#ray nadeem fanfic
devils-dares · 2 years
How about #7 - only having heard bad things about the other so their relationship is off to a rocky start. it's easiest to ignore every nice trait the other shows, with Ray Nadeem?
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hi pheebs! hope you enjoy!
age gap (blink and you'll miss it)
7-enemies to lovers: only having heard bad things about the other so their relationship is off to a rocky start
“You’ll be partnering with Nadeem on this one.” Your supervisory agent in charge tells you.
“What? No no, hah, this is a joke right? Do you hear what the other agents say about him? I’m not- I’m not working with Ray. He’s selfish, full of himself, and a know-it-all!”
“He has the most experience in this area which is something you need, may I remind you. He’s the perfect partner. Now either you take this case or I push you to desk duty for a few months, your call.”
You groaned and sighed, “Fine.” Your agent in charge smiled.
“Great! I suggest you meet him now, you two are starting tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? That’s-”
“Desk duty?”
“I’m going, I’m going.”
“...and that’s the strategy I suggest. Any questions?” He looks at you expectantly.
“Any other rules you want to add for me?” He sighs and rubs his forehead.
“You know, you don’t have to come with me, you can drop out of this case.”
“It’s either go undercover with you or do desk duty. I’m choosing the lesser evil.”
“I don’t even know why you hate me so much, considering what I’ve heard about you. What did I do?”
“You’re just so…annoying.”
“Annoying, that’s it?”
“So full of yourself, like you always know what you’re doing.”
“Well I have years of experience on anyone else in this department, especially after F-”
“Fisk. Yeah, we all know, you were in our curriculum at Quantico.”
“Yeah, don’t let it get to your head.”
“If this is going to work we need to be on the same page. This is life or death. They catch us, say goodbye to shitty reality tv and top 50 pop songs.”
The two of you stake out the location of the gang on a rooftop facing the building. Armed with thermoses full of hot coffee and a few snacks, you two were ready to spend up to two days together.
“You can take first rest, it’s getting late. I’ll wake you up in three hours.” You look at him quizzically, it’s not the answer you were expecting after hearing how selfish he used to be in the field. You shrug and settle in, leaning up against the siding of the roof and nodding off.
Ray puts his binoculars down and rubs his forehead. His eyes strain to readjust, and that’s when his gaze lands on you. Your body was folding in on itself, breath steamy on a freezing New York night. Every now and then he notices you shudder, your jacket evidently doing little to keep you warm. He sighs, his own breath freezing in the air, as he sheds his jacket and drapes it over your body. Goosebumps immediately adorn his body as you settle back, warmth from his body buried in the jacket permeates your frozen skin.
He lets you sleep an extra hour before waking you. He places a soft hand on your arm, and another on your shoulder.
“Hey, hey. Hi, shift change.” You rub the grogginess away from your eyes and nod.
“Oh, when did I take your jacket?”
“I gave it to you, you were shivering.”
“Sorry, you can have it back.”
“I’m okay, you can keep it for the shift, and don’t apologize.” You look at him confused.
“Why are you being so nice?”
“What do you mean?”
“Giving me your jacket, letting me sleep an extra hour, why? I thought you were selfish.” He chuckles.
“You can’t believe everything you hear, y’know.”
“Same for you, I’m not that bad.” You laugh too.
Settling into a moment of comfortable silence, you feel confident enough to ask him a question.
“What was it like, working with Daredevil?” He smiles fondly.
“He uh, he kept my family safe. Back when- I made a promise to keep them safe, back when they were still with me, and he helped me keep that promise.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, it’s better for my son, I couldn’t provide a safe place for him or my ex-wife.” You nod.
“Anyways, you asked about him. He’s… off putting at first, very stoic and stubborn, but I was able to meet him outside the mask too. He’s aggressive, sure, but he does his damndest to care for those around him and this city.”
“He sounds like a hero.”
“If he could get his head out of his ass I’d imagine he’d think so too.” He smiles at the laugh that leaves you laughing. You keep your eyes on him for a few moments longer, watching joy replace the sadness that fog them, albeit a temporary joy.
