#rayy play’s
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ochaka-archive · 5 years ago
Its 4am and my bf went to sleep but Rayi I'm love you
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devilishoon · 3 years ago
request: ¿podeis hacer un smut de sunghoon en español? <3
sinopsis: en una fiesta de pijamas que ha organizado jake, terminas acostándote con tu amigo sunghoon.
pareja: park sunghoon x lectora
advertencias: smut (+18), dom! sunghoon, degradación, sexo sin protección (no hagan lo mismo que la rayis, usen protección), amigos con derecho a roce (?
recuento de palabras: 2699 palabras
notas: es el primer smut que subo a tumblr en español, ¡espero que lo disfrutéis!
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                    BE QUIET
             — Park Sunghoon —
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—¿Entonces qué película vemos, la última de Spiderman o la última de los Warren? —preguntó Jake, listo para seleccionar una de las dos con el mando a distancia.
—La última de los Warren —fuiste la única en responder, ya que los demás estaban, o bien terminándose las palomitas que habían preparado, o bien concentrados en sus pantallas móviles.
—De eso nada —Jay se negó en rotundo porque detestaba las películas de terror.
—¿Pero qué más da cuál pongamos? A mitad de película la mayoría os habréis dormido —comentó Sunghoon.
—En nada va a ser la una, veamos esa o terminaremos sin ver nada —añadió Heeseung agotado, después de media hora intentando escoger una película con nosotros.
—Pues no se hable más —Jake zanjó la conversación y le dio al play, ganándose un bufido por parte de Jay.
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Más o menos a mitad de la película, algunos de los presentes ya estaban profundamente dormidos, tal y como Sunghoon había predicho.
A decir verdad, todo se había vuelto más tranquilo ahora que no se escuchaban los gritos de Jay ni los comentarios que Jake hacía con Heeseung, así que Sunghoon aprovechó ese pequeño momento de paz para recostar su cabeza sobre tu hombro y descansar un poco.
—¿No te importa que me apoye, verdad?
—Que va, tranquilo, acuéstate —respondiste algo nerviosa, porque muy en el fondo sí te importaba.
Sunghoon era el que más te atraía con diferencia de todo tu grupo de amigos, y a veces tenía gestos contigo que no hacían más que confundirte, como por ejemplo el que estaba teniendo en ese mismo momento.
—Si te empiezas a sentir incómoda me lo dices —te susurró al oído para no molestar al único que aún quedaba en pie, el cual se giró al escuchar vuestras voces la última vez.
Te limitaste a asentir a modo de respuesta y él se acomodó entonces sobre tu hombro, aprovechando también para cubrirse con parte de la manta que tú estabas usando.
Por un momento temiste que alcanzase a escuchar los frenéticos latidos de tu corazón o que se percatase de tu respiración pesada, pero descartaste aquellas opciones al mirarle de reojo y darte cuenta de que se hallaba con los ojos cerrados, dispuesto a dormir.
—Pst, Jake —llamaste a tu amigo en voz baja, queriendo decirle que quizás ya iba siendo hora de ir a descansar, pero entonces sentiste unos calientes dedos posándose sobre la parte que tus pantalones cortos no llegaban a cubrir.
—Dime —respondió el contrario, dándose la vuelta para atenderte.
—Baja un poco más el volumen, que las escenas con música se escuchan muy alto y vamos a despertar a los demás —improvisaste, ganándote una caricia bajo la manta por parte de tu amigo de cabellos plateados.
Una vez que Jake volvió a prestarle atención a la pantalla para bajar el volumen, tragaste saliva e intentaste contener tus nervios, convenciéndote de que Sunghoon simplemente estaba moviéndose involuntariamente y en sueños. No obstante, él te demostró lo contrario cuando empezó a trazar círculos con su dedo pulgar sobre tu muslo, apretando tu pierna con el resto de sus dedos.
Algo incómoda, tosiste para llamar su atención, pero él prosiguió hasta colocar tu pierna sobre una de las suyas, pudiendo así acariciar la parte interior de tus muslos.
—Oye, ¿y si nos vamos a dormir ya? Me está empezando a entrar sueño —propuso Jake, sobresaltándote. Estabas tan sumida en las caricias de Sunghoon que el más mínimo ruido habría conseguido asustarte.
—Me parece bien, yo estoy que me caigo de sueño también —mentiste. Sabías a dónde querían llegar a parar los dedos de Sunghoon, y no querías pasar un mal rato conteniéndote por estar tus otros amigos en la misma sala.
—Pues mira, como ellos tres ya están dormidos, podríamos dejarles el sofá y quedarnos tú y yo con una habitación cada uno.
—Oye, yo no quiero dormir en el sofá.
"Mierda", pensanste al escuchar la voz adormilada de Sunghoon.
Las únicas habitaciones disponibles eran la de Jake y la de sus padres, y ahora que él había "despertado" era evidente que ibas a tener que pasar la noche entera con él.
Una parte de ti lo estaba deseando, pero tu otra parte quería desaparecer de la faz de la tierra.
—Puedes dormir con ella entonces, yo me quedaré en mi cuarto —se deshizo Jake del problema.
—Oye, ¿y por qué tengo que dormir yo con él? Dormid los dos juntos y yo me quedo con tu cuarto —rechistaste.
—No pienso dormir con Jake, ronca mucho por las noches —el mediano descartó tu opción.
—Tú te lo pierdes —bromeó el mayor. —En fin, ya le has oído, quiere dormir contigo así que a mí me toca dormir solo.
—Pero estamos en tu casa, se supone que eres tú el que decide —fuiste insistente.
—La verdad es que, si me das a elegir, prefiero dormir en mi cama —confesó el anfitrión, traicionándote. —Lo siento, pequeñaja.
—Pero... —antes de que volvieses a insistir, Sunghoon se levantó del sofá y te cargó sobre su hombro. —¿Pero qué haces? Suéltame —exclamaste en voz baja, todavía consciente de que el resto estaba durmiendo.
—Tú duermes conmigo y se acabó —dijo él, saliendo por la puerta del salón.
—Jake, ayúdame a bajar —le suplicaste antes de perderle de vista, pero este se encogió de hombros. Supiste por su expresión facial que se estaba disculpando contigo.
Una vez llegastéis al dormitorio, Sunghoon te dejó caer sobre la cama y se adentró en el cuarto de baño particular sin decir nada, llevando su mochila consigo para cambiarse de ropa.
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Entre unas cosas y otras, ya estábais los dos en pijama, resguardados por las sábanas. Habíais elegido el lado del colchón jugando a piedra, papel o tijeras, y a ti te había tocado dormir en el lado de la pared, así que dormiste cara a ella, dándole la espalda a Sunghoon.
De nada sirvieron tus intentos de conciliar el sueño. El hecho de tenerle a tus espaldas no te estaba ayudando, y mucho menos el recordar lo que había sucedido en el salón hacía un momento. Pero, al parecer, no eras la única que aún no había conseguido dormir.
Notaste como el más alto se movió sobre el colchón, y la forma en la que apegó su cuerpo al tuyo te sorprendió. En ese momento, él supo que tú también habías permanecido despierta todo este tiempo, y comenzó entonces a palpar uno de tus senos por encima de tu camisa. Parecía no querer perder más tiempo.
—Sunghoon, para —no sabrías decir con exactitud de dónde salieron tus fuerzas para hablar, pero conseguiste formular aquellas palabras sin morir en el intento.
—Si haces un solo ruido estás muerta, ¿me oyes? —te susurró al oído con voz ronca.
—Estamos en casa de Jake, no está bien que hagamos esto aquí —respondiste, intentando no dejarte llevar por sus roces posesivos.
—Por eso mismo, guarda silencio —torció tu argumento, pasando su mano por debajo de tu camisa de pijama.
—Somos amigos, nos arrepentiremos de esto luego —continuaste argumentando en su contra, pero no pudiste evitar que tu cuerpo respondiese al cosquilleo que te habían producido sus alargados dedos.
—Tú misma lo has dicho, ya tendremos tiempo de arrepentirnos luego —esquivó tu nuevo argumento, tratando de levantar tu sujetador para después abarcar uno de tus pechos con su cálida palma.
—Sunghoon, ¿estás seguro de que lo que quieres hacer es lo correcto? —aquella iba a ser tu última interrupción, solo querías asegurarte de que él sabía lo que estaba haciendo para ganar algo de confianza.
—Yo lo estoy, ¿lo estás tú? —sonó algo impacience, pero dada tu predisposición, cediste sin miramientos.
—Sí, lo estoy —aceptaste.
—Perfecto, entonces cierra esa preciosa boca tuya hasta que te pida que la abras —jamás pensaste que él pudiese llegar a hablarte de esa forma tan caliente.
El de cabellos plateados continuó con su labor tras vuestra breve conversación. Empezó por retorcer tus pezones y terminó por tirar de ellos, acelerando tu respiración e incrementando tu lujuria.
—Date la vuelta —te ordenó al cabo de un rato, después de haberse entretenido lo suficiente en esa posición.
Sin rechistar, te diste la vuelta sin bajar tu sujetador, topándote con sus oscuros ojos marrones, los cuales te observaban con intensidad.
Justo con esa mirada, descendió un poco y se adueñó de uno de tus pezones con su boca. Lo lamió y mordió, y a su misma vez sujetó ese pecho con una de sus manos. Es más, aprovechando que ahora podía usar sus dos extremidades, empleó la restante para seguir excitando tu otro pezón.
Algunos sonidos dulces y melosos empezaron a emerger en el interior de tu garganta. No podías evitarlo, las ganas de llegar hasta el final estaban creciendo dentro de ti.
Ya habiendo succionado tus pezones unas cuantas veces y habiendo dejado algún que otro chupetón en tu escote, el contrario se reincorporó sin apartar la vista de tus labios, queriendo alcanzarlos con los suyos.
—Nada de besos —interpusiste tu mano entre vuestros labios.
Lo más probable era que al día siguiente siguieséis siendo amigos, y no querías pasar el resto de tus días pensando en su maravillosa forma de besar. No obstante, a Sunghoon no parecía importarle mucho aquello, y sin decir nada apartó tu mano y juntó sus hinchados labios con los tuyos, dándole paso a un beso fogoso.
Poco tardaron vuestras lenguas en juntarse y poco tardaste tú en ceder. No cabía duda de que él era gran besador. Tal y como se rumoreaba entre las chicas de tu universidad, a cada beso lograba incitarte más y más a continuar.
