#ranking (almost) every loona song
the-genuine-beauty · 2 years
Ranking (Almost) Every LOONA Song
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DISCLAIMER: This ranking does not include:
OSTs / Reality Show Songs (with the exception of “Pose”)
Acoustic Versions
English and Japanese Versions of Already Released Korean Songs
Cover Songs
Brand Collabs / Collabs With Other People
Keep in mind that this is just my opinion, and you are free to agree or disagree. This was a hard to make because LOONA has one of my favorite discographies in KPOP and every song has something in it that I like. Also I tend to change my mind a lot when it comes to my favorite LOONA songs. I will update this page when new music comes out, or if I change my mind on a certain ranking. There are currently 76 songs that will be included in this ranking and I will be starting from 76 (my least favorite) to 1 (my most favorite).
With that out of the way, here is my ranking: Updated: 7/13/2023
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SKIPS 76: Fairy Tale 75: StarSeed ~Kakusei~  74: Valentine Girl 73: The Carol
DON’T LIKE IT BUT CAN APPRECIATE IT FOR WHAT IT IS 72: Luminous 71: Not Friends 70: Pose 69: Sick Love 68: OOPS! 67: Why Not? 66: So What 65: PTT (Paint the Town)
OK BUT COULD BE BETTER 64: Rain 51db 63: 365 62: A Different Night 61: My Sunday / My Melody 60: Rendezvous 18.6y 59: Favorite
GOOD 58: D-1 57: Puzzle 56: One Way 55: WOW 54: Around You 53: Let Me In 52: I’ll Be There 51: One & Only 50: Kiss Later 49: Chaotic 48: Vivid 47: Love and Live 46: You and Me Together 45: U R 44: Hide & Seek 43: Dance On My Own 42: Starlight 41: Heat 40: Perfect Love 39: Oh (Yes I Am) 38: Frozen 37: Fall Again 36: Stylish 35: Ding Ding Dong 34: Flip That 33: Day N Night 32: Uncover 31: Be Honest 30: Rosy
GREAT 29: Curiosity 28: Heart Attack 27: Twilight 26: LOONATIC 25: Girl Front 24: Love Cherry Motion 23: Pale Blue Dot 22: Number 1 21: Love Letter 20: Satellite 19: Girl’s Talk 18: See Saw 17: Singing in the Rain 16: Need U 15: Love4eva 14: Universe 13: Butterfly 12: Where You At 11: Hula Hoop
THE BEST OF THE BEST 10: Voice / Star 9: Everyday I Love You 8: Playback 7: Egoist 6: Sonatine 5: Sweet Crazy Love 4: Colors 3: Eclipse 2: New 1: Hi High
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queertwilight · 10 months
Under threat from my sister @awkwardlysarah I have been forced to return to this hellsite in the middle of a delirious long day to post what she has informed me is the best idea she has ever had. please share and show her some love so that she thinks i’m a cool older sister and not just a tired grad student with a nostalgic affection for this series. Seriously she’s really excited about this post and I love her so make her happy or else :) Without further ado:
The Cullens as Different K-Pop Fans
Disclaimer: this is all my @awkwardlysarah head canons not my sister’s @queertwilight. I decided to combine my love for K-pop with my sister’s love for twilight. My qualifications are that I’ve been listening to K-pop for 6 years, so I kinda know a lot. Also no hate to any of the artists mentioned, you can have your own opinions and I’ll have mine. Silly little post enjoy!
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-exclusively listens to K-drama OST’s
-mainly for the instrumental and piano
-listens to the Best KDRAMA OST: of all time playlist and ranks them by instrumental
-secretly does watch K-dramas but claims its to help “appreciate” the music, has cried to almost every drama he’s seen
-Does not understand the appeal of K-Pop groups, prefers what he believes to be the classics
-Though, Alice once showed him RM’s album Mono and is now his biggest fan
-“No, you don’t understand guys if I met Namjoon we would get along perfectly. We could go on a museum date together and talk about life.”
-Loves RM’s newest release Indigo and locked himself in his room to reflect on the lyrics in the album.
-He too, mourns the loss (of what would have been) his 20’s
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-she is such a baddie with her K-pop taste
-mainly a 2nd gen girl group stan, but dips her toes in 4th gen (mainly AESPA) because Emmett showed her a couple groups
-also loves soloists-mainly IU and BIBI and DPR
-BIGGEST 2NE1 and 4minute stan there is (prays on YG and Cube’s downfall)
-if the songs are about being bad bitches then Rosalie is listening to them
-she can low key body any rap by CL
-has her more mellow moments when listening to Girl’s Generation and IU
-overall supports her girlies
-will fight trolls online that try to discredit any of the girls’ careers (
-has made multiple accounts deactivate because she proved them so wrong they could not show their faces online again
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-when Emmett discovered K-pop it was like opening up a portal that could no longer be closed
-he had casually stanned 3rd gen groups (since Alice listened to them)
-but then he found LOONA and other girl groups
-Rosalie low key curses this day btw
-became the biggest Orbit and Chuu stan
-“Emmett we have to go save Bella, she’s in danger.”
“Idk, maybe if she stanned LOONA this wouldn’t have happened.”
-is a photo card collector (Rosalie put a stop to this after he spent 3K on a Chuu broadcast photo card and getting scammed trying to buy other pcs)
-when I tell you he was so devastated that Chuu was kicked out of LOONA
-he didn’t have the strength to go hunting for DAYS
-helped boycott BlockBerry Creative #freeLOONA
-he does also dabble in boy groups; mainly Enhypen because he thinks they are actual vampires. (No one tell him it is just a concept it would break his heart, he streamed Bite Me for days because he felt SO seen).
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-she knows everything about every group (obvi) and knows which groups are unproblematic
-runs an undercover KPOPpredictions twitter account where all her visions go
-Loves groups mainly for lore/storyline purposes
-like TXT, BTS, ENHYPEN, ATEEZ, EXO, etc. she LOVES a good storyline
-does theories on her main stan blogs about what she believes the MVs mean for the overall story
-always has people commenting on her theories about how right she is.
-is also a K-pop dance/lifestlye influencer
-give her 10 minutes and she WILL know the entire dance-will upload and edit it almost instantly
-has been featured in KCON dream stages and has been able to dance alongside some of her fav groups
-love planning her outfits for concerts and giving people inspiration on her social media platforms
“You need help coming up with vampire themed outfits for Enhypen’s upcoming concert, say no more I’ve got just the looks for you!”
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-some of y’all may be a bit mad about this one…
-he’s the problematic K-pop stan
-like his playlist is CONTROVERSIAL
-liked sticker when it first released (believed the flute is what tied it together)
-low key a Jay Park stan on main
-…and a super junior apologist
(what did you expect he literally was a confederate solider)
-If a group has a cowboy concept he will be all over it tho, “takes me back to my roots.”
-will start shit online because he knows in the end he can control their emotions
-loves those unpopular k-pop opinion videos
-Alice does try to get him away from the problematic side of K-pop and it does kinda work, but like quitting human blood it takes him some time
-not a big stan, he’s kinda in it for the drama and to be an instigator
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usermaha · 2 years
Queendom 2 FINAL Performances Review
the previews were enough to tell me that this will be an underwhelming finale, and unfortunately, i was right. for the most part, i can't say i really enjoyed any of the original songs. now, what's the point of becoming Queens of K-pop when, your talents and skills aside, you can't make a banger K-pop record?
what's going on with the titles btw? this is what caught my attention first-hand. Red Sun is a Brave Girls song, performed literally last week, Whistle is a Blackpink song, WJSN's song also involves a whistle in the production, Pose is a Red Velvet song, Kepler performed The Boys last week so their song is called The Girls, like???
