Quite muscular arms shown well with his button-up shirt.
“You make your own pizza? It’s better than any takeout, huh?”
“Not gonna lie,” you sat a little taller, “the dough’s a lot better and no grease on top.”
“Sauce preference?”
“Family recipe. Homemade.”
Leon grinned. Clearly you were making an impression.
The butterflies in your stomach returned tenfold.
“Favorite cheese?”
You crossed your arms over the table and thought on it. “My favorite cheese…is whatever I have at home.”
That earned you a snicker from your date.
“Have you made pizza before?” You tried your hand at a question.
Food was an easy topic it seemed. Pizza mostly.
Hair shielded some of his face as he tilted his head, Leon squinted his face and admitted, “I’ve made pizza orders.”
“So, no?”
“No.” He affirmed. “I should.”
“Maybe one day.”
He nodded softly.
So far, Leon was easy to talk to. Your date thus far would rank less awkward than talks you’ve had with overly curious neighbors. You were more than grateful for that.
And he has a really cute smile. You thought as silence filled the table.
“How are you?”
“What?” Leon perked up as if the question caught him completely off guard.
Perhaps it did.
“How are you?” You asked again, trying to put all of your honesty into your tone.
Exhaling, he turned his sights out the window, but only for a moment. “Better than I expected.” His blue eyes held your gaze. “I’ve never been convinced to go on a blind date before.”
You were surprised with how relieved you were with his answer.
“This is your first blind date too?” You whispered.
Both of you took a moment to read the other. Making sure and double checking. Learning through observation.
Once Leon nodded, you sat back with a relieved exhale.
“Oh, thank goodness. I thought it was just me. My friend wouldn’t even answer all my questions.” You laughed lightly at yourself. “I’ve been making myself nervous.”
“Is that a rule?” Leon asked. “My friends refused to tell me shit.”
Covering your mouth, you muffled some of your laughter. Mostly, anyway.
Sitting back against the seat with a light affectionate smile, Leon managed to look twice as handsome and twice as comfortable. It made you start to wonder why he didn’t already have a partner.
Then again, he was probably having a similar question.
“What questions did you ask? No judgement.”
“No judgement.” He repeated, thinking.
Bring it on. We need to know more about each other. More than just pizza anyway, you thought while drinking more water and waiting for the pizza.
“Yah know, I asked what you’re like first. It’s a good start.”
“Good question.” You said, partially stalling as you thought to answer. “I’m…a hard worker, creative, uh…,” you trailed off. “I sound like my résumé.”
He smiled and said, “I won’t ask for references. Promise.”
“I’m really honest and empathic. I make a lot of movie references. My friends say I’m funny, but that’s really based on preference…and timing.”
“I believe them.”
“Thank you.” You wiped your hands on your attire, out of sight. “So what were your other questions?”
“What do you do for a living?”
You perked up. Glad to have an easy question. “I work at a school.”
His eyebrows rose a fraction.
“I’m essentially in charge of the media center—all the books, book faire, and some tech. It’s not what I planned, but I like it.”
“Do you like to read?”
“Yeah. My reading list keeps growing though. Not that I mind.” You said, noticing how his hair framed his face, a balance of soft and sharp. “What about you?”
Blue eyes flickered away. “Not really. Work takes up a lot of time.” Leon seemed to be drifting away, mind elsewhere.
“What do you do for a living?” You asked softly, just in case.
Tension in his jaw fully took away his smile.
Is this a touchy subject?
Leon’s voice was hushed and somehow almost distant. “I work for the government.”
Returning his gaze to you, Leon gauged your reaction.
“Sounds like a lot of e-mails.” You tried lightening the mood.
I don’t think he likes his ‘steady job’.
The corner of his lips lifted.
Okay cool. He doesn’t think what I said was stupid. Cool.
“Well, um,” you swallowed and hoped you weren’t being too awkward, “as long as your co-workers treat you like a person and not tech support.”
Multiple emotions ran across Leon’s face, none of which you could read fast enough. What you could discern was how the tension left his muscles. A mystery really, your date.
“I’m not the first one they’d call to help with a computer.”
“Maybe for good company?” You offered.
