#read in his bio that ur muse left his home for good
kllsworn · 5 years
@fckhacks has a Deathwish 
The sound of a window breaking accompanied by sirens in the distance. The killer pressed his back against the wall, watching the police cars drive down main street, far down below. No way they were going to find him in a random apartment somewhere on the upper floors. So when the last siren faded into the distance, he smirked to himself.
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“Gets easier every fucking time. Now then..” He stretched out his arms, leaning his weapon against the kitchen counter as he took a look around. The place was dark and quiet. Somehow he had not startled whoever lived here, or they were being quiet. Zack knew he had to find the residents before they decided to call the cops on him too. So the weapon found its way back into his hand as he began to make his way through the apartment, with the intent to kill. 
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ilshailey · 2 years
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hi friendsss i’m super late but it’s ya girl rina revamping an old muse of mine for ilsang! find out a bit more about park hyemi aka hailey under the cut and hit that ♡ button down below if you’d like to plot hehe
rich girl from seoul, basically
has an older brother but was basically raised as the conglomerate heir of her dad’s ent. company since she’d always been known to be a fast learner (read: one of those “good at everything” kids)
doesnt really have a personality outside of being her parents’ perfect golden girl 
kinda grew distant from her brother........then one day he just left home without a word and it made her distraught 
his absence forced her to admit that she’d been turning a blind eye to their parents poor treatment and blamed herself for it all
long story short, she found a brochure in his room to ilsang and jumped on the chance that she just might find him there even if there was no actual evidence that he even went there
not long into her arrival (i mightve put an actual length of time in my bio but who knows kjsfsd) hailey was wandering about town and slipped on one of the oil spills and fell. she got a headache so she returned to her room at the inn early
the next morning she woke up but didnt feel like she had any control over her own body
now she’s behaving the complete opposite from how she normally is. always smiling and happy, curious about the world around her
v touchy. will fb poke war u irl just because. also a hugger. 
hyemi continues to attempt to win back her body (read: is constantly yelling at her alien) and still very much wants to find her brother 
hailey loves and adores all things pretty!! will very much get distracted by anything sparkly
will flirt with you, but in a clumsy way (think early 2000′s rom-coms)
did i mention that hyemi hates “hailey” lol
hailey picked up a job at cha ko latte bc she discovered the wonders of all sweet things and caffeine. catch her on her shift jumping around behind the bar off of 5 cups 
mayhaps a bit of a klepto?? just bc she’s curious about things, she’ll pick them up and take them back to her room to look at. sometimes she actually does put them back (but only if hyemi is yelling about how much of a mess their room is and that she does not need a random jacket from off the street sitting on their floor)
is what some may consider a ✨ditz✨
loves to look at herself and started an ig account against hyemi’s protests so that the whole universe can bask in how pretty she is
honestly if u know me u know i suck at plots but here are some ideas that can maybe spark some better ideas LOL
def her older brother (will probably put in a wc form to the main too!)
alien buddy - hailey is super excited to be hailey and she absolutely needs someone to share her experience with
i need someone who is sus of her and constantly trying to make attempts at exposing her but she somehow avoids them coincidentally bc of how silly she is
a cha ko latte regular who either just really likes her coffee or enjoys watching her act a fool on the clock 
another haedodi house resident. this is just for some housing plots maybe. perhaps they just eat breakfast together in almost silence (hailey constantly providing a commentary for her food) or they just walk home together sometimes
a first love - she’s only ever seen it in movies and dramas (that she’s been binging with ease thanks to hyemi’s netflix account) but she finds it so peculiar that humans would do anything for this situational feeling. she wants to give it a try! it’s not that hard, right? 
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astro-pioneer · 3 years
hey I love ur work also Idk if ur taking request at this time but I was wondering if u had time that if u could maybe make a second part to the red string fic about childe cause wow 😩angst is so good
In Another, Maybe 『Childe』
➽ Part two of Broken String | Taking care of Teucer wasn't something (Y/N) had on their schedule for the day, but with the begging golden eyes of the traveller and hopeful blue eyes of the child, who were they to refuse? If only they were informed on who Teucer was related to before making a promise. | Small spoilers for Childe's story quest | The beginning sounds like a platonic Teucer story but we need development so sorry </3
Hi hi anon! I almost cried when I saw your request oml. I'm so glad you like what I write and thank you for the support!! My requests are indeed open (I call them new expeditions in my bio) but I'm glad you asked about it :D I hope this is what you expected but if not send me a message and I can possibly do a third part with an alternate ending.
The child looked familiar, that much (Y/N) knew, but couldn't pinpoint where from. What they didn't know was how the traveller knew where they lived. "Uh, hello?" Right away they knew trouble was in their future. Aether's nervous smile said it all. Teucer knew them just like he knew who the traveller was, especially when his big sister Tonia fawned after reading that part of the letter.
"Hi (Y/N)! We're sorry to bother you, but Zhongli told us you weren't busy and that you could help us!" Ah, so that's how the trio found them. They loved Zhongli dearly, don't get them wrong, but sometimes he shares a little too much information to the ones he trusts. "He told us you're really good with kids, and we usually see you playing pirates with a group on some days."
(Y/N) sighed, seeing that there was no way out of this situation, and almost stepped back in to grab some Mora before the child (who still has yet to be introduced) stopped them. "Oh, it's okay! My big brother already gave us money to spend. Now, come on!" The tiny hands latched onto a bigger right one, the pulling of the limb making the tied string sway lightly.
The nod was small but seen nonetheless, making Paimon sigh in relief. Teucer dragged (Y/N) away before they could close their front door, making the travelling duo do it. Aether cringed at the quick glance inside. It was so cold and depressingly empty. "Maybe it's because they're usually out?" Not even Paimon herself sounded sure about her reasoning.
"Anyway, my name's Teucer! I came from Sneznhaya! What about you?"
The older person blinked, not expecting the kid to not even know their name (even after Paimon said it). "Oh, I'm (Y/N), and I moved to Liyue from Inazuma." He awed; it was very easy to amaze the child, they mused. A small gasp came from Teucer before they were dragged away, the traveller struggling to keep up with the excited kid.
"Oooh, c'mon (Y/N)! Let's go to the wharf! I was never able to see it when I got here! You too, Mr. Nice Guy!" Their right hand was finally released and the string touched the ground once more. The kid ran off but was always in the watchful sight of the trio as they caught up to him.
"Teucer, please try not to run off anymore."
He didn't respond, too amazed with the view and size of the wharf to care. "Woah! Look at the waves! Do they ever freeze?" Aether and Paimon stood back from (Y/N) and Teucer, talking amongt themselves.
"Is it just Paimon, or does it feel like we're just awkward third wheels?" Seeing the nod from her companion, Paimon nodded with crossed arms in satisfaction before floating over after seeing the kid go to the anchor. "This is an anchor. Ships use it to stop the wind from blowing them away."
Teucer pondered for a bit before nodding, 'An anchor...got it. I might get it confused with Commodore Hook though..." The three echoed the name in confusion, prompting him to explain. "My brother always sends me a big present for my birthday. Commodore Hook, Blacksteel Jack, Iron Tony, they all stay in our backyard!"
(Y/N) kept their shock hidden well. "That's very kind of your brother. Are they as big as the anchor?" He nodded as an answer before seeing the stall selling fish, running off yet again. An acquaintance from their work waved in greeting, (Y/N) reciprocating the action with their right hand. The string no longer brushed the ground.
They came back to the group, hearing Uncle Gao, the owner of the fish stall, get mad at Teucer for innocently comparing the fish in Liyue to what he's used to back in his homeland. "That's no way to talk to a child now, is it, sir? There's no reason to get worked up over regional differences." Their face was passive but anyone with a keen enough eye could see the threat behind their façade. Paimon herself even got angry at the stall owner.
"There's legends about these big fish back at home! I told my brother about it and a few days later, he came back with a big fish slung over his shoulder!" He exaggerated 'big' to get his point across, which was cute. "Mr. Nice Guy, (Y/N), let's go see the boats." He grabbed both of their hands this time.
The quick walk ended when they reached a small but intricately designed boat. Teucer signed dejectedly. "I miss my brother..." His palms pressed to his eyes. Paimon was shocked, pointing out the fact that they (minus (Y/N)) just saw him. "That doesn't count! It was for such a short time! Take me to see my brother, I don't want to play anymore!"
The trip to Qingxu Pool's nearby river was a long distance away, especially in Teucer's eyes. Not even halfway through did he ask (Y/N) to give him a piggyback ride, who just sighed and accepted the request. The incline as well as Aether and Paimon blocked their view of Teucer's brother, but they paused at Paimon's declaration. "Found him! There's Childe! Wait..." Teucer didn't notice the faltered step.