Hyolyn: she has consistently served throughout this show, so i was disappointed the most. with the preview i was honestly worried it would get 'ethnic hip' again, but those aspects were minimal. the sonic direction of the song i didn't dig at all. The message was so unique ya'll 🙄. The dancing was limited, and i surprisingly noticed her live vocals were weak, maybe her condition was not good (the full episode might have addressed this). The feature, however, i have to acknowledge good rapping when i see it.
VIVIZ: this song i did get to hear on spotify, and i liked the vibes, it was not intense as a final song should be, its relaxed, it felt like it should be played in a cafe. this is the kind of sound that will suit viviz in the future. for staging they went fairy-tale but the magic and majesty wasn't there, rather it gave the look of a middle school play lol. why simple monochrome dresses? didnt get the storyline this time either.
Brave Girls: I guess they hadn't played their Summer Concept straight up till this point, i have to give them that. The song was generic Brave Girls summer song, but they are good at this. I really liked the simple tie-dyed outfit, the open hair flowing in the wind, the bare feet, they looked pretty. at least i had some fun.
WJSN: the song has some things going for it. it gives a little mystical, a little fantasy, before it hits the chorus and i think im listening to 18 girl group songs at once. I thought they'd do more for the stage. the intro choreo was cool, i felt like i was watching the summoning rites to some goddess lol. Seola gave. At this performance i got tired of the lift thing, what impact does it have if everyone's doing the same thing.
LOONA: the point they were trying to make, i respect that. girl groups strut and wear black and call themselves 'badass' all day. but rarely actually get to display the sheer power that boy group releases have. if anybody should start that change it should be, miss 'Cherry Bomb cover'. that being said, i dont like NCT 😭. if i keep my personal preferences aside, i think they gave the chaos and the energy they had in mind. big takeaway from this show: i was actually not a Yves stan, and i thought her being thrusted at the front of every release was unjustified. but now i understand her role in leadership, how much of a talented dancer she is, her charisma could cut glass.
Kep1er: i have heard this song before, and god knows, i will hear it again 😓. realization: this group is just Youngeun, hikaru and dayeon. over and over, it's just the three of them my eyes keep following. its their insane stage presence that will set them apart from the competitors going forward.
my ranking: WJSN > Brave Girls > LOONA > VIVIZ > Kep1er > Hyolyn
Opinion on Final Ranking:
I was a bit shocked when i heard WJSN won. Going into the show WJSN was almost K-pop folklore to me, but i dont think they exhibited anything extraordinary in this show.
but that was actually no one lol, i suppose my expectations were too high. apart from Hyolyn, i couldn't really picture anyone else winning, and Hyolyn's loss at the later part of the competition is justified in my perspective. So im not mad.
i wasn't expecting LOONA to win based on the results of the previous rounds. but them losing by one rank, that too because of the first round obviously stings, more so as an orbit. God just really hates them, huh
VIVIZ went above Hyolyn?? How did that happen?
All of that celebration over Brave Girls winning 1st place-
i feel really bad for Kep1er. time and time again ive said competing with experienced artists is not fair on them. they came out of it just looking bad. i hope this didnt hurt their confidence personally, especially since they just come out of a demanding debut battle.
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ayeonz · 3 years
Top 10 Kpop Choreographies of 2020, According to Me
There were so many good choreographies... It kind of hurt me making this list because a lot of frontrunners quickly fell below 10 during review - you might be surprised to notice the absence of certain songs in the top 10 but I did my best to rank everything fairly. Full top 20
10. "Feel Good (Secret Code) - fromis_9
It's so bouncy and energetic and there's a lot of really cute details. The footwork is actually really fun to watch in some parts too. It just has a really strong momentum and matches the vibe of the song really well.
It's strong, it's powerful, it's memorable. This is definitely ITZY's best choreography to date. Everyone knows that hip move, everyone's tried that shoulder choreography, and both moves really made Ryujin the star of early 2020. I love offbeat moves too, they add extra flavour IMO, so the chorus is a treat. The dance break is so clean too.
8. "Monster" - Red Velvet - IRENE & SEULGI
Personally I was a more of a fan of Monster than Naughty, even when it came to choreography. A lot of the moves are so unique but they match the music and the vibe super well. It really showcases their dance talents and the backup dancers really add a lot to it. The ending is my favourite part, especially the big "monster" that they form.
7. "Psycho4U" - GIRLKIND
I really have to hand it to them on this one. Medic Jin has improved so much since debut I think she deserves a shoutout. I really love the general shape of this choreography and all the different levels they use. They really did a good job hiding the asymmetry of a 4-member group too, and the ending pose is just beautiful.
6. "Can't You See Me?" - TXT
God, this dance is beautiful. All of the formations and movements feel so fresh. It really stands out as a boy group choreography, shying away from pure masculinity to extend the lyrics. The part where they're in a line after the first chorus is just so clean. Every move is so sharp. This is why you can't take anyone seriously who tries to tell you that TXT aren't talented because if that's true then they're gonna need to explain this song to me.
5. "Make A Wish (Birthday Song)" - NCT U
I didn't realise this dance was THIS good until it came to ranking time. I only added it because I liked that chorus move with the arms but damn... the whole thing is excellent. It's just so full-on; it's awesome to watch as a whole. It's so fluid but punchy. The breakdown part is amazing, and I love the little rewind detail at the end. I can't say I understand the ending pose though...
4. "So What" - LOONA
The transitions between formations are FLAWLESS. And insanely quick; you've really gotta pay attention to catch them. They've really used the symmetry that having 11 members gives you to perfect levels - there's barely a scene that wouldn't look the same if you flipped it. The bridge is absolutely beautiful and I also love that when Jinsoul does her adlib bit that, instead of her stepping back into the group, the group actually subtlely comes forward to swallow her back in.
3. "God's Menu" - Stray Kids
Pure excellence. It's so fast it looks like it's in double speed but it's not, SKZ are just that fucking good. It does kind of stumble between unique and "I feel like I've seen this move before" and it's kind of jarring but both are still executed well so I didn't deduct too many points for that because damn... the tilt section hits every time.
2. "Back Door" - Stray Kids
This is just so much fun to watch. The instrumental gave the choreographers a lot to work with and I feel like they fulfilled almost every possibility. It's so consistent in pace and momentum. Every moment is so interesting but I feel like Stray Kids themselves are really what makes this so good.
1. "@Me (Tag Me)" - Weeekly
The detail! The creative use of props! The energy! They hit every beat perfectly, not a single member slacking in any way. They don't even slow down in the rap break. It just keep going and going... It's absolutely one of the most unique dances I've seen in a long time. There's a reason they won Rookie of the Year!