In midst of leaning closer, Leon’s attention veered over to movement at the far end of the dining room.
Walking into the room with a pan in one hand and a tray under her other arm, your server returned with another employee. Steam rose from the pizza more clear as she reached the booth.
“Here we are.” She announced happily.
Before either you or Leon could offer help, the young woman set up the tray beside the table in a swift motion.
“Be careful. It’s hot.” She set the pizza pan on the tray.
The other employee placed a pair of plates on the table along with a pizza server and a pile of napkins.
A couple of ‘thank you’s later and you were both left alone with a delicious smelling pizza. Seriously, the two of you were eyeing the pie with hungry intent.
“That smells good.” Leon grabbed the pizza server and reached over to the pizza. “One cheese pizza slice comin’ up.” A playful side shone through easily.
“Thank you,” you said as he plated a slice.
Oh, no. He’s cute, you thought, glad he didn’t see whatever silly grin was plastered on your face.
Out of habit or restaurant routine, you grabbed the shaker of cheese. You took a second to make sure the lid was secure. Then, despite the hot cheese all over the wonderful slice, you shook a generous amount of parmesan on top and a dash more.
You hadn’t lied about favoring cheese.
And apparently you and your date were equally craving a taste of pizza. By bite number two your eyes met for a second.
Trying to hide a smile while chewing was an oddly clumsy human act. Awkward during a date, but humble none the less.
Behind you and out of view, children spoke animatedly entering the dining room. Kid drama and discussing characters. Common conversations held even in school. You had heard plenty from students. Some more entertaining than others.
You took another bite of the pizza.
“(mx). (Y/L/N),” a young voice came from close by.
Quickly swallowing, you glanced over to a familiar face.
“Hi,” the little girl waved, perched backwards in a chair.
You gave a friendly wave with your free hand. A movement watched by the child and her two tables’ worth of family members.
So was the life of working at an elementary school.
The girl pointed and asked, “Is he your friend?” Curious eyes on your date.
Behind the girl, a woman looked at the girl with wide eyes and glanced to you with an apologetic expression. “I’m sorry.” She said. “Lottie, turn around please.”
“I finished the book.”
“That’s great,” you replied earnestly. “I hope you liked it.”
“Oh,” you chuckled lightly. “Well, I hope you like your food more.”
Grinning, Lottie, sat properly in her seat. All attention reverting to whatever was just passed her nose; her family included.
“Sorry about that.” You turned to see your date with an amused expression.
“No need. Thought she was going to give you review.”
“Same here.” You reached for your pizza slice again. “I think hers was about cats or kittens. Something.”
“Are there any books you’d recommend to someone who doesn’t read much?”
Now that was a question you liked to hear.
“Are you more into fiction or non-fiction books?”
“Fiction.” He took a sip from his water.
“Hmm.” You were left with more questions of his preferences. “I think I need to know a bit more about you first before I can recommend one just yet.”
“Fair enough. Ask away.” Leon finished off a slice and grabbed himself another.
“Okay. Are you an outdoor person?”
“Some days more than others.”
You took another bite of pizza.
“Some times I just want to stay inside. Don’t have to worry about weather or animals.”
“Are you an animal person? I mean—do you like animals?” You shut yourself up with another bite.
“I do. They just live their lives. Unless some…someone leaves a trap out.” A seriousness made his gaze on the table firm.
“Some people are real jerks.”
“Yeah.” He took a quick bite.
“Morning person or night owl?”
“Night owl. When I don’t have to be up early.”
“Sunrises are pretty, but sleep is really nice.”
“You a night owl?”
“Yup. Forced to wake up super early for work. Then go, go, go. No wonder so many people drink coffee.”
“Do you drink coffee?”
“I prefer not to make it a necessity to staying awake. I see people drinking it throughout the day. I can’t imagine doing that. There’s other ways to get energy.”
“Want another slice?” Leon asked, pizza server in hand.
“Sure, thank you.”
“Can’t let someone as hard-working and cute as you go hungry.”
He plated the slice onto your plate as you felt heat start at your neck.
“Thank you.” Your voice almost hushed in sound.
Small smile on his lips, Leon handed you the shaker full of cheese. The tips of his fingers brushed yours before retreating to his pizza.
