#randomly breaking into random storytelling
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drieddpetals · 1 year ago
kaz: *out of absolutely no where* "you wanna know the first time i stole something? 2nd grade, kitkat from the teachers lounge."
inej: *jokingly* "then that just really opened the gateway to thieving, huh?"
kaz: "exactly. next year in 3rd grade, i stole a jumbo pack of expo markers from a teacher's supply closet."
inej: *snorts*
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fairuzfan · 5 months ago
Almost done with witches by Brenda Lozano. Good book, I enjoyed it. Next up is "never whistle at night" and then "brothers Karamazov". I should probably formally finish "go tell it on the mountains" i do this thing where I read different parts of books randomly and I technically read the book already but my official stopping place was halfway through. Did that with witches. But I read the end and then parts of the middle at random times and the first half completely. I feel like i gotta sit down and finish it all at once to observe the linear storytelling rather than the way I usually read.... so I'll add that to my list. I'll read go tell it on the mountains and never whistle at night at the same time because I get bored easily if i only read one thing at a time and i think i need a break from "trinity of fundamentals". I also need to read "the queue" by basma abdel aziz and "hijab butch blues" but those are on my phone and not physical and i don't like reading digitally. i do that with posts often, i scan parts of the middle and dont read the beginning and i sometimes reblog things that i shouldnt so i go back to delete them when i realize. Idk i just dont like reading things digitally i prefer it in my hands. Also need to read "if beale street could talk" as well. And "salt houses".
I keep trying to finish "supplication" by Nour abi-nakhoul but for some reason I stop partway through everytime. It's interesting but idk what makes me stop.
Oh and I gotta read "the white book" by han kang because I told my friend I would tell her what I thought about it. I'll get that when the library notifies me.
And of course I'm slowly paging my way through the "trinity of fundamentals".... can't say i enjoy it but it's another important book.
Gotta find time read George Jackson "blood in my eye" and the palestine history books i have but I'm just not in the mood to read them right now. I really want to read them soon tho. Been reading palestine research papers for school so I think my brain is craving fiction lately.
I'm gonna turn on asks so send me your book recs for fiction especially magical realismmmm and things with poetic prose. Bonus if it has an audio book version I can get from the library since my job is. Really boring lol.
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chiarrara · 5 months ago
the core idea i'm working with concerning the jjk finale discourse is that people are mad about the wrong things.
I have had serious problems with the writing in jjk since at least shibuya, and I even found criticism in the hidden inventory arc and the sister school exchange arc (though the main problem there is that it was boring pre-disaster curses and the characters suck).
Similar to Game of Thrones, some people were criticizing the broken writing choices as far back as seasons 3 and 4 while most people were glazing the series until the cracks in the foundation caused the entire story to crumble right at the end, leaving most of the fanbase confused how it "suddenly" got so bad.
The commonly held sentiment is that JJK fell off after Shibuya. I disagree. I think it fell off during Shibuya where the entire worldbuilding, power system, and plot broke irreparably.
HOWEVER where JJK never fell off was in character writing, relationship writing, and the overall themes of the story which were all consistent, had strong throughlines, were well integrated into the action (another strength), and were in my opinion, the core appeal of the the entire project.
And yet, most of what I hear people complaining about is either a) missing or dissatisfying character moments and a lack of satisfying exploration of the themes, or b) contradictory outrage over plot and worldbuilding elements not lining up as if these issues haven't been there from the start.
I know a lot of people don't operate this way, but when there are fundamental problems with the storytelling, but there are other parts of the story that I find incredibly meaningful and impactful, I find it really easy to glaze over those problems and even justify and rewrite them in my head so they make more sense. When good character writing shows up in JJK, I stop caring that the plot sucks.
The finale chapters of JJK had amazing character writing, delivered on the main themes of the story, and made literally all the broken plot elements, lack of focus, and shoddy worldbuilding secondary concerns for me. They don't break the important parts of the story, I don't care that they aren't wrapped up because I didn't like them in the first place, and their lack of exploration just cedes more ground to fan creation allowing the story to thrive for years into the future.
If you were reading JJK for the complicated plot, complex scheming, or intricate worldbuilding, I can see why you're upset, but you made a mistake a long time ago because that stuff has sucked for ages. But I know most of you fuckers on this website were reading for good characters, impactful themes about love, and yaoi bait, so why are you mad????? I really don't get it.
Who cares that the shittily written American Military subplot didn't come back? The fucking basis of the power system doesn't make any sense and isn't well thought out, so how was it ever going to deliver on the solution/potential for cursed energy? You're mad that the random New Shadow School subplot was randomly thrown in at the end, I've been mad since that random fucking grasshopper showed up in the fucking subway!
And some of you are literally admitting YOU DIDN'T EVEN READ THE TRANSLATED CHAPTERS so how would you KNOW if the story themes and character writing had been delivered on? based on summaries? that is the absolute worst delivery system for a story, you have to know this. you're getting mad at machine translations of out of context pages like WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.
In conclusion, most of you are mad at the wrong things and none of what I wrote up there is really about what the things you should be mad about are, because they don't matter. The point of a story is to mean something and JJK did. It was always good at what it was good at, and I wish people were engaging more with the story in it's own domain instead of being mad it wasn't exactly what they wanted it to be. The finale delivered on everything that made me care about this story. It made me love it even more, and I'm never going to regret spending so much time on this series. Everything else is just criticism for fun.