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wickymicky · 4 years
2020 Comeback Ranking: End of February Edition
this is an update to my ranking of 2020 comebacks, i’m keeping a running list lol. i updated it a couple times this month, but as comeback schedules return to a normal pace (possibly) i’ll probably just update this once or twice a month. maybe on the 15th and the 30th of every month or something. unless i just stop doing it after this update altogether lol, who knows. this is not a ranking of every comeback so far in 2020, just the ones i’ve heard and decided that i like. if it’s on the list at all, even if it’s near the bottom, that means i like the song a lot. 
this is just a list of title tracks, since i dont listen to every group’s bsides, and idk things like music video and concept are factors for me a lot of the time. i’m not sure how many songs i want to limit the list to once there get to be too many to list... and honestly i’ll probably leave some off of this one if it gets too long. take everything with a grain of salt... my opinions aren’t set in stone. if you go to my “2020 comebacks” tag, you’ll see previous lists and laugh at how different they all are. my next one will probably have a bunch of these songs in different orders again, as well as having new songs added in of course, just because my opinions change. okay here goes
Dreamcatcher - Scream: still at number 1 lol. i dont have all that much to say about it that hasnt already been said. you all already know
Weki Meki - Dazzle Dazzle: it might fall in subsequent updates, but as of right now it’s the one i’ve been listening to the second most, and i really like it. i’m not sure it’s really second-best-of-the-year material, though. but that’s where it’s at for the time being. it sounds like a weki meki song, which i’m soooo happy about, lol
GFriend - Crossroads: wow Crossroads really grew on me, lol. this song got better every time i heard it and now like.. idk, i really really like it. i’ve been enjoying watching stages for it too, i think it, Dr Bebe, and Fiesta have the best choreos of the currently-promoting songs. well, i think Crossroads is done promoting, but that’s pretty recent lol. sometimes i get emotional when i listen to this song real loud and let it take me away haha.... sigh....
Pentagon - Dr Bebe: it fell a little bit, partially cause two songs passed it, but also just i havent been listening to it that much lately. i like it, and sometimes when i listen to it, it really hits me... but it’s not the kind of song that i’m always in the mood for. you know? it’s not an any-day-any-time type of song lol. i think the velvet-ness of it is cool but i’m starting to get a bit tired of it unfortunately :( i’ll see how things shake out. for now it’s still number 4.
Cignature - Nun Nu Nan Na: i like this song a lot, it’s good, it feels like a breath of fresh air.
Izone - Fiesta: this one has also really grown on me. Fiesta slaps lol. i love the choreo, i love the surreal visuals in the video, i think the song is a bop too. hell yeah. if this had indeed come out last year then i’m not sure where it would have landed, but i think i like it more than Violeta. if it’s holding it’s own against the comebacks so far this year then maybe it would have done pretty well last year too haha
Loona - So What: idk this feels about right. i think a lot of orbits are a little tired of the song at this point. even those of us who liked it... you know... the novelty’s worn off, the line distribution and screen time is still irritating, the choreo’s not quite as fun to watch as we had hoped, and they’re just about wrapping up the promotions. still, i think this is a song we’ll revisit through the year, and once it sounds fresh to me again it might rise on the list, so i kinda expect it to hover around the 6-8 spot on my list even as more good comebacks keep coming out. it’s certainly an interesting song lol. 
Cherry Bullet - Hands Up: fairly simple lol this is just a weird bop
Ateez - Answer: i really dont know where to put Answer haha. just like Dr Bebe, this isnt the kind of song i wanna listen to 24/7. it has to be the right mood. so sometimes i feel like “ugh i dont feel like listening to Answer at all, i need something with more energy... im so tired of this song...” but then sometimes it really hits the spot and i go “you know what? this is still one of the better tracks of the year. this is powerful stuff” haha. again, it just has to be the right mood. so idk, i’ll put it here.
Everglow - Dun Dun: speaking of songs i’m tired of.....
Red Velvet - Psycho (i’m counting this as 2020): shrug. i like Psycho, but yeah, same thing as Dr Bebe and Answer. i like songs i can listen to on repeat at any time in the day, i like songs that pump me up and make me feel energetic. still, credit where credit is due i mean, this song’s real good lol. i know that’s not saying anything you didnt already know haha, but still
Elris - Jackpot: aaa! i love really straightforwardly weird girl group songs! that’s why Cignature is so high, and that’s why this song is on my list! i dont think it’s amazing, but i like it! it’s quirky and i like that! is it gonna even be on this list on my next update? honestly who knows, lol. maybe not. for right now though i think it’s cute
Moonbyul - Eclipse: this was super high on my last list lmao. it’s alright. my non-kpop-stan bf likes this one a lot and so i was listening to it a lot cause of them, but i think it’s not really where my head’s at right now. 
Rocket Punch - Bouncy: at first i thought this song was annoying and then i thought it was kinda cool cause it’s indicative of the trend towards teen crush concepts becoming the majority and then now i think it’s a bit annoying again. the embarrassing lyrics are hard to overlook lol. it’s not bad though.
Siyeon - Paradise: same as the other more emotional songs that i listed lol (other than Crossroads, which is emotional but also has a kind of fast drive to it that i like). it’s cool but i don’t listen to it that often cause i’m not always in this mood. i love siyeon though, i really do
3YE - Queen: lmao this almost definitely won’t be on the list next time. i think it’s cool but it’s nothing to write home about. i’ve been listening to it enough that i felt like i had to include it though. there are some really sick-sounding ideas in this song, but... it’s not like it’s oozing with personality, lol. it sounds like what you expect a girl crush song to sound like in 2020. cause it is one. lol. money flex all day.
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vyvesvi · 4 years
song rankings january - april 2020
only for my bias groups - loona, ateez, gwsn, and h&d - who are the only ones to have a comeback this year :^)
also to note - loona’s mini has 6 tracks, gwsn’s has 4, ateez’s has 5, and h&d’s has 7, not including the intstrumental tracks.
1.) gwsn - tweaks ~ heavy clouds but no rain
2.) loona - day & night 
these songs are very close in my mind. there’s something almost remeniscent of future funk, which a kinda deep bass that i’ve been extremely fond of recently
3.) loona - oh 
4.) gwsn - after the bloom (alone)
these two songs are also basically on the same tier, the only reason why oh is #3 is because yeah gaja 1 2 is so iconic. the rap in after the bloom has major potential to go viral too (it’s literally so so so good pls listen) if groos start the trend but i don’t see it happening yet, idk. 
5.) h&d - empty handed 
a chill bop. dohyon has a lot more lines in this one, which is nice (im a hangyul stan btw)
i also feel like the vibes suit hangyul’s voice more. he’s being pushed as a main vocalist when that’s not really his strength, but this song fits his range a bit better than their title tracks have.
6.) h&d - toward tomorrow
very similar to empty handed, just more vocally driven? it almost feels like they’re two versions of the same song. but whatever, i like it.
7.) ateez - horizon
8.) loona - ddd 
the raps in these two are very different but i love them both sm TT. horizon is just art (hongjoong is deadass one of my favorite male rappers in kpop, like #1 or #2) almost but not quite on the level of after the bloom and ddd’s rap is just cute and catchy af, one of my favorite loona raps in general. horizon’s whole flow as a song is just really nice as well.
9.) ateez - precious
precious’ bgm is just weird af, kind of like h&d’s intro now that I think about it? but i like it, whatever. it’s kinda weird because it has the feeling of being a really artsy song kinda stuck in a pop mode? idk
i also like the feeling that they infuse this song with. like it’s very...idk if motivating is the right word? but this song evokes some sorta weird hopeful emotion that ateez often strays towards that i’m pretty fond of
10.) h&d - good night 
she’s cute, not much to report tbh. dohyon also has more lines in this and this concept suits him more than soul, which is nice.
11.) h&d - unfamiliar*
i fully expected to hate this song and i kinda did when it came out but as i relisten i’m coming to appreciate it. it’s not something i’ll listen to a ton 
12.) h&d - make me a different person 
it’s pretty chill, a little more...i’m not sure what the word is. it’s definitely not trop house but the beat is certainly...bouncy. idk. i have to be in the mood to really enjoy that tbh.
the other weird thing is that the song- and almsot all of their songs now that i think about it- sound super melancholy in tone? but the beat is so bouncy, it’s confusing lol. and not in the kinda tongue in cheek sad lyrics happy beat kinda way, just...the melody or their voices are very...emotional? that’s maybe too much, but i’m having trouble describing it lol.
below here is the slow songs section and im a slow songs anti, sorry
13.) loona - number 1 
she’s alright.
