#ranking hlitf
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sterkeyra · 9 months ago
Voltage - Side Character Election 2024 Results
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Voltage hosted Side Character Elections over the last few weeks. You were able to vote for your favorite side characters of plenty titles. There was a Part1 (Kyobashis father won!!) that decided on merch for the side characters and this Part2 enabled for the Top10 to get stories for themselves!
1st place gets a longer special story (would have gotten a CG they got 1.5 million votes :') Rip we missed out)
2nd and 3rd get a special story
4-5th get short special stories
6-10th will get mini episodes
Anyways here's the Top10:
**[Koi100] Side Character Election results!** These 10 side characters will receive stories.
1st will get a longer special story 2nd & 3rd will get a special story 4-5th will get a short story 6-10th will get an episode
1st place: Takeru Momose (HLITF) 2nd place: Hayato Miyayama (HLITF) 3rd place: Toru Kyobashi (Kyobashis dad) (MPD) 4th place: Daisuke Chiba (HLITF) 5th place: Mitsuharu Kyogoku (RMD) 6th place: Ryosuke Inui (KBTBB) 7th place: Zach Thompson (MK) 8th place: Jinguji Sonpoku (WDCK) 9th place: Daisuke Agasa (MPD) 10th place: Eito Ichinomiya (KBTBB)
You can find their votes below and the rest of the rankings! There were very interesting prompts for each character - some felt like fanfiction, a bit trolling or interesting character depth 👀
Momo finally gets a story and it's about falling for him instead of Tsugaru 🙈 I wonder how they'll handle his GF ahh. Still i'm so happy! The rest of the Top10 is promising too. Finally Jinguji, Mitsuharu, CHIBA, and Miyayama!! Its so funny how they even had Furuya and Tomohiro and offered a redemption arc for them 🙈 Blood Moon and Kasatsubaki sounded like the actual plot of what their routes would have been like if they wouldnt have gotten cancelled. I wish they were ranked higher!
Also Chaen! Would have been an interesting yandere story. We'd need an animal mascot or villain election!
I also don't get why Plusts manager or overall got so few votes. It hurts 🥲
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neerons · 11 months ago
Who are your Top 5 Love 365 characters? Or top 10 if you have ten.
I’ve never really thought about ranking them before because sometimes I like the character but not especially the universe, or I started reading a route and didn’t get to finish it, but if I really had to pick a Top 5 or 10 I’d say:
1) Kazuomi Shido (MK)
2) Boss (MK)
3) Kaga Hyogo (HLITF)
4) Takaomi Tsugaru (HLITF)
5) Ayato Hidaka (MLFK)
6) Takamune Kitami (MLFK)
7) Togo Daimon (OISY)
8) Ayumu Shinonome (HLITF)
9) Eisuke Ichinomiya (KBTBB)
10) Toshiki Kasumi (RMD)
I want to read more about Kasumi soon. I didn’t include Kei and Yuzuru to be fair to other titles as well, but I love them too and they’re part of my must read. I’d love to read other titles as well and continue the routes I didn’t get to finish yet, because I tend to only read stories from titles I love for sure haha
I need to start exploring more titles now that I think about it. If anyone has any recommendations I’ll take them
Thank you for the ask!
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aqvarius · 5 years ago
ranking hlitf love interests by how often they call their mc cute
1. goto
he’s so smitten. what can i say? every time he tells her to stop being so adorable my heart just melts a little more. goto is so sincere and adorable and wholesome like a puppy. sometimes he is just so honest about this kind of thing and i’m like ?!?!?!? GOTO STOPPPPPP IT’S TOO CUTE. he may be known as public safety’s ace but the reality is that he is public safety’s sweetheart. 
2. soma
he calls her cute all the time because he’s also smitten. and also has a lot of physical reactions to her if you know what i mean. sometimes i just think of the sexual tension between them when they face off in the dojo. i’m getting off track but the point is that he calls her cute and pretty and beautiful and adorable and lovely all the time but ranks second after goto because most of the time he’ll tell her she’s cute not just bc he sincerely thinks so but rather to tease a reaction out of her. 
