blaithnne · 2 months
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Good luck babe
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ebonytails · 9 months
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I made a new post on Ko-fi, but I also want to word out my thanks to the people on tumblr here especially!
So a while back, I was finally able to get a new laptop, which is what I've been using to do all my video editing for class (and will continue to do so since I'm a multimedia arts student!!), AND my art programs- specific video editing programs, w/o stress and worry about finances!! It's been purely thanks to your support via tipping to my Ko-fi and also by commissioning me that I was able to do this and continue my digital passions
I was able to pay for them legally as well! so that means I have them.. FOREVER!!! And have access to updates (For freeee) forever! Yipee!
So thank you SO much for your tips, they really helped, and thank you so much for commissioning me over the year(s)
ALSO, to Tumblr, since you guys are where my commissioners tend to come from, THANK YOU for tipping me above what my commissions already cost!
They mean a LOT! Starting earlier this year (Around middle of this year) I've decided to start keeping track of almost everything related to my commissions (e.g. "What kinds of commissions are asked for the most" "total earnings per month" "average cost/tips of commission" ETC!) SO, I was able to notice some patterns-
Paypal takes a fee of 2.4% to 3% (and then some)- it doesn't sound a lot, but it really does hurt when I have to work for these commissions to even exist. So if a commission costs $15, I get around $13 instead, which is why my prices are the way they are.
The people who have tipped me have made it so that even if Paypal takes their fees, I'm able to earn the actual "base prices" you see me list! I wouldn't be able to do that without your generosity, so it means a lot to me! It's nearing the end of the year, so I thought it would be great timing for me to express my gratitude. Thank you!
I'll be continuing to create art, and your support makes it easier for me to think about personal art again too! Like fanworks and drawing my oc's again :,^) Thank you
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star-rail-updates · 1 year
The Xianzhou Luofu Trailblaze Index
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It's been a while, Trailblazers!
Following the reveal of the Xianzhou Luofu, the destinations of your trailblazing adventure have become more and more sizeable!
Pom-Pom obtained first-hand information from the Express Crew secretly, and will talk to everyone about the creation of the Xianzhou Luofu~
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Historians are still not completely sure about origins of word kazakh(qazaq), but are certain how it became an ethnonym.
Basically Kazakh Khanate started when cousins Kerei and Zhanibek traveled away from Mogulistan(or more specifically ruling of Abulhair Khan) to the valleys of Zhetysu*. And because they became free and independent, they were called kazakh, which meant exactly that**. As they expanded, the social status became a political name.
Kazakhstan in turn, as other Turkic countries has its ethnonym connected to -stan which basically means "land of -"
*Zhetysu can be directly translated as seven waters, meaning rivers. And what do you know there are in fact 7 fairly big rivers, those being: Ili, Qaratal, Bien, Aqsu, Lepsi, Basqan, Sarkand. Also like a thousand small ones and some lakes. It is also a bit mountainous.
**In the local turkic languages I mean.
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Thinking about how it made Fitz worried when he realised lord golden was just as real as the fool. Its clearly like because he thought he knew the fool but finding out lord golden is as real as the fool also meams the fool is as fake as lord golden and fitz and the fool are kind of all about being real and genuine with each other. Which brings up the question of which version is "real" but more importantly to fitz because of his trust issues and inability to let go of the past was the person fitz knew genuine and as open to fitz as fitz was to him. More importantly to me is since the fool is no longer playing the fool then will he actually have a new version of himself or maybe a whole/combination of all the versions to be his most authentic non-prentending self to have with fitz instead of constantly switching between the fool and lord golden. Which I think the first signs of is him revealling to fitz the name "Beloved" but who are they anymore? Theyre the base of all the other personas. Do they even matter? The fool is still the fool to fitz. So maybe (in the situation in my head where they are actually a thing cause i gave up on that happening in the books) they will be a mix of all their personas and still the fool mainly since fitz knew him as the fool first but maybe possibly maybe also get to know/befriend/fall in love with all the other versions and actually be authentic together and for no reason except for that they are who they are. GOD, the gender!
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
I could probably make. A list. Some kinda chart. For the guest era. Something like. Artists I was cold on but additional issues gave me fondness. Or artists i enjoyed but didnt have my enjoyment benefit from addition issues. I cant image that format being ranked but bottom of it is fucking msg guy. Who wanted more of that.
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got back to having fun w browsing n downloading new fonts again but now the temptation is SO high to use a weird font for my therapy worksheets just bc i have a bunch to choose from
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makkiah-draws · 1 year
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"La Princesa de la Calma"
I wanted to draw it in kind of doble direction? so you if flip the image it still readble…at fist it was from Link's site, but at the end I like it more from Zelda's position, but I like both!!
anyway dropping some close ups too! hope you like it! <33
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youmustfixyourheartt · 2 months
Ok i was at the bookstore today right and I saw a moonknight like... collection including artists I like ok
Anyway preamble aside
Why'd no one tell me???
