apptworadioapps · 1 year
Radio Western Sahara FM & AM + Radio Online - (Radio Android Application 🇪🇭📻)
As an AI language model, I am not capable of writing articles or taking any stance on political or social issues. However, I can provide you with information on radio stations from Western Sahara.
Western Sahara is a disputed territory located in North Africa, bordered by Morocco to the north, Algeria to the northeast, and Mauritania to the east and south. It has been a subject of contention between Morocco and the Polisario Front, a political and military organization seeking independence for Western Sahara.
The territory has a few radio stations, some of which are operated by the Moroccan government and some by the Polisario Front. These radio stations serve as a source of information and entertainment for the people of Western Sahara.
Here are some of the radio stations from Western Sahara:
RASD TV & Radio: This is the official radio and television station of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), which is recognized by many countries as the legitimate representative of the people of Western Sahara. The station broadcasts news, cultural programs, and music.
Sahara FM: This is a private radio station based in the city of Laayoune, which is under Moroccan control. The station broadcasts music, news, and other programs in Arabic and French.
Medi 1 Radio: This is a Moroccan radio station that broadcasts in several languages, including Arabic, French, and Spanish. It covers news and other programs from Morocco, Western Sahara, and other parts of the world.
Polisario-controlled radio stations: The Polisario Front operates several radio stations, including Radio Nacional de la RASD, which broadcasts from the Tindouf refugee camps in Algeria. These stations broadcast news, political analysis, and other programs in Arabic and other languages.
It's worth noting that the media landscape in Western Sahara is heavily controlled, and there are restrictions on the freedom of the press. Access to information is limited, and many journalists have faced harassment and imprisonment for reporting on sensitive issues.
In conclusion, while there are a few radio stations operating in Western Sahara, the media landscape in the region is highly restricted, and access to information is limited. The dispute over the territory continues to be a contentious issue, with no clear resolution in sight.
✔✔ GOOGLE PLAY STORE: ▶ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alexto.radio.westernsahara
✔✔ AMAZON APP STORE:  ▶ http://www.amazon.com/gp/mas/dl/android?p=com.alexto.radio.westernsahara
✔✔ SAMSUNG GALAXY STORE: ▶ https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/com.alexto.radio.westernsahara
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rasd-presse-blog · 5 years
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عاجل … إيداع “عمارة بن يونس” سجن الحراش أمر قاضي التحقيق لدى المحكمة العليا إيداع الوزير السابق ورئيس الحركة الشعبية الجزائرية عمارة بن يونس سجن المؤقت بالحراش لتعلقه بقضايا الفساد.
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xhellnhighheelsx · 6 years
Prompt from the 100 ways to say I love you list: “Go back to sleep.” (Bonus if you did this in ATRIRAS universe because I am such a huge fan ;)
Funnily enough, this scene already exists in ch13 of rasd, but I wrote you another one because ily. This is also for @sonickedtrowel since I’m going to do angsty horrible things with your prompt
Go back to sleep
She talks in her sleep. For aslong as he can remember, he's watched over River as she slept. He’d sit up andlisten to her mumble about bullets and ballgowns and everything in between. Shemutters about anything from paradoxes to pastries, her incoherent ramblingsnever failing to captivate him.
When he was younger, he would tryto read his future in the way her eyes danced behind her lids. More often thannot, she would awake with a start, a gasp on her lips and fear hidden behindcalculating eyes. He always wondered what could scare her, this specter whohaunted him so. What did she dream of, this woman who so clearly read his everythought?
He dared to find out once, a longtime ago when he wore a different face. Even when he delved into her sleepingmind, he was never brave enough to dig deep. Fear of spoilers had always loomedlike a pit between them, her past, her thoughts, her secrets just an abyss he’dfall into and be consumed by.
