#raven might be alright? i feel like he's the type to not spend much time at home though
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hungrydolphin91 · 2 years ago
Making my very first poll to ask the important questions here
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writingseaslugs · 2 years ago
Scarabia: When You're Sick
For the first time in a while, writing Scarabia actually came way easier. I think I’m starting to warm up to these boys! Hope you guys enjoy this, really it’s just Jamil taking care of you. As always, the intro is the same as the other parts of the series, so feel free to skip it over!
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please click the “Au Information” below!
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Scarabia: When You’re Sick
The worst thing to ever happen to you while attending Night Raven College had to be, hands down, getting sick. You were alone in the dorm with only ghosts and Grim to keep you company, and as much as you loved them, they couldn’t take care of you when you became sick. This meant you had to make do and hope that everything was alright. Normally if you were under the weather, you’d just suck it up and go to class so as to not worry anyone. This time however, that wasn’t an option.
You woke up with every muscle in your body feeling sore and aching with even the slightest movement. Your stomach churned something fearsome and you had a runny nose and cough to boot. You had no idea what illness you had fallen to. Having so many symptoms…you could only assume it was the flu or something akin to that.
Still, there was no way you were making it to class like this. So begrudgingly you told Grim you weren’t feeling good and needed to rest, and to go to class and get your homework so you could do it later. The demon cat was grumpy about not having his henchman, but eventually gave in, leaving you alone to rest in your room and hope that whatever you had would go away.
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Kalim Al-Asim
The moment Kalim hears you’re sick he’s in panic mode. He’s rushing over to your dorm as soon as possible, only stopping because Jamil said his overly worried self might cause you to be worried and it wouldn’t help anyone. He manages to compose himself and then grab every single medication he can find before heading over to your dorm. He’s trembling slightly, recalling all the times he was sick as a child and how horrible it felt. He just hoped that you weren't feeling that bad, but seeing you laying in bed, shaking from a fever, he’s just more worried but trying to mask it.
Kalim actually has zero skill in taking care of others, but he’ll try to mimic what the doctors would do when he was a child. Taking your temperature and asking you questions, even while you’re delirious and not completely there. After he figures out he has no idea what he’s doing, he calls up Jamil to come over and check in on you. Thankfully Jamil is trained in taking care of Kalim when he’s sick, so he is easily able to tell it’s the flu and is sorting through the medications Kalim brought over to show him the ones you need.
Once Jamil tells him what he needs to do, Kalim isn’t half bad. He’s dedicated to making sure you’re getting better, and if he has any questions Jamil is on speed dial. He even has Jamil make you some food to help you get better, and he’s feeding it to you so you don’t tire yourself out. Apparently lifting a spoon to your mouth would be too much energy spent, according to Kalim. You get to see a very serious side of the man as he’s making sure that he gets the medication measurements just right, and checking the time to be exactly on the dot when he gives it to you.
Kalim is jumping for joy as soon as you’re better, happy to have you back and smiling. He’s still going to be checking in on you as he’s not fully convinced you’re totally healthy, but at least it means you get to spend more time together. Just make sure to thank Jamil since he’s the mastermind behind you getting better. Who knows what Kalim would’ve done in his attempts if Jamil hadn’t been there.
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Jamil Viper
Once he notices you’re not in class he’s going to subtly ask around to figure out where you were. He’s frowning the moment he finds out you’re alone at your dorm, sick as a dog. He knows that you’re probably not doing anything to make yourself feel better, other than resting, so he’s excusing himself from Kalim for a short time to check in on you. Once he sees how serious it is (in his eyes), he’s messaging Kalim and explaining that you’re ill and he will be over at your dorm for a while. If Kalim needs something, he knows he can message Jamil, but Kalim also understands you’re sick and will keep it to a minimum in his requests.
Jamil has literally been trained in taking care of someone who’s sick, as part of being a servant to a wealthy household, so you’re in good hands. He’s gathering medication for you and doing everything you’d expect a doctor to do. Once he realizes it’s just a really bad case of the flu he’s a bit more relieved and relaxed a bit in your presence. Still, he’s going to be serious as he nurses you back.
You can expect some of the best food in your life while Jamil is taking care of you, as well as some of the best care. He’s fluffing your pillows and treating you like you’re a member of the Asim family. It’s endearing to say the least, and even though he often excuses himself in order to check in on Kalim, he’s never gone for long. He’s also hounding you to rest and not move too often. He’s another person who’s going to be spoon feeding you while you’re on the mend, and he won’t take no for an answer. He knows he’s not obligated to take care of you, but he wants to, and that’s foreign territory for him.
It comes as no surprise that you get better soon after Jamil takes the reins, and he tells you not to mention it when you thank him for all he’s done. He just tells you he’s doing his job, and even when you point out that he doesn’t serve you, he’ll mention that it’s the least he can do after you took care of him in his overblot situation. Don’t think too hard on it, you’re someone special to Jamil and he wants to make sure you’re always comfortable. It’s just one of those quirks about him that he refuses to acknowledge. Being caring almost runs in his blood at this point.
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itfitsitshipsart · 2 years ago
1, 4, 8, and 14 ^^
Alright! For Weiss and Raven it is!
1. does your f/o have any special nicknames for you? what are they? do you have a favorite?
Weiss normally just calls me Evelyn, but sometimes he'll call me Lass or My Dear. As for what I call him... I'm right along with everyone else calling Weissy instead of his full title, but I also call him Bookie sometimes, much to his dismay XD
Raven calls me all sorts of nicknames and petnames, such as Darlin', Sweetheart, Hun, Honey, Babe... ..Kitten. And I tend to send them right back at him! ^3^ minus the kitten one. Instead of that, he's my Scruffy Puppy~
4. where are your favorite places to go with your f/o? what's your favorite part of that place, or the time you spend together there?
With Weiss, it's best being together either at the beach, or alone in a flowery field. We mainly need a place where we can be alone to talk, but he likes feeling the sun on him and enjoys watching people fish, so the beach is always a good option. With the field tho, we can focus more on one another and nothing else to distant us, save for the smell of flowers and clouds drifting above us.
With Raven, it's the hotsprings or the forest , if not just chilling at home. The hotsprings for obvious reasons of bathing in hot water with the one you love XD. The forest, we're both nature people. We love wandering about and getting mildly lost in the scenery and talking.
8. does your f/o seem to match a "type" you might have? how so?
I can say I have many types I guess (tho usually I described it as having a checklist that an F/o just reaches a certain percentage on XD).
With Weiss it's not a type as far as physical appearance. I mean, he's a fricken book, but he counts as one of my "intellectual who acts better than others" kind of guy. The arrogance is kinda hot, gotta admit.
And Raven I would count as "tragic and seriously needs some love and help." Something I find is common for many of my men
14. what's your f/o's favorite thing about you? and your favorite about them? (it's okay if you or they can't pick one thing!)
Weiss loves how genuinely sweet and awkward I am. Sure, Im ocassionally annoying to him and sometimes a bit of an idiot, but there's never any malicious intent and he knows it. I'm a romantic and wear my heart on my sleeve and best foot forward (complete with tripping) and he cannot help but be enamored. And I love both how intelligent Weiss is, and how caring he is despite his griping and complaining about others. He's secretly a real softie, despite trying to act as hard as his hardcover. ^^
Raven loves how patient and gentle I am. And how I'm always so considerate of him and others. I make him feel loved and at peace. As for what I love about Raven... there's just so much. I love how forward and affectionate he is, I'll say that's my favorite for now so I have an answer >3<
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countrymusiclover · 3 years ago
Part 1 - Brittish Man
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Prologue - read first
Part 2
She's Human or Weapon
Tag list - just ask to be added
@tyrionsprincess30 @groovy-lady @logolepsic-insomniac @bigbendyhorns @the-big-bad-klaus
Counting some stacks of money in my hands the rain starts to light up. Leaning my back against the the brick wall I pull my black leather jacket closer around myself to get warm. A old guy walks past me I get an idea in my head. "Excuse me sir, can I please have your leftovers?" I asked concentrating hard since I have the ability to control minds. The guy bends down handing me his box of leftovers. He walked off not fazed at all that I just stole from him, but I need food for tonight. Erik and I split years ago once our escape because he only cared about getting revenge on Shaw. All I want to do is figure out is if I'm a monster or not. Opening the box of food I start tearing apart the chicken fingers and fries. I tried to get an apartment but I got kicked out when I accidentally set it on fire when Erik left me.
"Don't talk to me. You did that on purpose!" I heard a guy complaining to a girl with blonde hair both exiting a bar at the corner of the street. "You know I can't control it sometimes. If I'm stressed or I'm tired!" Running a hand through my hair in a braid I start feeling nervous when they get closer to me. I have never really talked or made friends since the escape. Erik and I agreed that the only people we could trust was each other and nobody else. "Excuse me, love. But what's a girl like you sitting out here in the cold night by yourself?" Shaking my head I get pulled from my thoughts by a guy with a brittish accent. Lifting my gaze up I suck in a breath recognizing the man and woman I saw from the bar. The man has bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. The woman at his side has long blonde hair and green eyes who gives me a kind smile, bending down on a knee with her hand stuck out. "I'm Raven, what's your name?" Instead of shaking her hand I hug my knees to my chest avoiding her gaze as a form of protection.
She lowered her hand to the ground with a small smile that makes me feel bad for being the cause. "It's alright, love. You can trust us. We're like you." Pressing my back against the wall I suck in a breath hearing a foreign voice in my head. Flickering my gaze around I try to find the source but I don't find anyone else thinking a thought like that. "Eyes up, miss." The voice spoke again and I locked my eyes on the stranger with blue eyes, slightly thinking it might be him. "It's you, isn't it. The voice inside my head...how is that possible. No one has been able to-" The man just chuckled bending down like the blonde girl had earlier introducing himself. "I'm a Telepath. A type of mutant. Xavier, Charles Xavier. May I know you're name?" Still hugging my legs to my chest I mumble under my breath saying my name outload for probably the first time in my life. "Aurora...Aurora Deerfield."
Charles extended his hand and I softly shake it with a light smile. The blonde waved down to me offering softly. "I'm Raven, his sister. We have a place you can stay with us. Rather than spending your night on the street in the cold." Glancing around at my state of living there wasn't much. I had no blanket and I kept taking food from people who have a weak mind. Charles rises to his feet extended a hand opened for me. Slowly unclutching my hand that was in a fist I brush my fingertips with his, fully holding his hand in mine. Charles then gently tugs me to my feet where I feel a surge of energy pass through our intertwined hands. "I thought I was alone...that all mutants were experimented on." I think in my head knowing he will hear me. "Don't worry, Aurora. You have Raven and I. You won't be alone anymore, I promise." He reassured me never removing his hand from mine until Raven throws her arms around me in a hug. I stiffened my back at the embrace she gives me where I have to close my eyes to calm myself down and not blast her with my powers like I would the doctors in Shaw's lab.
"I finally have another girl I can gossip with. Charles isn't very good at it." She chuckled pulling away from the hug still grinning brightly. Nodding my head we started walking the streets until I had a thought for the eager blonde girl at my side. "So what's your power, uh Raven?" She glanced to her brother as if asking for permission silently, which he just mods his head yes once allowing her. She takes my hand in her left where I see her skin turn blue then quickly return to its normal color making me hold my mouth opened. "I can transform to look like anyone. Even you..but I have to hide my true form." I see her smile drop a little saying that until she asked a question a wish she didn't because it makes me uncomfortable. "Uh I'll tell you later...too many people and I can't exactly control it." She nodded slightly accepting the answer so we climbed into Charles car driving to their place. Looking out the window the whole way there I moved my shirt away from my neck clasping my hand around a charm necklace from my mother before she was killed by Shaw. I have no interest in killing him. But I must admit my mind wanders back to Erik and where he could be right now, does he ever think of me like he once did. Like we were almost a romantic couple you could say.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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mozak-hh · 4 years ago
Genshin Impact Headcanon:
When they’re horny.
thank you all so much for the genshin matchup requests! The response was so overwhelming I’m beaming. I’ll try getting through as many requests as I can so while you guys wait I’ve decided to write you a little something in appreciation. ^^ I also added my first female character because I was sick of the lack of gender diversity hehe. If you like Jean, pls comment any other fem requests you may have since it really helps out a lot. Don’t be afraid to ask me to write anything either, it’s my job after all! x
Includes: Kaeya, Diluc, Xiao, Jean
Type: Nsfw, you have been warned~
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When is this man not horny?
Perhaps it was the change of wind, or maybe it was the change in your attitude that set Kaeya off. The subtle lift of your skirt, the breeze making the collar of your shirt flow, Kaeya couldn’t resist the temptation of wanting more. He was a man after all. A man who fancied you quite significantly.  How could he resist the primal urge to wrap his arm around you and pull you closer? Your scent was mesmerizing, making it hard to turn away. Suddenly Kaeya found his body had become too warm to stand it. 
Kaeya growled in lustrous frustration. A Bead of sweat dripping from the crown of his head. The damp air of the shower only adding to the sensual heat in his lower abdomen. The hot water covered his broad shoulders and streamed down his toned abdomen, gliding over his hand as he pumped his cock in slow, rhythmic motions. 
Perhaps it was the change in scenery, being away from you for so long that is, which brought Kaeya into this animalistic state. He lifted his head up and jerked his arm faster. Streams of water following the curves of his muscles. He’d already seen you that morning, but his heat had gotten a lot worse. He imagined your small frame pressed against the shower wall, covered by his taller build. Arms captured in his own as he thrusted into you. You squeezing your legs which were wrapped around his waist. Locking him in your tight wet walls.
“f-fuck it..,” Kaeya moaned as he turned to lock away from his throbbing cock. rubbing his callused hands over the soft tip, pumping his hand a few more times before letting out a chocked moan. Cumming all over the wall in front of him, and letting the water wash the rest of the sweat off his body.
Damn. Kaeya sure as hell wouldn’t be spending another night in the shower alone.  
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Diluc is a busy man, so its often that he doesn’t have the time to enjoy simple pleasures such as sex. But after weeks after not being able to spend one night with you, he becomes ravenous. 
He becomes rather snappy and short tempered. Not being able to handle any person touching him. This wont interrupt his work performance much, but it’ll make him a lot less polite, often making his staff tend to the bar instead of him. That is, until you see him one late night during his rut. 
You went to his winery to provide him with some necessary information. The maids let you in and told you he was upstairs. Once you began to move slowly towards his bedroom chambers is when you heard the painful grunt. 
You rush to door and open it slightly, peering to see if anyone was hurt. It seems as if time had slowed down completely, your breath hitched. Diluc sat at the corner of his bead, palming the large bulge straining beneath his pants. Half of his buttons on his shirt were undone, leaving his exposed chest gleaming with sweat. He must of had good hearing, as his eyes snapped to the door where his eyes instantly met yours. 
“Oh Fuck.. you look delicious..” Diluc’s eyes scanned your form, licking his lips as he stood from his bed. As soon as you silently shut the door behind you he wrapped his strong arms around your body, letting him hoist you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. 
Diluc becomes a little more loud during sex, perhaps even a bit whiny. All while hugging you so you can’t leave. For the rest of the night, Diluc has to have his cock inside you. Gripping you tightly and fucking you senselessly. He won’t stop until he can’t breathe. 
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Jean’s another hopeless case, never allowing herself to indulge in such matters. But after getting involved in you, she suddenly finds herself waiting for her day to end, signalling her to go home. For jean, it’s the thought of her face in between your thighs that make her legs feel light beneath her office desk. 
Being under a heavy workload all the time, doesn’t do any good either. Unfortunately for Jean, there is no such thing as a sweet release during her breaks. that is, until you stride into her office, tray in hand. 
After hearing about Jean’s stress this pass week, you decided it would be a perfect chance to bring her lunch. Striding into her office, Jean’s legs start to shake, fire swelling in her stomach. You smile, and place the tray of hot food on her desk. Jean’s mouth waters, but not for the food.
“Oh you poor thing! I couldn’t imagine sitting at this desk all day. I brought some things I thought you might like-” you look down at the plate on the desk, “ I’m hope I didn’t intrude-” 
“Y/N baby~” Jeans huffs under her breath, standing up and pushing her chair abruptly. By the time your eyes snap back up, Jean’s already moved the tray of food, and taps your shoulder from behind you. Turning around, your met with a harsh kiss. Jean’s tongue dominating the inside of your mouth, making your cheeks flush and knees grow weak. You loose your balance, falling down towards the desk. Jean takes this opportunity to rest your head in her hand, gently lowering you down and slamming her other hand on the desk to catch you both before starting to kiss you again. 
You wrap your hands around Jean’s neck, running your hands through the back of her head. You whine as she stands, making her way towards the door and locking it. She turns around after the soft click, and strides back towards you, loosening the buttons on her shirt. 
 Licking her lips, she stands above you. Lightly yanking your shorts.
“Let’s take these off, shall we?”
(Sorry I’m a simp for dom Jean pls send help)
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This guy goes through regular periods of heat, like an animal. Perhaps It’s an adepti thing, but every so often he’ll stop talking to you and shut himself within the walls of the inn. Not even the managers go near him, fearing the unusual scent coming from his chambers. This man wont let himself stop. Only using his time to pleasure himself. 
Somehow in your right mind you decide to check up on him to make sure he was doing alright. Ascending the stairs to the attic you catch the scent of something sweet, mixed with the smell of sweat and Xiao himself. The air begins to grow thick as you reach the door to his room. Turning the knob a few times you find it to be locked from the outside. Panicking, you pound your fist on the door to see if someone had locked him inside.
Xiao smashes his fist through the door, wood splintering and groaning under his force. He rips the handle off clean, allowing himself to bust the door open and pull you inside. Trapping you beneath his body as he Hauls the broken door closed again. Seeling it with special magic.
“I knew you’d come for me~” he purrs, putting his thigh between your legs and caressing your face. Pinned up against the door, you notice Xiao’s ankles bound in thick metal cuffs, the long Chain connected to his bed. There were claw marks on every whole. It truly looked like he tried to destroy the place.
You try to break from his grip, but he blocks you with his arms, kissing you forcibly. His breath is hot, his hands tremble. “Touch me y/n, touch me” he wines, bringing your hand to press on his crotch as he moans into your neck.
Sex with this animalistic beast will be nothing short of desperate. From the minute you allow him to the end of his heat, Xiao will have his throbbing cock inside you. He won’t let you go, hugging you from behind as he pounds into you. Don’t try to run away from him, that’ll just turn him on.
At the end of his heat he’ll probably feel so bad but if you’re ok with it he’ll have you around more often during his heat.
Hope you enjoyed~
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years ago
Pretty Smitten | Kuroo Tetsurou
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Harry Potter x Haikyuu!!
Summary ◇ it's like second nature for Slytherin's beater Kuroo to always find something to tease you about, until his best friends Bokuto and Tsukishima make him realize it might hide something more.
