prillaq · 10 months
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Issue 11
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prillaq · 10 months
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ella purnell
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prillaq · 10 months
“He did?” Prilla tried to act surprised, but her knowing grin surely would have given away the fact that she was already expecting their mutual friend to have asked Mei out if the girl was paying close enough attention. It felt like things were clicking so neatly into place for both of them lately, and Prilla couldn’t be more pleased as they continued to gush about their respective dates and plan a shopping trip to find their perfect outfits. When the night of the masquerade finally arrived, everything seemed to be going well for all of them—until Prilla caught sight of Mei fleeing the ballroom, Slightly chasing after her.
That couldn’t be good, so she followed after her friends and stopped short after finding where they’d run off to, to see Mei fully transformed into her panda self, not just sporting the ears and tail that had completed her look for the night. Slightly was fairly freaking out, albeit in a way she could tell was excited rather than scared. Torn between letting them talk it out themselves and intervening, Prilla ultimately chose the latter; they could talk when Mei had calmed down, but she needed to turn back, and her crush’s presence wasn’t going to help with that right now. After interceding and sending Slightly off, Prilla wrapped her arms around Mei in a comforting hug. “It’s okay,” she soothed. “I know that’s not how you wanted him to find out, but he didn’t react poorly, did he? What made you transform?”
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At the instant confirmation, Mei squealed. “I’m so happy for you!” She claimed, throwing her arms around her friends shoulders and pulling her into an excitable hug. The redhead knew Cubby would ask Prilla to the Halloween masquerade, but even expecting it, she was still so happy for her friend. It was clear as day that he liked her just as much as Prilla liked him, and so it was only a matter of time before the two officially got together, and who knows! Maybe it’ll happen at the ball! It’ll be so romantic if they did, and if anyone deserved to date such a great guy like Cubby, it as Prilla. “Duh! If we need to go from store to store until we find the perfect gown for you— we’ll do it!” Mei said, as she pulled away from the brunette. She then blinked, a blush now appearing on her own cheeks before she shyly smiled. “Yeah, I do. Slightly actually had asked me to it yesterday.” 
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prillaq · 10 months
It took all of Prilla’s self control not to squeal or attempt a back-flip in the crowded room; if they were outside when Cubby asked that question, she certainly would have done both, unable to contain the joy. In lieu of those options, however, she still found her feet couldn’t stay on the floor and she jumped into Cubby’s arms—would-be practically tackling him in a bear hug if she wasn’t five-foot-nothing and easy to catch. “Yes, of course!” she answered, her tone conveying almost pure happiness, only mixed with a tinge of: Silly, how could there be any other answer? “If I’m your girlfriend, that makes you my boyfriend. Do you want to be my boyfriend?”
He knew what he wanted to say, but he was struggling to get it out there — especially after Prilla leaned up and kissed him, so soft and so casually, as if it were no big deal at all. That was what he wanted: more moments just like this with her, where nothing else going on around them mattered. He had wanted to tell her this since the night of their kiss, but timing hadn't worked in their favor. Now, he had to take a chance and go for it before the moment was lost! Cubby's smile didn't disappear for a second, keeping her hand in his as he focused on her sparkling eyes. "Special enough to be my girlfriend?"
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prillaq · 11 months
“If nothing else, be kind. Radiate positivity; this world could use it.”
— (via veganwearsblack)
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prillaq · 11 months
The fact that Cubby had written the song for her was no secret at this point, but hearing him say it aloud still sent a rush of butterflies fluttering through her chest. She couldn’t smile any wider than she already was, and there wasn’t enough room around here to turn a cartwheel which was her usual go-to when she had more energy in her body than she could handle standing still, so she bounced up on her tiptoes to give him a light kiss. “You’re really special to me, too,” she replied, soaking in Cubby’s sunshine smile and his warm hand in hers, and feeling so certain that the next thing he said was going to be something that she’d been wanting to hear for a long time.
Cubby hadn't expected Slightly to make a special note prior to performing the song, unsure if that was his attempt at being a good wing man or not. His cheeks had flushed from where he stood, making a mental note to give Slightly a nice hit on the arm later on.
Hearing Slightly perform the song in front of a crowd always hit different than hearing him practice at home. Cubby danced along on the side, remembering the night he wrote that song for Prilla. He wanted to share more nights with her like their night together at the party, and he knew in order to make that for certain, he'd have to ask her out. He was working up the courage to it as he asked Prilla about the song, his smile growing wider as she grabbed his hand. He had so much he wanted to say! But nerves had him staring into her eyes for a moment, beaming as he saw how happy she was. Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, he finally broke the silence, "I wrote it just for you .. you really are special to me."