14.) gwsn - the aerialist (wonderboy)
the fact that this is their lead bside is like a kick in the jaw i’m personally offended
15.) ateez - star 1117
...not their best, by far.
*unfamiliar was technically a title track but it wasn’t the title for this album so i’m counting it as a bside lol
title tracks:
honestly i’m not a *huge* fan of the title tracks on any of these albums in comparison to others by the same group (for loona, ateez, and gwsn)
ateez - answer > loona - so what > gwsn - bazooka > h&d - soul
intros and outros: 
h&d - intro = loona - # > ateez - outro: long journey
of all of these songs ateez’s outro: long journey and star 1117 are the only songs not to be added to my library (and therefore not downloaded). i haven’t figured out h&d yet (so none downloaded atm), but i have all of these songs downloaded except for the aforementioned ateez songs and gwsn’s the aerialist (wonderboy). off the top of my head i’ll probably download the whole h&d album (maybe except soul, idk).
tl;dr - idk my ranking but soul is last
ateez - answer
im deadass afraid to watch ateez’s choreo because anze (their choreographer) does such an amazing job (my favorites are wonderland and wave) but ateez/kq tend to change the tone or take away my favorite parts of the anze choreo so for my sanity i really can’t watch atz’s choreo. anyways im sure answer is great lmfao
gwsn - bazooka
bazooka is simple and wayyy less intricate than their other title track choreos but i for one appreciate a solid point dance when i see one. the bazooka move is simple, iconic, and very representative of the lyrics so i appreciate it a lot. i’ve missed the iconic and iconographic choreo that kpop used to be famous for
h&d - soul
my main gripe with h&d in general is that hangyul and dohyon are s u c h a weird duo. even though i liked their album wayyyyy way wayyyyy more than i expected i don’t think that they’re very marketable as a kpop duo. duos in general just aren’t great, profit really rolls in at around 5 members, unless you’re 1.) blackpink, or 2.) a subunit of a larger group, and h&d are neither. 
another huge complaint (which is basically the same as the first): h&d had like, 60 backup dancers in the mv i swear. are you telling me that not a single one of them can carry a tune??? not a single one. out of 60. there were some cute ones that i noticed in the stage performance. you couldn’t even eke out a sub rapper mbk, seriously?
also it’s very clear that they’re pushing hangyul as a visual, main vocal, main dancer, which is fine ish except there aren’t really enough rap breaks in the song for dohyon to shine like, at all? and he’s kinda always behind hangyul and it’s really noticeable bc there’s only two of them (and their army of back up dancers).
icb i used to be a lowkey dohyon anti and mbk’s treatment has me doing all this. jesus
loona - so what
i’m gonna keep it all the way real. so what feels (and looks, to me) complicated for the sake of being complicated. the girls worked so hard to learn and perform this choreo but to what end? there’s no iconic point dance, and orbits and experienced dancers will find it impressive but it’s not really accessible to the gp?
butterfly hit that balance between complex and iconographic, but i’m not sure about iconic.
//btw, this is my metric for iconic: if you and a bunch of friends who like the same group were told to do a dance move or strike a pose based solely on the title of the song (obviously assuming that everyone has watched the livestages and is a fan, etc) would you all do the same thing? that’s the beauty of the point dance: if a song has a clear point dance, you probably will. whether this is a strength that every kpop song needs is debatable, but it’s definitely important to me, with few exceptions.
there’s probably more i could go into about mv and styling but i think i’ll stop here for now xx
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mysilentmemory · 5 years
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On any given day, fans of K-pop groups rally on Twitter to get their faves noticed. Whether that’s trending hashtags to get them onto social media charts or to win actual awards, you can’t escape their passionate presence on your timeline. And though social media has always been an integral part of K-pop fandom, it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that K-pop stan Twitter became a force to be reckoned with. K-pop groups regularly dominate Billboard’s social chart, and now even brands stan Loona. But in order to get to that place in the digital space, a lot of ground had to be broken, and it can be traced back to exactly 10 years ago.
In terms of Hallyu (Korean pop culture) history, 2009 was an iconic year. Some would even argue it was a more impactful era in terms of K-pop reaching audiences outside of Korea than 2012’s “Gangnam Style.” According to an unpublished survey collected by Korea Creative Content Agency USA in 2014, the majority of K-pop fans in the States (39.5 percent) started consuming K-pop earlier than 2009, as opposed to 26.8 percent between 2012 and 2013. PSY might have turned himself into a viral phenomenon, but 2009 was a launch pad for a lot of what K-pop is today.
The year also marked a pivotal time in the internet age, which helped the globalization of Korean music. By 2009, YouTube and social media platforms had already started making K-pop content like music videos and choreography videos more accessible to consumers. This accelerated the spread of information — and dance crazes — to the world. One of the first male acts to set off a dance craze on social media was veteran K-pop group Super Junior with their 2009 mega hit “Sorry, Sorry.”
Released first as a digital single and soon followed by an album of the same name and the music video on March 12, "Sorry, Sorry" not only catapulted Super Junior to Hallyu stardom, but it revolutionized K-pop itself.
Right from the start, the song says what it’s all about: dance. Packed with a repetitive chorus, chant-like hooks, and auto-tuned vocals, “Sorry, Sorry” utilized the pop formula of the day to perfection and delivered an earworm. The album debuted at No. 1 on one of South Korea’s most important music charts, and the song topped the charts too. It also reached No. 1 in other countries like Taiwan and Thailand, and it landed in the Top 10 in the Philippines. In Taiwan, “Sorry, Sorry” spent 36 consecutive weeks at No. 1. For a lot of older K-pop fans, "Sorry, Sorry" was an entry point, thanks to the countless flash mobs — a very 2009 trend — and dance covers uploaded online from Malaysia to Indonesia to even a prison in the Philippines.
Sorry, Sorry signaled Super Junior’s coming of age, not only sound-wise, but conceptually. Their sleeker, more sophisticated neutral color palette showed a more mature side to the SM Entertainment group, who made their debut in 2005. They shifted away from the visual kei-inspired concept of previous songs like “Don’t Don” and “U” — a major trend at the time — and instead embraced an aesthetic that would inspire the next decade of K-pop. The focus on the choreography highlighted Super Junior’s strengths in numbers, which helped popularize the idea of larger-sized male groups (think ZE:A, SEVENTEEN, and The Boyz). Not to mention, the virality of a point dance had been something representative of girl groups at the time, but after “Sorry, Sorry,” male groups like SHINee (“Ring Ding Dong”) and 2PM (“Again and Again”) followed suit.
And Super Junior were pioneers in other ways as well. They were the first K-pop group to feature a Chinese national in its ranks, and though he constantly ran into setbacks for being a foreigner and eventually left the group, Hankyung (who now goes by his Chinese name Han Geng) opened doors for all non-Koreans in the idol industry today.
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ailblazers in the global music industry by collaborating with Latinx artists Leslie Grace and Play-N-Skillz on the English-Spanish-Korean banger “Lo Siento” — and with Reik on “Otra Vez” — becoming the first Korean act to enter Latin Billboard charts twice.
Due to mandatory military enlistments, departures, and other issues, Super Junior’s lineup has been changing for the better part of a decade. The act’s current active members are Leeteuk (real name Park Jeong-su), Kim Heechul, Yesung (Kim Jong-woon), Shindong (Shin Dong-hee), Eunhyuk (Lee Hyuk-jae), Lee Donghae, Choi Siwon, and Kim Ryeowook. Once Cho Kyuhyun wraps up his service in May, Super Junior will have a fixed lineup active for the first time in 10 years.