Genre ◇ hogwarts au! Slytherin! Cocky Kuroo x Hufflepuff f!reader, mentions of Bokuto,  Tsukishima, Hinata, Oikawa, Daichi etc...
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You duck out of the way just in time to evade the bludger that zips across your head, so close you feel it brush against your ear as your broom zooms you out of the way. The wind isn't making it easier as it tugs at your clothes, weighing you down while you keep on flying around the court with eyes as alert as a Hawk's for the disappearing snitch.
In truth, you don't really enjoy Quidditch all that much. It was merely due to the captain of the Hufflepuff Team, Daichi, who cornered you upon having accidentally caught sight of your flying skills one winter afternoon. He'd grown to be one of your close friends though, which always makea it hard to pull out and whenever you do mention that maybe it is time for the team to take in a new Seeker, he'd instantly change the subject.
And you wouldn't have been so adamant on trying to force your way out of the team. If not for a particular raven-haired Slytherin Beater.
Speaking of the devil. There he is, that familiar crooked smirk dangling upon his lips as he lazily flies over to you.
"Y/N, aren't you a little laid back!?" He calls out and you roll your eyes, pushing yourself forward to fly as past away as possible.
Too late. He catches up quickly enough, grin widening as he continues, "I know we said it's a practice match but come on, could've put some more heart into it."
Throwing him a scowl that would've scalded anyone but himself, you accelerate your speed. As expected, he follows, "so I heard from Kenma that you failed your Potions midterm. Not that I'm surprised really, you never really had a talent for--"
"How is that any of your business?" You mutter, adamantly fixing your gaze on Daichi so as not to accidentally push Kuroo off his broom.
What a nice thought indeed.
"Aha, that's where I come in. Fortunately for you, I am quite adept at Potions see. I could teach you," from your peripheral you notice him wriggle his brows and you roll your eyes, "for free."
Your knuckles turn white as they tighten around your broom handle.
"No thanks."
"You sure wanna pass this up?" He suddenly leans a little closer, smirk widening, "you could totally exploit this sexy brain of mine."
"What do you want from me, Kuroo?"
"Nothing much, just your dear old grumpy self," he replies cheerfully.
Your scowl deepens. But the offer is tempting. Potions is the only subject that you cannot get your head around and while you are aware of Kuro’s ginormous, self-inflated ego, you also know from a few of his classmates -- Daichi and Suga-- that he is quite the prodigy at Potions. 
But you don’t want to give him that satisfaction. You don’t want to give him more reason to get cocky and start another round of endless teasing where you’ll never hear the end of it. 
So you just press your lips together and mumble out a, "we'll see."
"Atta girl," and he waves a goodbye, but not before reaching over to ruffle your hair until your ponytail is barely hanging together, and you yelp in anger, having half a mind to really push him from his broom this time only to see him fly away just in time, that crooked chesire cat smile on his face. 
◇ ◇ ◇
"Hey hey hey,” Kuroo knows without looking that this voice belongs to none other than one of his two best friends, Bokuto Koutarou. It was a surprise really, that him and Bokuto had stuck together throughout all these years, considering that Bokuto was a Gryffindor, and him a Slytherin.
An arm drops onto his shoulder, his best friend’s grey strands tickling Kuroo’s cheek, “I saw Y/N today. She looked cute.” 
The Slytherin Beater snorted, “Cute is an overstatement.” 
“Ah Kuroo, seems you’re as oblivious as always,” Bokuto let out a heavy sigh as he plopped himself onto the library bench next to him, “do you realize that you spend more time in the library just so that you can see her?” 
“Bullshit. I come to the library to study,” the raven-haired man gestures towards his Defence of Dark Arts book currently sprawled out before him, which causes Bokuto’s eyebrow to raise in curiosity, “like hell you’re actually studying. Now tell me,” he leans closer, voice dropping to a murmur, “do you like her?” 
Kuroo’s brain actually backfires. He bursts out laughing, “what?!” he exclaims so loudly that it earns the pair a few glares thrown their way, to which they silently bow their heads in apology. 
Bokuto turns back to him, “Wow, Tsukki was right. You are thicker than you seem to be, despite that brain of yours.” 
"What?” Kuro frowns as he protests, “I’m not thick. And--you guys talk about me behind my back?!” 
“Of course we do,” Bokuto rolls his eyes as if it’s obvious before settling his chin into his palm, “especially since we’re curious as to why you enjoy spending your time with that little Hufflepuff mouse of yours--” 
“She’s not mine, and I definitely don’t enjoy spending time with her,” Kuroo can feel the heat travel all the way to his face, blossoming through his cheeks as embarrassment curls in his stomach, “I just--”
“You just like seeing her face.”
Both men turn towards the new alto to see the Ravenclaw prefect, Tsukishima, pull out a chair to sit himself opposite Kuroo before taking out his piece of parchment and ink. 
“Not you too?” Kuroo groans, head dropping to his book.
“Also, you might want to stop flirting with her while we’re on the Quidditch pitch,” Tsukishima continues nonchalantly without looking at him, long fingers turning through the pages to find the section he’s looking for, “I almost got my arm torn off by that Bludger, no thanks to you.”
"I wasn’t flirting with her.” 
“I don’t care. Just don’t do it during practice. It’s annoying,” the blonde smirked at Kuroo’s frustrated expression. 
“I was only asking whether she’d like some help with potions. Kenma told me she failed her last midterm. I was trying to be nice.” 
“Oh? Not because you actually wanted to spend more time alone with her?” Bokuto wriggled his brows suggestively, cackling like a crow when Kuroo responded by shoving his shoulder, “no! I don’t even see her that way. She’s not my type--”
“Oya oya oya, speaking of the devil,” Bokuto’s hand plonks onto Kuroo’s hair before twisting it in the direction of the library entrance. A second later, you appear looking a little disgruntled, if not mad.
Realizing that Bokuto’s hand is still weaved into his hair, Kuroo bats it away with more violence than necessary, which gets him a pointed look from Tsukishima’s golden orbs that he responds with a scowl of his own. But before he can voice out how annoyingly invested the pair seemed to be in his love life, he feels a hand tapping him on his shoulder.
Surprise causes him to frown at the sight of you. 
“If it isn’t my dear little Hufflepuff,” Kuroo’s mouth widens in that signature smirk while crossing his arms over his chest, “what can I help you with?” 
“Kenma told me that you’d be here,” you say.
“And I--” you bite your lip before averting your eyes and something in Kuroo stirs because goddamn he’s quite excited about what will fall from your mouth next. But he keeps his silence, waiting for you to battle it out with your pride, “I was wondering whether the offer still stands. For--tu--tutoring.” 
Your cheeks are blazing red at this point but Kuroo finds it somewhat adorable, what with the fact that you are dressed in an oversized Hufflepuff sweater that basically swallowa you whole. 
He forces his expression into a somewhat amused smirk, a little coy, just enough for you to get flustered, “what made you change your mind?” 
“My grades.” 
In the background, Tsukishima snorts. You flush a deeper red if that’s even possible.
“Alright, sure,” Kuroo grins up at you, mischief swimming in those golden feline orbs, “but on one condition.” 
“I thought you said it was free.” 
“I decided it’d be more fun to have you indebted to me.” 
Letting out a heavy sigh, you press your lips together, “what then? What do you want?” 
“I’ll let you know the details later,” he grins at you, “still haven’t figured it out yet.”
A few beats of silence pass between the two of you as you consider his offer, and he can certainly see the way your own pride measures up against your desperation, the way your orbs display your uneasiness as clearly as crystal water. It’s impossible for you to lie, but Kuroo hasn’t noticed how endearing it is, up until now.
And then, he hears Bokuto’s voice in the back of his mind: 
Do you like her? 
Kuroo blinks. Of course he doesn’t. Of course he doesn’t. 
He doesn’t. He does not.
“Fine,” your voice brings him out of his inner turmoil, “we have a deal.” 
◇ ◇ ◇
If someone had ever told you that one day you’d be sitting by Kuroo’s side to spend more than three hours sticking your noses into your Potion’s back, and actually enjoying it, you would’ve burst out laughing in their faces.
But that is exactly what you are doing right now. And no one is laughing. Definitely not you.
To be fair, Kuroo is not that bad of a tutor. He actually gets pretty into it once he calms down from his teasing high, which is quite a surprising feat considering that you have never seen him serious whenever you were around. It’s always about pricking you with his comments, saying stuff that will get under your skin just enough to get a reaction out of you. 
The first time you met up in the library, you had mentally prepared yourself so that you wouldn’t murder him halfway into the lesson. Your Hufflepuff counterparts had definitely been surprised, not just because your personalities and houses couldn’t have been more different if they tried, but because Kuroo had a reputation of a playful troublemaker, the kind that you usually stayed away from at all costs. 
“Are you sure this isn’t a trap, Y/N?” Your other close friend and classmate, Nishinoya Yu, had lifted his knife into the air with an aggressive swipe, “I can come with you and stab him if ever he does something--”
“Noya-kun I think I can stab him myself,” you reassured him through a mouthful of cereal. 
“Kuroo’s not all that bad,” Daichi had suggested tentatively, though you’d snorted in response. Yeah right, not all that bad? That was a word you could not associate with Kuroo Tetsurou. 
“If he pisses you off too much just ignore him,” Kenma had simply stated when you sought out his point of view on the matter, which seemed quite logical, a suggestion that you definitely took into consideration as you’d marched towards the library doors.
But all your efforts had been in vain. Sure, Kuroo had been his usual teasing self, ruffling your hair too many times that you could count and constantly snickering into his palm whenever you got your potions and terms all mixed up. But to your ultimate surprise, he’d been quite attentive to your needs and constantly fact-checked whether you’d understood the concept before continuing his explanation. More often times than none, you had found yourself gazing at his features as a realization settled deep into your mind; that Kuroo wasn’t all that bad looking after all, and that there was some kind of charm to his messy bed of raven hair and that smirk that seemed to infuriate you to no end. 
He’d even accompany you back to your dorm whenever you ended late albeit the fact that Slytherin and Hufflepuff weren’t that far apart. The chivalry touched you, despite it coming from the Slytherin Beater.
“Who would’ve thought the almighty Kuroo would be walking me to my door,” you comment on the first night it happens as you reach the said portrait leading to the Hufflepuff dormitory, “how surprisingly romantic of you.” 
You look up at him and your eyes can’t help but trace the span of his shoulders, taking note of his height and-- has he always been this tall? He’s a giant in comparison to your tiny figure of one hundred and sixty-three centimetres.
He merely chortles at your statement, “please, romance comes naturally to me,” he gestures his hands with extravagance to prove his point.
"Sure, big guy. If reciting off science puns at me counts as being romantic.” 
“Oi! They’re funny okay!? You laughed.” 
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re pitiful.” 
He shoves your head to the side playfully in response and you yelp, hands flying up to fix your ponytail for the nth time that night, “stop touching my head or I might think it’s your fetish or something.” 
“Even if it was, yours would be the last I’d be attracted to.” 
You chuckle, “try harder Kuroo. Your comebacks suck.” 
“Oh shut up midget.”
“Who’re you calling a midget?!”
Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been spending a lot of time in Kuroo’s presence that he grows on you, or maybe it’s the fact that he might not be as bad as you thought he was. But it turns out to be more comfortable to spend time hanging out with him, familiar in ways and yet exciting, thrilling. He’s a jungle of adrenaline and filled to the brim with jokes that are more lame than funny, and yet there’s some kind of comfort to know that he isn’t as unapproachable as you first thought him out to be. 
True to his word, Kuroo is quite brilliant at potions, and quite brilliant at sharing his knowledge in a way that actually makes sense. His natural flair of leadership and sympathetic understanding -- minus the jokes and the incessant teasing -- makes you wonder why he hasn’t been chosen as Quidditch Captain. 
When you ask your question out loud during one of your study sessions, Kuroo only smirks, “are you complimenting me?” 
“Just answer the damn question, Kuroo.”
"Jeez, aren’t you a little aggressive for a Hufflepuff?” he peeks at you from behind his raven bangs, “or should I call you..huffie puffie?” 
You flick his forehead and he yelps, “lame,” you deadpan, “answer me.” 
"They did ask me,” he says, leaning back to stretch out his long arms while you try not to focus on the sinewy veins of his forearms, “I refused.” 
His answer surprises you, “Why?” 
“Because Oikawa wanted it. You know him right?” 
Who didn’t know of Oikawa? He’s a walking prince, struts around Hogwarts like its’ his private garden with his endless servants in tow. 
"That’s it? That’s your reason?” 
“He’s my friend. Wouldn’t be fair to him if I stole the limelight.” 
“...are you sure you’re not secretly a Hufflepuff?”
“You mean a huffie puffie?” 
He ducks just in time to avoid your slap, cackling like crazy until one of the prefects swat you with one of their books upon passing by.
“No, I assure you I’m not a huffie puffie,” his smirk mellows out into a grin before his chin comes to a rest upon his palm, “and plus, I’m not cute enough to be in that house.” 
Heat springs through your cheeks. Is that a compliment or an insult? You’re not quite sure. 
You decide to play along anyway, “yeah you’re right. You’re not cute enough.” 
That does nothing to deter him however, as he keeps gazing down at you with those molten gold pupils half-closed with tenderness, almost lazy, which makes you feel like squirming in your seat. 
“What?” you bark out as you look away, “stop staring. You’re acting like a creep.” 
Chuckling and clearly not flustered by the fact that you’ve just caught him red-handed, the raven-haired Slytherin leans even closer, relishing in the way your face turns a bright scarlet. You lean away, slightly panicked, "wh--what do you think you’re doing?!”
“Oh nothing, just...” and with movements too quick to comprehend, you feel his fingers gently brushing against a stray strand of hair previously stuck to your lip. 
“So, as I was saying before you interrupted me,” and Kuroo proceeds to drone on about the equal amount of hair needed for the polyjuice potion, not minding the fact that you are practically burning as red as a fire engine while your heart seems to be racing like you’ve just an entire lap around the Quidditch field. 
I’m tired, you chant inwardly, I’m just tired. 
There’s no way your heart can be beating for someone like Kuroo Tetsurou.
◇ ◇ ◇
Kuroo is in deep shit and he knows it.
To be fair, he wouldn’t have been if not for an annoyingly stubborn Gryffindor paired with the dry sarcasm of a particular Ravenclaw that would constantly pass him subtle remarks about the indefinite amount of time he seems to be spending with a certain Hufflepuff Seeker.
“Did you tell her yet? When are you gonna tell her?! Can we be there?! Can we--” Kuroo groans and hides his face a little deeper in his arms at the breakfast table, knowing full well that reprimanding his friend will only cause the latter to double his volume. And granted, Kuroo does not want an audience, not this morning. Especially not when he is minutes away from facing you in the Quidditch field.
And as if that’s not bad enough, Tsukishima has this obnoxious smirk on his face ever since he’s joined them at the table, eating his cereal with unreasonable gusto for someone who finds eating troublesome.
"I’m surprised you figured it out this fast,” the said blonde had stated last evening as the trio sat, huddled around a makeshift magic fire in the Boy’s Prefect Bathroom. It had become their usual hiding spot over the years. 
Kuroo had opted for sipping onto his beer as he recalled the particular moment where he’d felt like he was floating on cloud nine. It had been that very morning itself where you had just gotten back your Potions test and without an ounce of hesitation, had bounded up to the Slytherin table during lunchtime, for once not minding the fact that there were a troop of Slytherins engulfing the raven-haired man on each side.
“Kuroo!” You’d shouted with such enthusiasm that your voice was almost unrecognizable, “Kuroo!” 
But Kuroo had recognized it, turning just in time to catch your excited figure in his arms. Surprise flitted over his face at your bold move but it didn’t seem like you cared at that particular moment, practically squealing while shoving your test in his face. 
“I did it! I got a B minus! That’s the best I’ve ever done in Potions so far!” you babbled in excitement, “you should’ve seen Snape’s face!” 
“Uh--that’s great, Y/N--” good lord, his hands had slipped onto your waist, right along your hip bone and his breathing stuttered at how close you were, “g--good job.”
At this point you had probably realized your compromising position but before you could scramble out, a teasing alto rung through the air:
"Got yourself a girlfriend, Tetsurou?"
Both your heads snapped at none other than Oikawa, whose eyebrows were raised in amusement, a smirk painted over his lips. You pinked as Kuroo barked out, "shut it, Oikawa."
"S--Sorry," you moved away so quickly that coldness swooped in through Kuroo's fingers, though he wished he could pull you right back.
And that, that had been like a slap in the face. Cold reality rushing through him as his heart throbbed.
Uh oh.
"Don't be such a wimp Kuroo," Bokuto'a alto brings him back to reality and Kuroo blinks, faced with none other than his best friend's grin, "where'd your confidence go now that you actually have a chance?!"
Kuroo doesn't bother replying. It's hard enough to face you without melting in a puddle of heat, how is he supposed to confess at this rate?
As the trio make their way to the Quidditch pitch, the Slytherin Beater’s eyes easily found you amidst the swarm of Green and Mustard yellow and he raised his hand up in mock salute, heart melting slightly at the shy nod you replied him with before looking away, cheeks flushed.
So cute.
“Now now, Tetsu-chan, not the time to be flirting with your girlfriend,” he feels a hand slap him on his back a little too harshly, causing him to throw a scowl at his Captain. Oikawa merely pulls out his tongue in response, before motioning him to take his place.
He forces your face out of his mind while climbing onto his broom, momentarily closing his eyes to focus on the cheerful chants coming from the bleachers. The Quaffle is thrown into the air, followed by the whistle. 
He kicks off so quickly from the ground that he’s a mere blur of silver and emerald zipping through the air, bat at the ready while his eyes dart back and forth. Kuroo spots a Bludger heading straight for one of his chasers and quickly veering off in the same direction, he swings his bat back, lunges forward--
The distant ache reveberates through Kuroo’s arm, but the smirk of satisfaction is obvious on his face. He proceeds onwards, forcing himself to keep his concentration on the balls so that his thoughts aren’t invaded by your presence, by the way you smile, or the blush on your cheeks--
Focus! He shakes his head. He swears he could use a good bashing on the head. He’ll never hear the end of it with Oikawa if he doesn’t do his job right.
A yell tears through the pitch.
“Watch out!” 
Kuroo’s head whips around on instinct. He doesn’t even have time to react as he spots the Bludger flying from the other end of the pitch and heading straight towards--
No. Blood drains from Kuroo’s face. He doesn’t think, doesn’t even second-guess his movements. He pushes forward onto his broom against his protesting muscles, against the voices that shout out his name in protest as the entire pitch turns into a cacophony of horrified yells and cries to get out of the way, get out of the way before--
A sickening crunch is heard and horror strikes him straight in the chest the moment he sees your body crumble, lips parting in a silent scream. 
Kuroo’s heart shatters into a million pieces.