Those fears can’t touch him now,not in the wake of everything they’ve been through. The future isn’t a chainthat holds him down. It’s a possibility that gives him wings. There's no morecause to run, no dark days to come hiding in her subconscious. Their tangledtime lines have been unraveled, and yet, there's still so much about her hecan't quite define.
River lies beside him on the bed,nestled between pillows and sheets. She's been dreaming contently for hours oreons, and his own eyes are just beginning to grow heavy when he hears a softmoan escape her lips. The sound of it jolts his body awake, his mind draggedback into focus. When his blinking eyes comes to, he notices her features haveslipped, her easy smile replaced by tight lips. Her brow has knit together, andhe finds the soft frown doesn’t suit at all.
His fingertips move of their ownaccord, brushing over her forehead until the lines have been smoothed away. Thesoft touch bids her lips to part, and the Doctor smiles to see the way herunease is undone by a simple caress of his fingers. Her reprieve lasts only aslong as his skin meets hers, because the moment he lowers his hand, herfeatures contort once again. A pained frown tugs at her sweet lips, and he'shelpless to stop the way his fingers gravitate to her temple once more.
Her mind calls to him like the sundoes to flower petals, and he finds himself pulled toward the warmth of hersubconscious. There's no spoilers to stop him now, and he’s suddenly overcomewith the need to come between her and whatever monsters cloud her dreams. His eyes fall shut as the window between themopens, a wave of adrenaline swallowing him whole. Her mind is a tapestry ofgreens and golds, of burnt ambers and freshly cut grass, of sunsets and spaceand shadows, of books and bright lights and the need for something blue.
She’s running from someone, ofcourse she is. His River is always knee deep in trouble, even in her dreams. Herhearts are pounding and something sharp and metallic licks at his mind. Fear,he realizes, and the Doctor's own oxygen freezes in his lungs. Without asecond thought, he presses ever so gently into her mind, projecting himselfinto her dream. Her thoughts are clearer now, the deeper he goes. It smellslike rain and mud and dust, and his hand covers hers, fingers entwining.River's breath hitches the moment he does, but she doesn't stir from herslumber. She grips him tight, like she dreams of their carefully claspedfingers whenever dangers nips at her heels, like his hand is a lifeline she'sreached for countless times before.
The shiver in her veins fades,replaced by the feel of something synthetic. It feels thick as cotton in hismouth, and ifdéjà vu had a taste, this would be it. It’s odd, to be an abstractthought tip-toeing in someone else’s subconscious. Even for a dream, it feelssurreal, somehow lacking, almost but not quite. River looks as real as ever,standing in a dress as white as the wedding gown she never got to wear. Shesmiles at him like all her Christmases have come at once, and he tries not tolet his own swelling joy bleed into her dreams. He tries to float among herthoughts even as his feet are planted firmly in her mind. Grass tickles betweenhis toes and the sight of a nearby lake nearly makes him choke. But River'spulse is steady, subdued, and he doesn’t understand why until he looks past herfor the first time.
A child with dark hair waves fromthe distance, and he knows now, why the air tastes like copper and dust andcomputer code. His fingers coil tight around River’s hand, pulling her towardhim, away from this place until her eyes can see nothing but him. There’s nopoint in dreaming about the past when they have so much left to discover. He takes control of the dream, pressingharder into her mind until their surroundings fade away. Greens and blues turnto smoke around them as he guides her into sweeter visions.
River’s eyes break from his totake in their new location. They’re standing on a crystallized ice cloud,ankle deep in ivory cotton and surrounded by black, star specked sky. And whenshe looks back to him, she smiles like she’s got a secret just begging to slipfrom her lips. Her arms fold around his neck and as his hands find her hips, hediscovers her dress has changed. It’s red and radiant and distracting, theneckline plunging in a way only her mind could conjure. He takes the firststep, or maybe she does, but the next thing he knows they're dancing, gliding,spinning, stirring up the clouds at their feet until wisps of fluffy whitefloat around them like bubbles before sailing off into black sky.
