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ccndlehced · 1 year ago
"What, you don't have time for me anymore?" ( @fluggedup )
“Awww, of course, I have time for you!” Candice quickly replied at the sight of the pout on his face. In the back of her mind, she was aware that he liked to do that whenever he wanted to tease her, and also because he knew how quickly swayed she would be whenever anyone pouted at her. But even as aware of it as she was, Candice couldn’t help but pout back in return before she threw her arms out and laid them against his shoulders. “I’m sorry if it looked like I didn’t want to hang out with you, Randy— I was just trying to let you and Tiff have your alone and couplely time together, you know?” They were at a masquerade ball after all, and with how gussied up her bestie looked plus how excited for this they both were leading up to this ball, Candice figured that Tiffany and Randy would want some alone time while here. But then her bestie had gone off with some of the other racers, and so that left her alone with her bestie’s bf. Giving Randy a quick squeeze, the girl pulled back and smiled. “We can spend some time together now if you want! Until Tiff comes back!” 
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deweydewdrop · 1 year ago
Freaky Friday — a self para
featuring @deweydewdrop & @fluggedup
There was a sort-of-secretive hatred between Dewey Duck and Randy Fluggerbutter that neither of the boys had been able to address just yet. Well, Dewey's distaste for Tiffany's boyfriend wasn't exactly a secret, especially when talking to his best friend about him. Randy, on the other hand, didn't have a reason to hate Dewey just yet. At least, not directly. In fact, he didn't know Dewey and Tiffany were close at all.
Although Dewey assumed that Randy knew he and Tiffany were friends (since nothing was really going on between them, there was nothing to hide, right?), the truth was that Randy always thought Tiffany was hanging out with Candice instead of Dewey. At least, that was what she'd told him, leaving him no reason to be suspicious of anything different. There was a lingering feeling though, noticing the subtleties of Tiffany being on her phone more, being distant and generally disinterested in Randy lately. Still, he had nothing otherwise to make him think that something else could be going on, while Dewey remained oblivious that Tiffany was hiding him from her boyfriend.
It was a night after Dewey and Tiffany hung out where the middle triplet found himself roaming the manor, something he and Webby had done countless times while researching Della Duck, yet there was always more to discover. His mother wasn't what was on his mind though, instead thinking about where his life was at in the moment. Specifically, his love life. Ever since what happened between him, Huey and Tink, he'd steered his focus on Tiffany instead, but at what cost? Louie was telling him it was a bad idea, Huey was helping Tiffany and Randy with housing renovations .. the odds weren't exactly in his favor. However, a strange sensation fell over him as he went past the garage, as if there were something in there calling to him. Weird. He followed his instincts as he entered the stuffy garage, noticing a faint green glow coming from one of the boxes shoved in the corner.
The closer he got to whatever it was, opening the box and digging around carefully, the less he felt concerned about the Tiffany situation ... Instead, it suddenly felt like everything was falling right into place as he gazed upon a beautiful, green amulet buried in the box of junk. Dewey's eyes widened with interest, carefully picking it up and caressing it in his grasp. It practically shined in the dim lighting of the garage, the amulet holding an aura that he couldn't even begin to describe. He already knew Louie would be all over this if he caught sight of it.
The triplet smiled, unknowing the significance of such an artifact — and its power to give him a day in the life of someone he envied. His growing jealousy of Randy and Tiffany manifested the envious green color, the amulet's power strong enough to lead Dewey right to its hiding place. Without a second thought, Dewey put the amulet around his neck and let it rest subtly underneath his shirt, heading back inside as if nothing strange had happened.
In just a few hours, Dewey asleep in his bed with the amulet and Randy drunkenly asleep beside Tiffany, the boys would wake up in each other's places. Dewey would be living his dream for a day, thanks to the amulet, while Randy .. well, confusion was an understatement, waking up in a completely unfamiliar room and not yet realizing that his body was no longer his own.
Where the fuck am I?