◇ ◇ ◇
It’s so warm. You don’t feel like waking up. But instinct kicks in and you groan, an echo of pain jogging through every muscle in your body. It feels like you’ve just been run over by a truck and forcing your eyelids to peel open against the drowsiness, it takes a few seconds for you to register that this isn’t your room. 
Fresh laundry sheets, the sound of disinfectant in the air...This is no doubt the Hospital Wing.
You try to sit up but a muffled groan echoes through your throat when pain flares up on your right side. Jesus christ, you did really get run over by a truck. 
That’s when your gaze suddenly falls upon a mop of dark raven hair, feel the warmth of a calloused palm holding onto your free hand. 
And suddenly, you’re wide awake.
With the dark emerald cape hanging off his back and with his tousled bird’s nest of hair, it’s almost shockingly obvious that this is Kuroo. His face is currently buried in his other arm, which gives you the courage to reach out to gently rest your hand upon his head.
As if sensing your movements, the said raven-haired Slytherin lets out a soft groan of his own. Your hand instantly whips away and you watch, with a mixture of confusion and surprise, as his golden orbs blink away the sleep before they slowly come to focus. 
His breath hitches as you murmur out, “hey?” 
"Y--You’re awake?” He murmurs so low you barely make sense of his words, and before you can respond, the man has grabbed hold of your hands before bringing them to his lips, “Jesus christ, Y/N, I--I seriously thought--”
Your pulse only quickens, heart tugging with emotion when you catch sight of the wetness in Kuroo’s golden orbs. What? 
What is going on?
This Kuroo is not the one you are used to, looking like he’s unraveling at your very feet. In any normal circumstances, you would’ve definitely taken this advantage to tease him mercilessly, but that’s clearly impossible. You can’t do that to him, not when he’s gazing down at you like you’re worth a thousand paintings.
The thought makes your heart quiver in your chest. Warmth curls through your stomach.
“What...” you rasp out, “happened?”
“A bludger. Came out of nowhere. Headmaster thinks it got tweaked somehow, some stupid prank,” he is searching your eyes, reading your facial expressions like he’s worried you might drop dead any second. 
“Kuroo," you call him gently, “I’m fine.” 
And to your utmost surprise, the raven-haired Slytherin’s eyes flutter towards your hands, lips peppering a rain of kisses along your knuckles. They leave a trail of heat that causes your breath to hitch in the back of your throat, “Wha--”
“I thought I'd lost you, Y/N. Don't--" his voice chokes up, gaze running up to lock with yours, "don't ever scare me lile that. Fuck, kitten, what would I have done--"
Your own breath hitches. Your eyes grow wide.
Kuroo seems to realize the same thing, hand slapping over his mouth in shock.
"What--" you splutter out. Suddenly, all your pain is forgotten, "did you call me?"
Kuroo swallows thickly as the silence settles between you two.
Then, he breaths in slow and squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, before opening them back to lock eyes with yours.
What swims in his golden feline pupils makes your breath catch.
"I like you," he murmurs, "I've liked you for a while but was too much of a coward to say it. And I guess-- seeing you so hurt scared me. I don't think I've ever been so scared before."
Your skin is basically burning at this point, a volcano of feelings bursting inside you that makes you want to crawl into a hole and hide there forever. But Kuroo's eyes, despite having the slightest tinge of blush littering his cheeks, is still latched onto your features. Unwavering, probing. Questioning.
He likes you.
He likes you.
"You mean--like? As a--"
"More than a friend," he simply says.
Your mouth opens into a small silent Oh.
You don't know what to say. What to do.
Because in truth, if you really have to be honest with yourself, your heart definitely beats for this particular Slytherin. For god knows whatever reason, he’s been on your mind and in your heart for a few weeks now. 
You wish to say something. Anything. But your throat is dry. You cough it out, swallow and slowly let out a soft breath before your orbs slowly flutter to your lap, to your hands that Kuroo has grasped so tenderly in his hold.
“The feeling--” you gulp back your pride, “the feeling is mutual, I guess.” 
You don’t have to look at Kuroo to know that there’s a huge grin that blossoms across his face and not even a second later you’re rewarded another rain of kisses upon your knuckles. Gasping slightly at his boldness, his grin mellows out into that teasing smirk you know so well, though it does bring about a few butterflies roaming through your stomach.
“Ooh, mutual now is it?” Kuroo’s smirk broadens like a cat about to go for a chase and you squirm in your bed, hating how quickly the tables have turned, “weren’t you the one blushing like an idiot just a few seconds ago?!” you splutter out as a miserable defence.
He merely cackles though, leaning in so close that you yelp, “remember about my condition for tutoring you?” 
He’s so close that your noses bump into each other. It doesn’t help your heart from running an erratic race inside your chest.
You scramble for coherence, “w--what about it?”
“I figured out what it is.” 
You try -- and fail -- to lean away when Kuroo’s hand slips up to cradle the side of your cheek, and your body reacts like wildfire, troops of butterflies erupting in your stomach at his tender caress.
“Let me kiss you?” Kuroo mumbles out with a hoarse alto, so hoarse it makes you shiver and your toes to curl in delight, spurred on by the words that have just left his mouth.
Gold pupils meet yours. Then, your head dips into a shy nod.
Kuroo’s mouth is warm, and soft, and pleasant. He kisses you slowly, gently, like he’s afraid you’d run away if he pressed on too quickly. You’re not used to it, but you feel like it can grow on you. The way your body relaxes into the kiss has the raven-haired man more confident. His thumb traces your cheek while he slants his head a little more to capture your bottom lips with his own, sucking slightly. 
You gasp at the sensation and he smirks -- just barely -- and proceeds to kiss you a little deeper. Deep enough, firmly enough that you can’t help the whimper that escapes you.
“Cute,” Kuroo mumbles against your lips, retracting so that you can breathe. You haven’t realised up until now, that your hands have made their way to the back of Kuroo’s cloak to tug him closer, or how the said man is literally half-sprawled across your hospital bed. 
That is, until you hear a certain voice shout out:
“Oya Oya! What do I see here?!” 
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dreamersdreamloud · 4 years ago
Please Help My Daughter
Lena Luthor x Lena’s Daughter x Doctor Reader 
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Lena was running many yellow lights and ran more than two red lights to get to the hospital. Although she was so focused on the road ahead, she glanced at her 5 year-old daughter in the passenger seat to see if she’s holding okay. 
A bomb went off at L-Corp and no one knows how it happened or who did it. Many paramedics came to the scene and attended the most wounded. Supergirl was busy directing everyone to safety and looking if there’s people who needed the most help from the explosion. The option that Lena took was to personally take her daughter to the hospital with her sports car. 
Her daughter was carrying a few deep cuts and oncoming bruises. Lena thinks that her little may be suffering a concussion due to both of falling to the ground from the impacted explosion. 
Arriving at Luthor’s hospital, Lena gently but hurriedly grabs her daughter and throws her keys to the security guard. A few steps into the entrance, a nurse was already rushing towards her. The nurse recognized her and immediately placed her inside the ER and gave her a private area. The nurse mentioned that a doctor will see them very shortly and leave quickly to attend other injured patients. 
The hospital became hectic that you had to cut your lunch break short. Many patients were coming in from left to right that all doctors were needed on the floors. Nurses were running all around and doctors would pull from one place to another. 
“Dr.(Y/LN)! You’re needed in room 205!” A nurse shouts at you while finishing up someone’s broken arm. 
You’re one of the top doctors in this hospital and sometimes it was just tiring. In types of emergencies like these, the nurses know that they can only grab your attention if someone is badly injured, if someone is dying, or if a family emergency has come up. 
You didn’t have the time to question the nurse’s request but you honored it and head to room 205 to see what the fuss was all about. The door was wide open and you could see a little girl sitting on the medical bed and you thought that she was alone until a woman literally jumped in front of you when you stepped inside. 
“Please help my daughter!” The young looking raven-haired nearly shouts at you. You know she didn’t mean to be so demanding, she just cares for her little girl’s wellbeing. 
“That’s what I’m here for ma’am. Please, just sit over there and I’ll see what I can do.” You say in a calming tone. She quickly nods and sits. 
You approach the little girl. By looking at her hair and the small features of her face, she looks like the woman who jumped her. Must be her daughter you thought to yourself. 
“Hi, sweetheart. Do you mind if I can check your arms and your head?” 
The little girl is shy and just nods her head for approval. You see dry blood all over and a little on the side of her head. You gently hold her head and look around for any more intrusion. 
“What’s your name sweetheart?” 
It took her a little awhile to reply, “Lori.” 
“Lori? That’s such a pretty name for a pretty girl.” You smile at her. Making small conversations to children helps them feel comfortable. You want her to feel comfortable with your actions and reassure that you’re not a threat in any way. 
“Okay, Lori. So I’m going to patch up these cuts and then I’ll take you to the CT room to scan your head to look for internal injuries. So far you seem good since you haven’t passed out or vomited.” 
You look towards the raven haired woman, “is that okay with you Mrs.Luthor?” 
She looks surprised that you knew who she is, “I - yes! That’s totally fine with me.” 
You got to work right away by cleaning up the dry blood and patching up the little girl. Then you directed the two to the CT room and let your colleague do their work on the little girl. Lena stands next to while you two wait on the other side of the window. 
“How did you know who I am?” She questions you. 
“You’re very well known Mrs.Luthor. You own this hospital, it’s only right that I know who my boss is.” You simply replied. 
She blushes but then realizes something, “it’s actually Miss Luthor. I’m not married.” 
You turn to face her, “Oh! I apologize! I’m sorry for assuming such things-“ 
“Oh no! It’s not your fault. I was never married actually. Lori was unplanned but she’s a blessing.” 
She looks like was going to have a breakdown. It was unprofessional of you but you gave her a hug. She was a bit surprised but she clings on to you. She needed the hug so you let her take her time and just waited for her to let go when she’s ready. 
“I know you’re my boss but it seems like you needed that.” You smile at the short raven-haired which she also gave back. 
“Thank you.” 
The three of you went back to the room. Next, you help assist Lena’s wounds and check for any serious injuries that she might not notice due to all the adrenaline. You didn’t see it before but you realized there was a blood
 spot on her shoulder. 
“Miss Luthor. May I check your shoulder? It seems like you’re bleeding there.” 
“Oh! I didn’t realize. No wonder my shoulder feels a bit sore.” 
“No worries. Do you mind taking off your shirt? I need to clean the wound and patch it up.” 
Lena complied and watched you do your thing. You can hear her breathing in deeply as if she was trying to control herself. It was hard to tell if she was trying to suppress her pain or that she was just feeling nervous. Lena was actually trying to control her heart from racing so much from the light touches you were doing to her. 
She then stares at you instead of your working hands. Her eyes focus on your eyes then your lips. She wants to inch forward and seal those lips with hers but that would be inappropriate for her daughter to witness. 
“‘Mommy! I’m hungry!” Lori interrupts the moment and breaks off. You both laughed at the child’s complaint and proceeded to finish. 
“Ha. I’m hungry too, kiddo. I wished my lunch lasted longer but I don’t mind helping both you and your mommy out.” 
“Oh god. I’m so sorry.” Lena feels bad. 
“Oh no. You’re fine Miss Luthor. I love helping people. We can’t help when there’s an emergency you know.” 
When you’re done with Lena, you’re idiot gay ass was caught staring at the woman buttoning up her dress shirt. You look down at your tablet and finish up the digital paperwork. 
“Um you’re all done Miss Luthor. I just need you to sign here.” 
You guide the mother and child to the exit. You honestly didn’t want them to leave. You wanted to ask Lena on a date but you already assume that it’s not a great idea for you to date your boss. 
“Alright you two. Please take your care of your wounds and make sure to change the bandages to avoid infections.” 
Lori hugs your leg, “thank you, Doctor.” 
You equally hug her back and Lena smiles at this affection you’re giving to her child. 
Lori makes a request, “Will you like to come and eat dinner with us?” 
“Oh I um-” you back up to Lena to see that you need help replying. 
“Lori, I’m sure Dr.(Y/L/N) may be busy tonight.” 
“Please join us.” The little girl begs to you. You gave into the puppy look of he daughter and agreed to join them for tonight. 
“I’m sorry that I’m taking you away. Maybe I can talk to her in the car and say you can’t-“ 
“Nonsense! It’s fine Miss Luthor. I don’t mind. I just think she needs me to be around a little more due to the event that happened today. Maybe this is her way to cope.” 
Lena totally agrees but at the same time it was a benefit to her that she gets to spend more time with you. 
“Since you’re going to have dinner with us. You must call me, Lena.” 
“Hmm. Then you must call me, (Y/N).” 
“Can we please go now. I’m really hungry.” Lori interrupts again. 
“Okay!” You gently carry the little girl up and start walking towards the exit to get to the parking lot. Lena can’t help but giggle. She was having a good feeling about you. She’s planning ahead on how she wants to keep you around for not just herself but also for her daughter. 
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crimson-mage-02 · 4 years ago
Christmas Treat (Smut)
Summary: Damian and Raven had moved in their new home during the Christmas break while Damian thought through one of his hardest decisions if he ever want to inherit the Wayne enterprises. Meanwhile, Raven has a surprising Christmas treat for him.
Hope you all enjoy! @ravenfan1242, here is my fic. Hope you like it! 
A/N: If you do not wish to read it as it is smut, you can keep scrolling down the page. And if some of you readers do not support this ship, do not read it. I do not want to make anyone uncomfortable or I do not want any hate. Please, read the title before reading. Thank you. 
It was a lovely snowy day in all of the Jump City. It was Christmas Day, and everyone were all excited to see everyone for the break and celebrate it together. Damian had bought the house outside of Jump City where they can see the city clearly and the Titans Tower.
He wanted to make sure he had all of the privacy for himself and for his beloved girlfriend, Raven who was putting up Christmas decorations on the doors, on the wall and on the kitchen bench. She has been cheery all day long.
Damian and Conner got their couch in the living room with the wide screen tv, while Conner was admiring the architecture inside their house and smooth marbled floor in the lounge room. “Wow, looks like you had picked the right place to live in.”
“Yeah, nice digs!” Gar complimented with a grin as he winked at Damian who rolled his eyes in annoyance.
“Wow! Raven these decorations are so well done!” Donna chimed as she skipped into the house placing two trays of food on the counter.
“Yeah, I like what you had done to the place.” Tara nodded in agreement looking at the chandelier in the dining room with the golden metal were curved as a raven. She noticed all of their photos from their time as Titans were on the walls and on the table in the lounge.
“It is looking great, guys. But you got the beds next Damian. I can help.” Jaime offered.
“That would be great, thanks.” Damian smiled at his friends and turned to Raven who approached him. “How are the decorations, beloved?”
“Going well, but we need a Christmas tree still.” Raven replied as she kissed him on the lips before heading to carry a box in her hands. “And we need to get our clothes in our new bedroom.”
“Of course. I also need mine inside as well as I get the mattresses out.” Damian nodded. “Sorry, if I haven’t been much help in the house.”
“Dami, it’s fine. I can handle it. Me and the girls were going to decorate the house while you guys get the wine and beer from the shops.” Raven smiled at him. “But don’t let Jaime and Gar get crazy with the beer. Not like the last time.”
“Oh, yeah, I remember that time when we were nearly arrested. They are lucky that your father was there, Muscle Man.” Tara said to him.
“That was one time. And we won’t do it ever again, mama!” Gar exclaimed as he pleaded to his girlfriend. Tara chuckled in amusement as she put a mistletoe above his head and kissed him on his cheek. “Good.”
“So what time is this lovely feast going to be?” Donna asked.
“Oh, well, we could have it tonight if you all are feeling up to it.” Raven smiled at their friends who were all looking at one another with worried expressions. “You cannot make it, can you?”
“Well, Jaime has a hot date with Traci and me and Gar will be at the Tower ourselves while Dick and Kori will be away.” Terra said as she looked over at the newest couple Conner and Donna feeding each other with some cookies. “Not sure about those two.”
“Hmm, would it be alright if we all come at Christmas Eve for the dinner and then at New Years?” Damian suggested.
“Hmm, I like it. And I can introduce Traci you all guys.” Jaime nodded in agreement as Wally came in with some Christmas donuts.  
“Anyone?” Wally offered with a sheepish smile. “So, I heard Christmas Eve and New Years Day dinner here at the new love birds house. I’m in.”
“Sound wonderful, but girls, we are still going to do some Christmas shopping after?” Donna asked with a smile.
“Of course, I still have a few ideas for a present for our team leader here. And I know who will present it for him.” Terra slyly grinned at Raven who blushed deep red while Damian stood oblivious, looking at the girls in confusion.
“Well this time, Damian and us boys are going on a night patrol.” Gar grinned with Conner leaning on his shoulder.
“Yup. It will be us guys, fighting crime along with some nice manly time.” Conner chuckled as she fixed the collar of his shirt and winked at Donna who blushed light pink. “But first, let’s get that huge bed of yours in your new room.”
Damian got inside the truck and him and Jaime got the mattresses out with Conner guiding them inside the house with the girls helping Raven with the decorations in the lounge. They had already decorated the railings of the stairs and had placed the photos on the wall.
Once they had done putting the beds all together in the room, the boys got ready to go out and do their patrol while the girls already went shopping. Damian made sure that the doors stay locked with Titus slept on the floor in the lounge peacefully.
In the city, Damian kicked the last one of the thieves that was escaping from the jewellery store with Kid Flash running out with a tied-up thieves and Conner stood beside him with one tied up man with his mouth gagged.
“Okay, that’s it for now.” Conner smiled while getting the lasso back he had borrowed from Donna.
Kid Flash, Gar and Jaime had joined them in handing them to the authorities while Gordon thanked them all and had wished them a Merry Christmas. “Alright boys, you better get going if you don’t want to miss in spending more time with your girls.”
“Oh, I can think of who cannot wait to get their hands on his woman.” Conner wiggled his eyebrows at Damian who slapped him on the back of his head.
“Heh, we all have girlfriends, and I am not sure of Kid here.” Gar pointed at Kid Flash who had his arms crossed.
“Come on, is it really hard to believe that I have a girlfriend now? I mean I dated her for three years now.” Kid Flash explained to his friends.
“Hmm, we shall need more proof.” Damian smirked at the speedster.
Gordon laughed lightly and then wiped his glasses. “Ah, I remember my time at your age. Always about girls. Remember keep them close and it will be all worth it.”
That made Damian think of Raven and smiled at the thought of living with her in their house after moving out of their apartment. He was glad he had found his love, to share his world with, to be able to be more open with her. Be able to share their emotions. To be at ease with each other.
“Well, uh, I will get everything here sorted. You boys go have fun.” Gordon smiled at them and the walked off to his car with the other police officers thanking them and greeted them a very nice Christmas.
The boys went on top of a building near Wayne Enterprises with Damian looking at it, he was to inherit the company but what if he didn’t want to inherit it and wanted to do something different than working where his father worked.