El más alto, aprovechando que tú te hallabas hipnotizada por sus besos, se colocó sobre ti y rozó tu intimidad por encima de tu ropa, aunque poco duró su mano en ese lugar. Enseguida optó por pasarla por debajo de tu pantalón de pijama.
—Vaya, ¿tanto me deseas? —mordió su labio inferior al notar lo empapada que estabas, dedicándote una sonrisa traviesa.
Tus mejillas se tornaron de rojo al escuchar sus palabras. Le odiaste por hacerte pasar vergüenza así, de modo que golpeaste su pecho suavemente y cubriste tu rostro con ambas manos.
El contrario se rió de tu tierna reacción y apartó las manos de tu rostro, uniendo vuestros labios por segunda vez.
Casi de forma inconsciente lo atrajiste hacia ti, presionando tus dedos sobre su nuca y tirando de sus cabellos de forma despreocupada. Gemiste más tarde en su boca cuando pasó su mano por debajo de tu prenda interior mojada y te tocó.
Sus dedos te estaban llevando a la gloria junto con sus besos, se sentía como si te estuvieses entregando al infierno más caliente. Y cuando pensaste que ya no podía hacerte sentir mejor, descendió, dejando un camino de besos por tu cuerpo hasta alcanzar tu zona íntima y lamer tu crítoris.
De nuevo, fijó su provocativa mirada sobre ti y sus manos alcanzaron tus glúteos, atrayéndote así hacia su rostro, para de esa manera poder saborearte mejor y sacarte algún que otro gemido.
—No sigas —suplicaste llegado cierto punto. Sus dedos te estaban penetrando al mismo tiempo que su lengua jugaba con tu clítoris, no podías soportarlo más.
—¿Por qué debería parar? —la vibración de su atractiva voz impactando contra tu centro, revolvió tu estómago.
—Si sigues así voy a correrme —confesaste, y entonces él extrajo sus dedos de tu interior y los lamió para saborear tus fluídos una última vez.
—Está bien, terminemos con esto de una vez entonces.
Se deshizo de toda su ropa en un momento y después se dio cuenta de que tú, sin embargo, seguías completamente vestida.
—¿A qué esperas? Desnúdate para mí.
Hiciste lo que te pidió con vergüenza, y una vez quedaste desnuda frente a él, te empujó para que cayeses sobre la cama que quedaba a tus espaldas.
—Así me gusta, ahora déjate llevar, ¿de acuerdo? —buscó una respuesta en tus ojos.
—De acuerdo —asentiste—, pero ¿qué vas a...? —antes de que te diese tiempo a formular tu pregunta, el más alto escupió en su mano y bombeó su erección, colocándose seguidamente entre tus piernas e introduciendo su miembro completo en tu interior de una sola estocada.
No pudiste evitar gemir sorprendida. Podías notar a la perfección como su grande erección palpitaba y crecía en tu interior.
—Como hagas un solo ruido más te juro, por lo que más quieras, que mañana no podrás caminar —te advirtió, dándote una segunda estocada. Tuviste que contraer tus labios esta vez para evitar gemir.
Con el paso de los minutos, sus movimientos lentos pero duros, pasaron a ser más bien rústicos y rápidos. Se podía escuchar con claridad la forma en la que vuestros cuerpos chocaban entre sí.
—Que apretada estás, joder —pasó sus dedos por su cabello desordenado, ya que algunos mechones de pelo le impedían verte hecha un desastre bajo él.
Verte en aquella posición, recibiendo sus estocadas, no hacía más que incitarle a aumentar el ritmo de sus caderas.
—¿Quieres que siga hasta el final? ¿Quieres que me corra dentro de ti? —preguntó cerca de alcanzar su orgasmo.
—Sí, házlo —gemiste sobre su cuello, ya que el contrario había descendido su torso, incapaz de mantenerse sobre sus brazos.
—Maldita puta caliente —relamió sus labios antes de intensificar el ritmo de sus estocadas.
Llegó un punto ambos perdistéis la cabeza. Tú empezaste a gemir en alto sin importarte la presencia de tus amigos en la casa, y su garganta empezó a emitir sonidos roncos.
Finalmente, la primera en correrse fuiste tú, de modo que calentaste y apretaste su miembro en tú interior, provocando así que él se corriese y pintase tus paredes de blanco.
—Levántate y ponte de rodillas —su voz sonó autoritaria a pesar de que apenas podía respirar correctamente.
—Pero... —dijiste confundida, y mientras tanto tus pulmones lucharon por una calada de aire.
—He dicho que te pongas de rodillas —no te atreviste a jugar con su paciencia, cumpliste sus deseos y ya.
Una vez que tú te mantuviste sobre tus rodillas, Sunghoon se sentó en el borde de la cama y levantó tu barbilla con dos de sus dedos, masturbando su pene con su mano libre mientras tanto.
—Abre la boca, princesa.
Abriste la boca y Sunghoon introdujo tan solo la punta de su polla en ella.
—Quiero que te la metas entera —te animó a ello, sujetando tus cabellos desde la raíz.
Succionaste su miembro tal y como te lo había indicado, hasta que la punta rozó tu garganta, a partir de ahí ya empezaste a notar arcadas y te detuviste.
Él, por otro lado, mantuvo tu cabeza en esa posición un poco más, consiguiendo que tus ojos se nublasen de lágrimas.
—Así me gusta, buena chica —sacó al fin su longitud de tu cavidad bucal, permitiendo que tosieses y limpiases tus lágrimas. —Más te vale guardar silencio la próxima vez si no quieres que folle esa boca tuya sin piedad.
—Lo siento, no era mi... —te interrumpió.
—Shhh, no te disculpes, durmamos —asentiste a modo de respuesta.
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Despertaste sola a la mañana siguiente, y no pudiste evitar pensar la noche que habías pasado con Sunghoon. Te sonrojaste al recordarlo todo, pero algo en tu interior se rompió al no encontrar a Sunghoon durmiendo a tu lado después de todo.
Te reincorporaste en el colchón y tomaste tus prendas para vestirte. Una vez lista, saliste a desayunar con todos tus amigos.
—Buenos días —dijeron todos a excepción de Sunghoon, que te observó por encima del borde de su taza de café.
—Buenos días, ¿al final dormistéis bien vosotros dos? —te referiste a Jay y a Heeseung, los cuales habían dormido en el alargado sofá del salón.
—Tengo la espalda reventada, pero no me desperté en toda la noche, así que bien —respondió el estadounidense.
—Pues yo he dormido genial —Heeseung le llevó la contraria.
—¿Y tú y Sunghoon? —Jake cambió de tema repentinamente, tomando asiento a tu lado y tendiéndote una taza de café.
—Bastante bien —respondistéis los dos al unísono e intercambiastéis una mirada cómplice.
—Ya, eso me pareció escuchar ayer —dejó caer el anfitrión antes de darle un sorbo a su café, llamando la atención de los demás.
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jiejie-eonni-onee-sama · 4 years ago
Speaking her language
For the charming @empress-writes​ 💙💛🧡💖
Hope you’ll like the story!
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The South of France is a safer place for the Basterds, as they took a break after their last mission.
They were currently hidden in a remote cottage near the small village of Gassin. Its inhabitants were kind and helpful, which was a blessing for Aldo Raine and his men.
"No news from the superiors, Lieutenant?"
"Na yet, Donny. But ya can be sure that we're gonna heard about them, one way or another!"
"So, let's enjoy our free time!" happily exclaimed Hirschberg as he ate a piece of cake.
"Can you sometimes stop eating, you glutton?" admonished Andy.
"But Mrs. Dupin's pies are so delicious!"
As the others were gently chatting, Wicki was gazing at (Y/N) (L/N), the only woman in the group. He could not help but smile while looking at her as she read a book. 
If you ask him, he would probably answer that everything she did was perfection. To sum up, he fell heels over head in love with the woman.
Of course, the other Basterds were aware of it and never missed an opportunity to tease him about his crush. Even Hugo loved taunting him!
Wilhelm's daydreaming was interrupted by Utivitch, who shyly asked:
"Hey, (Y/N)?"
"Yes, Smithson?" answered the woman with a gentle smile.
"What are you reading?"
"Oh, I was reading Les lettres de mon moulin by Alphonse Daudet. It is a French collection of short stories about Provence!"
"Okay... Wait, you understand French?"
She laughed.
"Uti, can you remind us what is my job here?"
"She is the translator, you dummy!" growled Hugo.
"Don't be so harsh, Stiglitz!" scolded Hicox.
"Indeed, I am the translator of the group."
"Of course!"
"By the way, how many languages do you speak?" inquired Omar.
A sly grin appeared on her face.
"What if we played a little game?"
"YES! A GAME!" happily screamed Andy, Michael, and Simon.
"Ouch! My ears!" grumbled Wicki.
"Okay, let's play! What are the rules, doll?" asked Donny.
"It's simple: I'll talk in a language to each of you in turn, and you have to guess how many languages I can speak!"
"Sounds good to me! Start whenever ya want, pretty!"
Suddenly, all the Basterds were quiet and waited for (Y/N).
While she was mentally choosing the first player, the other Basterds noticed the enamored gaze of Wicki towards the blonde woman. Time to play some trick on the suitor...
"I'm going to start with... Mr. Hicox!"
"I'm always ready, my dear!"
"Eres muy guapo. ¡Un verdadero caballero!" (You're very handsome. A real gentleman!)"
"Mmmmh... I would say that you speak Spanish!"
"And what did you say?"
"I told you that you were handsome, and you look like a real gentleman!"
The Basterds laughed and whistled.
"Well, milady, you're absolutely astonishing! Hearing you speaking Spanish is like listening to a nightingale!" answered the British spy with a seductive wink.
The young woman chuckled before asking:
"You sweet-talker! Alright! Who's next?"
"Why won't you ask Omar?" snickered Michael.
"Go to hell!" grunted the latter.
"Don't worry, Omar: it's only for fun. Are you ready?"
A charming smile came across Omar's face:
"Please, go ahead!"
"Okay... Nǐ hěn yǒnggǎn, wǒ hěn gāoxìng chéngwéi nǐ de péngyǒu!" (You're brave, and I'm happy to be your friend!)
Omar was puzzled.
"It does not sound like a European language..."
"You're right, it's not from Europe..."
"Mh, that's tricky... I don't know!"
"Give it a try!" she gently encouraged him.
The soldier scratched the back of his head:
"Er... Is it Japanese?"
"Sorry, but no. It was Chinese!"
"CHINESE? REALLY?" yelled Omar under the laughs of his comrades.