“See something you like?” He jokes, but you don’t laugh.
“You really are a good guy, y’know?”
“Funny words coming from someone who didn’t want to work with me in the first place.”
“Hey! Your public perception is not stellar, not my fault I thought you were an ass.”
“Well, now that you know the truth, do you want to help me fix it?” It’s the way his voice drops an octave and he leans in closer that does you in.
“W-wha… uh, sure.”
“Are you… are you okay?” He asks, but he has a knowing smirk written across his face.
“What are you doing?” You ask as he takes a few steps towards you, making his dominating height known to you.
“You’re sweating.” He says, drinking in your appearance.
“Yeah, this jacket is hot.” You say, taking the article of clothing off.
“Nope, that’s not it. It’s almost snowing and your breath is freezing. So tell me, what are you hiding from me?”
“No wonder everyone thinks you’re an asshole.”
“You- you’re into this! You’re into me.”
“Oh god, I’m going to hurl. I am not into you in the slightest.”
“Liar.” He gets closer, leaving mere centimeters between your lips.
“If you could do anything right now, without any repercussions, what would you do?” Your answer slips out before you could even register his words.
“Kiss you.”
“I knew it!” He says, stepping away from you.
“Uh uh, absolutely not.” You say as you grab his shirt collar and bring him in, your lips meeting in a heated kiss. His hands fall to your waist as yours wrap around his shoulders, keeping him anchored against you.
“Jeez.” He says, pulling away from you.
“Don’t antagonize me again.”
“No no, just thinking about where I can take you for some privacy after this is over, but I don’t know if I can last that long.”
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ericslittlemermvid · 6 years
I’m Still Breathing
I refuse to accept Agent Nadeem’s death so I wrote this short fic to make myself feel better. 
Ray opened his eyes.
He expected to see the sky above him and feel the cool night air on his face, but instead he saw two bright lights and felt oddly warm.
“Where-where am I?” he managed to say.
“In the hospital” came a voice.
He recognized the voice but couldn’t place it due to a sudden throbbing sensation in his head.
He instinctively reached upward and felt a bandage.
He lowered his arm and tried to sit up but a sharp pain in his side stopped him.
“It got infected” said the voice again, “that’s why it hurts so much.”
Ray’s eyes adjusted and he saw Matt standing at the foot of his bed. 
“It’s you” he said.
“A bit. How did I get here?”
“You had an argument with Dex and he tried to kill you, but lucky for you God was on your side that night.”
“You saved my life?”
Matt nodded, “You saved my friends. It was the least I could do to repay you.”
“How did you know where I’d be?”
“Well, Seema told Foggy you hadn’t come back to the safe house and he told Karen who told me.”
Ray’s eyes widened, “Seema! Sami! Where are they? Are they al-“
“They’re fine.”
Ray took a relieving breath.
“Any sign of Dex?”
“No, he hasn’t been seen in nearly two weeks.”
“Typical. He’s good at falling off the grid.”
Ray’s hand wandered to his head again.
“For someone with perfect aim, you’re lucky that he missed and the bullet just grazed your head. You did have a nasty fall, though.”
Ray had a flashback of himself lying in the mud in the hole meant for his family’s pool. 
“What’s going to happen with the FBI now that the majority of its members are in prison?” he asked, returning to the present moment.
“Well, it seems that you’ve been promoted to head of the FBI. Effective as soon as you’re fit to be released from the hospital.”
“Wow, you don’t say” said Ray.
There was a silence between them and Ray looked around the room.
It was a white room and if not for the plethora of different colored flowers and get well cards it would have looked really plain.
“Matt” he said after a minute, breaking the silence, “I can’t thank you enough for saving my life. It’s because of you that I get to live another day and my wife gets to keep her husband and my son his father.”
Matt opened his mouth to respond but was distracted by the sound of the door opening.
Ray turned his head slightly and came face to face with Sami. 
“Hey buddy” said Ray as Sami approached him.
