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jks1uv · 3 months ago
𝑌𝑜𝑱 đ»đ‘Žđ‘Łđ‘’đ‘›â€™đ‘Ą 𝑆𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑀𝑩 𝑀𝑎𝑛 ; jack reacher
| one-shot |
summary: your boyfriend is a sight to behold.
pairing: fem!reader x alan ritchson!jack reacher.
trope: established relationship.
genre: fluff + a sprinkle of angst + romance.
warnings‌: crude language + alan ritchson is 6’3 but jack reacher is 6’5 in the books so that's what i'm going with + tall!reader bc she’s 5’8 (my height). there’s smth abt large height gaps that make me so uncomfortable + a guy gets a bit too comfortable but big ole reacher takes care of it giggles maniacally + mentions of alcohol consumption + implications of sex but still sfw + mentions of toxic friendships (jealousy is a disease y’all! stay safe or get well soon!).
word count: 2,683.
random disclaimerrr: JACK REACHER’S SAUR FINE OMG HE’S SO BIG & TALL & DIRECT & STRONG & SO SO SMART LIKE UGH I NEED DAT‌happy reading! Ê•â€ąáŽ„â€ąÊ” ♡ © 2024 @jks1uv
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“What is he, like six-three, six-four?”
“Goddamn. He’s fucking huge.”
“Mmm, try six-five.” You giggle as your friends stare shocked and dumbfounded.
Reacher saw you in town at the local library and ‘bout damn near broke his neck doing a doubletake.
You were browsing in the classic literature section, not really looking for anything.
But you looked so beautiful. You were in your element and in his mind, there's nothing else that makes anyone more attractive.
He sauntered up to you and and showed you his favorite, which you so happened to finish before making your trip there. He chuckled as you gushed about the novel and indulged you in friendly fire about the interpreted meaning(s). He then asked if you were free to hang out to which you agreed as long as you pick the place.
You weren't an idiot. You took his size and build into careful consideration as nowadays, you never know what might happen.
Besides, no matter how well-read, handsome and charming a man may seem, never trust him at first glance.
So, you played it smart. Only telling him what he asked for, smiling to be polite and insisting on paying for your own things as you put it so eloquently.
“It’s fine, Reacher. We aren't dating.”
Of course, he took notice of your boundaries and was impressed at how subtly direct they were drawn.
Two more hangouts in public spaces later, he asked you out on a date. You thought he'd earned it along with your number.
That was three months ago.
You told your friends a few days prior to the present situation and they were ecstatic. They understood what kind of woman you are and if a man caught your eye, he must be worth your time.
So, they arranged for a triple date disguised as a dinner with their boyfriends. They begged you to say yes to the inevitable hangout-turned-gossip sesh-with-the-girls.
Who were you to deny them of this one, little thing?
That’s how you ended up seated at a table in a sports bistreaux. Jack is at the bar with your friends' boyfriends.
You take a sip of your soda and your friends eye each other before breaking out in a fit of uncontrable laughter.
“What, what's so funny?”
“Nothing!” Ayla blurts out but as soon as she looks over at your other friend, Trinity, she's giggling all over again.
They smack each other and are smiling so hard, Ayla is on the verge of tears.
“Okay, okay.” Trinity catches her breath.
“We were just thinking abut how, like, you said he’s six-five, right?”
“And you’re
You nod at them curious to what they’re trying to insinuate.
“So, Y/n.” Ayla draws out with an airy voice. “Does he even fit the bed? You know, when you two-”
“Oh my god.” You groan.
They wildly cackle at your response and deem it’s hilarious but you can’t help but smile, however ludicrous their response may be.
“You guys are so ridiculous.”
You take another sip of your soda and feel yourself in the line of someone’s eyes. You look up and meet his. It seems he’s in a similar situation; being the punchline for the poorest taste in humor.
He shrugs slightly and you smile at him. He smiles back and looks away to take a bite out of his food.
You feel great about this; the relationship, Reacher. All of it.
Nothing can ruin any of it for you.
“Oh shit.”
Ayla bursts your little bubble of content with disbelief and, well, you can’t say nothing lasts forever.
“Don’t turn around right now-”
And of course, you do the exact opposite. Your curiosity gets the best of you but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing, per say.
“You shouldn’t have started with that.” Trinity shakes her head.
The people in your line of view consist of your ex-best friend and her boyfriend who used to be like an older brother to you. A friend.
You watch as they walk towards a table of equally shallow bodies of pathetic people. You turn back around and don’t look at your friends. You’re suddenly hit with an embarrassing hotness in your stomach and your heart’s beating fast.
