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welele · 6 months ago
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viejospellejos · 10 months ago
Hoy he conocido la envidia 
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daily-spanish-word · 1 year ago
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skyscraper el rascacielos
It’s almost the same combined word: rascar : to scrape, scratch + cielos : skies
Skyscrapers are beautiful structures. Los rascacielos son estructuras hermosas.
Financial District, Toronto, Ontario by Paul Bica on Flickr
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Tintin Tarot, part 2 - the Fool's Journey Continues. Part 1 can be found here! Me and @josephscoat came up with a list of Tintin characters assigned to the major arcana cards in a tarot deck after she realised how well Tintin mapped onto the Fool.
The Hanged Man - Sacrifice, martydom and hesitation. Frank Wolff's death in Explorers on the Moon really stuck with me. I watched the 90s cartoon adaptation of it with a friend recently and even though I knew what was going to happen, it still hit very hard. I replaced the living tree, which represents the potential for growth and knowledge on the original card, with the planet Earth.
Death - New beginnings, metamorphosis, fear of change and decay. Even just for the imagery I had to use Rascar Capac. His use in the narrative seems to demonstrate a fear of the unknown. As the Hierophant and the child from the Sun card appear on the original Death card, I opted to use Rascar Capac as he's in the same story as the Prince of the Sun and Zorrino, who we assigned to the Hierophant and the Sun respectively! Professor Tarragon replaces the dying person on the ground in the original card, and Inti the Incan sun god watches over the scene.
Temperance - Middle path, patience, finding meaning, but also could mean excess and a lack of balance when reversed. Haddock is famous for his tendency to fly off the handle at a moment's notice. But Haddock also has endless patience for Tintin's bullshit. His character arc is one of finding meaning in his life after hitting rock bottom. He is pouring bottles of Loch Lomond, as seen in the Magician card.
The Devil - Addiction, lust, materialism, playfulness. Who else is more devillish than Tintin's arch nemesis, Rastapopoulos? His schemes grow wilder and larger as he pursues wealth and revenge. While sexuality is famously absent from the Tintin series, Rastapopoulos and his associates certainly lust over money and control. Tom and Allan are held in chains, though they are clearly removeable. The choice is theirs if they wish to walk away.
The Tower - Sudden upheaval, disaster, but also an avoidance of disaster in reverse. Calculus' reusable nuclear powered moon rocket was literally ahead of its time, representing a huge shake up in technological advancement in the Tintin universe. However, the moon mission attracted a lot of sabotage and disaster which was narrowly avoided. While the characters had to rely on the rocket for safety, it's not necessarily predictable.
The Star - Hope and rejuvenation, but also discouragement and insecurity in reverse. The phostile meteorite ushered a global wave of panic and speculation initially, but once it landed it became a beacon for competing factions to get to in time. It has a property that allows living things to grow quickly and abnormally large, representing the abundance the Star card is supposed to signal. The Star is supposed to follow the trauma of the Tower. Picking the rocket and meteorite felt thematically appropriate as both have associations with space, a relatively new frontier.
The Moon - Illusions, intuition, fear, confusion, misinterpretation. Professor Phostle jumps to conclusions and makes wild predictions from shaky calculations. He's also conveniently moon shaped.
The Sun - Inner child, joy, truth and liberation from struggle, or sadness and self doubt in reverse. Zorrino escapes the torment and bullying in his village and joins the Inca. Haddock and Tintin are immediately protective over him, with Zorrino being a little younger than Tintin.
Judgement - Releasing baggage, call to action, renewal, moving forward. Ramo Nash breaks free from Rastapopoulos' grasp and saves Tintin's life. I decided to depict the final confrontation scene from Alph Art where he pushes Rastapopoulos off a cliff, to his end.
The World - Culmination, success, completion, but stagnation in reverse. The Fool has seemingly completed his journey - Tintin has it all, a successful fulfilling career, friends who care about him and a manion to live in. But he is, by design, stagnant. Forever a cherub faced boy, stuck in an episodic serial by nature, Hergé wanted to kill him off by sealing him inside a resin statue, freezing him in place for eternity. He will forever be the Boy Reporter.
