#react native developer jobs
divukanwar · 7 months
Our team of experts at Helpful Insights is India’s top React native app development company. Our core development team is made up of highly experienced engineers with expertise in React Native, along with state-of-the-art infrastructure and the latest technology. We stand out with our top-quality service, punctuality, and client-oriented approach — making us the industry’s leading company. We constantly aim to surpass the client's expectations; we ensure that their project is completed at a reasonable cost.
Helpful Insight is a mobile app developer company that started its operations in the year 2014 with a strong base in Bharat. The company sought to offer its clients dependable, creative as well and cost-effective solutions in mobility applications. It has done several small and large-scale projects.
Helpful Insight’s team comprises very experienced people with numerous successfully completed projects. As a result, all of its members are well-versed in the domain and use the newest tools to produce excellent results for the clientele.
The team at Helpful Insight is made up of experts in design, development, testing, and deployment issues. Each initiative is finished punctually and with allocated funds. The team is committed to offering user-friendly applications that are easy to operate. Additionally, they verify if the applications operate safely and stably.
helpfulinsightsolution comapny Hire React Native App Developers in India. and provide React native freelance salary for the developers. The rate of the developer is decided on an hourly basis. for more information please visit on the website.
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react-js-course · 4 months
React JS form validation
Form validation in React JS & Native Course ensures that the user inputs correct and complete information in your forms before submitting them. Here’s a simple guide to help you understand how to add validation to your forms in React.
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Why Validate Forms?
Validating forms helps you:
Ensure the user inputs the required information.
Prevent incorrect or incomplete data submission.
Improve the user experience by guiding users on how to fill out the form correctly.
Setting Up Your Form
Let's create a basic form with fields for name and email. We will also add simple validation to check if these fields are filled out correctly.
Create the Form Component
First, create a new component for your form:
// Form.js import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Form() { const [name, setName] = useState(''); const [email, setEmail] = useState(''); const [errors, setErrors] = useState({});
const validate = () => { let formErrors = {}; if (!name) formErrors.name = "Name is required"; if (!email) formErrors.email = "Email is required"; else if (!/\S+@\S+.\S+/.test(email)) formErrors.email = "Email is invalid"; return formErrors; };
const handleSubmit = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const formErrors = validate(); if (Object.keys(formErrors).length === 0) { console.log("Form submitted successfully!"); // Process form data here } else { setErrors(formErrors); } };
return ( Name:
setName(e.target.value)} /> {errors.name &&
{errors.name}} Email:
setEmail(e.target.value)} /> {errors.email &&
{errors.email}} Submit ); }
export default Form;
How It Works
State Management: We use useState to manage the state of the form inputs (name and email) and any validation errors.
Validation Function: The validate function checks if the fields are filled out and if the email is in the correct format.
Handle Submit: The handleSubmit function is called when the form is submitted. It prevents the default form submission, validates the inputs, and sets errors if there are any.
Displaying Errors: If there are validation errors, they are displayed below the respective input fields.
Adding More Validations:
You can add more validation rules as needed. For example, to check if the name is at least 3 characters long:
if (name.length < 3) formErrors.name = "Name must be at least 3 characters long";
To check if the email is in the correct format:
if (!/\S+@\S+.\S+/.test(email)) formErrors.email = "Email is invalid";
Form validation in React JS helps ensure users fill out forms correctly before submitting. By using state to manage input values and validation errors, you can guide users to enter the right information. This simple setup can be expanded with more complex validation rules as needed.
Start adding validation to your React forms to improve data accuracy and user experience!
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brainiuminfotech · 2 years
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Brainium brings with it Transparency, Trustworthiness, and excellent service experience throughout your entrepreneurial journey with us Contact us to discuss your new ideas with us.
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pallastrology · 4 months
observations on aries
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artwork by edvard munch
aries suns are known for being bold and brash, but there can be a real softness to them; their proximity to pisces and taurus, two of the most sensitive and sensual signs, often lends aries an interesting dichotomy. they are the first sign, and sometimes that softness shows through in indecision or insecurity.
with the midheaven in aries, the native can be compelled towards meaning. they aren’t the type who can just work a random job and chill on their time off. they need purpose, and to feel like their life and how they spend it matters deeply to them. their definition of a meaningful life may vary greatly depending on the natal chart and life of the native, but there is always that common thread of questing towards it.
aries moons sometimes get labelled as being emotionally immature, or even shallow. my experiences with these natives couldn't be further from the truth, however. they are brutally, refreshingly honest, and while they tend to paint in broad strokes, they definitely don't lack depth. it's just a different way of expressing and processing emotions.
venus in aries is all about interest. they need to feel appreciated and desired, not just in love, but in all their relationships. this can even stretch to their work and pastimes, and so, despite aries not being known for this trait, venus in aries can become perfectionistic and even fawning at their most vulnerable. they find it hard to let people in, because when they do, they struggle to close the door again.
mars in aries is known for being angry, and i think can be somewhat demonised because of that. aries mars is a placement that, yes, has big reactions, but the underlying emotions are valid. they have a strong sense of justice and pride, and they are more than willing to fight for what they believe in, even when it gets them into trouble.
saturn in aries is sometimes seen as being "not aries-like"... sure, there are restrictions and difficulties when it comes to autonomy and authority, your path might not be a typical one, and you can lack self-actualisation and assertiveness, especially when younger; but in my opinion, this is a really interesting place to find aries, especially when it comes to being in partnerships and leading or managerial roles.
aries ascendant is, in my opinion, where you tend to see the typical arian mannerisms come out. they walk quickly, talk quickly, and they're also highly visible; you can see their facial expression changing as their thoughts develop, you can see stress and tension in them before they have the chance to hide it. this physical earnesty is really refreshing, but for the native it can be a source of unwanted vulnerability.
with mercury in aries, the native can seem like an open book. they react quickly and sometimes without reflecting, they can think aloud and they express themselves with a disarming directness. but i believe placements like this can find solace in remembering that the initial reaction isn't necessarily how you truly see a situation, but rather, how you've been taught to react to it. learning to reflect and get curious about yourself is a great skill for aries mercury.
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boobi-boy · 1 month
HOT TAKE. As a society, we are conditioned to hate final seasons. This is fair. We were all betrayed by Game of Thrones and Supernatural and whatnot. As someone who has never watched these (I have only heard generalised complaints about them), let me (drunkenly) yap about the Umbrella Academy s4.
I'm gonna try and keep this vaguely organised.
I was an adamant Luther hater back in season one and two, I will admit, meeting his actor at Comic Con in 2021 did colour my opinion a little bit, but I loved him in season three. I mean, his romance with Sloane always felt a little rushed to me, but it was certainly sweet, and their wedding was a nice tie in to the "we only see each other at weddings and funerals" thing.
In season four, I loved him. He's optimistic about life and goes to great lengths to brighten the moods of people around him, which is the kind of person he lacked all his life. He's being the person he always needed and I love that for him.
The implication that he's pushing aside his festering feelings of dissatisfaction for his life to be there for other people is so moving, and also I love those moments where him and Allison get to just be normal siblings, showing that he's moved on from that toxic era of his life.
