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Rose City Skunkworks Stickers are Returning Soon!
Thanks to my awesome friend @claud-city I’ve been able to finally replace my printer. That means I’m one step away from bringing back the sticker side of Skunkworks.
The printer will arrive in just a few days, and in the meantime I also have to reopen my PO Box. In short, I should have it up and running by the end of the week!
Keep your eyes on RoseCitySkunkworks.BigCartel.com as well as on this tumblr for updates! I’m planning a big sale, too!
Thanks to everyone that’s bought stickers and shirts so far. Extra special thanks to the two pending orders who were so kind and understanding in the…uh…3 months their orders got delayed.
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seijorhi · 1 year
Hihi Rhi :))
ART&RCSW - Special Edition
This week (??) I'll talk about two fics, because I absolutely have to talk about Tailspin <33 And since I'm talking about that, it'll be a Tokyo Revengers themed week I guess
Firstly, The Shape of Your Name?? I have a thing for Kazutora, 100%, and it's like, partly your fault tbh
Anyway, I love this fic so so much, because it's 100000x more painful than any normal soulmate fic you've written, and that's saying something
I love Baji so much and this poor boy just does not get a break, not to mention his poor soulmate
And the twisted way Tora is drawn to the reader just ticks all the right boxes, not to mention how his sense of indebtedness towards Baji translates towards the reader - because obviously, as much as he seems to like her, she is still an extension of Baji, the only one he still has
Just, the entire fic is so mouthwateringly delicious <33
Now, on to the star of the show
Tailspin <33
I like how this fic is centred around Chifuyu and the fact that he remembers - that he's trying to do the right thing and still fails miserably
I do have a question before I get into it - did he kill Takemichi to get the time leaper power?? Or??
Anyway, the way he tries to keep Baji and Kazutora away from the reader, all for it to amount to absolutely nothing in the end - also the fact that we read it from his pov and see how much it strains him to stay away, it almost seems like he was being punished for not taking the reader when he had the chance - she died because he went against the grain and all that
It's like one big cosmic joke because he tried to do the "right" thing
Also the reader's piece of shit boyfriend?? Man, him getting beat up was satisfying as hell, thank you for that Rhi :))
It was such a beautiful fic, and I loved the attention to detail, and the idea that he remembered bits and pieces from previous timelines
Also, I'm curious about Baji and Tora's reactions to him kidnapping this random girl - obviously they were happy and went along with it, but like, what was the process?? Did they ever question how and why Fuyu noticed her and decided to kidnap her??
Anyway, I loved this fic so much, I love all of your writing <33
Sorry again for being a bit late, but by this point, I guess we're both used to it - I hope you've had a good weekend :))
See you (maybe??) on Thursday for another round of fangirling over your writing <33
art, bby, i adore you <33
okay so y'all know (or maybe you don't idk) but tora, baji and chifuyu are my absolute faves in tokyo revengers ... hence why at least half of my tokrev fics features at least one of them hehe
i will gladly take the blame for any Kazutora love, he deserves it all and i am just a vessel to share that with you guys.
the shape of your name is i think the first time i've written a non-soulmate pairing in a soulmate fic? cuz that's such a fun concept to play with, especially when it's yandere, and especially when it's someone clearly fucking unhinged <33
but yes. tailspin :))
again there was gonna be a full scene but i kinda liked the idea of leaving it more up to y'all imaginations as to whether he went and 'asked' or picked the less noble path which involved a pipe but uhhh, in my mind he definitely went with the latter. more because it was a, i guess, sort of proven method? there was no guarantee that even if takemichi agreed to give him the power that he'd know how to do it, that it'd work properly.
and takemitchy wouldn't have given it to him anyway.
but yeah, the universe i guess has it out for the reader fhjdekfhjrek
it wasn't all that intentional, but i never really loved (from a narrative side) the whole 'everyone lives and we're all happy best friends forever uwu' ending that we got. ofc i was thrilled my faves got a second chance, and draken and emma got together and takemichi saved his friends yes, but... life doesn't work that way.
i also liked the idea that certain things are just set in stone within that universe, and yes, maybe chifuyu trying to stray too far from that inevitably made things a thousand times worse for everyone involved.
