#rc radu
haitianempress · 7 days
Dracula a Love Story characters and their historical counterparts
Vlad - Vlad III, also known as Vlad the Impaler and Vlad Dracula (Vlad Țepeș), was a 15th-century ruler of Wallachia, notorious for his brutal punishment methods, particularly impaling his enemies. He defended his realm from the Ottoman Empire and became a national hero in Romania.
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Mehmed - Mehmed II, also known as Mehmed the Conqueror (Mehmed bin Murad), was the Ottoman Sultan who famously captured Constantinople in 1453. Historically, Mehmed II clashed with Vlad Dracula during campaigns in Wallachia, adding political depth to their enmity.
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Radu - Radu III, also known as Radu the Handsome, was the younger brother of Vlad the Impaler and historically served as a ruler of Wallachia under Ottoman control. His rivalry with Vlad is well-documented, as Radu supported the Ottomans while Vlad opposed them.
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Sultan Murad - Murad II was a formidable ruler who expanded Ottoman control in the Balkans and fought against various European coalitions. His campaigns laid the groundwork for the later conquests of his son, Mehmed II.
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Gjerg Skanderberg - Gjergj (Gjergj Kastrioti), commonly known as Skanderbeg, was an Albanian feudal lord and military commander who led a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire. Skanderbeg's legacy as a defender of Christian Europe against the Ottomans is similar to how Vlad Dracula is viewed by some in Romania. Both are celebrated as national heroes who fought for independence and freedom in their respective lands.
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Erzsebet (Erzsi) - Erzsébet Báthory (Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed), also known as The Blood Countess or Countess Dracula, was a Hungarian noblewoman from the late 16th and early 17th centuries, infamous for allegedly torturing and killing young girls. She is considered one of the most prolific female serial killers in history.
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nesrinslittleworld · 1 year
A thought I have to spill into Tumblr void:
What if "the most heinous act" that Vlad is referring about in Season 4 isn't actually about Lale, but... Radu?
Because History knows that these two didn't remain loving brothers forever, due to Mehmed's influence.. 🤔
(Also Mehmed appointed Radu as voievode of Wallachia when Vlad was captured by Matthias Corvin)
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Who is this body snatcher??? Okay, I have decided! My second playthrough will be Mehmed!
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romance-club-daily · 3 years
I'm sure I'm not the only one absolutely loving D:LS but knowing the history behind it has made it a bit hilarious, specially when you consider the relationship that Mehmed had with Radu, Vlad's brother. The first time they met the sultan spooked Radu so much he punched him before climbing to the top of a tree, terrified he was gonna die for punching the sultan, who was like *damn, gonna tap that*, and then they went on to become "very good friends".
Did he punch him???? And run??? 😳🤣🤣 This would be hilarious if it happened in the book, I would love it!
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mysticpetals · 3 years
Brandon anon here- don’t worry! It’s your show we’re all just spectators :)
Could I possibly get angst #36 for RC Vlad from Dracula instead?
Forgive me
Pairing: Vlad × past!mc (Lale)
Genre: angst (yay)
Words: 1.3k
Summary: Lale noticed that Vlad had been acting differently ever since he came back and she was going to find out why.
Prompt: 36. "They warned me about this."
"About what?"
Warnings: blood, stabbing
Notes: Aaaaaaaa I really struggled with this one. At first I thought that integrating this into the present would be way too simple and predictable so I thought I would do it in the past. Only, I didn't know how I should go about that lol but then I whipped something up and hopefully it isn't too bad and makes some sense haha
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Ever since he came back from his home country, Vlad had been acting very strangely.
You couldn't really notice the difference if you didn't know him but Lale knew him well enough to understand that something was bothering her friend. When she had asked about it that one time, she only got a smile that didn't reach his eyes, telling her not to worry about him.
She had even asked Aslan for help.
"Did you notice anything odd about Vlad?"
"Like what?" He questioned, confused and Lale had dropped the topic, thinking that maybe she had been overthinking if Aslan also didn't notice anything wrong.
She spent most of her time in the library, reading up for school and when she was bored with it, she asked Aslan and Vlad to tell her stories from their lands. When the three of them were together, it seemed as if all in the world was well and she laughed at herself for ever thinking that something was different with Vlad when he was sitting beside her, shaking his head in amusement at what Aslan had said.