His fight scenes are epic and he's all round a good character this season. I understand people's disdain for being sidelined, along with his grief for Sloane, but there are a certain two factors that should be taken into consideration here. The first being that, by s4e1, its been six years since he lost her. He has probably processed that grief and moved on by now, despite how profound the loss. Obviously he still thinks about her, which is why he occasionally brings her up, but it's been a long time. Additionally, he's semi-sidelined because his character arc was pretty well rounded by the end of s3. He's moved on from Allison and was on a trajectory for a healthier life. Its tragic that he lost Sloane, but good that he continued trying to be happy.
I do wish his relationship with Ben had been more developed this season. To me, I think the implication is that he's hanging on to Sparrow Ben as a brother (in-law) because he's the closest remaining connection to the Sparrow Academy, therefore Sloane.
Why is he living in the decrepit Sparrow Academy house? Why? Literally why??? This needed more explanation.
My mother hates him. I lowkey love him. In season two, his character plus his saviour complex was explored so fucking well. I loved him then. I think his character in season three is a decent testament to how boring 'settling down' can be.
He reacts very well to everything that happens. That's the best way I could explain it. The realisation that sometimes life is just normal. Its a sweet plotline and I enjoyed it
I loved his relationship with Luther, his visit to the CIA and the fun approach to his power this season.
His final words to Lila, that he knew she didn't mean to hurt him, were so mature and a brilliant way of rounding off his character with a sense of satisfaction and finality. I loved it so much. In that moment, before everything, he was her husband, and that was beautiful.
I have very few. I think his depiction as a mailman is silly. I just wish it had been a different job.
Also I wish he'd spoken more Punjabi because I'm pretty sure (correct me if I'm wrong) he learnt that to converse with Lila and her family in their native language, despite Lila's family speaking English.
Why was he immature enough to fight with Five over his wife when the literal world was ending? Not very consistent with his character development but I still liked that scene. Honestly, that was obviously written in as a segue to Five going back to the subway so I guess it did have to be there it just felt a bit weird.
Oh dear God. Allison Hargreeves, what happened to you? I loved her so much in seasons one and two. Season three Allison ruined everything ever forever. Not through bad writing. Through very good and despicably devastating writing. She has lost so much and she coped with it so badly that she altered all of time to avoid her grief. The evillest girlboss of all time.
CLAIRE! Claire Bear. I love you. Thank you season four for giving us Claire and Claire/Allison bonding time.
Also the fact that she's coping with her being a terrible human being by babysitting Klaus for five years (which she is obviously very spiteful about) is very well written.
I like the return of Allison badassery when she shows up and literally busts a man's balls.
I like how she ends the show being physically vulnerable and now Klaus is taking care of her now. That was cute.
Also I love that she's being held accountable for her actions and it makes her a slightly better person! That was fun.
I like that we learn that without her power she was a B-list actor at best.
What the fuck were her powers this season? I know they got janky marigold but why is she literally just telekinetic now????
Why didn't they tell us why Ray walked out? She literally altered time to get him back. Like, I know Allison has fucked up every relationship she's ever had but PLEASE tell us what happened.
Also fuck you for what you did to Klaus.
Oh, Klaus Hargreeves, the man that you were. Season one. TRAGIC. I loved it. Season two, the exact same commentary. Season three, I loved him so much, he keeps being my FAVOURITE and also the idea that the drugs and trauma thwarted the full potential of his powers, but the drugs was the only thing that could keep him sane because of his trauma and his powers was so cool. Well done for beginning to overcome your rampant daddy issues Klaus. Season four. He is still my favourite.
Having him sell his body in the weirdest way possible was amazing. I love to see it.
The moment between him and Claire where she knew exactly what was happening and he just repeats 'it's too late' and swears at her. Beautifully devastating.
Him getting buried alive was so fucking fitting I can't properly explain it I just love it.
His final line, and the third-to-final line of dialogue in the whole shows being 'I just wanna say, I love you guys, but you're all assholes' sums up perfectly. And it just had to be him that said that. He can never escape his nihilism and I love him for it. Its who he is.
Learning that the 'real' Klaus is a total germophobe was fun.
Give my man more screen time. I beg. I am on my knees begging. Please Mr Blackman. Please Mr Way. Give the love of my life more screen time.
I wish Dave had been mentioned once or twice. Dave is forever a part of Klaus. Why didn't he try to contact him when he got his powers back? Why has he forgotten him? If Luther gets a Sloane mention then Klaus should have gotten a Dave mention. I guess Netflix hates the queers unless they're from Heartstopper (/j)
Five is my mother's favourite and she was vomming this season because of you-know-what. The poor woman. She still loves him though, So did I. Five defines The Umbrella Academy. He spent two seasons wearing the uniform, he got the first f-bomb, he was responsible for SO much exposition. All in all, he is quintessential to the aesthetic, plot, and entire existence of the series. Did season four give him justice?
I love Five being a CIA agent. This is so him.
Jerome is a funny name for him.
He doesn't ever stop being himself and I love that.
I like how blunt he is about the fact they all have to end their existence. He understands existentialism and his place in the universe more than his siblings (and most people ever) can fathom. It had to be him to deliver that news and he does it so well.
The elephant in the room. Him and Lila. I see it. I see the vision. Yes. If two people spend seven years with only each other for company, suspended in time, they will probably develop a romantic relationship. That doesn't make me like it. It is in character for him to lie to Lila (or withhold information from her)about knowing the way home. I just hated every second of it. I thought they were going to steer clear of Five romantic relationships because of how weird his ageing is. He's mentally more than twenty years older than Lila and physically more than ten years younger than her. It is gross. I hate it. It was a reasonable plot choice Honestly, their relationship remaining strictly platonic would have been less realistic than what happened but when has this show ever been realistic? I will say, it makes sense for Five to revert to old coping mechanisms (I am referring to Delores) in a time like this, it's just that this time he had a real person to enact them with. In times of utter distress, Five is a romanticist, so at least his character is consistent.
Why didn't they let him wear a suit that fits him? That was not nice.
Sparrow Ben is a sexy cunt. I love how much of a knob he is. All the time. This season was a slay for him. We heart assimilation allegories for love and obsession.
I repeat - I love the assimilation metaphor. He didn't get to go with grace. I've seen people criticising that he got no meaningful death scene but that's the point. His meaningful death was stolen from him because of his unhealthy obsession with Jennifer and how deeply in love with her he was. It's a commentary of how toxic and co-dependant relationships will destroy a person. I love it.
I love the scene where him and Jennifer are sat either side of the wall watching the same movie. That was so fucking cute.
The CGI for his powers was shit. He looked like the squid version of She-Hulk.
Why have the Umbrellas just adopted him into his family? That was weird.
I have always loved him. Best trans representation I've ever seen. Autism coded. The amount of times I said 'His powers are just autism sensory overload' or 'his powers are just anger issues' has probably burned the phrase into my mother's mind.
I like that he was a manwhore in Canada.
I love him having control over his powers this season. We support self control my man.
I love how adamant he is to save Ben. All this man has ever wanted was to save someone. And he never could. So he sacrificed himself to save the world.
I was not here for the fit this season. The boots. The jean jacket. Not a serve. I am sorry.
He was kinda cringe and irrelevant this season I'm not gonna lie.
Thank you Lila for being what I picture when I hear Golden Brown. It makes me happy.
A devoted mother. We love her. I also love that her character involves her children but she's more than that. But she still sacrifices everything for them. "Make sure to read to Gracie every night! And don't let the twins fight!" absolutely destroyed me.
