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sock-kaleidoscope · 9 months ago
Mhmmm potencial drama, love it
Lets make it more spicy
What about the bishops crowns did those also dissapear??
Aym and Baal are still gone??
What about Ratoo (Rataru's brother)??
Does Fosa like, follow the duo at all times?
The rest of the knuckle bones players are also gone?
This happens before the fox offering or did the lamb said "no"?
If the lamb doesn't use the red crown powers, what about if they die?
Thinking about it, if the lamb does die, Narinder is gonna dissert right?
Has Fosa fight in some type of battle?
The bishops' crowns are currently in trophy form and are unmoving pieces of junk back at the cult grounds.
Aym and Baal were last seen in the fight in the underworld, they have not made another appearance.
Since Ratoo is only found during crusades, the trio hasn't run into him yet, but they likely will later on!
Fosa has been glued to the lamb's side since the massacre, and has been with them throughout the crusades.
The rest of the Knucklebones players have not been sighted. (Even leaving behind their dice sets at Ratau's, the forgetful fellows)
It depends on which fox deal we're talking about! The lamb has dealt with him before, but not often.
The lamb hasn't died yet! So we dunno how that would work. They have been very careful to not go near combat at all, at most throwing rocks across the room. They dont have permadeath on though lol
If the lamb were to die permanently, then there'd be all sorts of fuckery with who inherits it. If Narinder were to kill then, he's usurp them and get the crown back, if anyone else godly were to do so, they might also inherit the red crown. If Narinder inherited it, he wouldn't be able to leave. If anyone else were to take it, he would likely run off with Nufosa somewhere else.
Nufosa has tried DESPERATLY to enter fights, but the lamb does a good job keeping them away from the action. Fosa got up to a lot of shit before the massacre though.
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canadianno · 9 months ago
Alright getting back to the point
Back at Narinder's realm, what kind of deal did Rataru make with him in order to become a vessel??
And how did the bishops know about the lamb killing gods prophesy?
-alz, hehshvshshdvj
Honestly, I haven't thought about Rataus deal yet!
I'm thinking of connecting it somehow to how both Ratau and Ratoo are missing eyes. I do know that Ratau got completed distracted from defeating the bishops when Ratoos' heart was stolen; it killed him when it happened, and Ratau spent a LONG time trying to figure out the ressurection ritual on his own to revive him. Narinder refused to actually tell him how it was done, frustrated that he was so distracted. It's why Ratoo has like- come back all wrong. Ratau figured that shit out on his own, and got the crown taken away for it.
As for the prophecy, Shamura just ... summoned the other 3 to their temple one day. And insisted that they had spoken to Fate. That the sheep needed to die- to keep them safe.
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ardamus · 5 years ago
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On the @coldrhymeslabel imprint, myself and @height_keech are dropping #AstroBlocks in March 2020. But on 02.28.20, we are having the album release party at @7drumcity in their #InThePocket venue. Featuring my homeboy from #ATX @ratarue and my peoples #CabalCorps which includes @renell_mc @mynameisprowess @_catseye2thecosmos_ and yours truly. Mark you calendars. #Ardamus #DevilsKissingAngels #dkautld #HeightKeech #ColdRhymes #AstroBlocks #CabalCorps #Ratarue #RNL #RNLification #Prowess #ProwessTheTestament #CatsEye2TheCosmos #EdwordAsis #dc #dcrap #dcrapper #dcrappers #baltimorehiphop #baltimorerap #dmvrap #dmvrapper #dmvrappers #dmvhiphop #dmv (at 7DrumCity) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7nA_rWBbCq/?igshid=12v3rdy9om80p