"Ah, children. Beautiful day, isn't it?"
It was Sultan Murad, flanked by a pair of guards and the teenagers rushed to bow and greet him. He laughed heartily at seeing their flustered faces.
"It's okay. You can continue whatever it is you were doing. I was merely passing," he said and Lale smiled at her uncle's retreating back, turning to her friends to tell them about that one time her uncle caught her sneaking around the kitchens, when she noticed Vlad's eyes still trained on the Sultan and his hands clenched to fists.
"Vlad? You okay?" She touched his hand gently, and he jumped, breaking out of whatever trance he had found himself in and smiled at Lale.
"Yes, yes, everything's okay. I'll see you both later, Radu wanted to see me," he said distractedly and walked away, Lale frowning at his tense back.
She pursed her lips but didn't say anything as Aslan launched into the story of the fight he saw in the barracks that morning.
"You teach really well, Zara. I'm sure that for the next competition, I'll be able to answer anything they ask," Lale said and Zara smiled bashfully. They were sitting in the library, preparing for a competition that was to be held next week.
"You're too kind Lale khatun. We just need one more scroll to go through and then we'll be done."
"Ah, but can I go stretch my legs first? We've been sitting here for far too long," Lale stood up and stretched and as soon as Zara smiled in agreement, she ran off outside, wandering aimlessly, just enjoying the cool breeze on her face.
That is until she saw Vlad turning the corner in front of her. She tilted her head, questions milling in her mind and decided to follow him at an arm's length.
He was being incredibly careful not to make a noise or let someone see him and Lale had had enough. So she loudly announced her presence.
"Vlad! What are you doing here?"
He whirled around in panic and drew his sword, but seeing her he calmed down slightly. Although his pinched brows still remained.
"Lale, I was just passing through. How about you?"
Lale knew that he was lying and a stab of hurt went through her when she realised. Were they not supposed to tell each other everything? Weren't they best friends?
"I was stretching my legs after being stuck in the library for the past few hours," she straightened up and went to move past him, when he held her wrist delicately.
"Are you okay?"
He seemed genuinely worried about her but she wasn't in the mood to answer or talk to him, so she removed her arm from his grasp and smiled tightly.
"Yes, of course."
She didn't look back and didn't hear his footsteps moving. Turning the corner, her breath hitched as she saw the Sultan talking to the Grand Vizier.
Vlad, what are you doing, she thought.
She realised too late what was going on when she heard Vlad talk with his brother, telling him to take care of himself no matter what happened to him.
She rushed to find Aslan but the soldiers told him that someone needed him and that he had been gone for a few hours but would be back soon. Panicking and not knowing what to do, she ran to her room and turned out all the drawers to find her mother's dagger. Just in case.
When she reached her uncle's room, her heart sunk on seeing the dead guards outside and she quickly made her way inside where Vlad was standing over the Sultan, sword brandished to kill.
"No! Stop it Vlad!" She shouted and he turned around in surprise.
His hair was in a disarray and the usually kind eyes held a storm inside them. He sneered, an expression she often saw but never directed at her.
"Leave now, Lale. This does not concern you," he said.
The Sultan shifted in his place but it was clear that he was incapacitated, judging by his red eyes and disheveled appearance.
"Please, Vlad, he's never been anything but kind to you," she said, moving towards him and his eyes blazed with fury.
"My parents are dead because of him! All because he imprisoned me here and I couldn't go to them," his voice cracked at the end and Lale had tears in her eyes too, the anguish in his voice piercing something deep in her.
"Lale, go," her uncle choked out and Vlad's attention once again went to him.
"No. I won't let you do something you'll regret," she said and hesitantly put her shaking hand over his, still holding the sword.
For a moment, it seemed as if he considered her words but then the sound of clamouring footsteps came and Vlad's face hardened.
"Get out, Lale!" He snatched his hand back but she had his wrist in a tight grip.
"No, Vlad please! This won't bring them back," she pleaded but he turned a blind eye to her, shoving her away from him forcefully.
The sound of a pained gasp and shout of her name made him look back and Vlad almost wished that he didn't.