Shimmying off their back, Teucer ran toward the taller ginger. Oh, dear. If (Y/N) knew who Teucer's brother was, they would've stayed home and completed upcoming paperwork. Their eyes quickly looked to his left hand, the matching, dull string also tied to his pinkie. At the mention of selling toys, (Y/N) looked at their soulmate suspiciously. "Fatui scum don't sell toys though..." They kept their mouth shut at the pleading eyes of the travelling duo.
The trio stood back, watching the scene unfold in front of them concerning Childe's "toy selling business", as Teucer called it. Another Fatui member, a subordinate, appeared right after, informing the ginger about new recruits. The blond then turned to (Y/N). "Also, Mr. Zhongli asked me to inform you about an urgent matter that he didn't go into details about. However, he requests that you make haste to meet him." They clicked their tongue, still hating how the Fatui are still associates of the funeral parlour.
"Aw, really? Both of you are leaving? Do you have to?" The small smile make Childe's heart squeeze.
"Apologies Teucer, but I know I speak for both your brother and I when I say that it's important for us to keep working. You're always welcome to find me when you want to though, alright?" A nod was shared between the two broken soulmates before (Y/N) turned, heading back to the harbour.
Aether didn't miss the longing stare Childe had before he snapped out of it, answering Teucer's question his own way, laced with lies that'll only harm himself in the end. Paimon didn't miss it either, but she was more vocal until he covered her mouth.
The next time (Y/N) saw Teucer and Co. was when they came barging into their office. "We're going to the Institute of Toy Research! Come.on, I want you to come with us!" They had no choice but to go. Watching the lengths Childe would go just to make his brother happy struck something inside of them. Not deep enough to make them love him but to see him in a new light.
(Y/N) got to the worn down harbinger before anyone else, squatting down in front of him. "I wish we met under different circumstances, Mr. Soulmate." He cracked a grin.
"I'd ask if there would be any chance where we could change the outcome, but-" he raised his left hand, where the string was nothing but the knot, "-seems as though it's a little too late, huh?"
They shared sad smiles to each other, (Y/N) giving the traveller a signal to get Teucer's attention for a while. "Possibly... In another life, maybe we could've been together. In this run, however, it was sadly not meant to be." They linked their tied hands together, both witnessing the last piece of their connection as soulmates diminish away before their eyes. "I'm glad to have been able to witness that you're more than just a mindless pawn to the Tsaritsa... Hearing what you do for your siblings and even now proved that."
Aether and Paimon came over after (Y/N) stood up, going back to Teucer as they talked. "Did you find your brother yet?" They played along with the "game" of hide and seek. But yet, their thoughts were far away, thinking of an alternative time where the two of them met under different circumstances. What would've happened to the soulmates if they never met in Liyue and witnessed what happened with their beloved? No one knows, not even the gods themselves...
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dhwrina · 4 years
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♡ ♡ ♡    howdy you lovely little beans !! 🤠 i’m nai ( she/her ; 21+) and i just cried bcs of a kdrama - first, i’m so in love with this rp, the concept ♡ ♡ ♡ , the effort that has been put behind it, my two braincells could never - ALSO y’all are so cute and i already love all of ur muses, someone bring me tissues, grandma is gonna cry ssdnsn anyway, i’m bringng u my bean rina  the cupid canon with a little sidenote that i messed up her age lol wrote she was born 1997 but actually stated in the age section she’s 24, i guess math just does that to me. okay so, she’s a new muse so excuse me if sometimes i myself seem a little lost with her lmao. anyway i made a little PLOT PAGE , a WANTED PLOT TAG , a PINTEREST BOARD and you can read more ABOUT her here. so, if you want to plot please 🔪🔪🔪 LIKE this post. i’m down for everything gimme all the angst, brotps, enemies and fluff pls sdndnssa also if u want to plot discord pls lmk
below i’ll try to shorten her bio and also add some trivia and connections as well, thank you for reading this
tw death , abuse
♡  her life in the normal realm was a happy one. she died a natural death and led a pretty fulfilling life. ( that is bcs i needed to make her suffer extra hard for her life in donghwa do )
♡ due to her never experiencing any difficulties and having very supportive and loving parents, she just assumed that everyone else would be as nice as her parents were. this made her a little naive and overly trusting which wasn’t a problem as it seemed that rina somehow only met nice people ( look at me granting her some extra happy times so i can wreck her life more )
♡ her parents were (still are) the perfect couple which somehow made her obsessed with love. she was that girl who drew heart over the letter “i”. refused to use any marker that wasn’t pink and would always request a romcom at sleepovers when everyone else wanted to watch a horror movie.
♡ her parents the owners of cupid’s café are known for their matchmaking skills and rina probably got that from them. she also helped the people at school to confess to their crush and rumors said that asking rina for help would guarantee 100 % success.
♡ anyway rina herself never fell in love herself and kind of feel like a fraud since she gave out love advice but did not really experience love
♡ so one day, that perfect looking (shady) guy entered the cafe and rina fell in love with him. (tbh he wasn’t even that good-looking or funny it was probably just the way the light illuminated him or some shit that made rina believed he was the perfect guy straight out of a movie.....)
♡ turned out he was a complete douchebag. his obsessive behavour forced her to isolate herself from her friends and she kinda had no friends left then. also she actually planned to expand cupid cafe (probably some extra room for her matchmaking business lol) and planned to study but he also didn’t want her to “waste her time on something else” and manipulated her into giving up on that thought. 
♡ when rina wouldn’t listen he’d become violent and rina started to question what love really was and if that what her parents had were just a naïve view on love and that most people couldn’t have the love they did. 
♡ eventually she managed to escape from that relationship, but it did change her bcs 1) he never got punished for his actions (since she didn’t report him or told anyone about what had happened) 2) she kinda lost faith in that concept of fate regarding love but also other areas in life.
♡ that’s why i chose the rebel label for her bcs that belief started to crumble and she’s kinda mad bcs was it fate that she had to go through all this awful things ?
♡ right now she picked up her job at cupid’s cafe again. she is helping out her parents and honestly right now she tries not to think about her past dream about expanding the cafe etc. she’s rather focus on pulling herself together and to appear as normal as possible.
*inserts kdrama ending credits transition to her personality section here*
♡ rina is the person who just likes to talk, she used to be very open and would even tell someone stuff they did not ask for. she laughs about everything she even finds dad jokes hilarious (she might as well love these kind of jokes the most). she’s quite trusting, tell her that scientist found out that fish can talk and she’ll believe you as long as you provide her some website. besides playing matchmaker for everyone she really enjoys photography (even made couple photos and had these couple photo instagram accounts were she’d post them.....). since that certain event, she has *dramatic vc* changed and bcs she tries to put on an act  and be all happy ad that she sometimes comes across as fake ? also she doesn’t used to go out as often as usual and now only does her tasks at work and after that she just goes home and spends some time alone. 
i want to write more but i’m brain dead rn so if u have any questions pls lmk
here are some basic connections if none of the plots on the plot page work
enemies, bad influence, good influence, someone who wants rina to teach them some matchmaking skills, sibling relationship, friends, ex enemies who are now friends, etc.
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shawnsassymendes · 5 years
Best Friend’s Brother ii
a/n: ik i said i wouldnt make a second part but a few people said they wanted one and i got to thinking and then this came about lol hope you like it 
synopsis: you spend the day with the Mendes family after your date with Shawn.
wc: 1.7k
{Masterlist in Bio}
part 1
The bell above the door rang as you and Aaliyah entered the little restaurant. You took a quick glance around at the tables to find Karen and Manny sitting in the corner booth already. They were looking at the menus as if they weren’t memorized by all of you by now. You nudged Aaliyah and motioned to where her parents were. 
“What are you getting this time?” She asked as you both walked towards the booth.
“Probably the blueberry pancakes. I got the eggs last time.” You mused out loud. “Or should I get the mixed berry waffles? They both come with a good bit of berries on the side. No never mind, I’m getting the pancakes.”
“Glad I could help you make that decision.” Aaliyah chuckled as you scooted into the couch against the wall. “Hey mum, hey dad.”
“Hey girls, how was your morning?” Manny asked, eyes still on the menu.
"Pretty good, you know Saturday mornings are my favorite.” You grinned.
Aaliyah scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully. “Ugh, such a sweet talker.” 
Every Saturday morning, you had a breakfast date with Aaliyah and her parents. Sometimes Shawn was included, and other times, like today, he wasn’t. And every Saturday morning, without fail, Karen would guess exactly what you and Aaliyah were going to order.
“Alright Auntie Karen, hit me.” 
“Hmm, let’s see. Aaliyah’s going to get the... she’s going to get the turkey sandwich with extra hash browns.” You turned to Aaliyah who nodded, not fazed that her mom knew what she was going to order. “And the cup of strawberries for desert.”
“That doesn’t count, she gets it every time. Now me.”