Crap. What were we talking about? You swallowed and added more cheese to your new pizza slice.
“So, uh… How would you describe yourself?”
Leon thought on it for a moment or two, eating pizza. Dark eyebrows pinching together as he considered an answer.
Honestly, you deeply needed to know what Leon was like. To know if he was friend material and more.
Shifting in his seat, Leon answered, “Loyal to ones I care about. A little too hard-working.”
“Yeah.” He ripped off a piece of the pizza crust. “Helpful, protective… This is a hard question.”
“It is.”
“I try to be optimistic.” He added.
“That’s good. Some times it’s really hard. Even on what’s suppose to be a good day. It’s a part of life. Some days suck and others surprise you in a good way.”
A silent exchange of understanding passed between the pair of you, deep and dense.
Slices of pizza slowly disappeared from the pan as the date continued more strongly. Less awkward and more fun. Bouncing questions back and forth while being a little too honest with answers. Laughter really was contagious.
Time passed well into the lunch rush and the two of you remained in the booth. Sharing and reminiscing taste in music and movies continued longer than some people’s stay in the dining room.
A conversation of one specific movie had you two in a passionate exchange of words. Both leaning close and speaking animatedly.
“And people probably think we’re only looking at the decorations to call it a Christmas movie.”
“They’re not use to action in Christmas movies,” Leon added.
“Only the family drama.”
“But that’s a part of why it’s a Christmas movie. They’re apart in the beginning, they work through their problems, and—bam—they’re together in the end with better understandings of each other.”
“And it ends with Christmas music. It’s great.”
“She also punched the reporter guy.”
“He had it coming.”
“Kind of satisfying. Not gonna lie.”
Leon chuckled.
“Okay,” you spoke up. “Random question.”
He nodded.
“Can you speak more than one language?”
“Bueno.” You smirked along with him.
Eyes roaming the sight in front of you, you tried not to be distracted by what of Leon’s muscles you could see defined from his nice shirt. It wasn’t even tight fitting. Plus it was a nice color on him.
Does he have to workout for his job? Or is he the best looking in the building by chance? You thought as you reached for your glass of water, condensation cool against your fingertips.
Until it wasn’t.
The glass fumbled from your grasp and the last of the melted ice water spilled onto your thigh.
“Whoa.” Leon already had napkins in his hand as he leaned over the table. “You okay?”
“It’s cold.” You placed the glass down on the table firmly.
“I bet.” He replied sincerely.
Gratefully, you took the napkins and pressed them onto your leg as well as the seat to absorb as much moisture as possible. They worked as well as thin paper could. Fabric was just too absorbent.
“It’s mostly the side of my thigh. So it’s not too bad.”
“Glad you didn’t get a refill, huh?”
You looked up at him. “Definitely.”
Behind his blue eyes, a flash of disappointment emerged and he said, “You probably want to get going and be dry.” It almost sounded like a question.
“Probably.” Your words didn’t sound too convincing.
A small raise of his hand and Leon signaled over your server. “Hey, can we have two boxes to-go?”
If you hadn’t been watching you would had missed him handing her the slim black bill folder. He must had slipped a card or cash in there when you weren’t paying attention. Leon was quick, you could give him that.
After the server walked away, you rose an eyebrow at him.
“What? Did you want the pepperoni too?”
Shuffling in his seat slightly, he asked, “Do you mind that I paid?”
“More so that you didn’t say anything. I don’t want you thinking it’s what I expect or something. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah. And it’s well noted for next time.”
“Next time?” You perked up. “Are you…wanting a second date?”
“I am.” Leon smiled confidently, hiding most of his nerves.
Your heart beat picked up in your chest.
He likes me? You thought in glee.
“Here we go.” The young woman returned with two descent sized containers. “Is there anything else I can help you two with?” She slid Leon a receipt folded around a card.
“No. I think we’re good.”
“Thank you.” He pocketed his wallet.
“No problem. Have a good day.”
“You too.” You replied to her retreating form.
The pair of you packaged the remaining slices into the containers. Each of you taking one.
Leon grabbed his jacket off of the booth. “Ready?”