Nowadays, "Sorry, Sorry" is almost like a rite of passage for newer groups, with everyone from EXO to SEVENTEEN to NCT, and even BTS, GFRIEND, and TWICE — together with Leeteuk, who's become a favorite on Korean variety shows — covering it. The song is also a frequent pick on competition shows like Produce 101, where all but two members of the winning “Sorry, Sorry” team ended up debuting in the popular temporary group Wanna One.
To celebrate 10 years of Sorry, Sorry and its lasting impact on K-pop today, let’s take a look at some of the standout tracks that made that album so iconic.
"Sorry, Sorry"
The song that started it all. Whether it’s the catchy melody, the ddan-ddan-ddans, or the continued use of "shawty" and "sorry," good luck getting "Sorry, Sorry" out of your head. And when you pair it with an equally memorable “point dance” of rubbing your hands in an apologetic manner, it’s no surprise that every K-pop stan on YouTube — and in the idol industry — has this song and its choreography on lock.
Produced by SM Entertainment’s in-house producer Yoo Young-jin (Red Velvet’s “Bad Boy,” NCT U’s “Boss”), Super Junior changed up their sound for this single. After exploring alternative rock, they went for an R&B and funk-infused dance track, a trait that would come to characterize the group for years.
"It’s You"
Following up “Sorry, Sorry” with something just as good must’ve been difficult or even impossible to fathom, but Super Junior pulled through. Two months after “Sorry, Sorry,” the group dropped the album’s second single “It’s You.” Written and produced by E-Tribe (Girls’ Generation’s “Gee,” Loona’s “love4eva”), “It’s You” is a more mellow approach for a dance and contemporary R&B song than “Sorry, Sorry.” It features a clapping beat, a haunting repetition of the phrase “it’s you” in Korean, and a balanced harmony of the members’ voices. The track also marked an important era in Super Junior history, since it was the last single to feature all 13 members of the core group in a music video (Hankyung left the group by the end of the year and Kibum went on a permanent hiatus). Upon release, “It’s You” reached No. 1 on South Korea’s then most popular social media platform, Cyworld.
"It’s You" has been revamped recently and the group — whose members are all well into their 30s — now perform it at their concerts with new lace blindfolds, which they take off mid-chorus and use as a prop. And though it still sounds distinctly 2009, the song has aged beautifully.
"Why I Like You"
There’s always that one song on an album that fans wish was a promotional single but unfortunately isn’t. On Sorry, Sorry said track is “Why I Like You.” Though performed as a b-side together with “Sorry, Sorry” on music shows, it deserved way more attention. Super Junior are the kings of, among many things, the dance-ballad, and “Why I Like You” is their crown jewel within that genre.
Before EDM took over, laser synths on a pop-R&B hybrid were everything in K-pop. And “Monster,” with its dark, Timbaland-like moody production, perfectly encapsulated the sound of an era. It’s a major throwback sonically, but “Monster” is undoubtedly an underrated deep cut.
"Heartquake (feat. TVXQ!’s U-know Yunho & Micky Yoochun)"
One of the group’s many sub-units is Super Junior-K.R.Y., which stands for Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Yesung, who are the group’s main vocalists. On Sorry, Sorry, the trio were given their own song that featured their SM labelmates U-know Yunho and Micky Yoochun, then both part of TVXQ! "Heartquake" is a mid-tempo heartbreak ballad with a hip-hop influence thanks to U-know Yunho and Micky Yoochun self-written rap verses.
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chuurrykiss · 5 years
In celebration of giving in and making this account, I have ranked the Loona solos from my least favorite to favorite. Keep in mind I know nothing about music and I’m honestly really dumb. 
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12. Around you- HyunJin
This song makes me feel lonely. The music video feels like I’m being stalked. There isn’t too much to say about this song, the vocals are average. The video, while being full of Loonaverse lore, isn’t as visually interesting as the other videos. The song isn’t bad by any means, but it isn’t my favorite.  
11. One & Only- Gowon
I hate Gowon’s raps in this song. It would probably be one of my favorites if the raps weren’t to pitchy. Her vocals are off, but it fits with the sound and tempo of the song. The music video is full of imagery and lore, but it isn’t my taste. I think Gowon’s visuals are so gorgeous. The music video makes up for the song. My favorite scenes are when Yves crowns Gowon, when Choerry drops that apple, and when Yves, Gowon, and Chuu run in the love4eva outfits.  The choreography to this song is super catchy though and I think it suits Gowon a lot.
10. Kiss Later- Yeojin
As the youngest of the group, I expect nothing less than this from Yeojin. However, because of her underdeveloped voice, her vocals come across as a bit annoying. I love how much subtle lore is in this video. Due to the cutesy nature of the video, you wouldn’t think that there would be so much alluding to the Loonaverse and the other girls.
9. Let Me In- HaSeul
I love HaSeul’s vocal’s in this song. Her opera training fits well with this song. It’s not in my favorites because of how plain it is. I forget about it and how the beat goes all the time. The music video though makes me feel so lonely. This seems to be a running theme in the more mature Loona solos, I think this one is more purposeful because of location though. I love the deep meaning and lore intertwined into the music video. The video is so amazing. HaSeul’s visuals are so amazing. I love her eyes; they are so beautiful.
8. Everyday I Love You- ViVi
Its disappointing people don’t like this song more. Vivi isn’t the most talented vocal but BBC picked out a wonderful song for her voice. The aesthetic of the song fits Vivi so well. I love the cutesy choreography; the little book move is so fitting. Although the video isn’t that deep, it still fits well into the world. I love how it ties in later with Yves’ solo. In short, this video is soft, and I love it.
7. Vivid- Heejin
This is where we get into my absolute favorite Loona solos. Vivid was what started it all. The first solo. The first member. Heejin is the God of the Loonaverse. I love this song, especially the acoustic version. It fills my heart with pure joy, and I get so happy listening to it. Vivid is the type of song you want to get up and dance to. I love how her voice fluctuates and the loud and almost colorful nature of the instrumental. The choreography is so catchy, I can see it in my head when the song plays. It’s so hard to put my love for this song into words. It was probably the second Loona song I’ve ever heard; it has such a special place in my heart.
6. Love Cherry Motion- Choerry
This song is legendary. The versatility has me quaking. I hate how Choerry is so sexualized in this song though (but like I can’t help but love this track). She isn’t the youngest, but she just turned eighteen I believe so it does make me a bit uncomfortable they gave her this song. The vocals are pretty, and the choreography is one of my favorites in all the Loona discography. This song is one big rollercoaster and I loved every minute. The amount of lore in the video is amazing. Choerry is a direct effect of the Mobius strip property of the Loonaverse so it is no surprise that her solo would have so much lore in it.  
5. Singing in the Rain- JinSoul
I love the quick and intenseness of this song. The instrumental is solid; Jinsoul’s vocals fit so well with the track. There isn’t too much to say about the song itself other than I just really enjoy it. BBC is so good at choreography that fits the girls, although I wish she had something a bit harder. She could be such a good dancer. I love the music video; it has such a cool concept to it.
4. new- Yves
Ugh, the energy. I love the choreography to this song too much. Yves has such a big part in the Loonaverse, her song shows her becoming free and loving herself. I can’t even express how refreshing I find this song. Her energy surrounds me and gives me strengths to go on. The scenes with Vivi ties so much together. I love how much power her solo has. Yves is so talented; I am so elated they gave her such an amazing solo.
3. Heart Attack- Chuu
Chuu is my bias so it was obviously going to be up there on my list. Our queen of vocal came through with some amazing chops in this one. The pace is so fun and makes me want to get up and dance. Chuu’s video also has a lot of references to other members of Loona in it including being parallel to Yeojin’s “Kiss Later.” I love the unrequited love with Yves that’s shown throughout the Loonaverse. She does it for the gays. The power this song holds… They played it at pride so be happy.