3. kurosawa
toru calls her cute all the time but he’s insincere. he would call a brick with blush on cute. he ranks third because while the quantity of his compliments and calling her cute might be high, the quality is mostly low value. the only time his comments have worth is when he’s actually serious but then he rarely comments on trivial things when he’s being serious anyway. 
bonus 3.5 tsugaru
likely to call her cute all the time but most likely (1) sarcastically (2) to mess with her. his compliments are both backhanded and as low value as kurosawa’s. 
4. ishigami
ishigami is the opposite of toru in that the quantity of him calling her cute may be lower but the quality is top notch. every time ishigami calls her cute, it’s so deserving and precious that my heart races. it’s like a rare treasure that i have to keep close to my heart. 
5. namba
namba ranks below ishigami because while he may comment on her cuteness slightly more often, the meaning is often ambiguous. does he mean cute as in genuinely cute? or cute in a childish way? sometimes i wonder if namba himself knows. 
6. shinonome
okay let’s be real, he spends so much brain energy thinking about it but the issue here is that he never says it out loud and sometimes can’t even find it in him to admit it to himself honestly. you might find 0 compliments (maybe 1 or 2 coded positive comments) in a regular route and then read his pov and find him being head over heels at least 7 times. 
7. kaga
don’t know if he’s ever called her cute ever. i mean he is very obviously extremely attracted to her and loves her So Much but the most you’ll ever get out of him is “not bad” or “your only redeeming feature is your softness” or “looks like this mutt has finally learned to be obedient” and that’s as close as he’ll ever get to verbally expressing any sort of compliment towards her. if i ever did a ranking hlitf love interests by physical expressions of attraction tho...
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em-neko · 4 years ago
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hey! so i’ve been meaning to make this post about one of my favorite voltage men, ishigami, for a while, so here we finally are! i hope you enjoy!
okay so in this post i’ll be comparing ishigami’s main stories in each game, his personality/him as a character and his connection with the mc. at the end, i’ll reveal my final thoughts and which version of ishigami i prefer.
alright, so first some context: hideki ishigami is a possible love interest in both hlitf and msb. in both stories, he works as detective, however in msb, he’s a deputy inspector who works for the public security devision, while in hlift, he ranks as captain and he specializes in information analysis. he first debuted in msb (2011). due to msb’s overwhelming success, the writers at voltage decided to give him, goto and kurosawa (other inspectors in msb) their own “spin off” game, thus hlitf (2014) was born.
despite sharing a name, ishigami in hlitf and ishigami in msb are drastically different! which is why i really wanted to compare the two for you today.
in msb, you are the daughter of the president and ishigami is a detective who happens to work closely with the bodyguards who’ve been hired to protect you.
in hlitf, you are a police cadet and ishigami is your instructor.
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despite both being softcore tsundere’s/kuudere’s, ishigami is a lot kinder in msb than in hlitf. he’s still as cold and stand-offish but he’s wayyy less aggressive and he tends keeps most of his opinions to himself, contrary to ishigami in hlitf, who really doesn’t hold back. msb ishigami is like the strong quiet type, while hlitf ishigami is more of the scary quiet type. ishigami is also noticeably more awkward in msb, while ishigami in hlitf, comes off as very confident, borderline cocky. it could be argued that their differences in personality stem from the fact that ishigami technically works for you in msb, whilst in hlitf, he’s your instructor. but i think his personality was written differently simply so that it would fit in the storyline better. an “evil” instructor is way funnier and more entertaining than a polite instructor, and a curt detective makes more sense than an arrogant detective (in this context).
furthermore, although their backstories are similar, they’re not the same. ishigami’s backstory in msb is actually more tragic than his backstory in hlitf. in msb, ishigami grew up in the orphanage, while in hlitf, ishigami grew up in a loving adoptive family. this would explain ishigami’s awkwardness and uneasiness around people in msb.
if you want more information about each version of ishigami, click here.