From the moment he opened his eyes, Randy knew he was not in his own bed. Sure, he got fucked up the night before .. but he swore he remembered crawling into bed with Tiffany after taking an uber home. He also didn't feel all that tired, no lingering hangover like he expected to wake up to. Sitting up and running his fingers through his hair, everything was unfamiliar to him, between the bedroom he woke up in and, well, himself. His hair felt different. His hands weren't quite his... Whose clothes were these?
Eyes scanning the room, Randy strangely recognized a few things on the walls. The photos. Was that Louie and his brothers? But this wasn't Louie's room... a momentary sigh of relief came out, as if the gamer had cracked the case. He must have passed out drunk at Louie's, probably in a guest bedroom or brother's room. He still didn't feel like himself, but maybe he was just still fucked up.
Continuing to look around, he couldn't help but notice a familiar bracelet resting on the nearby dresser. Tiffany's bracelet. Silver with her zodiac charm, one he'd seen a million times at home and on her wrist. So had he fallen asleep with her here? Where was she now?
Before Randy could think too hard on it, the mirror beside the dresser caught his attention, finally meeting his own gaze and .... It wasn't. At first, he thought it was Louie, but a second thought told him it wasn't. He finally stood up from the bed, immediately feeling as if he'd grown a few inches taller. Was this a dream? It had to be, staring into the familiar reflection that wasn't his own. Well, if it was Louie's face he was staring at and supposedly Louie's place, he was the one to talk to. Exiting the bedroom, he sure enough recognized the hallway from the manor, remembering that Louie's room was somewhere close by. Randy, as Dewey, found his friend's room and knocked a few times, calling to him and hearing Dewey's voice as his own for the first time, "Louie! Wake up, I need your help!"
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prillaq · 2 years ago
@fluggedup (continued from here)
The last person Randy expected to see today was Prilla. He'd gone to the gym at a different time than he normally does, actually being up early for once and feeling good enough to get a head start. At least, that was before the storm began. He'd noticed the rain from the windows about halfway into his workout, and by the time he was done and showered, the rain had turned into a full-blown storm, enough to where staff members were advising that everyone wait until the crazy weather died out before leaving.
Randy had considered pretending he didn't see Prilla, knowing how things went before between them, but what was he supposed to do now that he was stuck here? The thought that Tiffany might not be happy about him talking to her hardly crossed his mind as he went over to Prilla, sheepishly saying hi as if he were embarrassed from their last encounter. Sure, getting hit in the face by some guy who liked her was embarrassing, but he was quick to get over it. It was never that deep for him, anyway. He'd always put on an innocent act around Prilla, and that didn't exactly change. He had no reason to continue the act, but it was fun and it was easy. "Yeah, we're gonna be stuck here awhile," he agreed as he looked out the window again. "How uh, everything been? You still talking with that one guy?"
     If the rain had remained light enough, Prilla would have gone ahead and taken her chances venturing outside in it. The weather always made her think of her best friend Rani, and whether she was enjoying a dance outside in the spring showers or not. By the time Prilla finished her workout and looked outside, the answer presented itself as a definite “no.” It would be unwise to go out in these conditions, and Prilla herself liable to be blown away in such a storm, so she figured she just had to settle in and wait it out. She wouldn’t have minded this terribly if she had a friend to sit and talk with, her favorite gym buddy in particular, but rather than him she was met with someone she hadn’t seen in quite a while.
     She only hesitated for a moment before greeting him with a smile. While she hadn’t exactly missed him after how their former connection had ended with him getting back with his ex-girlfriend and leaving her high and dry, and then her friend paying him a visit to pay him back for leading her on, surely enough time had passed that they could put it all behind them. Randy mentioning Cubby himself was just as well, because they were both bound to be thinking of him now. “Colin—yes. We’re both good.” There was no reason to blush over this, so she made her best effort at keeping her face un-flushed. “I’m sorry about…Back then, when he…I didn’t put him up to that, you know.” Whether she’d been honored by Colin’s willingness to defend her aside, Prilla couldn’t help feeling a bit guilty that it had come down to violence for her sake.