Bitch, what, you scared?
You claim you’re not and try to slow down your palpitations by dipping for a minute.
“Bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
You don’t even glimpse at your friends and walk straight to the back but of course you’re friends follow you.
Trinity explains how you’re going to the bathroom and she’ll stand outside for you to Reacher but he doesn’t buy your story. He saw the look on your face and your urgent stride added on.
You stand in front of the mirror and will yourself to just breathe. You remind yourself you’re not scared, you’re not a pussy. It’s just nerves on fire as you haven’t thought of them in months.
Ayla wants to go inside to check in on you but Trinity disagrees. “This is something she needs to do on her own.”
“I know.” Ayla sighs and checks the time on her watch.
“Excuse me.” A voice curtly intervenes.
Meet Darcy Pratt, aka a psychotic, mentally ill, two-faced narcissistic, bigoted bitch who is also, somehow, a people pleaser.
“It’s a one-stall bathroom.” Trinity wittily replies with a fake smile.
“Sure it is.” Darcy nods.
Ayla scoffs. “We don’t know how to lie like you.”
“Okay, wow.” Trinity puts her hand on Ayla’s shoulder in warning but the she ignores it.
“What are you trying to say?” Darcy challenges to which Ayla graciously accepts ‘cause momma ain’t raise no bitch!
While all of this is going on, your heart’s calmed down enough for you to go back out there.
You deeply inhale and exhale one last time and as soon as you open the door, it’s chaos central.
“Oh, bitch, please-”
“Who the fuck you callin’ a ‘bitch’, bitch?”
So much is happening at once and you don’t know why but you know what to do.
“What is going on here?”
The 3 girls stop talking and look at you.
“We were just leaving.” Ayla seethes.
“Finally, some common ground.” Trinity mutters while she hastily leads the way.
You awkwardly purse your lips and walk away from Darcy but she doesn’t return the sentiment. She rolls her eyes and mocks with bitterness, “Yeah, go on. Walk away from this, too.”.
You stop dead in your tracks.
“You know what? Fine.” Trinity huffs and turns around.
Ayla’s itching for a fight now, a crazy rush of adrenaline pumps through her veins.
You weren’t going to start a fight since finishing one was always your style but this was something you couldn’t ignore.
“We haven’t spoke in months and that’s what you wanna say to me? Really?” You’re not talking too loud but you’re not exactly timid with it, either.
Darcy rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. “Oh, please, Y/n. You literally ran to the bathroom when I walked in so don’t act all big and bad now.”
You scoff at her audacity. “If you think I’m scared of you then you’re even more delusional than I last remember.”
You choose to walk away with your dignity intact but alas. Some people just can’t stand it when others display amounts of maturity they can only speak of.
Trinity and Ayla split the bill before you even ask to leave and have already told the waitress to bring a few to-go boxes.
As you wait, they tell their boyfriends and Reacher that you 3 are gonna go explore the boutique next-door.
You pack up the remaining food and remember the events that lead to you breaking off an almost 12 year friendship.
She was like a sister to you. Always there for you through thick and thin, cheering you on and encouraging you to come out of your comfort zone.
She just had to grow jealous and miserable, making her own problems the pinnacle of her life.
What about your problems? What about how you feel?
Whatever. That’s all in the past.
You have some great things going for you in the present and you are not about to let yesterday’s grief ruin tomorrow’s happiness.
“You okay?” Trinity bumps your shoulder with hers in an attempt to cheer you up.
It works, you give her a small smile and nod.
“I’m ready to get the fuck outta here.” Ayla yawns.
Her bipolarity is something you’ll never get used to.
You turn around at the sound of your boyfriend calling you.
He gets up from the stool and walks over to you.
You know what he’s doing; staring into your eyes to really see what’s going on. Your nervousness grows the closer he comes and you can’t look into his eyes for more than a couple seconds.
“Hey,” He murmurs as he places a hand on your shoulder, you put on a fake smile.
“What’s going on?”
His attentiveness is so endearing, especially when it’s towards you. You feel special every time you’re on the receiving end of his treatment.
Your friends eye each other and back away a bit, giving you two some space.
“Nothing, I’m just not feeling well.
He gives you a look that says, ‘I know you’re lying’ but he still doesn’t pry.
You’re grateful for that but you know he won’t let either of you sleep until you tell him what’s been chewing on you later, but that’s later.
“I promise.” You lie.
He sighs. “Okay, but I-”
“Yo, Y/n!”
You close your eyes like it’ll make everything disappear. Like it’ll undo everything.
Reacher turns his shoulders sideways and furrows his eyebrows a bit at the sound.