I dressed him as a Morris dancer because I thought it would be funny
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thearkman360 · 7 months ago
The fact that fucking Professor Tarragon and Rascar Capac get character pages on the Tintin website but my boi Piotr Skut doesn't is a load of barnacles.
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quemirabobo · 23 days ago
Bueno no voy, me siento mal, tengo ansiedad, soy una cobarde así que a recursar mamita
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maidofhearteditz · 4 months ago
Hi!! Can I get a voice hc of my fantroll rascar?
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3833< Oki doki! (Sorry this took a bit XO)
(B33< In no particular order from most to least likely)
~Sir Pentious(Hazbin Hotel)
~Sundrop(Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
~Max(Sam and Max: Freelance Police)
~Ena(red)(Dream bbq)
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anarchypig0 · 2 years ago
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¿Abocetando posts en el tren? Sí soy.
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welele · 3 months ago
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viejospellejos · 10 months ago
Sublime oda al escroto:
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laikamaeris · 2 years ago
caught up ...!!!!!!! we are so back.
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wachi-delectrico · 11 months ago
Hacer cosas de hermano mayor se siente raro
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villaburbuja-blog · 11 months ago
Esgrafiado casero con crayolas y betún de zapatos
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soloen · 1 year ago
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eloiscs · 11 months ago
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' ¡no! ¡no es lo que quiero! bueno... no de alguien que no conozco, si se siente bien, ¿eh? deberías probarlo ' admite con algo de timidez porque así era como solía calmarse luego de un día largo y su papá estaba en casa, solo llegaba a acostarse al lado y que le acariciara su cabeza. era su definición calmante perfecto. ' ¿cómo? oh dios, no me digas que te caiste en esos pozos profundos con púas de los que hablaba ' se lo había inventado todo, recién sacados de películas que había visto pero al oír que se cayó, y al ella no ver ninguna trampa, no podía descartar aquellos hoyos hipotéticos volviéndose realidad. ' ¿encontraste muchos artefactos? yo encontré tres ' por un segundo alza ambas tres dedos en el aire explicándole como había sido su noche. ' supongo que me equilibraron separando mi equipo ' menciona ahora recordando nuevamente su realidad. sigue su consejo sonriendo para la cámara, sintiéndose como una niña pequeña nuevamente. ' no me digas así luego me lo tomo en serio y me sonrojo ' le dice en una suave queja, caminando hasta ella para ver la foto. ' oh dios, mira esos círculos oscuros ' se queja, llevando mano hasta su boca en sorpresa. ' ¿quieres que te tome una de vuelta? '
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si bien presiona sus labios en un esfuerzo por no reír, un pft consigue escapársele. " si acaso esta es tu manera de pedir que acaricie tu cabeza y diga que has sido una buena chica hoy… uh, no ¡no te juzgaré! " si no fuera porque tiene ya mano sana ocupada, quizá hasta se habría tomado la libertad de tontear al respecto y alborotar un poco cabellera contraria. alas, no es posible. " me caí terriblemente " es respuesta más escueta que consigue dar, no vaya a ser cosa que oídos de terceros en aquel jardín acabaran oyendo algo que no debían. " fue dios equilibrando las cosas, tuve demasiado buena suerte la otra noche. no podía terminarla diez puntos " pone iris en blanco con humor, notando entonces como ha decidido seguirle la corriente con fotografía. " ya, ¿no es más fácil cuando sonríes? es una tontería, pero te juro funciona " menciona al tiempo que captura imagen y esboza una sonrisa. " buena chica, has salido linda y no como quien tiene un día de mierda, casi me convences " la molesta una vez más con aquello, extendiéndole móvil por si acaso quiere verla.
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thenerdyolive · 8 months ago
Tintin is a fandom where you just can't have spoilers.
Like, if someone tells you the incas used witchcraft to punish the explorers who disturbed the tomb of Inca Rascar Capac. You're like whatever man, good for them. Only after reading the book you realize what importance this fact holds 😂
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