"Yes, indeed. I learned it when I was younger, thanks to my nanny who came from Shangai! And if you want a translation, it means that you're brave and I am happy to be your friend!"
"Alright... Well, thank you! It was beautiful! Especially when it comes from you!"
"You charmer!"
Wicki raised an eyebrow: he started to guess what his friends were doing, and he was not pleased...
"Fine, let's go back to the game, would you? The next one will be... Donny!"
"At your orders, baby doll!" 
"Then, I start... Sei forte e affascinante! E amo il tuo sorriso!" (You're strong and charming! And I love your smile!)
"Ah, so easy! Italian!"
"Bravo! You're right!"
"And what did you mean?"
"I said Donny is strong and charming... and I love his smile!"
Donny put his large hands on his chest, faking to be enthralled.
"And she speaks Italian! Gosh, this woman is perfect!"
He blew her a kiss.
"Please, receive this proof of love from a Bostonian guy!"
Laughing at his antics, (Y/N) mimicked catching the kiss and holding it against her heart.
"Thank you, Donny!"
As for Wilhelm, he gets annoyed. He did not know if they were trying to woo her for real or if they were just pissing him off. In both cases, he hated them at the moment.
"Okay. For the next turn, I'll ask for... Lieutenant Raine!"
"Here I am, pretty woman!"
"Fine, let's go... 'ant qayid rayie qawiun washajae wajadhab jadana!" (You are an astounding leader. Sturdy, brave, and so attractive!)
"Uh, that's a tricky one! Sounds like the Cree language..."
"Unfortunately, Lieutenant, I don't speak Native American languages."
"Okay... So, is it Danish?"
"Hm... Perhaps Portuguese?"
"Wrong answer. It was Arabic!"
"WOAH!" exclaimed all the Basterds, impressed.
"God, you awe me! And what did you mean?"
"I was saying that you are an astounding leader and that you are sturdy, brave, and attractive!"
Aldo smirked and gave her his best seductive face.
"Girl, give me back my heart, would ya? You stole it since the first day!"
(Y/N) heartily laughed.
"Please, Lieutenant: you're a charmer!"
"Only for you, sweetheart!"
"Verräter!" (Betrayer!) gritted Wicki.
"Fine, let's go! I choose... Andy!"
"At your service, milady!"
"Okay, I start... Du är söt när du ler." (You're cute when you smile)
"Uh... Does this language exist?"
"Of course!"
"Okay, Kagan: use your brains... Ah, I know: Danish!"
"Good answer!"
"Well done, Kagan!" laughed Archie.
"Thanks, sir... But I'm sure that if (Y/N) goes to Sweden, they would hate her!"
"Look at her smile: it's like the sun, the snow would melt in a blink!"
"Oh My God, Kagan! That was the corniest thing I've ever heard!" roared Michael as he clutched his sides.
"Well, I find it cute. Thank you, Andy!"
"You're welcome... By the way, what did you mean?"
"Oh, I said that you're cute when you smile!"
Kagan fiercely blushed.
"Thank you, Miss..."
"Pleasure is mine... Hey, Michael, do you want to try?"
"I never say no to a challenge, especially from a beautiful lady!"
"Let's see... Vy geniy i prekrasnyy chelovek." (You are a genius and a lovely man). 
"Woah, Woah, Woah! What the hell is that language?"
"I assure you, this is a real language!"
"Uh... German?"
"NO!" answered Wicki and Stiglitz, offended.
"Calm down, guys! Okay, so if it's not German... It's Russian!"
"Bravo!" (Y/N) clapped happily.
"Wait a minute... If I did not miss the track, we know that you speak 6 languages! And I don't know why, but I think you know more!" said Utivitch.
"That's right! Okay, now, who wants to try?"
"I volunteer!" exclaimed Smithson.
"With pleasure! Let's see which language I use with you..." she wondered.
She got an idea and started to speak in a foreign language:
"Anata wa watashi ga imamade deatta naka de mottomo omoshirokute shinsetsuna hitodesu!" (You're the funniest and kindest man I ever met!)
"Ah, I got it! If it's not Chinese... It's Japanese!"
"Well done, chap!" laughed Simon as he applauded.
"Thanks, pal. And may I know the meaning of your sentence?"
"Of course! I said that you are the funniest and kindest man I ever met!"
"And they dare to say perfection does not exist! Obviously, they did not meet our lovely (Y/N)!" shouted Utivitch.
"Please, don't exaggerate!" blushed the young woman.
Wicki clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles went white. He swore to God that they would pay for their antics.
"Okay, the next player would be... Simon!"
"Yes, ma'am! Always yours!"
"You trickster! Fine, try to guess this one... אני מאוד מעריך את החברה שלך." (I really appreciate your company)
"No... You speak Hebrew? The language of our people?"
"But it sounds beautiful when it comes from you! Okay, you know what? After the war, I'll marry you!"
"Oh, Simon! Don't be so crazy!" she laughed.
"I'm already crazy in love with you!"
"And you say I am corny, Michael..." sneered Andy.
"Forget what I said!"
After she stopped laughing, (Y/N) declared:
"So, I think we had three players last. Well, let's the game begin with Hirschberg."
"Hooray! Here I am!"
"Alright! So, try to find this one... Jesteś uroczym żarłokiem." (You're an adorable glutton)
"Well, that's unusual! Er... I don't remember hearing this language before!"
"Give me suggestions!"
"It is a Slavic language?"
"Not at all."
Gerold sighed.
"Damn it, girl! It's a freakin' riddle!"
"Watch your language in front of a lady!" scolded Hicox.
"Don't worry, Archie: I've heard worse before!" said (Y/N) with a smug grin.
"Mh, I don't know... Is it Turkish?"
"Not at all, but I am currently studying this language!"
"Er... Nope, I don't know!"
"It's Polish!"
"My my, she is impressive!" chuckled Aldo as he took a bite of his bread.
"And what did you say?"
"I said that you are an adorable glutton!"
Hearing that, the other Basterds roared with laughter.
"AH AH AH AH! Well done, (Y/N)!" shrieked Utivitch.
"Hey, that's not fair!" yelped Hirschberg.
Upset that she would offend her friend, the woman apologized.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you, Gerold. I did not mean to..."
"It's alright, (Y/N). Likewise, I'll always forgive you!"
"Oh, why?"
"Because you are beautiful!" answered the soldier with a huge smile.
Relieved, she happily laughed while Wicki contained himself to punch someone's face.
"Okay, now, let's go on with Hugo!"
"I'm listening..."
"I'm sure you'll recognize this language... Du erinnerst mich an einen Wolf: einsam, mysteriös und faszinierend." (You remind me of a wolf: solitary, mysterious, and fascinating.)
"German, without hesitation!" smirked Stiglitz.
"And what did she say?" asked Donny.
Hugo stood up and walked towards her.
"She compared me to wolf. She said that I am solitary, mysterious, and fascinating..."
"(Y/N) got the point!" smiled Michael.
Stiglitz arrived near the woman and kneeled with deference.
"You won... I surrender to your beautiful voice! I could not resist you speaking my mother tongue with such delicacy!"
"Nice touch, Stiglitz!" exclaimed Archie.
"Oh, Hugo! You must be exaggerating: I'm pretty sure my accent was a disaster!"
"The only thing pretty is you, (Y/N)" grinned Hugo as he gently kissed the woman's hand... while he looked out of the corner of his eyes at Wilhelm with a roguish glance.
"Trottel!" (You jerk)!" gritted the latter through his teeth.
At the same moment, (Y/N) was amused by her friends' antics: they always treated her like a queen and were very respectful towards her. But this time, she felt that there was something else, like if they were playing a prank on someone...
"You guys are all amazing! But let's finish this game with the last player: Wilhelm!"
Hearing his name, Wicki snapped out of his anger and said:
"Yes, I'm ready!"
"Okay so, let's see if you will be able to find this one... Mon cher Wilhelm, tu es un homme courageux, loyal, et séduisant." (My dear Wilhelm, you are a courageous, loyal, and attractive man.)
The Austrian Jewish man smirked:
"Without any doubt, I would say... French!"
"Precisely! You had a good ear!"
"And what did you say to Wilhelm? I'm curious..." asked Hirschberg with a playful tone.
(Y/N) slightly flushed before answering:
"I told him that he was a brave, loyal, and attractive man!"
"How cute!" laughed Aldo.
As for Wilhelm, he was struck: definitely, he was in love! With a smug smile, he said:
"Merci beaucoup pour le compliment, jolie mademoiselle!" (Thank you very much for the compliment, lovely miss!)
(Y/N) was impressed by his hidden talent.
"Oh, what a surprise! I did not know you speak French!"
"I know a few... but I'm sure I would not reach your level!"
"Don't underestimate yourself!"
"Heck, she could give some “private” lessons, if you want!" smirked Andy while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Keep your dirty thoughts for you!" snarled Wicki.
"Okay guys, calm down! Now that everyone answered (Y/N), did anyone count how many languages she can speak?" asked Archie.
"I did sir! And she speaks in 11 languages!" replied Utivitch.
"11 LANGUAGES?" shouted the others.
"Indeed, you counted well, Smithson. But I also speak Portuguese, Dutch, and Slavic languages. And I'm currently learning Turkish, Hindi, Danish, Korean, and Finnish!"
"Girl, are ya planning to learn all the goddamn languages around the world?" asked Aldo, flabbergasted.
"Maybe... Seriously, I've always been interested in languages since I was a little girl and I never stopped my passion! Luckily for me, I was gifted with a good memory..."
"We noticed it." shrugged Hugo.
"Man, we're lucky to have her with us!" stated Hirschberg.
"Well spotted, private!" 
They enjoyed the afternoon, when (Y/N) had to go to the village for some groceries.
Once she left, Wicki turned his angered glare towards his comrades.
"May I know WHAT THE FUCK were you all doing earlier? Wooing her as if you did not know what I felt?"
"Don't be mad, Wicki: we just wanted to make a joke!" said Utivitch who tried to calm his friend.
"I did not find it very funny!" growled the Austrian.
"Don't be so ill-humored! We'll never steal her from you. Of course, we all love her, but she is like a sister or a best friend to many of us!" retorted Kagan.
"Damn right, Kagan. But Wil, ya better tell (Y/N) what ya feel for her! Stop tripping and man up!" ordered Aldo.
"And how I'm supposed to do that?"
"Use your brains, Wicki, and take a guess: why don't you use something she likes to declare your love?" muttered Hugo as he smoked his cigarette.