He sees a guy a quarter of his size and a few inches shorter than him practically galloping towards your small group.
Ayla and Trinity exchange glances and their boyfriends stand up from the stool as well.
“Heard you called my girl crazy?”
You smack your teeth and sigh deeply. Your fingers pinch the bridge of your nose in exasperation.
Reacher takes this as a sign and steps up. He’s almost covering you now but it’s comical to see him peer down the guy you used to call your friend.
“I think you could’ve handled that way better. Don’t you?”
“Reacher.” You touch his shoulder but he ignores your unspoken request.
He’s not about to let this random come and disrespect you, and he’s certainly not about to let it go either.
“Josh, stop.”
It’s faux embarrassment, you can obviously tell.
Darcy doesn’t give a fuck about Josh doing the confronting for her. As long as he speaks up first, she’ll just piggyback off of him and bring up irrelevant shit to misdirect the entire conversation.
This isn’t your first rodeo.
“Nah, that ain’t fair.” He remarks without looking at her.
“You talk all this shit when we’re not around but now that we’re here, you don’t wanna talk anymore?”
Josh steps around Reacher and is just half a step away from getting in your face. He’s yanked back before another breath can slip out of his mouth and you see Reacher slam him face-down onto the nearest countertop.
“Woah, man!”
“Oh shiiiit.”
“Get his ass!”
Some people turn to look at the person who shouted that last sentence.
“What? He had it comin’.” Ayla defends.
Your hands fly to your face on reflex and your eyes are wide in shock. You didn’t know what to expect but it wasn’t this.
“Don’t you ever make that mistake again, do you hear me?” He scorns the other so-called ‘man’.
He reckons any guy with a brain should know not to get in a woman’s face, no matter the situation. But desperate times call for desperate measures and if Reacher was supposed to school him, then he’ll teach this lesson with great enthusiasm.
Josh has one arm bent behind him on his back and Reacher’s manhandling him with one hand.
Is it wrong to state how turned on swooned you are in this moment?
Other people are starting to crowd and look at the ongoing spectacle, tuning you back in.
“Y/n! Do something!” Trinity whisper-screams.
“What the fuck is she supposed to do? He’s almost a foot taller than her and big as is anyway.” Ayla makes a fair point but you know Reacher would do just about anything you ask.
“Reacher,” You call out softly.
A few seconds go by before he turns his head slightly to where you could see his side-profile.
“Let’s go.” You don’t know if this’ll work but you ought to try.
“Look, man. I-I don’t want any trouble-”
Reacher sneers at his pathetic quivering. “You couldn’t even afford it.” And with that, he lets him go.
Reacher fixes his jacket a bit and gives you a once over. His blue eyes scan your face and body and once he’s satisfied, he walks out with your hand in his.
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It’s always quiet when he’s over.
You guys order takeout, watch a movie or start a show, you’ll fall asleep and he’ll carry you to your bed while he sleeps on the couch.
Except, none of that is happening tonight.
You’re sitting on your bed and he’s in the living room double checking the doors, windows and other things with handles and locks on them.
It’s unusually quiet, especially for the day you’ve just had. So quiet, that you don’t even hear his footsteps padding in your direction.
They stop at the door and he’s leaning against it, analyzing you.
You look up and see a serious look on the face but it isn’t mean. It’s more of a ‘I need to know why whatever transpired today so we can move on’ look. And you get it, you figured he’d ask sooner or later.
“He’s the boyfriend of one of my ex-best friends.” You admit. “We used to be friends, he was like an older brother to me.”
He sits down next to you.
“Darcy was acting weird and I didn’t like it so when I went to confront her, of course she didn’t appreciate it. She got Josh to do some of her bidding and I just broke it off with the both of them.”
You look at Reacher and he’s nods a couple times.
“How long ago was that?”
You pout your lips to the side in thought. “Like, months ago. Almost six, I think.”
His eyebrows are raised and he stares at you. “And I thought you held a grudge.”
That makes you smile a bit. “Shut up.” You mumble while pushing his shoulder with your knuckles.
He shrugs and looks back at you, an expression of care adorning his face.
“Has he done that before?”
You know he’s referencing to how close he got to your face out of spite and you answer him truthfully.
“Yeah.” You sigh.
“Trinity was there and she told him to back off, which he did. She was saying how he shouldn’t do that and how unnecessary it was and I appreciate her for that, I do.”
You take a moment to reflect on how history has repeated itself.
“Just wish it was me saying those things but I think I was just in shock at how fast it all happened.”
He hums thoughtfully before inquiring about his girlfriend.