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prillaq · 11 months
@pandaameii (from here):
“Ooohhh~” With brows raised up high and a cheeky smile on her face, the redhead leaned in closer to her friend. “You need help in finding something to wear? Is this because you’re seeing who I think you’re going to see?” Mei then asked, trying to contain the excitement she was feeling just by this question alone. It was no secret between them that things has been progressing lately between Prilla and her not-so-secret-and-in-fact-feels-the-exactly-same-way-crush, Cubby. Although, the brunette didn’t specifically tell Mei that he was the reason she needed help in figuring out on what to wear, but how else would the redhead view the reason behind the question if it wasn’t because Prilla had a date with Cubby? Which is why even before her friend could speak and clarify this, she continued. "Is this, perhaps— for a date?”
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“He asked me to the Halloween masquerade,” Prilla said, not even trying to hide the flush in her cheeks at her friend’s teasing. While she never liked speaking of a crush before it came to fruition for fear she would jinx the whole thing or embarrass herself by admitting to having feelings for someone that didn’t return them—that was no longer a concern when it came to Cubby. He had recently confessed exactly how he felt about her (with a song, no less!) and as it turned out, it was all she could have hoped for. “Will you help me pick a gown?” she asked Mei, and then slipped in a cheeky, “And do you have a date to the ball yet?” It was safe to say it would soon be her turn to tease the other girl about her crush. She had it on good authority that he planned to ask Mei to the masquerade; she just wasn’t sure if he had quite yet.
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prillaq · 1 year
@colincubs (continued from here):
It felt like a lot of time had passed now to build up to this moment, the anticipation killing him as the night finally came that Prilla would hear the song he wrote. Their special night at the boys’ apartment party was what inspired it, and Cubby had already made sure to emphasize to Prilla that this new song was extra special. He was nervous but excited all at once; thank god it was Slightly who was responsible for performing the song — Cubby didn’t do so well with crowds. He always made sure to support Slightly during any sets from the side of the stage though. It was his job as best friend and co-writer to be his personal cheerleader, and he took that responsibility very seriously. After all, without Slightly, many of Cubby’s ideas would go unheard, so he made sure to be as supportive as possible to show his appreciation.  It was tempting to try and find Prilla beforehand so he could get her live reaction to the song, but he unfortunately didn’t catch her until Slightly’s set ended. He smiled nervously as he found her among the crowd of people, mentally reminding himself that this should be a special moment. Time hadn’t worked in their favor thus far, between the interruption at the party and the several failed attempts to discuss their kiss at the festival, but maybe the song was the key. “There you are! I’m glad I found you,” his smile remained as he nervously met her gaze. Was it rude to just cut right to the chase? He couldn’t help but want to know her thoughts on the song! “So .. how’d you like it?”
After Cubby had told her that he wanted her to hear his new song and that it was really special, Prilla couldn’t stop thinking about what he meant by that. Ever the hopeful romantic, she couldn’t help imagining that it could be a confession of sorts—a grand gesture to express his feelings rather than telling her the ordinary way. A girl could dream…In reality, she still wasn’t entirely sure whether her crush was requited or not, but there were good signs leading her to hold onto hope. Even if they hadn’t been able to discuss it since then, he had kissed her. (It still made her blush to think about.) That couldn't have been just a friendly kiss, could it? They'd certainly never done it before in their years of friendship!
The day finally came that Slightly performed their new song, and even he made note before playing the song that it was, in his words, 'a special song written by a special someone for somebody special.' Accompanied by a wink towards the general area Prilla stood in the audience, so his meaning couldn't be missed. The song was so cheerful and so Cubby, she had to dance along, but much like the lyrics suggested she wished he could be there dancing with her. When he finally found her after the set and asked how she liked the song, she beamed. “I loved it.” Feeling emboldened, she grabbed his hand and swung it between them as she smiled up at him.
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prillaq · 1 year
Although it would be fair to say that most people got along as well with Vidia as she got along with them—which was not very well, to be exact—Prilla had often felt like the other fairy was misunderstood. Just because she limited who she let into her heart, that didn’t mean she didn’t have one. Perhaps Prilla was just biased, because she was one of the few allowed to see the softer side to Vidia. The side that, on rare occasions, would indulge in a sweet treat! Prilla had tried every pastry in the place at some point, at least once if not more, but her absolute favorite remained the same. “Poppy-seed cake. You could try a bite of mine and see if you like it before you order! But I think you’d really like the lemon tart—it’s tangy and sweet, but not too sweet.”
