#rayan suleiman
The Reuters wire service likewise parrotted the family’s narrative that the 7-year-old, who they said did not have any preexisting health conditions, “died of heart failure while being chased by Israeli soldiers.”
However, Suleiman’s testimony can hardly be given credence, and would likely not hold up in any court of law. Just hours after the incident, Arab journalists quoted Yaser Suleiman as saying that Rayan did not die of a sudden cardiac arrest, but was rather “martyred” following a fall from the balcony of the house.
In their initial comments, the Beit Jala Hospital — as well as the Palestinian Authority-controlled Ministry of Health — also mentioned a “fall,” although they later changed their story to match the family’s new claim. For their part, schools in the West Bank on Saturday circulated a poster produced by the PA Ministry of Education that listed the boy’s cause of death as “falling from a height.”
This inconsistency was almost entirely erased from the mainstream media coverage.
Rayan Suleiman’s sudden death is obviously a tragedy for his family. But as Ramallah has yet to release the official autopsy report, it is impossible for news organizations, or anyone else for that matter, to state with certainty how he died. The prevailing media narrative, however, is seemingly based on mere conjecture.
With anti-Israel activists jumping on every opportunity to promote blood libels against the Jewish state, journalists have an obligation to check the facts.
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keepscrollinghun · 2 years
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inside the battle for Jerusalem
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trashmuseum · 10 months
This is from last year (30 Sep 2022) but I want to show you guys WHO is the real terrorist.
Also this took place in the WEST BANK, not Gaza, not Hamas...
Excerpts from the article:
“The soldiers shouted at him that he’s [a] stone thrower,” he said. “He ran away from one side, and the soldier met him from the other side [of the house]. Rayan saw the soldier in front of him, and was shocked and dropped dead out of fear,” he said.
Hadeel Salman, a neighbour and witness, said Israeli soldiers were “going in all directions looking for any child they could find”.
A paediatric specialist, Mohamed Ismail, said Rayan was healthy and had no previous medical conditions.
“The most probable scenario of what happened is that under stress, he had excess adrenaline secretion, which caused the increase of his heartbeat,” Ismail said. “He developed cardiac arrest.”
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silicacid · 11 months
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List of healthcare workers killed by Israel attacks on Gaza since October 7, 2023
Dr. Omar Ferwana, a Professor and former Dean of the Islamic University of Gaza Medical School and an andrologist, Gaza
Dr. Aya Ferwana (Dr Omar Ferwana’s daughter), a family medicine specialist, Gaza
Dr. Medhat Saidam, a senior burn and plastic surgeon, Shifa Hospital, Gaza and MSc in Burn Care alumnus from Queen Mary University of London
Dr. Mohammed Dabour, a consultant pathologist and dean of pre-clinical medicine at the Islamic University of Gaza Medical School
Dr. Tamer Al-Khayyat, an anesthesiologist and intensivist, European Gaza Hosptial, Rafah
Dr. Mahmoud Al-Khayyat, an internist in Rafah and Dr Tamer Al-Khayyat’s father
Dr. Razan Al-Rakhawi (Dr Tamer Al-Khayyat’s wife), an obstetric and gynecologist, Emirati Women’s Hospital, Rafah
Dr. Sereen Al-Attar a consultant obstetric and gynecologist at Nasser Hospital, Khan Younis and an Assistant Professor at the Islamic University of Gaza Medical school
Dr. Saeed Drabieh, a urology resident, Shifa Hospital
Dr. Mohammed Al-Samarai, Iraqi volunteer intern physician
Dr. Rafat Abou Foul, radiologist, Beit Hanoun Hospital