I don't know what it is but her fit ate this season.
Her final words being 'Fuck you!' was fun.
Her 'LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME' personality got annoying after about four episodes. Not even in s4, just in general.
I wish her backstory had been more addressed this season. It was just completely ignored. Sad.
The Plot.
If this show is anything, it is self aware. It makes fun of itself for just doing the apocalypse four times. I love it.
The tragic ending. Too many shows have happy endings these days. I need my bittersweet tragedy and the Umbrella Academy delivered. It actually made me bawl because these characters meant so fucking much to me.
I always said that Klaus's story couldn't end without him dying. I also felt like Five dying would work. Now I think that if one of them goes, they all have to. They were born at the same time and they died that way too. It explains WHY they keep ending the world. Their very existence is apocalyptic. They are a collective incarnation of the apocalypse and that just rounds off the show in such a meaningful way.
I know people hate the 'one true timeline' thing and the 'they all die' thing and feel like its a copout, but its so beautiful to me. They were the problem the whole time. They can't just find some creative and resourceful way out of it this time. This is the end. That's WHY the SONG in the TRAILER WAS 'THE END' by My Chemical Romance!!!!!!!!!!!
The plot holes like why does Luther getting his powers back give him his monkey body back when the life-saving surgery that he didn't need in this timeline didn't happen???
Along with many other plot holes that have already been pointed out within this post and by other people a million times so I won't go through the tedium of doing what has already been done.
Special mentions!
The Gene & Jean dance scene! The show knew they couldn't get away with making the Umbrellas dance again but they needed an obligatory Umbrella Academy dance scene and they ATE IT UP.
The song they danced to was also a banger, which segues nicely into my next mention which is the SOUNDTRACK. It SLAPS. Muse! Bloodhound Gang! Cher! ALL IN ONE SHOW. The Umbrella Academy's soundtrack has always been amazing and season four is not any different.
The closing line "On the eighth of august 2024" etc. DESTROYED ME.
Also, the production photos from across the years in the credits. I loved them so fucking much.
They kept handling Victor's trans storyline well, not pretending he was never a girl and including him in flashbacks. Idk I liked it.
Diego naming his daughter after his mother is so sweet.
Random criticism though - the casting for the teen versions of the Umbrellas was ATROCIOUS. Klaus somehow looked five years old and in his mid forties at the same time.
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push-tet · 6 months
@hellodahliah special for you 🥰 and for ppl who want to understand the lore of my Verona
kind of an addendum to the last post
bruh im sorry that this post came out so long!!
The Counts origin: The Counts, like the Сapps, were once an aristocracy. But after losing the election to Macbeth's ancestor, the Counts' ancestors ceased to consider themselves aristocrats. Leaving the path of palitics the Counts chose the path of jurisprudence. The Counts were able to maintain their power and influence over Veronaville by pulling the strings of law and justice
Escalus-Prince - Knowledge\Pisces- 5\3\9\1\7
Yeah, he's got a double name but everyone just calls him Escalus or Escal
He's too empathic for a job in the judiciary
He met his ex-wife at uni, he thought it was the real love but in fact she was using him to improve her position at uni so that she would not be expelled (he did all her academic work for her). When the truth came out, he didn't make a scene and just asked her to leave
After the death of Ledia Macbeth (the mayor at the time), he continues her work trying to reconcile the old generation of feuding clans
Escalus couldn't spend much time with his son. That's why they have a strained relationship with him
Escalus realizes he's spoiled Paris. While he has time, he tries to carefully correct this mistake so that he knows Paris will be a worthy successor to the family business
Gregorio - Romance\Taurus - 4\7\3\8\3
He is the first adopted son of the Summerdreams. When he grew up, he changed his last name
He was in love with a servant girl at the Сapp House (at the time of the game, the deceased Angelica Nurse)
He's a master of bad flirting
Before he became the Counts' butler, he tried his hand at stand-up
Gregorio still doesn't know how to react to Paris' words - You're like a big brother to me
After the fire at the old Count manor, he developed hydrophobia
Paris - Family\Leo - 5\8\3\4\5
Paris was born and spent half his childhood in Champs Les Sims. But his parents were going on a long expedition, so they returned to Veronaville and left their son in the care of Escalus. They promised to send him a card or letter once a month, but he hadn't received one in over three years (they're alive)
Paris was chubby in chilhood
Paris got interested in drawing after watching - Little Miss Wendalyn (fun fact - it's also Romeo's fav cartoon) At the moment, the biggest fan of his doodles is Merc
Paris is a little self-centered and makes himself a pretty good-looking guy. But even so, he always says - There's beauty in everyone. Someone just didn't think to wash their face today
Paris has been friends with Julliette since childhood but her liaison with Romeo annoys him. Paris just can't turn a blind eye to Romeo's shameful reputation. Not because he's jealous nonono
Paris and Romeo don't openly show their dislike for each other and pretend they are good bros. Paris calls him Gnomeo
The Zhung origin:
The fairies of the Zhung Clan are famous tea masters and their outdated views on life. The men of the clan are outstanding healers and the women of the clan are supposed to be creative but devote themselves to looking after the family. But no member of the family is allowed to leave the homeland without special permission from the elders. Failure to follow the rules is punishable by condemnation and condemnation within the family
Yingtai - Virgo\Family 8\3\5\3\6
After her daughter left the family, Yingtai devoted herself to a career in music. She is fluent in playing all musical instruments and has often performed at the opera
As a young girl, Yangtai disobeyed her family and went to university abroad dressed as a man
Yingtai's husband openly despised her family. He despised them so much that he refused to use his wife's surname after marriage
Yingtai hasn't spoken another language for a long time, so when she arrives in Veronaville she starts to communicate with everyone in her native language as a habit
Yingtai remains devoted to her husband even after his death
Yintai knows all types and kinds of teas by heart. So she's literally like: Fuck your zodiac signs. What's your favorite tea?; Her favorite - Longjing tea
please someone ask me about Yingtai and her husband's relationship they are my Roman Empire
Madam - Aries\Pleasure 5\6\6\4\4
i found an old post about her bruh
Madam change her name and took her second husband's surname so she and her daughter wouldn't be part of the Zhung
Madam hates everything to do with her father. Unlike her mother, Madame is convinced that he is not dead but simply ran away
Madame works as a fashion photographer but also successfully designs her own custom-made clothes. Some of her clients include - Marissa Cleveland, Armand DeBateau, Mercutio Monty, Klara Vonderstein, Goneril and Kent Capp, Bella Goth, Cordial sisters
Madame doesn't hate men, she just doesn't like it when men try to control women
After the "death" of her father, Yingtai fell into a deep depression and stopped paying attention to her daughter, because of this Madame became unmanageable and often deliberately got into trouble
After leaving home, Madame still has a habit of asking after the welcome - "Would you like some tea?" Her favorite - Pu Erh with basil-cherry
Helana - Scorpio\Fortune 7\4\7\4\3
When Helena was studying martial arts in Shang Simla. (btw the homeland of Madam and Yingati) She overworked herself so much that she now has to dye her hair blond to cover up a bunch of gray hairs
Helena the union of an ordinary sim and a fairy. A half-breed. She does not have access to such fnctions as - long life and magic. But in she excels in physical activities of ordinary sims
Fact: Helena was able to reeducate Paris to do his job properly
For Helna, Hermia is dead. So when she's asked to stop ignoring Hermia's existence, she says - I'm not crazy enough to talk to a ghost
Helena seems to be a cold person, but if you talk to her for a while, you will find out that in addition to white arts, she bakes cookies/buns to drink tea with (if Paris doesn't eat all the sweets in one go); Her favorite - green tea with peach
The Snout also have a dog named Peek
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He was a present for Madam from father-in-law. i don't know how to describe him, i'll just show it
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he's also supposed to be a Spitz
fact: the only three characters here are not Shakespearean references
hmmm, should i put Madam-Helena and Escalus-Paris templates for download?