“You... I think you’re going to get the mixed berry waffles.” You opened your mouth to correct her, but she cut you off. “No no, don’t tell me! You’re going to get the umm the blueberry pancakes! I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Every time! How do you do it?” You exclaimed.
Karen laughed and waved you off. “Magic, darling”
The waitress came and took the orders from Manny with a look on her face that said ‘I know these people, but I’m not sure where from’. Something you were quite used to when going out with the Mendes family. After she left, Aaliyah chatted with her mom while you chatted with Manny, recounting the events of the past week the others didn’t know about.
There was a lull in the conversation when Manny received an important email he had to check and Aaliyah took out her phone to text her boyfriend. Karen cleared her throat and looked over at you. “So we uh, we thought Shawn might be joining us this morning for breakfast. Considering your date went well last night?”
Suddenly, Manny’s email wasn’t important anymore and Aaliyah’s conversation with Jordan was put on hold and all eyes were on you.
“Uh yeah, it went really well actually.” You smiled, ears heating up at the memory of last night. “He said he wanted to head to his apartment today, wanted to write something in the studio thing he’s got there.”
Karen and Manny made eye contact and smiled. “Mm, not surprising.” Karen mumbled.
“No, not at all.” Manny replied, picking up his phone and returning to his email. 
You raised your eyebrows in question and turned to Aaliyah. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
She shrugged in response, “If you don’t know, I’m not going to tell you.”
You groaned and ran your hands through your hair. “I hate you guys and your secrets.” 
The drive back to the house was mostly uneventful. Manny insisted he play his music, which you found hilarious and Aaliyah found embarrassing. 
Karen was dropped off at her office on the way to take her car back home. Aaliyah called shotgun as soon as her mom got out of the car, leaving you alone in the backseat. You decided to take advantaged of the situation and take up the whole back seat. 
You took out your phone and saw that Shawn had replied to your good morning text while you were at breakfast.
shawnie boy: morning
shawnie boy: are you guys done with breakfast?
you: yea, heading home rn
you: you still at your apartment?
shawnie boy: why? do you miss me already?
you: maybe..
You definitely missed him already.
shawnie boy: ur cute
shawnie boy: i came home, brian stopped by to raid my fridge so i brought him with me
shawnie boy: hes staying for lunch
you: see u guys in a bit
As soon as you sent your reply, you received a text from someone else. You were going to swipe it away when you realized it was from Brian.
brian craigen (shawn’s friend): hey y/n
You quickly changed his redundant contact name before replying.
you: hey brian, whats up?
Brian never really texted you, not to say that you didn’t talk. He was Shawn’s best friend and you were Aaliyah’s. All four of you were almost always at their house. You were all very much a part of each other’s childhoods growing up. But he just never texted you. If he ever had something to say to you, he would just wait until he saw you next. There was never anything urgent in your conversations. 
So you had no clue why he was texting you right now.
brian criagen: are you texting shawn rn?
brian criagen: like currently
you: yea?
brian craigen: dude hes smiling at his phone mad hard rn
you: does everyone know this is going on?
brian craigen: everyone’s known since forever y/n dont kid yourself
you: oof was i that obvious?
brian craigen: you both were
“Hey, is the air on back there?” Manny called to you in the back, looking at you through the rearview mirror.
“Yeah, it’s good.” You reassured him. 
He raised an eyebrow at you and turned it up a little more, regardless of your reply. “Are you sure? You’re face is really red, kid.”
“It’s because she’s texting Shawn.” Aaliyah teased in a sing-song voice.
“Am not!” Not fully a lie on your part.
“So she’s texting about Shawn. Same thing.”
Manny chuckled and shook his head at you and his daughter’s antics. 
When you got home, you saw Shawn’s car in the driveway. No one missed the way you perked up in your seat.
“Don’t get too excited.” Aaliyah smirked, fishing out her keys to the front door.
“Shut up.” You groaned and walked away from her and into the kitchen. You saw Brian on the couch and called out a ‘Hey, Brian’ in passing.
Shawn turned around as soon as he heard your voice. “Hey.” He smiled, cheeks the most adorable shade of pink and a steaming mug of what you knew was green mint tea in his hand. 
You hip checked him when you reached the counter and grabbed yourself a mug. Seeing his mug of tea made you want to make some of your favorite too.
“Hey.” You smiled. Shawn came to stand closer to you while you added some water to the kettle and pulled out a tea bag.
You hopped up on the counter as you waited for your water to boil. Shawn came to stand right in front of you and put his forearms on your shoulders. 
This wasn’t necessarily new, all the touching and close quarters, both of you always had a lack of needing personal space. At least around each other. But it felt new. He wasn’t your best friend’s brother who you secretly had a crush on anymore. But he wasn’t anything else at this point really. It was too early to tell.
Shawn leaned forward and pressed his forehead to yours. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You hummed, a ghost of a smile on your lips.
Shawn raised his eyebrows, clearly enjoying the banter. “Oh, so we’re keeping secrets this early in our relationship?”
“Yup, I’m a tough cookie to crack. Can’t get me that easy.”
“I think I already know what’s got your mind working overtime.”
“Pray tell.”
“I think you wanna know what we are.” Shawn’s tongue darted out to lick his lips. He really didn’t want to have gotten that wrong.
You bit your lips at his words, shocked at how easily he could read you. “Am I that easy to read?”
“A little bit.” Shawn shrugged. “But maybe it’s also because I’ve been thinking the same thing.”
“Then what are we? It’s only been one date. Or two.”
“But it’s also been a decade. I know you like the back of my hand. Not something most people can say after one or two dates.”
“You are incredibly right Mr. Mendes. Whatever shall we do? Simply be pliant in the hands of a higher power?”
“It seems we have but no choice.” Shawn giggled, bumping his nose against yours. 
“Mm, good. I don’t like making choices. Too much thinking is required.”
“Then let me do the thinking for you.” Shawn leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. It wasn’t a needy kiss or an experimental kiss. It was just a kiss. Granted, it wasn’t a short one. It was like both of you were taking a crash course on what it’s like to feel loved by the other. Every kiss he gave you felt like it was waiting to happen since you first met. 
You didn’t know how long you were sat there on the counter, Shawn standing between your legs. You water had long finished boiling. The table that was clear when you first arrived was now fully set, courtesy of Aaliyah you presumed. 
Considering the fact that she was sitting right there.
“Uh, hi Liyah?” Shawn said, breaking the tension.
“Is this what I’m gonna have to deal with from now on?”
“Come on Aaliyah, we all knew this was gonna happen at one point.” Brian came up from behind her and patted her on the head, messing up her hair in the process. “I, for one, am glad the pining is over.”
“Oh, I’m definitely glad the pining is over.” Shawn smirked. “Cause now I can do this whenever I want.” He pulled you in for another kiss, completely disregarding his best friend and his sister being audience to the intimate moment.
Aaliyah balled up a napkin and threw at you and her brother. “I don’t really care, y’all know that. Just please, please, for the love of God, lock the door when you’re going at it!” Aaliyah laughed as she got up to set the food on the table. 
hello my lovelies! thankyou for reading and im so incredibly sorry for how long this took. if you could send me your favorite line from this fic it would make my day. feedback is greatly appreciated. this is a non au fic but i tried to make shawn’s fame as insignificant as possible cuz i just wanted it to be more natural you know. anyways. love you guys.
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gcnnerpaxton · 4 years
bri again making a terrible decision. do i need a fourth? no.......... bt here we are anyway. after this i promise im done fr a while bt :/ i lov this lil bitch so here we are........ give this a like if u wld b Down to Clown w him aka plot!
