Jumping on the Taurtis support bandwagon, I'll give my hot take: Taurtis is the only reason why the series functions. Think about it, Taurtis causes most of the conflict in the series. First, Gareth's wife is killed because of Yuki's jelaousy, causing Gareth to commit suicide in the process. Then the school becomes haunted and Taurtis, Sam, Dom and his friends, and Salex all end up there on a dare and a warning from Ellen. This culminates with Salex dying and the yandere plot finally starting for real. And there's more after this like the gang getting sued for the Toritos buisness, getring evicted from their house, the Yakuza showing up and that plot point with Yuki getting more intense, ending the original YHS with the gang going into the witness protection program. And we all know that Sam's character fully relies on Taurtis for everything, but heck, Grian's character, as great of an actor as he is, gets his most interesting and impactful plot points in YHS because of how he interacts with Taurtis personally and how he tries to protect him from Sam (and the whole Taurtis 2 thing). In fact, Taurtis is so much the life blood of this series that he's the ONLY thing holding Sam and Grian's psyches together, and once he disappears in season 2, (since it's revealed he never died and went away on a vacation to learn more Japanese, good for him my son deserves it), ALL the characters (besides my fave son Dom), get more and more depraived, and the series in Tokyo Soul goes downhill as a whole. I even have a theory that Cthulu got rid of Taurtis because Taurtis was warning Sam about using the Necronomicon and was the only thing holding him back from destroying the universe. Cthulu also worked it so that Sam became so depraved that he did the whole Taurtis clone fiasco and then, when that failed, was so desperate to get him back that he went back in time and destroyed the universe, becoming Ruler of the Universe Boy.
TLDR: Taurtis is the conduit of all life in the series and has ascended to god levels, so when he disappears the universe collapes.
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barrenclan · 3 months
Old randomherofan64 here! I know it might just be cartoon logic, but who is Pinepaw talking to throughout the issues? Is he vocally or mentally Journaling his day, or does he talk to himself? Why does he talk in the second person sometimes?
As a framing device you don't really need to think about it, but I like to imagine it as a representation for his thought process and reflections on his day. He doesn't talk to himself out loud. He also hasn't ever spoken about himself in the second person, unless I made a mistake. All the issues are written in first-person POV.
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