“So, your girlfriend….is she a hero or a normal girl?” Conner asked while he was texting his girlfriend on his phone with a grin on his face.
“Guys, come on. Why is it so hard to believe I do have a girlfriend?” Kid Flash exasperated looking at his friends.
“Don’t know. We’d just didn’t pictured you as a serious type. So you guys are like have an apartment or….?” Jaime asked.
“Yes, we got an apartment outside of her university campus. We adopted a dog together and we are in Vietnamese lit class together. We are nearly graduating. Oh man…mine is due at 8am in the morning.” Wally groaned in frustration. “Well, it is nearly the Christmas break, so I should be able to do it.”
“What’s her name?” Gar asked with Damian coming to his side to hear this conversation.
“Her name is Artemis Lian Crock.” Wally replied with love in his voice. “Aw man, I cannot wait until I come home. I mean, she said she’ll be waiting for me after this.”
“Wow… looks like you guys are so serious. Congratulations, West.” Damian smiled at his friend and teammate.
“Thanks, man. Now I hope you don’t mind. I should get going.” Wally saluted as he ran off the building to see his girlfriend leaving the rest of the team on the building.
“Man, I cannot believe that all of us have girlfriends and are moving in different directions. Damian is finally going to move in a new house with Raven, Jaime, you are with your girlfriend and are moving in together, Conner is with Donna and here I am, living with Terra.” Garfield smiled as he sat on the edge of the building.
“Life can be exciting.” Jaime nodded with the snow falling down on them. “I remember it was just us three boys and now five of us.”
“Yes, we had come a long way.” Damian nodded in agreement with a smile with the snow falling down on them and he put on his hood on. “I think you all are dying to go home and celebrate Christmas with your girlfriends. It is safe for me to say we are done for the night.”
“Aw, thank you so much!” Conner dramatically hugged him with a pat on the back and then pulled back away from him. “Have a lovely evening with Raven. But I must warn you, do not hurt her and if you did, I’ll punch you in the face.”
“Conner, you know I will never hurt her. We have been together for 5 years.” Damian pointed out, trying to get him to calm down.
“Oh, well, then, I have no problem with that at all.” Conner chuckled as he started to fly up into the starry night. He was already excited to see Donna after their nightly patrol. He has plenty of plans for the Christmas season.
“Well, I better get going, Traci really wanted to watch more Christmas movies at home.” Jaime grinned as he flew in another direction with Garfield smiling brightly. Damian watched him transforming and jumped roof to roof until he cannot see him. He might need to go and help Raven get everything all sorted out in their new home.
Damian walked towards to the door hearing Titus barking excitedly. He smiled softly and opened the door seeing Titus was dressed as a reindeer with a bell collar around his neck. He chuckled in amusement. “Hey, boy, looks like you had fun with Rachel, hmm?”
He closed the doors behind him and took off his cape and took off his shoes with Titus running out to the backyard, much to his confusion. “Titus, don’t you want your food, boy? Oh…well, uh Rachel? Rachel, you here?” Damian called out to his girlfriend but no answer.
He walked towards the kitchen to try and cook some dinner for himself and Raven. Once he made a turn to the kitchen he stood in shock. “R-R-Rachel?! What are—where did you g-get that outfit?!”
Raven blushed and hugged herself, covering her cleavage from him. She was wearing a Santa Claus outfit with a skirt and fishnet leggings. Her hair was braided with a mistletoe hair tie. Damian blushed as he had his hand over his mouth, looking at his girlfriend.
“I uh, well, thought it would be nice to try on the costume that Terra and Donna had bought for me.” Raven replied shyly while hugging herself tightly, looking away with a blush on her cheeks.
“O-Oh? Y-You look stunning in that dress.” Damian cleared his throat and then smiled widely. “So, are you going to wear that during our first Christmas dinner in our new house?” He held her arms gently while looking into her amethyst eyes.
“W-well, I suppose. I was wondering if you really do like it.” Raven mumbled as she looked away from him. He was leaning down for a kiss, but she moved away much to his disappointment and heard her giggling softly.
“While the girls had left and you were at your patrol, I was making some dinner while you were you gone. I got the last box unpacked and I put all of my books in our spare room.” Raven said as she got the pot on the table with him helping her getting the spoons and forks. “I don’t know what we could do for the spare room.”
“Maybe we could save it for something else? Have you ever… consider having children?” Damian asked her.
Raven sat back down on her chair and looked at him with a smile, placing her hand on hers. She always wanted to have a child or children. She never thought of having a family and she would love to start a family with him someday.
“Of course I do. But not right now.” Raven replied with a smile as she put a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“I understand.” Damian smiled, looking into her eyes lovingly and then placed his lips on hers softly. Feeling the warmth from her lips and moaned softly. They broke apart from their kiss and had started with their first dinner in their new house.
“So, have you thought of your father’s offer?” Raven asked him while pouring some warm milk for themselves. She heard Damian sighing softly and crossed his arms.
“I do not know, beloved. I-I mean it is such an honour to inherit it but right now, I felt that…I am not ready yet. Father and I had talked about it. He said he would wait for my answer to his offer.” Damian replied.
“Then when the time comes, you’ll know what to say.” Raven smiled at him, standing up from her chair and kissed him on his forehead before going to the counter. She looked at her boyfriend’s back and then smacked her lips together as she looked down at her outfit with a tight-fitting Santa Claus outfit. “So…. Do you…want some dessert?”
“Hmm I would love to try though I am not a sweet tooth, beloved. Sorry.” Damian replied, putting the pot back on the stove and the plates and cutleries in the sink.
Raven huffed softly seeing how he was being oblivious to her now even she was still wearing her costume for him. In their very first house. She was hoping she would make it extra special for him. After all of his hard work, he really does deserve to have some time to relax himself. And herself.
“So, the table is all cleaned, I shall feed Titus. Wherever he may be.” Damian said looking out the windows. “I’ll meet you upstairs, beloved.” He got a bowl with some dog food for Titus and walked out to their backyard while Raven had an idea in mind.
“Here you go, boy.” Damian smiled and then looked at his new dog house. “Looks like you already made yourself at home. Tomorrow we’ll have to find some new plants here for Rachel.” He pet Titus and walked back inside the house, locking the door behind him.
He went to the shower to get himself all freshen up. There was two toilets in this new house, one was near his new office and training room. He was going to put all of his clothes in his new bedroom with Raven. He got into his comfortable clothes while drying his hair with a towel and walked towards his bed room but stopped seeing petals trailed all over in the hallway.
Damian raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side. “Rachel?” He heard her not answering him when he was calling her. He slowly walked inside their room seeing more rose petals on the bed and candles lit up. He gulped nervously as he looked for his girlfriend. “Rachel?”
“Yes, Damian?” Raven appeared from their bathroom, now in a different outfit. She just had the red shirt with a belt, resembled as Santa Claus while still wearing her fishnet stockings, with no skirt on.  
Damian was trying to restrain himself from pinning her onto the bed like last time. “You like what you see, Dami?” Raven asked softly, whispering in his ear as he shuddered. Feeling her hands where on his chest.
Then he breathed out shakily, feeling her soft and delicate hands were trailing down his arms and then heard something clicking. He looked down in confusion and saw he was now in his own cuffs.
“W-Where did you get these?” Damian asked her.
“I got it from your costume in the closet. You forgot to pack it all away after moving the mattress and the bed in here.” Raven replied with a smirk as she pushed him onto the bed. “Now, it is time for your early Christmas present.”
Now, that was unexpected of her to do this. He never knew she had it in her. He grunted softly, feeling her hand was rubbing against his cock. She hasn’t taken off his pants, yet she was teasing him. He cannot help…but it felt so good. He grunted and moan much to Raven’s satisfaction.
“You like that?” Raven whispered against his ear and trailed kissed on his neck while she rubbed her knee in between his legs to get another reaction. Hearing him shouting out with pleasure. He gritted his teeth, opening his eyes and watched her every move as her cheeks were tainted light pink.
“Yes, I like it very much, Rachel.” Damian panted softly while smiling as his emerald eyes shone brightly.
“Good.” Raven smirked and then unzipped his pants, taking off them off as well as his underwear, seeing his dick was already hard. She gasped softly and stared at it with admiration while her hand gently touching it, then stroked it while he shuddered.
“Rachel… Gahh!” Damian groaned, feeling her rubbing his dick and licked it with her tongue, begun sucking it while squeezed his balls. She loved hearing his soft groans and moans. It made her crazy enough to wait a whole month for him from his mission with the Bat family.
A month was easy enough to make her feel more crazy and wanted him more. She wanted more of him. She sucked the whole dick and muffled against it with more hot cum, shooting in her mouth, pulled away from it and licked her lips. “Wow… you came a lot.”
Damian panted, laughed while smirking. “It’s all your magical tongue of yours. Is there more surprised I should know about, beloved?”
“Hmm, you’ll see. But this time, it’s my turn and I will unwrap your present if you behave well, Mr Wayne. You have been in the naughty list for making me wait for the entire month from your mission.” Raven grinned as she took off her costume, leaving out her stockings.
He was enjoying the view that was being displayed in front of him. He licked his lips as he sat up and tried to holding her waist but remembered he was cuffed. “Nah uh, not yet bad bird.” Raven chuckled sexily as she bent down and took off his pants and his underwear.
She stroked his dick again and he grunted and clenched his fists tightly while feeling a warm tongue licking the tip. She moaned as she sucked in all of him. “Mmm, you got big… and so damn hard.”
“Beloved…. Can you please take this cuff off? I don’t know how much I can take it anymore…Ahh!” Damian moaned, holding her head while she continued to suck his dick. Then he came again, this time, in her mouth, letting her drink all of his juice.
She licked her lips, tasting the hot juice in her mouth. She looked up at him and grinned. She got the key from the bedside table and uncuffed him. Damian crashed his lips onto her and pushed her into the bed. Kissing her hard while grinding his body into hers while, exploring her curves and breasts, massaging one as he bit one nipple while licking it. She moaned loudly while holding him tightly and wrapped her legs around his waist.
He broke away from the kiss and took off his shirt, making her see the brilliant sight in front of her. She let her hands touch his chest and abs, she bit her lip when she saw him fingering her with two fingers as she screamed and moaned loudly.
He grinned and decided to put in a third finger to make her even more satisfied. “How do you like that, beloved?” Damian growled softly while kissing and sucking her neck, leaving hickeys.
“Mmm, I want you…now.” Raven demanded as she laid her head back on her pillow while he smirked, taking off his pants and underwear. He bent down and straightened his dick lined up then thrusted himself into her, making her dug her nails in deeper into his toned back.
He thrusted in her roughly with her legs on his shoulders bending her body a bit while she moaned loudly and panted heavily while looking into his emerald eyes. “That…that feels so good.”
Damian put down her legs as he pulled away and then turned her body and thrusted his dick into her once again, making her shout out while he smacked her ass while her insides were squeezing his dick tightly, making him groan louder and slapped her ass hard, making her scream again.
She stood on all fours, making him thrust in her more harder and faster, picking up the pace. He leaned down, grabbing hold of her bouncing breasts, while he had pinned her down. “Ahh! Dami. I’m coming!”
“As will I!” Damian grunted, holding her body tightly as he came into her with her screaming out with pleasure before they both collapsed on their bed and panted heavily. Damian got up and turned her body to face him. He looked into her eyes and then leaned down for a passionate deep kiss on her lips with her playing with his locks.
“Now that was a great Christmas treat, beloved.” Damian sighed contently as he laid his back on the pillow with her chuckling softly and laid next him.
“I am glad. You have been away for the entire month and I could not wait to have sex with you.” Raven said, trailing circles on his abs.
“Sorry, beloved. My father insists and he has talked about inheriting his company one day. I-I just know that there was something missing in my life. I got a few family and you. But I felt that I wanted more. Like…. Like a…”
“A family?” Raven asked him with him looking at her.
“Yes, correct. A family.” Damian smiled and felt her straddling on his lap.
“Well, we could get to work, Mr. Wayne.” Raven smirked as she kissed him while they had their tongues dancing and fighting for dominance. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her ass tightly with her muffling against his lips.
“Care for round two?” Damian growled as he bit on her neck, giving her another hickey while she moaned, biting her lips, holding his head closer to her. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Raven giggled as she got on his lap, grinding her clitoris against his hard cock and then put it inside her, while biting her lips. She moaned in pleasure while he held onto her curves gently while kissing her neck.
She began to move slowly and steady, while Damian held her body closer to him and she let him bury himself in her chest while moving around, letting her wrap her legs around him, started to move more faster to keep up the pace while he started to thrust and grind onto her, making her groan and moaned with pleasure.
He trailed his kisses on her neck down to her breast. Raven bit her lip as she grind herself deeper while she moved around with his cock inside of her. She never felt good in her entire life! She leaned her head back while he sucked onto her neck and held it with his other free hand.
He switched, he laid her back into the headboard and he stood on his knees and started to thrusted into her more harder and faster with both of her legs on his shoulders while she held on the head board. They both groaned and moaned louder with Damian grunting in effort to make her even more satisfied.  
He picked up the pace. “Ahh! Dami!” She screamed while he slapped her ass while his other hand massaged her left breast, and his right hand holding her waist to keep her steady as he thrusted into her slowly, all the way into her womb as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Ahh!”
She felt him cumming into her while her entire body shook with pleasure and he set her down, pulling her legs up and bend it down towards her face and started to thrust more harder, while she gripped into the sheets. “There! Damian! That’s…that’s the spot!” Raven panted softly while looking into his emerald eyes.
They both panted, moaned loudly while their bed was shaking underneath them with Raven shouting out while feeling his hot cock pushing in with juice shooting in her. Feeling the hot sensation inside of her while she held Damian’s hands.
He panted heavily while feeling her trembling hand caressing his cheeks with a smile. They both cuddled underneath the sheets with Damian laying down next to her while she laid down on his arm, hugging him tightly. She smiled contently seeing this was the best Christmas treat ever.
“Ah, well, you did certainly learned some new moves.” Raven chuckled while he laughed softly.
“Of course, anything to keep my beloved Rachel satisfied. What type of man would I be if I didn’t do that?” Damian asked her with a smirk on his face. She laughed along with him and then caressed his cheek as they both leaned in for another kiss on the lips.
“Thank you. It was worth waiting for one month after your mission.” Raven sighed contently with his arm wrapped around her shoulder, rubbing his thumb against her soft and smooth skin. He smiled hearing her drifting to sleep. He put a few strands of her hair out of the way to let him watch her sleep peacefully. He turned off the lights and slept with her underneath their sheets. Enjoying each other’s companies and their embrace.
Few weeks later
Early in the morning, Damian woke up first to cook some breakfast, he let his girlfriend sleep in while he grabbed his shorts and walked downstairs. He went out to unlock the door and called Titus in for breakfast.
He got out his treats from the cupboard where Raven had told him it would be. He also got out some pans to cook the eggs and some bacon. He cooked some eggs while flipping the bacon. Titus barked at him with his tail wagging back and forth.
“Alright, alright, here.” Damian chuckled, giving him some bacon.
Once he had finished cooking the eggs and bacon, he got themselves some toast to go along with it. He set them on the table neatly with some red roses placed in the centre of the table. He walked up the stairs only hear Raven was throwing up in their bathroom.
He knocked on the door. “May I come in?”
“Yes.” Raven replied, while holding her hair back. Then felt his warm hand, rubbing her back while tying up her hair up to keep it out of the way. He continued to rub her back a few times and gave her soothing comforting words.
“Sorry, I didn’t know I was going to feel unwell today.” Raven apologised, wiping her mouth in the sink.
“It is quite alright, Rachel. Maybe you can skip work today while I go and visit Father. Perhaps seeing the doctor would do you good.” Damian suggested to her.
“I don’t get it. I was feeling fine yesterday.” Raven hummed, putting her hand to her chin, thinking of possibilities on why she was feeling sick…..then it hit her. “Uh…Damian…. Do you uh, by any chance, used protection?”
Damian thought back on their tryst weeks before Christmas and the days before they moved in their new house after going on a mission. He thought long and hard then realised he…he… he didn’t use protection! He didn’t use it and he was busy being enchanted by her beauty and elegancy!
“Dami? You did, right?” Raven asked sternly with her hands glowing bright purple.
“No. I didn’t! I forgot to put it on when we did it.” Damian replied nervously while seeing her blank expression and then it changed into a determined look, getting something from the cupboard.
“Go! I may need some privacy!” Raven exclaimed, pushing her boyfriend out of their bathroom. He decided to wait while sitting on their bed. He was wondering if everything was alright or not. Or maybe perhaps, he made her feel uncomfortable?
He made sure she was comfortable in their relationship. It has been 5 years since they gotten together and now are living together. He made sure he listens to her while she listens to him. Both made sure they live the best of their lives.
His eyes glanced over at his closet and spied on the little box. He was hoping he would propose but he wanted to wait for the right time comes. They are still young. He is 21 and she is 22 years old. Both may not capable to have children but are dreaming to have children in the future.
He heard the door opening seeing her holding a pregnancy test in her hands. His eyes widened and realised it may be positive. “It is...positive, Dami. We are going to have a baby.” Raven smiled softly at him.
“R-Really?” Damian asked as he hugged her in his strong arms. “We-we’re going to be parents! W-what about your work?”
“Oh, I will tell my boss what has happened. And although, we are still young, you still work for your dad and well, you are still Robin.” Raven rambled while looking at the test in her hands.
“Hey, beloved, everything will be fine. I am sure of it. I’ll be there for you and I’ll protect the two of you so matter what. I promise.” Damian promised her while kissing her softly on the lips. “I know this is sudden, I am truly blessed to have our little bird coming in our lives.”
Raven laughed at this statement and watched him hugging her around her waist with his ear pressed against her belly where their baby is growing. She placed her hand on top of his head while he smiled softly. “Thank you, Damian. I love you.”
“I love you too, beloved.” Damian smiled lovingly as he stood up on his feet and leaned down for a gentle kiss with his arms securely around her waist carefully, trying not to hurt their baby.
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pretend-writer · 4 years ago
Down Below (Chapter 70)
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Summary: After being sent down on Earth with the other prisoners from the Ark, Y/N Reyes faces series of events and learns about survival. With new things happening around her, she is now starting a new chapter in her life.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, John Murphy x reader, Raven Reyes x sister!reader
Word Count: 2.2k words
Warning: swearing, injuries
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As I opened my eyes, I felt a massive headache as if I had too much to drink the night before. Not to mention the body ache from the force field I ran into was still there.
Clarke still chained, she noticed I woke up. 'Surprised you went to sleep, looked like you had a good nap.'
'Yeah.' I've tried to think of a good memory while I fought off the thoughts in my head. Moments with John that we had before we were locked in the skybox, the times I spent with Raven. Bellamy crossed my mind occasionally too; Even the Red Sun didn't help me forget about him.
She stared at me, 'Are you mad at me about something?'