"Something she likes..." mumbled Wilhelm as he lost himself in his thoughts.
Suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind, and he slightly grinned: maybe he can try something interesting. 
He got up and searched in his bag a book his mother gave him before his departure. Wilhelm felt that the answer to his issue was between the pages of this poetry collection... 
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Later in the evening... 
The cool summer night was calm and appeasing for the Basterds as they were finishing the meals brought by their French accomplices. 
At the same time, (Y/N) went for a small walk through the forest. She enjoyed the peaceful surrounding of the woods and sat on a tree stump to gaze at the shining stars who enlightened the dark blue sky.
The young woman slightly shivered as she felt the gentle breeze caress her bare arms.
"Can I join you?" asked a familiar masculine voice.
Startled, she turned and was relieved to see Wilhelm.
"Oh, it's you! You scare me!"
"I'm sorry!"
"It's fine... You can sit with me!"
Thanking her, the soldier sat close to the young woman. 
He felt a knot in his stomach as he was nervous: God, this girl would be the death of him!
He straightened up himself and declared:
"It's a nice night!"
"Indeed: I've always appreciated summer nights. I don't why, but it always soothes me... And it reminds me of this beautiful painting entitled Starry Night."
"Made by Van Gogh in 1888, if I'm right?"
"Exactly. It was a representation of a starry sky in Provence... where we are!"
"Interesting, I did not know this part of the story..." smiled Wicki.
He leaned closer and said:
"You know, this landscape reminds me of a poem..."
"Would you like to listen?"
"I would enjoy it!" (Y/N) smiled.
Wilhelm cleared his throat and declaimed:
Es liegt der heiße Sommer (There lies the heat of summer)
Auf deinen Wängelein; (On your cheek’s lovely art:)
Es liegt der Winter, der kalte, (There lies the cold of winter)
In deinem Herzchen klein. (Within your little heart.)
Das wird sich bei dir ändern, (That will change, beloved,)
Du Vielgeliebte mein! (The end not as the start!)
Der Winter wird auf den Wangen, (Winter on your cheek then,)
Der Sommer im Herzen sein. (Summer in your heart.)
When he finished reciting the poem, he saw a beautiful smile across (Y/N)'s face.
"Wilhelm, it was amazing!"
"Danke. Maybe you know the author..."
"I think it's Heinrich Heine!"
"Exactly! It’s the poem titled There lies the heat of summer."
"He wrote such beautiful masterpieces about love."
She shrugged with a sly smile.
"I'm a helpless romantic!"
"Don't apologize: it's one of your qualities!"
He added with a slight blush on his face.
"Besides, this poem has a special meaning for me..."
"Honestly? Why?"
"Yes. Well, when I was younger, I told my mother that I would say this poem to the girl I want to spend my life with..."
"Oh, that's so charming..."
(Y/N) interrupted herself when she realized what happened.
"Wait a minute... Did you mean that..."
Wicki nodded.
"You've guessed right: I love you, (Y/N). Since the first day in our team, I knew you were meant to me. But I was a coward for a long time and I did not know how to tell you the truth... until tonight!"
There was a silence until the young woman let out a relieved sigh:
"Thank God, what a relief!"
"What do you mean?"
She fidgeted with her fingers, slightly embarrassed.
"You know, Wilhelm... You were not the only one who was shy about their feelings!"
"You mean... that it's reciprocated?"
She agreed with a slight nod and a timid smile.
Assuaged by this revelation, Wicki leaned closer to her face, letting a few inches between their lips.
"Ich liebe dich, (Y/N)..."
"I love you too, Wilhelm..."
And they gently kissed, their lips sealed in a tender moment... 
Meantime, the other Basterds were spying on them, delighted smiles on their faces.
"Finally! He said it!" smirked Aldo.
"Look how cute they are!" grinned Utivitch.
"Indeed, they are. But remember guys: if you want to stay alive, don't cha flirt with her!" stated Donny.
"We took note, Don'. Should we celebrate this new couple?" asked Hirschberg.
"We'll do it when they'll come back to the camp. For now, let's them enjoy this moment alone!" tenderly smiled Andy.
"Gentlemen, we shall come back before they notice our presence. Moreover, we have a celebration to prepare!" simpered Hicox.
"The British's damn right! Let's go, boys!" discreetly cheered Michael.
"I'm so excited! It's like another Valentine's Day!" laughed Simon.
As they went back, Hugo looked back at the lovers with a small grin on his face.
"Well played, Wicki. You managed to speak her language, after all..."
Well, he was right: Wilhelm and (Y/N) found the perfect language between each other: the language of love...
Thank you for the reading!
I hope you’ll like it and I’m looking for your requests!
Take care and see you soon! 😘🥰😍🤩😷
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gayoperatorgunclub · 4 years ago
For the ultimate ship meme, Lion and Doc? I'm sorry, I'm LionDoc trash-
it’s all good!! whenever someone sends in an ask, i get an excuse to talk/write about one of my interests! really, it makes me so happy to be able to create content that people hopefully enjoy!! 💝💝💝
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - until the end of time, babey
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - it was love at first sight but then they started talking i do think it was some form of ~interest~ in one another at first sight, but then all that drama and lack of communication happened so they didn’t really allow themselves to even dream about the possibility of a relationship. HOWEVER! once lion joined rainbow and they talked their shit out like people who know how to cope, there was a period of a few months that is now referred to as The Four Months of Pining™, during which glaz did a lot of paintings where the subject (who usually bears an uncanny resemblance to doc or lion) is staring at something (or someone) longingly. he calls it his french period. when they finally get together, a LOT of money changes hands. and goes straight into sledge’s pocket (he was the only one who bet that it would take them this long). diana gets a brand new collar (handmade), bed (handmade), dish (handmade), and many new toys (some handmade, some store-bought. sledge’s craftsmanship can only get him so far) 
How was their first kiss? - you know how the french are supposed to be super suave and confident??? and how gay people are trying their hardest but they’re just Not Good at things????? (i know these are stereotypes but stay with me). well, with their 5/8 french blood (i hc one of doc’s parents is fully algerian while the other is half french, half algerian), and their 4/4 gay blood, they have an 81.25% chance of success in matters of the heart. sadly, that 18.75% chance of failure came into play during this situation. picture it. doc and lion. romantic, home-cooked dinner. le festin is playing in the background. they’re holding hands over the table. suddenly, doc’s cat goes into labour. all hell breaks loose. lion is getting flashbacks to his son’s birth, so now he’s hyperventilating. doc carries him to the couch and turns on the fan so he can cool off and catch his breath, before carefully moving his cat, Rayie (arabic for gorgeous, pronounced rye-ah) to the living room in his handmade Birthing Box, then grabs a pile of blankets and a heat lamp and situates himself on the ground nearby so he can help her if she needs it. once the kittens are born (they’re twins!! Sadiqi is the boy, and Amirti is the girl!!!) doc makes sure they’re nice and warm and that Rayie is recovering, and gives her pets while she cleans her babies. once the happy family is all settled in for the night, doc walks over to the couch and just. lays down on top of lion. once he’s gotten over the adrenaline of the birth, he takes lion’s face in his hands and says “promise me you’ll be more calm if we ever decide to have kids” and gives him a BIG smooch while lion’s just short-circuiting like “does he know i have a son???? did i forget to mention my son?????? also what about these kittens??? are they not sufficiently childish to count as children????? DOES HE WANT KIDS????? does he want to marry me??????? wait why is he getting so clo-”
Who proposed? - lion. it was the day of their two year anniversary (yes i AM saying they got together the august after outbreak don’t @ me) and they were on vacation at doc’s family’s Secret Beach House. they were vibing on the balcony, watching the sunset, when lion suddenly clears his throat. doc turns to look at him and finds his boyfriend down on one knee, looking like he might flee to Bermuda. he’s reaching for something in his pocket. doc starts laughing. lion, completely misunderstanding his reaction, flushes and stammers out an apology. doc sees this, and immediately stops, though he’s still smiling gleefully as he catches lion by the biceps, then reaches into his own pocket and pulls the ring he was going to give olivier. they exchange rings, giggling like little kids, and spend the rest of the night making out on whatever surfaces are available. 
Who is the best man/men? - for lion? montagne. (his son is the ring bearer and doc’s niece is the flower girl). for doc? rook. he’s so happy he gets to participate in his dad’s wedding
Who is the bride’s maid(s)? - for lion: finka. for doc: twitch
Who did the most planning? - both of them!! do you know how hard they worked to ensure the ceremony was valid in the eyes of both of their religions
Who stressed the most? - s e e  a b o v e
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - lion’s parents. they tried to call him during the reception but doc’s grandma grabbed his phone and started cussing them out, talking about dishonor and how they tried to disown him so they’re not his parents anymore, and besides, his new family absolutely adores him, so really, it’s their loss. once she hangs up, she pulls lion into a hug and he calls her his favorite, if only, grand-mère
Who is on top? - who’s topping? lion. but sometimes doc gets bitchy so he gets to set the pace if you know what i mean
Who is the one to instigate things? - they are both lowkey horny 24/7 so 👀👀👀
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now (only because they do get to see each other fairly often. if one goes on a long mission without the other, once they get back they will bump it up to a 10 real quick)
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - idk long enough ig. maybe longer if someone feels they’ve been left ~unsatisfied~ they might go a few more rounds ;))
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - ok it depends on what they’re doing but usually it’s one or two each, but on ~special~ occasions it’s either doc getting edged and denied for hours, OR doc getting forced to come over and over again until he’s begging for something, whether it be more or a goddamn break even he isn’t really sure. either way he’s crying and lion is consistently asking if he needs to safeword and otherwise checking in because they may like it rough but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - unless someone’s hormones and organs get fucked, zero
How many children will they adopt? - probably none?? idk they’ve already got lion’s son and they’re both busy enough with work so
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - NEITHER!!!!! DISGUSTANG!!!!!!!!!