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taffytm · 2 years ago
“You’re hot when you’re angry.”- Randy
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“You’re hot when you shut your fucking mouth.” Admittedly, not her best comeback, but she couldn’t help how much logical brain function she lost when he riled her up on purpose. And she knew it was on purpose because he was basically self-reporting by admitting that her anger did it for him. Now...why did that kinda do it for her?
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jubilccna · 6 months ago
Think about me, is what she thought, fingers still running through the strands of his hair. She could make him happy if he did. Not like Tiff— who clearly never did a great job as his girlfriend if this is how she let things end after years of both Randy and her being together. So what if Randy hadn’t been so perfect himself? He was just a flirt, and everyone knew that flirting can be harmless fun if you don’t take any of it seriously. Hell, the Racers flirt among themselves all the time!
“Think of this as a new beginning for you—” Is what Jackie ended up saying instead, pausing as she looked down at him, her gaze locking with Randy’s. “Like, try and spin this situation as a good thing instead of a bad one.” It was easier said than done, she got that, and she can bet that he wouldn’t take that advice as lightly either because how can he view his breakup with Tiffany as a good thing when she was the one who cheated? Simple, now that he wasn’t tied down to her, Randy finally had all the freedom to do whatever he wanted. Or whoever he wanted. “If she wants to move on with someone else, so can you! You have the chance to find someone better— the opportunity to show her you can find someone better.” Like me, the brunette once again thought. She could be better for him.
With a sigh, she shook her head. “I didn’t have a single clue.” She honestly said. If Tiff had told her about this Dewey guy sooner than for sure she would have mentioned it to Randy. Unless she had been promised to secrecy to not bring it up to him— ugh, who was she kidding, Jackie so would’ve broken girl code and mention Dewey to Randy even if Tiff had made her promise. She wasn’t Candice, if Tiff wanted to cheat than her boyfriend had the right to know. “She never mentioned hanging out with some other guy who wasn’t part of the crew. And if she had, I would’ve told you…… I genuinely thought you two were going strong.” 
The feeling of Jackie’s fingers running through his hair was soothing, helping Randy temporarily forget about his battered face and the heartache that came after it. Obviously Tiffany wasn't going to sympathize with him, especially after the fight, and he knew his parents hardly would either upon their return; at least he had Jackie to do so instead.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been so butthurt about the breakup, about Dewey and Tiffany — after all, this was what he’d wanted. He spent so long complaining about Tiffany and behaving as if he wasn’t happy with his relationship … was he only upset because Dewey had what he couldn’t? Or was he realizing that he should’ve appreciated what he had before it was too late? Either way, the alcohol prevented him from fully processing any of that. He tried to focus on the present moment with Jackie instead, enjoying the peace and quiet of his parents' big house with her.
“I know,” he sighed. “But what do I think about instead?” Packing his stuff, leaving his and Tiffany’s home … everything revolved around Tiffany in his life. It was going to be a huge adjustment for him, and simply not thinking about it was easier said than done. Still, a small smile formed at the brunette’s reassurance. “Thanks … I’m not sure we can say the same for everyone else.” There was no telling what would happen within the friend group, whether their friends would pick sides or stay neutral. It was far too early in the breakup to see how things turned out with everyone else, but he still wondered. “.. So you really had no idea about her and Dewey either?”
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sconzy-1 · 2 years ago
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ao3feed-mfmm · 7 years ago
Love and Marriage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KbbKyX
by McGrail123
Words: 12, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Phryne Fisher, Jack Robinson, Dorothy Collins, Hugh Collins, Elizabeth MacMillan, Tobias Butler, Jane Ross, Ruth, Tinker - Character, Prudence Stanley, Cecil "Cec" Yates, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Phryne Fisher/Original Male Character, Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson, Hugh Collins/Dorothy "Dot" Williams, Albert Johnson/Original Female Character
Additional Tags: lavender marriage, Great Depression, Past Domestic Violence, Classic Cars, Horses, Peerage, Adoption
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KbbKyX
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popwednesday-blog · 6 years ago
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ccndlehced · 1 year ago
Her own demeanor peaked up when his pout turned into a smile, Candice once again falling into Randy’s attention seeking schemes, as she would much rather see him smiling instead of pouting. If only she knew that there was way more to come, and that Randy’s need for attention from her wasn’t just because he was momentarily deprived of not being paid attention to, but rather because there was so much more brewing among them. Among Tiffany and Randy. Oh, how she’s been so out of the loop to all the drama and how not so lovey-dovey her two best friends had been with each other. Instead, Candice continued to smile at him and shrugged. “Sure, I could totally go for a drink!” She then gasped. “I’ve heard the punch’s really tasty! Have you tired any of it yet?” 
