#random and emo and will prob delete but
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evansbby · 1 year ago
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an-organized-confusion · 11 months ago
That gender poll got me thinking abt the Gymrat!Crew.
Patton - Factory default. (Cis guy.)
Roman - Mr. Hopeless with Tech would be confused as all shit. (But Factory Default, boy's cis.)
Janus - Dynamically assigned on boot. (Genderfluid.)
Logan - System Update (binary trans guy.)
Remus - Data corruption. (AFAB file sectors marked for deletion, a lot was overwritten. Loves the fucked up mangle of data on recovery.)
Virgil - Found it on a random disk. (Remus will probs describe it as a dual-boot situation there. Emo's questioning but thinking abt labels like demiguy and bigender.)
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amalagam · 7 years ago
tagged by @offthehooklesbians​ :>
rules: answer the following 20 questions and then tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
nicknames: none! am is short enough lol
height: somewhere between 5′3″ and 5′4″ ?
orientation: i KNOW i’m definitely not a straight. but other than that i’ve actually been really thinking about my identity recently. i’ll probs post about it when i figure it out. (wrt gender i’m nb which i wanted to say but there’s no section here for that)
nationality: thai-american
favorite fruit: CHERRIES... BEST
favorite season: that transition period between summer and autumn
favorite flowers: tiger lilies? are the first that came to mind lol
favorite scent: coffee... or lemon. or jasmine. or mint. i have a lot of fav smells.
favorite color: black. i’m emo
favorite animal: cat! they’re cute...
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: ALL but i drink tea the most so that. coffee only if it’s like really sweet
average hours of sleep: USUALLY 6 but i like to have more
cat or dog person: cats... babies. i like dogs too tho
favorite fictional character(s): BIG SHRUG... i’ll remember some eventually
dream trip: ANYWHERE as long as i get to chill out and see cool shit. i just love traveling in general.
blog created: before i ACCIDENTALLY DELETED MY OLD BLOG it was sometime in 2011 but my new one’s only been here since this year :’)
number of followers: on my main i have 16 and on this one i have 12, both of which are much less stressful numbers than the hundreds i used to have..
random fact: h
not gonna tag but if u wanna do it u can!
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ariswashere · 4 years ago
Last post of 2020. It’s been a year of... Wtf.
Still got about an hour and thirty left and fireworks waited till tonight to bust out everything they had lol. Seriously started since 7 pm, like okay, is this going to end at 2 am? Haha
Now my neighbor above is making noise because for some reason I mention fireworks they like to tag team 😂 (now my neighbor is playing music she’s like now the partyyyy is starttingggg yeah enjoy it by your lonely. dolo life foreverrrr.. then it stopped.. it’s a roller coaster ride over hurrrr of emotionsss must be covid lol)
You think in 2021 it’s going to be different because I’m starting a new Insta page? It is but it isn’t haha. If anything everybody is going to get re-pissed off because I’m basically going to show you shit in my room that might make people feel some type of way lol (don’t they always feel some type of way? Damned if I do damned if I don’t). Will I follow girls from before? Not all of them, and you might see me follow girls I was following earlier last year idk yet, or I might slowly start following all of them but depending how popping my page gets 😂 which it prob won’t.
You think 2021 is going to be different? It’s more or less going to be the same for me unless I get a girlfriend or something or if venues/bars start opening up like that again which won’t happen till 2022 lmaooo
What a time to be young. What a time to be old. What a time to be in-between.
You know it’s all leading up to my room lol I mean I’ve already been showing y’all things but I delete. This time around even if I don’t get one like on my Insta post it’s staying. Because you know why nobody liked that shit? Because I always end up liking something nobody is even looking for no matter how many hashtags I put haha. Before I used to do the I’ll delete if nobody liked it. I also think when you’re starting a new page, people kind of expect you to like follow them back on that follow for a follow thing but you know how I am lol. It’s not a question of whether or not I get a follow I like, it’s a question of whether or not I think you’re worthy of following 😂 should i start following girls I secretly follow? Some of y’all would prob like that wouldn’t you?