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rabid-citrus · 2 months
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Some info on humanoid species in Calmford's world.
Text transcripts and bonus notes under the cut:
Notable members: Flanelle (mime) and Dots (a mix of multiple clown subtypes) (also known as Goroshek in her native language)
Clowns look like people wearing makeup. The main difference is that it's not makeup at all. Babies are born with colorful marks on their faces, and sometimes even on other body parts.
Clowns literally live to entertain the public. People's excitement and joy is one of their main sources of energy. The main rule: you are the source for those emotions (not necessarily alone).
Unfortunately, other emotions also affect them, Rejection is the most unpleasant one, sometimes even painful. If a clown is deprived of positive feedback for too long, they will get sick and start wasting away from malnutrition.
Clowns can taste their audience's emotions. Their specific opinions on their flavors differ and vary, but the general principle stays the same: Joy and laughter are sweet, Sadness is salty, Annoyance is bitter and Fear and Surprise are spicy. Some clowns like the spiciness of adrenaline rush; these guys usually find a job at horror shows and haunted house attractions.
Extra notes: some clown types exhibit magical powers; for example, mimes can create and interact with invisible objects.
Notable members: Nova (trueborn tooth fairy) Gears (not confirmed, but might be a tinker fairy), arguably Vivienne (her grandmother on mother's side was a forest fairy)
Fairies look like humans, but there is a few key differences: wings and huge variety in hair color, and sometimes having inhuman ears or even insect-like antennae, like butterflies.
A fairy's wings are not always visible; when not needed, the fairy hides them under a shiny plate on their back. In this case the wings can pass through the fairy's clothes. Baby fairies are born wingless and grow their wingplate for some time, before finally taking their first flight
Fairies are known to be hoarders. They often collect various things they find interesting; for example, tooth fairies collect teeth.
Some fairies leave their young in care of humans, like cuckoos. Sometimes they give their offspring to childless people yearning for a child, and sometimes they swap out pre-existing children.
Extra notes: some types of fairies, like tinker and tooth fairies developed cold iron immunity because they frequently come into contact with tools and/or other things made of iron-containing materials (tinker fairies often dig through scrapyards and tooth fairies usually work as professional dentists).
Notable members: doctor Pellet (cluster-eyed variety, hides his eyes under glasses)
Metamorphs can look like anything. All of them can shapeshift to change their appearance, but most of them prefer to settle for the form they find the most comfortable.
A metamorph can easily grow an extra limb, a tail, or something else. If you chop off their arm (for example), they can easily grow it back, like lizards grow back their tails. In this case they will need to eat and rest a lot, as regeneration requires energy and a lot of building materials.
All metamorphs have at least one detail in their appearance that never changes, most frequently it's the number of their eyes, or the number and placement of their birth marks.
Metamorphs are sexless and reproduce by budding, like hydras. The majority of them believe. that true family is the people who love and support you unconditionally, and not necessarily the ones who you share your genome with.
Extra notes: metamorphs take on all strengths and weaknesses of the form they choose (think Pennywise/IT, the logic is similar). For example, doctor Pellet reacts to apples the same way vampires would react to garlic, because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
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doniaqueta · 8 months
Hello, knitters and crocheters of Tumblr
I come to you with an app idea, not to start any sort of crowdfunding, I don't want to start the next Tumblr scam. This is just something I want to do (actually, already started to do because I have bad impulse control) and I want to see if anyone else would be interested in using it. Again, I am asking for $0.00 MXN (that's $0.00 USD), and it would be a free app, no ads, maybe I'll slap a link to my Ko-Fi in it but that's it.
I am not doing this for profit, I'm doing it because it'll be useful for me, because the idea goblin in my head in insatiable, and my hubris is immeasurable.
Details under the cut, and I'll be adding updates as I go at the end of the post
The idea is:
An app to help you keep track of current knitting and crocheting projects, projects (aka patterns) you want to get to, and materials you need for all that stuff.
The WIP section would have tabs for each project you started, because if you're like me, it won't be just one. Each tab would include:
A row counter
Information on the pattern, like its name, some notes, the section you're currently working on (for patterns with different sections where the row count is reset)
A timer for the time you've been working on that project, because you deserve fair pay if you sell your craft so you have to know how long you've worked on it
The patterns section would have, well, patterns. For at least version 1.0, I'm thinking a list of PDFs that are stored in your phone and open in your phone's PDF viewer.
Finally, the materials section would just be a good old fashioned shopping list. You input items manually, you check 'em as you get 'em.
Update 29/01
I've finished the mockups and the design of the icons I'll be using in the app. I'm going to start moving into coding territory.
Update 06/02
I've started the development and it's going pretty well. I opted for React Native, and while I have experience with React, I was a bit daunted by the idea of going into React Native. But! It's been smooth sailing so far. I've got a sturdy project structure, a functional menu, and an almost functional shopping list.
Update 19/02
I missed last week's update because I was very sick. For most of the first week, after finishing the shopping list, I worked on code organization and documentation. Now that I was sure that I was going to use React Native, I wanted to make sure the project is organized and sturdy. After that, I've been working on the pattern list, which has been a bit of a pain because I want to respect the user's privacy and security and not access the entire filesystem if I don't need to.
Update 27/02
I got frustrated with my troubles with the filesystem, so like any good procrastinator, I put that part aside and started working on other stuff. Apart from tinkering with the style and some background work to improve performance, I've also added support for different languages (currently just English and Spanish because those are the ones I feel confident I won't fuck up the translations, but I'm thinking of later asking for help with more languages), and I've started working on the WIP section.
Update 08/03
I haven't been able to work on it a lot this week because I had a lot of work to do for my actual job (I had to do my job at my job, shocking, I know), but last week I finished building the first functional version of the WIP section. As it is, it's only for one project, but it should be relatively easy to add tabs for multiple projects. I also had the chance to do something like a demo with a potential user, which is just a fancy way of saying I showed what I've done so far to my cousin (a great knitter & crocheter) and she really liked it :D
Update 12/04
Gap in updates because I was a bit overwhelmed by my job so I gave myself a lil vacation on this project. This week I got back to work and now the WIP screen officially supports multiple projects in different tabs. This means the WIP screen is done! Which means I will soon have no choice but to stop procrastinating the pattern list and face my filesystem problems oh no.