“Yeah.” You scooted out from the seat, suddenly more aware of the large wet patch on your thigh.
“Here.” Leon whispered from close behind you. He handed you his jacket. “Hold that there and no one will notice”
“Thank you.”
Grateful and a little flustered, you led the way out of the dining room with your date’s jacket draped over your arm. A shield in hiding your water accident. And that was not even a start of mentioning the man walking behind you. He wasn’t in your space, keeping a respectful distance. Yet you could sense his proximity.
Was it too much for you to consider him even an ounce protective? You weren’t sure.
Two steps away from the exit, Leon deftly slid by you to open the door and hold it for you.
“Thank you.” You stepped out onto the sidewalk and out of the way of the door.
How long were we in there? You wondered at the sight of a full parking lot.
Leon came up beside you. “Time flies when you’re having fun.”
“True. Cheesy, but true.” You smiled and handed him back his jacket.
“From what I’ve seen, you like extra cheese.”
“Yeah, okay.” You walked further down the sidewalk.
Chuckling happily, Leon went alongside you.
Why did it feel like the date was too short for you?
There were so many more things you wanted to say.
“If it wasn’t for me being a klutz, I’d treat you to either the soft serve ice cream or the place with gelato in town.”
“A gelato and more time with you. That is a treat.” Leon flirted openly.
“So…about a second date.”
Stopping at the edge of the sidewalk, you looked to him with a flutter in your stomach. Luckily, you still had a good grip on your pizza box.
“You’re cute, you know that?”
You ducked your head as a smile immediately appeared.
“Can I have your number so I can call you some time?”
“Only if I can have yours.” You pulled out your cell phone.
“Twist my arm,” he teased sarcastically.
After he fished his phone from his pocket, you both exchanged numbers. Immediately double checking afterwards.
“And I’m not weird with how long or how soon to contact the other person,” you stated. “That’s too complicated for me to keep up with.”
Stepping into the parking lot, you headed towards your vehicle with Leon, not far from the building.
“Good to know.”
“And I really had a good time. So thank you.”
The features of his face softened. A twinkle in his eyes revealing his genuine relief and hope. Your words meant something to him.
“Thank you.” He shifted the jacket in his hold. “I wasn’t sure about any of this…until you showed up. I’m glad I came.” Shoulders raising, he made eye contact with you again. “I’d really like to see you again.”
Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
“You can call me later. That way I can check my work-school calendar.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll call you later.” He glanced at your vehicle. “Drive safe, (Y/N).”
“You too.”
He took a step back.
“And Leon?”
He paused, attentive.
“I’m really glad I came too.”
Fully grinning, Leon made his way to his own vehicle. Peeking over to you as he did so.
Why’d I have to be a klutz today?
Even if you had to shorten your time with your date, you were more than happy with how everything turned out. You couldn’t wait to see Leon again. Then, perhaps, you could recommend him a book too.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
Leon Scott Kennedy Tags: @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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ceilidho · 11 months
okie dokie I think I might become a regular in your ask box (I sent the lap nap ask) Imagine for one reason or another you want a tattoo and your bestie Johnny who has had one decides to give you tips and advice, after you get it done he tries to convince you to get another, like maybe his name? he will get one too don't worry, it's normal to get best friend tattoos! maybe a tramp stamp, or something on your thigh so he can lift up your skirt "accidentally" to scare off anyone who has an interest in you. Some people are just toxic and don't like opposite gender besties 🤷 (also if available I'll sign off as ☢️, your writing is sooo good 😩🥺)
Johnny who's been practicing stick and poke and he begs, begs, begs you to let him give you one and you finally relent, but you're like, "I don't even want a tattoo - what would I even get?" and he pretends to think about it for a few seconds, like really makes a meal out of thinking of a tattoo for you before he suggests that you get his name. You know, since you're best friends and all. Best friends always do things like that - get matching tattoos, get each other's names or birthdays, that sort of thing.
You're so sceptical at first because like. You've heard of couples getting each other's names but not friends. Certainly not when you're friends with someone like Johnny, who's flirty and cocky and constantly squishes your face when he's drunk and says you have pretty cocksucking lips and snorts when you tell him that's inappropriate before popping a little peck on them. Just friendly drunken behaviour from your flirt of a best friend, but maybe a reason to avoid having future potential partners think there's something going on between the two of you.