And believe me I have a ton of shit in my room, all the way down to pins you put on backpacks and shit. It’s like making an Insta page where instead of Depop I’m selling things I’m showcasing all my material shame I spent money on the last decade. Think about this: if I post like two or three times a day, you think I’ll get more followers? Lol it’s all an experiment to see how “popping” I can make a page and actually be somewhat serious about it. Because what else could I be doing? Go out to LA and show you vegan spots to eat at? I’ve tried the clubbing thing and the music thing. Gotta bring it back to where all the magic happens- my room.
Tiktok? Only fans? Fuck that. Trying to be talented and sexy for people on the internet is lame lol for money? Shit, I just gotta be myself b no cap
Yup we got about 50 minutes left and this is how we’re ending it in 2020. A long personal statement to the masses and this weird cult following ive created hahaha but if you like me so much you should come to LA and touch my dick 😂
You know because while everybody around me insists to make noise, I’m making louder noise because whatever I say is ImPoRtAnT
Because the internet changes things. Imagine I have an Insta page with all the girls I follow 😂 imagine I try to follow girls I used to be following on tumblr and I happen to know their pages and what if they accept? What if they don’t? That’s the beauty of it. Because am I just a figment of your imagination? Did you mean what you said to me when we were closer? Does this make me a creeper or am I simply just having options and/or trying to find vibes that fit mine? Anything can happen in 2021
What if I remember them but they don’t remember me, ever try following private accounts? 😂 hmm what profile photo should I put up to make me as unlikeable as possible.. or likeable? Idk what do people judge your pages on? How hot your body is, how not nasty you are? Who knows. A bunch of weirdos or random pages are going to follow me and I’m just going to let it be because fuck it. I mean I play RoK and a lot of those foos on there are way different from me
I’m basically going to be a lot nicer in 2021 but I can’t stop the content I post in Abe’s room because there was a time when I was really into shit like that. You’re def going to see a lot of dvd and cd posts. And I won’t even watch them ahead of time hahaha I’m just going to post it like a normal dude with no thoughts about it like here remember this. I might say which ones are my favorite though and hashtag “favorite” them.
Nothing is a surprise. There is no need for yor 3rd eye or whatever. I’m telling y’all straight up.
Oh here’s something random: so you know my neighbor that has the vroom vroom car? Lol neighbor gossip.. but my mom told me that he isn’t here anymore because he got some issue with the fam. I mean haven’t been hearing him come to and fro so maybe he’s really gone. If this wasn’t the ultimate break up season, I don’t know what is.
Thirty minutes left
Who’s going to be the lucky lady in 2021 going to let me squeeze assets 😂 all hopeful
Now my neighbor is really pumping music. Yeah Thursday night party woooo because tomorrow is Friday we ain’t got shit to do woooo
My parents are already asleep and we had BJ’s for dinner
But that isn’t that kind of BJ I’m looking forward to 😂
Everybody grab their drinks it’s almost time to
Out with your
I wonder which one of y’all are going to end up moving somewhere next year because either you finally got enough whatever to get out of yor forsaken town or you simply needed a new environment. I would say one of y’all is going to get pregnant but I doubt it 😂
15 minutes left.. 15 minutes of fame? Someone’s going to get some internet job or join some popping networking team, might start doing twitch videos or something . Idk or they started a merch page. Those are the more likely things to happen unless you’ve been low key studying online and/or going to teach on the internet which is something my moms been pushing on me in 2020 but you know my Steelo. Live dAnGeRoUsLy uNsTaBle lol
10 minutes. If fireworks doesn’t do the explosion of the century at midnight foo is even more poosy than I thought because he just wasted his big ones when it didn’t even matter lolol
Patience is a virtue. For fireworks it’s like
He hasn’t masturbated for weeks and he needed it pronto lmao
You know? It’s like why fuck an average shawty when you can wait and get a dime
Fireworks is doing popcorn hits and there’s 8 minutes. C’mon son firepower 😂
Wasn’t believable try again
5 minutes left . That’s all I need. Meet me in the bathroom and bend over lmao
Can you imagine cumming at midnight
That’ll be the day
3 minutes.. at this rate we’re starting the new year off with same ol same ol by Monday we’re going to just feel cold
2? Oh you ain’t that excited too? 😎
Might start making music with my unc in 2021 never know
1 minute
Missy Elliott? 😂
Happy new year.
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