The poll has ended but I'm leaving the results up:
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eightyonekilograms · 8 months
The unit testing conversation: is there an equivalent for object oriented languages? I'm the closest thing my company has ever had to a developer and I have zero formal training. I made them a reasonably complicated power app that is now a load bearing component of our booking system (matching nurse skill sets to patient needs across multiple clinics). My boss will never hold me to any standards because he knows less than I do and I'd really like to have good practice. When I test my code I mostly just ... Pretend to be a user and make sure when I try and get a specific clinician I know can do something, she shows up. Repeat 1000 times until I think I've tried everything. Is unit testing relevant to me? Should I be doing something different but equivalent? My company is a charity, even though I'm working somewhat outside my job description I'm really helping people with my work and I'd like to do a good job.
The sticking point here is not so much OO languages per se— OO does just fine with unit testing if you use objects as your interface boundaries, which is harder not to do with most contemporary OO languages— but GUIs. Unit testing is particularly unpleasant in GUIs, and OO happens to be a good paradigm for doing GUIs, which is why it was the dominant one for so long. To be honest, I do very little GUI programming of any kind (both at work at at play I'm kind of a backend person who only makes UIs if I absolutely have to) so I don't have a ton of advice here, and all I can offer are general guidelines:
Gary Bernhardt's "functional core, imperative shell" mindset is a good guideline to keep in mind when you're working in situations that must, by necessity, have a lot of state which makes unit testing tough, including GUIs. Try to design your applications around with that mindset as much as you can, and then do the unit tests on the functional core.
OO was the dominant paradigm for GUIs for decades, but recently it is starting to get superseded by things like functional reactive programming. Because I'm not a UX/webdev person I'm not fully in the know here, but webdev seems to be moving strongly in the functional reactive direction, and the latest desktop GUI frameworks like React Native and SwiftUI are as well. Obviously it's not always possible in your job to throw out the whole codebase and start over in a whole new language/paradigm, but it's precisely because unit testing with GUIs is kind of a hassle that the industry is trending in this direction. Start brushing up on that if it's relevant.
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sunriseverse · 3 months
WRITING PROCESS QUESTION because of that ask meme: your characterization is always so on point. i love them. do you have any advice on developing that? what's your process? how d you capture character voice?
and this is a long shot but: do you have any advice for people who don't speak the language specifically? is there a good way to approach character voice when theres a sort of barrier?
first of all: it makes me very very happy (and bashful) that you think my characterisation is so accurate! it's one of the things about my writing that i'm truly proud of :) hmmm, let's see. i think to start with, i have to say that, in my experience, "in character" writing isn't just about dialogue. if you're writing a pov character, staying in character means using descriptive phrases and inner monologue patterns that create the image of the character in the same way that camera shots, wardrobe, lighting, etc, would do this work for you in a show/film. if your pov character has certain defining life experiences, they're more likely to speak or think a certain way—are they more formal, or more casual? are they uni-educated, or do they work a blue-collar job after scraping by with a high school diploma? have they experienced trauma that's caused them to be bitter and cynical, or do they, in spite of trauma, cling to humanity and kindness?
another thing that i find helps a lot when characterising characters is figuring out two things: what they want, and what they fear. these can vary based on the period of canon—for example, dmbj characters are probably going to have more variations of wants/fears over time than characters from a single-series show like tdj. to use dmbj as an example: in sha hai, wu xie wants to bring down the wang, and give xiaoge a safe future. what he fears is this plan failing. he'll go to any lengths to make sure it happens the way it needs to—will use, and destroy, and manipulate, and lie as much as he needs to for this to work. obviously, though, that's just the barebones picture—in canon, we also see him being kind when he could be cruel, and merciful when he could be deadly. what does that say about him as a character? there's many interpretations, and all of them are more or less equally valid—but, in the end, more accurate than a characterisation which doesn't take any of these things into account.
i know meta is a bit of a dying art in recent years (well, it feels like i've been hearing and saying this sentiment for the entire eleven years i've been involved in online fandom, so maybe recent isn't the best term), but i truly believe that, through reading, or writing your own!, analysis of characters' actions and mindsets, based on canon's evidence, is a key factor in understanding and accurately portraying characters. and, don't get me wrong, you don't have to do this in a formal, or even public level! a lot of my breakthroughs with relation to characterisation have come at one in the morning in dms with my friends. and you don't always have to agree with other peoples' meta, either; disagreement is just as valid a way to react; what matters is that you then try and figure out why you disagree—is there canon you think contradicts it, is it based on canon that's been retconned or altered since its initial creation, or is it just a theory/read you personally feel squicked by, even if there's canon proof?
to connect this to your question about foreign language media: i'm probably not the best to ask this, since what i write for is largely (only?) for languages i'm a native speaker of, but i've been getting more into kdramas lately, and my korean is............very basic (i can say anyeonghasaeyo and gamsahamnida and that's about it), but i'm planning on writing fic for at least one kdrama some time in the future, so while you should take this with a grain of salt, my best advice is two-pronged: one, seek out materials written by fans who speak/have knowledge of the language of the media you're wanting to write for (this helps a lot for cultural context, and errors with english subbing; tdj seems to drop a good number of referentials in the english subs where i'm watching it, and english subs for cdramas are kind of hilariously bad about endearments/nicknames/titles, not to mention translating the name into english, rather than leaving it in pinyin), and two, pay attention to the spoken language. you might not be able to understand what's being said, but watching through a second time and only paying attention to the words rather than the subs can help immensely to get a feel for the tone and vibe of a character's speech patterns—are they prone to being loud? cheerful? do they crack jokes a lot? and so forth. if you combine these two with what i've mentioned above, about considering the character's background, and then the way they interact with other characters, and what they want and fear, while you'll probably not be perfect at characterising the characters in the same way a native speaker would be, you'll be flying a great deal above a majority of the fandom, and neatly elide the "they would NOT fucking say that" reaction in most cases.
(thank you for letting me ramble about this, i love talking about writing <3333 i hope some of this was helpful!!!)
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jhanvi24av · 5 months
Top Internship Opportunities Students Might Be Missing Out On
In the bustling city of Ahmedabad, amidst the scorching summer heat, lies a golden opportunity for IT aspirants to elevate their skills and gain hands-on experience in the ever-evolving realm of technology. The Special Character (TSC), with its innovative approach to internships, unveils a unique Summer Internship Program for 2024, promising a transformative experience for participants.
At the core of this program lies the essence of real-world application development. Unlike conventional internships that often involve mundane tasks, TSC's internship immerses participants in real-world projects, providing them with a unique opportunity to explore the complexities of IoT, email marketing, e-commerce platforms, and advanced web development.
What makes this program unique is its focus on hands-on learning and practical experience. Over just one month, participants are immersed in a dynamic environment where they not only learn theoretical concepts but also apply them to real-world scenarios. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter, equipping participants with practical skills that are highly sought after in the industry.
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Why Choose a Live Project Internship?
Many traditional internships relegate students to administrative tasks or basic research. While these can be valuable, a live project internship like TSC's offers a new level of engagement. Here's why it stands out:
Real-World Application: Forget theoretical exercises. You'll be working on actual projects, gaining exposure to the challenges and workflows of the industry. This practical experience makes your skills more relevant and showcases your ability to contribute on day one.
Skill Development on Demand: Summer Internship 2024 focuses on in-demand technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and frameworks like React Native and Node.js. You'll not only learn the basics but also gain expertise, making you a more attractive candidate for future tech jobs.
Building a Portfolio: Live projects become part of your portfolio, providing concrete evidence of your skills and accomplishments. This tangible showcase is invaluable when applying for full-time positions after graduation.