'I'm sorry I'm a bit tired from fighting off the Red Sun, Clarke. I totally forgot to start an argument about how you love to abandon your people.'
It was out of pocket I know; Monty promised us to be better, to restore our humanity back. I knew out of everyone, I had a lot of work to do. Having Clarke beside me didn't make it any better, she continued to betray her family. I was a monster but at least I had Wonkru's back.
Clarke rolled her eyes and sighed, 'Shouldn't have asked.'
'Thought you knew by now.' I left a remark before I tossed her her keys to her chain. She threw mine back at me and I unchained myself from the wall.
Then I remembered the encounter I had with John before I came back; leaving Clarke by herself, I instantly rushing to the pond right outside the castle. I squeezed through the crowd of people, they weren't our people but my mind was too busy I didn't care. I eventually got to the middle of the crowd that was surrounding Bellamy and John.
My eyes widened as I saw John laying unconsciously, black veins popping out of his pale skin. I kneeled next to him, caressing his cheek and hoping that he'd wake up soon. 'W-what happened?'
'I don't know, I just woke up next to him like this.' Bellamy panicked, barely getting the words out of his mouth.
'Maybe I can help.' A deep voice came from behind me. It was a man with fancy clothes walking this way. 'We have something that can revive him.'
'Re-revive? So he's dead?' My mind went blank as I stared at this man. There were so many thoughts running through my head. Who were these people and can I trust them? Can I really believe that John was dead?
Another man followed behind this fancy man, he seemed to be the doctor. As he pulled out a snake from inside his bag, he kneeled next to me. 'May I?'
My heart thumped fast, scared that I might of lost John for good. I didn't know who these people were but I had no other choice; It was better than not helping him at all.
'Please, help him.' I begged, taking a step back from him to give these people some space.
Watching John breathless and unconscious killed me; I think that this was when I realized I really loved him.
It hurt to think that I would spend the days without him, not only did I love him but he was my best friend. He was with me through everything, beginning with the days when we were up in the Ark to literally yesterday when he helped me through The Red Sun.
I needed him with me. The man pulled out a rather large orange snake from his bag, putting it closer to Murphy. The snake rattled, showing its sharp teeth as it slowly crawled onto his skin.
From the moment the snake touched him, the black veins disappeared and eventually left John's skin unmarked. The snake actually worked, I thought to myself.
Murphy inhaled, coughing as he tried to catch his breath. He became somewhat conscious but he wasn't opening his eyes. All that mattered at this moment was that he was alive again.
'John, oh my-' I caressed his face, kissing his cheek over and over again. Happy tears rolled down my eyes, so relieved that I didn't lose him.
'If you don't mind, I would like to speak with you all inside. I'll have my people bring this gentleman in.' The man with the fancy outfit asked.
I nodded my head, getting up as I smiled at him. 'Yes, of course. Thank you for saving him.'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
'So what's the plan?' Clarke asked, her arms crossed as we stood in a circle.
'Make sure you don't talk for starters.' I joked but was half way serious. 'Last time around, you sided with the fucking psychopath and nearly got us killed.'
'Oh, I don't remember siding with you Skafaiya.' She commented back. She was lucky that side of me was gone, otherwise she would've been stabbed on her foot before she could say "Madi."
I looked over at her and flashed a sarcastic smile. 'Every time you're involved, something backfires. You're the reason why Earth is gone.'
'No, you and Octavi-'
'Guys, guys.' Echo stood between us, 'We have to make sure we know what we're talking about before these people show up.'
'She's right, we have to make sure they like us enough to take us in.' Shaw agreed with Echo.
Emori chuckled. 'After hearing everything that we've done, I hardly believe that's going to happen.'
Bellamy rolled his eyes. 'This is our one and only chance. Let's be on our best behavior, alright?'
Looking over at John, I watched him lying on the bed that the people prepared for him. He seemed fine but the fear of him not coming back didn't leave my mind. I already had Marcus that was severely injured that may not survive, I couldn't lose John too.
The man who seemed like the leader type walked in, the same man that offered to help John. With him came a bunch of people, most likely body guards of some sort.
'So what brings you guys here to my palace?'
I stepped in, scratching my head as I felt nervous. 'Well, we came from Earth and then we found this place after being in cryo for years. We landed and we were looking around to see if it’s habitable. Then we stumbled upon this place and well, you know the rest.'
'Earth? Wow. I haven't heard about Earth in ages.' The man smiled, 'The name is Russell and I can try to make arrangements for you all to stay. I'd first like to have a meeting to get to know you all better.'
'Before that sir, there's something you might want to know.’ Clarke stepped up, scratching her head as she let out a nervous laugh. ‘We aren’t the only ones that landed out here.’
'How many of you are out there?'
She sighed, 'Over 200.'
Russell let out a breath. 'We can't take that many, we don't even know if we can take you guys in. For all we know, you could be criminals escaping Earth.'
'Ha, that'll be crazy right?' Shaw commented sarcastically, scooting near me as Russell looked over at him.
'Can we perhaps talk to our people back in our ship, see what we can do.' I added. It was nice that they were offering their own place but who knows what these people are. Last time we landed on someone's territory, people died.
He nodded, agreeing to what I had offered. 'I don't see why not. While you guys do that, I can maybe show some of you around Sanctum. Worst thing that can happen is that we become neighbors, right?'
Bellamy stepped in, smiling to convince the man. 'That sounds like a great idea, I'll take a few with me back to the ship.'
I walked over to Clarke, whispered in her ear to make sure she heard me but no one else did. 'You guys make sure we're not dealing with psychos.'
'That's what they're probably saying about you.' Clarke made a snarky comment. I chose to ignore, I was tired of her judgement when she had no room to talk. 'Why do I have to do it?'
'Because I need to go back and make sure Marcus is okay. Is that a problem? Or are you tempted to blow this place up as well?'
Clarke rolled her eyes, 'What about Murphy?'
'John seems like he's getting better, besides I know Emori won't let anyone mess with him so I feel safer going back to the ship.'
'Okay, go do what you got to do.'
Turning to Bellamy, I tapped him on his forearm. 'I'm ready to go.'
Bellamy looked over at Murphy, then back to me. 'What about him?'
'What about him?' I asked back, replying back with a bit of pettiness. There was no need to ask about my relationship between me and John. He lost the right to know when he decided to betray me.
He got the hint as he bit his lip and looked down on the ground. It's been a while since I've saw him sad and guilty, the last time I did was when he thought Pike had executed me.
Walking pass him and out the door back outside, I prepared for another yet long walk back to our ship.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Going back to the ship felt like forever. My body was in pain from the force field and not to mention my leg wasn't completely healed from when I got shot by McCreary's men back at the gorge. It didn't also help that the people I was walking with were Bellamy and Echo.
I tried to put my distance between the two of them, sticking next to Shaw as much as I can as we trailed from behind. They would mumble something amongst each other as well but I had to pretend that I didn't give a shit. I hated that I was curious about what they were talking about.
Bellamy then stopped, waiting for me to catch up to them as he eventually started walking next to me. Reading the signs, Shaw caught up with Echo, walking next to her this time.
What Shaw didn't do was read my sign, giving him the signal with my eyes that I didn't want to be left alone with Bellamy. But as polite as he was, he gave us some space.
'Reyes, I really am sorry.'
'Do you remember the conversations we had when we lived at the drop ship?'
'Of course I do.'
I sighed, 'Do you? Because I'm sick and tired of hearing your apologies. That's all I've told to you when we first met and now you're doing it all over again.'
'Tell me what I should do then. Tell me how I can be better.'
'There isn't anything you can do. It's done.'
'I don't believe that it is.'
'It's not just the kiss that I'm upset about, Blake.'
He reached for my arm, pulling me to stop me from walking. Bellamy looked me in the eyes, 'Then what is it?'
'No, I shouldn't have to spell it out for you.'
'Well, I need to know to fix what I've done wrong. That's how much I care to make this right.'
A chuckle escaped my mouth, 'You know. If you really cared from the beginning, we wouldn't be in this mess.'
His brow raised, licking his lips before he said what he said. 'You don't have any room to talk, Skafaiya.'
My nose flared, anger coming out of me. With instant instinct, I shoved Bellamy but of course he didn't budge. 'You want to get back with me and you say this type of shit, Bellamy. That's what's wrong with you.'
'You're telling me-'
Instantly cutting him off, I practically shouted at him. 'No. You want to know the difference between you and John? He doesn't judge me and the mistakes that I've made. Despite all the things I've done, he understands that I am me. He loves me for who I really am.'
Bellamy swallowed the lump in his throat, staring at me like a sad, lost puppy. I knew that he hated John, especially because of the close relationship I had with him again. But this was probably the only way he will get a proper idea in his head.
'I've never brought up your past mistakes that you've made. With that, I still loved you because in the end, I knew who you really were. I knew that the things you've done wasn't the real you, it was just a mistake that you had to learn from. So don't give me that bullshit, Blake. Stop being a fucking hypocrite.'
I took a deep breath, mostly to keep myself controlled so I wouldn't cry. I didn't want to hear another word from him, I was tired of crying and explaining myself to him. Walking in a faster pace, I left him behind by himself, catching up with Shaw and Echo. I'm pretty sure they heard all of our conversation but I was too hurt to even care. I didn't know what to do with him anymore.
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xlovelyyoongix · 5 years ago
first kiss | myg
Tumblr media
*not my gif*
summary: You've been dating Yoongi for 2 weeks now; however, the two of you haven't had the opportunity to seal your newly found relationship with a kiss. Will Yoongi be the one to make the first move, or will it be you? 
pairing: Yoongi x F.Reader
genre: Romance! Fluff 
word Count: 1560 (one-shot)
warnings: ahhh, open mouth kissing (french kissing) and a bunch of awkward cuteness. 
date Posted: 6/7/2020
Finding yourself sitting on Yoongi's couch wasn't unusual for you. Throughout many years of friendship with the raven-haired male, you've sat on his couch plenty of times, partaking in conversations over coffee, watching sports, playing video games, you've even found yourself spending the night when the lewd sounds of your roommate's lovemaking sessions were too loud for you to handle. However, this time on Yoongi's suede sectional felt different. 
Eyes glued to the flatscreen, your heart thumps within your chest so rapidly, you're afraid Yoongi might hear it. Breath caught in your throat, teeth anxiously tugging at the corner of your lip, and a sensation in your abdomen so weightless that you might fly away. You thought it was possible to be this nervous sitting next to your newly found boyfriend, but here you were as timid and jittery as a schoolgirl with a crush.  
Your peripheral steals a gaze over at the dark-haired male. His bangs sweeping neatly above his hooded eyes, porcelain skin flawless under the light of the evening sun, and his signature stoic expression plastered across his face as he provided the television his undivided attention. 
You bite at your nail in thought, attempting to piece together precisely what Min Yoongi could possibly be thinking about. Your eyes trail down the bridge of his button nose, to his perfectly crafted set of pink lips. Your thirsty tongue, licking the inside of your cheek, curiously, wondering what it would feel like to experience the delicious, wet softness of Yoongi's mouth.  
Two weeks into the relationship and not once did Yoongi touch you in a romantic matter. The male wasn't the type to make himself vulnerable, or put himself in situations that could lead to his utter embarrassment; however, you weren't just anyone. You were his friend of many years someone he wasn't afraid to be himself around. So what was stopping him from making his move? 
"Are you enjoying the movie?"
Yoongi's sudden words jerk you from your train of thought, cheeks growing red with embarrassment as if you've been caught red-handed "Ah. Y-yeah." You nod repeatedly, clearing your throat of any dryness. "I am." Lashes fluttering as you attempt your focus back on the screen. "What about you?" 
Yoongi scrunches his lips and nose at your question. "Not really a DC kinda guy." His jet eyes, remaining forward. "But I kinda like it." His unenthusiastic voice, answers. 
"G-great." Your tone stutterers, palms rubbing anxiously up and down your jeans.
 The moment you started thinking about kissing Yoongi, you can't stop. You desperately wanted to know what it would feel like to run your fingers through the backs of his hair. To wrap your arms around his neck and have him pull you in for a passionate kiss. You so badly wanted him; it made your cheeks and body burn with the fever of love. "I... I'm going to get some water."
As fluttery thoughts racing throughout your mind, you quickly stand from the couch, attempting to maneuver between the space between Yoongi's legs and the coffee table. "Excuse me...whoa!..." Your lips mutter out as your jittery body misses a step, tripping over your own feet. 
"Careful!" Agile about your unforeseen miss-step, Yoongi springs into action, taking hold of your dainty wrist, pulling you into his lap for a safe landing. 
Flustered by the sudden drop, your lashes flutter open, startled by the sight in which you see. Yoongi's jet orbs, gloss with a shine of tenderness. His round cheeks burning with a subtle blush and delicious lips hanging ajar at the abrupt situation. "Ah..." Yoongi trips over his own words. "A-are you alright." This was the closest both of your bodies had been since the two of you started dating,  causing Yoongi to grow incredibly timid.  
In the spring of the moment, you're scared to blink, you're scared to move, afraid that anything you might do will ruin the rare electricity flowing between the two of you. "M-mhm." You hum with a nod, eyes fixated on the flawless male that cradled your body into his lap. 
This is it, right? The perfect moment you've been waiting for. The moment Yoongi was finally going to take the opportunity to kiss you for the first time.  
Yoongi doesn't move; instead, his teeth tug at his lip, tongue dancing on the inside of his cheek. A habit he had when contemplating, and you're slightly concerned that Yoongi might grow shy and retreat as he always did, in situations that made him self-conscious. 
You're waiting, but your body grows impatient, and you can't fathom the idea of Yoongi retreating, leaving the curves of your mouth lonely, and you'd be damned if you waste a perfectly good opportunity. "Fuck it." You mutter huffingly, cupping your hands on the side of his cheek as you swoop in for the final prize. 
Your lips were finally on his, getting the delicious taste of his cherry flavored chapstick and mint breath. Your arms wrap around his neck, and your fingers travel up the back of his head, teasing at his thick strands of hair. Your eyes flutter in bliss as the warm sensation of achievement races throughout your being.
Yoongi's eyes widen in astonishment, attempting to process your forward action against his lips. He could feel the sense of desire creeping throughout his mind, which caused his hand to slip up the curve of your back. "Y/N."He whimpers your name into your lips, finally taking the time to kiss you back. 
Time seems to pass the two of you, but you don't bother to care. With the sensational static trickling between your bodies, his plush lips, meshing perfectly with your own, you didn't think to stop, even when your lungs were burning with the need for oxygen. 
Soon your body starts to go against your will, screaming for a breath of air, you pull away, bottom still planted on Yoongi's lap as your throat gasps. "W-wow..." you stutter between heavy breaths. "What took us so long to finally do that?" 
Yoongi's swollen lips hang open, onyx eyes shimmering with satisfaction. "I'm not sure." He says with a winded breath. "I'm sorry it took so long, though. I wasn't sure when the perfect time would be." 
You cock a cheeky brow, temptingly biting at the flesh of your lip. "Well," You start off slyly. "Don't let it happen again." 
Acknowledging your hint, Yoongi chuckles a gummy smirk, palming your cheek into his hand. "I promise it won't." Before you knew it, his kiss found a place on your lips once more, hands slipping through the threads of your hair, deepening the passion. 
You're intoxicated by the taste of him, high off the natural smell of his scent, and you wanted oh, so much more of his affection. 
Yoongi's tongue dances along the outer-line of your lip, asking permission to enter past your teeth. Happy to oblige your boyfriend's advances, you open your mouth, allowing his soft tongue to dance with your own. "Mhmm." You release a triumphant moan within his mouth. 
Yoongi is utterly lost in the paradise that was you, excited that he was finally able to experience the joys of having your body in his embrace and your soft lips attached to his. He mentally smacks himself for waiting this long to show you just how much he cared. 
Before your lungs ruptured within your chest, you pulled away, gasping for much-needed air. "I really like doing that." you pant heavily between words. 
Yoongi nodes, throat winded as well. "Yeah, me too." Realizing that he wasn't a man of many words or actions, Yoongi wondered, how long you've waited to kiss him in such a way. "So..." He starts off slow, His palm still cupping your thigh as you sat in his lap. " A kiss like that, you've wanted this for a while now, huh" The man, curious for your answer. 
Your cheeks immediately burn from the embarrassment of his question. "W-well..." You trail off in a stutter, the confidence you once held, now quickly depleting from your timid body. "I mean, y-yeah." You can't help but stumble over your own words. "I know we just started dating, but I've liked you for a while..." 
Yoongi cuts off your word, placing a simple kiss on your lips, assuring your uncertainties. "I've liked you for a while too. I'm glad we finally get to do this with each other." His hand intertwines with your fingers,  placing an adoring kiss on the back of your wrist. "Now, should we get back to the movie?" A content gummy smile, slipping across his lips 
"Oh, yeah. Sorry!" Not wanting to be a burden, you attempt to slip off of Yoongi's lap only for your actions to be stopped by your chuckling boyfriend. 
"Where are you going?" He questions, cheekily, gesturing you to remain seated across his legs. 
You can't help but giggle at your boyfriend. "Apparently, nowhere now." Your hand reaches for the blanket, placing it over the two of you for comfort. You set your head to rest peacefully on Yoongi's chest, fingers playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck as you watch the movie before you. 
The two of you bask in blissful happiness, finally achieving the first kiss. 
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gerec · 5 years ago
AU-gust 2020 Prompts
27. Flower Shop AU - Cherik
“Mama, I’m terrible at this kind of thing,” Erik says, as he waters the last of the stock in the cooler, and turns on the register for the day. He watches the program boot up on screen, frowning a little at how long it’s taking to load up on his mother’s ancient computer. “Can’t we just reschedule the meeting? You’re home sick—”
“And you’re not,” Edie interrupts with a soft chuckle. “It’s just a preliminary consultation. Just show the nice young couple some samples from the book, and try and get a sense for what they like. No big decisions today, so you don’t have to worry.”
“I hate weddings. I don’t understand spending thousands of dollars on flowers just for a few short hours.”
This time, his mother doesn’t bother hiding her laugh, which makes Erik feel inordinately proud of being so contrary. “Half my profits come from weddings, dear, so plenty of people disagree with you. Now please, just take this appointment for me? Or do I need to come down there myself with a stuffy nose and a terrible headache?”
Erik scoffs. “Fine. I will take the appointment and show them pretty arrangements. If only to put an end to that shameless guilt trip you’re laying on your favorite son.”
“You’re my only son, boychik, and thank you so much for your help; I really appreciate it!”
“Goodbye, and make sure you get lots of rest,” he says, grinning as he hangs up. There’s another ten minutes to go before the bride and groom are due, so Erik pops into the back to put on a pot of fresh coffee and some samples on the table.
He might not believe in weddings but Erik’s always had an eye for composition and colour, and makes the best arrangements for his mother’s shop.
(Though he does it only on occasion now, with so much of his time spent at his Stark Industries day job.)