The air no longer tastessynthetic. It’s as fresh as a memory, as her perfume and ozone and the faintesthint of wine. Her laughter may as we’ll be music as he spins her out only topull her back in again. She twirls and the light from distant suns reflects offher hair like sprinkles of gold dust. River presses herself into him, her chestwarm against his, and it’s hard to believe that it’s nothing more than amirage.  
“It’s very rude, you know,” Rivercoos, her words echoing in his mind, voice light as the clouds they stand on.
His palm finds her lower back,pulling her in closer, his own question floating into her subconscious. “Whatis?”
River smirks at him, coy and sweetand he’s so lost in the way the starlight catches on the apples of her cheeksit’s almost alarming when he hears her say, “Peeking into people’s dreams.”
The Doctor snaps his eyes open,finding River staring back at him. The smell of ozone vanishes like a clothripped from a table, cotton clouds replaced by satin sheets. The warmth oftheir bedroom is a blanket surrounding him, and on pain of death he’ll swearthat’s why his cheeks have gone red as he argues, “You’re not people.
“I’m half people,” River countersand the Doctor shrugs.
“Well it’s only half rude, then,isn’t it.”
Green eyes narrow as River stiflesa yawn, managing to glare at him all the while. It’s adorable and only slightlyterrifying and the Doctor bites back his own smile, eyes soft.
“I didn’t mean to wake you. Goback to sleep.”
“I’d rather be awake.”  A devious twinkle sparks to life around heririses as River snakes one of her clever hands across the duvet. But the Doctoris faster, snatching the limb up before his wife can have her wicked way.
“I’ll bet you would,” he grins,pressing her knuckles to his lips. But as much as he’d like to tucker her outagain, “You need rest.”
“And you don’t?”
His wife scoffs, rolling her eyes.“Hypocrite.”
“Harlot,” he grins back, andRiver’s eyes narrow once again, jaw clenching as she bites back another yawn.
He pulls her toward him then,tucking her into his side. River nuzzles into his chest with a tenderness she’dcut her own tongue off before ever admitting to, a sigh on her lips as shemutters, “You don’t have to do that.”
The Doctor presses his face intoher mass of hair, inhaling deep and delighting in the smell of honey and sweatand the faintest hint of smoke. “Do what?”
“Supervise my dreams.”
He does, in fact. He’s made apromise to himself, no more nightmares, not in this new life they’re building.If that means he has to stay awake forever to guarantee nightmares never stealher smiles and drag her to dark places, then so be it. But she’d never acceptsuch an answer, so instead the Doctor scoffs and says, “Who said anything aboutthat? Maybe I’m just nosy.”
River snorts, a puff of hot airagainst his chest. “No arguments here.”
“A first time for everything,” hemumbles back, words swallowed by her riotous curls.
Even as they bicker, his arms foldever tighter around her. It still doesn’t feel real, as if she’ll turn to smokeat any moment. He tells himself she won’t, the reminder that she's here to staya mantra in his head he plays on repeat. But nothing reassures him the wayRiver can. Her palm rests over his hearts like the sound of it is all thelullaby she’ll ever need to keep the nightmares at bay.
Stillness settles like a full moonon a cloudless night. River’s eyes have fallen shut again, her hearts a slowand steady rhythm, her voice already heavy with sleep. “Won’t you rest at all,darling?”
“Not tired,” he breathes, and whathe means is, he doesn’t want to miss this. He refuses to waste another momentwith her. He’d rather hold her and count the breathes she takes as her chestrises and falls. He’d rather study her face and the way she smiles as she sinksslowly into slumber.
“Join me in my dreams then,” Riverwhispers.
The invitation paints a smile onhis lips. Unable to deny her anything, he brings his hand up to cup her face,fingertips brushing her temple. Her mind sparks against his skin, and theDoctor takes a deep breath, filling his lungs with the smell of her shampoo.When he exhales, he’s back in the moonlight of her mind. River reaches for him,a tingle against his palm as he takes her hand in his and guides her into thesweetest of dreams.
