#random0lover writing struggles
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random0lover · 2 years ago
Slight tmi but do y’all ever get the greatest ideas in the most unconventional times? Like I was peeing and had the most heart wrecking angst mixed fluff idea pop into my mind for Simon and I almost started to tear up on the toilet 💀
But no for real this idea is so good and I wanted it to be a short little thing about Simon and the way his trauma has affected the way he is able to enjoy certain things (like music 😉) but how reader has helped him learn to be okay with enjoying those things again but for some reason I like to torture myself and focus on the angst for way to long and now the Drabble is now going to be a one-shot 😭
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random0lover · 2 years ago
I don’t usually outline I just get an idea and I run with with… works for one shots but when it’s comes to whole fics 😅
There is no shame in starting over. Or not outlining. Or writing slowly. Or using clichés. Or writing multiple projects at the same time.
You are in charge of your own writing journey. It’s up to you which path to take, and none is less valuable than the other. - D
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random0lover · 1 year ago
I struggle so hard with choosing what pet names the guys would use like my constant go to is sweetheart for some reason and I can’t escape it.
I mean in my brain Simon is the only that uses lovie but it’s probably because so many people write him using it so now it’s just ingrained in my brain that he uses it
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random0lover · 2 years ago
Okay what’s some nicknames/pet names Simon can call reader that’s not “cringey” or “weird”?
I constantly use dove, love, and lovie and I don’t know what else to use and i have an idea for a short little thing and for some reason every time I think of what Simons going to call reader it’s Angel and I feel like that just sucks so I need ideas 😩
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random0lover · 2 years ago
Reading up on Gaz right now because I have started writing a fic for him (all fluff 😉) but I need to know as many details as I can which means research but I can’t write without it so 🫠
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random0lover · 2 years ago
I went and bookmarked this on my laptop immediately because otherwise I’ll forget
some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.
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random0lover · 2 years ago
Piece of advice: don’t edit your writing when you’re really tired 🙂👍🏼
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random0lover · 1 year ago
There’s a price smut fic idea that been clawing at my brain and for some reason I won’t just sit tf down and write it *sigh*
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random0lover · 2 years ago
Having the urge to write angst when I need to be writing fluff is so annoying
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random0lover · 2 years ago
Anyone have some really good Gaz fic recs? I really want to get his banter right cause in my mind I have the idea of what his personality is like but I want to try and get the way he talks and goes about things correct, if that makes any sense 🤦🏻‍♀️
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random0lover · 2 years ago
I’m supposed to be writing for Gaz but I had an amazing idea for Simon and I’m scared if I don’t write it right now the Inspiration to write will go away
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random0lover · 2 years ago
Idk if you’ve done this one before but 🌻
Thank for sending this in @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world
(Post they’re referring too!)
🌻 what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?- for me I’ve always kinda had a fascination with wanting to write and forever I never actually actively tried to. This was mainly because I was scared of my writing being “bad” but something that has made me want to quit writing before is my dad. I’m sure that makes almost no sense but he has a knack for taking something you’re interested in and making it about himself which is something he started to do when he found out I even had an interest in writing which can be really draining because it feels like it’s not just something I can enjoy but rather something I need to hide from him. But I found a way around that so it’s all good 😊 (this got depressing omg 😬)
Something that keeps me writing? I would say the people that consume my writing! One of my favorite parts it getting to interact with the people that read my work, honestly there’s nothing like having someone be just as excited (or maybe even more excited) about something you created as you are💞
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random0lover · 2 years ago
I had planned on writing tonight but I literally don’t have it in me to actually sit down a write anything. Like I keep writing in my brain (I literally missed 10 minutes of the show I was watching because of mental writing) and I keep coming up with great stuff but the moment I open a doc for it I get really bad anxiety.
But I’m going to bed after I post this so goodnight y’all <3
Turns into a rant right here so… yeah-
My heart rate has been unusually high today (like 130-150 bpm literally all day) and idk what’s wrong with me tbh, my anxiety has been at an all time high for like the last few days, I keep dissociating, I get like 8-10 hours of sleep and I’m still super tired, stomach has been hurting, I’ve been avoiding doing all the things that I normally do like cooking, cleaning, and I’ve been avoiding messaging this one friend I have because I keep getting stressed because it’s been so long since I’ve messaged her back *sigh*, and last but not least I feel like I’m on the edge of having a panic attack.
I’ve also started throwing myself into writing again and I’ve literally had major writers block for months now…
Rant over-
Anyways I probably won’t have what I was wanting to write posted tomorrow cause it’s my dad’s day off so I’ll be busy busy but hopefully I’ll have it posted Monday🤞🏼
Now here’s some pics describing exactly how I feel:
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The best part is my dad knowing I’m not okay and then treating me like shit because I’m not okay 🫠
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random0lover · 2 years ago
Istg if fucking autocorrect doesn’t stop switching love for live I’m going to jump off a bridge
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random0lover · 2 years ago
I've read some very good smut that left characters' anatomy ambiguous! It can definitely work; e.g most people have nipples and holes/entrances. Tho, as a writer, it seems tricky to write, and i've always thought of it as a challenge i'd want to tackle someday. Just one idea, though!
Very true! I’ve read plenty of amazing smut that was gender neutral and I’ve written some gn smut before but for some reason my brain is struggling but since I’m not to the smut part of my mini series I’m not going to worry myself about it to much.
I’ve also been thinking about the story line a bit more so the original smut scene I had in mind will probably not happen but there will be some form of smut in there (I hope🤞🏼)
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random0lover · 2 years ago
Quick question for the people that read fics on here
Im asking because I’ve been thinking about it for my own fics because generally I try to write for gn!reader so I can be as inclusive as possible but I myself and a female so when I am thinking of writing smut I lean more towards afab!reader.
Im also wondering because I’m writing an gn!reader mini series that will have one part with smut and I’m trying to decide how to go about it *sigh*
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