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(before you start dating)
in msb, ishigami works for the government, the government being your father, thus creating this weird superior/subordinate slash mutual friends slash coworkers who really respect each other dynamic. you both see each other as superior to the other, and since he works with people who are technically your employees (but also happen to be your friends), you remain fairly professional yet friendly towards one another.
in hlitf, it’s a completely different story. ishigami is your instructor, consequently creating a teacher/student dynamic. ishigami is cold, brutally honest and very critical of you (like any strict teacher), and you’re constantly seeking his approval (while simultaneously hating him).
(after you start dating)
ishigami in hlitf and ishigami in msb become extremely similar once you start dating. both are very caring, considerate, patient, thoughtful and both deeply value good communication.
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i actually liked msb ishigami better than hlitf ishigami, which is surprising since i usually prefer the brutally honest asshole type. i think the only reason why is because msb ishigami really reminds me of someone in my personal life, who i deeply care for.
if we’re discussing stories, i think i liked ishigami’s msb main route better too. although both were good (despite their respective flaws), ishigami’s route in msb feels more organic in my opinion, like him and the mc fell in love because they wanted to, not because he was conveniently her instructor so it was kind of just bound to happen, you know what i mean? that’s just my opinion.
nonetheless i think both versions of ishigami are great and i really recommend both of his main routes! (his substories/sequels/epilogues really aren’t that great in my opinion tho)
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gamerjanice · 4 years ago
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Update on the ranking as of 10/25/20 so far all the members in hlitf is at really high ranks, so glad that they got more recognition in the international market 🥳 and this is the first I’ve seen Takuto beats Eisuke by miles 😆
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mikotos-8daydreams · 5 years ago
Voltage General Elections Final Results 2019  Mini Analysis
I really enjoyed doing the analysis for the preliminary elections so I wanted to do another one now that the final results were revealed. 
Warning! Long post ahead.
So the first thing I wanted to compare is how the characters ranking compared to their preliminary rankings. Thus, (Preliminary vs Final)
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The top three losers characters who went down in rank:
1. Shiki Kurobane from 10 Days with My Devil (down 23 ranks)
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2. Shinsaku Takasugi from Era of Samurai: Code of Love (down 21 ranks)
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3. Sakuya Nanahoshi from True Love Sweet Lies (down 14 ranks)
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Now the top 3 winners who had a huge comeback.
1. Mamoru Kishi from Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (up 35 ranks jeezus christ)
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2. Kota Igarashi from Scandal in the Spotlight (up 25 ranks) Your fans love you K
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3. Mitsunari Baba from Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (up 18 ranks)
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As you can see KBTBB fans came back with a vengeance. 
Ok, now that ranking is out of the way lets move on to total votes and number of votes per title. 
Total Votes: 2,453,742
Votes by Title and the Percentage
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Now the top 10 Titles:
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Its pretty much the same titles from the preliminary only that Be My Princess was replaced by Dreamy Days in West Tokyo. (Which I think its shocking since its literally only Reiji that’s running for DDiWT I might read his route to see what the fuzz is all about.)
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Why do people like you Reiji?
If you add up the percentages from the top 10 titles you get 89.94 %. Almost 90% of votes went to top 10 titles. There’s 22 titles. 
Another observation: 
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Shinonome ended up beating Kaga after all. 😂
This is my own bias but I hope Voltage releases more stories from HLITF now that they’ve in the top 10 consistently. I’m also really glad that Ayumu is getting more recognition. 
That’s it for this analysis. I’m not going to lie it took me a pretty long while to compile the photos, arrange them and do the data analysis so I would appreciate a like or a reblog. :)  I sound like a Youtuber lol
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world-a-to-z · 6 years ago
My Top Otome Husband
Thank you for tagging me @rose-of-yonezawa
Please forgive me, but I cannot rank them. So here is my top 10 (it's not in order tho):
#10 Ryoichi Hirose - SitSC
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#09 Kagari Shinichi - ASA
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#08 Hideki Ishigami - HLITF
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#07 Hyogo Kaga - HLITF
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#06 Katsuyuki Kyobashi - MPD: Close to You
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#05 Ichiya Misono - MLFK
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#04 Toma Kiriyama - Irresistable Mistake
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#03 Ieyasu Tokugawa - SLBP
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#02 Kuso-no-mikoto - Scarlet Fate/Hiiro no kakera 4
I need to read his story again. This man is bae when he opens up to us.