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who: @prillaq where: mad tea party
Being alone was Vidia's preferred way to spend her time. People for the most part only talked too much about things she didn't care about and or had absolutely nothing to say. Not to mention she didn't get along with just anyone. Vidia didn't see the need to be social in a world where most of them probably wanted her killed. As for the other fairies they were at least tolerable, besides Tink who was the Pixie Princess and it drove her mad. Prilla was one of the only people she'd actually spend time with, currently sitting across the table from her as she sipped on her lavender latte. "What did you get today?" She asked nodding towards the pastry on a small plate beside her friend on the table. It was unlikely for Vidia to get a treat but it was expected of Prilla. "I'm actually feeling a little hungry... Wanna pick me out something?" If anyone would know what to get, it was her.
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prillaq · 1 year
Cubby smiled as he heard Prilla sing along. Normally, he was pretty shy about his own singing voice, but he was comfortable enough with the brunette to sing along with her, lifting his arm up to let her twirl underneath. He would’ve been perfectly content if this moment lasted forever, watching the girl of his dreams sing and dance beside him. 
He hadn’t expected for her to bring up the past, but he chuckled as he was reminded of the time he’d punched someone for her. “How could I forget?” Cubby was never one to get violent, but he had felt protective of Prilla in the moment. No one messed with his friends without hearing about it from him. “Hey, it worked, right? He hasn’t bothered you again?” He raised his eyebrows curiously, giving her a knowing look. He hoped Prilla would know to come to Cubby if she ever had problems with that guy again. “I’d do it again, if I needed to … Not that I’d want to, but .. you know I’m here for you, whenever you need me.”
     Prilla almost regretted interrupting their sing-along session with her random thoughts, but to compensate for holding conversation their dancing naturally slowed to more of an intimate swaying than the excited jumping and twirling it started out as, and she couldn’t say she minded that one bit. It was just nice being this close to him, even if she couldn’t expect anything more to come from the moment than this.
     “You know, I did see him at the gym the other day. It was a bit awkward, but the good news is—I don’t think you’ll have to teach him any more lessons.” Prilla giggled. She didn’t doubt that Cubby would defend her honor again if a situation ever called for it, but she hoped it would never come to that point. For one thing, she wasn’t really looking anywhere else for romance right now, besides right in front of her…And of course she didn’t want Cubby to hurt his hand on anyone else’s face! “I don’t know if I ever thanked you for that or if I was too worried at the time. Thank you for being here for me.”
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prillaq · 1 year
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ELLA PURNELL for Hollywood Life photographed by Paige Kindlick
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prillaq · 1 year
Being the introvert that Cubby is, he would much prefer the space from everyone else and to get some fresh air, especially in his current state. Not that he wasn’t feeling great or anything — he truly was having an amazing night — but it was easy to get overstimulated with so many people in the apartment and so much going on at once. Once they stepped outside, Cubby took a deep breath as if to soak in the fresh, cold evening air. This was much better. It was quiet, and comfy, and the perfect place for him to be alone with Prilla. He was feeling more confident than ever before, which he assumed could be from the brownie and the drinks he’d had. “Me too!” He smiled as the song began to play, grabbing Prilla’s hand and immediately swaying to the music with her. Her excitement was contagious, cheeks flushed as he enjoyed this moment with the brunette.
     They had chosen dancing over karaoke, but even so Prilla couldn’t help singing along when the chorus kicked in, “It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you! There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do!” She had never really thought of this as a particularly romantic song, but those lyrics had a different effect when she was dancing with the guy she liked, looking into his eyes. The line tickled something else in her mind, a memory she hadn’t unpacked and thought about in a fair while, though upon reflection it was hard to imagine forgetting such a dramatic situation. “Do you remember when you punched that guy?” she asked suddenly, holding in a giggle. Maybe it was the party, or the dancing making her feel so giddy; she wouldn’t usually laugh about this, but right now it seemed so amusing. “I still can’t believe you did that!”
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prillaq · 1 year
Cubby knew he should probably say something about the kiss that the two shared at the recent party, but what was he supposed to say? He was feeling extra shy, unsure of how to approach the conversation with her. At least they were making plans together and still hanging out — he’d be feeling awful if the two started avoiding each other after the kiss. It was a good sign that she wanted to be around him still, right?