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「axel auriant & cismale」⇾ paxton , gunner, the senior radcliffe student’s records show that he is a leo and 22 years old. he is studying film, living off campus and can be loyal, resilient, anxious & indifferent. when i see him i am reminded of curling up in bed for days in a hello kitty comfort shirt, the click of a camera shutter & hand-me-down’s two sizes too big.
pinterest is HERE.
name: gunner brick paxton.
age: twenty-two.
gender identity: cis-male.
pronouns: he/him.
sexuality: demisexual.
birthday: july 31, 1998.
star sign: leo.
myers-briggs: istj.
year of study: senior.
major: film.
occupation: librarian.
place of birth: laramie, wyoming.
religion: catholic (non-practicing).
neen jst brought in gunner’s older brother so fr those who read elias’ bio u kno tht gunner is the middle paxton child w eli being the oldest n then they have wyatt who is the youngest!!
they lived at the top of a hill in a trailer in a trailer park neighbourhood in laramie, wyoming so to say the least that fucking sucked for everyone involved
the trailer was so small that all 3 boys ended up sharing a room, gunner and wyatt sharing a bunk bed bc they cldnt fit 3 beds into one room it really was every childs nightmare bt they quickly grew used to it tbh
gunner was always more of an artsy child than invested in sports - though he does enjoy baseball and continued even to this day after their dad made him join SOMETHING in middle school - so he never rly earned their father’s respect, but he was always close with his mom since they had the same calm temperament
DEPRESSION/ANXIETY TW - he also gained a list of mental health issues that their mom had as well, including social anxiety and major depressive disorder - DEPRESSION/ANXIETY TW END
VIOLENCE/ABUSE TW - their father always encouraged pretty volatile behaviour and it caused a lot of physical fights and arguments between the brothers when their dad told them the best way to get over it was to start hurting until someone tapped out, it was just a chaotic and pretty abusive household but no one knew and their mom definitely wasn’t going to say anything about it to their dad - VIOLENCE/ABUSE TW END
MISSING CHILD/KIDNAPPING TW - wyatt went missing on a weekend that their parents were gone because of a trip they won, and things just got worse from there
ANXIETY/DEPRESSION TW - high school was really rough for gunner, his anxiety grew worse as time went on that no one found wyatt, their dad grew more hostile towards them, and their mom just grew sicker, it was rare that she would ever leave her room and if she did it was in fits of random energy where she would do something spontaneous and completely unnecessary to their house as a way of coping - MISSING CHILD/KIDNAPPING/ANXIETY/DEPRESSION TW END
the two years that gunner was at home after elias finally left for school were basically torture and as soon as he could, he was falling his brother’s footsteps in getting out of wyoming to go to school at radcliffe
INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA TW -  things are far better now that they’re out of their home situation, but gunner’s going through some more things personally now; the paxton’s were raised in an incredibly religious household, and he’s got some classic Catholic Guilt going on upon realizing that he’s not jst attracted to women n he avoided talking abt it forever/stayed in the closet fr far too long bt he’s sort of come out now in his own way even tho he does still get a bit nervous talking abt it rly - INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA TW END
he’s also ‘dealing’ rn which is frankly funny to think abt bc this man is abt as threatening as a care bear bt money is tight between him and eli all things considering, and with the amount of meds he’s on, plus incredibly frequent doctor’s visits, needing to pay for extra epi-pens, inhalers, etcs. bills add up so he’s cutting back his meds n selling wht he can spare which is . so unhealthy bt thts life in corporate america baybee!
is literally allergic to everything. grass, cats, most fruits, milk, most nuts, bees, latex, probably more i cnt even keep up w them its pathetic
u can catch him n eli strutting around campus w matching epipen holders tht he got them fr eli’s 16th bday JKSDNGKLHSDGLK
if things cldnt get worse he also has quite intense asthma so he carries an inhaler with him at all times
n to make matters even WORSE he frequently has dizzy spells n bad memory problems bc of all the concussions he’s suffered from (about 8-9 at this point) as well as consistent migraines that can b literally debilitating sometimes
awkward n jst a bit of a Weirdo to b frank like if it weren’t fr eli he wld probably have one (1) friend he jst cnt converse w ppl
didnt have any friends in high school so took the time to teach himself rly weird things, knows a fuck ton of magic tricks, can yodel, juggle, solve a rubix cube with his eyes closed in under 2 minutes, just extremely weird and specific things
can honestly b a bit mean/barbaric to ppl he’s not close w/doesn’t kno has told ppl to their face before he doesn’t enjoy talking to them bc he has no concept of social constructs/norms
loves 2 film random things at parties, makes him feel more comfortable at them n he makes short films of them all after
update about his summer away: ended up heading to nyc fr a film internship n actually had a rly good time??? fr once?? jst had a rly nice summer fling after being a bit heartbroken throughout the school year it was jst a rly necessary n fulfilling summer fr him king of getting wht he finally deserves
this also led him to b like . oh maybe i’m Not broken bc he doesn’t realize........... demisexuality is a thing n wld get rly awkward during hookups a lot if hes jst not 100% comfortable w the person so now he thinks hes like a one man machine who actually has some Self Esteem n thinks he can have Sexual Relations all day every day (he cannot)
ppl who buy off him?? probs wld have to kno him some way hes too scared to sell to Random randoms KJSHDGKLHSDLG
other film majors :-)
some friends………. hes awkward bt he means well…………
a mans he wld Risk It All fr (aka a guy tht gunner actually has a crush on n is Extra Awkward probs a lil mean to bc hes still New to That)
ppl he has a crush on/unrequited crushes either way wtvr floats ur boat
some enemies tbh much like elias he has a temper n he tends to blow up rarely bt it happens n when it does it actually can b quite scary JKSHDGLHSDG
a muse….. mayhaps?? someone he always wants in his film projects
awkward past hook ups maybe some current ones teehee
anything Ur Heart Desires
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ofcatalysis · 4 years
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^^^ we’re vibing, we really out here vibing. hi everyone ! my name is reed, i’m 19 years old, chillin’ in the est timezone, and use they/she pronouns (the more you alternate, the more i’ll fall in love with you!). click that funky lil keep reading to learn more about this fucking bitch ! also, feel free to click around her blog to read some more headcanons and see the non-bio i wrote if ur so inclined ! 
skeleton: the eye in the sky
name: indiana “indie” ascencio
age: 27
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
faceclaim: ana de armas but like specifically ana de armas with pink hair
yes, she was named after indiana jones. her parents met during production of the raiders of the lost ark where her dad worked as a production artist and her mom worked as a props assistant. they credit the movie for being the reason they met, fell in love, and had a child in the first place, so it only felt natural for her to be named after the movie.
fun fact, she was originally supposed to be a boy and they were going to name her harrison, but when it was revealed to them that she was a girl, they decided to go with indiana instead
she picked up a knack for technology almost immediately, taking to every new device that her parents brought into their home. she used to get in trouble with her babysitters for sneaking out of her room to spend time in the computer room, playing with word art on empty microsoft word documents and searching for pictures of dogs online
during a computer science class her freshman year, she was the only woman in the class and her teacher resented her for it. he made some comment during the semester about how a woman would never pass his class. she brought it to the principal, who said he couldn’t do anything about it, so she hacked into the grading system and changed her grade herself
she recognized the power of knowledge almost immediately, as well as the power of being understated. her teacher would never suspect her to have been the one who changed her grade, he didn’t think she was smart enough and when the boy who sat next to her in class got in trouble and expelled instead of her, she vowed to never do it again unless she really needed to. from this experience, she learned the power of being underestimated
this promise to herself lasted less than a year, when she suspected that her boyfriend was cheating during her sophomore year. he assured her that he wasn’t, that the texts he kept getting were from his mom. a part of her didn’t believe him, and so she hacked into his cell phone provider and read the texts to his ex that dated all the way back to the beginning of his and indie’s relationship. from this, she learned to always trust her gut
although she told herself she should stop before things got out of control, during her junior prom, the music was so boring and the computer lab was right down the hall and it would be so easy to get into the dj’s software and change the playlist and before she knew it, she was in front of a computer and the music blaring from down the hall shifted into something else entirely. from this, she learned to stop running from what she was good at
this began a long fight with her parents, who always wanted her to go into special effects work and work with them in the movie business, but after long talks and lots of back and forth they finally agreed to support her decision to go to college and major in mathematics with computer science, the full ride to m.i.t. didn’t hurt either
college for indie was a breeze. with her skillset, she was already far ahead of the other individuals in her classes as far as programming went, and so often times she found herself hacking for fun to keep herself entertained
during sophomore year, she found an online puzzle called cicada 3301, ended up solving it, was put in a forum of people who solved it, and when the forum was deleted soon after she thought nothing was going to ever come of it, but when the mastermind contacted her, they got her name from a list of people who finished the puzzle
she currently has a day job working for continga soft, a new orleans based software development firm, as a software engineer, but she’s worked in the IT departments of a few different companies over the years, and also does freelance website and app design when she feels like it
roommates in new orleans ! indie is an extrovert and hates being on her own so if anyone wants to live in the city with one of the most unorganized people u have ever met in ur life, lmk !
hacking lessons with professor indie ! maybe ur muse wants to learn more about hacking and programming for fun or bc they want to contribute more to the heists or maybe they just like spending time with indie (i don’t blame them, she’s great)
exes/ex hookup/current hookup ! she’s very queer so this is open to everyone ! maybe they were dating/hooking up but decided to stop bc they didn’t wanna make things weird for the team. maybe they are currently hooking up to fill the void in her heart left by the mastermind’s unwillingness to just ask her on a date already, who knows? but this could b very spicy very fun
these are just a couple ideas i have but i’m up for anything ! let’s get spicy !