Beyond Technical Skills: A Holistic Learning Experience
The Summer Internship in Ahmedabad goes beyond just coding. TSC understands the importance of well-rounded professionals. Here's what sets them apart:
Expert Mentorship: You'll be guided by an experienced mentor with extensive industry knowledge. This one-on-one support ensures you grasp concepts effectively and navigate project challenges with confidence.
Multilingual Learning Environment: Whether you're comfortable in English, Gujarati, or Hindi, TSC offers a supportive environment that caters to your learning style. This fosters inclusivity and allows you to focus on the content, not the language barrier.
Communication and Soft Skills Training: Technical skills are crucial, but communication and teamwork are equally important in the professional world. TSC provides complementary training in these areas, ensuring you can collaborate and present your ideas effectively.
The Competitive Advantage: Showcase Your Talent and Win!
Summer Internship 2024 adds a fun twist with a team competition element. Working collaboratively on live projects, you'll get to showcase your talent, problem-solving skills, and team spirit. The top three teams win exciting cash prizes, providing financial rewards and recognition for your hard work.
Bonus Perks and Career Opportunities
The benefits of this internship program extend beyond the core curriculum. Here are some additional perks:
Convenient Location: Located in the heart of Ahmedabad, the program offers easy access, minimizing commute time and maximizing your learning hours.
Free Training Sessions: TSC provides complimentary sessions on communication and aptitude, enhancing your overall professional skillset.
Fun and Supportive Environment: Enjoy a positive work environment with a supportive team and complimentary goodies to keep you energized throughout the program.
Potential Career Launchpad: Impress your mentors with your dedication and skills, and you might land a permanent position at TSC, kickstarting your career in no time!
Limited Spots Available: Secure Your Seat Today!
With a focus on live projects, expert guidance, and a chance to win big, the Summer Internship in Ahmedabad offered by The Special Character is a unique opportunity for IT aspirants. Don't miss out on this chance to gain valuable skills, build a strong portfolio, and potentially secure your future in the ever-evolving tech industry.
Remember, spots are limited! Visit their website to register and secure your seat for a summer of learning, growth, and exciting possibilities.
Note: This blog post is informative and does not contain any promotional language for The Special Character.
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net-craft · 5 months
How to Hire a Dedicated Team of Mobile App Developers in Phoenix, AZ
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In the heart of Arizona’s innovation corridor, Phoenix is a thriving hub for mobile app development. With a booming tech scene and a wealth of talented developers, Phoenix offers app entrepreneurs the perfect environment to bring their ideas to life. But with so many mobile app development companies in Phoenix (including Net-Craft.com!), how do you find the perfect dedicated team to turn your vision into a reality?
This guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to confidently hire top mobile app developers in Phoenix AZ. We’ll cover everything from defining your project needs to evaluating potential teams and ensuring a successful partnership.
Understanding Your Project Needs
Before diving headfirst into the search for mobile app developers in Phoenix, AZ, take a step back and solidify your project’s core. Here are some crucial aspects to consider:
App Purpose and Target Audience: What problem are you trying to solve with your app? Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your app’s purpose and target audience is fundamental for defining its features and functionalities.
Platform Selection: Will you build a native app for iOS or Android, a cross-platform app, or both? Each platform has its advantages and considerations.
App Features and Functionality: List down the core features and functionalities your app must have. Prioritize based on importance and user needs.
Project Timeline and Budget: Establish a realistic timeline and budget for your app development project.
Finding Top Mobile App Developers in Phoenix
Now that you have a clear roadmap for your app, it’s time to explore the Phoenix mobile app development landscape. Here are some effective ways to find qualified candidates:
Online Job Boards: Utilize platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn to post job descriptions outlining your project requirements and desired skill sets.
Clutch and GoodFirms Reviews: These B2B review platforms showcase top-performing service providers. Research Phoenix-based mobile app development companies with strong client reviews.
Industry Events and Meetups: Attend industry events and meetups in Phoenix to network with developers and get a feel for the local mobile app development scene.
Recommendations and Referrals: Talk to other entrepreneurs in Phoenix who have successfully launched mobile apps. Seek recommendations for development partners they’ve had positive experiences with.
Key Skills to Look for in Mobile App Developers
Beyond technical expertise, look for developers with the following skill sets to ensure project success:
Technical Skills (Platform Specific): For native app development, proficiency in languages like Swift (iOS) or Java/Kotlin (Android) is crucial. For cross-platform development, consider frameworks like React Native or Flutter.
UI/UX Design: A skilled mobile app designer will create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface for your app.
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Mobile app development is a dynamic process. Your team should be adept at tackling challenges and finding creative solutions.
Communication and Collaboration: Clear and consistent communication between you and your development team is paramount.
Evaluating Mobile App Development Companies in Phoenix
Once you have a shortlist of potential partners, delve deeper into their expertise and capabilities. Here are some key areas to evaluate:
Company Portfolio: Review the company’s portfolio to assess their experience in developing apps similar to yours. Look for successful projects in your industry or with comparable functionalities.
Client Testimonials: Read client testimonials to gain insights into the company’s work ethic, communication style, and ability to deliver projects on time and within budget.
Development Process: Understand the company’s development process. Look for structured methodologies that prioritize transparency and client involvement.
Team Structure: Get to know the team you’ll be working with. Their qualifications, experience levels, and communication skills are crucial factors.
Cost and Payment Structure: Ensure the cost structure aligns with your budget. Discuss payment schedules and any additional fees beforehand.
Building a Successful Partnership with Your Development Team
After selecting the ideal team of mobile app developers in Phoenix, set the stage for a successful and collaborative partnership:
Clearly Defined Project Scope: Outline a detailed project scope document that specifies features, functionalities, timelines, and deliverables.
Regular Communication: Maintain open and consistent communication channels with your development team. Utilize project management tools to track progress and address any concerns promptly.
Embrace Feedback: Provide constructive feedback throughout the development process. Be prepared to adapt and iterate as needed.
Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate project milestones to maintain team morale and motivation.
Conclusion: Building Your Dream App in Phoenix
By following these steps, you can confidently navigate the Phoenix mobile app development landscape and hire a dedicated team.
If you would like to speak to a representative, please contact Net-Craft.com for a free consultation.
Content Source https://www.net-craft.com/blog/2024/04/09/hire-dedicated-mobile-app-developers-phoenix-az/
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mobileappdevelopments · 9 months
As we are about to step into 2024, it is important to note that the React Native technology stack is still getting better and more useful, so various mobile app development companies and businesses are utilizing React Native across the globe.
A recent report revealed that React for mobile development will be the 4th most popular framework among developers in 2024. That’s pretty cool right?
Similarly, the global market for React native will be worth around $ 6.8 million by 2028. That’s a lot of money!
According to a survey by Clutch, most businesses, like 63% of them are happy with how their React native apps work. So, it is doing a good job for them.
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But remember, it is essential to know what React Native is good at and what it is not so good at, especially with apps that keep on changing.
Therefore, in this blog we will look at some pros and cons of React Native, so that you can make a better decision while developing mobile apps.
