nctaboy · 9 years
@rcbotix from here!
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Her eyes narrow at the feeling of his fingers gently assaulting her cheeks only to look away moments later, a rosy hue making its way across her skin. As usual in such a situation, her hands jam themselves into her pockets. 
“Maybe,” a second, two seconds, and--- “I missed you.”
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sheephex-blog · 9 years
✘ - - @rcbotix liked this for a starter - - Augustine never wanted to put dangerous things on display, but the lack of space forced him too. There was only so much room on the top floor of the antique store where he dwelled, and that was already filled up with books and magic relics. At the very least, what relics he did put out in the store downstairs was either locked up in a display case or put high up on a shelf no person without a step stool could reach. But it seemed that inconvenient placement coupled with a “Do Not Touch” sign would not stop this customer.
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"Excuse me sir, but could you please not touch that?”
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luckypsychic · 9 years
How would she react to being in or near a large scale natural disaster ( tornado, tsunami, hurricane, etc )?
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oh man.
okay, hitomi is the youngest of her family, but she was an older sister and never got rid of that caretaker mentality. along with her overall personality, i’m pretty sure she’d be one of the more level-headed individuals attempting to direct others or helping them out in any way she could; however, she’d probably be a bit shaken if this disaster claimed any lives because she’d be able to see their ghosts, and hitomi would immediately start to worry about her family and friends because of this. if she wasn’t with her family and they were in the vicinity of the disaster, she’d be scared out of her mind for them -- she’d try to get in contact with them before anything else. as soon as she knew her family was safe, she’d more than likely try to call any close friends for the same reason.
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nctaboy · 9 years
@rcbotix liked for some snow and candy canes!
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     "It’s snowing.”
     Russet hues gaze up at the sky, blinking and jumping from speck of snow to speck of snow, hands turned to expose her palms and lips stretching and curling until a full-blown grin lights up Rei’s face. It isn’t her first time witnessing snowfall, but it’s a sight that never fails to excite the redhead -- and Nex is there to see it with her. That makes it all the more special.
    She turns to him then, cheeks rosy and hands chilled from the cold, and practically bouncing in place. Rei has always favored warm, dry weather; winter in December, though, is an exception. “First snow of the year, Nex! Ah, maybe it’ll stick, and we’ll be able to make snowmen -- I’d really like to do that.”
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astralfallacy · 9 years
drop kicks a ☆ in here 8)
                            Send me a “☆” for a blog rate!
url: don’t get it | not bad | nice | good job | unf | who did you kill
theme: not my type | ehh | decent | I like it | okay why isn’t there a “i love it” option??? | I’m stealing it
icon: don’t get it | not bad | nice | pretty | nex slays me | brb killing myself
posts: not my type | not bad | nice job | love | perfection | give me your password--it’s too late im HACKING your account
following: no sorry | just followed | yes | you mean stalk what
comments: //LAUGHS i was tempted to steal ur theme just because your last post was of chet and i was like hahahaha dear jesus--ily, lets rp more ♥♥
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plusieursx-blog · 9 years
[ continued from here with @rcbotix ]
The brunette just eyed the presents with wide eyes, brown hues focusing on the ‘offerings’ as some people would call it.
“C-chet...You didn’t have to...” the male stated as his freckled cheeks became bright with a familiar red hue. Miles felt..Flustered. The smaller male gently eyed the rather glittery toy with a bit of a gulp.
“E-erm... Y-you’re too nice...I-i only knitted you a sweater...” Now Miles felt as if his present wasn’t as good compared to the gifts Chet was giving him.
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plusieursx-blog · 9 years
[ @rcbotix gets to hang out with the feline! ]
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“Chet told me to meet him here...Was I a bit too early?” The brunette mumbled to himself as he went ahead and settled himself on one of the white benches situated at the park in town. Miles went ahead and pulled out his phone. No new messages... Was he early?
“Ah geez...I should text him and tell him I’m here on the bench-” with a press of a small button on the side of his smartphone, the device awakened from it’s previous sleep mode. 
Pulling up the messaging app and clicking on the text convo he was having with the other male, the male typed, ‘Chetdarrr...I’m already at the park!!’ in a bit of a hasty manner. 
He always enjoyed hanging out with Chet after all.
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luckypsychic · 9 years
What are her thoughts on gender identity? Has she ever questioned her own?
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she actually thought for a little bit that she should’ve been born a boy when she was about ten or so; all her interests and hobbies were what the public deemed “boyish” and some of the other girls in her class poked fun at her because of it, so in her head she thought, “well, maybe that means I should’ve been a boy.” hitomi’s parents and brothers all dismissed this way of thinking, though, and assured her that liking things that boys were prone to enjoy didn’t mean she should be a boy, and that it was okay to like these things as a girl. that’s been the only time she’s had such thoughts, though.
now as for gender identity in general! hitomi thinks that being able to choose is perfectly alright because each person should be able to live how they want to; life is both too long and too short to worry and stress over someone else’s choices. she also doesn’t see the point in being bothered over it so long as that person is a good person. so whatever someone identifies as despite what gender they were born as, hitomi will respect their choice and won’t dwell on it because she doesn’t see it as a huge factor in her perception of a person.
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luckypsychic · 9 years
How does she feel about people that claim to be psychic for the sake of business ( if you can even call scams that )?
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she has very mixed feelings about them. some people, despite lying about their abilities, ease the pain and suffering others feel from simply not knowing how their loved one feels about them in the afterlife or from never getting to say goodbye, and hitomi can appreciate this as she feels the same exact pain whenever she thinks about her sister michiko. at the same time, she’s heavily against lying to people about such matters and using the gift for monetary purposes; she thinks it’s a responsibility to help these people and spirits out, not a favor nor a service.
how she leans towards a particular "psychic” is whether she reads them as being a good or bad person, but in general she can’t decide whether she dislikes the group of people as a whole or not.
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enlambeaux · 9 years
gently places url here 8)
my opinion on;
character in general: nex is really interesting. i’ve seen too many ocs with tragic back stories and it’s a breath of fresh air to see another ‘clean slate’ kind of person. i really enjoy reading the threads with nex. i would with silas as well, however i need to be more familiar with him!how they play them: nex is really cute even when he’s a piece of shit. bless.the mun: the admin seems to be really chill!!
do i;
follow them: YES !!!!! they are so precious i love....rp with them: absolutely. i always laugh at nex’s responses.want to rp with them: only all the time...ship their character with mine: sweats yes we have discussed this. they would have a relaxed type of relationship. but i’m not sure how the admin does shipping. single ship or multi. ;; and i never wanna be a bother!
what is my;
overall opinion: amazing !!! i i am just a small bab that gets nervous. i’m a small 19 year old meme.
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