#random favorite detail of the day: crowley's teeth
magicomens · 7 months
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Mr Crowley your projecting is showing
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besottedghost · 4 years
written for the mafia/brothel au by @new-endings
@ new-endings, Your au was amazing and everything I didn’t know I wanted, but I couldn’t handle the angst....i’m sorry
* there’s slight nsfw in one paragraph
It’s just business, dear.
The words felt amplified while Crowley stood there silent, face blank behind dark glasses. His hands were clenched tight around the lead pipe, turning his knuckles white. Specks of blood were splattered across his sharp chin, his angled cheeks, and high above his brow. The sight alone would’ve made anyone run for the door, but the only thing Aziraphale feared was him leaving his life again.
The years without him were monotone and silent. Filled with bittersweet memories that made him ache while drowning out plaguing thoughts with a bottle of wine most nights. How have you changed? Are you taking care of yourself? Is your hair still streaming down your shoulders? Did you find someone who makes you happy as much as you made me?
It grew bearable when the brothel came into his possession, and he assumed the role of Master. Between taking care of his partners, building clientele, and managing the brothel’s reputation, his mind had no time to wander. Routine took the place of disappointment, and the number of years he spent without Crowley outgrew the ones with him. Even in the quiet moments of his days where loneliness waited, it was easier.
It was what he was used to.
Until Crowley sauntered back into his life, handsome as ever, and propositioned him in his office as if there wasn’t a mountain of distance between them. They agreed it would just be that one time. So Aziraphale allowed himself to revel in the pleasure Crowley gave him that far exceeded any fantasies he had. All the while servicing him in return that Crowley enthusiastically enjoyed despite his lacking experience.
It was meant to be a heated memory he would survive on in his empty bed, but his old friend didn’t share the same sentiments.
After that night Crowley never failed in visiting the brothel every week, only asking for Aziraphale, paying more or the same but never less for a night with him. It didn’t take long for Aziraphale to look forward to his visits with heat curling in his belly, wondering how Crowley was going to make him cum this time. Will his serpentine tongue lick into him, mouth kissing his hole while fingers were wrapped around his cock? Maybe rough hands will bend his legs back above his head and pound into him with a snarl. Or will Aziraphale get to chock on his cock with his hair being pulled and guided into bucking hips? Moaning angel until he cums down his throat.
It was all different variations of him wrapped around Crowley’s cock, but the end was always the same. Gently being cleaned up and having arms wrapped around him while they laid in his bed. Gold eyes filled with fondness as he listened to Aziraphale talk about his week. Grinning when he laughed from the stories of Crowley’s rancid coworkers, kissing him long and slow before they both fell asleep. Waking up alone each time disappointed and angry for forgetting.
A fuck is a fuck and love has no business here.
“How much for a contract with you?”
Aziraphale blinked, snapping out his thoughts, “I beg your pardon?” He asked because it almost sounded like he wanted to form a contract with him.
A few clients had favorites among his partners. They didn’t want to share them outside of their time together, so they formed a monthly renewable contract. It was incredibly expensive and had additional rules meant to protect his partners that many clients didn’t think was worth the expense. Currently, there were only two active contracts, and only one of them planned to renew.
“You said it was only business,” Crowley clenched his jaw and threw the bloodied pipe next to Gabriel's head. “So how much will it be for you to be mine alone?” He growled and crowded him against his desk.
Aziraphale found it hard to focus with Crowley towering over him, his expensive cologne distracting him along with a stray red curl that dangled on his forehead. He looked down at his shoes and placed his hands in his pockets, toying with the inner seam hoping Crowley would give up and leave.
He did not leave. He offered a price that would comfortably retire two of his partners in their early thirties for the rest of their lives. It was an offer that was too generous and incredibly idiotic.
If the other brothels ever knew the details between him and Crowley, they would be jealous of not having such a client. They would say he had it easy and call him foolish for even hesitating at the offer.
Aziraphale looked up at Crowley with wide eyes and blurted, “there is no else!”
Crowley froze, and he took the opportunity to move away from him to hide behind his desk, separating them. Giving him enough space to breathe while Crowley looked at him warily.
“Before and after you, there was and will be no else,” Aziraphale swallowed. “So, there’s no need to o-offer such a ridiculous amount.” His hands reached for random papers and shuffled them around. “In fact, I think we should end our transaction. It already brought trouble here by sending out the wrong message. I will have n-no more of it!” His voice trembled, and he accidently knocked over his mug. Cold tea spilled over the edge of his desk and dripped to the floor.
He heard a clack and saw Crowley’s glasses upside down next to his pen. He looked up nervously and saw the same look Crowley always gave him before bedding him. His heart fluttered, and he couldn’t help the way his breath hitched when Crowley’s arms braced him against the desk, trapping him.