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Before we get to the last one, these are my honourable mention of otome husbands:
- Natsume Asaoka (IM)
- Ivan Chernenkov (BMP2)
- Issei Sezaki (KoR)
- Uesugi Kenshin (Ikesen)
- Byron Wagner (Midcin)
- and etc (I have too many to include 😭)
#01 Ayumu Shinonome - HLITF
(Okay I have to admit, he's my number one bias 😆) I mean he is just too precious... bless his delicate heart! This CG is my fav from his season 2 ❤ (so much tensions in one picture)
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That's all from me. It's so hard to choose 10, cause everyone has their own best traits 😭 and I loved my otome men..
Now I am tagging everyone who across to this post 😉.
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shabbybabby · 7 years ago
hokkyoku-sei replied to your post :RANKING EVENT COMING UP[MORE] AND SOME CARDS ARE...
   Is Masamune present? :’))    
Unfortunately, no :c
Kojuro (★5 SR, new illust.)
Wilfred (★5 SR, new illust.)
Yukimura (★4 SR, old illust.)
Goto (★4 SR, no idea about illust. because I don’t play MSB/HLitF)
Kyohei (★3 R)
Ieyasu (★3 R)
Kojuro’s looks like it will be the Ranking prize. Surprise.
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bringmefaraway · 8 years ago
Voltage guys ranking
It has been awhile since I updated my voltage guys ranking.....and since I'm bored........=X So out of 110 guys that I have romanced, I like those below and rank them accordingly! [ 1⃣ ]Hiroshi Kirisawa (MPDCTY) [ 2⃣ ]Tadanobu Nomura (MPDCTY) [ 3⃣ ]Huedhaut ♒ (SCM) [ 4⃣ ]Shunichiro Tachibana (IM) [ 5⃣ ]Kyohei Rikudoh (SITS) [ 6⃣ ]Aki Fujishima (FILA) [ 7⃣ ]Hiroki Eniwa (MLFK) [ 8⃣ ]Ayame Suo (OTBS) [ 9⃣ ]Jin Namba (HLITF) [ 🔟 ]Kaoru Kirishima (OTBS) [ ] Hydra (AFK) [ ] Makoto Morimachi (MLFK) [ ] Eiki Yachigusa (MPDCTY) [ ] Ryoichi Hirose (SITSC) [ ] Masashi Himuro (MPDCTY) [ ] Ichigo Sato (DDIWT) [ ] Dui ♊ (SCM) [ ] Takashi Ninagawa (SITS) [ ] Hyogo Kaga (HLITF) [ ] Issei Sezaki (KOR) [ ] Hades (AFK) [ ] Yuma Akagi (BUM) [ ] Kazuki Serizawa (FILA) [ ] Luke Foster (KBTBB) [ ] Astraeus (AFK) [ ] Ren Shibasaki (MWASR) [ ] Reiji Uraga (DDIWT) [ ] Soryu Oh (KBTBB) [ ] Kenzo Yasukawa (ASA) [ ] Eisuke Ichinomiya (KBTBB) [ ] Kota Igarashi (SITS) [ ] Shiki Kurobane (TDWMD) [ ] Ash Winters (GIL) [ ] Yukinojo (EITM) [ ] Kyo Aizawa (BUM)
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redpantychan · 8 years ago
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恋人は公安刑事  - Her Love in the Force Jp Current event - Ask Ayumu a question
Ayumu ranked the top member of HLITF in the last Ikemen awards, so his “meeting him” route all chapters are FREE to read for a limited time now (yeah sorry it’s all in Japanese) BUT they are also taking fans questions in.
Questions will be selected by Voltage and Ayumu will answer them!
For the overseas fans who follow my blog, I will select four questions submitted by you, translated it and input it in my app in Japanese.
What do to:
1. Must be following me 2. Reblog this post with your question in English 3. DO NOT send me asks 4. Cutline for questions March 8, 2017, 9pm PST 5. I will select 4 questions and announce in my blog the next day.