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 8 months ago
You ever wonder what you would do if you ended up in trevat?
probably the most fun thinking exercise i've had for a bit hahah
ended up rambling on for like five minutes so it's under the cut
assuming this is an unnanounced isekai of sorts where i wouldn't want to touch the plot with a ten foot pole (bc that sounds far more interesting than just- what if i lived there),
plan a) book it to liyue harbor avoiding wangshu inn just in case xiao can sense i'm not from teyvat, convince uncle tian to let me sleep in his boat until i have money (he looks like he'd let me in exchange of stories), become a storyteller, tell stories from a faraway land (any and all stories from here, be it plots of books, movies, fanfics, whatever man), profit, make casual friends w beidou to lower the chances of ningguang sending yelan to look into my untraceable past, try not to make it obvious i know zhongli knows i'm not from teyvat (if he ever appears by my storytelling corner) and ensure he likes my stories (this will boost my corner's reputation), buy a house outside chihu rock, befriend xiangling by sharing recipies from here, learn liyue recipies and how to use teyvat ingredients from her, befriend a gaggle of millelith by feeding them 'new and interesting foreign dishes' bc the fastest way to a man's heart is thru his stomach – they will now ensure the area around my house won't get jumped by random treasure hoarders and slimes or geovishaps, travel around once i've made enough money, always return to liyue and live out a chill life w the millelith's protection, the qixing not interested in bothering w me, and zhongli unbothered by my unthreatening presence
plan b) book it to fontaine. this could go two ways depending on if i break some random law immediately upon arrival: b.1) if i don't break any law then i befriend navia by sharing baking tips w her n convice her to let me stake it out at the spina's outpost in fleuve cendre until i make money, write mystery whodoneits (hello recovered manuscript bootleg sherlock holmes) for starting cash and then slowly make the switch to villaness novels w extra mystery (you can't tell me they wouldn't be a hit there) thereby avoiding the likely fierce market competition of plain whodoneits and gaining more fame, profit, buy a house in the countryside to reduce the chances of breaking a random law by reducing the amount of gardes around, keep in touch w navia n be rightfully grateful to her (this will keep the spina on my side), befriend the melusines by sharing stories n cooking tips (they can try me w their weird concoctions) n thus further lowering the chances of me getting randomly arrested, live a chill life (also travel around n stuff obviously) with furina/focalors entirely uninterested in my existance, the gardes and neuvillette seeing me as a normal citizen, and the just-in-case friendly connections to the phantoms via the melusines and the spina via navia (and maybe the surveillance patrol if chevreusse likes my novels) b.2) if i do break some random law immediately upon arrival or too early into plan b.1, then i plead guilty and get sent to meropide (nobody down there will ever bother to look into my untraceable past and trying to argue innocent will only bring attention i likely can't afford), work dilligently until i've made enough friends among the staff, become the prison's storyteller and bard and gain credits like that, become a friendly face nobody will have any interest in harming and likely won't dare to bc i'll have made friends w all sorts of prisoners by then (plus why would you want to fuck with the guy who's literally only singing songs and telling stories. like nobody else is doing it. half the prison would jump you i think), stay down there after my time is up for the same reasons i chose to go down, hopefully be a nice helpful prisoner and a welcome fixture in the fortress, live a quiet and chill life
and lastly, the last resort plan c) book it to mondstadt, beg charles for a gig at the angels' share, sing covers of songs from here and pass them off as melodies from distant lands, avoid venti and his knowledge of music like the plague, avoid kaeya and the knights like the plague also before they realize i'm not From There, get a house in springvale, if diluc ever bartends then try to subtly let him know i'm w him on the knights issue, hopefully this raises my chances at becoming part of the staff of the tavern n the likelyhood of the rest of the staff helping me avoid the knights' suspicion, ideally just live a quiet life in springvale, if by some miracle diluc decides to hire me for the winery then go there instead and live a quiet life as one of the workers, the main objective here is to fly under the knights' radar and position myself in life in a way that venti won't either want to, be able to, or feel the need to get curious about me and try to make contact (i realize dealing w music is counterproductive to this but it's the only gig i can think of that'd work there, would require no starting budget, would allow for flexible hours so i can skedaddle if needed, i wouldn't suck ass at, and would get me a step closer to who is likely going to be my only and/or most accessible ally in staying away from the knights: diluc)
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echoweaver · 1 year ago
I can't believe how long my queue has been basically empty. Life has definitely been packed, and also sick. But I do seem to be able to do game stuff OR write, but not both.
I'm currently playing the Samples and really getting into our upcoming Gen 8. I've been sure of my heir since birth just because of their traits, but now that all the generation personalities are blossoming, things are going in unexpected directions. That's why I like gameplay-driven storytelling! The sweet spot for Sims for me is the feeling that I am not creating characters so much as nudging existing pixel-personalities into expressing themselves.
If I could just keep myself from making plans that are going to get trashed anyway....
Maybe I'll hold an heir poll after all! Then again, who knows what year that might happen.... The eldest Gen 8 is just about to age into a teen. It'll be a while before the torch is passed.
At any rate, I'm not dead, and I'm not even taking a break. I'll try to get some of my screenshots into posts so that this simblr can get closer to the present.
So here's a random thing that annoys me. I'd love to hear if anyone has a gameplay solution or a mod for this. Victoria's generation has been having children, but I don't know of any way for my household to interact with them. I really wanted Vicky to throw a post-birth baby shower for her best friend, but I don't have a way to invite toddlers over, much less babies. Is there any way to have a toddler play group or anything? For heaven's sake, inactives happily bring their toddlers randomly to the park. I just don't know a way to make it happen!
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runabout-river · 1 year ago
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 224 (spoilers)
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We're back in Shinjuku Part 16 D:
Kenjaku's resolution will wait a few months now because we've been cockblocked again. It's good storytelling but still frustrating at times
We jump back into a flashback immediately. It's a battle conference and nearly everyone is present. The translation was a little fishy in a few places so I'll need to read the official chapter again on Sunday
We get so much info here, like Miwa's Vow to never use her sword again in Shibuya. I wonder what all these additional characters are going to do in the future. Even though they won't fight against Sukuna, they will still need something
Noritoshi decides to go to his family and protect them and we also learn that he was one of Yuji's teachers in the last month because Choso (like 3 months old or sth) can't teach
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Kashimo is here again. He gets two spotlights on him with Hakari by his side which strengthens me in my believe that he's going to survive Sukuna's slash. Like I said previously, Kashimo's body is already deformed and he has the same one-time transformation as Sukuna. He won't fight against Sukuna though, instead he'll fight with Hakari against Uraume
We get explanations and summarizations of Higuruma's CT and Sukuna's crimes and it is difficult to use Higuruma's DE on him because there is no choice in the crime that will be prosecuted. It's randomly decided by the Judge shikigami.
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No gonna lie, the absurdist humour from the last 2 chapters was funny but this sequence I find hilarious. It's mixed in with a serious tone what's doing it for me
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Yuji has taken over Megumi's lost spot of the brains. Hopefully he will succeed.
