nctaboy · 8 years
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                              It only has to be one time —             I just want to cry without holding anything back
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nctaboy · 9 years
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“Am I running away? Do I look like I want to run for the hills?”
The redhead inquired as she studied Kao’s hands, noting with a churn of her stomach and slight alarm that he’d managed to draw blood from balling up his fists so tightly. Her eyes flicked up to meet his only to be met with glistening hues that refused to look her way, and for a selfish moment she hoped he wouldn’t cry. She was never the best with tears. But just as quickly as the thought came, it drifted away.
He needed to believe her. If not that her words were the total truth, that they were her truth -- she believed them.
“People turn into monsters when they start to enjoy the pain they bring others and when they don’t care who their actions affect. If you were that sort of person, were a monster, I would have bolted for the door,” her lips curved ever so slightly upward. “You wouldn’t hurt anyone just because you can right? You don’t enjoy it? Then you’re not a monster, Kao.”
Kao was taken back by the girls words, watching her with wide crimson eyes as she stepped forward. Why did her tone sound normal? It was almost as if she wasn’t scared anymore, wasn’t hesitant with the situation. Then she reached out for him, grabbed his hand and looked at him, The boy could only shake his head as she spoke, teeth pulling at his bottom lip as he tried to keep his tears at bay. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, it made his breath hitch, eyes looking away from the girl. “Yes I am.”  Despite the girls kind words, he still didn’t believe him. The thought of him being a monster, of him drinking blood and hiding it from others, the word was always used to describe himself. It wouldn’t be easy to change his mindset.
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nctaboy · 9 years
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i really need more motivation to write and more interactions with you lovelies, so like this for a pre-established friendship starter!
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nctaboy · 9 years
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           “Ah, it wasn’t important..”
   His previously playful demeanor quickly changed    to concern after deciding that what he said was no    longer important. Setsu pointed at her pocket to try    to change the subject.
           “What was that about?”
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          “Just a call I’m waiting on.            Or worried I’m gonna get.”
  Well, there wasn’t much use in shrugging his   question off; Setsuna was bound to prod until   she spilled the beans, and if her mother got    her way, he’d find out what Rei was worrying   over anyway. As if drawn there, her eyes    glanced down at pocket hiding her phone from   view.
          “I might have to live with my            mom for the summer. It’s not            the worst way to spend it, but            I’m not too fond of the idea.”
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nctaboy · 9 years
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Those weren’t the words she expected from him, and while she couldn’t believe him when he called himself a vampire, she believed that it was the truth in his mind. In his own eyes, Kao truly thought he was a monster -- he felt remorse. That was enough for Rei. 
“I don’t see how that can be.”
She took a step forward, watching Kao as she slowly advanced towards him, voice steady and sounding much like it usually did. Fear and apprehension no longer prevailed among her other emotions.
“Obviously you don’t like what you are, which means you don’t like hurting people.”
She came to a stop right in front of him and frowned at his clenched fists, her own hands tentatively and gently taking hold of them as she peered up at his face. Whether his mind was lying to him or he was telling the truth, this wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t his fault for having to do what he needed to in order to survive no matter what the truth was.
“You’re not a monster for surviving. Not when you hate how you have to go about it.”
Kao stared at the girl, his mouth opening and closing as his mind worked. Should I tell her the truth? Crimson eyes were desperate as he took his hand back, clenching it tightly. She’ll hate you, she’ll be disgusted by you. You’re only a monster. “I’m a monster.” The vampire whimpered out, clenching his teeth and taking in  harsh breath as his head snapped up, looking directly into russet hues as tears sprung to his eyes, disgust on his face directed towards no one but himself.  “I-I’m a v-vampire.” The word was cut on by a hitch of breath, head dropping again as nails dug into his palms, enough to bleed. She’ll leave. She’ll hate you. You’re nothing but a monster. “I’m nothing but a monster.”
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nctaboy · 9 years
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She didn’t back away, but she didn’t move towards Kao, either, unsure and confused and frustrated. As much as she wanted to comfort him, Rei wasn’t in any position to trust him in that moment. As much as she wanted to dismiss this whole matter and continue on as before, it just wasn’t an option.
This wasn’t going to be easy.
“Couldn’t tell me what, Kao?” She tried to keep her tone even; it was hard to do, though, when the thought of Kao being a killer came to mind. That wasn’t him -- couldn’t be.  “I need to know what’s going on because right now it looks really bad, and I don’t know what to think of that.” The redhead gestured to his fridge, frown deepening as russet hues looked back to the much taller male. “Just give me something.”
