#random Latin info
seven-thewanderer · 2 months
okay random question:
Is anyone who sees my stuff interested in my flower cow species?
I know I talk about it a lot but just. I like talking about them. And I’m curious if anyone else is too :3
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amelie-isnt-french · 8 months
I'll bite.
I need to know about the red string conspiracy doc.
Sounds very fun
I have been WAITING for this. Get ready for the combined brainrot of @alice-apparently and I, you poor soul. Now, listen up, 'cause we’ve got a labrynthine twisted task of a tale to tell, and if you don’t keep up, you might get lost :)
And obviously: spoilers for tmagp. don't keep reading if you're behind 🫵🏼
First things first: anyone currently descending into paranoia? we're already there, poster children of paranoia-land, that's us. May I present the title of the wonderful conspiracy doc -
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There's also a TMA conspiracy doc Ali made, fully colour- episode- and entity-coordinated. It's like 24k words and not even fully done. don't worry about it.
Which is why we're going to be super normal and low-key about the Protocol red string doc right?
of course.
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As you can see above, our collaboration relies on Ali's colour coding and her making nice, structured observations of possibly important things, while I provide the Latin and cheer her on. Balance is important in a marriage.
Also included in this all-round package: character info, quotes, etc.
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I've since moved on from my "Gwen is evil" theory because I simply love socially awkward, abrasive characters who are good at their job a little too much (nervously shuffles Jonathan Sims, the Archivist, further behind my back). Still the hottest bitch at the OIAR, don't @ me.
Also also, in this house we love Alice Dyer and don't trust her any further than we can throw her. what is UP with all your comments Alice? What do you know???
But Ames, you say, didn't you promise quotes? I did, and I'll do you one better: tmagp quotes with additional obnoxious commentary from yours truly and Ali
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If you'd like to see Ali lose her shit over the red canary implications (which I fully support), hop over to her tumblr @alice-apparently and give it a read. It's delightful.
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Right. Moving on from the random screenshots. Basic outline of part one of the paranoia board is a section for every episode. Ali is listening to ep7 as I write this and having a great time (not), so there's not much in the ep7 section, except for this:
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Thoughts and prayers, love, thoughts and prayers.
And FINALLY, my favourite section.
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This is the speculation part, time line puzzle and colour coding reference, but my current favourite is this:
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She's trying to reverse-engineer the case coding in tmagp, a noble cause. Godspeed, Ali, bc that is too many numbers for my silly little brain. I only excel at criticising stupid horror protagonists aka Personal Screening:
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That's all for now.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk, and to send you all off, one last silly comment from me to you and the universe:
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fairuzfan · 6 months
hi! I'm a linguistics major who's been interested in learning both modern standard arabic and palestinian arabic for a while now, but I've never gotten a chance to. (as a side note, we used some minimal palestinian arabic data in phonology and morphology, so I happen to have some base familiarity with the consonant inventory). my courses wrap up tomorrow, so I'll have until september to learn some of the basics.
I know you've posted some palestinian arabic learning resources on here before, which I plan on accessing. I was just wondering if you'd happen to know of any palestinian linguists, or perhaps could direct me to some blogs or sites that could help me out? in particular, I'd be interested in learning the language through the lens of the international phonetic alphabet, as a frame of reference for pronunciations. while I'm aware that the ipa is, unfortunately, rather western-centric, I plan on utilizing it purely as a learning aide. if you're aware of anything that might help me out, or know anyone who I could reach out to for more info, please do let me know!!
also, sorry to make an already long-winded ask even longer, but are there any common conventions when typing/writing arabic using the latin alphabet that I should know of, in case I come across it? while I absolutely plan on learning the arabic alphabet first and foremost, should I ever *need* to use the latin alphabet, it would be nice to know of writing conventions that arabic speakers might use.
thanks for taking the time to read this ask! it's a long one, but I just wanted to put it out here. also, thank you so much for the work you do on this blog. it's been an invaluable resource for me to get educated on the ongoing genocide, the history of palestine, and the beauty of palestinian culture. your posts have really encouraged me to go out of my way to learn a language and engage with a culture I wasn't previously very familiar with, and for that, I'm so grateful. 💜
thanks again! have a great day!
I'm sorry I don't know much about linguistics but that sounds really cool. There's actually a method for us to write in Latin letters to represent certain sounds and letters through digital communication (for example we use 7 to distinguish to h sound we say from the back of the throat as opposed to the softer h sound — ح as 7 and ه as h respectively).