Mei mei attacks Sukuna with her crows but most likely only as a measuring device plus some distraction for Yuji and Higu. She does speculate though that her attack actually hitting might cause some damage
It also looks like she's talking to an unknown person. My hope is for Shiu to have joined the good guys to save his friend's son
Higuruma activates his DE with the same case that Yuji had been part of. Like this they make sure that Sukuna's trial won't be random and the "Death" penalty will be achieved
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There are so many open questions and possible outcomes to this:
Is Sukuna's brain still damaged or can he use his DE?
I said it multiple times, his brain most likely hasn't been affected by the transformation 1) because narrative flow and 2) because the transformation isn't absolute anyway.
Only one CT will most likely be seized, and I'm guessing it will be Shrine. Sukuna will fight with the 10ST next, the thing is though, his CE would also be seized if I'm remembering correctly
Alternatively, will Sukuna try to spin himself as not guilty? Might he succeed? I'm hoping for a good and intelligent battle next chapter
Also, absolutely need to point this out:
No one has lost any words or panels on Gojo. Again.
Next week will be on break, so the chapter on the 24th will be the one after the court battle. My hope: Shoko enters the scene to heal Gojo.
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ryuichirou · 1 year ago
8, 16, 20, 24, 25, 27 for the ask game!
Ask game!
YessSSS that’s a lot of questions, thank you so much, Anon!
Let’s roll.
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in.
There are a lot of them, unfortunately.
I won’t name any of our projects with Katsu because I still hope to come back to them and finish them one day. Even the ones that are super old… They are just so good that the idea of not completing at least some of them would break my heart lol
But there are some Solo Ryu projects that I’ve lost interest in. I used to brainstorm about a comedy comic about a girl and another girl that represents her periods and treats her poorly… The joke got old pretty quickly, and the whole thing didn’t work out.
I also used to come up with random characters, but I never do anything with them when I’m doing it alone, so they appeared for one or two sketches and then perished – I’m not really a storyteller, and without a story I can’t get invested in my own ideas :(
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing.
I don’t know if there is such thing, to be honest. Maybe I’m forgetting something, of course…
But in general, if I’m good at it, my mind usually goes “fuck yeeeeah”, so I’m inevitably end up having fun at least to some degree. Even if it ends up not looking good…
I guess I’ve gotten better at drawing shoes, but I still stress out every time I draw them, so it stops me from having fun sometimes.
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
I guess… that would be… hands. 👀
I used to suck at drawings hands so bad that one person from my past even said that with every new drawing I invent a new way to avoid drawing hands. Well well well guess who’s laughing now, Linda?
Saltiness aside, I spent a lot of time getting better at them, so now I really genuinely like drawing hands.  
24. Do your references include stock images
I try to avoid them as much as I can, to be honest. It depends on the stock image; sometimes they work nicely, but when it comes to special equipment, the models from the stock images usually don’t know how to hold them properly. Which isn’t their fault at all, I wouldn’t randomly know how to hold a violin either; but for that reason I would probably try to search up some violinist. If I find a good video, that’s even better.
… I rarely really use references aside from situations like this lol
But I also feel like everyone uses stock images to some degree, and I’m no exception.
25.  Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
We used to receive a lot of comments comparing our stuff to Killing Stalking back when we posted SnK fanart lol And we haven’t even read it…
There were also a couple of times when our stuff got compared to the artstyle of Avatar, which is??  A huge compliment that I didn’t deserve back then?? But despite us loving Avatar very much, we���re not actively inspired by it.
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
I try to, a lot of times it’s necessary, because otherwise I make stupid mistakes 💪😔
A lot of times it’s just a simple portrait sketch. But also, sometimes I start by drawing day by doing something simpler, like cleaning/shading the scans or adding base colours to my drawings. I feel like it also counts as a warm up.
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casuallycryptidcider · 2 months ago
I got to say Lattie and Hazel are my favorite PCs—they feel more me. Like, I love the others, but they were very much built by my storyteller.
Lemon was my first ever TTRPG PC ever. I had no idea what I was doing when I made her and just chose stuff randomly. One of the reasons why she ended up a ravnos is because someone else was playing nosferatu, and I could pronounce ravnos. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made her mine in my own way with how I play and draw her. But the backstory and all that was designed by the storyteller.
Same kinda thing with Poe. We switched to a one shot for spring break and rolled completely random characters (no choice in clan and background). That’s how I ended up with Poe and only ever got to play them once.
With Lattie and Hazel, they are my own complete concept—from background to design. I had enough of an understanding to play around with ideas and develop them. So, I feel more intimate with them…
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astralstudiosza-blog · 3 months ago
Why Character Animation is Everything in Storytelling
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If you’re in the business of creating stories—whether it’s for a brand, a game, or a movie—you know that your audience isn’t just looking at the plot. They’re looking at the characters. They’re looking at how those characters move, how they react, and most importantly, how they make the audience feel.
Great character animation doesn’t just make your characters look cool; it makes them real. And when your characters feel real, your audience connects with them. And when your audience connects with them, they care about what happens next. That's the magic of animation.
Rigging: Building the Backbone of Your Characters
Let’s break it down. Character rigging is like building a foundation for your character. Without it, you’re trying to animate a pile of pixels. It’s the digital skeleton, the thing that holds it all together. It’s what allows your characters to move smoothly, stretch, bend, or run without looking like they’re made out of rubber.
Here’s the thing: rigging isn’t just a technical task—it’s the blueprint for everything that comes after. If you get the rigging wrong, you’re setting yourself up for failure. But if you get it right, you’re setting up your character to come to life.
Animating with Purpose: Why Movement Matters
Once the rig is in place, we get into the real magic: animation. But this isn’t about throwing random motions at a screen. It’s about purposeful, deliberate movement that speaks to the audience. Keyframe animation, motion capture, and rigging are the tools of the trade. They each do different things, but they all work towards the same goal: making your characters feel real.
You’ve got keyframes, where you create specific points in time for your character’s movement. Then, there’s motion capture, where you bring real-life action into the animation. It’s all about making sure your character’s movements aren’t stiff or robotic but flow naturally and express the right emotion.
The bottom line? Don’t just move for the sake of moving. Every action has to be intentional.