Good luck~
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sterkeyra · 11 months ago
Goto vs. Subaru (vs. Tsugaru?)
The battle about addressing MC the best way
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This made me cackle! I love the amount of Subaru in Gotos route and I love how he's deeply involved in the story and Gotos background too. It made me crave a Subaru route in HLITF even more!
It was great seeing MC even getting to teach Subaru the PSB way and noticed herself that she made good progress as a detective! That mission of hers at the end reminded me slightly of Masquerade Kiss with her taking on a new role and impersonating it! Very excited how this continues! It would be cool if MC goes undercover as a spy too
Also Goto as always is such a green flag and so supportive of MC in motivating her to rise up in ranks!
Speaking of: At first i was eh about Setouchi and Oishi but the more i see of them the more i like them!
Also Tsugaru pleaseeee - stay in your route haha. No please appear more often its greatly appreciated 😂
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neerons · 11 months ago
I’m curious. So if Yuzu and Kei were on the list, would Eisuke and Toshiki be bumped off?
Technically I guess they would but ahhhh that’s a hard question to ask. This is why I don’t like ranking my preferences to be honest 🤣 It’s like asking me to rank my friends. I feel like I’m betraying the ones sitting at a lower position somehow haha
Just to be clear, I love more characters than the ones I’ve mentioned. It’s just that rankings are very restrictive, which is why I’m not fond of them in a way. Even if Eisuke and Toshiki would be removed from the ranking, I still love them. There are many different reasons why I love these characters. With some of them, I love everything about them, or their initial characterization, while with others it’s their development, and sometimes it’s the relationship they have with the MC
As for Toshiki, I haven’t read a lot of his stories and RMD content overall, but I know his characterization has a lot to offer. He’s a cutie pie and so very handsome. And the title can be quite funny or angsty which is to my taste. I put him last since I have read less stories about him.
When it comes to Eisuke, there’s a long history about him that I’m fond of, and I love the KBTBB universe. However with the amount of seasons he got, I couldn’t keep up at some point and stopped reading, and now I don’t know what I’ve read and what I haven’t read yet from him. But when it comes to making art content, I’ve often been inspired by him, and he’s a good character overall, despite the repetitive plots of KBTBB, I love him a lot and I understand that it’s due to marketing that the writers milked content as much as they could. As for the character himself, he’s great and I simply put him at the bottom of the ranking because there are other LIs I read more now that I can keep up with more easily
There are a lot of characters I love and even if they didn’t make it into this made up ranking, that doesn’t mean I don’t love them if that makes sense. I don’t really take rankings very seriously and simply enjoy reading what I like. I’ve started Voltage stories through MLFK, so that title has a special place in my heart and especially Ayato and Taka ❤️
I’m obviously very much obsessed with MK and that’s no surprise, so if I had to add Kei and Yuzu, they would be right under the Boss in the 3rd and 4th positions. It’s the title I read the most because I’m someone who likes to play and buy things I know I can’t be disappointed with. I tend to focus on doing things I love over and over again instead of exploring new things. I didn’t add Kei and Yuzu because since I post so much about MK, people tend to ask me things only about MK and don’t know or forget that I read other titles. I guess I just wanted to show other titles to let people know that I enjoy other characters as well
HLITF is my second favorite title after MK, and that’s because the universe is so original, because Kaga is a freaking great character (that deserves more recognition honestly!), Ayumu’s character development is impressive (I fell in love with the story that showed his past especially), and Tsugaru’s story has so much to offer. You’ll laugh, cry, be scared, feel frustrated because it’s slow burn, and be happy
Thank you for the ask!
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aqvarius · 5 years ago
ranking hlitf love interests in order of how quickly they got intimate with their mc
1. kurosawa
they weren’t even together and he still managed to get her to sleep with him in his ms1. we tease him a lot but he has mad game. honestly a master of manipulation. oh and then they had actual sex with feelings for real in his epilogue so he either ranks in 1st for getting that one night stand in or we move everyone else up one place and he ranks in 5th after ishigami.