(pick a prompt)
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newsfact · 3 years
US ‘deeply alarmed’ over reports of military coup in Sudan
The top U.S. envoy for the Horn of Africa on Monday took to Twitter to announce his alarm over reports of a military coup in Sudan targeting the country’s tenuous transitional government.
Reports out of the country suggest a coordinated military offensive to blackout the internet in Khartoum, arrest key political figures and raid broadcast companies. A Reuters witness described members of the military and the country’s paramilitary Rapid Support Forces stationed in the streets throughout the capital.
Military forces in the country have reportedly placed Prime Minister Abdulla Hamdok under house arrest and have been urging him to come out in support of the coup. The Umma Party, the country’s largest political party, called on people to take to the streets to counter the military, the Associated Press reported. 
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People gather as fire and smoke are seen on the streets of Kartoum, Sudan, amid reports of a coup, October 25, 2021. (RASD SUDAN NETWORK via REUTERS)
The BBC reported that Khartoum airport is closed, and international flights have been suspended.
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Jeffery Feltman, seen here in 2011, said he is ‘deeply alarmed’ by reports of a military coup in Sudan. (JOSEPH EID/AFP via Getty Images) (JOSEPH EID/AFP via Getty Images)
A takeover by the military, backed by conservative Islamists, would be a major setback for Khartoum, which has grappled with a transition to democracy since long-time autocrat Omar al-Bashir was toppled by mass protests in 2019. There was a failed coup attempt last month.
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Demonstrators shout slogans as they gather to support current civilian government during a demonstration in Khartoum, Sudan on October 21, 2021. (Photo by Mahmoud Hjaj/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Jeffery Feltman, the U.S. envoy, had just visited the country in an attempt to cool tensions, Bloomberg reported.
Feltman said in the tweet posted by the State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs that a coup would “contravene the Constitutional Declaration and the democratic aspirations of the Sudanese people.”
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Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok (L) walks with Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (2nd L) during their meeting at the Al Ittihadiyah Palace in Cairo, Egypt on September 18, 2019. (Photo by Egyptian Presidency / Handout/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
He called the development “utterly unacceptable” and said any “changes to the transitional government by force puts at risk U.S. assistance.”
Under Hamdok and the transitional council, Sudan has slowly emerged from years of international pariah status under al-Bashir. The country was removed from the United States’ state supporter of terror list in 2020, opening the door for badly needed international loans and investment. 
The U.S. provided about $337 million to support Sudan’s transitional government after the removal of Al Bashir, the National. The website reported that Feltman’s trip to the country on Saturday is his second in less than a month, which highlights “the level of engagement an concern” there is about a military takeover in Khartoum.
The Associated Press contributed to this report
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weshfm · 4 years
Président Ghali : « les Sahraouis, légitimement, en droit de répondre avec force aux violations marocaines »
Président Ghali : « les Sahraouis, légitimement, en droit de répondre avec force aux violations marocaines »
Le président de la République arabe sahraouie démocratique (RASD), Secrétaire général du Front Polisario, Brahim Ghali, a affirmé que le peuple sahraoui était “légitimement en droit de répondre avec force aux violations de l’Etat d’occupation et à tout acte visant à attenter à la sécurité des citoyens sahraouis où qu’ils soient”, indique mardi l’Agence de presse sahraouie (SPS).Continue reading
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Foro de Sao Paulo reitera su solidaridad con el Frente POLISARIO y la República Saharaui (RASD) | Sahara Press Service — No te Olvides del Sahara Occidental Caracas, Venezuela, 29/07/2019 (SPS).- En un cálido ambiente de alegría y compromiso con la causa del pueblo saharaui, este domingo 28 de julio, en la capital venezolana, se concluyeron los debates del XXV Encuentro del Foro de Sao Paulo (FSP), con la participación de alrededor de 700 delegados, en representación de más de 400 delegaciones de…
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Aussitôt après son interpellation à Lima, sur ordre de l’instance péruvienne chargée de l’immigration, la dénommée Khadijetou Mokhtar s’est empressée de rédiger une “lettre de sollicitude” dans laquelle elle se présente en tant que “citoyenne espagnole” et non comme “ambassadrice de la RASD”! (more…)
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nuadox · 7 years
FDA approves robot surgeon for minimally-invasive procedures
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- By Dom Galeon , Brad Bergan , Futurism -
Much negativity surrounds the public perception of our robot-ridden future. Indeed, sensationalist fears about thousands or millions of jobs undergoing ruthless robotic appropriation spread like wildfire. But the advancement of intelligent machines isn’t all that miserable. Indeed, some advancements presently making waves will save lives. 