A sword was sticking out of her stomach, bloody, and on the other side was Aslan, looking at her with a horrified expression on his face. Vlad's breath stopped, sword clattering to the ground as he saw her body fall against his best friend, the rest of the soldiers too stunned to do anything.
"Lale? Someone get a healer!" Aslan screamed, tears streaming down his face and Vlad slowly made his way towards them, face ashen as he kneeled down.
Lale's eyes were barely open but she still reached out to him, the other hand holding Aslan's.
"They warned me about this." Her voice was soft and she was looking at Vlad.
"About what?"
Vlad didn't know when he started crying but he found that he couldn't stop, holding Lale's bloody hand tightly in his own. He looked at Aslan's face and saw guilt and sorrow, knowing that he would never forgive himself for holding the sword that did this.
"Shahi Khatun told me that my future would not end well if I followed what my heart wanted. And it has only ever wanted you."
"Don't. Please," Vlad cried, sobbing with his head down, not even being able to look at her, ashamed and guilty.
"I'm just glad that I stopped you from doing it," she said and at the same moment, the healer rushed inside, pushing both of the boys aside.
That seemed to break the spell as the soldiers began advancing towards him and helping up the Sultan.
With a heavy heart, he ran to the window, looking back once at Lale's bloodied body and Aslan's empty eyes and jumped.
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thestonelady · 3 years
It’s cool to know I was your first ask! I love your blog 😂 honestly I was on a search for Romance club Andvari and that’s how I found it 🤣 I really do love your writing tho! Anyway the little man won me over, this entire time I was playing as Loki’s love interest but after a few chapters with Andvari, I don’t know if it’s the respect and the use of ‘my lady’ but man I literally replayed the entire game just to change MC to Andvari’s love interest 🤣
Welcome back anon!
I am glad you enjoy the content of my blog, even if it is mostly reblogs and me being an Andvari simp 😅 And yeah, finding Andvari content in the English part of the fandom isn't easy. For fanart I suggest VK, if one knows how to navigate in there, they can find a gold mine. And on ficbook, which is a Russian fanfiction site, there are currently 10 Andvari x MC fanfics (9 if we don't count the AndvarixMCxLoki one). I personally like Цвергово злато the most, but sadly it hasn't been updated in a month 😕 and warning: I read them via Google translate and boy, some translations are so bad it's funny.
Andvari is quite charming, isn't he? Also, anon, we do have similar stories 🤣 since the story debuted back in November 2020 I romanced Loki. But then, it was the end of March 2021, I was scrolling through Tiktok, looking for RC content, and came across a few confused fans. The problem? During data mining they came across an unknown character sprite. Some thought them to be the vampire version of Radu from DLS, others thought it was a SOL character 😅 I asked my friend @clanlessrebel, who also data mines, about it, and she said it was from POTV. That's also how the nickname 'elf boi' came to be, because back then we had no idea who he was besides an elf 😂 Back then I told my friend: "...If he is a LI... I would romance him..."
Then fast forward to July. The devs release a truth or false poll on their VK page and the last option was Andvari related. That's when my interest to romance him resurfaced, and I hoped he would indeed become a LI. But instead I got the info that he and Loki... 🥴 my mythology knowing self had enough right there. Me at Loki back then: Goodbye! You won't see me again, I ain't returning!
And so I restarted the entire game and created a new MC:
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See? My old MC was even named Sigyn, like, you know, Loki's wife in mythology
Anyway, right after the update in July I replayed the game and then I spent the next month and a half hoping to romance our dear dwarf. I even bought books!
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...and that's how my Tarnkappe theory came to be as well 🤣
Anyway, you can guess how happy I was when the update in August came. Not only did Takao who I romance in LOTW finally return, I also got to romance Andvari as I hoped 🤭
Thanks again for the ask! And again, feel free to send more! 😄
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Cine sunt vedetele de la noua televiziune a lui Adrian Sârbu. Mai mulți prezentatori au trecut la Aleph News
Aleph News va emite în curând pe micile ecrane din România. Noua televiziune a lui Adrian Sârbu a adunat unii dintre cei mai cunoscuți jurnaliști din țară. De astfel, apar și doi comentatorii celebri.