2. kaga
we got a cute lil forehead kiss in his ms1 and then a fakeout pash in his ms2. but he makes his move pretty quickly after the case closes and the same night of his confession. and then just keeps making his moves.... he would be #1 if the ranking was about number of different locations they have done the do since they’ve basically had sex almost everywhere except the classrooms and the dojo. he doesn’t take her on a date first but he does take her to his personal memorial site for his dead friends so... 
3. namba
for some reason i thought he would wait a little longer cause age gap and boundaries and all that but he really moved in a few days after the incident in nagano, and so soon after bringing her back to his. he did push her down at some point but that was a fakeout too. also he took her to a cool observatory first so that was nice. 
4. soma
i feel like he waited a little longer than namba did after the case closed since he had to recover from injuries. then there’s that day they go the bar, then she has a day off after that and spends the whole day cleaning lol, and then the next day happens when she gets praised by all the instructors and has the chat with goto and then the NEXT night they get it on. i feel like they did share a bed as a married couple (although that doesn’t count) but props to soma for waiting until they actually become a couple especially since he actually became attracted to her pretty early on. also he at least lets her have a cup of tea and take a bath first. 
5. ishigami
ishigami is surprisingly not as much of a stickler for boundaries as i expected. honestly i was kind of shocked when he made his move. but at least he waited for the end of a whole cute date day unlike other people who just brought her to their place and went for it... or other people who guilted her into feeling sorry for them first... 
6. goto 
goto tried to be a respectful king and really waited until he couldn’t take it anymore (i.e. his sequel). he really thought he was going to last until she made detective? it’s a sweet sentiment but only one man has the self control for that. i do really appreciate that they went through at least one hurdle in their relationship before getting physically intimate.
7. shinonome
you all know why he’s here. he’s the master of self control. idk how the writers did it but they really made us wait for years and then stunned us with the most emotional, quintessentially ayumu story to lead us into the most touching and poignant sex scene in any voltage title ever. he gets an honourable mention here for that scene in his promises kept substory which you are all gonna get to see so shortly. 
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aqvarius · 5 years ago
Will you do a headcanon with Shouma judging the public safety detectives and deciding who he thinks is best suited to date his precious big sister? (We both know the answer is Kaga but let’s just pretend we don’t lol)
omg thank you for this ask haha. originally i was going to do a ranking but they all have different charms so i kind of changed it to a grading (although you can take the order they appear in as a sort of ranking bc that’s how i originally wrote it). anyway bear in mind that i’m sure no matter what, all potential issues get resolved and they all get properly approved of~
grading public safety based on shouma’s opinion
kaga: A
even if we tried to pretend it wouldn’t be him it’s IMPOSSIBLE for him to not top this list since it’s canon that shoma thinks that kaga is too good for his sister lmao. i think about how supportive kaga is of his mc’s family every single day of my life and that time that he took shoma all around tokyo and had that talked with him all night (while mc fell asleep on the sofa and kaga stroked her hair and repositioned her head onto his lap RIGHT IN FRONT OF SHOMA HELP TOO CUTE) and it makes me all warm and softe. if not for canon, i would probably rank him in 2nd or 3rd but IT’S CANON SO!!!!! kagainu is my hlitf otp ;sldkfsj  
momose: A+
sorry couldn’t help myself. i bet shoma would think he’s just so cool, dressed in his sukajan and supreme tshirt. momose has style coming out of his fingertips and a guy of shoma’s age who evidently cares enough about fashion to critique his sister’s socks would literally be drooling and taking notes. 
goto: A
basically bc goto is a normal person lmao. goto is serious and genuine to the point where his sincerity even reflected in his name (誠) and i think his love for his mc always, always shines through very purely. i think shoma and goto would get along bc shoma is around the same age (maybe a little older?) as issei so goto is kind of used to dealing with younger siblings of that age.  