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444names · 3 years ago
roman, hindu, brythonic and egyptian deities + tolkienesque forenames
Abarcar Ablu Adacin Adhan Adia Adiusti Adsulkha Aedurus Aegnia Aeskhôr Afdea Agan Agdurumnus Alamavi Alaspernus Alati Albêth Aldanos Alibi Almë Aluin Aláf Amant Amanus Ambor Ambudirah Amdís Amil Amlon Amrahaniah Amrodravi Anai Anca Andir Andor Anelax Anes Angolca Anguphrahu Anil Ankoutarië Annaragrin Annas Annontuma Anya Apan Apeteleb Aradada Aradil Arah Aramaien Arammaneri Aranielron Arat Aratheb Arauptash Aravanvest Arcil Ariel Arimonar Ariondia Arionwë Arios Armto Arothôn Arta Artrinji Arucin Arum Arutas Arvia Arwert Ascindil Ashenesti Asimoromog Aspa Astephilmo Astetus Atta Aulebri Auna Aviripla Avisia Azaghardir Bali Bana Barja Bartund Baus Belegorlis Beleswain Belf Belinar Belwatir Beraphithi Beregon Berensuan Bernalma Bhaitri Bhalest Bhas Bhathiti Bhir Bodestor Bors Brian Bubelenwë Buda Budis Budragus Calan Califulgas Calka Camdírinor Carved Carven Celdir Celus Cempel Cerven Chanortion Coelmo Conitobeor Conu Cortus Damandir Dentia Devanca Devayuta Devis Deyakshep Dhaduin Dherionda Dhirri Diaphien Domarjum Déalacil Egas Elan Eldwamba Elegorte Elestr Elethiri Eleus Emil Emithys Enus Ertirio Eryavis Esavis Evna Eäreshnus Eäretens Eäreya Eärna Falajaput Faravanna Faug Faunna Fenwë Feri Finus Finyaras Folór Foni Forodea Frester Fréag Fulg Furi Fëandaria Galaunus Galdamir Gamis Gebrían Gilimbomë Gimun Ginegin Goltus Golë Gontinyë Goron Gralanbrau Griarna Griethir Grodheh Gríanus Gwat Hadamarte Hadia Haglio Hakshi Handindra Hantas Harahir Havisil Hedha Hentus Heperovion Hern Hernurn Heruman Hrami Human Hunus Huoltuns Ianáinetin Ibaak Ibûnat Ilúk Imliri Imraeg Imrodim Imron Imut Inimit Iravini Iriona Isavannor Iscalges Ishmookas Ivis Jant Jundardiry Junuil Juves Jyotheril Kalars Kamadri Kamandor Kana Khberúmin Khos Khâd Kricius Lacir Ladufthori Landi Latherra Latin Laur Lebor Leglanton Lembikamir Ling Liovitas Lishari Lithi Litimitë Litya Luchientas Luildor Luine Luinglicoc Macil Maessorn Mafdelfin Maikumna Main Mairë Makh Malor Mana Manara Maniara Mantritir Manua Mariona Marus Mata Maus Medira Mehet Mehta Menardil Mendar Mengona Menhith Menpur Menus Metta Miramnar Miris Miromo Mnath Mohi Moorbaah Morgo Munius Munnutati Mírdakaur Mírin Nahardra Narval Neher Nelat Neldon Nelyë Nemehi Nesa Nianara Nikatant Nincatuta Námaur Námog Nírimromis Nóli Occa Orangimi Orli Orod Orovegnius Oset Osis Pakama Palg Paline Pallata Palugamdír Pandannor Pani Parmana Parus Parvius Pashatin Pefnu Pesh Phroma Poel Pomitir Pond Poti Pradoromau Pran Prision Pront Prosion Quil Quin Quis Raata Radim Rapicius Rasa Ratarus Ravat Renatritr Robagduus Rohta Roni Runna Rómil Saikasha Saiti Saket Sandil Saranyë Satmiyatur Savertir Sedhadras Segoldë Seka Seketa Seradha Sertund Sestel Seteth Shar Shatmir Shindra Shmathéod Shmor Shta Shtana Smehmen Sméala Sobodea Soldoroth Somapon Spatiaha Sten Succhas Sulinel Sullumbis Sulwaton Swin Súrimbuxen Tarangeri Tardador Telegortus Telyë Tendia Tendómen Teper Teskh Thas Thekalobis Then This Thor Thorte Théodevera Trenthodet Trin Turytta Tutumarati Umien Ummaven Undildor Vand Vanet Vangerus Vast Vaswama Vendilax Vhedata Vhern Vhetep Vidya Vina Vionc Visamna Vishilg Viti Vonitrin Vorimavrin Voron Vulinwë Wama Warfiti Wawep Wawyn Wenet Wenor Wenox Wentarl Wento Werval Worborovis Yamuts Yania Yanieta Yardin Óina
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luz2307reflexion · 7 years ago
Mrs.Pumpkin no Kokkei na Yume (luz, nqrse, Soraru, and Mafumafu Version) Lyrics