Televiziunea lui Adrian Sârbu se lansează pe 1 septembrie
Televiziunea lui Adrian Sârbu se lansează mâine, pe data de 1 septembrie, iar recent au apărut și promo-uri cu prezentatorii și jurnaliști care își vor face apariția la Aleph News. Felix Drăghici și Costi Mocanu, care au plecat acum un an de la Pro TV, revin în curând pe micile ecrane. La Alpha News, cei doi vor avea și o emisiune prime-time, înaintea show-ului făcut de Marius Tucă. Potrivit informațiilor de pe paginademedia.ro, emisiunea prezentată se va chema „Știu”, difuzată de luni până vineri de la ora 19:00.
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Vedetele care vor lucra la Aleph News sunt: Bogdan Hofbauer, Lucian Nemoiu, Răzvan Hriscu, Lică Molan, Radu Badiu, Georgiana Dulgheru, Augustin Stochiță, Mihaela Măncilă, Monica Mihai, Oana Despa, Cătălin Condruț, Raisa Humeniuc, Ana-Maria Rus, Mădălina Bucur, Raluca Maniță, Ioana Voicu, Iulia Maria, Angela Carp, Nadina Zisu și Tatiana Lipchin, se arată într-un comunicat remis pentru sursa citată de mai sus.
o-ul făcut de Aleph News se pot observa jurnaliști precum: Costi Mocanu, Felix Drăghici, Ioana Țigănilă (fostă prezentatoare Digi24), Vlad Craioveanu (matinal la Smart Radio), Dan Pavel (fost realizator Sport.ro), Andrei Tomescu (fost prezentator Digi24), Tatiana Lipchin sau Irina Ursu (realizatoare Smart Radio). De asemenea, alături de ei vor lucra și oameni cu multă vechime în televiziune, precum: Andreea Perminov, Ionuț Nacu, Tora Apetrii și Cătălin Bican.
Amintim că Aleph News se poate vedea din rețelele Telekom, Orange, Vodafone, Ines și Next Gen. De asemenea, postul se află și în discuții cu RCS, cu care nu au semnat încă un contract. Totodată, televiziunea lui Adrian Sârbu aduce foarte mulți oameni importanți din industria televiziunii. Grila postului va avea de dimineață până seara Știrile orei Live, urmate de sport și meteo, iar în fiecare seară de la 20:30 până la 22:00, intră emisiunea Marius Tucă Show.
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smartseo4you · 4 years
CFR Cluj-Dinamo Zagreb și Lokomotivi Tibilisi-Universitatea Craiova, în direct la Digi Sport
New Post has been published on https://reporterliber.ro/cfr-cluj-dinamo-zagreb-si-lokomotivi-tibilisi-universitatea-craiova-in-direct-la-digi-sport/
CFR Cluj-Dinamo Zagreb și Lokomotivi Tibilisi-Universitatea Craiova, în direct la Digi Sport
Campioana României, CFR Cluj, luptă în turul al doilea al preliminariilor UEFA Champions League
Vicecampioana României încearcă să treacă de georgienii de la Lokomotivi Tibilisi, în UEFA Europa League
Primele două echipe clasate în sezonul trecut al Ligii 1, CFR Cluj și Universitatea Craiova, vor întâlni adversari din Croația și Georgia în UEFA Champions League, respectiv UEFA Europa League. Partidele vor fi difuzate în direct, pe Digi Sport 1, pe Digi Online, dar și pe digisport.ro.
Turul al doilea al preliminariilor din UEFA Champions League se vede în direct la Digi Sport 1. Pe 26 august, de la ora 21:00, CFR Cluj se va confrunta pe teren propriu cu Dinamo Zagreb. Echipa din Gruia este încrezătoare în șansa pe care o are în meciul cu deținătoarea titlului din Croația. „Dinamo Zagreb e o echipă foarte bună, e favorită, dar nu e Sevilla! O să avem și noi șansa noastră, dar cei de la Dinamo Zagreb sunt favoriți. Sper să facem un meci excelent acasă, se poate întâmpla orice. Clinceni nu era favorită azi, dar putea să marcheze la 2-1 și să scoată un egal. Vinicius, Burcă, Pereira vor reveni, vor juca sigur. Omrani e accidentat, până la întrerupere (n.r. pentru meciurile din Liga Națiunilor) nu va apărea în echipă”, a declarat Dan Petrescu pentru Digi Sport, după meciul CFR cluj cu Academica Clinceni din Liga 1.