2. Eclipse- Kim Lip
The vocals in this song melt me like a candle. With this solo, Kim Lip summoned the other Odd Eye Girls to the Loonaverse and this made my day. My love for this song is so immeasurable. The choreography is another one of my favorites, it has so much power. I love everything about this solo, I mean there is a reason it’s number two. Eclipse is THAT song. Even NASA agrees.
1. Egoist- Olivia Hye
This song is four minutes and seven seconds of Olivia telling me I am worthless. The whistles, the vocals, the VISUALS. Homegirl was a trainee for one day before debuting… Her power. She’s pretty young too but look... I love this song and I am one year younger than her so for me, it’s okay but old men, stay away. I love the overall message of love Loona has in their songs; self-love, love for others, and love for the world around you. I don’t know where Loona would be without Olivia, she does complete them so well as the twelfth member. My gay comes out when this song comes on and don’t even get me started on the choreography. She did not come here to play these games. Once again, I leave you saying, “Stan Loona.”  
Sorry for any grammatical mistakes lol
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uiruu · 5 years
Ranking all the 12 Loona solo singles! 7-5
So okay, what I’m gonna do here is rate each of the predebut Loona solo songs that introduced each of the 12 members. This post is number 7 through number 5, three songs, leading up to my top four. 
7. Love Cherry Motion by Choerry
This song…… I’m sure every Loona fan who has a lot of opinions about music in general has a LOT of opinions about this song…….. This is easily one of Loona’s weirdest examples of experimentation haha. It sounds like a Katy Perry song almost all the way through the end of the chorus, it sounds fun and upbeat and bubblegum. And then…. oh boy and then….. It just straight up switches genre for an EDM-like synth dance drop when everything in the music video gets really dark and almost scary, as Choerry is transported to an alternate dimension. The song goes back to normal as if that never happened though, and you’re lulled back into the infectious catchy bubblegum-ness of it, until, again, the end of the next chorus, when the drop is EVEN harder, EVEN scarier, suddenly everything goes dark purple, the other two members of Odd Eye Circle are there, there’s an extra nasty grimy synth on top of the ones that were there the first time, and then she sings a bit here kind of merging the two genres of this song for a finale to the song, when Choerry is so far down the alternate dimension rabbit hole where everything is reverse, the grass is purple, the sky is purple, there are three moons in the sky, etc. What a wild song. The reason this is only number 7 is twofold. First, the beat drop was definitely pretty jarring at first, though I’m used to it and a fan of it now. Second, again, common theme… I just like the others so much lol
edit (4/2/2019): i have no idea how i praised it this much and it wasnt higher lol, i love this song, i would now rank this one number 4 instead of number 7
6. Kiss Later by YeoJin
So… okay. I thought I wouldn’t like this song. YeoJin is the youngest member. She is currently 16 I believe, and was 14 during the making of this video I think? When I was first going back and watching the videos I was SO WORRIED. So, so worried. They better fucking not sexualize a 14 year old. Oh my god the ice is so thin. Then I watched it and looked at the lyrics and listened to how fucking good this song is… And all my fears were gone. The song is about consent. It’s about someone who likes her and who she reaaally likes back, but she isn’t ready to kiss yet, she isn’t ready to move that fast. It’s a song about not rushing things, and establishing boundaries and trust, and not letting yourself be talked into anything you don’t feel comfortable with. “just hug me for now, kisses will come later” is basically the message. She’s a kid and it’s a song about being a kid and not trying to rush adulthood. Just enjoying kid-hood while it lasts, not trying to lose your innocence until you’re ready, I guess. 
So, on top of that more serious message, hahahaha, it’s one of the most fun videos and songs Loona has ever released. The video is full of frogs, full of stop motion filmmaking… and the song is full of these GIANT, POWERFUL brass horns… gahdamn… in the prechorus it just goes so loud and powerful. They didn’t have to do this song this way. This could have been a lazier instrumental, more childlike, but no… not at all… Loona? Lazy instrumental? Impossible. The “bap bap baa”s throughout the song are something I didn’t even really notice until this very listen as I’m writing this right now. 
One of Loona’s most interesting songs musically to me lol. She’s also a very good singer for her age, and her energy is boundless. That’s more obvious watching Loona TV behind the scenes stuff, but she’s like a fireball ricocheting off walls, she’s just so loud lmao. I really like this song a lot.
5. Everyday I Love You by ViVi
This song…. is SO DAMN SWEET. In a really satisfying way. It’s so pure, it’s so sweet, ugh it makes me so happy. I love this song so much despite it not being even a little bit in my wheelhouse lol, I never used to like songs like this. Maybe it’s just cause I’ve fallen for the group already that I was able to open myself up to this and appreciate it for what it is, but idk, I also just think it’s a fantastic song. ViVi’s such a different voice than the rest too. I don’t think it’s just accent or whatever, I mean, I wouldn’t really be able to tell anyway cause I don’t speak Korean, but she’s the only member who isn’t a native Korean speaker, she’s from Hong Kong. Still though, I don’t think that’s it, I think it’s just that her voice is a little more… low? Mature? Breathy? I… am not a singer… I don’t know how to describe it… She’s also the oldest member. We’re the same age, she’s just a couple months younger than me, so maybe she has one of the more trained voices? I wouldn’t know. Anyway whatever it is about her voice that sets her apart, it certainly does that. 
The video is so cheesy, very 90’s inspired (despite her being only 4 years old by the end of the 90’s, just like I was lmao, so it’s just like the video producers’ nostalgia shining through), and is the only Loona video with an explicitly heterosexual romance in it, and really one of the only ones with a male character who isn’t a background dancer? I think? So that’s unfortunate, the dude has a bad haircut and I don’t like his style lol. EXCEPT SIKE, THAT’S NOT WHAT’S HAPPENING, TURNS OUT LATER ON WE FIND OUT THAT’S NOT NECESSARILY A BOY, IT’S PROBABLY YVES AS WE FIND OUT IN HER MUSIC VIDEO. Oops the only heterosexual Loona video was secretly gay (or bi) the whole time. Anyway this song makes me happy. Specifically… there’s this one part in the second verse…. the line is like “and i’m smiling at you” and aaaa the way it’s sung and the way the music stops to give this line a lot of very cozy impact is sooooo good.
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jonwongton · 6 years
2018 Kpop Recap
So kpop in general means a lot to me, to the point where I’ve spent the past two years teaching myself Korean. If I had to rate it, 50% of me liking a song depends on the artist singing it, and the other 50% of the song depends its production value. In other words, I instantly like songs sung by idols I like, and even songs from groups I don’t like can completely win me over (I’m sorry Got7, please forgive me).
Personal Picks
Song of the year: 두근두근 (DKDK) - 프로미스나인 (fromis_9)
Album of the year: To. Day -  프로미스나인 (fromis_9)
where the other top candidates for song of the year were
너를 따라, 너에게 -  프로미스나인 (fromis_9)
Be With You -  프로미스나인 (fromis_9)
Action! (feat. Gray) - DPR Live
두근두근 wins because the promotions for this song single handedly made me love fromis_9. It’s a super catchy synth pop song (50% raw quality) and this song carries the most memories because I’ve watched so many stage performances of it this year.
너를 따라, 너에게 probably would have been my pick if they had a live performance of it (apparently they did at their final fan signing but I couldn’t find a fan camera). This song carries almost all my summer memories as I listened to it a ton from June - September, it was the background song in almost every behind-the-scenes video from this era, and even they were singing to it in vlives/other clips.