Dr. Amal Al-Maqadma, family medicine specialist, Rafah
Dr. Ibtihal Al-Astal, intern doctor, Khan Younis
Dr. Duaa Awad, emergency medicine doctor, Al-Aqsa Hospital
Dr. Moath Nabaheen, emergency medicine doctor, Al-Aqsa Hospital
Dr. Youssef Jadallah, intensivist and anesthesiologist (based in Germany, from Gaza but was visiting his family)
Dr. Inas Yousef, emergency medicine doctor, Al-Aqsa Hospital
Dr. Israa Al-Ashqar, anesthesiology resident, Shifa Hospital, Gaza
Dr. Abdallah Ashour, emergency medicine doctor, Nasser Hospital, Khan Younis
Dr. Hamam El-Deeb, orthopaedic surgery resident, Shifa Hospital, Gaza
Dr. Munther Abu Sariya, consultant pediatrician, Mohammed Al-Durra Pediatric Hospital
Dr. Doaa Shammout, pediatric resident, Rantisi Hospital, Gaza
Dr. Baraa Abu Elaish, intern doctor, Gaza
Dr. Abdlallah El-Helou, general practitioner/internal medicine doctor, Indonesian/Beit Hanoun Hospital
Dr. Muhannad Ezzo Afana, general practitioner, Gaza
Dr. Mohammed Refaat Mekki,
Dr. Ahmed Al-Hourani
Dr. Nada Mahdi
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Dali
Dr. Bilal Lubbad
Dr. Marwa Swelim
Dr Areej Eid
Dr. Tawfiq Al-Farra
Dr. Abdallah Baghdadi
Dr. Jameel Tarazi
Dr. Maysoon Al-Nuweiri
Dr. Mona Dughmush
Dr. Noha Dughmush
Dr. Mamoun Afana
Dr. Mohammed Afana
Dr. Anis Mekki
Dr. Tasneem Abdulnabi
Medical/dental students:
Bisan Halasa
Shaimaa Saydam
Abedelrahman Abu Shammala
Nour Al-Ashqar
Yaseen Al-Akhras
Osama Abu Safia
Duha Dughmush
Haneen Al-Shannat
Abdallah Abu Jayab
Zainab Azzam
Mohammed Abu Jiadan
Medical Scientists:
Prof. Salah El-Din Zanoun
Prof. Ahmed Al-Dalo
Prof. Ameed Mushtaha (Head of laboratories department and blood banks
Mohammed Lubbad  
Mohammed Al-Azzaiza  
Ahmed Moshtaha  
Rami Lubbad  
Somaya Temraz  
Mohammed Rafat Gomaa  
Osama A'eed Abu Safiya  
Saber Al-Nimnim  
Mohammed Hamad  
Mohammed Al-Baz  
Suleiman Abu Zour  
Badr Mohammed Abu Daqah  
Shaimaa Rayan (Midwife)
Maryam Abou Daher
Kefah San’allah
Walaa Adwan (Midwife)
Rawaa Al-Thalathini (Midwife)
Samah Rasheed (Midwife)
Rida Al-Masri (Midwife)
Ibrahim Abou Isaac
Amjad Abou Ouda
Ibrahim Al-Farra
Aya Al-Shrafi
Tamer Al Efesh
Momen Mansour
Asmaa Al-Asar
Feras Ftaiha
Diaa Bardaweel
Rana Shalaby
Itemad Miqdad
Zainab Al-Sharafi
Hamdan Malaka
Suheer Jbara
Hassan Al-Hennawi
Sabha Al-Sherafi
Azmi Al-Jamal
Yousef Al-Shareef
Hadeel Fanqa
Emad Esleem
Enas Al-Zeen
Heba Salamah
Nuha Esleem
Amro Masoud
Hanya Qudaih
Mohammed Al-Moqayyed
Ali Nasrallah
Tariq Abu Obaid (cardiac perfusion specialist)
Ahmed Al-Nuweiri
Abdulrahman Shaheen (Ziada) 
Ahmed Mahmoud Alrann
Dr. Yahya Abduljawad Juda (Public Health, nurse) 
Haytham Tawfiq Alnabih 
Loai Alzuhairi (Nursing student) 
Saleem Abu Zour
Waleed ElMahalawi
Rola Althalathini (Midwife)
Duaa Ashour
Amer Elramlawi
Safa Zeino
Saja Doghmosh
Moayad Ezzo Afana
Ramadan Doghmosh
Moemen Arab (Nursing student)
Oun Nofal Ashour (Nursing student)
Paramedics (EMS providers):
Marwan Abou Raida
Hatem Awad
Khalil Al-Sharif
Ahmed Al-Dahman
Yousri Al-Masri
Ahmed Abdel Rahman
Mohammed Al-Ghaliz
Mohammed Ali
Iyad Salim
Abdelrahim Abou Baid
Alaa Abou Ghanima
Naji Al Fayoumi
Mohammed Qateet
Tareq Ashour
Mahmoud Abou Mashayekh
Nafeth Al-Natour
Mahmoud Othman
Mohammed ElOmour
Ibrahim Matar
Yasser Alnaseri
Ahmed Al-Masri
Ahmed Sameh Abou Herbeed
Shaimaa Sbaih
Mayar Al-Wahidi
Ahmed Ashraf
Shahrazad Al-Akhras
Nour Ibrahim
Ahmed Al-Jerjawi
Aziz Elfarra
Afnan Al-Astal
Shereen Abou Jazar
Eman Abu Al-Jalil
Safaa Hasouna
Ibraheem Meqdad
Mohammed Ali
Maysaa Khader
Nisreen Al-Dammagh
Sally Al-Aydi (Pharmacy student at AlAzhar University)
Mohammed Al-Shannat
Lina Abu Mualaileq
Noor Ibean
Haneen Albasyouni
Amira Dahman
Rawand Albanna
Khaled Abu Ma’ala
Amal Mekki
Abdullah Altartori (Pharmacy student at AlAzhar University)
Asmaa Abu Salah (Pharmacy student at AlAzhar University)
Mohammad Alshami
Lab technicians/clinical microbiologists:
Natheer Shaban
Asmaa Hijazi
Rawan Yassin
Alia Al Hinnawi
Maryam Kabaja
Nahid Abdullatef
Mohammed Abu Karsh
Mohammed Shabaan
Riham Elkahlout
Ismail Sharaf
Taiseer Alghouti
Abdulmohsin Abu Alrous
Duaa Jad Allah  
Omar Khorsheed
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catdotjpeg · 11 months
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"On the third day of the war, while I was working at the emergency unit in Nasser Hospital, I discovered my sister had been killed with her husband and children," [Mahmud al-Astal] said. Those strikes razed entire buildings, including one where Astal's 40-year-old sister Sadafah died alongside her husband Hussein, also 40, and their children Fadwa, Azar, Ahmad and Suleiman, aged between six and 13. "Ever since my sister was killed... the nightmares don't leave me..." Astal said. "My children dream of travelling one day. Now I don't know if they will come out of this war alive." Despite the tragedy, he is determined to continue his vital work. "We have no other choice but to work and serve the injured to save them." [...] [Respiratory] physician Raed [al-Astal] was at the hospital on Monday when he received a panicked call from his wife saying a strike had hit the building opposite theirs. He hurried to the emergency unit where the victims had been taken, and found his relatives were among the dead. "My aunt, her husband and their children as well as my cousin's wife were killed," he said. "The stench of death is everywhere, in every neighbourhood, every street and every house."
-- "Medics discover with horror relatives among Gaza dead" by Khan Yunis for AFP, 28 Oct 2023 (Content warning: descriptions of the dead bodies in link)
On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the al-Astal family, are:
Aisha Khalil Hamdan (72); 
Wahba Abdullah Hussein (65); 
Ibrahim Hamid Hussein (62) and his children Afnan Ibrahim Hamid (33) and Ibtihal Ibrahim Hamid (24);
Muhammad Suleiman Turki (61) and his children Samar Muhammad Suleiman (32), Usama Muhammad Suleiman (24), Hisham Muhammad Suleiman (23), Samah Muhammad Suleiman (19), and Sarah Muhammad Suleiman (17);
Nadia Yassin Hussein (60);
Salwa Muhammad Khalil (60); 
Hanaa Ibrahim Naeem (59);
Suleiman Muhammad Suleiman (58); 
Yousry Ahmed Youssef (55);
Shafiqa Shehadeh Bahri (54);
Anwar Muhammad Ali (54) and his children Bilal Anwar Muhammad (19) and Safiya Anwar Muhammad (39);
Waela Ahmed Mustafa (51) and her sibling Wejdan Ahmed Mustafa (46);
and their brother Wael Ahmed Mustafa (49) and his children Ahmed Wael Ahmed (16), Zain Wael Ahmed (14), Haya Wael Ahmed (12), Muhammad Wael Ahmed (9), Hamza Wael Ahmed (3), and Salim Wael Ahmed (less than a year old);
Marwa Youssef Muhammad (48);
Abdullah Musa Muhammad (48) and his child Hayat Abdullah Musa (6);
Raafat Abdel Karim Mustafa (47) and his children Sham Raafat Abdel Karim (24), Dania Raafat Abdel Karim (17), Rahaf and Abdel Karim Raafat Abdel Karim (11), and Ahmed Raafat Abdel Karim (9);
Ramzi Abdel Karim Mustafa (45) and his children Muhammad Ramzi Abdel Karim (17) and Karim Ramzi Abdel Karim (11);
Suhair Ahmed Ahmed (44);
Muhammad Kamal Muhammad (44);
Nidaa Abdel Hamid Saeed (43); 
Ola Tawfiq Abdel Qader (41); 
Sadafah Suleiman Uthman (39); 
Hussein Ahmed Omar (38) and his children Fadwa Hussein Ahmed (13), Ahmed Hussein Ahmed (12), Suleiman Hussein Ahmed (8), Hazar Hussein Ahmed (6), and Elaf Hussein Ahmed (2);
Hisham Hussein Yassin (37) and his children Riad Hisham Hussein (13) and Layan Hisham Hussein (10);
Zakaria Ali Ayesh (73) and his children Alaa Zakaria Ali (36), Amal Zakaria Ali (24), and Munib Zakaria Ali (28);
his son Muhammad Zakaria Ali (38) and his children Jana Muhammad Zakaria (14), Raghad Muhammad Zakaria (12), Lana Muhammad Zakaria (10), and Ali Muhammad Zakaria (3);
his son Omar Zakaria Ali (31) and his children Riman Omar Zakaria (4) and Amir Omar Zakaria (1);
