emo2thextremo · 2 years
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me rn
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ase-trollplays · 5 years
🍀 regale a time when luck was on their side
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~Okay, sso one time I wass on an asssignment to kill thiss yellowblood with pssionicss that could bassically turn gusstss of air into razorbladess. My whipss weren’t doing jack sshit, and I couldn’t get closse to him becausse he ussed thiss giant fan to make huge air bladess.~
~Sso you’d think I’d be sscrewed or ssome bullsshit, right? Well fuck you! Sshadah Relion alwayss getss the job done!~
~The dumb fuck’ss bird lussuss came flying out of hiss hive and got in the way of one of the air bladess. Itss wing got sslicced clean off, and the guy sstartss fucking panicking and flipping out. Sstupid idiot letss himsself get disstracted, and I put a bullet right between hiss eyess and through hiss heart.~
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