Be With You is my favorite fromis_9 song (Jiheon and Nakyung agree with me), it’s a song meant for the fans, and there’s this beautiful fancam of them singing it live. Each member really shows the timbre of their voice and it really brings out the emotional winter, nostalgic feeling. I have more memories associated with  두근두근 and 너를 따라, 너에게 but if I was a hard-core fan right from their debut, I’m sure this would have been my pick.
Action! was on repeat for me from like March - June. Gray and Dabin REALLY did a damn good job with this song (the coffee ordering dialogue flows so well). I think it says a lot when a group that isn’t from f(x)/GFriend/fromis_9 is good enough to be this high up my list.
Objective Picks
Song of the year: 사랑을 했다 (Love Scenario) - iKON
Album of the year: Don’t Mess Up My Tempo - EXO
Best side track: All Day All Night - SHINee (샤이니)
Best duet: 언어 영역 (Language Test) - 지수연 (Ji Suyeon) (Weki Meki), 문빈 (MoonBin) (ASTRO)
Best R&B: Sunshine - Hoody (후디)
Best ballad: 너를 만나 (Me After You) - 폴킴 (Paul Kim)
Best OST:  모든 날, 모든 순간 (Every Day, Every Moment) - 폴킴 (Paul Kim)
Most meaningful lyrics: 꽃 길 (Flower Road) - BIGBANG
Best producer(s): 1Take & TAK
Best cover: Red Light -  프로미스나인 (fromis_9)
Random Categories
Best month of kpop: June
Best song that takes me to a different place: Selfish (feat. Seulgi (슬기)) - Moonbyul (문별)
Best song I listened to on repeat -  Lullaby - Got7 (갓세븐)
Best song I had no choice but to like: 뚜두뚜두 (DDU-DU DDU-DU) - Blackpink
Best song that I can’t believe got no attention: Take Me Higher -  A.C.E(에이스)
Best discoveries of songs not from 2018: 1)  유리구두 (Glass Shoes) -  프로미스나인 (fromis_9) 2) Singing in the Rain -  진솔 (JinSoul) 3)  나에게 넌 (To Me) -  다비치 (Davichi)
Best song from 2017 that was stuck in my head for the entire year:  에너제틱 (Energetic) - Wanna One
Best song where I memorized the rap in case of karaoke: Wow Thing - 슬기 (Seulgi),신비 (SinB), 청하 (Chung Ha), 소연 (Soyeon)
Best songs where I learned the dance in case it comes up: 1) BBoom BBoom (뿜뿜) - Momoland 2) 뚜두뚜두 (DDU-DU DDU-DU) - Blackpink
Best accidental discovery song: Flower - Varsity (바시티)
Song that saved summer: 어쩌나 (Oh My!) - Seventeen (세븐틴)
Song that grew on me the most: 데리러 가 (Good Evening) -  SHINee 샤이니 (from liking it to god tier as I kept listening)
Songs of the Month
January: 좋다고 말해 (Tell Me You Love Me) - 볼빨깐사춘기 (Bolbbalgan4)
February: One Shot, Two Shot - 보아 (BoA)
March: Action! (feat. Gray) - DPR Live
April: Thursday - EXO-CBX (챈백시)
May: 밤 (Time for the moon night) - 여자친구 (GFriend)
June: 두근두근 (DKDK) - 프로미스나인 (fromis_9)
July: 여름여름해 (Sunny Summer) -  여자친구 (GFriend)
August: 너를 따라, 너에게 -  프로미스나인 (fromis_9)
September: Lullaby - Got7 (갓세븐)
October: Love Bomb  -  프로미스나인 (fromis_9)
November: Like It! - 보아 (BoA)
December: 꿈 (feat. 승연 (Luizy)) (Dream) - 이기광 (Lee Gikwang)
Best High Notes Power Ranking
바람 바람 바람 (Windy Windy) - Yuju (G#5 are you kidding me)
밤 (Time for the moon night) - Yuju
휘리휘리 (Flower Garden) - Eunha
花요일 (Blooming Day) - Chen
너를 따라, 너에게 -  Jiwon
Be With You -  Gyuri/Hayoung
I Want You - Taemin
Take Me Higher - Donghun
All Day All Night - Onew/Key
Shine (빛나리) - Jinho/Kino
Hi High - Chuu
너 없인 안 된다 (Only One For Me) - Eunkwang
There were no good high notes in Seventeen songs this year (rip DK/Seungkwan) and Jaehwan’s high notes don’t get played loud enough in Wanna One tracks :(
Other Songs Worth Mentioning
I don’t have a particular superlative to give to these songs, but I really enjoyed listening to them this year and I didn’t want to forget them:
Bad Boy - Red Velvet (레드벨벳)
약속해요 (I.P.U.) - Wanna One
La La La - 위키미키 (Weki Meki) (+ the rest of the album)
Playlist - DPR Live
Look - Got7 (갓세븐)
그해 여름 (One Summer) - 양다일 (Yang Da Il), 웬디 (Wendy)
LATATA - (여자)아이들 [(G)I-DLE]
Dejavu -  볼빨깐사춘기 (Bolbbalgan4)
6 o’clock -  볼빨깐사춘기 (Bolbbalgan4)
네 멋대로 (Get It) - Pristin V
1도 없어 - Apink (에이핑크) (+ the rest of the album)
100% -  키썸 (Kisum)
죽겠다 (Killing Me) - iKON
Hi High - 이달의 소녀 (Loona) (+ the rest of the album)
Complete (널 만난 순간) - 온앤오프 (ONF) (+ the rest of the album)
SoulMate (Feat. IU (아이유) - 지코 (ZICO)
라비앙로즈 (La Vie en Rose) - IZ*ONE
Not That Type - 구구단 (gugudan) (+ the rest of the album)
Previous Songs of the Year
Song of the year 2015: 4 Walls - f(x) 에프엑스
Song of the year 2016: All Mine -  f(x) 에프엑스
Song of the year 2017: 귀를 기울이면 (Love Whisper) - 여자친구 (GFriend)
It’s been a great year of music, and I discovered so many different groups with all types of sounds. I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings.
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haeddoti · 4 years
Hey there once again! This time I talk about mycurrent favorite songs, my most-listened-to songs and my all-time favorites as well! Actually, I think I can make a whole separate post about k-pop, there is so much more to talk about!
Most-listened-to songs
Whistle- Black Pink
Pop/Stars- K/DA
favOriTe- Loona
Touch- NcT 127
Wow Thing- SM Station
Google Play Music lets you see how many times you listened to a song, so that’s what this list is based on. I don’t use Spotify as much (at least not now) plus I don’t think it would change the ranking too much.
Current faves
Runaway Kids- Harbour
Talk too much- COIN
Tick Tock- Day 6
9 and three Quarters- TXT
modern loneliness- Lauv
For my all time favorite songs, I actually want to go more in-depth than with these previous songs because I actually care a lot about how music makes me feel and I like talking about things I like.
Now let’s get into the songs that are my all time favorites, songs I have enjoyed for a long time already or songs I don’t think I will get bored of. Note that these songs don’t include my “emotional well-being songs”, aka songs that I listened to in really emotional situations and songs that will make me cry if I listen to them in the wrong moments. I do love them too tho.
“Fireflies”- Owl City
“Cause they fill the open air
and leave teardrops everywhere
You’d think me rude but I would just stand and stare”
Oh wow this song is a masterpiece. It was my first ever CD that my parents got me for my birthday and I loved listening to this song even when I was a kid. It has this dreamy atmosphere and the lyrics are so beautiful yet creepy at the same time. It paints this image in my head and I attempted to draw it a lot of times already but I’ve got it quite right, so I guess I have to keep trying. The song also has a certain kind of melancholia which I really enjoy.
