thomasdarockaholic11 · 10 years
Rules: 1. always post the rules. 2. answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, then write 11 new ones. 3. tag 11 people then link them in the post. 4. tell them you tagged them.
Thanks http://theonlywayiseo.tumblr.com/ :) 
Your Questions 
1)Do You Have A Favourite Colour? Yes Black i wear it all the time which is kind of Depressing if ya think about it but i like it anyway :P 
2)Has an actress or actor even made an impact on your life? Yes Tom Baker he made me full in love with the world of science Fiction and also to be Open Minded to the world and the Universe around us and Also its  ok to be grown up and be Childesh Sometimes.But yeah when i met him almost cried :P 
3)Favourite Band or Artist? This Ones Easy Well two Words IRON MAIDEN :) 
4) . Would you rather have lots of money but not many friends, or a large amount of friends and not much money?
i Would rather have a Large group of friends then money because i believe its better to be happy then Loaded as from my own Personal Experience money can twist and corrupt the people that have a lot with it so yeah more freinds just because more fun 
5) If you could have any pet in the world what would it be? It Sounds werid be ill love an owl just because they are awesome and Majestic Creatures 
6) Indoors or outdoors? Outdoors of Course being indoors makes me Feel Bored and Depressed and also its so DULL SO YES OUT THERE :) 
7) The stupidest thing that you’ve done?
well ive done alot of stupid things but a recent one was me Taking my Iphone to Download and losing it :( very stupid of me 
8)Do you like waffles?
No not Really yes im weird like that 
9. Three of your favourite tv shows?
Doctor Who,Game of Thrones,Law and Order SVU 
10 . Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Slytherin or Hufflepuff? Well Took The Pottermore quiz got Gryffindor House but then again ive Always been Gryffindor ive always been Brave,Reckless and Wanting to Play the Hero :p  
11) Is there anything that will always cheer you up/make you laugh when you’re sad?
Well yeah being around freinds and having fun
My Questions 
1)Favourite People 
2)Celebrity Crush 
3)Favourite Film 
4)Favourite Musical Genre 
5)Favourite Character on a Tv Show 
6)Favourite Food 
7)What do you truly think of me be honest 
8)what would your partonus be from harry potter
9)Describe your perfect love interest 
10)Favourite Harry Potter character 
11)favorite Ice Cream 
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ajacks99 · 11 years
I got tagged in another quiz thing by awesome112358 so here goes!
Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.
Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Let them know you have tagged them
Now I've done another one of these before so if you get tagged again say if its a problem :D
A lyric that describes you? That's a hard question but probably...'They see you as small and helpless, they see you as just a child, surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild!' From RWBY (This will be the day).
What's a goal that you have this year? I'm not really one for goals because I think that just causes a lot more pressure on people, but if I had to have one it would probably be to finally finish some of my writing (Probably an OC).
How do your friends describe you? I think they would probably describe me as clever/intelligent, a bit of a perfectionist and bubbly but with a bit of a temper.
What's your biggest pet peeve? Toughie again...but I really hate it when people don't order pencil cases? I don't know why :/
A regret you have? Where to start :I my biggest regret was probably allowing myself to let people's words get to me.
One thing you'd ban from the world? Sexism and inequality (Be it race, gender, sexuality)
Something you're excited for? What aren't I excited for is a better question, I either ignore it or get hyper over it XD But probably the next movies for the Avengers/Thor/IronMan/Captain America.
What do you think is your best feature? My personality, as cheesy as it sounds.
What would you do if you woke up as a different gender? Er...freak out then see a doctor probably xD
What would you ask yourself in 10 years? Have you done everything you wanted to do?
Last song you listened to? Demons- Imagine Dragons.
My Questions!
Why did you join tumblr?
If you ran into your favourite celebrity in the street, how would you react?
Favourite song?
If you could tame any animal in the world (That includes wild animals) what would it be and why?
Favourite youtuber?
Last time you hit someone/Wanted to hit someone?
What's your favourite sort of weather?
What's the most common thing you find annoying about people?
What's the most common thing you love about people?
Favourite cake flavour?
Coffee or tea?
And I tag (Literally my top 4 followers, some close friends and some new followers)....
http://itzrobbe.tumblr.com/ (Dunno if he even uses his tumblr)
I'll send an ask to you all to tell you, have fun!
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