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i-stan-too-much · 5 years
Sope Fic Recs
Here are some of my favorite Sope (Yoonseok) fics, because I’ve read a LOT and I’d like to share some of them with you :-
[ these are in no particular order and there are also some others I’ve wanted to share but unfortunately, they’ve been deleted :( ]
* - omg, this is very good
**- wow, this is a work of art
***- this is so good to the point that I’ve reread it so many times and yet I still fall in love with it just like the first time
1. Darling!*** By margotty (orphan_account)
— Hoseok is an aspiring writer who keep notes about a certain boy with soft black hair, lashes that feather in the wind and a nose that twitches when he's pissed.
Hoseok wakes one day to find that boy, the one he'd so often referred to as "Darling" is in his kitchen, making pancakes in Hoseok's pajama clothes.
(Basically Yoongi is a figment of Hoseok's imagination and he's come to life.)
This fic is one of those fics that when you just read the first sentence, you know that it’s going to be a good one. The plot is especially well thought out, the idea behind this fic is really cool, from the way that Hoseok first deals with the fact that there’s this ‘stranger’ that’s come to life from his notes, to how he learns to welcome Yoongi pretty soon after and learns to love him in such a short period of time. I also really like this fic’s ‘soft aesthetic’ like when Yoongi and Hoseok ride on Hoseok’s bike all over town, and how Yoongi is described with a certain delicacy. The first time I read this fic was on a school night - or shall I say day, at 3:00 am and after I was done, I had to go and reread it.
2. i can be ur pretty boy (i’ll wear a skirt for u)** By ohh
sugarmin, from what Hoseok gathers, is a goddamn tease. His profile picture is the lower half of his face, dewy cheeks, button nose, and a dangly earring hanging from one of his ears visible, but what puts the icing on top of the cake is this: his pretty pink mouth, suckling delicately on a heart-shaped lollipop. i have a gun in my bag, his bio says. Angel or devil, Hoseok doesn’t know, but he craves.
And oh, how Hoseok craves.
or, a story of new neighbours, boba teas, hidden identities, and riding the penny board under the summer sun.
This fic has two stars because it incorporates smut with a nice plot. Again I love the ‘soft aesthetic’ vibes that Yoongi gives off. I also like how Yoongi shows a more feminine side, and how both characters aren’t subjected to toxic masculinity. The fic itself is great, Hoseok kind of has a crush on this instagram model, the model being Yoongi, and Yoongi ends up moving to be Hoseok’s next door neighbor, and the rest is history.
3. Canvas** By Daebon
The paintbrush is poised above skin, ready to continue its work, but Hoseok finds that he's suddenly in far too deep. Now, the man beneath him has become the artist, coloring Hoseok’s world in vivid shades of passion.
His trembling hand lets go, brush clattering to the floor, splattering paint.
“Yoongi, I want you,” he whispers, voice low.
The elder stares back at him with a peculiar expression. “I already agreed to let you paint me.”
“No,” Hoseok rasps out, shaking. “Yoongi, I want you.”
Haunted by strange dreams, Yoongi begins to question the blurry line between right and wrong. Hoseok has the perfect life, but yearns for a muse other than his provocative boyfriend. Unfortunately, these troubled men find each other before they find themselves.
This fic has the potential of getting three stars, but the reason I gave it two was for the ending (this fic contains angst.) Now that being said, this fic is on a whole other level of literary techniques, the writer could even be a bestselling author, with how well this is written. Even if you don’t like angst, I’d recommend you give this one a go, because of how well written it is.
4. Love Yourself*** By endearings
It begins when he’s ten.
“Yoongi-ah,” his brother says, eyes glinting meanly. “You look a little chubby these days. Maybe don’t eat the ice cream, yeah?”
Yoongi puts the spoon down; curls into himself, drawing his knees to his chest despite the countless times he’s been told to sit properly at the dining table. “It’s just--just one bite, hyung; It’s not a lot.”
“Suit yourself.”
This fic will make you cry!! I put this one on here because of the message. You can tell that Yoongi has been insecure, and his family didn’t really help him feel better about himself, but Hoseok did. And maybe I put this one on here because I can relate personally to it (my best friend has been dealing with insecurities and body image for a long time now) but I still think that you should read this. I feel like it will really open your eyes. Disclaimer 99.9999% you’ll cry when you read this, so I don’t advise to read it in a public place.
5. The Diner** By psychojimin
"He tried really hard not to stare when that new employee came out of the kitchen for a second time. He tried really hard not to sniff when he passed by. There was just something about the man that made something stir inside of Hoseok, that made a comforting warmth grow in the pit of his stomach. The coffee in his mug had seemed to be cooled down enough and he took a sip, but the still scorching drink almost felt refreshing against his heated tongue."
I kind of debated putting this one on here, because I know a lot of people aren’t really interested in a/b/o, or are uncomfortable with smut. If you are, then you can go ahead and skip this one, but I put this one down for the people that have been looking for good ‘Alpha Hoseok’ and ‘Omega Yoongi’ fics. Not to mention, the smut in this is really good, but there’s still a plot.
6. Under the Same Sky*** By Lastwhalien For Mia95 [on going]
"The sky he wakes up to is not his sky."
One night ends as another begins.
Yoongi and Hoseok are half a world a way, living very different lives and yet they are intertwined when they begin to share their senses, irreversibly connecting their worlds.
Hoseok is the son of Durumi, not just a criminal empire but the empire, it is the machine that turns the world, manipulating money, world leaders, crime, and the rise and fall of power. He's good at his job, he was born for it, raised for it, but a coup has given his father the perfect chance to remove Hoseok from power, trapped in his apartment he's restlessly waiting.
Yoongi has escaped his past carrying the guilt of his mistakes he has rebuilt his life near the sea where he works on recreating the world as best he can, His life is calm, removed from the chaos it once held, but it still follows; a name he can never have, a family he can never truly be a part of.
One day they start to share their worlds, to see, to hear, to touch, to smell, to taste, to be two souls, two bodies, bound.
This one is so good!! Yoongi and Hoseok start off as complete strangers who appear in each other’s dreams. Then they realize that they can communicate with each other, and read each other’s thoughts. This one isn’t complete yet, but it’s so interesting and I can’t wait for the next chap. The plot is very interesting and the writer knows how to thicken the plot without dragging it out too much. The suspense will eat you alive!! Whether you want to start this fic right away or wait until it’s completed is totally up to you though.
7. wake up (to the sound of your fleeting heart)*** By inkingbrushes
Yoongi walks into Hoseok's dreams and it's surprising, sure, but it's a surprise that Hoseok welcomes.
This one too, is one of those that makes you wonder, how do people come up with such things?! This one is one of the older ones, and yet I still remember the first time I read it and how in awe I was, that someone wrote this and that they were THAT GOOD. Ever since, this writer has been one of my favorites and go to for bts fics.
8. stay (a little longer)** By ineedmygirl
That part of Hoseok that shut down when Yoongi left, that huge gaping space left in his brain and in his chest - it shut down to protect him
It was the part of Hoseok that knew, deep down, all along, that he was in love with Yoongi. And it knew that if Hoseok realized it back then, the heartbreak would devastate him beyond repair.
And now, that part of Hoseok is awake again.
or, Hoseok's best friend disappeared two years ago without a trace. They run into each other again in a seedy hotel in the middle of nowhere, and somehow Hoseok convinces him to join him and his friends on a road trip.
This one is a more recent one, so if you’ve read the ones I’ve listed above there still might be a chance that you haven’t read this one. This one is perfect for when you just need a casual fix to read when you’re home alone on a weekend and you’re bored and just snuggled up in your bed all warm. When I read this one, it just made me go aww. And when I reread it, it also made me go aww.
9. we’ll be looking for sunlight* By inkingbrushes
Yoongi thinks Hoseok's got a smile that can rival the sun.
(Or: the one where they meet during a cold winter night and Yoongi has no idea the boy with the million-dollar smile can turn everything he touches into ice.)
This one is the Jack Frost au you didn’t know you needed. I love all things Disney and Dreamworks and this fic was no exception. After typing all of this out, I questioned whether this one should really be on here, but why not. Who doesn’t like Disney or Dreamworks am I right?
10. The Things Worth Going To War For*** By softlyblue
“Spice and silk and trade and cloth. These are the things one goes to war over, but in my heart of hearts, I know they are not worth it.”
- quoted from a letter penned by the Crown Prince to his lover, at the end of the Southern War
“It’s got ears,” says the man that’s choking him. Hoseok. “Look, look. It’s got - like a cat.”
“Let me-” Yoongi wheezes, phlegm in the back of his throat, stars in his eyes, “Let me-”
“So Jungyoo wasn’t lying.”
Hoseok pushes harder. Yoongi realises faintly that he isn’t even touching the ground; Hoseok is holding him against the wall, Yoongi’s feet dangling uselessly a foot from the floor. “Why are you here?”
“He’s got the house markings,” Seokjin stretches over Hoseok’s shoulder and presses a thumb to the centre of Yoongi’s forehead, smearing the makeup there. The warpaint. “Maybe-”
“But why’s he got ears?”