În turul 1 preliminar al UEFA Europa League, Universitatea Craiova va merge acasă la Lokomotivi Tibilisi, iar partida va putea fi urmărită în direct, pe 27 august, de la ora 20:00. Oltenii luptă să depășească nivelul din sezonul precedent din Europa League, când au ajuns doar până în turul 3 preliminar. În meciul cu echipa din Georgia, Craiova e cap de serie, dar dacă va ieși învingătoare, în turul 2 preliminar va pierde acest statut și va putea întâlni adversari dificili cum ar fi  AC Milan, Tottenham, VfL Wolfsburg sau FC Basel. Învingătoarea din duelul din Georgia se va califica în turul 2 preliminar al Europa League, fără să existe și o manșă retur.
Ambele confruntări vor fi analizate în cadrul emisiunilor Digi Sport. Înaintea meciurilor, în cadrul Fotbal Club, Radu Naum și invitații săi vor discuta despre șansele fiecărei echipe de a ieși învingătoare. În pauză și la finalul partidelor, la Digi Sport Special, Vali Moraru va analiza, alături de invitații săi, evoluția în teren a jucătorilor.
Spectacolul sportului și al performanței, la Digi Sport
Telespectatorii Digi Sport au acces la cele mai urmărite competiții sportive din România și Europa. Alături de Liga 1, Liga 2 și Cupa României, posturile de televiziune Digi Sport transmit importante competiții fotbalistice europene, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, La Liga, Serie A, Ligue 1 și Bundesliga, campionatele mondiale și continentale de handbal, Formula 1 și MotoGP.
De asemenea, Digi Sport difuzează, în exclusivitate, în fiecare an, până în 2023, câte 50 de turnee WTA, în care, printre protagoniste, evoluează și sportivele românce. Televiziunile Digi Sport 1, 2, 3, 4 și site-ul digisport.ro fac parte din grupul Digi | RCS & RDS. Grupul Digi mai deține televiziunea de știri Digi24, primul post TV Ultra HD din România, Digi 4K, postul Film Now (pay-tv), televiziunile tematice Digi World, Digi Life și Digi Animal World, televiziunile de muzică UTV, Music Channel, Hit Music și posturile de radio Pro FM, Digi FM și Dance FM.
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news24hrou · 7 years
Care sunt primii 10 din Top 300 Cei mai Bogați Români în 2017
Potrivit celei de-a XVI-a ediții a Top 300 Cei mai bogați români, cel mai longeviv și concludent barometru al mediului de afaceri autohton, averea totală a ajuns la valoarea 23,05 miliarde de euro, cu 6,2% mai mare față de nivelul înregistrat în ediția precedentă.
Pentru al patrulea an consecutiv, locul întâi este ocupat de Ion Țiriac. Averea celui mai bogat român a crescut cu 7,6% față de nivelul consemnat în ediția precedentă. Cea mai mare surpriză a clasamentului din acest an o reprezintă creșterea fulminantă a averii fraților Pavăl. Cifra de afaceri a Dedeman, companie înființată în 1992 de Dragoș și Adrian Pavăl, a depășit anul trecut pragul de un miliard de euro, în timp ce profitul net a crescut cu peste 25%, ajungând la 158 milioane de euro.
O altă surpriză a ediției din 2017 a Top 300 Capital este urcarea pe podiumul businessului românesc a patronului RCS&RDS, Zoltan Teszari. Averea celui mai discret milionar a crescut cu aproximativ 10% față de nivelul consemnat anul trecut.
Și averea minimă pentru intrarea în “clubul elitei” românești a crescut față de ediția precedentă, de la 20-21 milioane de euro la 20-22 milioane de euro. Pragul acesta a fost depășit în premieră de 22 de persoane sau familii cu afaceri în creștere.
Totodată, 5 foști membri ai clubului Top 300 au demonstrat în ultimii ani că și-au redresat businessurile și au revenit în lumina reflectoarelor.