If you see random numbers sometimes in the middle of words, that usually means that we wanna make sure that the full meaning is conveyed without ambiguity.
If someone else has resources about linguistics, lmk!
Thank you so much for saying this also, I really appreciate it!
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dominicdelagol2 · 1 month
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Planning to try out Auctober again this October! Feel free to join in and draw for each prompt! List of prompts and their context below:
1: Red Instead - Instead of the blue puzzle piece as displayed by Autism $peaks, we light it up red instead!
2: Special Interests - Anything you love the most in your life!
3: Music - Music is always nice to listen to, especially video game music!
4: Comfort Food - Food is yummy. Fast food is even yummier because why wouldn't it be?
5: Stim / Verbal Stims - Stims include making mouth noises and waving your arms back and forth for comfort!
6: Stim Toys - Fidget cubes, spinners, squeezable toys, etc. -- they can be fun to use!
7: Sensory Euphoria - Some things can make you most happy, whether it's eating chicken with queso dip, seeing a light-filed city during night time, store candles with a good food-like smell, you name it!
8: Hyperfixation - One particular thing you're focused on so much! It can be the periodic table, a video game series, painting, anything you can think of!
9: Info Dumping - Wanna know what one thing is? Then you'll wanna be ready for a detailed explanation going at least 200-pages long!
10: Neurotypical Expectations - Neurotypicals expect an awful lot from autistic people. For all we know, some random guy might expect you to know how to build an aircraft carrier! Of course, that's just me haha
11: Jobs...? Where? - Obviously, there are TONS of open jobs available, but whatever jobs ARE open, workers and its managers expect you to work, and work, and work, and work, and work, and work...without considering your overall health at all, nor giving you a long-enough break to help you catch your breath physically and mentally.
12: The Outside World - Outside is scary. No matter how safe you are, there's a tiny chance something bad or worse will happen. Society can even expect you to be "normal".
13: Social Anxiety - It's hard enough making friends, let alone be an extrovert. Chances are, one could have sociophobia!
14: Self-Advocacy - Nothing about us without us! Seriously, neurotypical adults have talked about autism and didn't include autistics in the conversation. (got that from one of my Auctober 2023 drawings)
15: Self-Care - Self-care is important! Make sure to brush your teeth, eat and drink healthy, exercise and whatnot!
16: LGBTQIA+ - Autistic people are more likely to be LGBTQIA+!
17: Rainbow Infinity - Rainbows are a whole spectrum of colors! Same with the autistic spectrum--all sorts of different experiences!
18: Au-DHD - ADHD, but "A" is replaced with "Au" as in aurum, which is Gold in Latin. ADHD can mean one is hyperactive!
19: Too Much Energy - The energy builds up too fast and you just have to exercise to tone it down! Of course, the energy could vary, sometimes being suddenly energetic when you just need to sleep.
20: Out-of-Nowhere Info/Fact - Say you're doing a simple job like vacuuming. All you have to do is move the vacuum on the floor as you hold the handle, thus cleaning the floor. Simple, yes? Well, surprise -- some guy sucker punches you with random information such as "Hey buddy! Vacuums use more electricity when you turn the vacuum on and off rather than letting it stay on!" (I've actually been told that one time, and the info sounding unconfirmed to me, it just left me in a long mental stasis of confusion) Like, when did anyone ask for a detailed fact about something that's SUPPOSED TO BE SIMPLE? I don't have time to comprehend an entire page of info, I just like to keep things SIMPLE as you neurotypicals tell me to my face.
21: School Experience - Experience can include elementary school, middle school, high school, college -- You can explain a particular event or two during any of these time periods!
22: Routine - A little something every day or now and then to stay consistent! Daily tasks can included 3 meals a day, staying productive or such!
23: Unmasking - Unmasking is not easy. Defending yourself from the unpredictable world, trying to blend in with society -- it's exhausting! Let the autistic community just be what they wish to be already.
24: Autistic Viewpoint - How do you view the world as an autistic?
25: America (Derogatory) - This one might not need an introduction -- America, the "Land of the Free" and the "Land of Opportunities", sure likes to screw us all over! Police are too paranoid, justice is a load of baloney, daily gun violence anywhere and everywhere, dangerous bigots normalizing the R-slur, then you have big and popular figures here smearing the autistic community into a negative light...and the list of bad things never stops growing! A very cruel country, like not even cartoon villains are this mean-spirited! How is the autistic community supposed to exist in peace when the USA is basically nothing but trouble? Happy 4th of July, I guess...