Aziraphale turned his head and closed his eyes when he felt them water. Not only did he fail in lying to himself that this meant nothing, but he turned something simple into a mess. Now how was he going to clean this up? What was he supposed to do now that his heart grew three sizes too big since Crowley came back into his life? It felt heavy and warm with every smirk, laugh, and touch he gave him. How long will it be until his heart shrivels back down cracked and smaller than it was before when Crowley inevitable leaves again.
“Why,” Crowley asked softly.
Someone else could give your money’s worth, he could say, and direct him to any of his partners for the hundredth time. He could pretend to be oblivious. Delay this dooming conversation until another distraction or when Crowley would reluctantly leave when he had other matters to attend. But there was a corpse on his floor. And he was tired.
“Why does it matter?” Aziraphale sighed and flinched when he felt fingers brush against his cheek. A rough palm cupped his cheek and guided his face back to Crowley’s. His eyes flew open when he felt his forehead rest against his. Gold eyes were filled with a strange vulnerability he hadn’t seen since Crowley left with a goodbye all those years ago.
“Angel.” Crowley swallowed. His voice low and soft, “you’re everything to me. Always was, and I’d rather be alone than be with anyone else that isn’t you.”
His eyes widened as he stared at Crowley who patiently waited. Warmth bubbled in his chest, and he dared to hope that maybe his love wasn’t unrequited after all. Maybe he wasn’t the only one who was afraid.
He left before what’s stopping him from leaving again, his mind cautioned, it would be worse this time. You already gave him your body, how will you recover from giving up your heart to him too?
But he came back, his heart opened up, with his heart on a platter for you. What more are you asking for?
“I love you,” Aziraphale breathed and watched gold eyes lit up while a broad smile broke out on Crowley’s face. He licked his lips and felt a small thrill when Crowley’s eyes flickered down at his mouth. “My dear, I-I loved you then and I love you now.”
An arm went behind his waist and pulled him against Crowley, whose other hand tangled itself in white curls and pressed a short, chaste kiss on his lips. He pressed another kiss, long and slow but sweeter until their teeth clacked from smiling.
“No more separations. No more transactions. No contracts.” Crowley’s hands cupped his face, holding him as if he was something precious. “Let me take you to dinner, angel. I know a place that serves twenty-three variety of crepes.”
Aziraphale beamed and threw his arms around Crowley’s neck before kissing him once more.
-i was goina write a scene where Madam Tracy goes looking for Aziraphale only to find him in his office making out with Crowley while Gabriel’s dead body keeps bleeding on his rug but i got lazy
- I did not do any research on brothel’s so i’m not sure if they actually do something like contracts i got the idea from Harlots when one of the worker’s was paid to be a mistress (i think? it’s been a while since I’ve seen the show)
- @  new-endings I don’t think this was the direction you were going for with this au, but I hope you enjoyed reading it! Thank you again for the fic idea that haunted me in the best way possible!!
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ineffably-good · 5 years
There’s A First Time For Everything
This is my submission for the 2020 Good Omens Valentines Day swap, written for @eveningstarcatcher. Enjoy!
 “Dearest,” Aziraphale said, rolling over in the morning light to run a hand up Crowley’s back. “You know what next Friday is, don’t you?”
Crowley raised an eyebrow. “Uh… a Friday?”
“Anything else?”
Crowley thought. He thought some more. He came up with nothing. “No,” he finally said, admitting defeat. “I really don’t. What is it?”
Aziraphale smiled encouragingly at him. “It’s our first Valentine’s day since we officially became a couple.”
“Oh… Oh angel, no,” Crowley groaned. “You have to know that demons don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. It’s pretty much not allowed. That’s all about your side – angels and cherubs shooting their tiny, adorable arrows into someone’s posterior. We mostly just stay home and get drunk on days like that.”
“I thought we didn’t have sides anymore,” Aziraphale said a little sadly.
“We don’t! We don’t! It’s our side for sure, angel,” Crowley said, backpedaling. “It’s just – old habits die hard and the day kind of gives me the creeps. All that forced happiness and fake romance.”
Aziraphale’s smile faltered a little. “So – so you don’t want to do anything to celebrate?”
Crowley rolled over onto his side to face the angel. “I didn’t say that! I want to celebrate being with you. I love you, you know that. I just don’t want to do it on Valentine’s Day. I want to do it every day. Besides, did you know he’s the patron saint of epilepsy, too? It’s not like we’re going to go have a seizure in his honor, are we?”
“I did not know that,” Aziraphale sniffed, “and no we aren’t.”