Primele 10 poziții din “Top 300 Cei mai Bogați Români”
1. Ion Țiriac: 1,7-1,8 miliarde de euro (În 2016, averea celui mai bogat român a fost de 1,6-1,65 miliarde de euro). 2. Dragoș și Adrian Pavăl: 1,1-1,2 miliarde de euro (Anul trecut, frații Pavăl au avut o avere de 920-950 milioane de euro). 3. Zoltan Teszari: 550 – 570 milioane de euro (În 2016, patronul RCS&RDS avea o avere de 500-520 milioane de euro). 4. Ioan Niculae: 500-600 milioane de euro (În ediția anterioară, omul de afaceri ocupa locul trei, cu o avere cuprinsă între 600-700 milioane de euro).
5. Iulian Dascălu: 480-500 milioane de euro (Anul trecut, Iulian Dascălu se afla pe același loc, cu o avere de 450-460 mil. euro). 6. George Becali: 400-500 milioane de euro (În ediția din 2016, Becali avea o avere de 280-300 milioane de euro și se afla pe locul 9). 7. Gruia Stoica și Vasile Didilă: 400-420 milioane de euro (Anul trecut, cei doi antreprenori ocupau locul 6 cu o avere de 380-400 mil. euro). 8. Frank Timiș: 380-400 milioane de euro (În ediția precedentă, omul de afaceri avea o avere de 270-280 milioane euro și ocupa locul 11). 9. Radu Dimofte: 370-400 milioane de euro (În 2016, se afla pe locul 10 cu o avere de 280-300 milioane de euro). 10. Marius și Emil Cristescu: 340-350 milioane de euro (Cei doi frați aveau în 2016 o avere de 350-360 milioane de euro și ocupau locul 7).
Față de ediția precedentă a clasamentului, au intervenit modificări și la profilul milionarului prezent în Top 300. Pe scurt, acesta arată așa: are 56 de ani, este bărbat, cu o avere medie de aproape 77 milioane de euro și are businessuri în București.
Din regiunea București-Ilfov sunt 113 milionari, cu o avere însumată de 10,76 miliarde de euro, ceea ce înseamnă 46,7% din averea celor 300 cei mai bogați români.
La calcularea averilor, Capital a ţinut cont de valoarea participaţiilor în companii. Pentru evaluarea afacerilor, s-au folosit multiplicatori de EBITDA, diferiţi pentru fiecare industrie, actualizaţi în funcţie de valorile de piaţă confirmate în cazul realizării unor tranzacţii recente în domeniile respective (multiplicatorii au fost furnizați de Deloitte România). S-a ţinut cont şi de valoarea datoriilor. Pentru averea personală, s-au luat în calcul (acolo unde au existat informaţii) şi bunurile imobile (terenuri, clădiri) deţinute de milionari şi de familiile acestora, alte bunuri personale de valoare, precum şi conturile bancare.
http://ift.tt/2ilKT6K http://ift.tt/2AIsqZV
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coachenverite · 14 years
Handball - Division1 1994/1995
1er - CANAYER Patrice     -      Montpellier HBM
2e - ISAKOVIVC Mile   -   OM Vitrolles       3e - SIDORENKO Valeri     -     US Ivry HB 4e - MAGDINCEV Risto     -      Paris Asnières 5e - ANTI Thierry   -   US Créteil Hand   6e - VOINA Radu   -   RC Strasbourg 7e - CARRARA Philippe  -   UMS Pontault-Combault 8e - GOLIC Boro   -    Girondins de Bordeaux     9e - ???   -   USM Gagny 10e - AFFOLTER Konrad   -   SC Sélestat 11e - ???   -     SO Chambéry   12e - ???  -   US Dunkerque
13e - DESCHAMPS Dominique   -   Livry-Gargan Handball 14e - ???   -    Handball Saint-Brice 95
* Coach arrivé en cours d'exercice
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I'm cheering for you Esme 🤭
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Awwww~~~ Esme is a tsundere ☺️
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coachenverite · 14 years
Handball - Division1 1993/1994
Poule haute
1er - ISAKOVIVC Mile   -   OM Vitrolles
