#rapid force
civijimmy · 2 years
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Alien Gear Holsters recently hooked me up, and is hooking you up. Use Code: JIMMY at checkout for 10% off.
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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freewatermelon0 · 4 months
Children in Sudan are starving too; don't turn a blind eye. We must not be biased in our concern and compassion.
All eyes on Sudan.
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kingbear8 · 6 months
Something about making you take it. My seed. My genes. Planting it in your body where it could take root. Then absolutely everything will change, your body and life forever subjugated to attenteding my baby.
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mirkobloom77 · 4 months
‼️🇸🇩 The aftermath of a massacre in Wad Al-Noura, Sudan. Keep watching for a brief resume of the situation in Sudan.
[Plain text: The aftermath of a massacre in Wad Al-Noura, Sudan. Keep watching for a brief resume of the situation in Sudan.]
🔸 Source: Al Jazeera
⬇️ Some Gofundmes and charity donation links
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fatguarddog · 8 months
What if I was at a club and someone spiked my drink with the magic rapid weight gain slut drug and I just got really fat and horny spilling out of my clothes right then and there on the dance floor, hmm? What if??
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nightshadedumplings · 17 days
I'm almost embarrassed to admit that seeing a woman suddenly and unexpectedly swell up with a baby in her womb is so incredibly exciting to me; watching and hearing her shock as she feels movement within moments, staring down in horror as her belly, flat mere seconds ago, is suddenly round and heavy with a real, living, kicking baby. She has no time to even fully process what's happening to her - all she knows is that despite being totally unprepared, and regardless of her complete disinterest in giving her body to grow and create life, she's about to give birth to her baby. No amount of holding or pressing on her distended belly will make it go away. All she can do is push.
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strawb3rrystarburst · 9 months
You're throwing a party. A big one. You invite all your friends, order tons of food and buy tons of drinks. Maybe too much, considering the size of the party, but you can never be too prepared. You get pizza and chips, sodas and beers. Nice and filling. Only about half of it is eaten by the time the party finally winds down, it seems you overestimated.
Once everyone leaves, it's time to clean up. Most people would consider all that leftover food a waste, but you don't. You've got a special dump, one that will make sure none of it goes to waste.
I sit obediently as you bring boxes still full of greasy, cheesy pizza to me. You push slice after slice into my mouth, making sure it's all disposed of. You pause in between every few slices to bring a can of soda to my lips, forcing me to chug it, or else it'll spill all over my quickly bloating gut. I get a moment to belch before the cycle repeats. Any groans of protest from me drowned out by the sound of my gut churning and gurgling, creamy fat hanging heavily between my thighs.
Soon enough, the apartment is clean, all the leftovers disposed of. The only evidence is the sound of your garbage disposal, processing all of that waste.
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seecookiejar · 3 months
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It feels good to be back on here!💜
Come follow me on my feeding journey!
Don’t forget to like and reblog, maybe you’ll get something from me in your DMs😈
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notchainedtotrauma · 5 months
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ADHD really does put everything at equal levels of importance, huh? Like I'll have an email I need to write that'll take maybe 10 minutes, and getting that done will alleviate 6 months of stress. Then I'll notice a sock on the floor I need to put away. Then I'll get the strong conviction that it's up to me to cure cancer. And my brain will tell me that I need to do all of them at once, start and finish them all in the time span of 0 seconds, and my executive dysfunction will throw up its hands and do none of the above.
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Jess Craig at Vox:
After more than a year of neglect from global leaders and massive funding gaps for humanitarian assistance, the war in Sudan has reached a critical tipping point. Warring parties are waging a deadly battle for control of El Fasher — the capital of the state of North Darfur and, until recently, one of the last safe havens for civilians. If the city falls, experts warn there will be dire human rights consequences, ranging from ethnic cleansing to outright genocide for millions of people.
What’s happening in El Fasher is just the latest in the year-long conflict between two rivaling military groups struggling for power after working together to oust Sudan’s former president and his successor. General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the general of the country’s military, known as the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), became the de facto ruler of Sudan in 2021 — but tensions with his temporary ally, the paramilitary group known as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), soon boiled over as the leaders attempted to integrate the RSF into the SAF. This tension grew into a civil war last year, one that has created the world’s largest displacement crisis: On Monday, the United Nations told the AP that more than 10 million people — about a quarter of the population — have already been internally displaced since the war began. The SAF and RSF have clashed sporadically in El Fasher, which is the government military’s last foothold in all of western Sudan, but the town has largely been spared the worst of the war until recent weeks. That changed on the morning of May 10, when heavy fighting between the two groups broke out. Near daily bombings, indiscriminate shelling, and airstrikes have rocked the city since. More than 1,000 civilians have been injured and 206 people have died, according to Claire Nicolet, the emergency program manager at Médecins Sans Frontières. Hospitals and camps for internally displaced people have been damaged by gunfire and explosions. Very few aid convoys carrying food and health supplies have reached the estimated 2 million civilians in the city. 