Body Mechanics: It’s All About the Details
Here’s a no-brainer: characters don’t just move randomly. There’s a science to it. Body mechanics and dynamic motion are essential to making movement look real. When a character runs, jumps, or even stands, every little shift in weight or change in posture makes a difference. You need to understand how the body works in the real world to make it work on screen.
Great animators know that every move needs weight, every jump needs momentum, and every shift of the body needs to feel like it’s grounded in reality. It’s about building dynamic motion that pulls people in. The more realistic the movement, the more your audience will connect with your character.
Idle Animations and Expressions: Small Details, Big Impact
Now, let’s talk about the little stuff—the expressions, the idle animations. These are the things that make characters feel alive even when they’re standing still. You know how you can tell when someone’s annoyed just by looking at them? That’s facial animation in a nutshell. It’s about taking those tiny shifts in a person’s face—raising an eyebrow, pursing lips, rolling eyes—and translating that into the character’s design.
And don’t forget the idle animations. When a character’s not moving around, they shouldn’t be frozen. They should breathe, shift their weight, blink. These tiny details make all the difference between a character that feels dead and a character that feels like they could walk off the screen.
Animation is About Connection, Not Just Movement
When you start thinking about animation as more than just a technical skill, magic happens. It’s not just about making things move. It’s about connection. Emotion. It’s about creating characters that feel real and making your audience care about them.
Character animation is powerful because it’s not just about technology—it’s about telling a story. And when done right, it transforms something flat into something dynamic. It’s the heartbeat of your story.
In the end, it all boils down to this: Animation makes the connection between your audience and your story. Without it, you’re just showing pretty pictures. With it, you’re showing something that feels real, and that’s the key to creating lasting impact.
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tomw59766 · 8 months ago
What Are Some Creative Ways to Use a Random Words Generator?
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A 20 words or less generator can be a powerful tool for sparking creativity, improving writing skills, and adding an element of fun to various activities. Here are some inventive ways to utilize a random words generator in different contexts:
1. Writing Prompts and Story Starters
a. Flash Fiction Challenges
Using a 20 words or less generator, writers can create quick and intriguing flash fiction pieces. By receiving a set of random words, they can craft a story that incorporates each word, pushing their creative boundaries and enhancing their storytelling skills.
b. Overcoming Writer's Block
Random words can serve as prompts to kickstart the writing process when faced with writer’s block. Incorporating these words into the initial lines of a piece can lead to unexpected and original ideas.
c. Poetry Inspiration
Poets can use the generator to find unique combinations of words that inspire new poems. These random words can be woven into verses, creating fresh and imaginative poetry.
2. Creative Exercises and Brainstorming
a. Idea Generation
Teams or individuals can use random words to brainstorm new ideas for projects, marketing campaigns, or product names. The unpredictability of the words can lead to innovative and unconventional concepts.
b. Creative Writing Exercises
Teachers and writing coaches can incorporate random word exercises into their lessons to encourage students to think outside the box and develop their creative writing skills.
c. Art and Design Inspiration
Artists and designers can use random words to inspire their work. For instance, a random word might prompt a particular color scheme, design element, or theme for an art piece or graphic design project.
3. Games and Fun Activities
a. Word Association Games
Players can use random words to play word association games, where each person has to come up with a related word. This activity can be both entertaining and a good mental exercise.
b. Scavenger Hunts
Organizers can create scavenger hunts where participants have to find items that match randomly generated words. This can add an element of surprise and challenge to the activity.
c. Storytelling Games
Participants can take turns telling a story, incorporating a random word each time it’s their turn. This game can be a fun way to build a collaborative and unpredictable narrative.
4. Educational Tools
a. Vocabulary Building
Teachers can use a 20 words or less generator to help students expand their vocabulary. By learning and using new words in context, students can enhance their language skills.
b. ESL Learning
For learners of English as a second language, random words can be a useful tool for practicing sentence construction, comprehension, and pronunciation.
c. Spelling Bees
Random words can be used to create spontaneous spelling challenges, making spelling practice more dynamic and engaging for students.
5. Professional Development
a. Team Building Exercises
Incorporating random words into team-building activities can foster creativity and collaboration among team members. These exercises can break the monotony and encourage innovative thinking.
b. Workshop Activities
Facilitators can use random words to prompt discussions, role-playing scenarios, or creative problem-solving exercises during workshops and training sessions.
c. Icebreakers
Random word generators can be used to create icebreaker questions or activities that help participants get to know each other in a fun and relaxed manner.
6. Personal Development
a. Journaling Prompts
Individuals can use random words as prompts for their daily journaling practice. This can help in reflecting on diverse topics and exploring different facets of their thoughts and emotions.
b. Creative Hobbies
Whether it’s crafting, cooking, or DIY projects, random words can inspire new and exciting ideas for personal hobbies, pushing individuals to try something different.
c. Mindfulness and Reflection
Using random words for meditation or reflection exercises can help individuals focus their thoughts and explore their inner creativity and mindfulness.
7. Marketing and Branding
a. Slogan Creation
Marketers can use a 20 words or less generator to brainstorm catchy and memorable slogans. The random words can provide fresh perspectives and unique angles for branding.
b. Content Ideas
Content creators can use random words to generate ideas for blog posts, social media content, or videos. This can keep their content varied and engaging.
c. Product Naming
When developing new products, random words can inspire unique and creative names that stand out in the market.
8. Entertainment and Media
a. Improvisation Exercises
Actors and comedians can use random words for improvisation exercises, helping them to think quickly and creatively on their feet.
b. Scriptwriting
Scriptwriters can use random words to develop new plots, characters, or dialogues, adding an element of surprise and originality to their scripts.
c. Game Show Ideas
Game show creators can incorporate random word challenges into their formats, making the shows more interactive and entertaining for participants and audiences.
9. Therapy and Counseling
a. Creative Therapy
Therapists can use random words to encourage clients to express their thoughts and feelings through creative writing or art, facilitating emotional exploration and healing.
b. Group Therapy Activities
In group therapy settings, random words can be used to spark discussions, role-playing activities, or collaborative storytelling, promoting group cohesion and understanding.
c. Cognitive Exercises
For clients with cognitive impairments, using random words for various mental exercises can help improve memory, language skills, and cognitive function.