26: Comfort Media/Games - A TV show or video game is always nice to play and keep calm when times get tough out there!
27: Fancy Wording - A series of five-dollar words can arrive rather than a simple "yes" or "not" to suffice. Sometimes, fancy words such as Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis can be fun to learn about!
28: Gold - Gold is part of the periodic table, atomic number 79! Light it up gold instead of blue for Autism Acceptance! 'Au' as in Aurum, and autism!
29: Neurodivergent Community - There's all sorts of Neurodivergent people worth seeing! They all have different experiences!
30: Autistic Pride - Autistic and proud!
31: FREE SPACE -- Explain any topic you wish!
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deeyaacademia · 4 months
hello, i’m deeya.
i have started this studyblr to document my academic journey to become a chartered accountant one day. i hope you support me, and we build a lovely community xx
i’m seventeen years old and i graduated from high school a few months ago. i have decided to pursue chartered accountancy along with bcom or bcom hons (still not sure).
college will start in fall, and currently i’ll spend my summer working to complete ca foundation.
fav shows: anne with an e, derry girls, suits, supernatural, vampire diaries, brooklyn 99, bojack horseman, stranger things, umbrella academy, gravity falls, and so many more.
fav movies: dead poets society (comfort movie), little women, any 2000s bollywood, any coming-of-age film and anything marvel and star wars!!
fav artists: hozier, lorde, lana del rey, taylor swift, ethel cain, mitski and the cranberries. (i’ll listen to anything, i swear)
fav books: the secret history, the picture of dorian gray, all rick riordan books, the hunger games, a good girl’s guide to murder, the bell jar, harry potter series, the shadowhunter chronicles.
fav writers/poets: dostoyvesky, sylvia plath!!(i love her), oscar wilde, jane austen, mary shelley, and franz kafka.
other fun facts:
i am a big reader, well used to be, but i now i don’t have enough time for it (shameful i know)
i am also an aspiring writer! i am currently working on two novels and i even have an writersgram (shush i’m not disclosing it yet)
i love stories about history, greek mythology, hindu mythology and everything about those.
i speak three languages but i want to learn atleast seven.
i had a huge dark academia phase, and i seriously love greek and latin so much.
i love fangirling over everything & have like 1089211 obsessions that i go crazy about.
i have so many random hobbies i can’t even mention them all (knitting, baking, art, gardening…)
i want to make a short film all by myself and i’m learning more about filmatography.
i am a literature, classics, history girl at my core but i don’t know why i have chosen to study finance, law, business and accounts instead??
my dream is to move out of my hometown (probably to london, it’s my fave city) and buy a little house and have 11 cats.
that’s already too much info about me, i’d love to befriend all of you in the comments, feel free to strike a conversation about anything xx
with love,
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meekmedea · 5 months
hello!! i absolutely love your time-travel au!! i saw on one of your posts that you said you have a lot of thoughts on the dovecote family- i was wondering if you’d be willing to share any of those thoughts?
Hi!! So happy to hear you've been enjoying the time-travel au :)
I'd love to share Dovecote family thoughts and to hear your (and also everyone's) thoughts as well!
So without further adieu...