Kao honestly couldn’t talk. He stared at the girl with wide crimson eyes, mouth slightly ajar as he sucked in a breath. What was he supposed to tell her? He couldn’t just outright saw he was a vampire. Rei wouldn’t believe him. There was no way to get him out of this. Would she leave? His chest tightened at that thought, taking a step forward and reaching a hand out. “P-Please, I-I can explain.” His voice was quiet, weak as he stayed still. Kao didn’t want to move closer, didn’t want to scare the girl off before he had a chance to explain himself. How would he even explain himself? He never wanted her to know about him, about what he really was, how he was a monster. “J-Just…” Shit. “I-I couldn’t tell you.” 
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nctaboy · 9 years
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i’ll try to be here tomorrow ‘cause i only managed one draft just now
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nctaboy · 9 years
“Ironically, tasting this blood is the most legal thing I’ve done all day.”
‘Community’ season 1 sentence meme | accepting!
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     “This worries me, but I don’t think I want to ask what it is you’ve been up to if that’s the most legal thing you’ve done today.” Ignorance is bliss, as they say; she’d prefer to maintain that bliss.
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nctaboy · 9 years
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if you want a starter from rei, give this post a like!
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nctaboy · 9 years
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if you want a starter from akihiko, give this post a like!
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nctaboy · 9 years
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i got a teeny bit of time before i gotta leave for the zoo, so i’m gonna reblog my starter calls and work on the replies and memes i still gotta do! if i disappear, though, it’s ‘cause i ran outta time uvu
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nctaboy · 9 years
it is so freaking early 
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nctaboy · 9 years
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Rei’s missed that laugh. “I wouldn’t be opposed to a few kisses and just some time together,” she mutters bashfully, gaze still avoiding his out of nervousness and a tad bit out of embarrassment -- the young woman hasn’t thought about what they should do so much as simply being with one another.
Finally she makes eye contact, though the heat in her cheeks still remains. “I’d be happy doing pretty much anything so long as I’m with you.”
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Thumbs smooth over flushed skin as a quiet titter escapes his lips. How endearing can one person be? Yes, he’s definitely missed her too.
“Tell me, how can I make up for lost time?”
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nctaboy · 9 years
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"Kao?” Her tone was uncertain, wavering slightly as her hands slid against the sides of her shirt and pants before realizing she didn’t have any pockets -- the downside of her warmer sleepwear. The redhead took in a shaky breath. “Is there a... A reason for what you have in your fridge?”
It wasn’t as if Rei could ignore it now. By his expression, he knew that she’d seen what he had hidden away in the cold confines of his refrigerator. Seeing him in such a distraught state squeezed at her heart, made her want to waltz over and embrace him, tell him she didn’t think of him any differently, but her moral compass kept her from doing that.
If that was human blood, it would mean Kao had hurt someone. Not in self defense, not because he didn’t have any other choice, but because he wanted to. She wouldn’t be able to accept that, and she certainly wouldn’t be able to turn a blind eye.
Rei really hoped that wasn’t the case.
“There’s a good reason, right?”
Kao had heard the girl leave the bedroom, but he hadn’t moved to indicate he was awake. She was probably going to the bathroom or something that would awake her in the middle of the night, but what he wasn’t expecting the single word to ring out through the quiet apartment, making him jump from the bed and run towards the kitchen where Rei stood frozen. Crimson eyes watched her as she turned around, eyes wide as she looked to him. Fear. He could see it, it was covering her expression and making his chest tighten. He must not have moved his supply.  He couldn’t talk though, words and breath were trapped in his throat as he looked to her, desperation clear on his face. What would she do? Would she run? Would she hate him? She should. But he couldn’t do anything as panic held him still.
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nctaboy · 9 years
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Heat shot across Aki’s skin like wildfire, and an indignant shout leaped from his lips as his brow furrowed. “H-Hey! That’s playing dirty, Miles!” If he wanted to be that way, fine -- Akihiko wouldn’t play nice anymore, either.
Quite easily, the young man scooped the smaller male into his arms, a few blankets getting caught in the mix. “You should’ve just listened, you butt,” Aki huffed, already taking a few steps away from the bed. “Now you gotta get your own food.”
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Since the feline is a little shit, once Aki grabbed his hands he voiced a rather loud noise- A noise that is… Strangely lewd. It was on purpose; to make the carrot leave him be. 
Not even food was getting him out of bed today; No sir!
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nctaboy · 9 years
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          “Ah, I wasn’t. Sorry,"
   Her eyes blinked down at the phone one     last time before it disappeared into the     pocket of her uniform; it was then she     finally turned to look directly at Setsuna,     expression apologetic.
         “I guess I’m a little distracted. What            were you trying to say?”
@nctaboy ♡’d
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    A sing-song tone was used to call the     Rei’s name once more as he waved a     hand in front of her face.
           “Are you listening?”
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nctaboy · 9 years
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The 100th icon in your folder is the proof that your muse is a real cutie.
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