and his son Abdullah Zakaria Ali (34) and his sons Yamen Abdullah Zakaria (7), Rayan Abdullah Zakaria (less than a year old), and Zakaria Abdullah Zakaria (2);
Muhammad Abdel Majeed Ali (34);
Amamah Abdel Nasser Suleiman (34) and her siblings Hafsa Nasser Suleiman (24), Muhammad Nasser Suleiman (22), Sarah Nasser Suleiman (19), Fatima Nasser Suleiman (15), and Wiam Nasser Suleiman (11);
and their brother Hamza Nasser Suleiman (26) and his daughter Marwa Hamza Nasser (1);
Muhammad Amin Ahmed (33);
Majid Ali Hamid (28);
Khalil Omar Muhammad (27);
Magda Muhammad Abdel Majeed (22);
Muhammad Mahmoud Ahmed (22) and his sister Abeer Mahmoud Ahmed (16);
Rakan Khaled Muhammad (20); 
Abdul Rahman Muhammad Ahmed (17);
Ahmed Khaled Ibrahim (17);
Muhammad Ali Zakaria (15) and his siblings Zakaria Ali Zakaria (14) and Majd Ali Zakaria (10);
Sama Salim Yassin (11) and her sister Roua Salim Yassin (2);
Joud Hamid Nasser (4) and their sister Janan Hamid Nasser (1);
Joan Yahya Youssef (4) and her infant brother Mian Yahya Youssef;
Asmaa Ahmed Muhammad;
Ismail Mohieddin Ismail (10);
Ayesh Musab Ibrahim (4);
Muhammad Mahmoud Hamdan (29);
and Wafa Abdel Qader Ahmed (24).
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and on my blog.
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lonestardust · 9 months
hey guys, hi friends, how are you? I miss you. and i miss being here. This was supposed to be a "2023 is over, here is a summary" post but this is just a life update.
TW : wound (⚠️ it's gnarly, ok)
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I know I've been MIA for the past two and half months, I've been struggling to write this post. I don't sleep well and I've lost weight. I've been struggling to sit and write about how I'm personally doing. Unable to express personal thoughts. Maybe because I'm the least important thing to me now. All I know is the gut wrenching screams of bleeding Falasteen. I can only tune in that collective suffering. That's where I belong. That's every human being's duty. June Jordan is right "Palestine's liberation is a litmus test of morality" I'll always go back to that quote because so many are failing it. So many disappointed me. It's like they made their humanity crumble into irrelevance the moment they reveled that showing up for humanity is optional and conditional depending on how comfortable and relevant it is to the white western values.
But simultaneously I've been feeling the tourniquet salvaging the wound. The strife for liberation is well and alive. Liberation and Decolonization had become mainstream concepts and practice (although some are still struggling to stay fully principled away from normalization but it's happening!). Like all arabs. I grew up watching the dead kids. The slingshots and rocks combating massive occupation tanks. I grow up haunted by the assassination of 11 year old Mohammed Al-Durrah, by Naji El Ali's Handala being a signature graffiti art in random streets, knowing that Israel assassinated Naji because he was a Palestinian artist. A truth teller. I grow up witnessing how they bulldozed 23 year old Rachel Corrie. I think often of Rayan Suleiman from last year. still haunted by his big rounded brown eyes — this 7 year old, chased by the terrorist zio occupation forces that he fell to the ground and died of a cardiac arrest. A 7 year old. His body shut down. Fear transcended his fragile anatomy that it shut down and died. I'll never forget the photo of his little body surrounded at the funeral by his friends. A bunch of 7 year olds. Starring into the void. not able to process what's happening because it's such an absurd concept. Kids consoling kids. My head hurts witnessing extermination campaigns and mass graves, and maimed bodies beyond recognition — WHOLE full fledged lives turned into literal dust. For 84 days straight now.