as far as ginji goes.... gbfhdjkjhvfjdks after getting in trouble for making oc's that you guys liked and then putting them through hell i decided to go the opposite direction. initially when i started the fic he was gonna be a loving, good bf but... where's the fun in that? >:)
chifuyu operates on the belief (or at least tries to convince himself) that the reason they did what they did with the reader in the past was that they were essentially broken people. they lost their way, they lost their friends, and as sad and as sick as it was a kind of coping mechanism. they were beyond healthy relationships, and while they loved the reader, that dependency and the fear that she'd be taken from them too made them go to those lengths.
therefore, in this new, shiny timeline where they're all better people without mental illness, trauma and ptsd who don't kill their friends and beat people to death for the fun of it, they should be able to have a fresh start and be better versions of themselves.
unfortunately for him, they're just broken, fucked up people to begin with, there's no changing that.
i think i sort of explained it badly in the earlier ask, because it wasn't like 'oop, there's this pretty girl and we've noticed you stalking her, but hey if you wanna keep her down here that's cool with us as long as we get to share :))' fghdjkdjhvfjdks
in the original timeline they clock on pretty quick – almost from the get-go in tora's case – that something is up with chifuyu and the reader, and when he starts to spiral... they piece things together. they're both incredibly perceptive, even in canon.
between him leaping back and actually physically abducting the reader, months pass. he sort of leaves a trail of breadcrumbs, waits to see the reaction they'll have to that. i refuse to believe that none of them knew anything about the time leaps, even if they didn't remember anything like fuyu does. there is no way loudmouth, awkward as fuck takemitchy (or mikey) at no point said some weird shit that twigged something between their friends.
it isn't difficult to put chifuyu's strange behaviour and his 'sudden' obsession with this girl together with what they know – or at the very least suspect – and come up with some interesting conclusions. chifuyu wouldn't come right out and blurt the whole story, but over time he'd let things 'slip'.
but i also don't think they're all that interested in pushing him for reasons or justification. if chifuyu wants to keep his secrets, fine.
it's not like they don't feel that draw towards her. it's not like they don't have those same, dark, selfish impulses lurking beneath their skin.
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newhistorybooks · 1 year
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"The fiftieth anniversary of the report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic, which exposed the persistence of the unequal socio-political systems investigated by the commission. Feminism’s Fight offers a stocktaking of the period since the RCSW, exploring the often troublesome legacy of the commission. Many of the contributions adopt an intersectional and/or anti-colonial lens, drawing on the best of feminist scholarship to offer a balanced assessment of the lasting impact of the RCSW. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in gender and politics in Canada and beyond."
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imsfire2 · 7 years
So I originally planned, and started to write, a third short piece for today, day three of the Rebelcaptain Smut Weekend.  But it didn’t want to gel, and now it’s turned sideways and became not at all smutty.  Instead, what I’ve got is a rather angst-and-feels-y first kiss story. 
It still needs to be revised anyway, so I’ll keep it to post in a day or two.  Meantime, I can still enjoy everyone else’s lovely offerings!
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stonie4u · 4 years
#throwbackthursday One week ago ... ☀️🇫🇷😎🏔🚵🍾 #coldelamadeleine #goprocycling #rcschrankewallstadt #rcsw #roadslikethese #cycling #roadcycling #stravacycling #indianastones4ever #scottcr1 #scottbikes #outsideisfree #teambergstrasse #rscalpenespresso (hier: Col de la Madeleine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEaEF70og02/?igshid=7b1uz8stsonf
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Aaaand WE’RE LIVE!
Hello everyone!
Welcome to the RebelCaptain Flangst Weekend blog! Thank to those of you who weighed in on the RCSW blog about Flangst Weekend.
Before we start seriously planning something, we’d like to gauge interest here. This weekend is open to everyone in the RebelCaptain fandom who wants to write or create any rating of work, as long as it is fluffy, angsty, or flangsty. It’ll be a much more pared-down (and inclusive) version of RCSW, with just some themes for each day and reblogged prompts. There won’t be as much admin activity on it (this admin cannot keep up, haha). That being said, we are always, always open to ideas and happy to accept submitted posts.