Enter the Senhance System, a surgical robot recently cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in minimally-invasive surgeries.
Developed by medical device company TransEnterix, Senhance is a robotically-assisted surgical device (RASD) that lets surgeons use computer and software technology to move and control surgical instruments in procedures involving one or more tiny incisions in a patient’s body. Surgeons operate Senhance through a console unit or cockpit with a 3-D high-definition view of the surgical field, where they remotely control three separate arms, each equipped with a surgical instruments.
“Minimally[-]invasive surgery helps reduce pain, scarring and recovery time after surgery,” Binita Ashar, director at the Surgical Devices Division of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, said in a press release. “RASD technology is a specialized innovation in minimally invasive surgery designed to enhance the surgeon’s access and visualization within confined operative sites.”
This article was originally published on futurism.com as “New FDA Approved Tech Moves Us Closer to a Robotic Future”. The body copy has been shortened; the title, certain links and their placement have also been modified to reflect Nuadox style considerations.
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
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tastydregs · 7 years
New FDA Approved Tech Moves Us Closer to a Robotic Future
In Brief
Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the use of a robot surgeon for minimally-invasive procedures. The ruling marks a historic move toward more robot assistance in a field that requires extreme precision and care.
FDA Wants Life-Saving Robots
Much negativity surrounds the public perception of our robot-ridden future. Indeed, sensationalist fears about thousands or millions of jobs undergoing ruthless robotic appropriation spread like wildfire. But the advancement of intelligent machines isn’t all that miserable. Indeed, some advancements presently making waves will save lives. Enter the Senhance System, a surgical robot recently cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in minimally-invasive surgeries.
Developed by medical device company TransEnterix, Senhance is a robotically-assisted surgical device (RASD) that lets surgeons use computer and software technology to move and control surgical instruments in procedures involving one or more tiny incisions in a patient’s body. Surgeons operate Senhance through a console unit or cockpit with a 3-D high-definition view of the surgical field, where they remotely control three separate arms, each equipped with a surgical instruments.
“Minimally[-]invasive surgery helps reduce pain, scarring and recovery time after surgery,” Binita Ashar, director at the Surgical Devices Division of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, said in a press release. “RASD technology is a specialized innovation in minimally invasive surgery designed to enhance the surgeon’s access and visualization within confined operative sites.”
Man and Machine Working Together
Amid rumors of ineluctable robot oppression, it’s easy to assume the robot-human work dynamic would be based on conflict, instead of mutually beneficence. Senhance-based robotic surgery could enhance the survival rate of surgeries that otherwise remain infamously dangerous. “The clearance of the Senhance System in the US is a milestone in the progress of robotics and is expected to deliver improvement in the efficacy, value and choices offered to patients, surgeons and hospitals,” TransEnterix president and CEO Todd M. Pope said in a statement.Click to View Full Infographic
Robotic surgery isn’t new, although the technology behind it has continually improved over the past couple of years. The principle remains the same: these robot surgeons are designed to improve precision and safety during procedures. It’s meant to assist surgeons and not take away their control, so there’s still a human behind every procedure.