But you finally give in because, why not. Especially if it's only a little thing. It'll be a good memory and surely your future partner will understand - it's not like you plan on not being friends with Johnny any time soon. You two are practically attached at the hip. So you tell him sure and then ask him where he's going to put it.
And your heart practically jumps into your throat when he kneels in front of you and spreads your legs to make enough room for himself, hiking the legs of your shorts up a bit until there's a little space made on your inner thigh. You try to be firm and tell him no, but he says that anywhere else would be too noticeable. You'd get tired having to constantly explain to people why you have a man's name tattooed on your body (even though it's normal, friends do that).
It hurts when he gives you the little stick and poke of his name written in his messy handwriting. So close to your pussy that he can probably smell you, and you can't help getting a little wet with his face so close to the space between your legs and the pain that hurts but sends tingles up your body. And the constant living reminder of Johnny now embedded in your skin, stuck on you for the rest of time. Your shorts also tugging against your clit and rubbing whenever your legs so much as twitch because of how high they've ridden up.
Johnny just staring at his name when he's done, licking his lips absentmindedly. Eyes hooded, staring at your inner thigh like he wants to take a bite so bad, even though it's tender and pink and needs to heal. Wants to trace the letters with his tongue. Eyes dragging up your body to find you panting and embarrassed, fists clenched at your sides.
"C'mon, kitty - let's get ye out of those shorts so they dinnae mess up all my hard work, yeah?"
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canthandlethishit · 1 year
kdj: people rely on each other to survive, that’s the way of life.
everyone: then let us save you
kdj: nuh uh
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hauntedjohnny · 10 months
hm thinking about bartender!reader where johnny comes in every week or two on the prowl for someone new. he flirts with you every time but he knows better than to kill a staple in the community so ends up taking home one of the working girls out front or a wide-eyed traveller passing through town. its easy to be jealous of the way he talks to girls the same way he talks to you; you thought you were somewhat special at first, a handsome man tells you you have pretty eyes, but you soon caught onto his game and refused to play a part in it. you refused to allow him the satisfaction of social dominance not realising the cat and mouse game is what he enjoys - the further you deny him the harder he tries to make you flush and smile. he knows he cant pursue you but whats a little fun between strangers… friends? but at what point do you catch onto his bigger game? when you notice the girls on the posters were last seen at your bar? were last seen with him?
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larmegliamori · 1 month
Have this half idea of opening a Discord server for my Zexal WIP but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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muffinlance · 1 year
After reading the tags on your latest post I was wondering if it would be possible for you to make a brief overview of the iffy tropes/details your sensitivity reader helped you pick up on? Of course it wouldn't replace doing research ourselves, but I'd love to hear about it regardless!
Have not run it by them yet because it is in no fit state for human consumption at this point; the tropes are just from reading their blog + others on Tumblr + general Internet research including the excellent "blind people walk you through normal activities from their perspective" videos on YouTube. But off the top of my head:
Face touching. Where the blind person gropes someone's face to see? Sighted people made that up. I rewrote a chapter in Towards the Sun when I realized that one. Which makes sense, because why would a blind person be any more inclined to run their hands all up in your facial juices. Eww.
Negating blindness with magic and pretty much ignoring the blindness henceforth. Which is why Zuko isn't going to learn to see with firebending. There are very interesting discussions on how Toph herself fits and doesn't fit into this trope; finding them is left as an exercise for the reader.
Token blind character, AKA only having one blind person in the narrative who represents All Blind People. Going to have a few blind NPCs running around, with various levels of sight and accommodations, to thoroughly negate this one.
Being Depressed and/or Overly Inspirational about the blindness. AKA character devotes a large chunk of the story to bemoaning their blindness, with bonus inspirational "overcoming" at the end. Think about how it would feel if the majority of characters like you spent vast word counts hating the thing that makes them like you. And then solving it, in a way you can't, so they don't have to have the tragic fate of Being Like You. ...So Zuko is not getting cured, and he's also not wasting much time wallowing in an angst puddle.