The bell rings at five minutes after nine, and he dries his hands off with a clean cloth, and heads to the front to let the couple in.
He does not expect that simple act to completely knock him off kilter.
The couple at the door is…well beautiful is the most appropriate word, young and vibrant and clearly excited for the big day. The blonde is stylish and well heeled, clothed in an understated way that speaks to a lifetime of wealth. By contrast her fiancé is dressed in a worn navy cardigan over a pair of plain khaki trousers, entirely unfashionable for one so handsome and fit.
Also, he’s gorgeous with dark hair and blue eyes and exactly Erik’s type.
“Hi, I’m Raven, and this is Charles. We have an appointment with Edie about flowers for my wedding?”
Erik clears his throat and waves them in. “Yes, sorry hi. I’m Erik and Edie is my mother. Unfortunately she’s not feeling well today but she asked me to show you some samples for ideas?”
“Oh I do hope Ms. Edie is alright,” Charles says, and god even his voice is perfect, sending a little shiver up Erik’s spine.
“She’ll be fine, thank you. Just needs a day to rest and do nothing on the couch.”
Charles snorts. “That’s every day for you, Raven.”
“Shut up! You’re one to talk! You haven’t moved off the couch since the end of the semester!”
They continue their good natured bickering as they follow Erik to the back, and Erik offers them cream and sugar for their coffee as they settle at the worktable. He’s dressed it up with a nice tablecloth and place setting, and an arrangement of pink and cream roses and dahlias in one vase, and peonies in shades of coral and red in another.
“Oh these are beautiful!” Raven exclaims, while Charles nods in agreement, beaming at Erik like he’s the most brilliant person he’s ever met. It’s gratifying, to know he hasn’t lost his touch, and he shifts easily into ‘florist mode’, asking them questions and guiding them through the available options for their outdoor wedding in Westchester.
It’s going exceptionally well - and his mother will be very pleased with the likely size of the order – though he wishes he wasn’t quite so unreasonably disappointed over a man he’s just met.
It doesn’t help that Charles keeps eyeing him, and giving him such warm, friendly smiles.
Raven’s cell rings as they’re going over ideas for the bridal bouquet, and she picks up immediately after checking the caller id.
“Hi baby. Yes I’m with the florist now, and he has the most amazing idea for what we can do with the floral arch—”
Charles grins sheepishly as Raven gets out of the chair and moves to take the call in the front room. “Sorry about that. Youngest child. She’s got terrible manners.”
Erik chuckles. “That’s alright. She’s just swept up with planning for the wedding.” Then he looks at Charles and adds, “You must be excited too. It’s a big day.”
“Well yes of course but there’s not much for me to do but run errands and walk her down the aisle. She’ll probably forget I exist the moment she says ‘I do’ with Hank.”
It takes a few seconds for the words to actually sink in but then Erik blurts out, “Wait…you’re not the groom?”
He’d find the expression on Charles’ face hilarious, if his mind would just stop blaring HE’S NOT ENGAGED, HE’S NOT GETTING MARRIED.
“You thought…me and Raven?” Charles says, equally flabbergasted by Erik’s (very valid) assumption. “Oh my god, no! She’s my sister!”
Of course that’s the moment Raven steps back into the room, her smile morphing into confusion at the looks on their faces. “What? What’d I miss?”
Charles starts laughing and shakes his head. “Erik thought I was Hank! He thought you and I were the ones getting married!”
“Ew, gross no!” Raven says, “How could you think I would marry him? He dresses like an old man!”
“I do not dress like an old man—”
“Yes you do!”
“Actually,” Erik interrupts, “I like the way you dress. And also…can I get your number?”
Raven rolls her eyes at them both and grabs her purse. “Unbelievable. I can’t believe you’re picking up hot guys at the flower shop now, Charles. I’m going to call Hank back and tell him he was right. And you, get his number already so we get back to discussing the wedding!”
“Well…I guess I better give you my number then,” Charles says, as they watch Raven waltz out of the room again. “Gotta do what the bride says.”
“Yes,” Erik agrees, giving Charles his cell to add in his number. He grins. “The bride should always gets her way.”   
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starswornoaths · 4 years ago
Prompt 14: Part
Post 3.3, Aymeric sneaks out of duties in the wee hours of the morning to check on the people he loves most in the world. While Estinien is still too out of it to receive guests, Serella is painfully, stubbornly clinging to a sense of normalcy that she fears will never come back. The two of them have a hear to heart
It took longer than he might have liked, and more schedule twisting than should be considered reasonable, but a sennight after he had carried Estinien, quite literally, to the chirurgeon’s ward, Aymeric was finally able to steal a moment away in the wee hours of the morning to visit him. 
It wasn’t for long— even if Estinien had been more awake, Aymeric had wanted to check in on the others, too— but it was long enough to take a seat at his bedside. Long enough for the Dragoon to blearily open his eyes, briefly, and ask in a rasp if he might stay until he could fall asleep again. Long enough to gently run a hand over top of his head until the wounded man had, at last, drifted off again. He lacked Serella’s ability to use magic to help someone sleep, but he did have enough gentleness in him to offer comfort just as tangible. 
When he had waited as long as he could, drank in Estinien’s presence as much as he thought was safe without disturbing him, Aymeric stole away from the room. Every step out toward the hallway made him progressively more grateful he had not worn his armor, and once he had safely shut the door behind him, notified the chirurgeons that Estinien was yet asleep. Content that he had at least checked in on his friend, he moved further downstairs. 
The door to Serella’s room was ajar, and from beyond it, he could hear muffled cursing and hisses of pain. Heart in his throat, he quickened his steps and scarcely announced himself before stepping inside, fearful she had injured herself or was in need of help.
An eye of sapphire met his through the curtain of her raven hair, strewn about in several different directions, in a wild tangle of locks and knots. Were her hair not obscuring half her face, he would have otherwise had a perfect view of her face.
“Forgive my intrusion,” He stammered, moving hesitantly into the room. “I heard you cry out in pain and feared the worst.”
“Can’t blame you. ’m just being stupid, I know it.”
Serella blew a huff of air into her bangs, limply dangling in a mess in front of her face. His eyes were drawn to the hand not bandaged and wrapped in a sling awkwardly attempting to disentangle from a bit of hair that looked to be in a failed attempt at styling her hair, but how she had attempted it was lost amid the tangles.
“Pray, let me help.”
He was at her side before he had even realized he had moved at all, hands disentangling her fingers with care. Though she flushed at the contact (no gloves on either of them, oh, would the clergywoman who had ran their Scholasticate teachings be positively scandalized at the notion,) she averted her gaze with a flushed smile.
“I was-” Serella was strangely skittish, her good hand gesturing in the scant space between them. “-I was attempting to braid my hair.”
“With only one hand? On the amount of pain medication they’re giving you?”
“’ve had worse plans th’ turned out better.” She replied almost defensively. “Just. Want normal again.”
Any teasing quirk to his lips vanished at the half whispered confession. He’d expected it was out of stubbornness and insisting she was fine that she had done it, and while he had technically been right, he had not realized there was, underneath it all, a prevailing fear that she no longer could.
“Temporary though your injuries are, I’m confident that you could learn how to braid one handed, if pressed.”
She swayed in place, and his hands steadied her a moment before guiding her back to her bed. She sat down with a mumbled word of thanks.
Aymeric's eyes scoured the side dresser and small sink area for a brush, hair tie, and ribbon, though once he had found what he was looking for (a blue ribbon had no business thrilling him the way that it did, but he rather liked the color, all the more on her,) and brought them back to her bedside.
"But if you are amenable, I would be willing to help. If for naught else, to rid you of tangles."
"You're terribly busy, Aymeric. I couldn't possibly trouble you-" Serella tried to deflect when he held up a hand.
"You are correct. You could not possibly trouble me. Now, then," He held up the brush, asking again, "If you are amenable, may I?"
If she flushed any deeper he might worry for her fever, though she swallowed and nodded, wordlessly turning her head to give him the back of it. Breathing a sigh of relief, he sat beside her on the bed and set to work gathering her hair behind her and grasping it nearer to the base. With a murmured warning, he began to brush through her hair, mindful of the knots and tangles, spending extra time ensuring that snagging them to smooth them out did not hurt her.
Ere long, the brush practically glided with each run through her hair. Satisfied that it was adequately free of tangles and hearing her satisfied little hums of pleasure in his ears, he hesitated when it came time to part off her hair.
"Is it alright if I try a different braid than the one you normally wear?"
"Trust you." Serella shrugged her good shoulder.
Permission thus obtained, he divided her long, voluminous locks into three parts, and started his braid fairly high up, at the base of her neck. Despite the years it had been since he had last done it, the muscle memory had been engrained in his hands, and he scarcely had to think on their movements.
"Feels like you've done this a lot." Serella spoke up quietly.
"I had several friends growing up that were keen on having their braids maintained." Aymeric chuckled. "And Maman- Lady Borel- had needed the help with it in her later years."
His voice grew soft in remembrance, a smile playing on his face. "I used to find great joy in spending time together when she would teach me all manner of hairstyles."
"She sounds lovely."
Even without seeing her face, he could hear the smile in her voice.
“She was,” He agreed quietly. “Ah, if you might allow me-”
As the braid began to take form, he gently reached around to take her chin in hand and carefully guide her into looking straight ahead, to his right.
“Perfect.” He resumed braiding her hair.
Knowing the motion his hands needed to make made it easier to watch Serella’s expression shift to curiosity when she saw her hair, neatly braided, beginning to cascade over her shoulder, rather than straight down her back. He kept his hands far enough away from her that they did not brush her inappropriately, though the way she was watching his fingers move certainly made him feel as though he were doing something positively lascivious.
As he suspected, the end of the braid ended just below her bust, within reach of her hand yet caught in a sling. Tying it off, he studied his handiwork.
“This should be easier for you to redo on your own for now.” Aymeric noted when he felt her stare on him, silently questioning. “Though if it still gives you trouble, pray let me know- there are a myriad of other types we may yet try that could help-”
“You don’t have to.” Serella spoke up suddenly.
He looked at her then, at the way she was flushed from more than just the closeness. Guilt flickered in those pain clouded eyes.
“Correct again.” He noted. It was then that she looked at him, eyes wide. “I do not have to. I want to. Though- in the interest of confessing to mine own guilt, I am not above admitting that I chose a longer braid for a more selfish use.”
“What use?”
“I wanted to do something that would take more time.” He admitted sheepishly, avoiding her gaze with tying the dark blue ribbon around the hair tie. “I could not bear to part with you so soon.”
“I see.” She smiled at him when he braved another glance at her. “I’m...I’m glad.”
“And I am glad for your choice in ribbon. Blue is a lovely color on you.”
“I’d wear it even ‘f it wasn’t.” She admitted. “Reminds me of you.”
Inevitably, he was made to- the chirurgeons ushered him out before he could make more of a fool of himself. Despite not wishing to leave her side, he could concede that it was, perhaps, for the best, lest he break his promise and confess all to her.
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juliandev0rak · 4 years ago
Apron Strings
Lysander visits her shop and Beatrice does all she can to keep him there.
a little continuation of the Vianan series
characters: Beatrice Viano my apprentice and Lysander Lonan (@leila-of-ravens’ oc)
pairing: Beatrice Viano x Lysander Lonan / Vianan
words: ~1760
warnings: will the pining ever end
read about their first meeting written by  @leila-of-ravens
part 2 , part 3
It’s been a long day at the shop, but Beatrice has to make money somehow. She spends all day wishing she was at the palace library instead, but her need to be responsible for a few days takes over. If she’s being honest with herself, she misses a certain research partner more than she misses the actual research.
Lysander is returning to Umbra soon and their time together is quickly ticking away. She harbors no expectations that anything will happen between them, she’s barely recognized her own feelings for him so she certainly can’t expect him to have any similar feelings towards her. They’re friends, and that’s really all she can hope for. Still, her mind wanders the well worn path of Lysander all day, tracing along the curve of his jaw, the lines of his hands reaching for a book. 
It’s a busy day at least, her hands stay busy despite her mind being miles away. By closing time she’s wondering if she can still make it to the palace before Lysander’s done for the day, maybe she can get a few hours of research in. The store finally emptied of customers, she moves to start closing for the day. The tinkling bell of the shop door rings to alert her that someone’s entered and she sighs, she should’ve locked up first to avoid extra customers.
“Beatrice?” A familiar voice calls. She immediately whirls around to face the figure by the door, smoothing down her apron.
“Lysander! What are you doing all the way over in Center City?” Beatrice smiles, unable to hide her excitement at seeing him suddenly standing in front of her. He stands with his hands in his coat pockets, looking handsome as always. It’s unfair, Beatrice thinks, how he always manages to look like a tragic prince from a fantasy novel. 
“I was visiting Leila, she gave me directions to your shop.” He explains, taking a step further into the shop. “I apologize if you were about to close for the day, I’ll let you get back to it.” 
“Oh no, don’t leave!” Beatrice takes a step closer to him, voice rising despite her best efforts to seem calm and collected. “That is, you can stay if you like. You can take a look around while I close up.” 
“If you’re certain my presence won’t be an imposition?” He asks, already inspecting the labels on the shelf of bottles next to him.
“Of course not! I’m glad you decided to stop by.” Beatrice says encouragingly as she unties her work apron. She’s too focused on his pensive face as he looks around the shop and before she notices, she’s tied her apron strings into an impossible knot. “Oh dear..” she mutters, twisting around to try to see the tangle better.
“Do you need assistance?” Lysander appears beside her and she startles at his proximity. 
“Oh um, I seem to have tied myself into quite a knot.” She turns her back to him to show the mangled apron strings. Without saying anything he steps towards her and reaches for the knot, his nimble fingers making quick work of it. This is the closest they’ve ever been, she can feel his breath on the back of her neck and the gentle tug against her waist as he unknots the apron.
“There.” Lysander says, pulling the final knot out. He steps away and she turns around to face him again.
“Thank you, that was a mess.” Beatrice laughs, pulling the apron off. He’s watching her face closely and she wills herself not to blush under his gaze.
“I brought you a book.” He reaches into his coat pocket and retrieves a small leather bound book.”I think you’ll find it interesting, and as you won’t be able to return to the library at present I thought you might need something to read.” 
“How thoughtful! Thank you Lyse.” She smiles, not noticing the way his nickname slips out until it’s too late, a name she isn’t sure she’s allowed to call him. “Oh, I mean Lysander.” 
“You can call me Lyse, if you prefer. Leila does.” Lysander holds the book out towards her, giving her a slight smile.
“Well Leila’s your sister, I wouldn’t want to presume to use a nickname.” Beatrice flushes, accepting the book. It does look like something she’d be interested in, the autobiography of a teacher from somewhere up north.
“It’s fine, really.” He replies, his hands disappearing back into his pockets. “I thought of you when I saw that book.” 
“Thank you for thinking of me. I wish I could be with you instead of stuck in the shop all day.” She says, then immediately adds, “That is, I wish I could be in the library, researching.” 
“Do you like running the shop?” Lysander asks, turning to inspect one of the fancy astrolabes hanging from the ceiling. 
“Sometime! It’s nice to use my magic to help others, but I mostly keep the shop out of nostalgia. It was my aunt’s shop.” Beatrice explains. The silence stretches as he continues to look around with fascination and she wonders what to do next. She remembers her aunt’s old mantra, when in doubt, have some tea. “Would you like a cup of tea or anything? I live in the apartment upstairs, when I’m not staying at the palace out of convenience.”
“Thank you, but I just came from Leila’s shop so I’ve already had enough tea for the day.” Lysander replies politely. 
“Of course,” She searches for another reason to keep him here a bit longer, now that he’s here she’s realized just how much she’d missed seeing him today. “Oh, actually I think I have a few books you might like as well. I can go get them if you’d like?” 
It’s not a lie, she had spent most of the morning staring at her overflowing bookcase and wondering which books he might like from her collection. She heads towards the stairs and Lysander looks up from the herbs he’s inspecting to watch her. 
“Sure, I’ll take a look.” He says, following her up the stairs. She opens the door to her apartment, trying not to focus on the man standing only a few inches behind her. They walk in together and he takes in his surroundings, looking around the small living room.
“I’m sure it’s not quite what you’re used to, Leila’s talked about your family manor before.” Beatrice laughs, she’s not insecure about her less-than wealthy background but she wants to put him at ease. 
“I think it suits you, it’s very tidy.” He says, taking a step towards her bookcase which takes up most of the room.
“Well thank you!” She replies, stepping over to join him. “Hey, I might not have a manor, but I do have manners, would you like me to take your coat?” 
He surprises her with a laugh, a real laugh that makes her want to join in.  
“That was an awful joke, Beatrice.” Lysander smiles, turning his attention back to the bookshelf.
“Oh yeah? Why did you laugh then, if it was so bad?” She teases, glad he’s turned away and can’t see her face turn a hundred shades of red.
“Maybe I was laughing at you, not the joke.” Lysander replies, turning to smile at her again over his shoulder. She’s losing track of how many times that’s happened now, but it still makes her catch her breath a little every time. 
“Hey! I thought you were a Lord, is that any way to treat a lady?” Beatrice laughs.
“Well you’re not a Lady, at least not that I know of.” He responds matter of factly. “That is, you don’t have the title of Lady, I’m not insinuating that you’re not ladylike.” 
“Ahh so he’s a gentleman after all.” She grins, her voice laced with sarcasm. 
“Would you mind if I borrowed this book?” Lysander asks, holding up a book which happens to be one of her favorite novels.
“Of course! I didn’t think you were the novel type.” Beatrice replies, “That’s one of my favorites.”
“I thought it might be, from the worn edges.” He comments, flipping through the slightly tattered pages. 
“Yes, I apologize. I wasn’t so careful with books as a child.” She says, chagrined. “You might also find a few of my annotations throughout, hopefully none of them are too embarrassing.”
“I look forward to reading your writing as well, then.” Lysander says, setting the book down on the side table next to him. Beatrice reaches for another book she thinks he’ll like at the same moment he reaches for it and their hands brush. She pulls away right as he pulls away which makes her lose her balance and nearly topple over into him. He reaches a hand out to her shoulder to steady her, but it does nothing to steady her pulse.
“Thank you.” She murmurs. “Great minds think alike! I think you’d really enjoy that one.” 
“I think these two will suffice.” Lysander says, holding up the books. “I’d better return to the palace, there’s still quite a bit of work to do.” 
“Alright, but you’re welcome to borrow more books any time.” She smiles, following him towards the door. They walk down to the shop in silence and stand staring at each other in the half light by the door. She thinks she should probably say something like “goodbye” or “please stay” but the words don’t come out.
“You’ve never put your hair up like that before.” He comments suddenly, and she’s taken aback. She certainly hadn’t expected that. 
“I put it up when I’m making potions, it gets in the way otherwise.” Beatrice replies, awkwardly raising a hand to smooth back her undoubtedly messy hairstyle. 