Yoongi claws ever-more desperately. (Oh, if Jeongguk could see him now - he’d be a disgrace.)
“Hoseok-ah, I think you’re choking it.”
This one is also really good. I really like the relationship between Yoongi and Hoseok. Both start off hating each other at first, but slowly turn to acquaintances, then to friends, and finally to lovers. I remember this fic used to get updated every Sunday, and I would look forward to the end of the week just for this one. Disclaimer though, there are A LOT of ocs (original characters) so if you get confused a lot or are a little slow, you may want to at least skim through the previous chapters for names to have an idea of what’s going on (trust me this is from experience, I had to reread the entire thing)
11. Ripped At Every Edge, But We’re A Masterpiece** By superrunnaturall
Min Yoongi and his muse, Jung Hoseok.
I really like this fic, because you can really see the contrast between Yoongi and Hoseok’s background and where they came from. This one is also pretty old, but there might be a chance that you haven’t read it yet. The fact that Yoongi is a painter is a really good bonus might I add.
12. the prince’s vivisected* By cherryfluffyfuzzysocks [ongoing]
while the rest of the household worries over namjoon's strange behavior following prince jungkook's birthday, yoongi sets his mind on a different task.
he wants hoseok back in the house, whatever that takes. five years of enslavement together was horrific, but one month apart is unbearable. as yoongi prepares to work himself dead, the past continues to haunt the present.
**second work within a continuous series
This fic isn’t even my favorite of the series, but I added it because I think that this entire series is SO COOL. The idea of a kind of dystopian universe, where all humans are controlled by aliens has been overdone, but not when Jungkook’s the alien, that’s controlling everyone. I think that kind of adds a special touch especially when you see that even though the rest of bangtan are slaves to Jungkook (minus Hoseok) each one of them is kind of struggling with something different, and this series is covering exactly that. Each member (or two) will cover a fic and even though not all the fics will be sope I think that this one is still a must. Disclaimer, Jungkook is a huge asshole, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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semiprcious · 6 years
hi!! so i’m the worst at intros, but i’m a and here’s nico giuseppe bianchi, the drummer for renegade. he’s a selfish italian boy who decided their actions don’t have consequences and lives in a scarily burden-free world. 
i have-- a more detailed bio in the works, but here’s a base intro. TW please be warned of mentions of drugs, drinking, organized crime and otherwise sensitive subjects.  like to plot?
「 ASH STYMEST, MALE, 24, RISE AGAINST. 」┈ did you read that latest viral gossip issue on NICO BIANCHI?  he/they are the DRUMMER in RENEGADE, one of my favorite HARDCORE PUNK groups. they’ve been releasing music for FIVE YEARS now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last MONTH. get this, i think i heard THEY HAVE TIES TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN MOB. they’re known as the SHAMELESS of the music industry, since they have a rep for being UNINHIBITED but VINDICTIVE, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.  
nico was born to a single mother in capetown, south africa. she was heavily connected to the mob (a branch of the sicilian mafia), a powerful and usually stern woman, but, as soon as nico was born and she looked into his eyes, she became afraid.
no, not because she hated him, but rather because , in that moment, she had never loved anything so much. he was her little prince, the only thing she had ever had all to her own-- and, because of that, she would never be able to deny him anything.
so, though he was taught from his other 'Family' members to be tough and self-sufficient, to shun weakness, and to make sure no one ever got the best of him, he was also spoiled, allowed to do whatever he wanted without fear of consequence.
to be fair, this lack of restriction allowed nico to live honestly at an early age. by sixteen, he was out as being bisexual to everyone who knew them and he had no shame about it.  
but it also led him to have no shame about anything.
he had no problem with subjecting others to casual cruelty. he was callous and self-absorbed. he never really had to stop to consider how others felt or what his actions really entailed for others. he lived in a self-indulgent and lascivious world and didn't care for anyone else's perspective.
he was... flamboyant, magnetic, reckless, full of sharp edges. he still is. but back then, he was a bull in a china shop. he pulled you in, so he could trample you. with every kiss, he consumed.
and then--- he left the Life.
make no mistake. it's not that he had any qualms with the oft violent and corrupt lifestyle of those associated with the mob.  he had never even been close to a good person-- he didn't suddenly develop a moral compass, feel compassion for the people he hurt.
he just- he couldn't stay.
look, im not saying he has a bunch of diamonds somewhere in his home. but i'm like- i'm not not saying it, okay? there’s a reason his url is semiprcious and its bc.... well, that’s between me and god. the point is-- he's out of the life. he's not here in la to get intensely involved in the criminal underworld. he's here to have fun, to break hearts and take no shit from anyone.
he’s here. he’s queer. he’s got eyeliner smudges all over his hands, fingers that are stained from chain-smoking cigarettes. he’s sharp as a whip. he’s mean as a snake. he’ll be kind to you long enough to charm you, drop you as soon as he loses interest.
they just... do what they want. they always have.  it’s been 24 years. no one has ever told them no. they’re not going to start listening to people now. 
so... gender is a lie.  though they do mostly identify as male, they do tend towards nonbinary descriptors.
as for their sexuality-- they suppose the technical term would be bi or pan, but the truth is the best descriptor for their attraction is that they’re a narcissist. they like people who give off the same vibes as they do. 
nicknames? do they give condescending names to everyone? hell yeah. will this piss off your muse? probably. will they stop? no. 
are... they having an ugly realization that, for the first time in their life, their band members won’t let them get away with... everything? yeah. 
nico loves to go out and does smoke and drink, but he stays (mostly) out of drugs. WARNING: he is not v considerate of people who rely on drugs/addiction. this is less due to demonization of the drug and more because of the fact that he feels like it makes them weak? this is a very toxic thought, but nico ... doesn’t care.
look... he’s a bad. he’s cold, self-absorbed, narcissistic, flamboyant, vain, clever, persuasive. don’t let him get close to u... bc... why be nice? this is a cruel world, babes. u gotta look out for urself.
i hate this ugly. 
i really do. 
one night stands
current flings (if he calls u... an ice cream flavor... its bc you’re the flavor of the month, not bc ur sweet... watch out)
exes on bad terms that nico literally pretends never happened which probably makes ur muse angry
party friends
party enemies (ur... too wild or u cant match his wildness)
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gabrivls-blog · 7 years
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whaddup demons it’s ya boi lily !! i’m fifteen, from the mst timezone and my pronouns are she/her. this is my soft boi gabriel who i have dragged 2 hell n back but i’m so excited to bring him to rush for yall :^)) im just gonna start off with the fact that .. this intro is gonna be straight up trash cause im a lazy heaux ://// so without further ado,,,,
━━━ jason sudeikis. forty-two. he/him ↷ gabriel dombrova has been living in san francisco as the owner of java the hut for two years. during that time he has earned the reputation of the knight in shining armour. it makes sense you know, they can be overbearing and foolish. but let’s not forget they’re pretty compassionate and jovial. i heard their favorite song is blackbird by the beatles.
full name: gabriel james dombrova.
preferred name / nickname(s): usually people call him gabe, sometimes gabriel. 
dob / age: january 15th 1975, forty-two years old.
gender: cismale.
sexuality: hetero ? more like heterno :~) 
hometown: boston, ma.
religion: catholic, practising.
height: 6′1”.
physique: slim, average, dadbod.
nationality: american.
ethnicity: of german, irish, and lithuanian descent.
language(s) spoken: english, french, spanish, italian, latin, & mandarin.
occupation: owner of the local cafe, java the hut.
education: a bachelors in humanities and a degree in law, both from harvard university. 
relationship status: divorced, single, an emotional mess.
children: a five year old daughter named rosalind.
zodiac sign: capricorn.
alignment: lawful good.
personality type: isfj — the defender.
virtues: patient, charming, loyal, selfless, benevolent.
vices: reticent, impulsive, stubborn, stoic, sensitive.
accent: strong boston accent.
financial status: upper middle class.
pets: a three year old labrador named vonnegut.
this binch has an extra ass bio but imma just give yall the rundown! gabe was born and raised in boston. he was your typical golden boy, excelling in anything he tried. mostly beause it was what his parents wanted, they never accepted anything less from their eldest child. 
he went to harvard for law school and worked for a big law firm in new york where he moved to and lived for a while. there, he met his first love and after only a couple of years, they had gotten married. however, it didn’t last very long, she left after a year or so, just months after their child was born and leaving nothing more than a note to say goodbye. 
her reasons weren’t completely unbased, gabe was a workaholic who was more focused on providing for his family than spending time with them,  but he vowed to change this. wanting a clean slate, he and rosie moved across the country to san francisco, california, where he left his job as a lawyer and opened up his own little cafe, java the hut.