Basically, I want this to be a story that low vision folks can read and go "that was fun and less offensive than 70% of actual media representations", and sighted people can go "that was fun and hopefully I internalized some positive things that will make me less likely to grab a blind person's arm and forcibly Help Them Cross The Road, Try To Pet Their Dog (and Get Huffy When Asked to Please Not), or Call People Out On Not Being Blind Because They Don't Fit The Stereotypes".
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danwhobrowses · 6 months
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Okay sure just split the group again I'm sure nothing could go wrong this time dividing them into sub-groups to sting at high levelled and relatively unknown areas with high risk and high threat of boss level enemies in the vicinity and then go on another break to make us stew on that, it's fine IT'S FINE!
#critical role#bell's hells#cr spoilers#c3 e89#critical role spoilers#the volition#ruby vanguard#the imperium#ruidus#unseelie court#universe really gotta hit me with Frieren season finale and CR going on a break AND One Piece going on a break!#it's like you want me to have nothing to do on Friday#honestly how many times in all 3 campaigns has splitting up worked? Not a lot Matt it's just evil PCs have died#my Callowmoore heart of course is relieved that Ashton and Fearne are in the same group this time - they're not gonna lose her again#maybe we can sneak in some combo moves for Bearne and Bashton - play a bit of holies#but still it's difficult to gauge how to deal with Athion plus maybe a dragon indoors plus Ira's willingness to leave people behind#Otohan and Ludinus can be lurking anywhere too#we still have no idea where Ryn is being kept either#the Liliana assassination attempt is doomed to fail and as much as it's a terrible choice I think Imogen needs to let her go#she talks about Ludinus like an abusive lover but acts blind to the cries of the people she says she's protecting#like woman go home! If they need you then removing yourself from the board stops them that's why there's a target on your back#but we all believe in Gaz supremacy at least#and more moon lore always gotta have the moon lore#tag reader's bonus: turtles live in every continent except antarctica#idk usually I have this many tags in ship posts so I drop a headcanon but this is more just panic so you get a nice turtle fact
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longagoitwastuesday · 15 days
ngl it sort of pisses me off the way adults regard Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen at times. Which could be a very interesting and poignant point in a good way if well written, but as it is it becomes mainly just frustrating and sad in a negative way.
Nanami saying Gojo never cared about anything or anyone other than himself crashes interestingly with Kusakabe saying the whole situation was just all his fault because he refused to kill Itadori. The students are very aware of those aspects of Gojo's personality, but overall they seem to regard him with way more kindness and fondness even when at their rudest, not truly coinciding with either Nanami's or Kusakabe's views.
#Kusakabe's words are harsh and negative but there's some true and some logic to them#but in beholding the entire story and the whole context‚ especially with the flashbacks in mind‚ in getting to know the sweet kid Yuuji is‚#the reader is made to find Kusakabe's words a bit outrageous and cruel and Gojo's position becomes the obvious one like Nanami's was#Like Kusakabe's is too in a way since he too says no matter what it's always the adults' fault whatever the cause was#And following the story we see Gojo cared a lot about those kids and them keeping their youthful cheerfulness if in his very flippant way#That's basically his main constant thread. We see it at the very beginning in what he did for Yuta and how Yuta is so fond of him#We see him at the very end in a way too with the letters he left#And his entire motivation was changing the very messed up society to avoid the kids going through what he and his friends went through#and to prevent them from being lonely the way he felt he was. Ontologically alienated. Entirely othered#And of course it's in part him keeping people away like Shoko. Or even Yuta (though here again it's at the core of his action his attempt#at protecting the kids and trying to prevent them from growing too fast)#And of course this is motivated by his own experiences and in that sense not entirely a selfless act#But those things still don't negate that his goal was for the future kids to be... in a better situation than what he and his friends lived#So Nanami's words are very cruel and... blind. Of course it's possible that Gojo's way of approaching the problem is still something#Nanami would regard as selfish (but it could be argued that so is Nanami's)‚ or that Gojo's perception of Nanami's way of thinking#about him would be this negative. But what we see through the story absolutely contradict Nanami's words in that airport#And though both Nanami's words and Kusakabe's