#re: brooke ciana-lucas.
sburbanlegends · 1 year
the trio - ciana sisters
* note: the ciana family is the name of very elite family who owns a very successful casino chain throughout the united states but primarily based on the gulf coast and vegas. extra note: this is the MAIN verse for these fandomless muses. all have much more in depth verses for things like marvel, dc, resident evil, and more.
brooke ciana-lucas : the oldest sister, is actually the half-sister of the others though none of them look at it that way. brooke’s dad left her mother for marley and sam’s mom. brooke is least likely to ask her father for help… she left home at 18 right after graduation with not much more than a fuck you. currently: traveling writing blogger/journalist.
samantha ciana-lucas : the “good” child. the child no one worried about … and the one they forgot about. despite that, she’s recently tried to take a more brooke approach to her family — but she can’t lie. it’s hard to be on your own. currently: overnight radio producer
marley ciana : no one quite knows how to play their father like marley or “mars”. she doesn’t seemed to get caught up in arguments with her dad … he doesn’t initiate them & as the most confident of the kids, shuts them down elsewhere. she IS in the family business. mars is pretty well known in the usa as the “charity heiress”. she’s well known for her welcome home garden apartment complex… they are temporary homes that house homeless people straight off the street. currently only one complex in the south… she’s adding one in new york now. currently: her own boss.
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
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from left to right: commander brooke ciana-lucas, royal guard samantha ciana, scout marley “mars” ciana ( assigned to @decimatlas’ levi squad.)
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
the way brooke would beat her knuckles bloody for you. the way it doesn’t seem like brooke to be hitting someone so hard but they HURT her people. the pain feels nice like this to brooke. the bruised knuckles fit….
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
brooke : needs besties
samantha : needs a lover
marley : needs a xanax
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sburbanlegends · 9 months
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
@htsdfferent , lyric starter ... brooke to spencer.
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" At least I showed up, you showed me nothing at all. " Brooke says, ashing her joint in the ashtray of the bedroom.
song : "rain on me." lady gaga ft ariana grande.
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
Brooke, Leon flirts with everyone. Do you really think anything is going to happen between you two? You don't do a great job at hiding your feelings.
For a moment, she wonders if this person is truly talking to her. With that attitude, she almost doesn’t believe it. “Someone sounds jealous. All you have to do is ask, sweet stuff.”
But Brooke’s eyes linger over to where Leon stands with a whole bunch of officials. They're discussing the plan. The plan for her with everything they just found out in Spain. She remembers hearing him flirt with Ingrid & Ashley. She’d be lying if she said she wishes it wasn’t reserved for her…
“There are much bigger things going on than who is flirting with who," she finally says, pulling her sunglasses over her eyes. She needs a joint. If she was a little less sober, this would be tolerable.
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
❛  someone  needs  to  get  up   &   close  the  curtains .  ❜ / chels to brooke
Her mouth quirks up in smile as she rolls over lazily. Her hand reaches out to touch Chels' back. She's gorgeous like this. With her red hair splayed over the pillow cases. "I just want to stay like this a little longer."
Brooke traces patterns on her back. Her thoughts wonder. Today, she had a story to turn. But, she could still afford to wait a little bit longer. After all, mornings like this are rare.. & she wanted to cherish it. "If I close them, will you lay longer?" She presses a kiss to Chels' shoulder blade.
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
@decimatlas , brooke for nanami.
The poker chips remove themselves from the ground, depositing into the bag on her waist. She takes the her card-blades & puts them in the bag as well. As she does, she glances over at Nanami. He looks flawless despite the fact they both just took on a special grade. Brooke kind of looks like shit --- bloodied nose, wild hair. While she has the ability to form a force field in the range of her poker chips, she was still working on getting it to hold better ( when she does, maybe she'll finally be grade one. )
Something has shifted. She's not sure when it did, but suddenly, she's seeing Nanami different. He says something about them being done, & needing to head back to the school. After all, like she'd said earlier, she has papers to grade.
It's like the past years with him have collided into one. He's always been there, always been her friend. & right now, as his blond hair falls into his eyes, as a thin bead of sweat drips down his brow... she realizes all at once what she'd been denying --- she's attracted to him.
It's like the movements come on their own. She reaches up, pulls him down to her height by his collar... & kisses him. ( He even tastes good! She isn't sure what's taken her so long! ) But suddenly, clarity re-enters her mind, & she pulls back with a sheepish smile, slowly letting go of his collar. " Uh --- Sorry, heat of the moment, you know & I just ... I just... "
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
emmy , blair , & brooke : smells.
emmy always smells faintly of vanilla & cinnamon. if she's in a rush, you may see flour under her nails or her hands dyed with color from the icing of cakes or other things. if emmy's stressed, you will find her in the kitchen. it is better than her nightmares of her brother crying out for her.
blair on the other hand... she always smells like whiskey & gunpowder. her breath always smells faintly like bourbon. she drowns in her sorrows. if emmy flees to the kitchen... blair flees to vampire nests, recklessly
brooke smells like coconuts & pineapple. she's been using the same perfume since high school. but now, it's always got a hint of weed in the smell. when she's not on the run, you can find her writing up articles with a blunt in her hand.
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
@decimatlas wanted me to post the saddest thing i’ve ever written
I never imagined what happens when the one you love — the you’re in love with — dies. The love doesn’t disappear. No, it simply overflows from you. In tears. In smiles. In memories.
But I miss him. Every morning, I still reach for him. My devil. But he’s gone. I’m here, and he’s gone. It should have been me.
I hate it in Marley. I know he’d be excited they’d made it this far. But as I stand in this stupid balloon, waiting in line up, I can’t think of anything more than I want to go back home.
— bang. at first, i don’t register the pain. i just hear the noise. but horrifyingly, i can only see black fading in my vision. I don’t feel the floor when I hit it. I’m just cold. Someone’s calling Sasha’s name… and mine.
What is happening? I can’t breathe, I can’t think. Oh God, is this the end. I can’t do this, I don’t know what’s next — “ Brooke! ” Oh, that voice. The second I hear it, I’m reaching for the voice. But it doesn’t feel like I’m moving.
But Eden does it for me. I feel her fingers take my hand… & pressed against my chest. I finally can open my eyes enough to look at her.
She’s going to cry. I don’t know how I feel about that. She never cries and now she does it for me? “ It’s bad isn’t? — You’re crying,” my voice doesn’t sound like me. Eden doesn’t answer me. I don’t think she can lie to me in my final moments.
Because that’s what it is, isn’t it? So I give Eden’s hand one more squeeze. I use all of my energy, and that’s… there’s nothing left. “Sam…Marley… Tell them I love them, one more time, okay?”
I’m trying to focus on her, but someone’s behind her now. It’s hard to make them out. But blond hair suddenly is in sight.
It’s him. He looks… young. Erwin looks like how he did when we were in school… maybe as if the weight was lifted. My devil. I don’t care in this moment if it’s heaven or hell. My devil has returned to me.
I smile. Huh. I guess I got my wish. I am going home.
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