My brain, soul, spirit, psyche will never ever be the same again. And I pray this horror dig itself in the depth of the bones of the entirety of the fascist zionist world and their systems and fuel us to take action and never go back to statue quo!
On another note, I've had a quite terrible accident. A deep second degree burn as you can see. Accidentally spilled boiling water directly from a pot on the stove all over my left thigh. The pain is terrible obviously and I caught a really bad flu on top of it in the first couple of days because i wasn't able to cover it, wear pants or properly cover myself while I'm sleeping. So I've been bed ridden, bone-tired with fever and a massive wound.
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Day 4 Day 7
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Mind you this happened the day before i was supposed to start a new teaching job. Obviously wasn't able to show up and that was a bummer because i needed that job. desperately so and not just financially, I couldn't and can't handle anymore the anger, grief and anxiety pressuring my nervous system. I needed to start that new job immediately to refocus my daily life on a track again just to gain a routine so i could cope. Usually between jobs when I'm unemployed I thrive in doing nothing but my fan hobbies. Art, fandom and creating make my life so rich I could never get bored but in times like these "balancing grief and joy" is NOT an option.
And here is a thing. Because I've seen many many fucked up self-centred individualistic takes coming from white liberals telling us how we should feel (they always feel entitled, don't they), like the irony in the colonial paradigm harming us then offering us their therapy as the solution, coming with "protect your energy", "choose peace", "practice daily masturbation to relieve the stress of what's happening" (yes I watched this being directly and openly suggested on a panel about Palestine) imagine fucking telling somebody to go finger themselves and masturbate the stress of a GENOCIDE away.
The strangest manifestation of the white "self care" industrial complex, where people think they can therapize their way out of colonial mental consequences of bearing witness and being complicit in genocide. Maybe we're not meant to cope with this because it's literally beyond comprehension. Insane pathological narcissistic behaviour to think it's even a goal to feel good right now- if you want to"feel good" your only goal should be mobilising and organizing for revolution through action to destroy and dismantle the imperialist systems, to never go back to status quo!
On the physical aspect. I've been lucky, my dad has been taking care of me, taking me to the hospital visits, paying for my meds, cooking for me and all. And as I sit here, healing and being taken care of, I can't stop thinking of how I have resources, I have a roof over my head, warplanes are not buzzing in my ears 24/7, I get to sleep in my bed. I'm injured and I'm healing, able to sedate the pain with medicine. Can use the bathroom because there is water. But Palestinians in Gaza do not have any of that. None. Kids have their limbs amputated without anaesthesia amid ongoing denial of medical supplies into the strip. Some of them die of pain during that deadly surgical intervention. It makes me sick to my stomach. And I don't know what else to say tbh. I just know we live in a world that has no red lines and we can't continue to exist like that. Empire shall fall.
I genuinely don't know what to say, new year spirit and holidays mean nothing to me. My only new year resolution is to never again get numbed by the Empire. If standing for the lives of people of colour and their liberation is radical in a cesspool of white supremacy and imperialism, so radical it is.
I hope you're doing fine though. i hope you're well and okay. and to be honest I don't have it in me to ask about the fandom and how is it going.. It's probably going, I'm just not there at the moment. But i want to hear from you. How's life lately? What have you been up to? Also I am sorry if you've been tagging me in wips, games or sending me asks, I am genuinely sorry if I did not reply, I promise i see it and appreciate it ❤️‍🩹 I appreciate the special friendships and bonds I've formed in this fandom here, especially this year, and I don't wanna feel like I'm losing that.