10. Social Media Engagement
a. Hashtag Challenges
Brands and influencers can use random words to create hashtag challenges, encouraging followers to participate and share their own creative content.
b. Caption Contests
Random words can be used to generate captions for photos or videos, engaging the audience in a fun and interactive way.
c. Interactive Posts
Social media managers can use random words to create interactive posts, asking followers to come up with stories, poems, or drawings based on the words provided.
A 20 words or less generator is a versatile tool with a multitude of applications across various fields and activities. Whether for creative writing, educational purposes, professional development, or simply for fun, random word generators can spark innovation, enhance learning, and provide endless entertainment. By embracing the randomness and unpredictability of generated words, individuals and groups can discover new perspectives, unlock their creativity, and engage in meaningful and enjoyable experiences.
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dentwy · 1 year ago
number 1: adventure time
don’t quite remember how old i was when i first watched adventure time, but i sure remember watching it a lot. back then you’d just hop on tv whenever you could and watch whatever was on at the time. thank grob for streaming sites! i say half ironically since HBO's release of adventure time is quite pathetic in fact, but i digress.
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obviously with fionna and cake airing this year there’s been a big resurgence in adventure time online that i’m pretty fond of. although i don’t draw myself, i follow around 10k accounts on twitter that are mostly just artists because i love looking at nice pictures. there’s one caveat though, i’ve never actually seen the entirety of the show. who the hell is this grass finn? princess bubblegum and marceline ended up together? holy glob. and so, i felt it was time for me to get on my two ass cheeks and actually watch the show.
here is a brief (?) off the shelf summary on what that was like:
as it turns out as a younger-ish boy i had only seen up to season 4, with a few extra episodes here and there. this means the lich was definitely a thing, but that’s kinda where it ended. re-experiencing the episodes i knew so well was definitely more fun than i was expecting. most i know by memory already, others lowkey tried gaslighting me into thinking they were different from how i remembered. so that HBO thing? you can look it up on reddit and go into detail but in general terms, some of them are kind of a mess with how they’ve been edited and censored. i believe a bunch might just be from the tv versions in some countries? but i clearly remember watching them so...
usually there’s a couple of things they want to avoid: butt stuff (so some fart jokes and grabbing-things-with-butt scenes), stuff that’s kind of gross, things like ripping off the lich's face off, deaths (?) and other extremely specific stuff. at times you will get scenes cut off that you don’t realize (ill mention one in a minute) and others that simply cut off in the middle of dialogue or battle to jump into something else. in 2023 i don’t even think this is that excusable.
two episodes stood out as a sore thumb to me. "storytelling" the 5th episode of s2, and "princess cookie" on s4 episode 13. ill refrain from explaining the entire episodes but first one has this scene where our titular "mrs cow" makes her first appearance. as she is instructed to do, she removes the bag since she also is beautiful as everyone else, only to turn out she should put it back on. pretty funny stuff, especially for a 13 year old. this little gag is completely removed. poof. gone. i almost shit myself i thought i was going crazy. i’ve been a fan of calling random shit i’m lying about part of the mandela effect now but it genuinely felt like that.
second episode is one of a tragic story, of a tragic cookie. putting aside the fact i think a he/him cookie wanting to become a princess is fucking awesome, this one just sucks. at the literal climax of the episode (spoilers!!) as they are in the middle of the exchange the episode just randomly cuts off to the following scene with princess cookie in the floor, shattered. extremely jarring. and you don’t even get to see the most important part of the episode! goddammit.
either way i could go on details like this forever but it’s mostly just a gripe i had as i watched with HBO than the show itself, as i was actually having a lot of fun as, in the end, it’s the characters that make adventure time what it is.
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finn and jake are characters that are very easy to endear yourself to. i feel they’re generally the simplest ones from the cast, but that’s what makes them most malleable. they’re likable dudes, bros for life. do you not wish to have someone that will follow you to the end of the world? in life and even death? nothing can break these two. distant lands' "together again" is probably one of my favorite episodes. it was 200 episodes ago that jake established their special signal to find each other again once they’re dead, and real bros don’t forget. it’s a beautiful episode that completely wraps up these two in the best way they could’ve done.
ice king is someone i would have never been able to appreciate when i was younger. maybe for the first couple of seasons yeah okay he’s an unlikeable prick, but man. simon petrikov is such a tragedy of a man. forced to live in his delusions for the rest of his life, unable to remember his loved ones, or to be loved. forever obsessed with finding those who are important to him, without the means to do so. i gotta say, i never put two and two together before getting around watching the entire thing - but fucking tom kenny? what a legend.
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alongside ice king comes marceline, and what is there not to love about marceline. she carries such a teenage angst with her that feels so passionate. every song with her is a blast to listen. "woke up" from obsidian in distant lands has to be my favorite. "i'm just your problem" is up there in the classics and how to forget the fries song. living for 1000 years has to fuck you up so bad man. she carries such weight after so long. saving people, losing them, making friends, losing them. "i remember you" from season 4 is such an emotional episode i’m pretty sure i cried watching it. every single marcie / simon flashback holds so much importance to both characters, as well as the world itself. i’m always a sucker for father & daughter stories and these episodes hit a really special spot.
with marceline, comes princess bubblegum, which i have to say is probably my favorite character in the show. your honor, she’s silly. bubblegum (fucking bonnibel? really?) shares this aspect of essentially living for 1000 years, eventually needing to put things behind. main difference with her is the fact, you know, she’s made out of candy, and candy people don’t exactly die of old age as far as i know. however, being in the spot she is, she holds great responsibilities she sometimes feels she needs to deal all on her own. she is actually such a fucked up individual, messing with people emotionally (and specially finn) just for the sake of it, and sometimes showing her apathy for people. she’s dedicated to a fault, often ignoring other's feelings or beliefs. sometimes for the better, but also for the worse. one thing that remains with me for sure is the simple fact that she’s just adorable, and i’m a big fan of them giving her different outfits and hairstyles as much as possible, which is exactly why i present my tier list of bubblegum outfits & hairstyles:
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the ones that didn’t make it in are either irrelevant, spoilers or forgot about. why not marceline? because everything she puts on is a banger. extra special mention to "the star". what a fucking queen.