Who is the stricter parent? - god i wanna say both. like lion and his attachment to rules??? but doc and his Mom Friend energy????? but ig lion BUT HE’S NOT STRICT TO THE POINT HE’S A BUZZKILL OR ANYTHING HE’S JUST RESPONSIBLE (he will NOT allow his husband and son to go vandalize the property of some islamaphobic brits, as much as he agrees with the sentiment) 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - doc will only allow vandalism if it’s in the name of righteousness. meaning, he’ll allow their son to spray paint the walls of a goddamn walmart with shit like “eat the rich” and a portrait of robespierre and a guillotine, but it is a HARD NO on defacing places like the library or community center (unless he has a good reason to do so). lion spends his time praying and making sure his son knows which acts of civil disobedience are acceptable and which are distorting their goal 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - doc. he (privately) dreams of retiring (eventually) and living out his lifelong dreams of being a househusband. so
Who is the more loved parent? - SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE IM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS. but ig lion??? BUT ONLY BECAUSE THEIR SON HAS KNOWN HIM LONGER. doc is half Dad and half Cool Uncle Who Gives Me Spray Paint And Tells Me To Make Myself Heard (to clarify, i know doc is a pacifist, but im kinda projecting my own sentiment of “we’ve tried to be peaceful but you wouldn’t give us the time of day. now that we’ve “acted out” we’ve gotten your attention, and rest assured, things are going to change.” he won’t hurt anybody, he’s just tired of having to be everyone’s “muslim friend” and educating people on things they could google themselves)
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - it used to be lion out of necessity, but when people started asking about his “wife” he was really torn between telling them that he and his son’s mother separated, but now he has a partner and his son seems very happy about it. when doc finally attends a meeting with lion, people really struggle to hide their shock. a few clunky but well-meaning “we support you”’s and “we’re sorry for everything that’s been going on”’s later, doc has used his charm to make friends with literally everyone. from then on, he is on pta duty on behalf of lion and his ex
Who cried the most at graduation? - lion! his parents purposefully didn’t show at his, so it’s a big deal for him to show his son just how proud he is. doc tears up a little too, but manages to mostly keep it together so he can support lion, who spends most of the day heave-crying about how proud he is into his husband’s shoulder. gustave just pats him on the back and tells him that they’ll run out of donuts if they don’t get to the concession stand soon
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - doc. civil disobedience, baby!! he has never been caught. lion fears the law after his youth, so he tries to avoid any visits to law enforcement. he also can’t stand to see his son behind bars
Who does the most cooking? - doc. househusband, remember?
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - doc, but only because he can be a bit of a spice supremacist. he has to get his ingredients from these very specific farms and markets or else his great grandmother will begin manifesting in their house to curse them
Who does the grocery shopping? - doc, bc he does NOT trust lion to not just sweep all of the microwave ramen and kraft mac n cheese into the cart then sprint to self-checkout
How often do they bake desserts? - whenever possible. doc and maestro live by the philosophy “don’t do anything halfway” if they’re going to go through the trouble of making a meal, it will have multiple courses. 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - doc is more of a salad eater but only for ease of consumption with halal laws. he adores filet mignon
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - lion! maestro enlists himself as assistant head chef after walking into the base’s kitchen one day to find lion covered in flour and lying facedown on the floor, crying
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - also lion! though he’s memorized doc’s order at all of their favorite restaurants, so he usually just gets take out and puts on a big show of being a “tired housewife who works in the kitchen all day just for this one meal” and setting up the table so it’s all nice and romantic
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - lion. he tried crème brûlée once. never again 
Who cleans the room? - lion. organization is everything to this man. doc helps with laundry and such, but for the most part he leaves organization to lion and his systems (think leslie knope levels of planning and organization)
Who is really against chores? - neither! they both understand that teamwork makes the dream work, baby!!
Who cleans up after the pets? - doc, since lion’s already asked him which color hanger should represent “clothes i can tear off my husband before we fuck” and he needs a Moment
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - neither. they don’t own a broom
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - lion because of the deep-seated catholic urge to appear perfect in front of others, and doc because people will gossip, olivier!
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - lion. he immediately called doc into the room and asked “is this your stash of drug money?” doc, who had been asleep because it was 3 in the morning on a saturday, just stares at him
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - it is so bold to assume they don’t shower together to “cut costs”
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - lion is known in their neighborhood as the man who walks cats. there is a facebook page where people post pictures of him walking his cats. vigil is an admin
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - LITERALLY EVERY HOLIDAY GETS DECORATIONS. lion makes his own for the muslim holidays since there really aren’t many “of good quality” in stores. when they first started dating, doc came home to find his house covered in ramadan decorations, and lion standing precariously on a ladder, trying to string up fairy lights while learning how to pronounce important arabic words. needless to say, doc cries
What are their goals for the relationship? - mutual joy and contentment!!!! 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - doc. he’s sleepy
Who plays the most pranks? - lion, but they’re stupid ones like replacing certain pictures with danny devito. doc gets back at him by replacing pictures of jesus with ewan mcgregor, and putting yoda into his nativity scene. lion doesn’t notice
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staytheb · 4 years ago
Immortal Soulmate [1team edition]
Genre: immortal!au, soulmate!au, supernatural!au, fantasy!au, slice of life Word Count: 1,110 Summary: werecat!bc, faerie!rubin, werefox!jinwoo, vampire!jehyun, werewolf!junghoon with genderneutral!ocs
EDIT! due to Xen and Jehyun redebuting, i included OX in the tag due to that. maybe in the future i could add the rest of the OX members. for now i’ve just done this and to hope clear any confusion.
notes: bullet-list. five in one. a brief introduction of each immortal member as different types of otherwordly beings. also i’m not all that familiar of 1team and hope it’s good enough for y’all!! (Sol means Pine, Namoo means Tree, Yiseul means Dew, Hanbyul means One Star, and Haru means Day just an FYI on why i chose the names lol)
alright hello! the original request was something different and realized that i just couldn’t write it even if i tweaked it. so i would like to apologize to @rainbowglitteramythyst for waiting so long to read something and it wasn’t of your original request. i hope this one is good good enough even though it was an older worked titled Immortal Soulmate with different idols, but i felt that i could do something with that for the 1team boys here. also why it’s titled the same with the brackets since i really do like that title in general lol but yeah anyways, who doesn’t love some dark romance right? i honestly had a lot of fun writing this one and imagining as said immortal being. maybe one day i could actually write a fuller fic for the boys, but for now it’s just this. anyways, thanks for the request, and sorry once again for not writing it out. as for everyone else, hope y’all enjoy as this is my first gender neutral ocs as i usually write the ocs as female! kthxbai, Admin Lia~
name is Chin Sungho
appears to be in his mid-twenties, but is actually over a few centuries years old
his cat form is an abyssinian
loves being pampered while in cat form
while in cat form likes to steal the neighbors' laundry for some reason
while in human form owns two actual cats named Shy and From
can play the flute and saxophone, but has no effect on his soulmate
he's pretty laid-back, but reserved around strangers
by day he's a university student, but by night he's part of the rap underground
and how Sungho manages to be a cat in-between his beyond him
some powers includes: night vision, inaudibility, stealth tactics, and spiritual awareness
Park Sol is a normal human also in their twenties
Sol is indirectly Sungho's owner as Sol's mother was the one to adopt the apparent 'stray' cat
Sol's unaware he's is a shape-shifter and that both are unaware that they're soulmates
they both attend the same university with Sungho majoring in veterinary science and Sol's majoring in visual arts
the mother named him Bryan, but Sol calls him Rayi instead
while in cat form, Sungho adores Sol, but as a human, he's quite aloof for some reason
Sol also own two other cats, Andante and Texas, but they don't quite like Sungho in either form
name is Lee Rubin
appears to be in his mid-twenties, but is actually over a few centuries years old
half-elf, elven mother and human father
neither good or evil, neutral although a bit mischievous and playful
is wondrous, but slightly haughty
changes hair color constantly
looks human despite an ethereal glow and unnatural beauty to him
gets into a lot of arguments with the butterflies when it comes to flowers
is still learning french despite his age
can play the piano and guitar although this has no effect on his soulmate
besides elven abilities, faery magic, and ecokinesis, Rubin has large sparkly wings and can manipulate fairy dust
Kim Namoo is a normal human also in their twenties
they have been neighbors since babies, but are not friends as Namoo tells people
Kim Namoo is unaware of his true background and neither of the two are aware of the fact that they're soulmates
they both attend the same university and are both majoring in fine arts
Rubin likes teasing Namoo the most, but is quite protective of Namoo if others mess with them, too
he's the reason why Namoo has dreaming and sleeping issues
Namoo has a beagle named Ruru and a scottish fold named Prince and they both have a love-hate relationship with Rubin
name is Lee Jinwoo
appears to be around in his early twenties, but is actually a few centuries years old
his fox form is an arctic fox
in his fox form he has three tails with each having their own personality
is quite active and may be why he eats a lot in either form
favorite food is ramen and fried rice, especially with animal heart and liver
has a great sense of smell and hearing
as a fox loves cuddles and has perfect heat insulation
Jinwoo is super shy with strangers, but very lively with closed ones
despite being a fox spirit, Jinwoo actually likes dogs
some powers includes: illusions, enhanced physical skills, possession, and fox-fire
Baek Yiseul is a normal human also in their twenties
Yiseul lives in the same apartment complex as Jinwoo, but on different floors
they also attend the same university with Yiseul majoring in photography and related media and Jinwoo majoring in nutrition
Yiseul is unaware that he's a shape-shifter and is his soulmate
Jinwoo knows that Yiseul his soulmate due to the invisible galaxy-colored fox flower tattoo on their upper back
he's the reason why Yiseul's pet hamster, Malik, goes missing and returns a few days later
Yiseul's pomeranian, Zayn, hates him because Zanik knows Jinwoo's a fox spirit
name is Moon Jehyun
appears to be around in his early twenties, but is actually a few centuries years old
dhampir, vampire dad and human mom
a natural charmer and a smooth talker
enjoys pulling pranks on unsuspecting humans
prefers animal blood over human blood just as the same with animal meat to human meat
eye color changes based upon current mood
still needs to be invited inside
owns two cats name Coco and Kkotnim
by day he's a university student, but by night he's a street dancer
besides vampiric abilities and umbrakinesis, Jehyun has bat-like feathery wings, can shape-shift, and walk in sunlight
Sun Hanbyul is a normal human also in their twenties
they live in the same house block and have a circle of mutual friends
Hanbyul is unaware of his true nature and background and that their his soulmate
Jehyun knows Hanbyul's his soulmate because he recognizes the old soul within them that glows pale lilac
they attend the same university as fashion design majors although Hanbyul thinks Jehyun should be a model instead
Hanbyul works at a late night dessert bar cafe and Jehyun would stop by during one of his nightly visits
Hanbyul has a jack russell terrier, Groovin, who isn't quite fond of Jehyun
name is Lee Junghoon
appears to be around in his early twenties, but is actually a few centuries years old
his wolf form is a mix of the grey and red wolf
as a wolf Junghoon's fur coat is tawny brown with silver and golden highlights
can shift body temperature to accommodate any weather and climate changes
has a cool demeanor and doesn't hold grudges
can be a bit emotional and sad at times, especially during the full moon
isn't particularly weak against silver or related substances, but it hurts a lot when it happens
usually craves raw meat, but will eat a rare to medium rare
by day he's a university student, but by night he's also part of the underground rap scene
some powers includes: enhanced physical skills, healing factor, invulnerability, and area affinity
Jung Haru is a normal human also in their twenties
they've been acquainted since babies as their great-great-great-grandparents have been long time friends
Haru's unaware of Junghoon's background and that their his soulmate, but feels a strong attraction to him
Junghoon knows Haru's his soulmate due to their scent smelling like the spicy fragrance of the night gladiolus
they both attend the same university with Haru majoring in social welfare and Junghoon majoring in environmental education
Haru has a samoyed named Juan and an alaskan malamute named Frizzy that absolutely adores Junghoon
Haru also has a friend that's part of the underground scene and would accompany that friend
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deadestofdoves · 4 years ago
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Playing some FFXIV. Here’s my character Cayi Rayi
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theyoungturks · 2 years ago
Kanye West said the attacks on Lizzo's weight are "demonic". Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola and Rayy Vana discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/kanye-west-tells-tucker-carlson-media-is-working-to-keep-lizzo-fat-as-a-genocide-of-the-black-race/ "Kanye West said the media is working to keep people such as singer and rapper Lizzo overweight as part of a campaign of “genocide” toward the Black community. West made the declaration during his lengthy interview on Fox News Thursday with host Tucker Carlson. The duo discussed a number of topics, including West’s anti-abortion stance, his ex-wife Kim Kardashian and his support for former President Donald Trump. The conversation made its way toward Lizzo, who generated headlines last month when she twerked as she played a 200-year-old flute that belonged to former President James Madison." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 221007__TA05 by The Young Turks
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faerociousbeast · 3 years ago
NICE NICE !! I hope u get him wehheheh
also possibly!! I’m a lil tired rn but maybe later we can play ya!