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digitindus · 7 months
DigitIndus Technologies Private Limited
DigitIndus Technologies Private Limited is one of the best emerging Digital Marketing and IT Company in Tricity (Mohali, Chandigarh, and Panchkula). We provide cost effective solutions to grow your business. DigitIndus Technologies provides Digital Marketing, Web Designing, Web Development, Mobile Development, Training and Internships
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Certification of Recognition by StartupIndia-Government of India
DigitIndus Technologies Private Limited incorporated as a Private Limited Company on 10-01-2024, is recognized as a startup by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade. The startup is working in 'IT Services' Industry and 'Web Development' sector. DPIIT No: DIPP156716
Services Offered
Mobile Application Development
Software development
Digital Marketing
Internet Branding
Web Development
Website development
Graphics Designing
Salesforce development
Six months Internships with job opportunities
Six Months Industrial Training 
Six weeks Industrial Training
ERP development
IT consultancy
Business consultancy
Logo designing
Full stack development
Certification courses
Technical Training
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pebblysand · 1 year
Heyyyy Pebbles! Just read your latest chapter and believe me it's just so so so well written! You're a legend really. So i also had a few questions, about Dean. How do you think he felt once ginny and harry got together? Are there some underlying feelings for her still? Also I thought it was a bit rude on Dean's end to just asked harry if he's sleeping with her. Does he think Harry's just messing with her? Also how do you imagine the Weasley's to react to these two getting back together? I'm not sure they'd be a hundred percent pleased with this development since they don't know how how hinny was at hogwarts and have only got a glimpse of post war hinny.
I understand if these are a lotttt of questions, but uk I think you'll always be the best source for post war hinny metas ans headcannons. I love your works so much and as a non native English speaker I'm sooo in awe with your writing. It's of another level altogether. Amd yeah, I hope everything else is great, it's so amazing how you take time out of your busy schedule to write for us. Thanks so much for that!
hello!! thank you! that is so sweet! 🥹
okay, so to answer your questions, regarding Dean: yeah, he totally is being a bit of an arsehole there. i don't think he has feelings for ginny, necessarily. i think he likes her, as a person, and he is worried about her. you might not remember this but there's a scene in chapter 11 where this happens:
[Harry] keeps his thoughts to himself because he already got into a near-altercation with a couple of blokes at the Auror office the other day, and doesn’t need to get into arguments with her, too. They were walking down a corridor, bent over and laughing coarsely at a magazine held between each other - ‘Well, yeah she’s fit but wouldn’t fuck that you know, don’t know where she’s been -’ From behind them, Harry raised his arm without even thinking about it - Dean was quick, grabbed his wrist and held it down before he could aim. Thank Merlin, Ron was off work, that day.  ‘Leave it,’ Dean said. ‘Not worth your job.’  Harry set his jaw and bit his tongue and almost screamed that yes it was worth his bloody job, as a matter of fact, but by the time Dean finally loosened his grip, the two idiots had already turned the corner.  Harry didn’t ask, but he did wonder, later, what Dean thought of it all.
i think Dean feels about Ginny a little bit like Harry feels about Mia. the kind of relationship that didn't work out and it's probably for the best, but that doesn't mean he doesn't respect her or get angry when people disrespect her. the way he holds harry's wrist down in this scene, in my opinion, sort of shows that he's considered hexing them too, you know? and, i think he doesn't know what's happened to ginny during DH (obviously) but he's probably heard from seamus that it all wasn't butterflies and roses, so he feels protective. he doesn't like that people are saying shit about her, and he thinks she's clearly hurting through something. he likely reckons that harry and she being together the summer of 98 and subsequently breaking up didn't help so i think he's a bit hostile towards harry.
also, like, and this is more the fault in faulty manufacturing intertextuality so i appreciate this might not be something everyone on here has read, but harry and dean&seamus aren't, like, friends. they're acquaintances and their relationships sort of go back and forth throughout the years but they don't always get on (for various reasons, not all of them to do with ginny, obviously). and also, if you think of the timeline of both fics and where they overlap, this is happening just as seamus has basically told dean to date other people because he's not ready for a relationship, post-war. dean is obviously very much in love with seamus and so that sucks. and so he's protective of ginny and generally annoyed at life, and so i think that's what comes out in him "confronting" harry in chapter 16. he's being a bit of a dick, but it's sort of calming his nerves, you know?
regarding the weasleys, it's funny. it's one of those things where, when i was writing this chapter and decided to take h&g away from everyone the way i did, i knew people were going to come to me and ask lol. what do her parents think? what do her brothers think? etc. it's addressed in the chapter a little bit (what they've told her parents about their relationship, molly's reaction to them going to the US, etc.) but not that much, i agree.
i think there's two reasons for that. first, i already had 22,000 words on this monster of a chapter without addressing the question of the weasleys, and so frankly, there was no space. but second, i also think i'm not a massive family fluff/family angst person. there are people who write this kind of thing much better than i do.
there are personal reasons for this: i'm the only child of a single mother who basically has no family to speak of - writing about family drama and inter-familial relationships requires a certain amount of research and guesswork on my end which, whilst lovely, i don't always have much time for. the "found family" trope also isn't really my cup of tea. i love that harry has found the weasleys and i love that he gets on with them and finds a sense of peace in his relationship with them after the dursleys, but i don't think it's something that fascinates me in the way that i want to write about it all the time. i love harry and ron's relationship. i love harry and hermione's relationship. i obviously love harry and ginny's. but writing about the weasleys as a whole is a fun exercise, sometimes, and i do do it, but it's not something i want to spend most of my time on.
i think (and this obviously shows in the fic), my favourite weasley relationship to explore is ginny and molly. this interest actually stems from a quote from dirgewithoutmusic's the kids who chose themselves, which reads:
This Ginny had never met a diary. But she had still died once, though in a flaming home and not a cold, damp castle basement. She had still been reborn into something her mother would always love and never fully understand. 
this is obviously an AU where the diary doesn't exist, but this quote (and particularly the last sentence) has been engrained into my psyche for years since i first read that fic, and it's given me a lot of thoughts. tbh, i used not to really have a headcanon for ginny and molly's relationship before reading this, and that quote has now sort of become the foundation and the guiding principle of how i see them. i always gravitate back towards it when it comes to ginny and her mother (and, to a certain extent, the whole family). i think there's so much love between ginny and her mother, (and between all of the weasleys in general) but sometimes a lack of true understanding of each other. the love is somewhat unconditional (see how percy was welcomed back) but it's also imperfect. i think ginny's family have values with which, in light of her own personal experiences, she doesn't necessarily adhere to. as such, this creates a level of misunderstanding which doesn't eliminate the love itself, but makes the day to day harder to deal with.
having said all of the above (sorry for the long preamble lol), i think when it comes to harry and ginny's relationship, the truth of how the weasleys feel is also complicated (and diverse). i don't think there's a "how the weasleys feel", there's a "how each individual weasley feels". i think bill, imo, is the most adult of them all. he looks at harry and ginny with caution, but isn't necessarily opposed to it. i don't think he's keen on them going on the trip itself (for similar reasons as his parents - he's quite conservative) but i think he's generally alright with it. i think charlie is cool with everything, cause charlie is just cool and clearly also loves traveling. percy, i think, feels so guilty and conflicted about his own decisions that he wouldn't express any judgment. he might pass judgment in his head but he doesn't express it.