As RSF has expanded its control of other towns in Darfur over the course of the war, they have resorted to ethnic targeting and brutal violence against civilians, including raping, torturing, and killing non-Arab civilians and using racial slurs against them, as Human Rights Watch has documented. Human rights experts are concerned that if El Fasher falls to the RSF, it might trigger a new wave of ethnic cleansing, reminiscent of the genocide that occurred in Darfur in the early 2000s when some 200,000 non-Arab civilians were killed by Janjaweed militias and government forces. The RSF evolved from the Janjaweed militia, an Arab-majority fighting force created by the former president to fight Darfuris in the mid-1980s. 
Although the current war between RSF and SAF is more of a power struggle than a sectarian one, ethnic tensions have long simmered in Darfur since the genocide, Akshaya Kumar, the director of crisis advocacy at Human Rights Watch, explained. If RSF gains the upper hand, they will control the entire Darfur region where most non-Arab communities reside.  The situation is all too familiar. As it was in 2003, the crisis teeters on the brink of famine and genocide. And as was the case then, the world’s worst humanitarian crisis remains unconscionably neglected by the foreign governments and international bodies that have the power to intervene to push for a peaceful resolution or to urge the warring parties to respect international humanitarian law. In the coming months, the humanitarian and human rights situation in Darfur and across Sudan may be finally too harrowing to ignore, but by that point, it may be too late to do anything about it.
Vox takes a look at the vastly under-covered story of the Darfur Genocide and the battle for control of El Fasher in Sudan.
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nightshadedumplings · 14 days
I've had this sci-fi idea for a long time where there's this place where people can rent a room, and in all of the rooms there's this sort of vending machine. The vending machine gives options for all body types, physical characteristics, and genders. After a selection is made, the machine opens to reveal the body of whatever was chosen, and complete access and control is granted to the buyer. The people who are dispensed by the machine aren't able to move unless the buyer chooses to allow it, and they can't get out of the machine at all. Their faces are never visible to the buyer, but they can see everything that's happening.
The machine doesn't just allow the buyer to choose attributes they like, they can also make changes. The buyer might choose to breed their selection, after putting in the option for high fertility and adjusting the gestation period to just a couple of minutes. Their selection can see everything outside the machine, but they can't see what options are being selected, so they never know what's going to happen to them until it's already happening.
So, maybe they've gotten used to being used sexually, but this is the first time anyone has used any of those adjustment options. Suddenly, they start feeling a soreness in their chest, and growing pressure in the pit of their stomach. Soon, they can see their belly bulging out, and feel it becoming heavier on their frame. They scream, but the buyer can't hear them. All the buyer sees is their selection's belly swelling up with their brood, their entire body gaining a generous layer of fat, particularly their ass and chest. Soon, they have a proper pair of teats, and they begin to feel so full, they think they'll pop.
The growing babies inside their belly move more and more as the seconds pass, and as they become massive, they feel the babies turning, sinking lower towards their hips as cramps begin to seize them. Just then, the growth stops completely, the buyer having paused their pregnancy at the very start of labor. They gasp when the buyer latches suddenly onto their huge tit, readily drawing milk from it while their hand pumps it out of the other. The babies are eager to get out, thrashing around inside, distorting the surface of their otherwise smooth belly.
The buyer only stops nursing for a moment to make more adjustments, first setting for them to go very overdue, and then allowing them to finally go into active labor. They're startled when their belly grows bigger, and bigger, and when they feel like they'll surely burst, their water breaks. They scream, feeling a baby moving through their cervix, with nothing they can do about it other than to push. Their buyer just continues to breastfeed from them, feeling their contracting belly all over while they struggle to birth their baby. After what feels like forever, they feel the huge, round head beginning to bulge out of them, only for the buyer to make an adjustment to pause their labor. They push and push and push, but nothing happens. They're stuck crowning, unable to stop pushing despite knowing it's pointless, until they're allowed to give birth.
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freewatermelon0 · 3 months
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
The statistics of #Sudan’s year of war are staggering. It is the largest displaced population in the #world and the largest population of #displaced #children in the world.
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420faggyactivities69 · 5 months
Tried animation for the first time 👉👈
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