Please write down my account's name when you post my lyrics somewhere else. Thank you. ♡ ------ Mrs.Pumpkinの滑稽な夢(Mrs. Pumpkin's Comical Dream) Vocals: luz; nqrse; そらる;まふまふ オリジナル曲:ハチ RAP LYRICS: nqrse ------ KANJI: トリック・オア・トリート! 解けない魔法と悪戯なシャルウィーダンス 導くモンは何? 夢へ急ぐ最中見つけ出すシャングリラ ジャカランダ咲いた 無礼を酌み交う演説会 何処へ行こうか?愉快に泣いた歌 ジャックは笑った 「異端な感情置いといて」 チョコレート頂戴下賤に泣いた歌 カカシがふらり咽むせんで揺れた 食わず嫌いはカボチャのパイ ねぇ ラルラルラ私と踊ろうか まだ眠るお月様 "「呼んだ?呼んだ?」と蕪頭かぶあたま" ほら 棺は何処にも無くなった つまらないや らたる らた Happy Day カウントダウン愚弄 迫る邂逅に震えちゃっテ 巡る記憶ほど断片 これも輪の上のこと? 響くRing a bell まだ間もないと君が言うネ? ならばクレイジーで ダンティーかつ 素敵なショーを! でっち上げられた魔法に敏感鉄塔と 魔女は高架下眩くらんだ様だった ジャックは気取った 「卑猥ひわいな感情持っといて!」 マンダラゲ咲いた怨うらんだ様だった 山羊やぎが何か企んで "「受け入れろ、受け入れろ」" 電車を待つ 手を繋ごう二つは許された 巡りつく管の中 "���性劣性死屍しし累々るいるい?" ほら 即売会群むらんだ蟻ありの中 まだ眠るお月様 「ああ!ミセスパンプキン!お迎えに上がりました!」 この夜はいつの間に夢を壊したのだろう? まだここで踊っていたいのよ! 夢のような錯乱を "劣性劣性馬鹿溜だまり" ほら吐き出した快楽と火が燈る ランタンは らたる らた Happy Day ねぇ ラルラルラ私と踊ろうか 返事なんか来る筈はずも "「残念!無念!」と蕪頭” ほら 棺は何処にも無くなった つまらないや 沈み込んだ泥の中 朝を待った藪の中 電車の中 ああミセスパンプキン ああミセスパンプキン ROMAJI: TORIKKU OA TORIITO! Hodokenai mahou to itazura na SHARU UII DANSU Michibiku mon wa nani? Yume e isogu sainaka mitsukedasu SHANGURIRA JAKARANDA saita burei wo kumikau enzetsukai Doko e yukou ka? Yukai ni naita uta JAKKU wa waratta "Itanna kanjou oitoite" CHOKOREETO choudai gesen ni naita uta Kakashi ga furari musende yureta Kuwazu kirai wa kabocha no PAI Nee RA RU RA RU RA watashi to odorou ka Mada nemuru otsukisama ("Yonda? Yonda?" to kabu atama) Hora hitsugi wa doko ni mo naku natta Tsumaranai ya Rataru rata Happy Day KAUNTODAUN gurou semaru kaigou ni furue chatte meguru kioku hodo danpen Kore mo rin no ue no koto? Hibiku Ring a bell mada mamonai to kimi ga iu ne? Naraba KUREIJII de DANTII katsu suteki na shou o! Decchiagerareta mahou ni binkan tettou to Majo wa kouka shita kuranda you datta JAKKU wa kidotta "Hiwaina kanjou mottoite!" MANDARAGE saita uranda you datta Yagi ga nani ka takurande ("Ukeirero, ukeirero") Densha wo matsu Te wo tsunagou futatsu wa yurusareta Meguritsuku kuda no naka ("Ressei ressei shishiruirui?") Hora sokubaikai muranda ari no naka Mada nemuru otsukisama "Ah! MISESU PANPUKIN! Omukae ni agarimashita!" Kono yoru wa itsu no mani yume wo kowashita no darou? Mada koko de odotte itai no yo! Yume no youna sakuran wo ("Ressei ressei baka tamari") Hora hakidashita kairaku to hi ga tomoru RANTAN wa Rataru rata Happy Day Nee RA RU RA RU RA watashi to odorou ka Henji nanka kuru hazu mo ("Zannen! Munen!" to kabu atama) Hora hitsugi wa doko ni mo naku natta Tsumaranai ya Shizumikonda doro no naka Asa wo matta yabu no naka Densha no naka Aa MISESU PANPUKIN Aa MISESU PANPUKIN
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iamspymc · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @howwedoatlimelight Come see @howwedoatlimelight 2nite 02.05.2020 at @thelimelightsa w/@therealmitchjames @tb_robby @deeeyoko @ratarue @loudmoufperks @luckieeb @forty8ace & @blitzotic with vending by @lilelephantprod @cyieratheelf & more! Hosted by @dennylo3000 & @sanantonio_banderas 9pm-2am No Cover 21+ w/Valid ID performances start at 1045pm. We have also partnered up with #JeansForTeens and will be collecting Jean's to donate to the Battered Women & Childrens Shelter. If you have any pairs of Jean's you no longer wear then go ahead and bring them on by so we can donate them to those in need. See everyone on wednesday! #liveart #vendors #livemusic #livebeats #hiphop #mpc #akai #pioneer #dj #mc #deejay #emcee #producers #beatmakers #salife #sanightlife #nightlife #thingstodo #thingstodoinsanantonio #diyartists #diy #supportlocal #localbusiness #lineup #art #sanantonio #texas #wednesday #batteredwomenandchildrensshelter (at Limelight) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8M8l1HnQlv/?igshid=h88w0z45l6hj
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sophisticated-idleness · 7 years ago
via Twitter https://twitter.com/thepurpurelite
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sock-kaleidoscope · 9 months ago
Hehe lets get annoying
What are exactly Narinder's feelings for the lamb and viceversa?