i hope you can get some rest in then :OO but hoo rayy
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leopimentashow · 4 years ago
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A satisfação de mais um dia maravilho e abençoado! Trabalho executado! De volta ao lar... Obrigado por tudo meu Deus! #pantera #sport @pantera.sport #home #house @tntsportsbr @sportv #luisvuitton @luis_vuitton_official The satisfaction of another wonderful and blessed day! Work done! Back home ... Thanks for everything my God! #thanksgod #obrigadodeus @futball120 @varzesh3 @khabar.varzeshi رضاء يوم آخر رائع ومبارك! انتهى العمل! العودة للوطن ... شكرا على كل شيء يا إلهي! rada' yawm akhar rayie wamubarak! aintahaa aleml! aleawdat lilwatan ... shukraan ealaa kl shay' ya 'iilahi! #game #lifestyle #play #just #victory ❤️😘🏆⚽️ @errejotaoutlett @estileirastoreoficial @estilo_man_ (em Pantera Sport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLvP7hGF7OK/?igshid=ikp9efcz809b
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jonescrysstal · 4 years ago
Lupine Publishers | Islamic Numismatics
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Lupine Publishers | Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences
Islamic Numismatics represent a significant field of study in Islamic history, archeology and civilization. In this regard, Miles states in the introduction of his book about the Numismatic History of Rayy: “No field of history is so well served by its numismatics as is the Islamic” [1].
Numismatics have received special attention in the Islamic State. In fact, Islamic legislation ‘Shari’a’ has been interested in coins in terms of worship and transactions, due to the connection between coins and zakat, dowry, contracts, waqf, diya and others. Numismatics also played a significant role in the Islamic State not only as an important tool for the economic system, but also as the governmental media system that resembles diverse modern mass media, such as radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and more. Such significant role attains to coins’ rapid circulation and widespread, for all hands hold it and all eyes envision it.
Islamic coins played an integral role in political life during the Islamic State in an unprecedented way throughout the ages, because of their significance in the political system since the beginning of Islam. Numismatics represented the most important emblems of kings and sultans that the caliphs and rulers were keen on immediately obtaining after holding power. That is, the caliph or ruler had to announce ruling through major procedures, the first of which was to struck numismatics under his name, making supplications in the Friday sermon, and inscribing his name on tiraz [2].
Numismatics were the main means of communication between the caliph or the ruler and his people through which he transmitted the principles of his reign and the foundations upon which it was based. Numismatics were also used to announce important statements to the people and to record the major events the State witnessed. Therefore, the study of Islamic numismatics was particularly important to know the political systems of the various Muslim states as an official document issued by the State Mint –under the ruler’s command-whose value is difficult to question or challenge. Historians have depended –in their diverse disciplines-on coins in the study of the various aspects of history and Islamic civilization, benefitting from numismatics in the interpretation of many historical phenomena and in asserting and denying the authenticity of information in different historical sources.
Islamic numismatics are a huge record of names and titles belonging to different figures in Islamic states, such as Caliphs, rulers, sultans, kings, governors, workers, ministers, crown princes, militaries, police officers and kharaj (taxes) holders, mint supervisors and workers, renowned women, doctors, assistants, servants, slaves, market supervisors and others, which makes Islamic numismatics an important source in the study of the political and administrative systems of the Islamic State in various historical periods. The following are examples of the most important names struck on Islamic numismatics:
Names of Caliphs, Rulers, Sultans and Kings
The importance of Islamic numismatics lies in the fact that the names of Caliphs and rulers who struck it were recorded on them except for a few. Therefore, by classifying Islamic numismatics, it was possible to obtain lists of the dynasties, families, and ruling states in the Muslim world, and to even date their reign more precisely. This is because Islamic coins often carried their date of struck.
In fact, Islamic numismatics were characterized by relatively high authenticity in this respect, because, as abovementioned, numismatics represented the king and the sultan and were an important sign of reign and sovereignty, Therefore, the caliphs and rulers upheld this right and did not allow anyone to claim it. Whoever struck coins without the approval of the caliph or the ruler was considered a rebel against him and a dispute on his property. This was confirmed by Abu Ya’li when he said: “To struck numismatics without the approval of the Sultan was prevented for being considered a rebellion against him” [3].
Numismatics struck without the approval of the Sultan by rebels and protestors were not permissible for circulation and were often even not recognized, which is clearly evident in what al-Mawardi stated in identifying the types of coins approved in kharaj (taxes), as he said: “… what is struck is reliable (meaning under the name of the Sultan) and therefore was accepted in payments of the so-called sales prices and consumed values. If the struck numismatics are of different value but of equal quality, the taxes holder demanded the one of highest value. That is, if it was struck by the Sultan of the time, the worker would accept it, for refusing it would be a rebellion against the Sultan. However, if the numismatics were struck by someone else, the worker would have to consider if the numismatics were of equal value to what is taken in kharaj, he would accept it, if not of equal value, then claiming the numismatics would be unjust and unfair [4].
The rebels and protestors recognized the importance of numismatics as a means of addressing the people and spreading their ideas and the principles of their revolutions, in an attempt to attract the support of the people, which attained success to many of them in these revolutions. Not only that, but the rebels and protestors struck numismatics as a significant manifestation of governance, sovereignty and independence, standing against the ruler through the king’s major emblem, which is to struck numismatics. Therefore, the rebels and protestors were keen on making numismatics struck under their names to express their power and their total independence from the ruler against whom they revolted.
The numismatics of the rebels gained special importance in the study of Islamic history and civilization because they are regarded as unquestionable proof of their owners’ rebellion against the Sultan of the state. Moreover, the periods in which these numismatics were struck were often short, and revolutionary numismatics were few -as compared to state numismatics - because the rulers of the different states melted such coins and struck them in accordance with the general form of the state, which reflects the popularity of revolutionary coins and the legitimacy of their circulation. Certainly, these revolutionary coins were not allowed for circulation inside the state, since they were illegal numismatics bearing the name of a usurper of power and did not bear the name of the legitimate Sultan of the country, but this does not deny the relative spread of such revolutionary numismatics in the cities and territories controlled by these rebels. Since the rebels were keen on legitimatizing their numismatics for circulation, or on encouraging people to use such numismatics, prompted them to struck these coins properly in high quality and often with adequate weight. Yet, some rebels struck coins that did not conform to the weight and legal quality of contemporary revolutionary numismatics for they were intended for propaganda and media only.
Therefore, the collections of Islamic numismatics preserved in museums, palaces and private collections holders have received the attention of researchers in the field of Islamic numismatics since the 18th century A.D., for they collected, categorized and published them in special catalogs on Islamic numismatics. Since then, interest in the study of Islamic numismatics has not ceased, either in terms of publishing the collections of numismatics preserved in many museums and international private collections; a field of interest for many scholars, or in terms of conducting analytical studies to make use of such coins in the study of Islamic history and civilization for coins are regarded as one of the most important sources in Islamic history; a field of interest that began later than the former, for these analytical studies have started since the middle of the last century. Some researchers dealt with numismatics from the legitimacy point of view as an important tool for the payment of zakat, while others attempted to make use of such numismatics as one of the significant sources in Islamic history and civilization, conducting analytical studies to reveal the different aspects of life in the Islamic community as reflected on the coins of that era. In addition, other studies aimed at benefiting from this important source.
The study of Islamic numismatics and the passion for it was not limited to researchers and specialists in this field, but also extended to other collectors who loved this significant branch of archaeological studies and exerted distinct effort in being keen on purchasing and collecting various numismatics, through which such collectors found great pleasure, relieving their physical and moral issues for obtaining these numismatics.