are negative in regards to Gojo‚ they in a way contradict each other#The kids' words and way of seeing Gojo is most of the time more... accurate? If also diverse among them#They see him like an idiot. They trust him. They think he's childish and annoying. They love him#They find him flippant. They know he cares about them. In a way they see both what Kusakabe and Nanami say about him#The negative. And the ultimate positive aspect at the core of it all. That Gojo did care and that Gojo did take care#and that Gojo risked and sacrificed a lot for them and that Gojo was doing this in great part because of his own past#Yuta perhaps is the one who sees it best but it's so interesting too the dynamic Maki‚ Yuuji and Megumi have with Gojo‚ his acts and antics#And this whole thing‚ this frivolous and even... cruel way most adults seem to regard Gojo and how it clashes with the kids' deep feelings#about him (beyond the initial 'he's an untrustworthy idiot' though those as well!') is super interesting and super sad and super juicy#OR IT COULD BE bc in the end all that happens is that Nanami says that and Gojo pouts comically or that Kusakabe makes that offhand comment#as if it held no weight‚ as if Yuji weren't present and had never agonised over it‚ as if Gojo hadn't lost his life trying to save the kid#And yes he risked more than his life but he was trying to save a kid bc another kid (bc Megumi!) asked. But maybe it didn't matter if no one#asked. He saved Yuta too. Of course he would have risked it all. In his mix of selfishness and selflessness. Everything is so juicy#yet the writing feels so dry and lame. There's no pondering. There's talk of guilt and grief without any true sense of grieving or loss
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where-dreamers-go · 8 months
Leon Scott Kennedy Masterlist
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Leon Kennedy Masterlist
Last updated: August 28, 2024
"Summertime" Leon S Kennedy x Reader -- Part One
"Summertime" Leon S Kennedy x Reader -- Part Two
"Summertime" Leon S Kennedy x Reader -- Part Three
"Summertime" Leon S Kennedy x Reader -- Part Four/Finale
"Cheesy" Leon Kennedy x Reader
. . .
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Mildly terrified but here's my listing for fandom trumps hate!
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museenkuss · 6 months
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I'm firmly of the opinion that I don't need to read English translations of books that have also been translated into German (imho the German language is better suited grammaticaly in some cases, re:formal/informal, gender of nouns, etc), BUT sometimes the editions do make it hard to stick to that decision.
Then again this very example is interesting because it seems that the original title "La mort i la primavera" does translate to "the death and the spring" which means the German translation of the title alone is much closer.
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shamelessly begging for a part 3 of the madison and brooke story 💗💗💗💗
It was difficult to judge how much time was passing, something about being surrounded by tall canvas and well-dressed people sipping wine made the moments simultaneously bleed together and stretch out. You were hungry, you knew that much, but you had been a little hungry already when you discovered Montana's surprise for you. Still, this seemed like a big deal and you weren't about to ruin it for Madison by asking to duck out.
Sweeping your gaze around the room, you found her blonde mane, her head close to one of the photographer's as she said something you were too far away to hazard a guess at. Brooke's feather-light touch at your elbow coaxed your attention to her, and as you took a moment to study her features, a new realization struck you.
Was Brooke afraid of something?
Maybe afraid was too strong a word, but she definitely seemed on edge, her jaw tense and smile not quite reaching her eyes. Her lips parted, likely to ask you something, but your words tumbled out first.
"Are you okay?"
Brooke blinked owlishly at you, caught a little off guard, but granting you a weary smile. "Yeah, just thought I saw someone I knew. I was wrong though," she shook her head and took a second to glance at Madison herself. "Come on, you can help me pick where we'll eat after this. The star won't accept anywhere that doesn't need a reservation, so we should start looking soon." Her eyes rolled playfully, but there was no bite to her words.
Something nagging in the back of your head told you she needed the distraction as she took a sip from her glass. "Of course," you agreed, your fingers brushing hers as you took the phone she held to examine the map of options. "How long have you and Madison known each other?"
A little hum sounded as Brooke considered your question. "Going on three years now, about. Lived together for two of them. During the first year I really thought we might kill each other, but once you get used to her she's... I don't want to say sweet but she does have her moments."
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