“It suits you.” Lysander says, and she, predictably, blushes in response. “Well, goodnight then. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“I won’t be back in the library yet, I’m planning to spend another day in the shop.” She reminds him.
“Leila wants to stop by the shop to see you, and I said I’d go with her.” Lysander explains, tucking the books under his arm. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Until tomorrow.” Beatrice says, watching as he opens the door to leave. He turns around one last time before he closes the door fully and smiles at her. Beatrice wonders if she should commission a painting of that smile so she can look at it forever. 
She leans back against the door after he’s gone, catching her breath. Leila was right, she is in deep.
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hanawrites404 · 4 years ago
Wynne's Diary - Nature with Muriel
"Can we go outside for a bit? I miss seeing nature from close" I requested him as I played with his raven hair, his head resting on my lap.
"Sure..........you can go out if you want to" He leaned onto my touch and shyly kissed my hand.
"I said 'we', Muriel. It means both of us. Along with our pets of course" I looked at him.
"I-I mean.......yes absolutely.........It surely has been a while since.........we visited the forest before we......you know" he blushed a slight pink.
"Before we got married, had a nice and long honeymoon and came back home being exhausted yet satisfied as fuck" I completed his sentence.
"Y-Yes" he blushed even more.
"So when is a better time than right now? The downpour must have ended so now we can enjoy the forest even more. A wet and misty atmosphere is something I really enjoy you know" I rubbed his bare chest.
"Yes....even I wanted to spend some time with you outside.........Inanna too wants to visit" Muriel told me.
"And so does Ichi" I eyed my turtle who was peacefully sleeping on Inanna at the corner.
"So what are we waiting for? Let's go. I'm really anticipating to see the new flowers and baby plants which recently came up" I told him.
Muriel nodded and sat straight up from my lap. I stretched my legs a bit and got off the bed.
"Ichi come on, let's make you soak some sunlight" I picked him up and kept him on my head as usual.
"Inanna you too come with us. You could use a nice walk" I petted her and she happily obliged with me, licking my hand.
I chuckled and scratched her neck.
"Good girl. Go to Papa now, I'll join you soon"
Inanna obeyed me and went away. I then quickly wear my shoes.
Muriel was standing near the door waiting for me. As soon as I came close to him, he blushed, and then offered me his hand to hold onto while turning his head away from me.
My lips curved into a smile and I cupped his face with my hand and turned it towards me. His cheeks were dusted pink and he still wasn't looking at me.
I shook my head with a chuckle.
"Ichi, lift me up please"
Ichigo does so and he makes me float in the air. I then used this to my advantage and I flew up to Muriel's height and kissed his lips passionately.
I felt him gasp but then he moaned in the kiss and pulled me closer by my waist and head, kissing me back.
I then pulled away while panting softly. Muriel's cheeks were now red and he looked so goddamn cute from close that I couldn't help but peck his lips once more.
"Ready to go, Big Boy?" I teased him.
"D-Don't call me that" He blushed more and pouted.
"Alright fine" I got down and opened the door to welcome the nature outside with open arms.
I led out a sigh of relief when I felt some leftover raindrops falling on my skin and the sun shining above, showering its sunlight through the canopy of the forest.
The weather was pleasant and cosy. I was having fun outside walking on the wet ground, the earthy smell along with the scent of wet leaves hitting my nose.
"You like it here Ichi? The weather is quite nice today" I rubbed his head with my finger and I felt him licking it.
"I'm glad that you feel the same way. And actually thinking about you, the strawberry plant I grew nearby must have ripened its fruits. So why not check on them soon?"
Ichigo squeaked with delight and I giggled.
"Then we shall go and pick some of the juicy strawberries for our dear Ichigo" I rubbed his head once more.
"Oh my? Where is Muriel?" I had realised that I had forgotten about him as soon as I placed my foot outside the house. I turned to look for him and fortunately he was not that far. He was just feeding his chickens as usual.
I then noticed that one of the baby chicks separated itself from the flock and came running to me with its tiny feet, tweeting at me cutely.
I blushed at its adorable nature and picked it up in my hand. The chick made itself comfy in my hands and chirped again.
God this fluffy baby bird was already making my heart melt......
I petted its head gently carefully as to not squish its head with my fingers. The chick settled down on my hand and enjoyed the affection, a small smile forming on my lips.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Muriel staring at me. But as soon as our eyes met, he averted his gaze and coughed awkwardly.
I chuckled and shook my head. I then approached him with the chick and crouched down with him in front of the chickens.
"They sure have grown in number. I'm happy to have so many of them. The more, the merrier"
"Yeah" He replied.
"The baby chicks which recently hatched up are so so adorable. Each of them are little balls of sunshine" I beamed.
"They sure are" he too smiled a bit as he petted one of them.
"And talking about little balls of sunshine, I was thinking about something lately" I started.
I really wanted to talk to him about this but never got the courage to. Now was definitely not the best time but I really wanted to get it off my chest.
"What is it?" Muriel asked me back.
"W-What if......You know......I......Oh god how do I say this?" I placed my hand on my forehead from frustration.
"It's ok. Take your time Wynne. Don't rush yourself" Muriel assured and I smiled weakly at him.
"Thanks......" I sighed.
Maybe I was finally ready to tell him now.
"You see.....I........I was thinking about our children"
Muriel tensed up a bit and I was actually expecting him to be. Being a parent was no joke after all.
"O-Our children..........what about them?" He asked me, concern in his tone.
"I......I am scared a bit. I think I will mess up again like I did before" I was dissapointed in myself.
"W-What are you talking about? Sonia was born as a healthy child" Muriel defended.
"Nothing was wrong with Sonia. The fault was on me instead. You do remember how I passed out in the middle of the delivery right? Sonia was really lucky to come out safely otherwise she was going to die even if she had a good health condition" I explained.
"I-I see.......yes.....I.....I do remember you getting unconscious while you were giving birth. Not going to lie but......I was really worried about you at that time" Muriel replied.
"Yeah........... Which is why I'm concerned about the future. The fact that they are twins this time would make the situation even more difficult than the previous one. What if.......what if they die because of me?.........Both of them?" I got paranoid and felt my stomach drop from the anxiety.
"H-Hey! D-Don't...... Don't think of it like that. You are a strong woman. You will be able to handle this" he cupped my face and locked his emerald eyes with mine. Concern and worry reflecting in his gaze.
"I......I don't know Muriel. I am not so sure about myself"
"But I am"
"What?.......Why?" I looked up at him. How can he have so much faith on a weak and hopeless person like me?
"It's because I......I have seen you handle many tangled situations with ease...........You..........protected the city and..........saved the people with your immense bravery and strength.........It's the thing I really........admire in you"
He then placed his hand on my stomach.
The pain of giving birth is something which I might never be able to understand.........but I know that it must have been difficult for you because it was your first time...........so give yourself some time to relax and.......take a break if you want to and..........and everything will turn out to be fine............."
"And what if it does not work fine?" I asked him curiously.
"Then I will comfort you as best as I cam.......and also take care of you if anything wrong happens...............I promise you that I would always protect you Wynne because I..............I love you..........I love you very much".
It was my cheeks' turn to heat up from his confession as I replied.
"I.........I love you too Muriel. Thank you for reassuring me. I feel much better now" I sighed from relief and smiled at him.
He blushed a deep red and rubbed his neck while looking away.
"Of course. Don't mention it" he replied.
I then smiled wider and hugged him tight, burying my head in his chest. I felt his body tensing up a bit but soon he relaxed under my hug and wrapped his arms around me, returning the embrace.
He kept kissing my head and playing with my stands of hair which made me giggle everytime. He really liked running his thick fingers through my hair, you see. One of the reasons why I prefer his hair massaging a lot.
We stayed like this for a couple of minutes, until Muriel asked me something.
"I.......I wanted to take you somewhere......D-Do you mind coming with me?" He asked timidly.
"Oh of course I would love to join you. Lead the way Muriel" I took his hand.
He flushed pink once more but started walking without saying anything else. Inanna stayed behind to look after the chickens and so did Ichigo as he slipped off my head and joined Inanna.
I was already bubbling with curiosity the whole time. Where was he really going to take me? If I remember correctly, I knew the major areas of the forest, so what place was he talking about which I haven't seen yet and never knew of?
We did not take much time to arrive as Muriel stopped after a couple of minutes walking, but for some reason he didn't let me look at the place as he placed his big hand over my eyes, shutting them close.
"Don't look......!!" He ordered me.
I was confused as to why was he doing so but then I shrugged and let him cover my eyes.
He then takes hold of both of my hands and guides me forward. The aura of this place was surely different from what I usually sensed when I visited the forest. It felt more magical, heavenly and utopian. In simple words it felt very unrealistic however was present right in front of my eyes.
Muriel uncovered my eyes after settling me down on a rock and dipping my feet into the cool water after removing my shoes. I shivered from the feeling of pleasantly cold water wetting my warm feet which made me open my eyes.
I was amazed to see a small pond filled with crystal blue gleaming water. Many types of herbs and shrubs growing along its borders. It was similar to the enchanted lake I used to read about in stories.
"Muriel I.......This is beauteous. Where did you find this place??" I asked him, tugging onto his pants desperately like an excited child.
"I found this place by myself when I was looking for herbs.........and I thought that you would like it so.............I had saved it for showing this to you after our honeymoon........" He told me.
"Oh God, Muriel you are such a sweetheart" I cupped his face and kissed him passionately. I could literally feel his cheeks burning but I kept kissing him affectionately, expressing all my love for him in the form of kisses.
Slowly I pulled away and kissed his forehead, then his nose and then his lips. I then looked at my work and found out that Muriel had literally turned into a bright red apple.
I chuckled at his cute expression and leaned my forehead onto his.
"I love you so much Muriel. I truly do" I pecked his lips one more time.
"Gods I.......I.......I love you too Wynne.......Please be by my side always.............I cannot live without you" He took both of my hands which were cupping his face and kissed them.
"Don't worry......I will always be with you. No matter whatever happens to me" I then embraced him close to my chest as I ran my fingers through his raven black hair.
The butterflies of different kinds surrounded both of us as we held one another close, feeling each other's warmth and succumbing into the comfort and relief.......
Nature surely was blessing both of us today.......Is it because she missed me? Or is she welcoming the future generation residing in my womb?...........
Or Maybe both? But only God knows that.
The end..........
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mae-gi-writes · 5 years ago
Moonlight Sonata (Part II) | Kevin Moon (The Boyz Imagine)
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A girl forms an unlikely bond with her neighbour; a young violinist who seems to understand her sad songs.
(This Kevin is the best Kevin in my opinion)
Part 2 of moonlight Sonata is up! :) Thank you all for waiting! <3 
Word count: 4.2K 
Gnere: angst but fluffy ending yikes 
There’s always some kind of awkwardness that comes with mornings just after one has fallen asleep crying.
Disoriented and squinting at nothing for a full five seconds, realization dawns onto her and she springs up so fast she causes her neighbour’s head to slip off her shoulder. He wakes up just as abruptly, blinking at her with a confused frown, before his eyes widen in recognition as memories of last night flit through his mind.
“You—Uh, hey,” he mumbles and slowly tries moving away upon noticing how close the two of them are.
“Hey,” she mumbles back just as shyly, all boldness from last night gone. She surveys the pallor of his skin and for a minute, her awkwardness is replaced by concern, “How are you?”
“I’m—“ he swallows thickly, “I’m alright, I guess.”
She nods. Silence prevails. A bird chirps outside and a car roars by.
“Thanks,” he blurts out suddenly, “for yesterday.”
“Oh,” she fumbles with the edge of her t-shirt, “no—no problem.”
Part of her wishes that they hadn’t gotten into such a predicament for it feels like she’s intruded onto one of his secrets he’d rather keep private. Not like she knows any one of his circle to tattle on him, but even she has to admit that it must feel weird for a practical stranger to know about the deepest, darkest struggle, one that you’ve been hiding away from the world in hopes that no one will notice.
She tries to put herself into his shoes and she definitely feels ten times worse when she does. There’s no way she would’ve been able to live with herself after blurting out the truth about the countless demons sitting on her shoulder and whispering bad nothings about how useless she is and how the world would be better off without her.
So it is to her utmost surprise when the doorbell rings five minutes after she gets into her flat that night, to find the said young man — with his raven hair pushed off his forehead and shedding the shirt and slacks for comfortable sweatpants and a hoodie — standing on the other side with a box in his hands.
She blinks at him blankly, “yes?”
“Uhm, here—gift.”
He thrust the box into her hands so violently she staggers back. He looks mortified, “so—sorry, I mean—I just wanted to thank you. For last night, you know.”
She blinks at the box for a few beats of silence and catches sight of the post-it note with a messy ‘thank you’ scrawled over it.
Her eyes flicker up to meet his only to see that he’s busy averting his gaze like a child who knows he’s done something wrong and is about to receive his punishment, causing a soft giggle to erupt from her lips.
“You didn’t have to,” she murmurs, “but thanks.”
“Right,” he clears his throat and is already turning away, “well then, good—“
“Do you want to come in?” she blurts out before he can make an escape, watches how his eyes suddenly widen with panic and quickly rectifies herself, “You don’t have to, I just thought that we might share what you bought together. Only if you want to, no—“
“Sure,” he is quick to reply, “that’ll be great.”
Contrary to what she thinks is an awkward interaction turns out to be a night filled with countless jokes and intimate interactions as they share stories over a bottle of wine that she’d forgotten at the back of her pantry, probably dated from a few months ago when she had resorted to alcohol to solve her problems. The more they talk, the less weight bears down upon her shoulders, the more she gets to know this man in a way that she hasn’t gotten to know anyone else before. Maybe it’s the fact that she’s seen him cry when no one else has, maybe it’s the fact that he’s overshared his story without meaning to. In any case, there’s something so pure and honest about the raw sadness that they share that brings her a kind of comfort she can’t find in anyone else.
Kevin, that’s his name when she finally asked him about it, Kevin Moon.
She finds it suits him, a memory of their first encounter. He’s impressed that she recognized the melody.
“Moonlight Sonata,” she states, “right?” “Dang girl,” he grins, “you play too?”
“No, my dad used to play classical music all the time when I was younger.”
Admittedly, it’s easier to leave behind some of the pain tugging at her heartstrings as she spends more and more time in his company, and while she never outrightly asks him how he feels about constantly being around her, she guesses that he might just be as dependent on her as she is. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t come knocking when he hears her door creak open on the other side of the wall.
He introduces her to his group of friends eventually, a gang of noisy, loud boys who attend the same arts college, each mastering a different type of discipline. There are too many faces to count, too many names that pass right over her head at first, but she doesn’t let that deter her and instead revels in the aura that hangs around them like a halo. It’s comforting to be around them, it’s cozy, it feels like home. She understands why Kevin appreciates them so much.
“So you’re the girl that’s been making Kevin smile these days,” one of them — he has a dimple and an expression that resembles that of an overgrown puppy — proceeds to tease her the moment she introduces herself. His comment makes her bite her lip in nervousness as a blush spreads over her cheeks.
“Oh shush,” Kevin smacks his shoulder playfully, “he’s lying. Don’t listen to him.”
For a while, the empty hole inside her chest numbs out like ice melting on a hot summer day. The coming weeks are filled with a sense of serenity and peace, she soon finds it easier to smile, easier to laugh for no reason. Flowers seem to bloom across her chest, giving birth to an array of sunlight and warmth that fills her, bathes her in a light she can’t help but carry around even when her job takes a toll over her physique.
But all good things come to an end at some point. Just like her happiness.
Sure, it hangs around her shoulders for a while, gives her the mental boost that she seeks. But the sadness is never far behind, always catching up to her and pulling her back into its arms like an ex-lover she can’t get over.
No matter how much she pushes the thought out of her mind, it comes back to haunt her, more and more prominent as the time goes by. Soon enough, she finds herself wading through wave after wave of insecurity, balling up her sadness with tight fists as it swoops in at her weakest moments, just like all the other times where her emotions get the better of her, like a barrier stepping between herself and the outside world and slowly causing her to retreat back into the depths of pain just as easily as though she’d never left in the first place.
At first, she brushes off Kevin’s concern, making up excuses about how tired and worn-out she is from work. But that doesn’t hold out for long, for the young man is curious and adamant to find out what exactly is simmering beneath her nonchalant exterior.
“Okay, what’s wrong?” he asks one night, perched onto the edge of her terrace and gazing down at her with eyes so intense that she struggles to keep her face washed blank from emotion. She gazes at the wine glass in her grasp and tilts it this way and that to admire the burgundy sheen reflected in the dim light coming from her flat.
“Nothing,” she mumbles in hopes that he’ll just drop it.
He’s silent for a long moment, too long. She wonders briefly whether he’s heard her.
But then, he speaks up once more.
“Remember when I said I can see it in you?” his voice is soft, a husky murmur that makes her bite her lip in thought, “that I can see you?”
She nods. “Well, I can see you now. And from what I see,” he shakes his head, “it doesn’t seem like it’s just nothing.”
Of course, of course he knows. Placing her abandoned wine glass down on the floor to wrap her arms around herself, she can’t help but feel her insides coil at the truth that sting with the aftermath of his words.
“I don’t know,” she mumbles, “I don’t know. I was fine for a few days. You—You actually made it better, whenever I spent time with you. But—“
That’s when the sadness lurches through her chest and the hole starts bleeding out with a kind of mind-numbing pain that causes her breaths to stagger and for her body to hunch over, suddenly attacked by the tears bursting out of her like a balloon suddenly bursting under pressure.
It feels like a nightmare. She hates crying in front of people, most of all the beautiful, raven-haired young man with eyes as dark as the night itself and who is presently gazing at her with a mixture of understanding and sympathy. If anything, it makes her cry harder.
She isn’t sure when Kevin’s arms manage to wrap around her or when his chin tucks her into the crook of his body in a semblance of comfort. All she knows is that her hands reach out instinctively to cling onto him as though he’s her lifeline, as though he’s the only tangible thing that makes sense through the whirlwind of pain spreading through her like poison as sob after sob crawl out of her throat, caged monsters that had been dormant for too long.
“It’s okay,” he hushes gently with one of his hands smoothing over her head, “it’s okay, let it out.”
When she finally manages to settle down, when the storm finally subsides and the ocean of pain slowly settles into slow, mulling waves that are easy to ignore, she risks a glance up at Kevin, fearful of what she might find on his face.
What she sees in his eyes causes a breath to catch in her throat.
His eyes, dark mahogany, almost inky black, with the moonlight bouncing off his features and making him appear ethereal, almost dreamlike, tugged at her heartstrings.
He was looking at her as though she was something still worth saving, as if what he’d just seen isn’t a broken mess but a piece of art that mesmerizes him somehow.
“I’m sorry,” she murmurs in a shaky breath.
One of his hands reach up to push back a damp strand from her face, “don’t apologize, not for being sad.”