What are they crusading against, or if they are in the purgatory, how does that go?
What is Fosa history?
The deal i meant about the fox is that one of the killing Rataru, what happend?
If Midas is gold, what about the statue that are seem alive in the game?
Was everything destroyed in the cult grounds but were the crowns untoched?
Or does the other crowns are straight unusable trash?
Has the idea of new followers apper in the Yael's mind?
Narinder is discovering how amazing it is to be alive, and to feel things again. But he's also dealing with a fast-approaching family reunion and doesn't know how to feel. Narinder was so devoid of any sensation in the afterlife he doesn't know how to interpret this onslaught of emotions. He has decided all his complicated feelings on his fall from the godhood, which was caused by the lamb.
The lamb still regards Narinder as the God of Death, even without his crown. They dont know how to feel about becoming a god, and therefore are refusing to address it. You'll notice that within the fic, Yael has yet to call Narinder by name, addressing him as "My Lord".
Neither of the have developed romantic feelings for each other (yet)
Currently the only thing left to do in the Lands of The Old Faith is to crusade through the domains again. Narinder is hoping if his siblings are also turned into mortals, that they will be able to give/help fins answers.
Nufosa is a 5/6-year-old, orange tabby kitten. They held the title of the most mischievous in the cult before the massacre. They snuck out often, got in trouble often, and got consequences often. Some of their most notable achievements were drinking water from the northern falls, giving the entire cult food poisoning, and becoming a stowaway on Plimbo's ship for a week.
The lamb had not made a decision when the fox proposed the exchange with Ratau. They walked away without a reply and have not spoken with the fox since.
The statues in Midas' cave are the same as ever. Giggling at passerby and watching the Gods of Wealth bless their souls.
Everything in the cult is in ruin. The Crowns are untouched on their pedestals. They are placed in a row within the graveyard, which has been very mildly disturbed. The only real damage done there was a few hedges got cut down.
The crowns have done nothing other than sit since the Bishops' defeat.
Narinder tried to find are followers so they wouldn't have to crusade right away. Unfortunately, Helob and Rakshasa are also missing (i forgot to mention them before). There's nowhere else to find followers other than crusades, and they haven't found anyone else yet. (But they will in the future >:})
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sock-kaleidoscope · 8 months ago
Sock, a second ask round has hit the askbox!
Welcome to hell, we hope you suffer
General Questions
How did you get in the COLT fandom?
Character inspirations for the three musketeers?
Any general headcanon you are using to do the fic?
Can i get a closer look of three musketeers and their birthmarks?
Any history on their birthmarks?
Fun facts while making the fic
Fav type of character?
You have a Red Bull infront of you face, what do you do?
Its a literal Bull
Principal Inspirations for the fic!
Principal Inspirations as a whole!
Now that Narinder is mortal, have they take any bath they must suck ass after you kn thousants of years
Woe, now i remain you need to do the cleaning + its not gonna do itself
If could be another race of fiction what would you be? (orks, elfs, dwarves all that)
Fav movie?
Can you describe the current state of the crusade?
Had Narinder and Fosa purr anytime?
If yes, have they done it with the Yael?
Has the red crown communique with the three musketeers?
Any visual in the Crusade?
Any extra magic you have created for story purposes?
break time
What kind of music Yael could hear?
During Rataru vessel time, any events that are important for your AU?
Narinder seems not to give any fuck about the cult after the catastrophe, what about the remains of the Old Faith?
If you could choose another era to be born, which one?
What do you choose, you can see but you can't feel, or you can feel but you can't see?
Any kind of procedure before making a fic?
During the catastrophe, any kind of "special" follower died/ dissapear? (like Webber)
Narinder's favorite type of pass time before the catastrophe
If the trio were to enconter the "force" (i will refer this way to the cause of the catastrophe) what would be the following reaction?
Has the trio found any kind of "like" in the crusade as a whole?
Explain your bishops and the Old Faith members respectively
If you cold have a super power, which could it be?
Any created character you are cooking?
Has the Old Faith figure out that the catastrophe happen?
What happens now that someone dies with the red crown in the hands of the lamb?
If given the choice, would Narinder recover the red crown?
What idea started this fic?
Did you know worms can difference between the day and night feeling the light?
Did you know that in culture, frogs are magic beings disguised?
Did you know that you could squids used to be milked for milk? (in minecraft)
Some kinds of spiders can jump 50 times its length
Cats are silly
Lambs have one good memory, capable of remainding human faces
Cry if you need to (break time)
What has been your favorite part of the fic so far?
The Story Questions
Can you explain how your purgatory funtions?
How long is a chapter of the AU or it depents on the plot?