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the last tier list will be for every character in the show in no particular order, because i need to make my opinions permanent:
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except i lied obviously it’s not every character. the ones that didn’t make it in i either don’t care about enough or are so minor i don’t even have an opinion on them (or i forgot).
s tier is the people i couldn’t have put anywhere else, they just go there by default. prismo is awesome too so he goes in.
for a tier i feel the only two i need to specify about are doctor princess, which i just find really funny, and huntress wizard, which i actually like a lot. i feel she was definitely the one that would’ve been best to end up together with finn.
b tier are cool characters, i like them enough that i think about them often or have something about them that really stood out to me. james baxter actually being a mispronunciation of "games bookstore" is really fucking funny.
c has all the pups because i like them :), abraham lincoln is also really funny. martin i think i could put lower, but simply because he’s relevant to the plot he goes here. i never liked finn insisting to call him his dad when he’s such a shit person.
d is filled with weirdos that have something about them that may make them stand out a little bit more or maybe had a scene or episode that was cool. i don’t like LSP at all, but she’s the like third most important princess so yeah that’s fine, i guess.
f is filled with people i don’t give a shit about. a bit crazy how most of the princesses end up being completely irrelevant. you lost to a fire dog slime princess, how does that feel.
with that out of the way, what i want to finish off is the general plot progression of the show. there’s something really special about adventure time that i’m not too sure other cartoons do the same way. it manages to hold such a consistency throughout its run time that’s almost impressive. besides the first season where tree trunks dies on episode 4 only to reappear later on and only bring up the fact she’s "gone" on season 2, the show always makes sure to reuse characters, keep them around and stay true to its own timeline. there’s a context in this world, stuff has happened already, and things will continue to change. it might take some time to get the answers to your questions, but you will get them eventually. the past is already set in stone and the future is already on its way to happen.
most characters will make at least a second appearance at some point, and a lot of them even become more relevant for that episode, which i find really cool. no stone is left unturned and it shows that this world is fully lived in.
it was a bit hard for me to nail down what i believe the theme of adventure time is, what it all means in the end really. because no, "going on adventures is fun" is not it. it definitely is fun don’t get me wrong, its episodic in nature and most episodes end up working on their own, but is there more to it than just bros having fun? my take on it (i haven’t looked it up so no clue what other people think or even the creators) is the passage of time, and growing up.
the most relevant characters are the ones that have been around for centuries, the ones that have seen the world change and that have changed it themselves. generations move by and time keeps going. jake has a family, a new generation that will follow him. finn doesn’t have anything because he died a virgin but still, the humans are and will be around after so many years.
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it’s important to live in the moment, appreciate the people dear to us and have our own "adventure" while we can, and i think that’s really nice to get across. as it stands, adventure time has moved through generations and i hope it will continue to do so.
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freetoolsonline · 2 years ago
🔗 Unleash Your Imagination with the Random Word Generator! 🌌🎲
Are you ready to embark on a journey of limitless imagination? Look no further! I've discovered an amazing tool that will set your creativity on fire. Allow me to introduce you to the captivating Random Word Generator from WBTools. 🚀🔥
Prepare to be amazed and inspired by the power of random words! 🌟✨ With just a click of a button, you can access a universe of words that will ignite your imagination and take your creative endeavors to new heights. Don't wait any longer, click on the link below to dive into the world of endless possibilities:
🔗 Link: Random Word Generator
The Random Word Generator is a treasure trove of linguistic marvels. Each time you click on the link, it conjures a unique word, carefully selected from its vast collection. From exotic nouns to mesmerizing adjectives, from evocative verbs to enchanting adverbs, this tool will unlock a world of words you may never have encountered before. 💫🎯
But the Random Word Generator is not just for writers and poets. It's a tool for anyone who seeks to explore, learn, and expand their horizons. Here's how you can make the most of it:
🔹 Fuel your creativity: Let the randomly generated words spark your imagination and inspire your artistic endeavors. 🔹 Overcome writer's block: When you're stuck for ideas, a random word can be the catalyst that breaks through the barrier. 🔹 Enhance your storytelling: Use the generated words as prompts for creating unique characters, settings, and plot twists. 🔹 Boost your language skills: Expand your vocabulary and deepen your understanding of word usage. 🔹 Challenge yourself: Play word games, riddles, or writing exercises using the randomly generated words.
The Random Word Generator from WBTools is your gateway to a world of endless creativity and linguistic exploration. It's a virtual companion that will accompany you on your quest for inspiration. 🗺️🔀
Are you ready to unlock the hidden treasures of language? Then don't wait another moment. Click on the link below and let the magic unfold:
🔗 Random Word Generator
May your imagination soar and your creativity flourish as you immerse yourself in the realm of random words. Happy exploring! ✨🔍🎨
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generateawareness · 2 years ago
Unlock Your Imagination with a Random Person Generator: Embrace the Unexpected!
In today's interconnected world, where digital platforms bring people from different walks of life closer than ever before, it's easy to become trapped in our own social bubbles. We often interact with people we already know or those who share similar interests and viewpoints. But what if there was a way to break free from these echo chambers and experience something truly extraordinary? Enter the Random Person Generator—a powerful tool that can introduce you to individuals from diverse backgrounds, helping you expand your horizons and foster meaningful connections. In this article, we will delve into the exciting possibilities that await when you embrace the unexpected with a Random Person Generator.
Embracing the Unexpected: The Random Person Generator offers an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and engage with individuals you might never have encountered otherwise. Whether you're a writer seeking inspiration for a new character, an artist searching for unique perspectives, or simply someone looking to broaden their social circle, the Random Person Generator can open doors to exciting new experiences. By randomly generating profiles, this tool presents an element of surprise, enabling you to interact with people who might challenge your preconceptions and broaden your worldview.
Expanding Your Perspectives: One of the most valuable aspects of using a Random Person Generator is the chance to expand your perspectives. The people you meet through this tool can come from different cultures, countries, and backgrounds. They may have contrasting beliefs, opinions, and experiences, providing you with a wealth of knowledge and diverse viewpoints. Engaging in conversations with these individuals can spark new ideas, challenge your assumptions, and encourage personal growth. Through these interactions, you can gain a deeper understanding of the world and the people who inhabit it.
Building Meaningful Connections: While the Random Person Generator may introduce you to strangers initially, it has the potential to foster genuine connections. As you engage in conversations, you might discover shared interests, passions, or goals. These commonalities can form the foundation of lasting friendships, professional collaborations, or mentorship relationships. By embracing the unexpected and stepping outside your comfort zone, you may find individuals who bring new perspectives into your life and become lifelong companions on your journey.