“Darcy didn’t say or do anything.” You dryly comment.
He hears your disappointment behind it and wishes so badly he was there.
You look down at your hands and his large ones interlock your fingers with his. He rubs his thumb across yours in a soothing manner.
“But I did.”
He takes your hand up to his lips and presses a kiss of promise onto it.
The act makes you smile and you turn to hug him. Your arms make their place around his neck and his around you, his hands almost take up your entire back.
“I’ll have your back. Always.”
“I know.” You smile into his shoulder.
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months ago
The Last Time: Jack Reacher x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @castle-of-ruin @baconeggndcheez @alishageorgia @hal3ynicol3
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It’s past midnight and the stars are twinkling up in the sky as you and Reacher lie on a sleeping bag in the woodland near your house staring up on them. The trees rustle in the light breeze, the sounds of the forest a peaceful rendition.
Reacher’s fingers threaded through yours. The flames from the campfire illuminating his features, highlighting the freckles on his face. He’s more weather worn than you last time you saw him, his cheeks are grizzled, his skin a little more tan. He usually stops by every couple of months, shares your bed, walks your dog before he takes off again. He’s a nomad at heart, he always has been.
“This has to be the last time.” He says finally, swallowing hard against the well of emotion in his chest. “I can’t keep coming back here.”
You don’t say anything, not when he squeezes your hand just that little bit tighter or when he turns his head to survey your expression.
You know what the problem is.
Reacher is starting to settle.
His visits have been more frequent over the past year, he stays for longer, starts keeping things at your place. Nothing more than a couple of pairs of boxers and a t-shirt but they’re still there, still his. It’s the biggest commitment he’s made since retiring from the Army.
The man you first met arrived with only the clothes on his back, he didn’t need anything else and now he has a drawer in your dresser and his own mug in your cupboard.  
“Is that why you insisted we camp underneath the stars tonight?” You ask him quietly. “You wanted it to be special?”
“Something like that.” He tells you, his voice a little rough. The time you have together is incredibly meaningful to him, you’re the closest he’s been to another person in years which is why he has to let you go. He can’t afford to have any attachments, not with the way he attracts trouble.  
He rolls onto his side, his thumb ghosting over the apple of your cheek as he looks into your eyes.
“I want you to remember me.” He whispers, his lips brushing over yours. “Remember all the good we had together.”
He makes love to you that night, under the stars, the light of the campfire bathing your bare skin as he drives you to the pinnacle of release before he pulls you away again. He wants to keep you in freefall for as long as possible, to prolong the experience because Reacher, he isn’t ready for this to end, no matter what he tells you.
Your thighs clench around his hips, drawing him deeper. You can feel that climax building inside of you again, each wave washing over you, drowning you. Reacher’s hand comes to rest on your jaw, guiding your mouth back to his. He needs you to be immersed in him when you come, consumed completely because this is the memory he wants to leave you with, him loving you with everything he has.
He feels the exact moment the ecstasy hits you, you grip his dick so fucking tightly that you take him over the edge with you, his release spilling deep inside. He still doesn’t stop, he fucks it deeper, kissing you, touching you because Reacher, he’s not ready for it to be over, not yet.
” You say quietly, your fingers threading through his hair as he buries his face into the curve of your throat.  â€œThis doesn’t have to be goodbye.”
But it does because Reacher, he can’t the thought of losing you and that’s exactly what’s going to happen if he stays.
Reacher? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year ago
Rusty Compass
Jack Reacher x Sibling!Reader
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The neon sign of the Rusty Compass bar cast a jaundiced glow across Jack Reacher's face. He nursed a beer – his third, probably, judging by the empty bottles lining the counter. Rain splattered against the window, washing away the neon in blurry streaks. Not a bad night for a ghost town, Reacher thought, swirling the last drops of his beer.
Then, the bell above the door jangled. A gust of wind swept in, carrying with it the scent of wet asphalt and teenage angst. A skinny figure stood silhouetted in the doorway, blinking against the sudden brightness. Reacher squinted, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes.
"You lost, kid?" he rumbled, his voice as gruff as his military background.
The figure stepped into the light, revealing a mop of rain-soaked hair and wide, eyes that seemed to hold the weight of the world. It was a young kid , barely sixteen, face pale and drawn. Yet there was a stubborn echo of Reacher's own face in there too.
"Are you Jack Reacher?" the person asked, with a voice barely a whisper.
Reacher raised an eyebrow, surprised by the question. He wasn't exactly in the habit of advertising himself. "Depends who's asking," he drawled, playing along.