“I wish—I wish I knew—“ she bites down onto her lower lip and doesn’t realize that she’s cuddling even closer to him until his other arm tightens around her frame so that her nose is buried in his chest, “I wish I knew why I feel like this sometimes.”
“Being sad for no reason isn’t a crime.”
“I know,” their faces are so close, his breaths are washing over her face and her lips tingle at the sensation. Still, his eyes never stray from hers, “but—“
“Do you need any reason to be happy?” he cuts her off.
She thinks for a minute, then mumbles out a, “no.”
“Then you don’t need any reason to be sad.”
The tiniest trickle of warmth tingles through her heart. While she’s aware that part of his words are only ways to make her feel better, she has to admit that it works.
Allowing herself to feel his warmth and relish in the soft vanilla scent that he carries around like a cloud of cotton candy, she whispers out her question, “can I ask for a favour?”
He cocks his head down at her, waiting.
“Could you play your violin for me?”
A smile so wide it causes his eyes to form crescent moons breaks across his face, “sure.”
Having someone understand her in a way that no one else can is a feeling close to exhilaration. She’s never felt that kind of closeness with anyone else before, and having Kevin know her deepest, darkest secrets and not judge her for it is relieving in a way that allows her to open up to him in a way that would’ve made her run for her life before.
The next day, she wakes up with puffed up eyes and a blotchy nose, only to find another post-it note stuck to her fridge. This time, there are two smiley faces and she can’t help but laugh.
Life is a little easier to deal with whenever he’s around. He doesn’t push her, doesn’t ask anything of her other than her silent support and her ear whenever he wishes to talk about something that’s been bothering him.
“Is there really nothing going on between you guys?” the guy with the dimple, whom she now knows is named Changmin, is always teasing her whenever Kevin is not around.
She blushes, “nothing’s going on.”
“Whatever it is, it’s definitely something that’s making him a whole lot happier these days,” another one of his friends, Jacob, says while munching on a slice of pizza, “so keep it up.”
“I’m sure that there are other reasons why he’s in a good mood,” she tries explaining faintly while wishing her cheeks won’t burn so obviously.
“I think he likes you.”
She gawks at Changmin. So does Jacob, who hits his shoulder a second later, “dude!”
“What?” seemingly unbothered, Changmin proceeds to stuff his face with some pizza, “did I say something I shouldn’t have? I’m just trying to speed things up.”
Hearing those words come out of Changmin’s mouth definitely rattles her, except — it can’t be true, considering the amount of beautiful girls that flock to their art academy like it’s one of their pre-requisites to be a student. She shrugs it off as mere teasing instead for the sake of her own sanity and tries not to think about it for the next few days to come. That, however, proves to be quite a challenging feat when the said young man’s actions make her heart flutter as if constantly ruffled by butterflies; like how he enjoys leaving her cute post-it notes with random words of wisdom or — if he’s feeling playful — with lame dad jokes, like how he ensures to wrap her in his sweater whenever it’s too cold out, or like how his permanence in her flat is a reminder that it is completely okay to be how she is.
“Can I show you something?” He asks one night in particular as he steps into her flat with a paper bag tucked under his arm.
She straightens up from her position on the couch, “what?”
Half-expecting him to pull it out of the mysterious bag in question, she blinks in confusion when he motions her to follow.
“Wear something warm,” he instructs, throwing her a random jacket hanging across her front door, “it’s cold out.”
She grumbles, but complies nevertheless before they set off down the road in comfortable silence. When she asks him where they are going, he only shakes his head in response with a mysterious smirk painted across his lips, not reassuring her in the least.
When they walk up to a park entrance currently closed to the public for construction, she pulls his arm back with a protest. But he makes a grab for her hand instead before pulling her along, right over the ‘no trespassing’ sign and into the thick foliage that shrouded them in momentary darkness.
“This is not reassuring,” she can’t help but murmur out, causing Kevin to chuckle softly in return. His palm squeezes hers in an attempt of comfort, and warm tingles unexpectedly rush down her spine.
The forest gets thicker as the trees close in around them, the sounds of the neighbourhood dissipating in the slow hum of the crickets echoing around their figures and filling the silence that feels utterly and blissfully peaceful. The more they walk, the more she finds her muscles relaxing to enjoy the serenity that fills up her soul in a way that no other medicine can, and impulsively breathes in the cold night air infused with a softened humidity lingering along her skin.
After what seems like an eternity of mindlessly walking through the dark, she hears Kevin murmur out:
“We’re here.”
And as she peeks over his shoulder, her eyes widen at the sight before her and her jaw goes slack with surprise.
Because right before her very eyes that peek over Kevin’s shoulder, a troop of golden glistening lights sparkle along the trees, into the tall grass surrounding them, bringing life to the endless night as though the stars themselves have fallen to mother earth.
It’s beautiful. It’s so fragile and breathtaking and just— magical.
“You said you wanted to catch fireflies,” his murmur breaks through the stunned silence accumulating in her heart and just like that, it jumps right through her throat and causes her chest to squeeze with emotion. Her eyes risk a glance up at his face only to see him already gazing down at her, a tender softness lingering in those dark pools reflected by the golden glow echoing around them.
She doesn’t know what to say, what to do. She’s touched beyond comprehension and fears that speaking will only make her cry. Biting her lip and looking down at their entwined fingers, there’s a fleeting suspicion that Changmin might be right after all.
“I—Uhm—I—That’s—“ she tries to make sense of the flurry of words bubbling up her throat, her cheeks reddening when she realizes that she’s said nothing but nonsense, though Kevin lets out a small laugh at her antics before reaching out to grab a passing glowing bug.
He fails miserably, as she does. They exchange soft giggles as they keep alternating. It’s harder than it looks and she finds herself giving up after a few failed attempts, content to sit down and enjoy the atmosphere instead. Kevin sits down beside her after some time, with hands cupped together and a mischievous smile on his face.
“Here,” he nudges her shoulder with his, before opening up his hands ever so slightly. Sure enough, there’s a glowing yellow orb in-between his cupped hands and she gasps in surprised happiness.
“Okay, now make a wish,” Kevin orders. She closes her eyes instantly and clasps her hands together for a few beats of silence. Then, she opens them again with a huge smile while gazing up at him like a kid about to go on her favourite adventure.
“One, two, three,…” his hands then release the firefly. It springs up in the darkness, fluttering for  bit, before whizzing over to its other counterparts as the pair watched with mesmerized eyes.
“I’d ask you what you wished for, but then that wouldn’t make it happen,” Kevin turns to her, lips still turned upwards with the remnants of a grin.
Does he realize how beautiful he is? She thinks to herself, her gaze never straying from his face as his smile slowly fades into puzzlement. He shifts towards her and it’s only then that she senses his warmth pressing against her side.
“What?” He cocks his head in curiosity, “Why are you smiling like that?”
“You’re gorgeous,” she blurts out before she can think twice about the consequences. Face heating up instantly when realization hits, she quickly ducks down to avert his eyes.
Smooth, she can’t help but scold herself inwardly, real smooth. She bites down onto her lower lip with growing nervousness.
To her ultimate surprise, Kevin just bursts out laughing, “thanks, but I think I need to return the compliment.”
“You’re just saying that to be nice,” she retorts and was about to continue babbling to stop herself from falling deeper and deeper into the pits of embarrassment, when she feels a sudden warmth cup her cheek to turn her head to his.
Her gaze locks onto Kevin’s own moonlit ones, heart rocking inside her chest at the gentleness swirling through his eyes. She can feel him, his warmth, his vanilla scent with a tinge of that minty smell he carries around with him like a breath of fresh air. The closeness renders her breathless, practically choking on air. She can’t feel anything. Not right now, at least.
All the pain, the sadness, comes to a standstill to give way to a new rise of emotion, as young as a baby bird slowly breaking out of its eggshell. It thrums through her chest, a melody that alights her with a fire that she didn’t know she had.
The air feels charged with electricity. Kevin shifts closer, nose brushing hers, breaths intermingling.
There’s nothing that can be said to describe the way her heart is constantly fluttering inside her chest like a hummingbird wishing to break free.
Giving her enough time to pull away if she wants to, he dips his head down, closer and closer, before his mouth finds hers.
Every inch of her body lights up with a fire when he kisses her softly, a mere pressure of his lips against her own. Her head bobs back in response, before his other hand comes up to hold her nape in place. Angling his head to the side, he slants his mouth over hers in a way that sends her heart racing right to the moon and her hands unconsciously come up to curl over the material of his dark hoodie to pull him closer.
She can hear the hum of the fireflies, feel the chill in the night breeze blowing through their clothes. But Kevin’s body surrounds her, pulls her in like a drug, and though her lungs are dying from lack of air, she can’t seem to stop from kissing him back gently.
He pulls back after a moment, mouth mere inches from hers and gazing at her through half-lidded eyes that hold a question.
A question she answers by closing her eyes and returning his kiss.
A surprised gasp bubbles up his throat, she smiles against his lips. Her hands weave around his neck, pull him in so that she can feel him, all of him, against her. He parts his mouth like a flower opening up to the sun, and she trembles at the sensation of his tongue swiping across her lower lip with a temptation that causes shivers down her spine.
Everything falls away, time escaping them without meaning as they keep holding each other tightly through the throng of dancing fireflies. She only comes to her senses when they break away and she gets a lungful of fresh air. But Kevin doesn’t relent, his mouth marking a warm path of kisses along her jaw, down her neck, nibbling softly on a sweet spot that makes her whimper in delight.
If she did have any doubts left, they are completely wiped out of her mind right now.
“Can I tell you something?” his mouth parts over her ear then, his breath sparking an electrical sizzle down her spine, “don’t freak out?”
Her heart is practically bursting out of her chest at this point. Her head dips down in a nod.
“I—“ his throat bobs up and down, his features flash with nervousness, “I like that you see me.”
Her mouth curves into a smile and she tries to bite her lip to stop herself from looking so foolishly happy, “I like that you see me too.”
He brushes back her hair, smoothing a hand down the side of her head, “I…I love that you see me, what I’m trying to say, what I think I want to say is—“ he exhales shakily, “that I like you. A lot.”
Her jaw falls slack. She blinks up at him, slightly lost.
“I know, I know. I sound stupid. But I do, I really do. You don’t try to judge, you just listen and���you get it, you see what I am, who I am without trying to dissect what I do, or don’t do,” his voice is rough as he continues, “and that—it matters. It matters a lot. You matter,… to me.”  
The smile is inevitable at this point. It’s tugging up the corners of her mouth no matter how hard she tries to reel in her emotion. There’s a surge of happiness drumming through her stomach and though fear is lingering at the corner of her mind, she forcefully pushes it back. No, it’s not going to ruin anything. Not now.
Slowly, her hands grab his, fingers interlocking as though they’re meant to be there in the first place. Fluttering her eyes up to lock gazes with Kevin, who now looks unsure and uncertain, more fragile than she’s ever seen him, she squeezes his hand softly.
“You matter a lot,” she whispers, “to me, too.”
The smile that blossoms over his face is pure happiness. With a choked-up laugh, he doesn’t hesitate to hug her close as his nose buries itself in her hair while the fireflies flutter around them, golden specks of dust alighting the night with a newfound life that can only be seen for the ones who take the time to see, to search, to seek.
Just like she sees him. And he sees her, for what she is.
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criminalromantic · 5 years ago
Cornelia Street - Chapter 7 (Billy Russo x Fem!Reader)
Summary: What happens when you and Billy don’t see each other?
Word Count: 1797
A/N: this is kind of a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoy it 
Warnings: none
Don’t come over today.
Was the text that you quickly sent Billy as you were ready for work. To say that you were nervous was an understatement. Never before you sent Billy that kind of text, but then again, you were always excited to see him. That one week alone was already quite a ride and you just wanted to be done with it and sort through your thoughts. It seemed to be chilly, but sunny day and you were not willing to let anyone or anything ruin your Friday. 
As the day went you were feeling less tense, but at the same time more. You were thankful for every single minute when Billy didn’t show up. At the same time, you were scared that Billy replied to your text or worse - he would come through the door anytime and confront you about it. That is why you didn’t touch your phone since you sent the text and it has been hours since then. 
The worst thing probably was that he didn’t know the reason behind your sudden change of heart. He didn’t know what he did or how you felt about it. According to his reputation and how it portrayed him to be, something like this was exactly something he would do. 
Sound of the door opening brought you down to earth. It was a woman who bought a small bouquet for her friend’s birthday. Moments after she left, a man walked in. 
He was tall, visibly muscular with short dark hair. As he walked towards you, you noticed his face looked like it had experienced a lot, but you didn’t judge. 
“Hi, how may I help you?” You asked somewhat cheerfully out of habit as the man now stood on the other side of the counter.
“Hi, I’m looking to buy something for my girlfriend. A good pal of mine recommended this place, saying it’s his favorite in all of New York.” For some strange reason, he seemed a bit nervous as he spoke, a little smile on his lips.
“Well, I’m happy to hear that. I’m guessing that your friend really must like flowers. Anyway, what can I get you?” 
“Seven pink roses, please. And no, he was never particularly into flowers. At least until, recently.” He explained as you grabbed the flowers and positioned them to arrange them. Could it be?
“Really? That’s interesting, but not in a bad way. Flowers can make our lives a little more beautiful one bouquet at a time.” For a second you raised your head to smile at the man. As you were finishing with your work, in the corner of your eye you saw him shifting from one leg to another uncomfortably. But you didn’t say anything.
“Alright, your total is 26 dollars.” He put a few bucks in front of you before you even finished your sentence. You handed him the change, he took it and put it all in your tip jar. 
“Wow, that’s quite generous of you, thank you.” You said as 14 dollars landed in it. 
“Excellent service, what can I say?” He hung around like he wanted to say something. Seconds later he turned around with a quick “bye” and left.
The rest of the day went by fast. Like every Friday, there were a lot of people buying flowers for dates or other celebrations, but the last hour was basically dead. Sometimes you wondered what it is like - to be hanging out with friends at a party or a bar or someone’s place. You never really get to do that. Usually, you’re tired after work and you’re more of a daytime person anyway. Most of your friends are like that too and the ones that aren’t - you aren’t that close to them. You are your own boss and you could close up early whenever you wanted, but you wanted to maintain a routine. 
The clock struck 8 o’clock so you closed the shop and made sure everything was taken care of before you left for the weekend. Slowly you grabbed your phone and looked at it dreadfully. You didn’t want to check your notifications, but never using your phone for the rest of your life was kind of impossible. When you finally unlocked your phone, you saw… nothing. No notification. You felt relieved and slowly made your way upstairs to your apartment, where a hungry cat was already awaiting you. 
While your day was calm, Billy’s wasn’t at all. Fridays were always hectic because everybody was trying to get their work done before the weekend - at least most people he worked with were like that. That meant that the entire day Billy was drowning in a pile of reports and contracts that needed to be checked. Not to mention that two days ago a friend - Dinah Madani - asked him to help her with a case. So basically since he got back to work on Wednesday, he hadn’t had a moment to take a breath. The whole day he was feeling stressed and became angrier and angrier when he discovered that some of the reports had incorrect information or some contracts didn’t have all the signatures they were supposed to have. Amateurs. Billy thought as he leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes. 
He looked at this phone, lying on the desk, and thought that he could use a little break. The first thing he saw was a text message from you. He was excited for a moment - until he saw what you wrote. What? He opened the conversation and his fingers hovered over the keyboard. He ended up writing nothing because he didn’t know what to write back. Instead, he just stared at the four words. When he finally put the phone away to get back to work, he couldn’t. Different reasons why you wouldn’t want him to come popped up in his mind and none of them were good. What if something happened to you? What if you felt sick again? What if you just didn’t want to see him again? But he was going to respect your wishes. Then he came up with a plan to see what was wrong and picked up the phone again.
“Hey, Frankie, uhm, are you free right now?” Billy asked a little timidly, not knowing how to word his question.
“Uh, yeah, what is it, Bill?” 
“I need you to go to Y/N’s flower shop to check on her. For some reason, she doesn’t want me to come and I want to make sure she’s all right.” 
“Wait, hold up. What do you mean she doesn’t want you to come over?” Frank was often Billy’s voice of reason and now it even seemed like he could read his mind. 
“That’s what I don’t know, but she doesn’t want to see me today and as much as I want to go there right now, I can’t. So, will you go over there?” Billy flinched at how desperate and urgent his voice sounded, he was not used to that.
“Sure, why not. Send me the address.” He thanked his friend and quickly typed the address before sending it. He wasn’t completely calm, but he did feel a bit better and went back to work.
He was happy to hear from Frank that you were safe and nice as ever. He smiled at how Frank described your dedication to your job and mentally agreed. Another reason he smiled was that Frank liked you and his opinion mattered to him a lot. They have been through a lot together, seen each other’s ups and downs. They were always looking out for one another and that meant in all aspects of life - romantic included. 
But one thing kept him up at night. If you were all right, why wouldn’t you want him to come over? Maybe it was nothing, maybe you were just as busy as he was. Maybe you had a lot of work to make up for the first three days of the week. But he had been there when you had a hard day and you never sent him on his way. He had a feeling that this was bad. And he didn’t like it one bit. What if you didn’t want to spend time with him anymore? Did he do something that made you change your mind? 
He kept turning in his bed from one position to another. After a day like that, he thought that he would fall asleep as soon as he got into bed, but he couldn’t get you out of his mind. His phone was on his nightstand. Within reach. He contemplated calling you. Then he remembered that it was the middle of the night and he would probably wake you up, you would get angry at him for waking you up and he couldn’t come up with how that scenario would result in a good ending. He thought about sending a text, which he also figured was a bad idea. It was Friday and sending you a text would make it seem that he was getting drunk somewhere and texting you because of the alcohol. Neither of those options would give you the impression that he would like. Somehow, slowly, his eyelids became too heavy and he finally drifted off to sleep. 
When you checked the weather forecast the next morning, you thought about how you were going to spend the day. To be more specific, you were thinking about outdoor ways to spend the day. Most of your week you were stuck inside and you felt more than ready to go out and enjoy some sunlight and fresh air. After a few minutes and consulting with your cat, you decided to go on a hike somewhere outside of New York. 
Quickly you packed a bag with everything you might need. Some snacks, treats for Benjamin, a lot of water, some wet wipes - you never know when you might need those - and some other stuff. When you were satisfied with the contents, you got dressed into some comfortable leggings and t-shirt. You packed a spare t-shirt, in case you got sweaty and a hoodie if it got cold. Lastly, you put on some hiking boots. Only one thing left to do - get Benjamin ready for the adventure. You put the harness and leash on him and topped it off with a treat. 
“Are you ready for adventure, Benji?” You asked in a baby voice. 
“Okay, let’s go.” You made sure you had everything, took Benji’s leash, and walked out the door. 
When you stepped outside, you were met with chilly morning air. Taking a deep breath you felt good about your day.
That was until you stood face to face with a certain raven-haired man.
Tags: @1-800-heartbreak @churchb
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