Dovecote Family Lore
Some background info - TBOSAS mentions the old guard for some families in the book and I sort of took that idea and ran haha
So within the various families that make up the old guard, I like to imagine a hierarchy exists within them. There's families at the very top and also minor houses
And all these families that are part of the old guard have family crests and even Latin mottos to distinguish themselves from the nouveau riche and the lower classes (both Capitol and District) Is it a bit pretentious? Yes. But that's part of the fun
I see 'Dovecote' as one of the minor houses - old enough for the Latin motto and family crest, but not as prestigious as 'Ravinstill' or even 'Phibbs'
family crest ideas: a dove? a pair of them? idk but I'd like to incorporate the bird into it
motto ideas: I have like way too many, but these are my current favourites (My translations might be a bit rough 😅)
Alis grave nil (nothing [is] heavy with wings)
Ad astra per aspera (to the stars through difficulties)
Amata bene (well loved)
Cor aut mors (heart or death)
Also THIS idea that the Dovecote family is well-respected amongst the old-guard, but nobody knows where they first made their money/wealth and where exactly it comes from right now
I think it'd be funny if nobody in the Capitol can agree on how the Dovecotes are part of the old guard. They just sort of appeared one day on records and that was that
Nevertheless there are theories: some say the family is built on blood money (ie. a crime family /mercenaries /assassins elevated to the old guard either through blackmail or some notorious deed). There's some that think they're some vassal house that was elevated to this standing for some good deed or other 
Also Dovecote clementines 🤭 (I keep adding this to a lot of my other AUs)
They're as tied to the Dovecotes as roses are tied to the Snows
The fruit are especially sweet when compared to the average clementine and nobody has a clue where their supply comes from
They have it year round even when they're not in season
It's a semi-recent thing, it started in Clemensia's parents' time as teenagers
For the Dovecotes, the clementines are a way to communicate things - there is no one thing it represents (ie. I love you / be careful / you are dear to me etc. )
Random lore about our Dovecote family members in this AU
Clemensia is an only child
Endymion Dovecote and Aelia Dovecote née Beauchamp have a running joke whose charm Clemmie inherited (it's Endymion, the Dovecote genes are strong here)
like father, like daughter, especially the Dovecote smile. Also both of them seem to be able to befriend anyone, they really do have friends everywhere
Endymion is an indulgent husband and father
I had this in a different AU, but I liked it enough to want to maybe add it here; how part of the Dovecotes being sort of anonymous in their circles is because of their control on the media - unless Endymion approves it, nothing about the family is published. Especially if it's about his daughter
Because the movie promo had Clemmie talk about D1 and D5, I decided to connect D1 to her mother's family.
Her mother (Aelia) comes from a merchant family - so, wealthy but not part of the old guard. The Beauchamp family owns a jewelry business, Lavinium. And pre-war that was THE place for the elite to shop at
Clemensia stands in line to inherit the business from her maternal uncle (family inheritance in the Beauchamp family can be messy hehe. Doesn't help that her uncle has no children of his own and instead has 2 sisters with their own children)
Actually there's this one dialogue I have about Clemensia between Livia Cardew and her own father - inspired by that line in Dune
Livia has a bit of a motive here to be Clemmie's friend and to stay her friend
Livia's mother owns the biggest bank in Panem, there's no way she doesn't hear from her parents about her classmates' family's finances
Livia's father is probably one of the only people to have a semi-good grasp on what the Dovecote finances are like because he manages the accounts
Livia's father: I hear you've recently become good friends with the Dovecote girl. Well done. Make sure to keep her close.
Livia (age 8): Because she's a possible heir to Lavinium?
Livia's father: No. Because she is Endymion's daughter.
Because the Capitol is still recovering, Lavinium isn't earning as much as it had pre-war. And the Dovecote accounts don't have any deposits from them either
Yet the Dovecote family is considered is recovering quicker than anyone can explain
The salary of the secretary of energy pays well, but not that well.
Dovecote family rumours are hard at work again haha
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dieinct · 2 years
someone asked so i am going to tell you my secret tips and tricks for using google sheets to create vocab testers for yourself.
step 1: make a google sheet that has all your vocab in it. this is the part that takes the longest. depending on the language, i usually make different categories for parts of speech - so i make a tab each for nouns, verbs, adjectives, + other.
this is harder if you are taking a language with lots of multi-part vocab words, it's not as effective for me for e.g. latin/greek principal parts - it works best if there's one form you can supply
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in the sheets themselves, usually have the first column for the chapter the word is from, second column for the word itself, third column for english definition, fourth column for anything special (irregular forms or usages, etc). like this! you can also personalize a little sheet by sheet (e.g. for nouns I need a gender column, whereas don't for verbs, etc.), but try to keep the first three columns consistent because it'll make it easier to copy them into a quiz sheet later.
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the thing that's nice about doing this as a spreadsheet is in those kabob buttons in the top of each row. you can create a filter, and then sort A->Z for words in foreign languages (so right now you can see that one sheet is sorted alphabetically and the other one by chapter).
i also make another sheet for "quizzing" and i'll copy whatever I want to study into that doc. I usually only copy in the word/definition columns, and then you can select those words (make sure to get both columns, the words + their definitions!)
you can then do data -> randomize range in google sheets and it'll shuffle them into a random order. (btw - DO NOT DO THIS on your master list sheets, just on the quizzing sheet! you WILL accidentally forget to highlight a column at some point and completely fuck yourself. safer to keep a separate sheet for that.) that way you don't get stuck quizzing yourself in the same random order
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you can then hide the column you don't want to see (so hide the english if you want to quiz your reading recognition/comprehension, or hide the foreign text if you want to practice producing in your target language) and guess in the blank columns. once you've gone through your list you can unhide the "correct answers" column and see how your answers match
i like this because it's pretty versatile - you can copy in e.g. ALL NOUNS and see how you do with them, or if you keep getting "words that start with a certain letter" confused you can sort all vocab alphabetically and just pull those out, or you can pull just the vocab from the last 5 chapters. you can decide to include all your little "irregular" notes and see if you remember those irregular forms as well or just make sure you can more or less recognize a word when you see it. and it's really easy to change what you want to look at on any given day.