How does Yael percive the pass of time?
Has the red crown shown any changes?
Any kind of more advanced technology in the land?
Did the Mystic Seller appear right after the catastrophe?
Is the Old Faith conscious of The Mystic Seller?
Any plans on the Goat?
Any changes you have done to the main lore of the game?
Shamura' followers fun facts
Kallamar's followers fun facts
Narinder's followers fun facts (in the battle with Aym and Baal they summon little followers)
Heket's followers fun facts
Leshy's followers fun facts
Any changes has happen to the land after the fall of every bishop?
"Sealed Vessel" is the perfect song for Narinder, what do you think?
Break ti- no you will not get those now
Have you ever based your characters on real people?
Any headcanons on the Fox?
Eat something
Any background you recomed for every time a character talk?
Visual and lazy representation of how does the trio bond with each other
Break time for real this time
"You are now inmortal, have you thought of the implications?"
Has Fosa tried any real food after the catastrophe?
Does the "force" show any interst in something specific?
Are the characters conscious of the force?
Any kind of music you would put to the force?
Is there any glue about what happen during the catastrophe
The Force is The Mystic Seller or the Fox right?
or maybe lamb related? maybe the Goat, nahhhhhh, while making this they didn't even existed
Who misses the cult the most?
Is the Old Faith conscious about the force?
Has the Fox make its doing in the meantime?
Visual of the Purgatory
Break time
Visual of the Bishops
You are almost there!
Favorite Visual about the fic so far?
Any kind of detail about the force?
What kind of voice would you put to Yael
To Narinder
To Fosa
To the Fox
To The Mystic Seller
To The Force
What is the Force "moral compass"?
Visual of the Force
Cry if you need to again
-alzsomethinglike EX
Ahora si me mame
WOOOOOOO OKAY i tried breaking it up a little more this time. alz's questions are bolded while my responses are regular!
How did you get in the COLT fandom?
I initially heard about it when it first got popular a couple years ago, I watched a couple playthroughs and kept it in the back of my mind for a little bit. I was still focused on the DCA from FNAF:SB. However, through the glory of ao3 I found BamSara’s fics! I haven’t actually caught up with Solar Lunacy (and I remember very little since it’s been a while). But at one point I found the fic again, and saw that Bam had a Tumblr. I saw them making COTL stuff and people they knew making COTL stuff. I gave the game another shot and I really loved it. Especially after the Relics of The Old Faith update where we got more to work with. The main thing that gets me to latch onto stuff is the story, and now there was more of it!
Character inspirations for the three musketeers?
Technically all three came from the game, but their personalities and stories were kinda sporadic. I just sort of kept thinking about it, and then the “what if’s” became more complicated and interesting.
Any general headcanon you are using to do the fic?
A lot of the stuff that allows the fic to exist within headcanons are about the crowns (which I've talked about many a time), and the relationship the siblings have with each other.
Can i get a closer look of three musketeers and their birthmarks?
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Any history on their birthmarks?
Narinder’s came from his time as a mortal. Yael’s was part of their omen to become a vessel, and Nufosa’s was just one they were born with.
Fun facts while making the fic
UMMM. Idk if you know Alz, but I have a co-author. I also have a bunch of post/pre fic drabbles that I wrote to get a feel for the characters before their issues and after the issues.
Fav type of character?
The ones having COMPLICATED INNER MONOLOGUES OOOOUUGH. I eat it up so much. I’m also really good at writing those scenes according to Copper.
You have a Red Bull infront of you face, what do you do?
I’ve never had a Red Bull idk if I’d try it.
Its a literal Bull
Oh I’m just screwed, my flight instinct would have me skewered so fast.
Principal Inspirations for the fic!
Cotl obvi, a hefty handful of Trod by Bam, and the rest of this imaginary soup is almost entirely filled with my fascination with death. I am fucking flabbergasted by all the perspectives on it between religion and culture; and also all the psychological shit that surrounds it.
Principal Inspirations as a whole!
Music and art is pretty inspirational to me, but the BIG thing (as prev mentioned) is my carnal love of stories. I am fucking in love with a gripping narrative, in most forms of storytelling.
Now that Narinder is mortal, have they take any bath they must suck ass after you kn thousants of years
The land of the dead didn't actually make him all that dirty, and his disciples would help him groom sometimes since he couldn't reach most places with his chains on. He probably should take a bath though.
Woe, now i remain you need to do the cleaning + its not gonna do itself
Okay it is 8:58 I’ll tell you the time when I’m done. 10:16 ITS CLEAN ENOUGH
If could be another race of fiction what would you be? (orks, elfs, dwarves all that)
OoO. I would wanna be either a elemental of some sort or a animal-type-folk (ex. tabaxi)
Fav movie?
Oof im always bad at the favorites questions… I really love the Night at the Museum trilogy!