“Plus, really, the truth behind the legend is just gross, angel. He wrote a letter to a woman who’s sight he had restored and signed it “from your Valentine” right before he was beaten to death with clubs. Beaten. To Death. That’s hardly romantic, is it? And he was just signing his name, anyways.”
Aziraphale rolled out of bed and pulled on his tartan dressing gown. “It certainly is not,” he said distantly. “You’ve made your point, my dear.”
Aziraphale made his way into the bathroom, and a few minutes later Crowley heard the bath running and caught the scent of the vanilla bath salts the angel preferred lately. He smiled, happy to have settled that argument in his favor, and threw on some clothes to go out and get the angel some pastries and a coffee.
“Heya, angel,” Crowley said, the shop door jingling behind him as he returned. The angel was sitting at his desk working on something. “Brought you a coffee and a chocolate muffin.”
“Thank you my dear,” the angel said with a smile, taking the offered sweets and turning back to his work. “You’ll pardon me, I hope, but I just have to get started on the new inventory.”
“Oh,” the demon replied, surprised. “I thought we were going to the park.”
“I’d love to, but a new shipment came in yesterday, and you know I’ve been trying to keep the records more up to date.” Aziraphale straightened his bowtie. “I’m afraid I have to get this done while it’s still fresh in my mind or I’ll mix up all the details.”
That, Crowley knew, was a lie. Aziraphale never forgot the slightest detail about any book in his collection. Sometimes he liked to play a game where he wandered around the shop at random and pulled a book out of some obscure corner and asked Aziraphale some obscure fact about its printing date, number of pages, where he bought it from, or what it was worth – and honestly, the angel had never missed once. Not once. He knew that even if the angel put the new shipment in a corner for the next hundred years, he would never lose track of any of the info he needed to know.
Crowley plopped down on the couch and observed the angel through narrowed eyes. What was he up to? He took a deep sip of his cappuccino and contemplated. Could it have been the epilepsy comment? Was that insensitive to sick people?
“You know,” Crowley said casually, “I have nothing against epileptics.”
Aziraphale turned and gave him a strange look. “What a relief,” he said acerbically.
Crowley met his gaze in confusion. “Well – yes,” he sputtered. “I didn’t want their to be any confusion.”
Aziraphale shook his head the tiniest amount, then turned back to his desk and picked up his pen.
Crowley, unable to take the odd and rising level of tension in the shop, eventually fled, pleading “demonic errands,” and instead went down to his favorite local pub for a whiskey and a talk with his friend Diana, the bartender.
“So,” Diana said, leaning forward on the counter. “What’s got you in here at two in the afternoon?”
Crowley ran a hand through his hair. “It’s Aziraphale,” he admitted. “He’s being weird.”
Diana looked around and noted that her only other customer seemed quite contented with the pint in front of him, and settled in for a talk. “Weird how?”
“I dunno, it’s like maybe he’s upset with me about something? But I haven’t done anything and I don’t know what it could be.”
“Anything unusual happen this morning?”
“We were talking about Valentine’s Day,” he said.
“And I told him that my people don’t celebrate that, and that Saint Valentine was in no way the patron saint of romance, and he got horribly butchered, and it’s a sappy holiday for suckers.”
Diana stared at him flatly, her dark brown eyes flashing. “Can’t imagine what might be bothering him,” she said heavily.
“It’s your first time in a couple in a long time, isn’t it?” she asked with a smirk.
“So what if it is?” Crowley realized his voice sounded a tad defensive.
His friend reached behind the counter and poured them both a shot of something. He sniffed it suspiciously, decided he didn’t care what it was, and downed it in a single shot.
“Listen up,” she said, fixing him with a strong look. “You might not think Valentine’s Day is important, and that’s all well and could, but what if he thinks it’s important?”
“He’s an –” he started to say ‘ethereal being’ and stopped himself by the skin of his teeth. “He’s a sophisticated, urban, educated person. He’s never shown any interest in this kind of thing in all the years I’ve known him. And I’ve known him for a long, long time.”
Diana thought for a moment. “In all of that time you’ve known him, has he ever been in a relationship on Valentine’s Day before?”
Crowley thought. “You know, I don’t think so.”
She raised an eyebrow. “And so –”
“And so? Spit it out, woman.”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s his first one. You’re newly in love. Perhaps he’s gotten a little caught up in it.”
Crowley felt the blood drain from his face.
He was a fool.
He was a bloody, enormous fool.
Of course Aziraphale was excited about it. Aziraphale loved rituals and holidays and got excited about each and every one of them. And of course he’d never had an opportunity to have anyone make a fuss over him on a romantic holiday before. And he had rained all over the angel’s happiness about it with his morbidity and jadedness.
He dropped his face into his hands. “Oh, for the love of – “
“You’re an idiot,” Diana supplied helpfully.
“I am,” he said agreeably. “What do I do?”