i will also admittedly usually do this mixed manual/digital - i retain info much better when i handwrite it, so basically i use this to generate a vocab list and then i write out my guesses/answers on paper and then go back and compare to the spreadsheet. if that makes sense.
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manwiththemagic · 5 days
spn s1 ep4 "Phantom Traveler"
more notes on my rewatch!!
OMG this is the demon episode isn't it? IT IS ISN'T IT? IS IT???
ew an airport. Post 2001 too damn ☹️
"you know what are the odds of dying in a plane crash? 20-1?" BRO. not helping the puking man..
In through the eyes? That got retconned.
WHY WAS SHE NOT MORE FREAKED OUT HE HAD BLACK EYES. chick you are the reason everyone's dead.
HOW DID HE JUST OPEN THAT?? demon strength???
Rip plane
Wait does this mean demons could have done 9/11? wowza...
Early bird Sam!! “good morning sunshine!"
“you get some sleep?” “yeah.” “liar. Cause I was up at 3 and you were watching infomercials” LMAOOOO but also d'awhhhh :((( the nightmares!!
“it's not just her.. It's everything.” THE VISIONS FUCK YES. YES. YESYSYSHSHG
I love the visions plot lines!!
“your never afraid?” “no man, never.” *Sam pull out a knife from under deans pillow.* LMAOOO CLOCK HIS ASS!!
“Thats not fear.” uhhuh...
reminds me of hunter corp Dean who legit has a private jet..
Random guy calls Dean about the plane issue whaaaa
oh gosh. “yeah he was real proud of ya! Talked about you all the time.” “...he did..?” FUCK.
I still I hate john. I HATE EM. always will 😋
“welp we're missing the old man, we get Sam! Even trade” “aha. No. not by a long shot.” THATS RIGHT. CAUSE UR BETTER MF. uhm anyways.. I like this old guy, hope he doesn't end up SAD AND DEPRESSED LIKE ALL THE OTHER OLD GUYS IN THE OAST 3 EPISODES.
Monster porn live on tape? LMAO JKJK!! demon gotta stop moaning tho.
They definitely aren't showing the crash because they don't have the budget, not because it's locked in a warehouse and you don't have clearance..
Wtf is Evp?
LMAO THE FAKE ASS “nOoOooo survIvoRsSss” they did NOT get that mf off the tape.
Dude sees shit, and is now in a ward. Common. Common.
sams puppy dog eyes back at it.
Black eyes 😋 OOOGA!!
okay wait why tf is this demon doing this. They don't just “do evil”...
This guy isn't a monster bro..
Wait are they actually going to the wreckage?
“you look like a seventh grader at his first dance! ☺️” SAM PLS.
OMG wait they had the budget holy shit
LMAO HELP ME HELP ME “what is that?” “its an E.M.F. reader.” “no I know what an E.M.F. is. Why does it look like a busted up walkman?” “cause that's what I made it out of! ☺️ It's homemade!!” “yea.. I can tell😒” SAM WOAH DON'T KILL EM!! LMAOSKSK
Sulfur on handle!!!
Oh shit actual homeland security is there..
Run bitch runnnn!!
This poor pilot.. it wasn't your fault :(((
Oh shit he possessed.
Babies first demon.
Everytime.. 40 minutes in.. WTF
and another crash.. fun..
“this isn't our normal gig..” how WRONG you are pal..
“this is big.” it's really not.. you fight GOD. by s2 demons are nothing to you. By s4 Sam's fucking one. By s6 Sam's been tortured for 100's of year by an ex-archangel who's basically his ex 🤷. By s13 your son is part ARCHANGEL. sooo...
Rip chuck Lambert— SORRY CHUCK? mbmb..
Nazareth?? Wtf is this demon on?
40 minutes? Wtf biblical numbers..?
Okay they got the flight attendant on the phone.
and she hung up.. girl your COOKED!!
Deans plane fear!! LMAOOO.