For more Archaeological Sciences Journals please click on below linkhttps://lupinepublishers.com/anthropological-and-archaeological-sciences/index.php
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deliomarkey-blog · 7 years ago
That Vanderwood route
I know it would be hard for a Vanderwood route to be placed in the timeline of the actual RFA mess so I was thinking (shocking, I know) that Cheritz could possibly make a new spin-off game if you will. We work at the secret agency or just generally stumble across the hacker unit. Not only would that allow a Vanderwood route but the possibility of a Vanderwood route PLUS, the addition of new characters for us to play with, and a new story line that could partially reference the RFA or 707 and that way they don't have to rearrange everything. Hence a new game (which is not easy to do, I know. But it would give Cheritz new ways to publish more content)
PLUS- This is just a long shot, but Saeran could be included as a recruit, *spoiler* because on the V route seven constantly wants Rayy to become an agent (Or well Vanderwood does) that would also be open to him. Anywhooooo those are just some thoughts
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cathodicrays · 7 years ago
Volvimos, amiguitos! Así es, un nuevo episodio de Rayis! Estuvimos jugando algunos jueguitos, como el Hellblade y el Furi, y les contamos todo al respecto! Y prepárense para que les overlordeen las muelas con el Mundo de Joberg de esta semana! Y ni les cuento las noticias virgas que tenemos, no están ni en pedo recicladas de la semana que no salimos! Y mirá la interna de como fue armar el pollo de twitter más grietero hasta la fecha! Ya no puedo más de tantos signos de exclamación, metételo en la oreja y dale al play!
descarga directa | en facebook
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abernathywrites · 7 years ago
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i. map
genre: historical, drama, war, romance, arranged marriage, inspired by asoiaf/white princess/queen series  setting/time period: medieval/fantasy pairing: m/f is pretty heavy-handed here, but the roles aren’t gender-specific.  type: 1x1 status: OPEN
ii. setting/backdrop
  Following a long and arduous war, a kingdom is successfully overtaken by a foreign invader. The former ruler of the nation, a cruel and callous monarch, is unwilling to submit to the sword of their enemy. Turning their back onto the court, they take their own life. In the process of doing this they leave behind A--their shrewd spouse and consort--along with two children. Rather than follow in the path of their spouse, A opens the gates to B and willfully relinquishes the kingdom unto them. A is placed under arrest and sequestered to their private chambers with their children while their fate is decided, and B settles into their new role as ruler. While the war has been won, peace is far from achieved, and the realm remains in disarray. The nobles of the realm do not accept B as a ruler yet, and cry out still for the children of A to take claim their birthright. 
iii. character descriptions
Character: “A” Age: 30+ Status: Closed.
   Born into wealth and prosperity and raised to rule, A is deeply intelligent and a well-versed politician. Despite these attributes, A has found that they have accomplished much more by playing at naivety, rather than displaying their talents openly. Known famously for their alluring charm, they were a natural choice as consort. A married the former ruler when they were still young, though it was a loveless match which reluctantly produced two children. A was plainly aware that their spouse was an unfeeling, poor sovereign who was utterly unsuited to the job. A did their best to work around this, and instead attempted to do whatever they could for the kingdom--from behind the scenes, so as to not cross their spouse’s path. Similarly, A sheltered their children from their spouse out of a desire to prevent either child from becoming at all like them.     Although the monarch continued to be wildly disliked throughout the realm, an immense love for A and for their children kept their rule alive. Not only has A garnered the trust and confidence of the nobles of the realm, but they have the adoration of the common people--a double threat which makes A’s life difficult to snuff out without serious retaliation. 
Character: “B” Age: 20+ Status: Open.
   Although a foreigner by birth, B descends from a bloodline native to the realm--and in fact, their ancestors once sat the throne. A war which occurred over a century earlier ended with B’s family removed from the throne. The few members of B’s family who avoided the sword flew into exile--into the land which B grew up in. With all the pomp and circumstance of their royal bloodline ripped away by the time B was born, they grew up common and impoverished. Despite this, B was promised all their life that they had the blood of a monarch in them, and that it was their right to take back a throne wrongfully stolen. They were encouraged to fight for what they were owed. This mindset reared B into a renowned conqueror, who championed over a score of battles and amassed both followers and an army before they set their sights onto their stolen throne.     Considered to be the best military commander of their time, B is stubborn, fierce, and proud. Though their hard-fought war ends with B on the throne--what they have always wanted--the harsh reality is that the realm seems dissatisfied with them as ruler. B has earned the respect of the realm as a conqueror, but they have a long way to go before being revered as their leader. 
iv. plot
   As a new era is ushered into the realm, peace appears to be difficult to find. Though B is well-intentioned in their new role as ruler, they find themselves often frustrated. Despite their best efforts, the reality of the situation is that they have neither the love of the people nor an understanding of the culture. While B is a masterful tactician, politics is not their strong suit--especially the politics of an admittedly strange land. They find themselves occasionally appearing (rather reluctantly) in A’s chambers to ask after advice, which A willingly surrenders. A mutual mix of mistrust and respect brews.     After an assassination attempt is made on B’s life, B’s councillors suggest that a marriage may help to steady the shaky state of affairs in the realm. B, who had initially wanted to choose their own spouse, is aggravated by the idea--but consents after some convincing. To their surprise, B’s councillors suggest A. Though the former consort of B’s enemy, A’s family holds considerable power in the realm--and A themselves is a powerful symbol to the rest of the country. (Though unspoken, the added benefit of A’s knowledge of the inner-workings of the throne does not go missed.) They suspect that the marriage could bring about the much-desired peace. With much reluctance, B agrees to the pact.    When presented with the match, A agrees quickly. Though they have publicly renounced their ties to the throne and praised the new monarch, A still seeks a throne for their eldest child--and being raised to consort offers them the power to once again strategize. Though A is willing to play at the dutiful spouse for a time, their goal is clear: B will step aside for A’s children, one way or another.   
  For the good of the future of the land–and to keep it from devolving into war once again–the two must work together and coexist peaceably. The largest complication in making this marriage work are A’s two children. Common people and noble people alike refer to them (largely secretly, though few profess it openly) as being the true claimants of the throne, and this continues to loom over the legitimacy of B’s crown. The greatest issue of this union thus becomes: what is to be done about the children? 
v. ending notes & comments.
all ages may apply, 18+ if you’re looking to write anything sexual. fading to black is always cool. 
love headcanons! love talking to partners! if you aren’t a chatty type/not interested in becoming friendly, i’m probably not a good person to write with!
i’m always happy to hear feedback on plots. if this interests you but there are certain things you’d like to add or remove, we can talk about it!
i don’t do applications! SEND ME AN IM IF YOU’RE INTERESTED.
follow-up: if you LIKE this post, i will message YOU!
i have a whole lot of ideas for this plot, and i think it could be super fun!! 
i think it would be cool to have to deal with b learning the culture from a,
a having to get knocked down a few pegs now that they’re in a relationship where they cannot control things so easily 
the issue of the kids is what i think would be really interesting -- a wants to see at least one of them on the throne, b would obviously prefer they didn’t exist. maybe b tries to send them away to get them separated from a, who knows 
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jakelionstumblr · 8 years ago
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Was doodling Rayy and thought about redesigning his mystical backpack sword sheath buddy. Original design was on the upper left, where all 6 sheaths were always extended, and in battle mode pack buddy would lean to the right or left to let you grab the sword you need. The swords also had flat square hand guards in basic mode The new design would have all swords recessed into the pack buddy, and in battle mode either all sheaths would pop out (upset middle) or they would pop out when needed, or in a cool succession when rotated (upper right) My plan for this game would be part okami, part Zelda, in which your character would have separate battle and adventure modes, but they would be like turning an item on/off and would take place in whatever environment you were in. I might stick with the upper left design, the idea being you could switch weapons on the fly when playing, where each of two joysticks represented your 2 hands, and your character might also have two other swords at their sides (lower left and right on joystick) Not sure though!
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thetruthseekerway · 5 years ago
The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital
New Post has been published on https://www.truth-seeker.info/jewels-of-islam/the-islamic-roots-of-the-modern-hospital/
The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital
By David W. Tschanz
The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital
“The hospital shall keep all patients, men and women, until they are completely recovered. All costs are to be borne by the hospital whether the people come from afar or near, whether they are residents or foreigners, strong or weak, low or high, rich or poor, employed or unemployed, blind or signed, physically or mentally ill, learned or illiterate. There are no conditions of consideration and payment; none is objected to or even indirectly hinted at for non-payment. The entire service is through the magnificence of God, the generous one.”
Policy statement of the bimaristan of Al-Mansur Qalawun in Cairo, c. 1284CE
The modern West’s approach to health and medicine owes countless debts to the ancient past: Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome and India, to name a few. The hospital is an invention that was both medical and social, and today it is an institution we take for granted, hoping rarely to need it but grateful for it when we do. Almost anywhere in the world now, we expect a hospital to be a place where we can receive ease from pain and help for healing in times of illness or accidents.
We can do that because of the systematic approach — both scientifically and socially —to health care that developed in medieval Islamic societies. A long line of caliphs, sultans, scholars and medical practitioners took ancient knowledge and time-honored practices from diverse traditions and melded them with their original research to feed centuries of intellectual achievement and drive a continual quest for improvement. Their bimaristan, or asylum of the sick, was not only the true forerunner of the modern hospital, but also virtually indistinguishable from the modern multi-service healthcare and medical education center.
The bimaristan served variously as a center of treatment, a convalescent home for those recovering from illness or accident, a psychological asylum and a retirement home that gave basic maintenance to the aged and infirm who lacked a family to care for them.
Asylum of the Sick
The bimaristan was but one important result of the great deal of energy and thought medieval Islamic civilizations put into developing the medical arts. Attached to the larger hospitals — then as now — were medical schools and libraries where senior physicians taught students how to apply their growing knowledge directly with patients. Hospitals set examinations for the students and issued diplomas. The institutional bimaristans were devoted to the promotion of health, the curing of diseases and the expansion and dissemination of medical knowledge.
The First Hospitals
Although places for ill persons have existed since antiquity, most were simple, without more than a rudimentary organization and care structure. Incremental improvements continued through the Hellenistic period, but these facilities would barely be recognizable as little more than holding locations for the sick. In early medieval Europe, the dominant philosophical belief held that the origin of illness was supernatural and thus uncontrollable by human intervention: As a result, hospitals were little more than hospices where patients were tended by monks who strove to assure the salvation of the soul without much effort to cure the body.
Muslim physicians took a completely different approach. Guided by sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (hadith) like “God never inflicts a disease unless He makes a cure for it,” collected by Bukhari, and “God has sent down the disease and the cure, and He has appointed a cure for every disease, so treat yourselves medically,” collected by Abu’d-Darda, they took as their goal the restoration of health by rational, empirical means.
Hospital design reflected this difference in approach. In the West, beds and spaces for the sick were laid out so that the patients could view the daily sacrament of the Mass. Plainly (if at all) decorated, they were often dim and, owing to both climate and architecture, often damp as well. In the Islamic cities, which largely benefited from drier, warmer climates, hospitals were set up to encourage the movement of light and air. This supported treatment according to humoralism, a system of medicine concerned with corporal rather than spiritual balance.