Unleashing Creativity: For artists, writers, and creators of all kinds, the Random Person Generator can be an invaluable tool for unlocking creativity. Each generated profile can serve as a source of inspiration, providing rich material for character development, storytelling, or artistic expression. The diverse backgrounds, experiences, and personalities presented through the Random Person Generator can infuse your creative work with authenticity and depth, allowing you to create more vibrant and relatable content.
Nurturing Empathy and Understanding: In a world often divided by differences, cultivating empathy and understanding is essential. The Random Person Generator can play a significant role in fostering these qualities. By interacting with individuals who come from various walks of life, you gain insight into their unique challenges, triumphs, and perspectives. This firsthand experience can help break down stereotypes, dissolve prejudices, and cultivate empathy, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and compassionate society.
The Random Person Generator is more than just a novelty tool; it's a gateway to new experiences, meaningful connections, and personal growth. By embracing the unexpected and engaging with individuals from diverse backgrounds, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. Whether you're seeking inspiration, expanding your perspectives, or nurturing empathy, the Random Person Generator can be a catalyst for positive change. So, why not unlock your imagination and embark on an exciting journey of discovery with a Random Person Generator today?
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hopeymchope · 6 months ago
Final Fantasy VII 8/27/24 Update: FINAL Edition
I haven't updated in a while both because (1) the surgery I had and (2) because I just kinda lost that loving feeling. At a certain point, I was playing this game just to finish it, because I was no longer enjoying the actual GAMEPLAY and was left to use the built-in cheeses of the Switch port to plow through it. And then, over time... I started not being very happy with the storytelling, either.
Yeah. This is a downer of a final entry on this little game log. Sorry.
It's finished now. I beat the game. But as much as I gained love and appreciation for the world and its characters, the gameplay and its core story left me mostly with complaints, and I feel... guilty about that.
I'll start with gameplay:
I've never been a big fan of random battles. I kind of excuse it in old Pokemon games where you can at least see the patches of tall grass on the world, but I much prefer seeing the enemies on the screen and then colliding with them before a turn-based battle starts — like in Earthbound, for example. The PSP remake of the first Lunar did this, too—they made it so you see the enemies visibly and have to come into contact with them before a right breaks out. Even if you can't possibly outrun or avoid them, I like knowing they're coming and expecting that clash. Jump-scaring me randomly with a battle when I don't see it coming and I'm just trying to get some shit done on what looks like a wide-open area? Fuck all that, I say. So I was always going to struggle with the fact that older Final Fantasy games (and MOST older JRPGs, honestly) revel in that stuff.
But another thing I don't like is when an RPG starts to focus too heavily on status conditions that require various items or magics to cure. So you have to constantly stop your turn-based fight to manage conditions or something, and you probably don't have enough items to make a whole party immune, but just one person who gets put Asleep or made Small or turned into a Frog can fuck up your whole fight, so now you gotta spend turns/moves curing them, and while you do that then the other characters try to cure them the bad guys can do it to MORE characters, and OH GOD THIS IS AN ENDLESS CYCLE. So fucking annoying. FF7 adored making most of the climactic boss fights HEAVY on this shit. And I hated that.
Now, the story:
What carried me through everything was that I liked getting to know these characters. Yet even in that regard, by the climax of the game, I was... disappointed? Some plot points are brought up to justify something and then just ignored immediately after, despite the fact that it seems like characters should be RUSHING to take care of those issues. Some characters the team never get any expansion via side quests and thus remain mysterious ciphers. Or maybe I missed some optional side quests that would've told me something, ANYTHING about wtf was going on with them? Or maybe I'll get my questions answered in future remakes/spinoffs? Not that they could've known those were coming when they made FF7 to begin with...
The best thing about the story's last third has got to be the way the crew splits up before the final mission, and we get that excellent scene with Cloud and Tifa on the mountain. It's also one of my biggest gripes. I was both (a) expecting and (b) excited to see every other character's motivations and trips home before they march into a final battle against certain death. But... the game didn't care as much as I did, I guess. So we just get told they went and did those important character-building, emotional scenes off-screen somewhere, and we never learn what they were. Shit. Ok.
This is a deeply beloved game, so nobody wants me to sit here and bitch for ages. That's just a way to earn hatred from EVERYONE ALIVE WHO PLAYED THIS IN THE '90s. And with that in mind, I'm gonna skimp on further details. But my overall feeling at the end was "Hrm. Guess you had to be there." Even so, I'm still glad I took the trip to know these people and get the context on them/their world.
The ending itself was also pretty weird and unsatisfying, imo. But then I promptly watched Advent Children Complete, and I felt much happier for it. So... thumbs up on that.
Sorry for the downer wrap-up to this little series. Sorry to disappoint everyone who wanted to see me love this. But now I'm really, REALLY hopeful that they can take this baseline and really kick things up to another level in the Remake trilogy. And I'm still gonna play Crisis Core, too.
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Guess what video game I just started playing for the first time?
Yeah, this is some long-overdue Gamer Homework(TM). Definitely one of those titles that it feels like you have to be familiar with if you're gonna claim you're big into the hobby.
So my Gamer ID Card has been in danger of revocation for many years now. :P
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spaceagebachelormann · 2 years ago
being best friends with the st. cassian chamber choir members would include…
pairings: st. cassian chamber choir x gn reader
warnings: me struggling to find good gifs, ocean being a mediocre friend, ricky being weird, no genuine warnings,
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Ocean O’Connell Rosenburg
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refuses to let you read smut
if you bring it up she starts screaming and throwing stuff at you and begging you not to read smut
she still treats you horribly, but like it’s not as horrible as the way she treats everyone else
has somehow read every shakespeare play, and talks to you about them for hours
when you get mad at her for forgetting you she just assumes your joking
physically affectionate with her friends but it’s a lot more frequent with you
while your walking she’ll just wrap an arm around your shoulders or grab your wrist gently like it’s nothing
when you have sleepovers she goes to sleep at 9pm and throws pillows at you if you stay up later than her
helps you with classes your struggling with, for a price.
by that i mean she just asks you to buy her some food and that’s it
kind of a bad friend but she has good intentions
tells you EVERYTHING
there isn’t anything she knows that you don’t know
Ocean: Y/N and I have the chemistry where we finish eachothers-
Y/N: sentences
Ocean: don’t interrupt me.