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redress-newsbites · 2 years
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theyoungturks · 2 years
The Israeli military is taking no reasonability for literally scaring a Palestinian boy to death, Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola and Rayy Vana discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://news.yahoo.com/israel-army-clears-itself-death-142420494.html?guccounter=1 "The Israeli military on Thursday cleared itself of wrongdoing in the death of a 7-year-old Palestinian boy whose family says he “died of fear” after an encounter with Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank. The United States, European Union and United Nations had demanded an investigation into the death of second-grader Rayan Suleiman, which became the latest lightning rod in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as outraged Palestinians blamed Israel for his death last week. Rayan’s parents allege he was chased by Israeli soldiers on his way home from school and that he collapsed when troops appeared at his home in the Palestinian town of Tequa. They say he fell unconscious after troops interrogated his father and threatened Rayan and his brothers with arrest." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 221007__TA02 by The Young Turks
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canadanewsinsider · 2 years
Palestinians mourn a kid, 7, who died from "concern" of Israeli forces. 
Palestinians mourn a kid, 7, who died from “concern” of Israeli forces. 
Palestinians mourn a kid, 7, who died from “concern” of Israeli forces. The funeral service of Rayan Suleiman, who passed away after being chased after by Israeli troops, happened in the busy West Financial Institution. A group of males clutching the body of a seven-year-old Palestinian boy marched through a community in the busy West Bank towards the youngster’s final resting place on Friday, a…
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dominousworld · 2 years
Un bimbo palestinese di 7 anni muore inseguito dalle forze di occupazione israeliana
a cura di l’Antidiplomatico Orrore senza fine nella Palestina occupata. Un bambino palestinese di 7 anni, Rayan Yasser Suleiman, è morto, oggi, nella città di Tuqua, in Cisgiordania, a est di Betlemme, dopo essere stato inseguito dai soldati dell’esercito israeliano. “I soldati israeliani hanno inseguito gli studenti delle scuole mentre tornavano alle loro case, portando alla caduta del bambino…
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cryptoguys657 · 2 years
Palestinian man, 27, shot and killed by Israeli settler in the West Bank, Palestinian officials say
Jerusalem CNN  —  A Palestinian man was shot and killed by an Israeli settler in the West Bank on Saturday, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said, naming him as Mithqal Suleiman Abdel Halim Rayan, 27. The ministry said he was shot in the head in Qarawat Bani Hassan, west of Salfit, in the north of the occupied West Bank. Witnesses told the official Palestinian news agency WAFA that settlers…
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newscraving · 2 years
Israel’s violence will worsen without international action
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Published by Al-ArabySince the start of this year, over 105 Palestinians have been killed and 8000 injured by Israeli Army forces in the West Bank, making it the deadliest in the past 16 years for Palestinians in the area. The Israeli army launches daily raids on Palestinian cities, killing, injuring and arresting people. Israel has also killed at least 28 children in the West Bank since the beginning of 2022. Among them was 7-year-old Rayan Suleiman, who had a heart attack out of fear while being chased by Israeli army forces. Another of Israel’s victims was veteran Al-Jazeera Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh whose k...Read More Read the full article
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palestine-design · 2 years
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😔 Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon
"Verily we belong to Allah and to Him do we return"
Can you imagine how scared he was to have his little heart stop? No child deserves this! SubhanAllah! 😩
His 8th birthday was to be on October 21.
"Rayan saw the soldier in front of him, and was shocked and dropped dead out of fear."
The funeral of Rayan Suleiman, who died after being chased by Israeli troops, took place in the occupied West Bank on Friday aje.io/vnnifo
#Palestine  🇵🇸 #WestBank #rayansuleiman
Rest in Jannah lil one where there is no fear. No worry no tears.
May Allah grant his loved ones strength and Sabrun jameel. Aameen yaa Rabbal Aalameen!
الشهيد المطارَد #ريان_سليمان 7 سنوات..
هذه ليست قصّة من الخيال، هذا حدث في فلسطين  حين طارد الصهاينة هذا الطفل فسقط من مكان مرتفع وتوقّف قلبه(لا أدري هل توقّف من السقوط أم من الخوف؟!)..
ريّان هذا ليس "طفلًا" صالحًا للتجارة الإعلامية والبث المباشر..
ريّان قتله ملوك التطبيع..!
Rayan Suleiman💔
Gerade einmal 7 Jahre alt, 7Jahre. Er hatte sein ganzes Leben noch vor sich. Wie ich das Terrorregime Israel verachte. So viele Kinder und Jugendliche sind dieses Jahr schon gestorben, entweder direkt durch die elenden Terror Besatzungskräfte oder in Zusammenhang mit der Besatzung. Er wurde nur 7 Jahre alt, er hatte noch seine Kindheit vor sich, das Spielen mit seinen Freunden, die Schule, den Abschluss, die erste Liebe, Die Hochzeit, eine Familie gründen, einfach zu leben, Er hatte noch alles vor sich und kann es alles nicht mehr erleben.