What say you? Are you interested? No? Are we drunk and should go home? Honestly, we just want to have a fun weekend with y’all and see lots more great content. :)
Please reblog and spread the word! ❤️
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(LMK if you’d prefer oneshot or something that could be longer, as I struggle to do anything short lol.)
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Change of Plans
Hello, RebelCaptain fam!
We hope you won’t be too upset, but we have decided to change our plans a bit and toss our Prompathon date over to @rebelcaptainsmutweekend due to more demand for that event. Yes! The second RebelCaptain Smut Weekend is now set to take place on Friday, August 24 - Sunday, August 26. There will be an announcement shortly from that blog.
Sorry if this causes any inconvenience. We will plan to do our Promptathon, say, September or October? Would September be too soon after RCSW? Would you rather wait till October? Let us know!
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seijorhi · 1 year
I'm alive, sorry I fell off the face of the earth for a few days there (I was unwell - new anxiety meds and all that jazz)
BUT!! I have much to say, both about your new fic and obviously one of the older ones, so here's an extremely belated / extended ART&RCSW <33
Firstly, Maelstrom was incredible, it changed the way I live my life
I don't even watch Trigun Stampede but good lord did you get me hooked on the characters - not to mention, a good poly fic is always the way to my heart
The twist of the secret bastard brothers?? Incredible. Delicious. Amazing. And the not so subtle hatred they have for their father?? The fact that the only good thing to come from him was their darling sister?? My gosh, you've got me wrapped around your finger Rhi
Though I must admit, the whole reveal and the part where reader is being lead to the throne room gave me anxiety - you always manage to surprise me with the way you set things up, and I mean that in the best way possible
I can't say anything about the characterisation of Vash and Knives because I don't watch the show, but I imagine that as with everyone else, you've done an amazing job
Also the sense of hopelessness at the end?? Because like, there's literally no escape - the best type of ending in my professional opinion
Next up on the agenda, we have a fic (series??) that I know you're not particularly fond of, but I absolutely love
Through the cold, I'll find my way back to you, your Hawks / Dabi soulmate fic - it has me in a fucking chokehold
It's literally everything I love in a fic - soulmates, poly relationship, yandere, it's just amazing
The slight sprinkle of angst kinda feels like a punch to the gut, but in a satisfying way - not to mention, the fact that Natsuo still keeps in touch with the reader even though they don't really have a connection aside from Touya kills me, he's so sweet
And poor Keigo (he's insane but I do not care <33)
The way my stomach drops when the reader realises that she has another soulmate will never not be a great feeling, but the way she knows instinctively that something is missing because Dabi isn't there really is painful
Like I said, I know you've said you don't really like the series, but I'm here to reassure you, I loved it, so rest assured, the hard work didn't go down the drain <33
I'm also really sorry for disappearing for like two or three weeks :// But I'm back now (??)
Anyway, I hope you've been well, drinking water and sleeping and whatnot <33
See you next week Rhi (I hope??) Lol :))
i hope ur doing okay, i am sending you all the forehead smooches and love!!
ahh but this ask is so nice!! honestly i was so worried about posting maelstrom cuz it's a new fandom for both me and sort of in general – i know the manga and old anime have been around for a while, but for most people it's new – and i wasn't sure if people were actually going to read it
turns out you did anyway, not knowing any of the characters vhgfjdksjdhfjdks it's always such a huge compliment when that happens. it's actually how i found my way first to bnha and then to haikyuu so, yeah, it makes me happy to see it's the same for you guys
as for through the cold... hoo boy. i did have big plans for that one, and every month or so there's a part of me that wants to either delete part 2 and start again, or delete the entire thing and start again, with better execution this time. i may not be as in love with bnha as i used to be, but hawks and touya, and that particular storyline (i am if nothing else a sucker from the soulmate trope gone wrong)
but also... the part i hate about series, and one of my biggest gripes as a writer is when there's a demand for part 2's and 3's but then it's crickets in the notes. part 2 kinda flopped and idk if it was because it wasn't great or if people just couldn't be bothered to leave a response, so while i do occasionally have the motivation to continue it i don't know if it's actually worth while or if anyone (aside from you haha) would be into it. but then i think about all that delicious angst and keigo and touya being jealous assholes and... hmmmm.... vghfjdkjhvfjdks
in any case, i'm glad you liked it and it was very sweet of you to send this ask and i adore you.
also, pls take care of yourself, and don't apologise for taking the time you need. i, of course, live for these asks and seeing you in my notes, but it's never a necessity. your mental/physical health always comes first <33
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brynnmclean · 7 years
Good morning!!!!