Can you describe the current state of the crusade?
Narinder is reliving his past, Yael is not communicating, and Nufosa is tackling people and playing with flowers.
Had Narinder and Fosa purr anytime?
They haven’t done so in the fic so far, but they have in the past and will in the future.
If yes, have they done it with the Yael?
Not yet
Has the red crown communique with the three musketeers?
Sort of? It’s weird to explain.
Any visual in the Crusade?
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Any extra magic you have created for story purposes?
Once again, sort of? I don’t really know how to explain it, but I will say its not a huge new concept it’s mainly recycled ideas from other people.
But if I summarize it you’ll get spoilers : _(
I can summarize what I have so far which is that: the whole cult died and narinder got back from his missionary and found it, they discovered nufosa, looked around to try and find survivors, had a bad time with Mystic Seller, went into Darkwood, had trauma in Darkwood, had fun in Darkwood and most recently bonded while in Darkwood.
-break time-
What kind of music Yael could hear?
I dunno what kind of music Yael would listen to. Probably rock or lo-fi
During Rataru vessel time, any events that are important for your AU?
Maybe? I haven’t fully sorted it out yet
I’ll do a quick review of what I got! Crowns are created when an aspect of life needs governing. Crowns can talk to anyone who has beared them. All the bishop crowns have names, red is Idris, green is Abbadon, yellow is Tanupa, blue is Calypso, and purple is Cassian.
Narinder seems not to give any fuck about the cult after the catastrophe, what about the remains of the Old Faith?
He didn’t really emotionally attach to any of the mortals in both the cult and the lands of the Old Faith but he does miss his siblings and stuff around the Lands of the Old faith reminds him of those times.
If you could choose another era to be born, which one?
UH i guess in like the 90’s.
What do you choose, you can see but you can't feel, or you can feel but you can't see?
Can feel with no sight
Any kind of procedure before making a fic?
Def depends on who you are, i think a big part of making the fic is just fantasizing beforehand
During the catastrophe, any kind of "special" follower died/ dissapear? (like Webber)
Webber was in the cult a LONG time ago and died naturally. There was like a century between allat
Narinder's favorite type of pass time before the catastrophe
In the afterlife he made a huge habit of counting pretty much anything, and he spent time with the others in the gateway.
If the trio were to enconter the "force" (i will refer this way to the cause of the catastrophe) what would be the following reaction?
A whole bunch of confusion and then a huge fight.
Has the trio found any kind of "like" in the crusade as a whole?
I assume you mean things that they like, in which case, narinder found nufosa, nufosa found out plants are travel sized, and Yael found a place other than the cult
Explain your bishops and the Old Faith members respectively
I don’t really know how to explain what's up with the bishops, and i don’t have much plans with any members of the Old Faith.
If you cold have a super power, which could it be?
Teleportation and Telekinesis are SLEPT ON, love those as a duo
Any created character you are cooking?
I have an extended cast which will come into play soon!
Has the Old Faith figure out that the catastrophe happen?
Yeah, they have a whole system now.
What happens now that someone dies with the red crown in the hands of the lamb?
They just die like usual, nothing more.
If given the choice, would Narinder recover the red crown?
It very much would depend.
What idea started this fic?
I mainly saw that not very many people even knew about the cult die -> game over mechanic.
Did you know worms can difference between the day and night feeling the light?
I did not! And that will now be something i can shove onto Leshy!
Did you know that in culture, frogs are magic beings disguised?
Interesting! I’m not sure if that will come to play in my fic but its a cool fact.
Did you know that you could squids used to be milked for milk? (in minecraft)
I did not! (I haven't played minecraft in over a year)
Some kinds of spiders can jump 50 times its length
Yes! It’s terrifying! I’m arachnophobic and afraid!
Cats are silly
Oh boy cats ARE silly
Lambs have one good memory, capable of remainding human faces
OoO I didn’t know that. Funnily enough, I already gave Yael a pretty good memory.
Cry if you need to (break time)
What has been your favorite part of the fic so far?
When Narinder had a breakdown over Leshy, it was really fun to write.
The Story Questions
Can you explain how your purgatory funtions?
It’s pretty similar to in-game purgatory. I think the most important difference is that you don't have to die in order to get out of purgatory. You can also exit purgatory by giving in, but it has an effect.
How long is a chapter of the AU or it depents on the plot?
Most chapters s far are about 1.5k - 2k words, but as more interesting things happen, they do get a but longer.
How does Yael percive the pass of time?
Yael is lowkey dissociating through everything right now, not really paying attention. Only really keeping track of time when they are waiting for something in particular.
Has the red crown shown any changes?
Idris has become way more expressive, and has been paying more attention to their surroundings.
Any kind of more advanced technology in the land?
I'm not entirely sure what will be incorporated yet, but for the most part it's only really what's in-game.