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Randy's pout turned into a smile as Candice easily swayed to his attention; it worked so easily every time. All the racers knew well enough that Randy always needed someone to be giving him attention at all times, otherwise he was left to his own devices and bad decision making skills quickly followed. This was likely the calm before the storm of the night — since Randy had lived a day in the life of Dewey, he'd been avoiding rocking the boat with Tiffany, instead playing the good boyfriend part, but they'd been standing on thin ice for quite some time now. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be long before it finally cracked underneath them. He shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, you really don't have to do that." No point when Tiffany was more interested in other people instead. At least Candice was still loyal. "Sure, thanks. Want a drink?"
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taffytm · 2 years ago
     She smiled at his advance despite herself, although her eyes still narrowed in deliberation. Obviously she’d be an idiot to reward this kind of behavior and give him anything he wanted right now—it would only encourage him to continue aggravating her like this in the future. Then again, even if she was an idiot, at least she was an idiot with a very kissable boyfriend. Tough choice. “Cute,” she said, leaning up to give him nothing more than a peck on the lips. “Cute that you think that’s gonna work. You’ll need to do better than that, babe.”
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continued from here
Randy smirked at Tiffany’s comeback, unable to help himself. It was so easy to push her buttons, and watching her get all hot and bothered over such trivial things was, for some reason, very entertaining to him. “Yeah?” He chuckled as he stepped closer to her, hands resting at her waist. “I think you know exactly how to shut me up.” @taffytm​
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popwednesday-blog · 6 years ago
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popwednesday-blog · 6 years ago
From the CD Randy1 Symptom of Society
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gladeorange · 1 year ago
“Sorry...” Comfort was never really Glade’s strong suit. He was always good for a laugh, a prank, scheme or at his best, a solution to technical issues. Matters of the heart weren’t something he had ever been relied upon to deal with as the youngest and most notoriously prone to mischief in their friend group. As much as he cared about his friends, he just wasn’t sure what to say to help Randy right now. After he'd had a major (probably relationship-ending) fight with his girlfriend and getting his ass handed to him by someone who Tiffany may or not have been seeing on the side—was there anything Glade could do for his friend? “You want a drink?”
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"It hurts my face just looking at you." -@gladeorange
Randy groaned in frustration (and in pain) as he held an ice pack to his eye. Not only was the loss extremely embarrassing, but now Randy was left wondering .. now what? He’d lost the fight, lost his girl, and now he had his friends (who were also Tiffany’s friends, a whole other issue to unpack) who were probably judging him pretty hard. “Don’t remind me,” he answered dryly at Glade’s comment. “This fucking sucks, man.”
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jubilccna · 1 year ago
[ text ] : hav u talked 2 Tiff?
At the sight of that text lighting up the screen of her phone, Jackie knew that this was going to be one of those nights. It was late in the evening, and while most had chosen to attend the Halloween Ball, the brunette had decided not to attend. She meant to, had her outfit decided with it’s matching mask and everything, however, just as she was about to step foot outside the door of her home, her parents had refrained her for they wanted to talk to her. To say the least, after a rather drawn out and and mentally draining conversation with her mother and father, the brunette hadn’t been much for a partying mood. And so she stayed home. Which now, after responding back with a ‘No? Why?’ text to Randy, had her wondering if maybe she should have. And after a couple of back and forth messages, she now found herself sitting against the couch at Randy’s parent’s home, with Randy’s head laying against her lap. Gently running her fingers through his hair as an attempt to sooth him, Jackie shook her head. She couldn’t believe what she was told. Tiffany had cheated on Randy with some other guy, and she’s been doing so for months??? Then she had the guts to run away with him at the ball even for sometime and then this same guy dared to start a fight with her Randy, leaving marks and imperfections on to his handsome face— the sight in which had horrified her when she saw him after coming here. 