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Noel Gruber
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oh my GOD
you definitely got suspended with him for breaking into that bible thing
you said the erection thing
also you guys definitely still laugh about it
brainstorming insults with eachother
most of which are used on ocean
forces you to listen to french music
threatens you with his hairbrush over the littlest things
it’s actually quite scary
you get to hear all about monique gibeau all THE TIME
he’s a surprisingly good storyteller and he likes when you’re on the edge of your seat listening to him talk about experiences he’s been through
working at taco bell with him
it’s scary
Y/N: i turned out perfectly fine!
Noel: Y/N, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
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Mischa Bachinski
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your conversations with him are one of you just rambling on and on about things and the other one listening
when he’s rambling it’s about talia
not even you know if she’s real or not
you decide not to ask
oh yeah also he’s offered you alcohol atleast 2048 times, usually once a week
your also rlly good friends with noel
it’s a trio thing
but your still mischas bsf
once he grows rlly comfortable with you it’s scary guard dog privileges
like will fr bark at anyone giving you a hard time
and says the most random shit with no context at all
it rubs off on you
a horrible influence
mischa: *breaks window and climbs through it*
mischa: *helps Y/N through window*
mischa: Y/N, breaking and entering is bad.
Y/N: okay
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Ricky Potts
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listening to him talk about zolar
well his talking is either him passing you notes with hella information on it or him using asl
i feel like in his mind you would have a zolarian based off of you but like not one of the sexy catwomen, just a zolarian who was an important role in his story
also rlly funny
cracks the most random jokes at the most random times
doesn’t sleep until 4am
seems innocent but isn’t
you have to deal with all of the above
imagine learning asl to talk to him instead of using paper and a pen <33
big cat person and his cats are so used to you that sometimes they just show up on your doorstep
sends you analog horror and laughs when your afraid the next time you see him
Ricky: so whats for dinner?
Y/N, staring at the food they just burnt: regret.
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Jane Doe/Penny Lamb
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randomly info dumps to you
oh also i think she’d like brushing your hair
a big dog person and you have to settle arguments between her and ricky over if cats or dogs are better
sends you dogs at 4am
oh also i think she’d be rlly good at painting nails for some reason and at random times she’d just take your hand and start painting your nails
speaks her mind BUUUUT that’s not always a bad thing
^^ randomly compliments you for example
Y/N: im a reverse necromancer
Jane/Penny: isnt that just killing people? Y/N: ah, technality
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Constance Blackwood
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rlly honest with you
it’s very helpful
also she checks up on you
such a good friend
i love her
teaches you how to play recorder
and kazoo
you create musical chaos with her
everyone finds it annoying except ricky cause personal head canon that he likes weird music
Constance: i know your deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are
Y/N: it’s not a joke
Y/N: *sniffles*
Y/N, voice cracking: i’m a legit snack.
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soul-wanderer · 2 years ago
06x08//I Know A Place - weekly recap (I guess that’s a weekly thing now)
There’s a lot to unpack about this episode, so let me start off by saying that this is hands down one of the best episodes that has ever been written on this show (thanks to Leah Gonzales, who basically has a flawless track record on the show so far) and I’m here for it. I will also point out some minor points first before getting to the main parts of this episode, because those will need more writing.
- The time jump in the beginning felt a little jarring, but that’s apparently an issue the show has refused to work on for six seasons and counting, so we better accept that they simply skip major parts of storylines
- The time jump also leaves us wondering what the hell happened to Maya’s phsyical health? Guess she’s fine now? Kinda hard to believe that her only issue (physically) is her sprained ankle, but okay.
- Diane is back! (and we all love it)
- Theo got a bit of his own storyline and while it wasn’t a “big story”, I’m still glad they gave him that, because we once again saw his soft and caring and passionate character and it’s just the best thing
- Dixon being a jerk as usual but Ross doing The Right Thing and it was great. Was it unexpected after what she had told him earlier? No. Was it still incredible? Absolutely yes. The only thing spoiling this story a little was them injecting Sullivan into it once again towards the end, but at least that wasn’t downright awful this time.
- Maya and Diane: Finally. HMU did a fantastic job at making Maya look like she was feeling on the inside, and it was about time she started some proper therapy. The storytelling was really great and thoughtful and heartwrenching, even if they basically sped up months and years of trauma processing to fit it into one episode. But at the very least Diane made it clear that Maya would need regular sessions for the next few months at least, so they did not pretend Maya would be fine after one day with Diane
- random side note: it’s been discussed why Maya’s dad was so weirdly focused on her cousin. My best bet is that dude cheated on Maya’s mum and that kid has been his all along. But that’s just a bit silly thinking here, if anyone else wondered what was going on there too.
- Vic. Let’s get to Vic, okay? The woman who has been through so much in past seasons and is still so easily overlooked in her struggles, once again reaching her breaking point, but for once she does not push it away. I am really damn glad they included that scene of Vic acknlowledging that she is, in fact, absolutely not okay, and that it’s okay to share this pain with others. Also VERY important to note: Theo listened. Not only that, he also didn’t try to argue, or make this about him. He shut right up about his own issues once Vic opened up about her own feelings. He acknowledged them and was there for her. We know he is kinda awkward around feelings and using words, but goodness, did he show up with his listening and hugging skills. Ladies and gentlefolks, get yourself a partner like this, for real. Oh, and a friend like Travis, too, because that group hug was absolutely wonderful. Let’s hope they’re giving Vic some therapy too in the future, she sure as hell needs it.
- We don’t talk about the final scene, right? Okay, thanks, because that one’s wrecking me and I basically waited for a visual like this the moment Diane started talking about little Maya. I’m fine, I stg I’m fine after this.
PS: And for the love of god, can everyone in that damn station please stop trusting that Eli dude? No one ever found out why he randomly showed up at the station and selflessly offered his help, and I can’t believe the writers are trying to sell the fact that every single person on that show is dumb enough to never even question his motives. Seriously. But I’m still here for sassy Andy (”I’m literally the one who would show up”), as long as she doesn’t fall for this dude - she already has a bad enough track record in the boyfriend department as is, okay?
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