Sami hesitated slightly and then threw his arms around him.
Ray groaned in pain, but embraced the hug. 
“Easy kiddo” said Seema, following closely behind their son.
She smiled at Ray, but he could see tears in her eyes.
She approached Matt and hugged him while muttering words of thanks. 
She released her grip on Matt and took a seat beside Ray and Sami on the bed. 
Ray reached for her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers.
“Hi, my love” he said.
Seema leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips and then laid her head on his chest and began to sob.
“I thought I lost you” she said through tears.
“Nah, you aren’t getting rid of me that fast” he said, using his free hand to stroke her hair. 
She laughed but it came out as a sob.
She lifted her head and looked into her Ray’s eyes, “I said horrible things to you and if you had died I never would have been able to forgive myself.”
“Seems, it’s okay. Whatever was said doesn’t matter anymore. I’m here and I’m alive and that’s all that should matter.”
She kissed him again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. So much” he replied, pulling her and Sami into a tight hug. 
“Eww!” said Sami. 
“Tell me about it” replied Matt.
They all laughed.
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dotsayers · 6 years
fic: might never be normal again
daredevil (tv) | gen | teen | 2190 words | here on ao3
warnings: claustrophobia, discussion of canonical character death
summary: Weird shit happens all the time in New York.
Breathing sucks a whole lot, but it’s a lot better than not breathing.
He’s on his hands and knees in a graveyard in the middle of the night. There’s a whole bunch of pumpkins lining the pathway, charmingly secular, and he thinks he might actually have come out of his grave on Halloween night.
“What the fuck,” he says, and then he coughs up a lungful of dirt onto the grass. He’s wearing his third-best suit and a pair of shoes he’s never seen before. 
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prince-septimus · 3 years
Top ten favorite fanfics that you've read??
this has taken me some time to think about so i apologize for the wait!! also im doing this on mobile so im sorry if it's a little clunky and awkward.
this isn't 10 but they're the ones i could find that i know i love.
vacant mirrors by @whirlybirbs. bucky barnes x reader.
nightfall & daybreak by @whirlybirbs. obi wan kenobi x reader. (i simply love everything hope writes and could easily put ten of her fics on this list)
the pizza delivery girl's guide to surviving gotham by morveren on ao3. jason todd x reader.
i was wondering how long you two were going to make out... benjamin poindexter x reader x ray nadeem. (this is by an orphan account on ao3, but it's an all time fave of mine and a big inspiration to my own dex and ray fics)
skeletal remains by @threeminutesoflife. eddie brock x reader.
not the standard unit by ookami_hime on ao3. steve rogers x reader x bucky barnes. (this series got me through high school. and it's still going! they have a tumblr about the series too @quinnhayden!!)
jealousy by @fearthespork. rick flag x reader.
under the soft translucent linen by @buckysbiota. matt murdock x reader.
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
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happy new year, loves! 2020 has been nothing but a total catastrophe. faced some things that made me swear this year was designed to break me down but as taylor swift would say, long story short, i survived. as pessimistic as i am that 2021 would be better, i can't help but feel a twinge of hope that 2021 would give us something that we certainly didn't expect but just what we need. maybe it's enough for now, to celebrate the fact that we survived this godforsaken year, and have faith that 2021 would be a little kinder than the last one.
as somber as my 2020 was, i'm still grateful for the things that i discovered in that year that helped me get through each dreadful day. i'm grateful that i found the courage to write my first fanfic and put them out there, on this site. and writing has introduced me to so many good people here so i'm going to mention a few that i consider my friends;
@venusbarnes hi boo, i hope you're doing well. i always love talking to you. you're so likeable and easy to talk to. thank you for encouraging me to write my first fanfic and always supporting me. and thank you for always being so fun to talk about shows, movies, and thirst over men 😂 ily!