“This is all fresh for you, obviously you’re going to keep thinking about them. But you know what you need to start doing instead?” Jackie began, once again running a hand through his hair, this time curling the ends with her finger just as she continued. “—Stop thinking about them.” She advised. Oh, how she was secretly pissed off inside for Randy at this news. Yeah, it was no secret that despite for how long Tiff and Randy has been together, that their relationship wasn’t as perfect as to seemed. Ooh, how Jackie knew how un-perfect it was, with the way the two were constantly breaking up before getting back together again, she never understood why the two didn’t stay broken up for good. Then again, in most cases, Randy was the reason behind their constant break up, as he would always flirt with another girl, causing Tiff to get jealous and break up with him. And yet despite knowing that her boyfriend had the habit of straying, her friend would always take him back. And maybe that was because Randy never did anything more than flirt. So it was shocking to hear that it had been Tiff who cheated in the end. “Besides, how can you say you're left behind? You have me, and I’m so not about to let you deal with all this alone.” 
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“It’s okay to be angry, you’re allowed to be upset about what happened to you.” - @jubilccna
What started as Randy drunk texting Jackie hav u talked 2 Tiff?? soon turned into Randy inviting her over. Well, over to his parents. After the official breakup, both Tiffany and Randy went off their separate ways from the house, Tiffany likely checking on Dewey upon learning about the fight, and Randy going to his parents' house knowing no one would be there. The Fluggerbutters went on yet another vacation without their son for Halloween, unaware that they’d be returning home to their only child beginning to move his things back in. In the meantime, Randy got into his dad’s stash of alcohol again, which was what led him to this point. It was honestly a relief that he could have his parents' place to himself for a few days, to not hear them bitch and complain the moment they heard the news about the breakup. Instead, he wanted to be around the one person that he knew wouldn’t judge him or make him feel bad about everything that happened — Jackie. His face was still not pretty but he was taking a short break from icing it, practically feeling numb by now with a little thanks to his dad’s booze. Now, he was lying across the couch with his head in Jackie’s lap, looking up at her with sad eyes. Maybe it was the emptiness he was feeling that made him want Jackie's attention tonight, or maybe it was because he knew deep down that they'd had brief moments of flirting in the past that they never really talked about — was he doing this just to spite Tiffany, knowing she had Dewey by her side to comfort her and make her happy? Right now, he wasn't sober enough to think that deeply into it. He was just glad he didn't have to be alone tonight. Randy sighed. "I just keep thinking about them together," he confessed. "They get to be happy and then I'm just... the asshole that gets left behind."
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taffytm · 2 years ago
Randy smiled as Tiffany leaned up to peck his lips, but the smile dropped slightly as she pulled away. “Worth a shot,” he teased, able to sneak in a second peck to her lips before she could fully pull away. It was just so easy to push her buttons, he couldn’t help but mess with her for fun, but he had obviously wanted more than just a simple peck. “Better than that? C’mon, look, you even made Peanut sad.” He pointed out as he noticed their dog near their feet, looking up at them with sweet eyes. Randy did a little pout almost similar to the dog as he met Tiff’s gaze. “You don’t wanna make us both sad, do you?”
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     Randy was being all too cute, making it insanely difficult for Tiffany to resist giving in and giving her boyfriend exactly what he wanted…but she wasn’t top of the game for nothing. Of course she had a stronger will than that—even when he copied their precious fur baby with the whole puppy-dog eyes and pout package. “Aww…” Tiff’s own eyes widened with sympathy. She bent down and picked the little dog up, holding him close to her chest as she cooed at him. “Poor Peanut. It’s too bad he needs snuggles or I might have been able to pay attention to you! Oh, well. But so sweet of you to put his needs above yours.”
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