There were a few main places Cubby usually went out to eat, one of them being House of Mouse, but he didn’t exactly wanna take Prilla to his workplace. “How about Flo’s?” He suggested as they got to his car — the old black Toyota that, despite its flaws, Cubby was always so proud of. He unlocked the doors so he and Prilla could get inside, smile widening as she agreed to come to the show. He was relieved to think that now Slightly would get off of his back since he’d finally asked her, already wondering what her reaction would be to the new song. “You’re gonna love it, the new song is — really special.”
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“I love Flo’s! They have the best pies and milkshakes.” She bounced to the car and got settled in, buckled up and ready for their little slice-of-life adventure. Maybe after this they could go to the beach…if he wanted to continue hanging out, that was. Prilla personally thought they could spend all day together and she wouldn’t have a single complaint: even longer if they didn’t have jobs and adult responsibilities to attend to. At least they had days off like this, and perhaps in future more nights like…well, the one they weren’t talking about.
The fact that Cubby wanted her to hear this new song specifically—that he was marking it out as extra special—had to mean something didn’t it? At least she couldn’t recall any time he had made such a point of it before. She wasn’t quite bold enough to tease, ‘Aww, did you write it just for me?’ It would simply be too embarrassing (and revealing) to joke about that if she was wrong. But the butterflies in her chest were a telltale sign that she hoped it might actually be true. “I think all your songs are really special. This one must be on another level.”
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prillaq · 1 year
@fluggedup (continued from here)
The last person Randy expected to see today was Prilla. He'd gone to the gym at a different time than he normally does, actually being up early for once and feeling good enough to get a head start. At least, that was before the storm began. He'd noticed the rain from the windows about halfway into his workout, and by the time he was done and showered, the rain had turned into a full-blown storm, enough to where staff members were advising that everyone wait until the crazy weather died out before leaving.
Randy had considered pretending he didn't see Prilla, knowing how things went before between them, but what was he supposed to do now that he was stuck here? The thought that Tiffany might not be happy about him talking to her hardly crossed his mind as he went over to Prilla, sheepishly saying hi as if he were embarrassed from their last encounter. Sure, getting hit in the face by some guy who liked her was embarrassing, but he was quick to get over it. It was never that deep for him, anyway. He'd always put on an innocent act around Prilla, and that didn't exactly change. He had no reason to continue the act, but it was fun and it was easy. "Yeah, we're gonna be stuck here awhile," he agreed as he looked out the window again. "How uh, everything been? You still talking with that one guy?"
     If the rain had remained light enough, Prilla would have gone ahead and taken her chances venturing outside in it. The weather always made her think of her best friend Rani, and whether she was enjoying a dance outside in the spring showers or not. By the time Prilla finished her workout and looked outside, the answer presented itself as a definite “no.” It would be unwise to go out in these conditions, and Prilla herself liable to be blown away in such a storm, so she figured she just had to settle in and wait it out. She wouldn’t have minded this terribly if she had a friend to sit and talk with, her favorite gym buddy in particular, but rather than him she was met with someone she hadn’t seen in quite a while.
     She only hesitated for a moment before greeting him with a smile. While she hadn’t exactly missed him after how their former connection had ended with him getting back with his ex-girlfriend and leaving her high and dry, and then her friend paying him a visit to pay him back for leading her on, surely enough time had passed that they could put it all behind them. Randy mentioning Cubby himself was just as well, because they were both bound to be thinking of him now. “Colin—yes. We’re both good.” There was no reason to blush over this, so she made her best effort at keeping her face un-flushed. “I’m sorry about…Back then, when he…I didn’t put him up to that, you know.” Whether she’d been honored by Colin’s willingness to defend her aside, Prilla couldn’t help feeling a bit guilty that it had come down to violence for her sake.
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prillaq · 1 year
@colincubs​ (continued from here)
Ever since the party, all Cubby had been wanting is to spend more time with Prilla, just the two of them. He smiled at her suggestion, motioning for her to follow him to his car. "Where should we go? Say the word, and we're there," he replied, though his thoughts were a little bit preoccupied, thinking about how he still needed to invite Prilla to the next show. After all, he wanted her to hear the new song he wrote for her. "Also .. Are you busy this weekend at all? Slightly's performing and is gonna be playing one of our new songs.. It would be really cool if you came to hear it."