i think when it comes to george, he's actually the one who understands ginny best. the level of grief he's experienced personally has made him a lot more attuned to other people's experiences. i think george is the only one who, whilst not knowing the specifics, kind of has an inkling that "yeah, something happened in hogwarts that year." he doesn't know what that something is, exactly, but he can tell it exists. a little bit like dean above, he can tell ginny is working through something (because he knows what it looks like). so, when she gets together (again) with harry, it's like: please don't get hurt. i think he's, as such, probably quite cold towards harry at the beginning of their relationship, not because he doesn't like harry, or doesn't like harry with ginny, but more like he doesn't want her to get hurt. lastly, as we do see in the chapter, i think ron has been following this train for long enough, by then, that when they get back together it's not really a surprise. he knows why they broke up (sort of) and why they're getting back together (sort of). i think he very much doesn't like the thought of them having sex together, but yeah it's his best friend and his sister, i do agree with him that it's a bit weird lol.
regarding her parents, it's complicated. i think mr weasley sees himself and molly in harry and ginny's relationship a lot. he sees the fun they have together, how much they love each other, how much harry respects her (and obviously he likes harry as a person) so i don't think he really has a problem with it. he understands what it's like to be young and in love. you can kind of see that early on when he gives them the sex talk. i think his view would have been different if ginny has been like "harry was a dick to me and broke up with me," because he obviously wouldn't stand for his daughter being mistreated, but here ginny was the one who broke up with harry and she very much told the family it wasn't his fault. harry was clearly heartbroken, so i think mr weasley doesn't blame him for anything. i also think he has a very good relationship with ginny and trusts her to make her own decisions, knows that they "raised her well", you know? and, i think he's a bit like "well, they're adults." unlike molly, i reckon arthur understands a lot more what it's like to have adult relationships with your adult children. even when harry is a teenager, he never infantilises him. always treats him with respect and indulges his concerns and understands his eagerness to be involved. so, i think generally, he's quite happy harry and ginny got back together, because he can see they love and respect each other and hopes it'll last in the long run. he also understands that young people sometimes make mistakes, and that's okay.
molly... molly adores harry. she thinks he's a great boy who has been through terribly difficult stuff and she just loves him so much. she obviously sees herself as his mother, too. so, i don't think she sees him as a bad "option" for ginny, necessarily. but, by the time they get together, her relationship with ginny has become so difficult and strained, i think she just doesn't know what to do. if she expresses any sort of opinion (about them living together, about them going away together, ect.) she knows ginny is going to go off at her. ginny and molly have very different values when it comes to sex and relationships, and ginny obviously feels very insecure about her past, and feels judged by her mother, which doesn't help much. i think molly interpreted ginny's breaking up with harry and her partying streak as misbehaviour, rather than the sort of cry for help it was, and that caused a lot of tension. and, i think, even if she could tell something was wrong underneath the surface, she didn't quite know how to handle it. her only response was to tell ginny to "just stop," and send howlers, which wasn't much help. she is frustrated, doesn't know why ginny also quit school, doesn't approve of her decision to pursue quidditch, etc. i think what ginny needed, back then, was for her mother to pull her into a hug and rock her to sleep but molly didn't know that, and so she didn't do it. it's a whole misunderstanding.
so, i think molly has a lot of thoughts about harry and ginny, i actually think most of them are positive-though-cautious but she is walking on eggshells and so doesn't really say anything.
pfew, sorry this was so long, lol! hope it makes sense.
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Top WordPress Development Companies in 2023
Want to create an online persona for yourself or your company? Well, the best way to go forward is with a brand-new website that can showcase your company, its offerings, and what you stand for. Websites created by the top WordPress development companies reach far and wide to target audiences around the world and attract lots of organic traffic, increasing the business’ sales and revenue.
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You know that you need to build a website, and you decide to make it on WordPress. But you may not know much about WordPress, and there are many individual developers and agencies available for WordPress development.
These are enough to confuse you when you are to select a WordPress development company, but as you have reached this blog, do not worry.
We will tell you how you can hire a WordPress development company in India for your business. Stay tuned as we will start our discussion with a brief on WordPress.
1. QuickWay InfoSystems
In the world of WordPress, they are one of the top WordPress development companies. They offer services around the globe, which is the most important thing. QWI is a well-known Software Development company, with Services such as Web Development, Android App Development, iOS App Development, CMS Development, React Native App Development, & other servides too.
They provide high-quality, standard coding services that are convenient for clients.
They have more than 7+ years of experience with WordPress. They have completed over 500+ projects in different industries such as entertainment, art, music, marketplace development, and the Restaurants industry.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, Web Application Development, Mobile Application Development, UI/UX Design, Front-end Development, Microsoft Development.
2. Seahawk Media
Having worked with over 100+ brands and managed WordPress for them, Seahawk has delivered exceptional WordPress services. It is trusted by top web hosts for its dedicated retention and support services that prevent customer churn.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, Custom Web design, WordPress White Label, Maintenance & Support, Migration Services, SEO & Marketing
3. MultiDots
They are a top WordPress developer and support content producers as well as digital agencies in reaching their goals.
Multidots has developed multi-platform WordPress solutions and advanced WordPress technology for global corporate brands such as Storyful (NewsCorp Venture), Accenture, and MIT.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, WordPress Migration, WordPress VIP Migration
4. Krify
Krify is a leading WordPress development company that can help transform your business by offering innovative, high-quality, and cost-effective website development services. With a team of expert developers, designers, and project managers, Krify can provide you with bespoke software solutions that cater to your unique needs.
Expertise In: WordPress Website Development, WordPress Migration, eCommerce WordPress website development, informative website development, PHP Website Development.
5. Uplers
Uplers has well-known website development professionals, and their current customers only trust them since they offer their customers fantastic jobs developing websites. More than 500 agencies are available to serve their offerings.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, Hubspot Development, SEO Services, SEM Services, Email Marketing.
6. rtCamp Solutions
rtCamp Solutions is a reliable corporate WordPress solution. Millions of people reach out to them every day through their unique engineering solutions for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and household brands.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, Digital Publishing, Digital Marketing, eCommerce Development.
7. ColorWhistle
ColorWhistle offers the best digital agency services. They are focused on creating best-in-class solutions to benefit your website in many ways and help you outperform the competition.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, Web Design Services, Web Development Services, Digital Marketing Services.
8. Elsner Technologies
Elsner Technologies is a company that develops software for web and mobile. The company is known for its ability to provide 100% customized technical solutions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and a track record of 100% year after year.
Expertise In: Web Development, Mobile App Development, Cloud Computing, Enterprise Application Development.
9. Hidden Brains
Hidden Brains, a leading WordPress development company, is located in India. They offer easy-to-use WordPress solutions that are easy to configure, publish, and manage. Hidden Brains has created WordPress websites for clients from 39 different industries around the globe. Its greatest asset is its work. Their clients span more than 200 countries.
Expertise In: Web Application Development, Mobile Application Development, UI/UX Design, Front-end Development, Microsoft Development.
10. IndiaNIC
It is one of the first companies to offer offshore web and mobile app development services. With web and mobile as its core strengths, it has assisted clients in designing and developing numerous attractive stores, as well as bringing them to market via effective and engaging websites.
Expertise In: Custom Web Development, Mobile App Development These 2 are their main services
Building a WordPress website can be daunting, no matter how important it is to your business's growth or to drawing attention to a worthy cause. Hire WordPress developers who can help you shine with fresh ideas and technical expertise. There are many companies available to meet your needs and budget.
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