a little more in depth about gabe, he’s naturally more on the introverted side. yanno, he’s afraid of opening up and because of the way his parents raised him (binch had a fucced up childhood don’t even get me started skkkdfdk) he struggles with emotions and general, much less expressing them properly?? but he is getting better at it, he’s super open when it comes to his daughter, very protective of her, love the kiddo and the dog to bits.
going along w this he also .. sucks .. at relationships. like he’s either emotionally unavailable or he gets carried away, caring too much too fast. it’s either 0 or 100 for gabe, there’s no inbetween :// that’s why he’s kinda ?? tryna keep himself away from that and just wanting to focus on spending time with rosie
honestmeme,, gabe is the softest boi you’ll ever meet. sensistive ass will secretly go home n cry abt dumb shit, he a cancer wrapped up in a capricorn facade. the binch likes to write and read  about romance, his guilty pleasure are romcoms and literally san francisco’s local dad friend. deadass poster boy for your typical white dad. he a goof, catch this mf wearing floral shirts and maroon pants to match then trip over the sidewalk cause he’s playing temple run while walking ://
possible connections :
i’d love for rosie to have a babysitter or smth?? someone he trusts and has a close bond with
if ur muse needs a dad/older brother figure... hit this binch up
employees, people who work at his cafe, regular customers, wtvr !!
friends !! he always in need of a friend !!
corner stone, shoulder to cry on, smth like that
exes ?? ion even kno
old friends, people he knew from ny or boston !
uhhh this Sucks(TM) but deadass i’m down for anything so just hmu whenever to plot !!
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im-a-meteorite · 7 years
Fic Recommendations
I’m bored so i’m making this list of all the fics that I’ve read (and liked). I’ll be updating this every now and then. I’ll also probs put it in my bio. I’ll be categorizing them by main ship then I’ll have the links and their summaries. I’ll also add their ratings  
Charmed - kaythebest  (Teens and Up) 
"So you’re not going to eat me?" Seokjin asks, just to confirm.
"Why would I eat you?"
"Because you’re a dragon," Seokjin says slowly, because it should be obvious, despite Namjoon not looking very dragon-y at all.
Namjoon looks unimpressed. "I may be a dragon, but I’m not an animal."
before things come together - brightlight  (Explicit)
Namjoon didn't expect to run into the TA from his philosophy class at the gay bar Taehyung and Jimin drag him to, he really didn't expect him to look this nice outside of class, and he really, really didn't expect to have a crush on him.
It's going to be an interesting semester.
그 손을 내밀어줘 - sugavevo  (General Audiences) 
bangtan as kids ft. namjin as parents
Let’s Not Hurt Anymore - exfatamorgana  (Mature)
They don’t talk about it, and usually no one thinks to ask. But if you did, Namjoon and Seokjin would tell. They aren’t keeping secrets, and if you asked them, they’d answer. It just so happens that on a Sunday, not much different from any other Sunday, the other boys think to ask.
So how do two people who are always together end up… together?
you have 1 new message - bazooka  (Teens and Up) 
r u n c h r a n d a. fuck this is going to sound like the weirdest shit okay look i used ur selcas to catfish and this older dude is gonna buy me stuff but i have to send him a selca with a peace sign
~ * ~ pingkeu jin ~ * ~ hahahahahahaha wtf
Creating a Home - CheekyBrunette (General Audiences)
Seokjin is used to getting calls from social workers at all hours of the day, but never this late at night.
(In which Hoseok loses a mom and gains two dads and four brothers.)
Spanish Doll - saengie (Mature)
What Seokjin expected of his summer holiday in the wine country of Spain had been wine, sleep, and more wine. Being the muse for the recluse painter Namjoon and arguing the finer points of post modern art as pillow talk had never crossed his mind.
(cause i) i’m a fool for you - onrainydays (General Audiences) 
yoongi wakes up in the middle of the night to feed seokjin's sugar gliders
of sweet kisses and raspberries - onrainydays (Teens and Up) 
seokjin loves soft things.
yoongi isn't a thing but he's soft. really really soft.
and seokjin loves him.
give me the warmth of your love - onrainydays (General Audiences)
just a drabble of tired seokjin craving cuddles
The Jung-Kim Family - onrainydays (General Audiences)
The kid was dressed very Namjoon and smiled very Hoseok. He looked like a perfect combination of the two in every picture, melted his parents’ hearts and made their eyes shine with the purest love.
or, namseok's child was too cute not to make him a model
An Aperture in Fine Balance - blurrylines  (Teens and Up) 
Fake Marriage AU in which Yoongi is an up and coming rapper whose fame had blown up in Korea, traveled throughout Asia and has now landed him in the States. Meanwhile, Jimin is in America to study photography and find success in this land of freedom. Except for one problem. His school's policy for financial aid requires him to be either over the age of 24, have a child, or be married.
Considering the fact that he’s only 21 and can’t have a kid, Jimin is left with the last option.
That’s where Yoongi comes in the picture.
a+++ cutie - yururin  (General Audiences) 
“Are you sure your name’s Jimin and not Jinyoung?” Yoongi asked, feeling extremely dumb, but the laugh that Jimin answered him with was worth it. Sort of.
“I’m sure, hyung,” Jimin replied softly, leaning both arms on the table as he grinned at Yoongi, “finally figured it out?”
85 Days of Summer - yururin  (Explicit)
When his friends dragged him to some secluded, intimate beach resort for their summer break, all that Yoongi expected to get were cheap souvenirs, sand between his toes, and a lot of sunburns.
He didn’t expect that a beautiful boy with honey skin, soft copper hair, and a smile so bright and happy would steal his heart instead.
you are my sunshine, my only sunshine - yururin  (Mature) 
On their second anniversary, Yoongi proposed to Jimin. On their third anniversary, Yoongi woke up to the news of Jimin's untimely death. On Jimin's first death anniversary, Yoongi met Jimin again.
The Letter Thief - d4wndust  (Teens and Up) 
Min Yoongi receives a text from an unknown number and it seems to be a suicide note. Park Jimin says his goodbyes through a text, but to a wrong number.
Min Yoongi makes Park Jimin live a little longer and Park Jimin makes Min Yoongi start living.
Truth or Dare - fratboyyoongi  (Not Rated) 
Based on a prompt I got from otpprompts on tumblr that goes like: (Imagine that Person A and Person B (who are not going out yet, but have crushes on each other) are playing Truth or Dare with their friends, who can tell about their feelings toward one another. One of their friends dares B to kiss A. B leans over and kisses A on the cheek. Very tired of B’s BS, A tells them, “Come on B, you know that’s not what they meant” and grabs their head and kisses them on the mouth.)
we pass in front of a flower shop (and i catch the scent of roses) - groovystars  (General Audiences) 
Jimin's a florist who sings to the flowers and crushes hard on the mint-haired man who just came in to buy a cactus.
The Boy in the Music Box - MissterMaia  (Teens and Up) 
Yoongi doesn’t really expect anything special when he finds an old music box in his grandmother’s attic and she tells him to keep it. Oh sure, he expects the music box to be a pretty decoration to add to the stale interior of his small apartment. He expects it to play a tune and he might even dare to expect the barely-functioning little ballerina to dance along to the soft chimes, but that's it, really.
The last thing he expects is for the little ballerina to take human form at night and throw his life out of balance with radiant smiles, soft giggles, and a heart-wrenching story.
Sunshine on a Rainy Day - MissterMaia  (General Audiences) 
It’s a fact as well-known as water being wet that Min Yoongi hates mornings. He hates the lethargicness of waking up, the temporary lack of complete motor control, the slowness of his sleep-drunk mind as it attempts to power up again after the six-hour long reboot session. Truly, mornings are the devil’s work.
But maybe Yoongi hates them a little less thanks to the cute weatherman he watches over a cup of coffee every morning.
The Songbird and the Sea - MissterMaia  (Mature) 
In a world where dominance of the sea is an endless battle between pirates and mariners, Park Jimin is content living in his little village on a small, uninteresting island by the eastern mainland. He wants nothing to do with the bloodshed of good and evil, the heartless killing of both innocents and condemned, the constant establishment and disruption of order. What he wants is peace, to live his life in the same town he was born in, to spend his days in the beautiful forest, and to use the powers of his Blessed Rune to nurture the home he loves so dearly.
But when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favor of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East.
Hey, Piano Man - MissterMaia  (Explicit) 
In which Yoongi, after having his evening completely ruined by a drunk asshole on his way home from a rough day at the studio, decides he himself needs to get drunk and wanders into an old-fashioned pub. He may or may not find his bad mood washed away by the cute bartender, and he may or may not end up completely and utterly smitten when said bartender gets on the small stage and starts singing in the most angelic, beautiful, seductive voice he's ever heard in all his life.
“You play the piano?”