@nellblazer i love talking to you makes me feel like having a big sister. as an only child, i learned so much from you. you're so kind and easy to talk to. your writings are so diverse (also your frank fics are gems!) and it inspired me to focus on writing for myself instead of getting so caught up on notes. ily, i hope you feel better soon ❤
@coffee-with-bucky one of the sweetest people i've ever met. i turn to your bucky fics for comfort. you're so nice and friendly. i hope we talk more soon 🤍
@prettyyoungtragedy hi!! we haven't talked in awhile but i appreciate how kind and supportive you were especially when i was in my early days of being a fanfic writer. you're super chill and it's always fun to talk to you
@buckycuddlebuddy oh, how i just love taking to you. from tumblr themes to dragging some people 👀 you're so fun to talk to. i love how we share the same taste in shows and i appreciate you for listening to my emotional and dramatic rants afterwards. and thank you for being my place to consult fanfics with only to have me complain about writing it a few days later 😩
@yamjvms chloe, i'm grateful to have met you on this site. i remember we started talking about ray nadeem from daredevil and then we ended up talking about a lot of personal things too. you're so kind and i cherish our friendship so much. thank you for being a positive person, i hope we could meet someday once the pandemic is over and i'm able to pursue my dreams in nyc 🤍
@emiliaclarke your blog is so aesthetically pleasing and you are so so sweet and outgoing!! i hope for us to talk more soon 🤍
a few other honorable mentions that i'm always happy to talk to and whose existence and contribution i appreciate deeply; @searchingforbucky @navybrat817 @mypoisonedvine @itgetsdarksometimes35 @allaboardthereadingrailroad @buckys-darling @thenighttrain @revengingbarnes @irndad @cloudystevie @thearchersupremacy @extremelyblackandwhite @sunstalgia @saiyanprincessswanie and each one of you! i'm sorry if we've ever talked and i forgot to mention you. but know that i cherish you 🤍
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devils-dares · 2 years
hey bitch >:) happy 300 !!! can i get prompt #3 with ray nadeem our beloved !?
maggie bee! enjoy
“How was work?” The question, albeit normal in your daily conversation with Ray, was laced with another level of inexplicable emotion. Maybe it was the fact that he was at the forefront of the Fisk detail, or maybe you were just worried a bit more than usual, but he sensed it and turned to you almost immediately.
“Work was great, how was your day?” He eyes you, looking for any response that isn’t your usual loved-up, carefree response.
“Good.” That gets his attention. Your one word answers are few and far between, and quite frankly, worrying. He knows that words won’t break you out of your haze, so he decides on the next best thing.
He walks right up to you and wraps his arms around your body tightly. Immediately, the stresses holding your body tense dissipate as you melt into him. His arms hold you steady, one splayed across your back and one holding the back of your head. He doesn’t let go, allowing you to take a deep breath and sink further into his hold.
“What’s wrong? You can talk to me.” His words, all soft and soothing, cause a tired sob to escape from you.
“What happens if you get hurt?” The question, common in the Nadeem household, was spoken through frustrated tears. His heart breaks for you, he knew you were worried about the new role he was taking up, but he didn’t know it would affect you to this level.
“Then we go through the motions, just like we always do. And you know if something serious happens, I have plans in place for you to support yourself.”
“But I need you.” Your voice is small, muffled by his tear stained shirt. His hand on your back runs up and down, trying to calm you down. He tries his best to keep his tears in, to be strong for you, but he can’t help as one tear runs down his face.
“I’m right here.” You bury your face in his neck, sobs shaking your body as you think of the worst possible scenarios.
“I can’t guarantee the future, or that I’ll be here tomorrow, but I need you to know that I will always fight to come home to you. No matter what I face, you’re more important.” He feels you nod from your hiding place in his neck and he holds you a little tighter before loosening his grip.
“Made me soft for you, Nadeem.” You say, and he laughs, a bubbling chuckle that spills out and shakes his body.
“‘Course I did, who can resist me?” He hears your soft giggle ring through and knows you’re back, but decides to hold you a little longer.
“Always and forever?” You ask, emerging from your hiding spot and grabbing one of his hands.
“Always and forever.” He affirms, pressing a kiss to your temple.
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