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     There was something unspoken between the two of them since the night of the party—maybe even before the party, but it was only then that something had physically shifted in their friendship. They hadn’t talked about it though, as if the moment to address their kiss had flitted past and was lingering just out of reach, waiting for the conditions to be right again before they could make a second grab to catch it. Prilla was trying, prompting an outing with just them two, and as Cubby seemed happy to take her up on the offer it was looking good. As she got to choose the destination: “Anywhere with food!” She followed after him with springy step, her heart lifting in anticipation when he began to ask if she was busy on the weekend, only to falter slightly as he mentioned…Slightly. Not a date, then, but her glow quickly returned at the thought of hearing a new song the boys had written. “I’ll be there,” she answered. “I wouldn’t miss it.”
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prillaq · 1 year
     The weather was lovely, the company was even sweeter, and Prilla was delighted to be out and about enjoying the day with a good friend, her happiness showing in her skip as they wandered the lanes between rows and rows of gorgeous flowers. She would have been cartwheeling if she wasn’t trying to keep pace with Rapunzel and scout out the most worthy blossoms for the girl’s painting. Pink was a necessity, already planned for inclusion, so what would be a good accent color? Prilla considered the options and answered, “Yellow, I think! It’s so cheerful.” As if that very word evoked their favorite pop star—which it quite honestly did—Rapunzel brought up Poppy and how she had actually met her. “Ooh!” Prilla squealed.
     “That’s amazing! Of course she liked your braid; you have the prettiest hair anyone has ever seen. Was she just as sweet in person as she seems?” Prilla gasped as another thought hit her. “Did you get to hug her?” This was such exciting news. She knew Poppy lived on the isle, but she had never personally run into her. To have a friend who was now friends with the singer was only one degree of separation—that meant she shared a mutual friend with Poppy. How fun! “You must have had the time of your life! Does that mean you’re going to hang out with her now?”
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who: rapunzel & @prillaq​ where: crophopper farms
With the first blooms of spring coming into view, Rapunzel knew it was time to get out to the farms and find some flowers to paint. It was her favorite feeling: having fresh flowers in the kitchen while also having a new piece to work on. Though it wasn’t quite berry season yet, which meant being able to bake fresh pies, Rapunzel still wouldn’t miss an opportunity to go to the farm, and she invited one of her favorite friends to come along with her, knowing that Prilla was precisely the girl who would share in the excitement of picking which flowers to bring home with her while also finding joy in the simple pleasures of just looking at plants all day.
“Okay, I’m thinking something pink, since I found this beautiful shade at the craft store the other day,” she pondered, placing a finger to her lips in thought as the two strolled through the aisles of flowers. “I’m going to need a secondary color to go with it, though. What do you think: blue, purple, or yellow?” Beyond the simplicities of flowers, she also wanted to discuss the most important party she’d ever been to in her life, and how she thought she heard something about her friends breaking into it. “Oh, my gosh, Prilla, I didn’t even tell you! I met Poppy. Like, the pop singer, Poppy, and I think we’re kind of best friends now. It was at that big engagement over the weekend: she was singing, and she just came over to me to compliment my braid!”
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prillaq · 1 year
Prilla’s smile made Cubby’s cheeks feel warm, mentally blaming it on being under the influence rather than how he felt about her. Seeing her tonight was definitely the highlight of the party in his eyes, smiling as she threw a couple ideas his way on some fun things they could do. Karaoke was definitely more Slightly’s thing than Cubby’s — he was a little too shy to sing in front of everyone, even while intoxicated. Dancing didn’t sound like a bad idea, either, but the sound of someone badly singing karaoke close by made him noticeably cringe. He wanted to dance with Prilla, of course, but not under these conditions. “Hmm .. I say …” he turned his head toward the patio door of the apartment, noticing there wasn’t anyone standing out there currently. “Why don’t we go outside, and you can pick a song for us to dance to?”
     Moving the party (of two) outside seemed like a perfect idea, and Prilla was never one to turn down some fresh air. She loved parties and being around so many people, friends and friends-she-hadn’t-made-yet alike, but she could just as easily understand how it might be a bit too crowded indoors for any dancing beyond bouncing or swaying in place…It wasn’t until they made their way onto the balcony that she realized how much more of a romantic atmosphere this was: just the two of them in a bubble set apart from the others, starlight twinkling overhead. Had Cubby intended that? Prilla couldn’t allow herself to assume. Now it was on her to choose a song for them to dance to; should she choose something slow or up-tempo? Leaving it up to fate, she hit shuffle and let Africa by Toto fill the air. “Oh, I love this song!” she exclaimed, balancing her phone on the balustrade and turning back to grab Cubby’s hand in excitement.
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