This song fits somehow every mood I’m in. Happy? Yes. Sad? Yes. In need of comfort? Yes. Need to calm down? Yes. It is such a timeless artwork and I’m sure I will listen to it many more times.
“Cruel Summer”-Taylor Swift
“I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you”
(I’m aware this sounds like Stylish but eh)
Ahh my summer-romance-dream-wish song. If this song would be a photo, it would be the sky right before dawn with little pink clouds. It sounds like vintage camera videos look, you know, the one’s where the video is squared and the screen flickers slightly and everything is sepia-ish yellow.
It sounds like late night talks in the summer and eating watermelon and swimming in a lake in the forest and hiding your clothes behind a tree. It sounds like summer nights. And I love it so much. It sounds so sad somehow, almost like a heartbreak. This is one of my summer road trip music songs, which is a genre you’ll find quite often among my favorites.
This song makes me wanna dance and draw and cry all at the same time.
“Summer Days”- Macklemore& Patrick Stump
“Pull the roof back just me, you and the stars
Toast to the Gods”
Did I mention I like summer road trip music? Yeah. This is coincidentally also my favorite walking-through-the-city-song at any time of the year. It boosts my confidence, my self-esteem and even though I’m not that into highly sexual songs, this one is really nice. I actually listened to this song for the first time on the radio while driving to Lake Constance and it took me a solid 3 days to find this song on YouTube because I couldn’t make out the singers voices as much and they didn’t say the title of the song afterwards. The imagery sounds like the “The Last Resort” Map from Hitman 2, at least that’s what I thought of when I listened to this song another time. I really like the song and the ~vibes~ it has when you play it as a background music while chilling with your friends.
“Every time I look up in the sky,
There’s not a single star,
It’s alright, you’re my universe
shine bright for me”
Do you believe in love at first sight? Or rather, first listen? I certainly didn’t but BOY, this wasn’t love at first sight but a whole marriage proposal on my part. I randomly listened to this because someone on twitter said they were underrated so I just looked for their most recent comeback and I instantly fell in love with every single thing about this song. This is another road trip star gazing song, which I absolutely love. It literally says so in the lyrics.
This is also such a pretty, romantic love song, I can’t.
“Fly like a butterfly”
Best K-Pop MV and Choreography of 2019, don’t @ me. This song is my favorite Loona whole-group song and the best Music video of every genre I’ve ever seen. Aesthetically pleasing? Superb editing? Diversity? An expensive looking MV with optimal usage of minimal built sets? You name it. This MV has it all. The song itself is also a work of art. It sounds dreamy, like early mornings and soft music in the city.
Some people criticize that the chorus doesn’t have actual vocals but honestly, that would ruin it. The  chorus is fine as it is and from a performing pov, it also makes sense; as a viewer, you are supposed to focus on the dance and the atmosphere and not the singer.
Idk man, this song is just so good and I highly suggest it to everyone who at least wants to see a really good music video.
“Vegas Lights”- P!atD
“We gotta be starting something,
would you change it if you could?”
My favorite P!atD song. It’s another road trip song and the song that would play in a teenager movie, when they are in the park during summer eating pizza pretending to be in Vegas. This song is so fun, and fast paced and an instant mood maker and I love every second of it. The bridge of the song is also really good, amazing contrast between the chorus.
The sass in the voice of Brandon is also amazing. Walking through the city while having an “Oh if you only knew, what we’ve been up to” is very much amazing and confidence-boosting, even though I’m just walking to the supermarket.
“I just”- Red Velvet
“I just leave”
This song is the epitome of melancholic-break-up-love songs. They way it summarizes the want tot run away from pain and sadness is projected really well through their voices and it is definitely my favorite RV B-Side. It makes me want to cry sometimes. There are, in fact, not as many lyrics because they repeat the “I just leave” and Ah-y-ah quite a lot, but the actual text lyrics are so powerful and deep, it’s amazing. I usually don’t listen to b-sides at first and the only reason I found out abut this song in the first place was because they actually did a “vertical MV” and I watched it because I thought it was a title song and then I was shocked because I learned it was in fact a b-side. This is one of those songs I could show to my nonkpopfans-friends because it doesn’t sound too k-pop-y and the instrumental provides enough atmosphere to make everyone understand what the song is about: Break-ups, fear and longing of something new.
“Letting Go”- Day6
“Holding onto you will do you no good,
I know, so I struggle to get you out,
The times we had together, our dear memories,
I let go, let go, let go
So you can smile someday.<i> “ </i>
Let me present to you the most underrated and under appreciated Day6 song to this date. This is, in my humble opinion, not only their best but also their most heartbreaking song. Its different to “How can I say” or “I need somebody” because it depicts a different kind of pain. The pain of wanting someone else to be happy while knowing that you’ll never be the reason they’re happy. Its just so...wow genius Young-k, we stan. Anyways, this is also the only K-Pop song I can sing in Korean and actually know all the lyrics. Definitely a must listen, even if you don’t listen to K-Pop on a regular basis.
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vyvesvi · 6 years
vivi (loona), soyeon (gidle), chaeyeon (izone)
soyeon >/= vivi > chaeyeon
ive been following soyeon since pd101 and her treatment on the show really like,,,hurt my soul tbh. and her original songs on unpretty rapstar were so cute but also fire and i? wow. uk that clip of her flawlessly recording the singing portion of crush and the pd just goes “if the rapper can sing well what will the girls with no talent do?’ and its just. iconic. while i like idle’s stuff and all i like soyeon more than idle if that makes sense? (not in a solo stan way though, soojin is my bias lol.) just maybe music or vibe wise? yeah, i think it’s the vibe.
and honestly for vivi…i just want more for her lmao. i can’t wait until loona gets more well established and she can follow in the footsteps of svt’s minghao and jun (solo album coming out get hype!) and do activities in chinese as well (she speaks cantonese as her first language, right?) but not like… lay and victoria, to the point where its lowkey dangerous for them to promote in sk.
theres something to be said for groups whose fanbase is used to voting, huh.
chaeyeon…not her or izone’s fault but mnet groups make me bitter. like okay. ioi in 2016 was up against bp, gugudan, bolbbalgan 4, and wjsn. all groups that i like, but i kinda wanna say that it was semi realistic for them to win at least? like, considering bp didn’t have much music out? and wanna one. the whole “mnet’s children thing” was “”””proven”””” with them, but if you look at who they were up against (samuel (poor kid gosh), the east light, golden child, and jeong se-woon) it wasn’t really much competition there either. this year is unique just in that [almost] every artist up for roty (on the girls side anyways) is honestly a force to be reckoned with in their own way. which makes izone prevailing…sus, unlike their sibling groups.
looking at the breakdown it makes sense but there’s something kinda ugly abt the fact that the judges award 30 points between all of the groups and they gave all 30 to izone, their own group in a sense. like yeah it makes sense, its no one’s “fault,” it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
that being said, chaeyeon is my izone bias lmao. she’s super talented and i didnt watch the show religiously but i was abt to be pissed if she didnt make it…the fact that she was so kind to her sister as well (im p sure i saw a clip where jyp laughed at the idea of them debuting together and p much said that only 1 of them could be in his upcoming gg and like…theyre young by normal people standards but not by idol standards. so its kind of amazing to me that she chose to leave the company and let her sister stay and debut. talk about selfless.)
anywaysss that was way more long winded than expected, sorry :/
thank you for the ask!!!
send me your top 3 biases and i’ll rank them!
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