Did the Mystic Seller appear right after the catastrophe?
They were there beforehand, appearing right after the usurpation.
Is the Old Faith conscious of The Mystic Seller?
Bishops, yes. Members, no.
Any plans on the Goat?
Yes! I am waiting until the update comes out before i set too much into stone though.
Any changes you have done to the main lore of the game?
As far as I’m aware I haven't changed any of the central lore, more so adding on stuff where we don't get an explanation.
Shamura' followers fun facts
Shamura had a sort of draft system, where every year a family gave one member to their army to make sure it was strong should anything arise.
Kallamar's followers fun facts
They made the stained glass that's in all the bishops’ temples!
Narinder's followers fun facts (in the battle with Aym and Baal they summon little followers)
Oh I think you’re talking about the ones in the cages, which actually come from the lam’s cult. However, Narinders cult pre-imprisonment still happened! His followers were all mammals!
Heket's followers fun facts
Since a lot of Anura’s population was frogs, many would get permission to go to Anchordeep for the tadpoles to grow up, and then come back to Anura once they were grown.
Leshy's followers fun facts
Leshy wasn’t very involved with his followers, and they came up with a system when he wasn’t around. They were pretty organized for a cult of chaos.
Any changes has happen to the land after the fall of every bishop?
Their domains have gone into an amount of disarray, but otherwise its mostly people that have changed.
"Sealed Vessel" is the perfect song for Narinder, what do you think?
From Hollow Knight? I haven’t played but I’ve been meaning to. I do love the soundtrack. That song does fit Narinder pretty well, but much more so before the usurpation than after. If anything I think it might suit Yael better.
Break ti- no you will not get those now
That’s fine I want to just get this out before a full 24 hours has passed.
Have you ever based your characters on real people?
I do take aspects, but I haven’t ever really done a whole person-based character.
Any headcanons on the Fox?
I think he got involved with the bishops before the lamb genocide even started.
Eat something
Any background you recomed for every time a character talk?
I dunno if you mean backstory or an example of voices, in which case I’m trying to work on a voice claim!
Visual and lazy representation of how does the trio bond with each other
Tumblr media
this one looks bad and is not scale accurate okay
Break time for real this time
"You are now inmortal, have you thought of the implications?"
Ooo. It depends who this is said by and who it’s said to, but a conversation similar to this happens in-fic.
Has Fosa tried any real food after the catastrophe?
Some soups.
Does the "force" show any interst in something specific?
Are the characters conscious of the force?
Some are, some aren’t.
Any kind of music you would put to the force?
Dead God Graveyard by Oliver Buckland
I’m running out of fun facts here oh god. They all have siblings with red eyes?
Uh, they only started calling it the “Old Faith” after Narinder was imprisoned.
Is there any clue about what happen during the catastrophe
All the clues you need are in the second chapter if you stretch your reasoning enough.
The Force is The Mystic Seller or the Fox right?
Maybe. Maybe not.
or maybe lamb related? maybe the Goat, nahhhhhh, while making this they didn't even existed
Yeah the goat is NOT involved rn.
Who misses the cult the most?
The lamb 100%
Is the Old Faith conscious about the force?
Yeah everyone knows that it exists, just not that it’s what did it.
Has the Fox make its doing in the meantime?
The fox has been around, but not super involved.
Visual of the Purgatory
Purgatory just looks kinda like it does in-game, im sure you can find screenshots somewhere.
CONSTANTLY wore armor under their outer robes.
Huge fucking bookworm, im talking a rival to Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Also has the equivalent of seasickness when walking around on dry land too much.
Has the coolest fucking wardrobe known to man. Helped the other bishops dress up for special occasions.
Horrid at carrying things. Scrawny little twig. It’s actually so bad. Weakest throwing arm in the Lands of the Old Faith.
Break time
Visual of the Bishops
I started working on it, but it’s gonna take a while, so I’ll post it seperately when it's done!
You are almost there!
Favorite Visual about the fic so far?
The scene of Narinder and Nufosa with the Leshy statue. Copper did a fantastic job recreating it if you wanna go see it!
Any kind of detail about the force?
Here’s a vague ass clue, it’s associated with the color black.
What kind of voice would you put to Yael
To Narinder
To Fosa
To the Fox
To The Mystic Seller
To The Force
^ I will put together a voice claim in the near future for all the voices! :)
What is the Force "moral compass"?
Their moral compass is very funky, but I would say that they fall somewhere in the sort of “true neutral” area if you want their alignment.
Visual of the Force
That would be huge spoilers unfortunately!
Cry if you need to again
Nah man, biggest grin on my face cause I am DONE!
I am currently working on my bishop visual aid and that should be done shortly!
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sock-kaleidoscope · 9 months ago
Go Go Alzys Random Questions!