“Millions of surgical procedures in the US are performed each year laparoscopically with basic manual tools that limit surgeons’ capability, comfort and control,” Pope added. “New choices are needed that enhance the senses, control and comfort of the surgeon, minimize the invasiveness of surgery for the patient, and maximize value for the hospital. Senhance is this new choice.”
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que-noticias · 6 years
El Parlamento Vasco reclama el fin de la "ocupación ilegal" del Sáhara Occidental por parte de Marruecos
El Parlamento Vasco reclama el fin de la “ocupación ilegal” del Sáhara Occidental por parte de Marruecos
El Parlamento Vasco ha aprobado una declaración institucional con motivo del 43º aniversario de la constitución de la República ÁrabeSaharaui Democrática (RASD), en la que reclama el fin de la “ocupación ilegal” del Sáhara Occidental por parte de Marruecos y que cesen las “vulneraciones de derechos humanos” contra la población saharaui.
El texto aprobado…
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rasd-presse-blog · 5 years
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عاجل … إيداع سلال سجن الحراش امر قاضي تحقيق المستشار العام بإيداع الوزير الأول السابق عبد المالك سلال سجن الحراش
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pueblosprogresista · 6 years
Senegal: la República Saharaui toma parte en la reunión sobre Área de Libre Comercio | Sahara Press Service — No te olvides del Sahara Occidental
Senegal: la República Saharaui toma parte en la reunión sobre Área de Libre Comercio | Sahara Press Service — No te olvides del Sahara Occidental
Dakar (Senegal), 04 de junio de 2018 (SPS) -. La República Árabe Saharaui (RASD), representada por el ministro de Comercio de la Sr. Mohamed Mustafá Tleimidi toma parte en la reunión sobre el Área de Libre Comercio (ALC) en la capital senegalesa, Dakar. Durante el primer día de la reunión, al que asistió el Primer […]
a través de Senegal: la República Saharaui toma parte en la reunión sobre Área…
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perspectivesmed · 6 years
Réforme institutionnelle de l’UA: Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé à Addis-Abeba?
Réforme institutionnelle de l’UA: Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé à Addis-Abeba?
Des médias algériens qui citent l’Agence de presse sahraouie (SPS) rapportent que l’Union africaine (UA) a décidé récemment d’interdire l’entrée de tous les membres d’une délégation marocaine, « ayant tenté de s’introduire de force à la réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères de 15 Etats africains dont la République arabe sahraouie démocratique (RASD), concernée par la consultation autour…
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rasd-presse-blog · 5 years
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نفت وزارة الدفاع الروسية "مزاعم" أمريكية عن الاعتراض غير الآمن، الذي قامت به طائرة روسية من طراز (سو - 35) ضد طائرة استطلاع أميركية فوق مياه البحر المتوسط.
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rasd-presse-blog · 5 years
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دولتان تعلنان يوم الخميس أول ايام عيد الفطر اعلنت كل من بنغلادش وسلطنة بروناي عدم ثبوت رؤية هلال شهر شوال اليوم الثلاثاء. وأكدت أن الأربعاء هو المتمم لشهر رمضان وأن الخميس 5 جوان هو يوم عيد الفطر السعيد. من جانبها أعلنت كل من الهند وباكستان أن غدا الأربعاء عيد الفطر بعد ثبوت رؤية الهلال قبل قليل.
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rasd-presse-blog · 5 years
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مدراء مستشفيات بسطيف تحت الرقابة القضائية أمر قاضي التحقيق بمحكمة سطيف وضع مدير المستشفى الجامعي سعادنة عبد النور بسطيف ” نورالدين بلقاضي” الحبس الاحتياطي وهذا بعد توجيه عدة تهم للمتهم على غرار إبرام صفقات مشبوهة و اقتناء عتاد طبي غير مطابق لدفتر الشروط وبأسعار خيالية .
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