The young adult took a shaky breath. "My name is Y/N. Y/N Reacher. I'm your sibling."
The words hung in the air, heavy and unexpected. Reacher had no siblings besides Joe, or so he thought. His past was a tangled mess, buried deep within him like a scar. This kid, with their haunted yet familiar eyes, was dredging up memories he'd spent years suppressing.
Silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken questions. Rain hammered against the roof, a drumming accompaniment to the internal war raging within Reacher. Curiosity battled distrust, a tug-of-war played out in the depths of his gaze.
Finally, he sighed, the sound like a weary sigh of an old mountain. "Get yourself a lemonade, kid," he muttered, gesturing to the bartender. "Let's talk."
The next few hours were a blur of stolen glances and hesitant words. Y/N, it turned out, was the result of an indiscretion, a secret Reacher never knew existed. Y/N spoke of a childhood spent in shadows, a mother's love a fragile shield against a harsh world. They spoke of searching, of yearning for a connection that felt undeserved.
Reacher listened, the calluses on his soul softening with each story. He saw himself in Y/N’s eyes, the same hunger for belonging, the same wariness of trust. It was a mirror he couldn't ignore, a reflection of the man he could have been, should have been.
By the time the bar closed, a silent pact had been forged. Reacher wouldn't turn this scrawny kid away, wouldn't let them wander the same lonely road he once had. He wouldn't be the father the kid never had, but maybe, just maybe, he could be the sibling he never knew was needed.
They stepped out into the rain, the moon a pale smudge behind the thick clouds. The road ahead was still shrouded in mist, but it didn't look like an endless escape anymore. It looked like a shared journey, two Reachers, bound by blood and circumstance, carving their own path through the storm. And for the first time in years, Jack Reacher didn't feel alone.
The Rusty Compass faded into the darkness, leaving behind the echo of unspoken promises and the flicker of a fragile hope. The rain kept falling like a baptism, washing away the past and paving the way for the new. Jack Reacher, the lone wolf, had found his pack. And sometimes, that’s all the shelter you needed from the storm.
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 1 year ago
The success of “Reacher” makes a lot more sense when you consider that it’s the dad show version of “Sherlock”. So if you like “Sherlock” and are also a fan of shows like “Yellowstone”, there you go.
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ediblesglue · 1 year ago
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could-they-be-a-pro-wrestler · 7 months ago
How successful would Jack Reacher

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Would you like to submit a character? Click this link if you do!
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blowfliesorangeeyes · 11 months ago
GUILLERMO (with a fake accent) WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???
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hunnam · 1 year ago
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Alan Ritchson as Jack Reacher Reacher Season 2, Episode 2 "What Happens in Atlantic City"
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ainasluv · 3 months ago
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Alan Ritchson as Jack Reacher for Reacher (2022)
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ellelans · 25 days ago
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Beck can't have his number two looking like number two.Means I look like merde. | Reacher 3x04.
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h-a-unted · 8 days ago
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Reacher's cover is blown, but it's a lovers' quarrel.
— Season 3 Episode 6: Smoke on the Water
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year ago
Reacher and Y/N walk the scene of a crime

Reacher: why do we get partnered up so often?
Y/N: because I’m the brains and you’re both brain and brawn
Reacher: right.
Y/N: met a nice gal a couple towns over
Reacher: really? Who?
Y/N: officer Roscoe. You know her?
Reacher: uhh

Roscoe: hey baby I came by to
hey Jack
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 2 years ago
For anyone who is watching the “Reacher” show, the season I’m most excited for is season 3 since that’s probably going to adapt the novel “Tripwire”. Literally, Jack Reacher survives a bullet since his pectoral muscle was so thick the bullet did not make it past his rib cage. And if you don’t believe me, I literally copy and pasted the entry from the Wiki page lol.
imagine the show adapting that scene.
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frownyalfred · 1 year ago
Love it when shows give you ideas for your other fandoms. I need to work the phrase “redwood motherfucker” into a fic about Jason Todd asap.
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dead--girls--club · 7 months ago
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đŸ€ŽAlan Ritchson🧡
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frudoo · 13 days ago
The Tourist - Masterlist
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Jack Reacher x Reader
Reacher has had enough of being a drifter and, unexpectedly, has found the desire to settle down. It's been years since he's seen the one person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and he's in for quite a surprise when he meets her again.
Rating(s): Explicit. Warnings by chapter. MDNI.
Chapter One - Subterranean Homesick Alien
Chapter Two - Karma Police
Chapter Three - ...
Fic is currently in progress!
Taglist: @ateliefloresdaprimavera
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