“Well,” she said, “you just have to figure out some way of showing him that he’s special. You can figure it out.”
“How did you get so smart?” he groused. “And pour me one more, will you?”
“Comes with the territory,” she said, reaching for the good stuff.
“So,” Crowley said that night as they were watching a film and working their way methodically through a takeaway curry or two. “I was thinking about that Valentines thing you brought up this morning.”
Aziraphale kept his eyes on the television but raised his eyebrows in curiosity. “Were you?” he asked.
“I think I may have spoken a little rashly,” he said.
“Oh,” the angel said, dismissively, still following the action, “no you didn’t, really it’s fine.”
Crowley waved a hand and paused the screen. “Listen to me,” he said, “I’m trying something new here.”
Aziraphale turned to him, uncertain. “And that would be what?”
“I’m saying – you’ve never had a Valentine’s Day before. I’ve never had one either. Maybe it would be fun to do something.” He swallowed. “You know. Since we –” He made a hand waving gesture that somehow encompassed the room, the shop, the two of them, and, he hoped, his feelings.
Gestures, he thought, could say so much.
Aziraphale gave him a tiny, knowing smirk. “Oh, well, when you put it that way,” he said slyly.
Crowley rolled his eyes. “I’m saying I’m game for Valentine’s Day,” he said. “Let’s make it a good one, okay?”
Aziraphale smiled happily. “Well if you’re sure,” he said.
“Leave the planning to me,” Crowley said. “I’m on top of it.”
 He was not on top of it. But he would, he decided, figure it out. 
“What are we doing tonight?” Aziraphale asked the following Friday. “You haven’t actually told me.”
“It’s a surprise,” Crowley said. “Just wear something nice and be ready at eight for me to pick you up.”
He went home to Mayfair and worked hard on an outfit and double checked his plans on his mobile. Dinner reservations were all set. He straightened his tie in the mirror and set out with a jaunty swing to his step to go get his angel. He had even chosen a new CD from a shop earlier in the day, something old-fashioned and croony that he knew the angel would like, and he unwrapped it quickly, snapping away the plastic, and put it in the stereo at a low volume as he made his way across town. If he was lucky, they’d make it through most of the night before it reverted to Queen.
Besides, he thought, if inside he was pretending it was just an ordinary date night, it was no one’s business. He didn’t need bloody February 14th to be romantic; he was Anthony J. Crowley and he could be romantic any time he wanted. But if it was important to his angel, he was going to do his best to show him a good time.
He stopped at the door of the shop, thought for a minute, and knocked instead of entered.
It took a few minutes for Aziraphale to answer the door. He looked surprised when he did. “You knocked?” he asked. “Why didn’t you come in?”
Crowley took a moment to appreciate the angel in his nicest cream-colored suit, one he usually only wore to weddings and other special occasions. Unlike the rest of his clothing, this outfit had the advantage of being both made in the current century and also being more form fitting that most of the heavy layers he usually wore, revealing his shape nicely. He’d paired it with a pale blue tie that matched his eyes almost perfectly.
“Ngk,” he said, then cleared his throat and started again. “I wanted to pick you up at the door for our date. You know. Old-fashioned, like.” He held out an arm to Aziraphale.
Aziraphale gave him a deeply dimpled smile and took the offered arm, allowing Crowley to escort him to the passenger seat.
“You look nice,” he added on the way.
“So do you, my dear.”
Later that night, after their dinner at a quiet, intimate Italian place, after a walk in the park during which the moon was somehow more full and brighter than any weatherman had expected, after a late night gelato at a local shop that unexpectedly had no other customers and all of the angel’s favorite obscure flavors, they wandered back to the bookshop and nuzzled together on the couch.
“Did you have a nice night, angel?” Crowley said. “I’m sorry the restaurant was so loud, and that the cocoa powder on the tiramisu made you sneeze, and I hope the duck incident on our walk didn’t –”
“My dear,” Aziraphale said, “what on earth are you talking about? Tonight was perfect. Just perfect.”
“But the duck took the –  right out of your -- ” Crowley spluttered.
“Crowley,” Aziraphale cut in more firmly. He took the demon’s hand and all but forced him to be silent. “Listen to me. It was lovely, and romantic, and perfect. No one has ever made such an effort for me before. It meant the world to me.”
Crowley made a strangled noise in his throat and, finding speech impossible, decided to focus instead on simply not bursting into flames. He thought cooling thoughts. Water. Ice. Hailstorms. Freezer sections at the grocers.
Aziraphale, seeing his conflict, leaned in and gave him a slow and tender kiss. “Happy Valentines Day, my love. I hope we have many more.”
“We will have all of them, angel,” Crowley mumbled, before kissing him back. “Every single one.”
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