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catdotjpeg · 11 months
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On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the al-Nabahin family, are:
Saber Ahmed Mohammed (67);
Dr. Arif Ahmed Salem (65);
Intisar Abdul Latif Mohammed (62);
Mona Abdul Rahman Ahmed (59);
Khaled Mohammed Mahmoud (56) and his daughter Dalia Khaled Mohammed (28);
Mohammed Suleiman Mahmoud (43) and his children Raghad Mohammed Suleiman (16), Rula Mohammed Suleiman (12), and Ayoub Mohammed Suleiman (4);
Asmaa Musa Mohammed (37) and her brothers Mohammed Musa Mohammed (36) and Youssef Musa Mohammed (31);
Asmaa Fathi Salim (36);
Dr. Moaz Mahmoud Nimr (31) and his brother Hamza Mahmoud Nimr (24);
Jihad Ibrahim Suleiman (31);
Bassem Saeed Shuaib (27);
Samar Abdel-Hay Ali (26) and her sister Sahar Abdel-Hay Ali (23);
Hadeel Abdul Fattah Atiya (25);
Noman Ismail Salim (24);
Atiyah Fathi Atiyah (24);
Mahmoud Samir Ghazi (22); 
Rahaf Jaafar Atiya (15) and her brother Mohammed Jaafar Atiya (13);
Areeh Fadi Fathi (9) and her brothers Mohammed Fadi Fathi (8) and Adam Fadi Fathi (7);
Gamal Ibrahim Atiya (7);
Zayn al-Din Nihad Suleiman (7);
Kenan Tamer Fathi (7) and his siblings Rayan Tamer Fathi (5) and Maryam Tamer Fathi (2);
Tala Walid Sabri (4) and her siblings Yazid Walid Sabri (10), Rahaf Walid Sabri (8), Lana Walid Sabri (6), Rivana Walid Sabri (1), and Rafif Walid Sabri (less than a year old);
Khaled Abdul Rahman Ali (12);
Rauf Yasser Faris (17);
Jamila Mohamed;
and Maïssa Musa and her children.
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and on my blog.
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catdotjpeg · 10 months
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On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the Zoroub family, are:
Salwa Musa Ibrahim (53);
Gamalat Khalil Mohammed (53); 
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Adel Ahmed Muhammad (50), a freelance journalist who was posting updates from Gaza until the moment he was martyred;
Iyad Ibrahim Jasser (42), his wife, Maysaa Khamis Mahmoud (39), and their children Rayan Iyad Ibrahim (14), Tallinn Iyad Ibrahim (13), Ibrahim Iyad Ibrahim (9), Kenan Iyad Ibrahim (5), and Baraa Iyad Ibrahim (2);
Musa Mahmoud Musa (35) and his children Omar Musa Mahmoud (17), Mahmoud Musa Mahmoud (9) and Judy Musa Mahmoud (6); 
and Musa’s siblings Mamdouh Mahmoud Musa (32), Fatima Mahmoud Musa (29), Fidaa Mahmoud Musa (28), and Iman Mahmoud Musa (15); 
Sabah Ahmed Musa (31); 
Omar Khaled Muhammad (27);
Abdul Rahman Rami Ali (21), who was shopping for his family in Tal al-Hawa when he was martyred;  
Ibtihaj Saeed Youssef (19);
Mohammed Ahmed Khalil (9) and his brothers Bilal Ahmed Khalil (3) and Abdullah Ahmed Khalil (1); 
Suwar Rizq Suleiman (4); 
Lana Ezz El-Din Ahmed (2) and her sister Tahani Ezz El-Din Ahmed (less than a year old);
Hamsa Bilal Khalil (1) and his siblings Hala Bilal Khalil (14) and Saba Bilal Khalil (8);
Abdullah Musa Mahmoud, an engineer, his wife, Lamis Mahmoud Barham, and their children Mohammed Abdullah Musa (7), Musa Abdullah Musa (5), and Ibrahim Abdullah;
Abdullah’s siblings Mohammed Musa Mahmoud and Islam Musa Mahmoud, a professor;
and Nihaya Mahmoud Rizq.
Many members of the Zoroub family lived in Rafah. 
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and here.
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