“I... yeah, I do, actually. How'd you know?”
The bartender's smile is shy and confident all at once, and Yoongi's heart lurches in confusion. “Just a feeling,” Jimin says softly, busying himself with drying a glass. “Your hands are beautiful. They look like they were made to play an instrument.”
Soul Bond - springrain21 (Teens and Up) 
Everyone is born with a Soulmate, but not everyone gets to meet their other half in their lifetime. Twenty one year old Park Jimin suspects he will never meet his Soulmate. When he accidentally makes skin-to-skin contact with the cold, distant Min Yoongi, he discovers that the two of them are Soulmates. But what happens when Yoongi doesn't even believe in Soulmates? Will Jimin develop the deadly condition known as Soul Sickness? And will Yoongi make it in time to save him?
Love is fulfilment of the law - Yoongi_trash (Teen and Up)
"They were a strange couple, Jimin knew it. He knew that it was wrong on so many levels. On every level. He'd read the books, knew the laws; homosexuality was a sin and it always would be. But Jimin couldn't help it, couldn't deny his feelings for Yoongi."
AKA the church AU in which Jimin is a probably an angel sent from heaven and Yoongi's nickname is the Antichrist
time follows you (and fades) - thebestofme (Teen and Up)
hp!au - how half-veela!jimin and yoongi fall in love in the Slytherin common room.
(or, two sides of one story: Jimin worries about the effects of his Allure and hides his veela nature; Yoongi loves Jiminie but is too confused by mixed signals to act on it).
you and me (are the difference between real love and the love on tv) - inkingbrushes (Teen and Up)
Yoongi is pretty sure his friends are conspiring against him.
Or: that stupid college au where they're all drunk and playing the "of course" game.
smile like silver - jflawless (Teen and Up)
Anonymous said: could you do a yoonmin fic where yoongi gets a tongue piercing ? and jimin just really likes it
when you’re in love all the lines get blurred - jflawless (Teen and Up)
Jimin isn't sure what possessed him to lie to his mother and tell her that he had a boyfriend, but now that he's opened the position, he has no choice but to fill it. Yoongi is, apparently, his only option.
It’s your Birthday but you’re my Gift - smoljean (General Audiences) 
Yoongi celebrates 5 birthdays with Jimin over the course of 20 years. (aka Yoongi growing up with Jimin only to realise he's falling for his childhood friend).
you wish i was yours (and i hope that you’re mine) -  awsuga (Mature)
Jimin is getting ready to sleep his summer away now that all his friends have left for college except for him. That is, though, until he meets Yoongi. A boy two years older than him from the city, who has been kicked out by his parents and is now living with his aunt.
Because of Yoongi Jimin learns more about himself in one summer than he has his entire life.
give me a sign - iwillalwaysbelieve (Teen and Up) 
Yoongi thinks the universe is a dick for a lot of reasons. Reason #1: It gave a deaf person a soul-mark that revolves around speech. Reason #2: Once he decided to hate his soulmate no matter what they were like, the universe gave him a really attractive soulmate. Reason #3: Said soulmate is overly kind, no matter how much of a dick Yoongi is. Reason #4: Yoongi is definitely fucked.
Midnight Dreamers - ghuns (Teens and Up)
Soulmates. They're something vague and the only clues to them lie within your dreams.
Speak to Me - noonatha  (General Audience)
Yoongi might not be able to hear what he's missing out on, but he can see it.
 give me thirty days (to fall in love with you) - kstorms  (Teens and Up)
"Hi! I’m Park Jimin!” when he gets no reaction, Jimin pushes on, a little hesitantly. “As in, your soulmate?”
Jimin meets his soulmate, and it doesn't go the way he's planned (nothing ever does, really).
Once Upon A Dream - yururin (Teens and Up)
“Somebody once promised they’d find you, and that they’ll love you more than they already do,” Yoongi murmurs, a smile on his lips when recognition sparks in Jimin’s eyes, “somebody once promised they’d ask you to be theirs when they can finally do so again.”
Jimin doesn’t say anything—just leans into Yoongi’s touch, that same shy smile Yoongi has grown to love still on his face.
“Be mine, Park Jimin?”
(or alternatively: "that yoonmin soulmates AU where you can see a glimpse of your past life on the eve of your 18th birthday and Jimin dreams of a forbidden Joseon era love story with an upperclassman Min Yoongi, popular basketball player in uni, 18384/10 out of his reach".)
Time Lapse - NomNams  (Explicit)
Min Yoongi is a time jumper, and Jimin is tethered to his timeline. Or he's tethered to Jimin's. Who knows. All Yoongi knows, is that no matter where he jumps to, Park Jimin will be waiting. __________
"Give me a reason not to think you're some spy working for the government who plans to..."
"You have a cow lick above your right ear. There's a scar on your right knee cap that you got when you were four falling off a pony in Daegu. You have a birthmark patch low on your left butt cheek, and another on your inner..."
"Fine. Fine. Just... please stop there." Yoongi begged, blushing five shades of red.
Bullet Boy - sugamins  (Explicit)
If you want to make it big, you’ve got to start off small. This is something that Jimin acknowledges, for he just carries on singing features for underground rappers in the hopes of breaking into the mainstream scene even when the lyrics mean nothing to him.
If you want to make it in the scene, you’ve got to fake it in the scene. This is something that Yoongi understands intimately. But he’s never been one to be a poser, and there’s only far stuntin’ can get you before you burn out like the end of a cigarette.
Yoongi finally wants to move on from his bad past and take the gamble so that he can drop his first mixtape as ‘D-boy’, and he can’t think of anyone more perfect to feature on it than rising talent: Park Jimin.
Jimin really wants to break free from nights spent singing at hip hop clubs for a pittance and finally have his name on an official track in the music charts, but he’s going to need some help navigating the brutal world of music contracts and the paparazzi; and being involved in a scandal the likes of which the industry has never seen before.
Multi-Ship (is that even a thing?)
Namjin, Yoonmin and Taekook: 
Nyctophile - yururin  (Mature) 
"Like I said, monsters aren't real, Taehyung."
Jimin quickly pulled the closet doors open.
At the bottom of the closet, sitting on the floor and leaning heavily against the walls, was a man with dark pink hair clad in dark clothes, bleeding and injured and looking positively close to death.
Jimin didn't know what to do.
Craigslist Date - springrain21 (Mature)
Main Ship: Yoonmin
Min Yoongi's family are judgmental and unsupportive of his lifestyle and his mother won't stop nagging him about how he's still single. When he finds Park Jimin on Craigslist offering to pose as someone's fake date to mess with their family, Yoongi can't help himself. What starts as a prank on Yoongi's family turns into something more when the two of them quickly develop feelings for each other. Will Yoongi, who doesn't know how to handle feelings, let his chance at love slip away, or will he go after the silver-haired boy and hold onto him forever?
Inspired by that tumblr post about the guy on Craigslist who you can hire to be your date for Thanksgiving to screw with your family because that post makes me cry laughing every time I see it.
Soulmate? No, Thanks - Bookworming (Teen and Up)
Main Ship: Yoonmin
Min Yoongi has been waiting to have his first colour dream since he was 17 because a dream in colour is the dream of your soulmate, whoever they are. In a world where all humans have only black and white dreams the only colour dreams one gets are those of their soulmate, if they have one. Soulmates get each other's dreams in colour and can speak to them through those dreams, a privilege Yoongi has coveted for a long time. Yoongi has also coveted his best friend Kim Seokjin for a long time but unfortunately for Yoongi, Seokjin's soulmate loves sleeping and occupies his mind in a way Yoongi never does. Park Jimin made the worst mistake of his life by getting drunk and driving himself home one day before his 17th birthday. When he wakes up, things have changed drastically, the biggest change being the sexy voice that interrupted his first pleasant dream in a LONG time.
Yoonminkook, Namjin and Vhope: 
Let Me Know - TheOrgasmicSeke  (Mature) 
Main Ship: Yoonminkook
Talking about it, of course, became harder as the days passed by. Yoongi could never find the right time to bring it up. He was still wondering if he was just imaging things. If he was just thinking he was feeling the things he was feeling. But that was quickly disproved every single time Jimin curled up around him and Jungkook kissed him. He was a fucking idiot in love with two bigger idiots and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. Except probably ruin it by talking about it. Hell, maybe it was better to just never mention it and pretend it wasn't happening.
Namjin, Yoonmin and Vhope:
Can I Get Your Dewey Decimal Number? - melecs  (Teens and Up) (a series)
Seokjin loved working at the library, but some patrons got on his nerves. Take, for example, the grown man who sat in the corner every day and leeched off of the Wi-Fi. And Seokjin worked in the children’s department.
Namjin and Yoonmin:
When life gives you elephants… - tired angry egg (Mirabelle)
(Its a series so each part has a different summary and rating) 
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