(If you know what that reference is from you get a cookie)
Has all these events, the destroyed cult, Rataru dissapear, dealers deaths, midas statue, all of that, happend at the same time?
Has Yael talk about what happend that night?
In a kill-kill scenario, how would Yael kill in order to save the other (Fosa and Narinder)?
Has they got something "interesting" out of the crusades?
How does Narinder fight, is it a "hit hit hit" combat?
Why does Narinder stay with the lamb, if it is for Fosa, what is not making him grab them and run away?
If Fosa were to have a weapon, which would it be?
Does Fosa know that Narinder was Yael's ex god?
Inspector gadget?
All the disappearances and deaths happened within two days.
The lamb has not spoken about that night.
If Nufosa or Narinder were in any real danger, the lamb would act. Whether or not they realized it. Anyone in the way would be slaughtered.
There have been a few notable events that happened during the crusades. These include a run-in with Haro, Narinder gaining a sickle, and the discovery of 'grass jewelry'.
Narinder fights in a manner similar to 'death by a thousand cuts'. Ambushes don't work the same because he's usually in a rush to get out of danger. But during ideal combat, Narinder uses tooth and claw to cut at enemies and keeping out of the way of weapons.
Narinder is currently trying to figure out what the hell is going on. The lamb has the answers but won't tell them. In the meantime, he's trying to bring back his siblings in case they know anything. During the crusades for his siblings, he's bonded with Nufosa.
Narinder is suspicious that there's something between the lamb and Nufosa that he doesn't know about. He wouldn't separate the two unless he was sure it wouldn't hurt them.
Spork. No-one ever expects the spork.
Nufosa is suspicious about their relationship. The lamb has only called Narinder "My Lord" so far. They haven't had a chance to learn tons about the lamb or Narinder yet. (They do next chapter)
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ardamus · 6 years ago
#28DaysOfBars Installment #26 @iamannadiorio @ratarue took a day or two off recording and making beats but i am back rapping over a newer beat i made not too long ago #offthetop #freestyle #Ardamus #indie #indiehiphop #diy #diyhiphop #dcmusic #dcmusician #dcmusicians #beats #instrumental #instrumentalhiphop #instrumentalrap (at Northeast Washington, Washington, District of Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt9aBBIBHZi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u31ayk5lj48h
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ardamus · 6 years ago
#28DaysOfBars Installment #25 @iamannadiorio @ratarue took a day or two off recording and making beats but i am back rapping over a newer beat i made not too long ago #offthetop #freestyle #Ardamus #indie #indiehiphop #diy #diyhiphop #dcmusic #dcmusician #dcmusicians #beats #instrumental #instrumentalhiphop #instrumentalrap (at Washington, District of Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btr1jTrBBGm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mpj76musa00j
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ardamus · 6 years ago
#28DaysOfBars Installment #23 @iamannadiorio @ratarue over "Cosmic Slop" by Pete Rock #offthetop #freestyle #Ardamus #indie #indiehiphop #diy #diyhiphop #dcmusic #dcmusician #dcmusicians #beats #PeteRock #instrumental #instrumentalhiphop #instrumentalrap #peterockandthesoulbrothers #peterockandclsmooth #mellomusic #mellomusicgroup (at Washington, District of Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtZH2_Jj-VW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vthnvxhznubg
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ardamus · 6 years ago
#28DaysOfBars Installment #15 @iamannadiorio @ratarue over a sick joint by #khrysis from the #jerichojackson project with #elzhi and the song is called "To Do List" in honor of the late great #martinlutherkingjr #offthetop #freestyle #Ardamus #indie #indiehiphop #diy #diyhiphop #dcmusic #dcmusician #dcmusicians #beats #MLK #MLKJR #MLKDAY #marchonwashington #civilrights #antiracist #ihaveadream #detroit #northcarolina #jamla (at Washington, District of Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs69Jn1Biv9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vhbk6whtcm00
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ardamus · 6 years ago
#28DaysOfBars Installment #15 @iamannadiorio @ratarue over a sick joint by #khrysis from the #jerichojackson project with #elzhi and the song is called "To Do List" in honor of the late great #martinlutherkingjr #offthetop #freestyle #Ardamus #indie #indiehiphop #diy #diyhiphop #dcmusic #dcmusician #dcmusicians #beats #MLK #MLKJR #MLKDAY #marchonwashington #civilrights #antiracist #ihaveadream #detroit #northcarolina #jamla (at Washington, District of Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs67G2dhtGY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=832j1io0k54f
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ardamus · 6 years ago
#28DaysOfBars Installment #3 with my band @strangersthat having a practice/jam. Waddup @iamannadiorio and @ratarue. #Ardamus #dchiphop #hiphop #livehiphop #bandpractice #dcmusic #dcmusician #indie #indiehiphop (at Washington, District of Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsZMNtnBJBg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ot9qhohlqymz
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