Mobile Dispensaries
The first known Islamic care center was set up in a tent by Rufaydah al-Aslamiyah during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad. Famously, during the Ghazwah Khandaq (Battle of the Ditch), she treated the wounded in a separate tent erected for them.
Later rulers developed these forerunners of “mash” units into true traveling dispensaries, complete with medicines, food, drink, clothes, doctor and pharmacists. Their mission was to meet the needs of outlying communities that were far from the major cities and permanent medical facilities.
They also provided the rulers themselves with mobile care. By the early 12th-century reign of Seljuq Sultan Muhammad Saljuqi, the mobile hospital had become so extensive that it needed 40 camels to transport it.
Permanent Hospitals
The first Muslim hospital was only a leprosarium — an asylum for lepers — constructed in the early eighth century in Damascus under Umayyad Caliph Walid ibn ‘Abdul-Malik. Physicians appointed to it were compensated with large properties and munificent salaries. Patients were confined (leprosy was well known to be contagious), but like the blind, they were granted stipends that helped care for their families.
The earliest documented general hospital was built in 805 in Baghdad.
The earliest documented general hospital was built about a century later, in 805, in Baghdad, by the vizier to the caliph Harun ar-Rashid. Few details are known, but the prominence as court physicians of members of the Bakhtishu’ family, former heads of the Persian medical academy at Jundishapur, suggests they played important roles in its development.
Over the following decades, 34 more hospitals sprang up throughout the Islamic world, and the number continued to grow each year. In Kairouan, in present-day Tunisia, a hospital was built in the ninth century, and others were established at Makkah and Madinah. Persia had several: One in the city of Rayy was headed for a time by its Baghdad-educated native son, Muhammad ibn Zakariyyah ar-Razi.
In the 10th century five more hospitals were built in Baghdad. The earliest was established in the late ninth century by Al-Mu’tadid, who asked Ar-Razi to oversee its construction and operations. To start, Ar-Razi wanted to determine the most salubrious place in the city: He had pieces of fresh meat placed in various neighborhoods, and some time later, he checked to determine which had rotted the least and sited the hospital there. When it opened, it had 25 doctors, including oculists, surgeons and bonesetters. The numbers and specialties grew until 1258, when the Mongols destroyed Baghdad.
The vizier ‘Ali ibn Isa ibn Jarah ibn Thabit wrote in the early 10th century to the chief medical officer of Baghdad about another group:
I am very much worried about the prisoners. Their large numbers and the condition of prisons make it certain that there must be many ailing persons among them. Therefore, I am of the opinion that they must have their own doctors who should examine them every day and give them, where necessary, medicines and decoctions. Such doctors should visit all prisons and treat the sick prisoners there.
Shortly afterward a separate hospital was built for convicts, fully staffed and supplied.
In Egypt, the first hospital was built in 872 in the southwestern quarter of Fustat, now part of Old Cairo, by the ‘Abbasid governor of Egypt, Ahmad ibn Tulun. It is the first documented facility that provided care also for mental as well as general illnesses. In the 12th century, Saladin founded in Cairo the Nasiri hospital, which later was surpassed in size and importance by the Mansuri, completed in 1284. It remained the primary medical center in Cairo through the 15th century, and today, renamed Qalawun Hospital, it is used for ophthalmology.
In Damascus the Nuri hospital was the leading one from the time of its foundation in the mid-12th century well into the 15th century, by which time the city contained five additional hospitals.
In the Iberian Peninsula, Cordóba alone had 50 major hospitals. Some were exclusively for the military, and the doctors there supplemented the specialists who attended to the caliphs, military commanders and nobles.
In a fashion that would still be recognizable today, the typical Islamic hospital was subdivided into departments such as systemic diseases, surgery, ophthalmology, orthopedics and mental diseases. The department of systemic diseases was roughly equivalent to today’s department of internal medicine, and it was usually further subdivided into sections dealing with fevers, digestive troubles, infections and more. Larger hospitals had more departments and diverse subspecialties, and every department had an officer-in-charge and a presiding officer in addition to a supervising specialist.
Hospitals were staffed also with a sanitary inspector who was responsible for assuring cleanliness and hygienic practices. In addition, there were accountants and other administrative staff to assure that hospital conditions—financial and otherwise—met standards. There was a superintendent, called a sa’ur, who was responsible for overseeing the management of the entire institution.
Physicians worked fixed hours, during which they saw the patients who came to their departments. Every hospital had its own staff of licensed pharmacists (saydalani) and nurses. Medical staff salaries were fixed by law, and compensation was distributed at a rate generous enough to attract the talented.
Funding for the Islamic hospitals came from the revenues of pious bequests called waqfs. Wealthy men and rulers donated property to existing or newly built bimaristans as endowments, and the revenues from the bequests paid for building and maintenance. To help make it pay, such revenues could come from any mix on the property of shops, mills, caravanserais or even entire villages. The income from an endowment would sometimes also cover a small stipend to the patient upon dismissal. Part of the state budget also went toward the maintenance of hospitals. To patients, the services of the hospital were free, though individual physicians occasionally charged fees.
Patient Care
Bimaristans were open to everyone on a 24-hour basis. Some only saw men while others, staffed by women physicians, saw only women; still others cared for both in separate wings with duplicate facilities and resources. To treat less serious cases, physicians staffed outpatient clinics and prescribed medicines to be taken at home.
Special measures were taken to prevent infection. Inpatients were issued hospital wear from a central supply area while their own clothes were kept in the hospital store. When taken to the hospital ward, patients would find beds with clean sheets and special stuffed mattresses ready. The hospital rooms and wards were neat and tidy with abundant running water and sunlight.
Inspectors evaluated the cleanliness of the hospital and the rooms on a daily basis. It was not unusual for local rulers to make personal visits to make sure patients were getting the best care.
The course of treatment prescribed by doctors began immediately upon arrival. Patients were placed on a fixed diet, depending on condition and disease. The food was of high quality and included chicken and other poultry, beef and lamb, and fresh fruits and vegetables.
The major criterion of recovery was that patients be able to ingest, at one time, an amount of bread normal to a healthy person, along with the roasted meat of a whole bird. If patients could easily digest it, they were considered recovered and subsequently released. Patients who were cured but too weak to discharge were transferred to the convalescent ward until they were strong enough to leave. Needy patients were given new clothes, along with a small sum to aid them in re-establishing their livelihood.
The 13th-century doctor and traveler ‘Abdul-Latif al-Baghdadi, who also taught at Damascus, narrated an amusing story of a clever Persian youth who was so tempted by the excellent food and service of the Nuri hospital that he feigned illness. The doctor who examined him figured out what the young man was up to and admitted him nevertheless, providing the youth with fine food for three days. On the fourth day, the doctor went to his patient and said with a rueful smile, “Traditional Arab hospitality lasts for three days: Please go home now!”
The quality of care was subject to review and even arbitration, as related by Ibn Al-Ukhuwa in his book Ma’alem al-Qurba fi Talab al-Hisba (The Features of Relations in Al-Hisba):
If the patient is cured, the physician is paid. If the patient dies, his parents go to the chief doctor; they present the prescriptions written by the physician. If the chief doctor judges that the physician has performed his job perfectly without negligence, he tells the parents that death was natural; if he judges otherwise, he tells them: Take the blood money of your relative from the physician; he killed him by his bad performance and negligence. In this honorable way, they were sure that medicine is practiced by experienced, well-trained persons.
In addition to the permanent hospitals, cities and major towns also had first aid and acute care centers. These were typically located at busy public places such as large mosques. Maqrizi described one in Cairo:
Ibn Tulun, when he built his world-famous mosque in Egypt, at one end of it there was a place for ablutions and a dispensary also as annexes. The dispensary was well equipped with medicines and attendants. On Fridays there used to be a doctor on duty there so that he might attend immediately to any casualties on the occasion of this mammoth gathering.
Medical Schools & Libraries
Because one of the major roles of the hospitals was the training of physicians, each hospital had a large lecture theater where students, along with senior physicians and medical officers, would meet and discuss medical problems in seminar style. As training progressed, medical students would accompany senior physicians to the wards and participate in patient care — much like a modern residency program.
Surviving texts, such as those in Ibn Abi Usaybi’ah’s ‘Uyun al-anba’ fi tabaqat al-atibb’(Sources of Information on Classes of Physicians), as well as student notes, reveal details of these early clinical rounds. There are instructions on diets and recipes for common treatments, including skin diseases, tumors and fevers. During rounds, students were told to examine the patients’ actions, excreta, and the nature and location of swelling and pain. Students were also instructed to note the color and feel of the skin, whether hot, cool, moist, dry or loose.
Training culminated in an examination for a license to practice medicine. Candidates had to appear before the region’s government-appointed chief medical officer. The first step required was to write a treatise on the subject in which the candidate wanted to obtain a certificate. The treatise could be an original piece of research or a commentary on existing texts, such as those of Hippocrates, Galen and, after the 11th century, Ibn Sina, and more.
Candidates were encouraged not only to study these earlier works, but also to scrutinize them for possible errors. This emphasis on empiricism and observation rather than slavish adherence to authorities was one of the key engines of the medieval Islamic intellectual ferment. Upon completion of the treatise, candidates were interviewed at length by the chief medical officer, who asked them questions relevant to problems of the prospective specialties. Satisfactory answers led to licensed practices.
Another key aspect to the hospital, and of critical importance to both students and teachers, was the presence of extensive medical libraries. By the 14th century, Egypt’s Ibn Tulun Hospital had a library comprising 100,000 books on various branches of medical science. This was at a time when Europe’s largest library, at the University of Paris, held 400 volumes.
Cradle of Islamic medicine and prototype for today’s hospitals, bimaristans count among numerous scientific and intellectual achievements of the medieval Islamic world. But of them all, when ill health or injury strikes, there is no legacy more meaningful.
The author has advanced degrees in history and epidemiology. After 23 years in Saudi Arabia as an epidemiologist with Saudi Aramco, he lives in Florida.
AramcoWorld, March/April 2017, pp.22-27
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letrasdemusicasbr · 7 years ago
Dumb Shit (Letra) - Rayy Dubb e Jay Million
Dumb Shit (Letra) – Rayy Dubb e Jay Million
Letra Em Breve Dumb Shit – Rayy Dubb e Jay Million
These girls looking up to Ricky Dillon He sucks my dick and I make millions What’s his trick Because I’m cute and got tits They play dumb and make trillions I think I cracked the niche to make a viral video Free kick it, add some tits and say a lot of racist shit Then you’re a hit Spit it, hit it, write it But I’m a hypocrite for saying this shit
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