I got like four whole pages in before I realised it's oh my god!!! <<<333
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ebonytails · 2 years
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OO thise is sch a fn qstion!! ive tried answrng thise b4 in my prsnl blg! u can c tht hre (link 2 my about #2! In my about u cn find a link 2 a longr pst wher i try 2 go mor in dpth)
Tht’s a rlly old pst tho, b i thnk im stll crrct abt 1) my brain movs FAST!!!! It movs so fst 4 me! It mkes us stuttr IRL bc our brn is movn. Lightnng speed b our mth cnt ctch up!
Som sys membrs hav typng qrks bc theyr a fictiv n their sourc has a thpng qrk (c: homestuck djbdjb) b 4 me, i knda grew in2 mine ovrtme? I usd 2 b a vry quiet prsn, b ovrtme i got sillier, n typng less means i cn actlly ctch up w wht my brn is syng!! B also its so ,, almst necssry 4 me? Technically, i can write like a normal person just like this. But its also VRY painfl emotionlly if i do it 4 2 lng, it feels uncomfrtbl n lke smth us vry wrng! I thnk its bc in a lt of cses wher i’d hav 2 do tht, it’d b maskng? B bsclly if som1 has a typng qrk, n u r forcng thm 2 type nrmlly, i notic it tnds 2 b uncomfy or painfl 4 a lt of ppl! B i kno tht somtms, i hav 2 type nrmlly. It jst tkes conscious effrt frm me,,, I WLL type normlly if i’m speakng tagalog/filipino (unlss its been a lng dy), syng a techncl trm or ANY biggr wrd i kno the prsn im tlkng 2 dsnt kno abt or isnt usd 2 yt, or if the wrd itslf is jst Imprtnt so we dnt hav misundrstndgs, also!! I dnt shortn nmes, i feel lke tht’d b disrspctfl n strnge. Lastly, if i need 2 wrte academclly :^(
Also, usng acronyms is my bst frnd!
My fve wrd in my typng qrk is assssmnt (assessment)JVDEHVDDHGD bc it’s jst as(4x)mnt. My fvr8 shrtst wrd in my typng qrk is p, b, g, n usng numbrs JEHJD
I cn mke vry confsng sentncs somtms, lke “o, thts v g 4 21 mice!!” If u rnt usd 2 me tlkng 2 u JHDJDH
Somtms evn our own systm dsnt undrstnd hw i type n thy need a scnd, b i cn undrstnd my typng prfctly :^0 it prbbly hlps tht I’m the 1 typng it :^)
B also no, tyong isnt hrd 4 me, its mor of jst a naturl thng 4 me! Lke how humns natrlly sleep lyng dwn, i wke up n dnt hav 2 thnk abt thise, thise is lke subconscious 2 me- 2nd natre
N ty!! We r gettng bttr, thnkflly!
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david-goldrock · 25 days
2 I’m just curious
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It's not... Good...
In my defence it was like 1000 times worse and I worked a lot to get it to semi-readble
Also for some reason, I think I write better in English
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crediblebombthreat · 11 months
Replaying Lucah in preparation for the Death of a Wish demo (I'm gunning for that postcard) and I'm in awe all over again with how good the combat is. Everything just clicks. There are times where the music is swelling and the sound effects are crunching and the camera is cutting and the scenery is shifting and you're executing some insane custom combo -- and all at once your senses are recontextualized entirely into the game's mechanics. Perfect flow.
Impact is a HUGE deal in ARPGs, and...certain games with much much much higher budgets than Lucah don't get it. I'd go so far as to say Lucah rivals Path of Exile in how good and crunchy the violence feels. Which, if you know me, is probably the highest compliment I can give.
And of course the aesthetic. Creative, abstract, but still immediately recognizable as a world that has completely and catastrophically ended. Barely recognizable as a space. But it's still readble, and it serves as a perfect backdrop for the savagery of the combat system.
Thousands upon thousands of more things to say, but I'll sum it up by saying that I'm beyond hyped for the DoaW demo. Might write more after I beat Lucah again. But I don't feel confident saying much else right now since it's been like four years.
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
hblkjg;dn forgot what i open this app for for a sec there
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wolftattoo · 2 years
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hi. which one looks the best/what can i do to improve readbility
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revenant-coining · 2 years
this is probably an avpd moment but are my coining posts inaccessible ? not counting the posts without IDs, but is the text and formatting readble ?
i tone down my typing quirk a lot ( only having spaced parenthesis and slashes ), and have the name, etymology, and pronounced started bolded so i can read my own post but is that good enough ? /genq
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jupitervega · 1 year
sketched new lino stamp / mirrored for readbility
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