soma: B
soma’s primary professional skill is his ability to fit smoothly into any social situation and change his mannerisms into the ideal for whatever the situation calls for, so i think he could easily charm mc’s family. with that said, shoma is very perceptive and might be suspicious of how smooth soma is and why someone who’s so sophisticated is with his sister? soma is someone who hides his true self from everyone (including even his mc) so i wonder what it’ll take to get him to open up to shoma fully. with that said, shoma is like his sister in that he’s really good at opening people up, and also soma is like SO STUPIDLY WHIPPED when it comes to his mc. tbh i’m excited to see him meet the family bc soma is so emotionally detached from family matters bc of his trauma that i honestly wonder how he would react, seeing how cheerful and lively mc’s family is (especially seeing her interactions with her younger sibling being similar to his interactions with his younger sibling ahhhh I’M emotional thinking about it).
kurosawa: B
bro i was stumped on this forever, so i just chucked him here. originally i had him right at the bottom bc in my mind, tooru is forever a CLOWN but then i thought about it more seriously lol. honestly kurosawa is a master manipulator moodmaker and he’d know just what to say to get along with shoma. also, he can be serious when it comes down to it too. he has a really youthful spirit (lmao) and he’s also the same age as the mc so i think he and shoma could get along really well.
shinonome: B
ayumu, aka mr perfect, is another one who would put on a good face for meeting the family. i don’t think he will win over shoma’s trust through his words but rather through his actions. honestly i really want to know what ayumu is going to say about his mc to her family since he is rarely honest to her and can barely be honest about his feelings to even himself. tbh i have the feeling there’s going to be some kind of drama and then he will prove himself and his love for her through his actions (as he always does!) but i do also think that we’ll get to see ayumu being proper and courteous about his mc for once. honestly it was such a pleasant surprise to see kaga being so polite and nice at his mc’s home. i wonder if shoma will ever find out how ayumu really treats his beloved sister...
ishigami: B/C
ishigami is kind of serious and stern but he was very serious about meeting his mc’s family. i think shoma was at least won over by the gold pudding? i originally had him ranked up #3 but then i dropped him a little bc i do wonder what shoma would think about the fact that ishigami broke up with his mc tho (compared to the fact that he leaves his sister in kaga’s hands bc kaga is so steadfastly serious about being with her always). obviously ishigami has his mc’s best interests at heart always but i think he hasn’t quite resolved his issues re: family yet and may not necessarily be able to open up to shoma until then. 
namba: C
i guess the biggest issue is the age thing? and namba isn’t necessarily like kaga who tends to be very sure of himself and their relationship; he’s a little more hard on himself (i don’t wanna say self-loathing but he does that thing where he thinks he’s not good enough for her). i wonder if shoma would end up having to console(?) him or provide a fresh perspective if namba got stressy about their relationship lmao. but also if i were shoma’s age and my older sibling were dating someone not that much younger than our dad, i wouldn’t necessarily know how to relate to them. 
tsugaru: D/A
a sketchy man who doesn’t feel the need to hide his eccentricities. the gift he’d bring to her household would be something absolutely disgusting like chocolate takoyaki. he’s either a D or an A bc maybe shoma actually likes that kind of thing? who can say
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aqvarius · 5 years ago
How is it ktbb has 15 seasons out while hltf only has like three out when they were both released around the same time?? I want more of my public safety boys 😔
i wonder the same thing all the time ;~~; at first i thought it was because hlitf has double route seasons but... kbtbb does too. i’ve never played beyond season 2 so i can’t really say and i’m obviously Incredibly Biased but maybe hlitf takes longer bc the routes are more intricately written in terms of needing to weave together lots of small clues and cases and characters into a wider narrative that’s cohesive not just across the two routes per season but also throughout the ENTIRE title? so the plots are centred around whatever case they’re working on (which usually somehow tie into the love interest’s personal life) and tend to be more work/action-focussed so they can’t really fall back on basing new stories premises SOLELY on more common or easier tropes like “my business rival is attracted to you” love triangle or “you got kidnapped just by being my associate” or “oh no i lost my memory”. i’m not saying that those tropes aren’t used but they all have to be relevant for a wider case and/or mc’s development as a detective, and the cases in part 1 and 2 of any season tend to be related. so for example, while adversaries is literally a love triangle situation, the love triangle/jealousy plot is framed around (and also gives us a positive result regarding) improving as s a public safety agent. likewise, being kidnapped or held ransom bc of being the associate of the love interest is always just one part of a larger case, usually the one they’re working on or it works as a setup for the next part of the season where the case usually gets closure.  
tl;dr: hlitf has more complex routes bc they have to link relationship development and character emotional development with the mc’s career/skill progression AND a reasonable criminal case. 
