#rasa sent someone to kill his son multipule times
Thinking about how Sasuke got his father’s view on achieving power vs Personal bonds.
Even when he’s desperate to gain power that will allow him to kill Itachi, Sasuke refuses to do the one thing that Itachi flat out tells him will give him the power he seeks.
He refuses to kill Naruto, his closest bond
Which is exactly the stance Fugaku took when he refuses to fight Itachi.
Fugaku could have fought his son. He could have put his clan above his son and may have even gained new power having to kill his son (if he was able to)
But it wasn’t an option for Fugaku.
He realized what was happening and flat out refused to fight Itachi, because that is his son and no matter what happened he would not hurt him.
And Sasuke does the same thing. No matter what, Sasuke cannot kill Naruto. Something is always stopping him and he always redirects himself to find another path to power
Like his father, Sasuke will not break his bonds even when he so desperately wants to. His father continues to live on inside of him even years after his murder.
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