@sleepykalena asked: RCSW ask meme #8? (We can pretend the #8 from the last ask was actually meant for this one all along ;D)
8. What is one piece of advice you’d give other authors/artists?
Oh man, advice?? On writing smut?? Dang, uh, well, I wouldn’t dream to call myself qualified to give anyone advice, but… lemme think…
I think I have maybe two things to say:
1) this is kinda a general note, but find at least one good beta if you can that’ll encourage you, assure you what you’ve written isn’t stilted, and that you’re okay on the number of hands and legs involved! I always worry about those things and it’s really good to have a second pair of eyes reading my stuff over. I feel WAY more confident in my work once my beta has looked it over, even just quickly to say it doesn’t sound dumb!
2) that said, I think the focus of smut scenes is best placed on Feelings and whatever emotional rush you’re trying to convey, so also don’t panic too much over getting every single exact detail of the mechanics of the sex act(s) you’re writing.
Wait, okay, maybe one more thing:
3) POST THE THING. Don’t be embarrassed to hit the post button!!!! XD
[Rebelcaptain Smut Weekend Questions!]
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joliealexaposts · 4 years
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If you are finding Family Counselling in Downtown Victoria then contact at Lucinda Taylor, MSW RCSW Counsellor – Psychotherapist. Visit: https://is.gd/LucindaTaylorMSWRCSWCounsellor
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stonie4u · 4 years
😎 #coldelacroixdefer #throwback #goprocycling #rcschrankewallstadt #rcsw #roadslikethese #cycling #roadcycling #stravacycling #indianastones4ever #scottcr1 #scottbikes #outsideisfree #teambergstrasse #rscalpenespresso (hier: Col de la Croix-de-Fer) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEXf7vto9FC/?igshid=91dg18aogbet
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COVID-19 and Canada’s (Non-Existent) Childcare Strategy
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“Though a recent study shows that men have been taking on more caretaking tasks and housework during the pandemic, women are still performing a majority of household duties. For single mothers, the burden of care becomes even more onerous without a partner to share the workload and with only one income to rely on. Without affordable childcare options, many women may remain outside the workforce indefinitely, gendering Canada’s economic recovery and imperiling hard-fought gains in employment equity. Government support for childcare is key to ensuring an equitable return to the labour force for working women during and after the pandemic.”
“Women have been demanding greater government support for childcare for years. In 1970, the Royal Commission on the Status of Women published a landmark report containing recommendations to improve women’s access to equal opportunities for employment in Canada. Women who participated in the commission advocated for childcare to improve gender equity in employment, arguing that women should be free to choose whether to work outside the home, and that childcare was the responsibility of mothers, fathers, and society. The report called on the federal government to support women’s equality through labour-force participation by developing a national childcare plan. Fifty years after the RCSW report’s release, women’s economic prospects have improved greatly, but a national childcare program has yet to be realized.”
Rise Up Feminist Archive, August 29, 2020: “COVID-19 and Canada’s (Non-Existent) Childcare Strategy,” by Brenna Clark
SocArXiv Papers, May 22, 2020: The Division of Labour Before & During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada by Kevin Shafer, Melissa Milkie, and Casey Scheibling
The Globe and Mail, May 9, 2020: “Canadian job market has split in two in the coronavirus crisis,” by Patrick Brethour
The Globe and Mail, May 9, 2020: “Motherhood in the coronavirus pandemic,” by Cindy Blazevic
Rise Up Feminist Archive, January 29, 2020: “Promises, promises – A history of federal childcare proposals”
work&labour news&resaerch: childcare + covid
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cidraman · 7 years
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sciscianonotizie · 6 years
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yachtingboat · 6 years
With Rolex Capri Sailing Week kicking off in just two days, there's no better excuse to visit this truly stunning corner of the world #RCSW #Amalfi #Capri https://t.co/gggR7zeifA
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