ANYWAY i totally think that hlitf should have more content tho! i get that we have a lot of substories too BUT i also think that we should be allowed to have more AU substories like kbtbb does, esp bc... im gonna say it.... i'm pretty certain kouan (hlitf) is more popular than suite (kbtbb) in japanese fandom? 
exhibit A: voltage general election 2019
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in the top 50 ranking, 5 characters from kouan made it in, while suite only had 2, with 4 detectives ranking higher than the 2nd bidder. 
1. our reigning king HRH shinonome
2. eisuke
3. kaga
6. fresh meat tsugaru
13. goto (btw this is public safety goto, although bodyguard goto is currently pretty high on the weekly ranking chart)
18. soryu (lucky number tho)
27. ishigami 
exhibit B: the recent combination vote
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i didn’t take a screenshot of any other couples except team kaga during the time when they were displaying the number of votes bc... i didn’t care... but you can still see the order in which they ranked and amazingly, eisuke/soryu pair ranked in 4th below takado/hosho pair. 
exhibit C: weekly and monthly ranking
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weekly ranking: kbtbb places in 6th on the current weekly ranking below the special police (bodyguards). completely unsurprising that mpd is reigning champion as always. they haven’t released any new msb content this past week (or even month) so i’m that it’s placed above kbtbb in the weekly chart for titles, esp since they just released rhion’s wedding season last month and his epilogue yesterday. 
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monthly ranking: ahhh look at public safety sitting pretty in rank 2. it makes sense that “i fell in love with you since that night” (irresistible mistakes) was in second place on the weekly bc kamiki rei just got a new season and tsugaru’s release was more than a week ago. kbtbb sits in 4th on the monthly ranking. basically what we can learn from this is that (1) japanese audiences love police stories? and (2) i trust japanese audience’s taste in mcs. 
by the way, this isn’t relevant but i’m really surprised that goto from my sweet bodyguard is somehow ranking in 6th on the weekly chart atm? was there a secret SP!goto fan revival that i didn’t hear about? and naturally my boy tsugaru is ranking #1 on the monthly and then he’s followed by literally NINE mpd characters, i.e. ALL OF THEM. and then araki jun is in 11th and ichinomiya eisuke in 12th. wild. 
i suspect that there’s so much excitement and thrill in hlitf ms that a “regular date” substory has us literally frothing at the mouths since it’s so rare for them to have time to go on regular dates, but i honestly think that more hlitf AU substories would be SUPER popular. 
but anyway you’re right that we all need more public safety content and there’s evidently a huge audience for it so................. 
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aqvarius · 5 years ago
Damn I love your blog. I haven’t played a single hlitf character, but idk I love how passionate you are about the game. There’s just sooo much content; hopefully one day I’ll be able to read it all. Thanks for posting 💖
awww thank you so much!! i’m so glad you enjoy my blog haha and all my public safety fangirling, i don’t even have words to express how happy this ask made me~ and i’m so glad my passion for the game comes through all my nonsense rambling haha as if i don’t post about hlitf at least once a day and somehow find ways to talk about it even when talking about other titles/characters alsdkf
i feel like hlitf isn’t that popular compared to some other voltage titles so sometimes i feel like i’m just speaking into the void and a few of us like @gamerjanice @world-a-to-z @lxvescramble @redheadkittys @demongamerkitty @fraeuleinfulltime @otomeshark @rentken @chronoes @shatteredcrimsondreams @belxsar (and some more people i can’t tag) are just sitting around in our hlitf cult circle ready to absorb hlitf content like
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but we are always happy to have more people join our ranks! i definitely hope that you’ll be able to read at least one character’s ms1+2 at some point! thank you for reading my blog and for this lovely ask 💞💞
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