2e - MARTINET Jean-Paul   -    USAM Nîmes (relégué) 3e - PETITGIRARD Guy      -      Montpellier HBM   Handball 4e - SIDORENKO Valeri     -     US Ivry HB  5e - CANAYER Patrice     -      Paris Asnières 6e - ???   -   Livry-Gargan Handball 7e - ???   -    Villeurbanne Handball Club (relégué) 8e -    ???   -   Handball Saint-Brice 95
Poule basse
9e - ???   -   USM Gagny ???  -    Girondins de Bordeaux HBC 10e - VOINA Radu   -   RC Strasbourg 11e - ???   -    Vénissieux Handball (relégué)   12e - ???  -   US Dunkerque 13e - CARRARA Philippe   -   SC Sélestat   14e - GOLIC Boro   -    Girondins de Bordeaux       
15e - ???   -   US Créteil (repêché) 16e - ???   -    Massy Essonne Handball
* Coach arrivé en cours d'exercice
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coachenverite · 14 years
Handball - Division1 1992/1993
1er - MARTINET Jean-Paul   -    USAM Nîmes 
2e - ISAKOVIVC Mile   -   OM Vitrolles 3e - SIDORENKO Valeri     -     US Ivry HB  4e - ???   -   Vénissieux Handball 5e - PETITGIRARD Guy     -      Montpellier HBM 6e - CANAYER Patrice     -      Paris Asnières 7e - GOLIC Boro   -    Girondins de Bordeaux 8e - ???   -   USM Gagny      9e - ???   -   CSM Livry-Gargan 10e - ???   -   US Créteil 
11e - VOINA Radu   -   RC Strasbourg    12e - ???  -   US Dunkerque
* Coach arrivé en cours d'exercice
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coachenverite · 14 years
Handball - Division1 1991/1992
1er - HASANEFENDIC Sead   -   Vénissieux Handball
2e - ???   -   Vitrolles SMUC Handball 3e - BOUTEILLER Bernard   -   US Créteil   4e - GOLIC Boro    -    USAM Nîmes 5e - DRUAIS Jean-Luc     -     US Ivry HB     6e - ???     -      Paris AsnièresHand  7e - ???   -   USM Gagny 8e - ???  -   US Dunkerque   9e - ???  -    Girondins de Bordeaux HBC 10e - VOINA Radu   -   RC Strasbourg
11e - ???   -    Mulhouse   12e - PETITGIRARD Guy   -   SC Sélestat
* Coach arrivé en cours d'exercice
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smartseo4you · 7 years
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STENOGRAMĂ incendiară cu Ioan Bendei și Zoltan Teszari despre "nea Traian și Răducu"
Noi înregistrări în care apar șefii RCS&RDS, dar și "'nea Traian" au fost prezentate joi, la emisiunea Sinteza zilei, de la Antena 3.
"Este vorba despre Zoltan Teszari, cel care patronează RCS&RDS", a început Mihai Gâdea seara dezvăluirilor.
Într-o discuție cu subordonatul său Ioan Bendei, Zoltan Teszari îi spune acestuia că a fost vizitat de "'nea Traian și Răducu" – nume ce duc cu gândul la Traian Băsescu și ginerele acestuia, Radu Pricop.
Vizita a avut loc pe 20 aprilie 2013, la numai o zi după denunțul făcut de Ioan Bendei împotriva lui Sorin Alexandrescu, fost director Antena Group, scrie Antena 3.
Traian Băsescu a negat toate cele scrise în rândurile de mai sus.
"Nu am vorbit niciodată cu acest domn, Teszari. Nu exclud posibilitatea ca într-o mulțume, la o recepție să fi fost și el. Vă asigur că nu am fost niciodată cu ginerele meu Radu Pricop la Oradea, nu îmi aduc aminte să îl fi întâlnit pe acest domn Teszari, nu știu cum arată", a zis fostul președinte la România TV.
În plus, în înregistrarea dintre mogulii RCS&RDS se vorbește și de suspendarea licenței Antena 3, aceasta fiind o solicitare a lor din dosar, unde se constituiau ca parte vătămată.
În dosar, ei cer "să se aplice și pedeapsa complementară a suspendării activității Antena 3", potrivit unui document prezentat la Sinteza zilei.
Apoi, "ținta" ar fi să se ajungă la "bătrânețu'".
Sursa articol jurnalul.ro
, sursa articol http://blogville.ro/stenograma-incendiara-cu-ioan-bendei-si-zoltan-teszari-despre-nea-traian-si-raducu/
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