“your joking right..?" “DO I LOOK LIKE IM JOKING?? Why do you think I drive everywhere SAM??” LMAOSOSO
LMAOO DEAN WAS BORN TO BE A TEEN GIRL. “really..? Ugh... Man..” while rocking back in forth. He's so REAL LMAOSOS
Dean looks like he has PTSD LMAOOO
“your humming Metallica??” “it calm me down.!” LMAOOOO
“Hey! Say it in Latin!” “i know.” “Hey! In latin it's 'cristo'” “i know!!” LMAO I LOVE THEM.
“cristo.” “sorry I didn't..?” “cristo.” “??” “nevermind.”
Sam is honestly way kinder than me. I'd be making FUN of Dean but nah he's just like "no it's OKAYYYY just some turbulence dwdw.."
Dean you are so awkward.. it's def mr smiley
They found em!! It wasn't mr smiley damn..
Awh shucks.
okay all good now.
Nono demons killed jess. It wasn't wrong.
John redirecting calls to dean.. mf come ONNNNNNNN
Sam's peeved, rightfully so omg..
Kinda meh for an important episode.
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Muse + User Info!
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Muse Information:
Name: Jerico "Merchant" Aurum Age: Early to mid 20s. Ocupation: Merchant Gender: Genderfluid Pronouns: She/they/he/xe/stars/dragons Planet of origin: Argentum (Inspired in Argentina) Mechanism: Muscles and tendons Species: human/fish/lizard hybrid (user is undecided) Role in the band: Co-singer Song: Homebound Maiden Of Gold (fan made) Relationships: Romantic: Jonny d'ville//Gunpowder Tim Platonic: Gadget the explorer,The Toy Soldier,Raphaella La Cognizi,Ashes o'riley,Drumbot Brian Familial: Nastya Rasputina (sister) Marius Von Raum (Younger brother) Pets: Black cat, capybara (dont ask/j),cockatoo. Backstory: Playlist: (wip) In-depth relationship explanation: (wip)
User info:
early,early 20s
Latine (Argentine)
Genderfluid (she/they/he/xe/stars/dragons)
Use they/them for simplicity sake in asks
INFJ// Virgo.
Currently in winter break (asks are welcome!)
Art + asks :3c (and random posts)
please, use latine rather than Latinx, its the preffered term for us native spanish speakers. (easier to pronounce)
Ask games im taking: this, this and this. Slow day starter//Busy Day starter.
Divider by Anitalenia.
Just here to have fun! (Not taking this super serius. But happy to mold myself to narratives n stuff)
>Asks are currently open!
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noemilivv · 8 months
I was waiting for an opening as I saw you had match ups available and would love to see who you'd put me with.
Preference for male characters from Hazbin Hotel
About me: You can call me Claire. I'm AFAB she/her, 5'3", panromantic demisexual. I'm Tim Burton pale, brown eyes, messy curly bob brown hair, glasses with glasses chains usually, chubby but strong, dress either romantic gothic feminine or butch cryptidcore, like no in between, never wear make up because sensory hell.
Some type of neurodivergent but not diagnosed specifically. I tend to know a little about a lot of things due to jumping from focus to focus. Queen of Dad jokes, rather blunt since I'm not subtle. Aside from English can speak Latin, some Gaelic, some Spanish, a little bit of Turkish/Arabic, Church Greek and Slavonic, and random phrases in Russian, German, and Italian. I'm ENFP, Ares cabin from PJO if that means anything.
I teach preschool, love children as they're so fun to be around and the possibilities they have ahead are wonderful. I also bake, sew, knit, read tons of books, collect rocks and other nature stuff, tend to the gardens, I sing in my choir, and like to listen to music. Not specific music genres that I care for, more vibes, but been into some Bauhaus lately, along with SJ Tucker and The Dead South.
My faith is important to me, I even am considering pursuing becoming a religious sister at a convent, like a nun.
I do love horror, romantic gothic poetry (Think Poe and the like), analog horror(DOAI, Mandela Catalogue), Dr. Who, bad b movies (think Redletter media level bad), animation in general, HB HH, stuff like that, I read everything and anything so long as the narrative is interesting or the subject is a hyperfixation of mine, such as Religions, Mythology, History relating to late Medieval to Elizabethan, textiles, fantasy, or speculative biology (like thought potato on youtube). I also do dress in character for the Renaissance Festival, people assume I work there as I have season passes for the last 5 years and attend all weekends from open to close.
I tend to be a sweet tooth, love any chocolate, baked goods with richness or chocolate flavors, drink lots of coffee, tea, sweet red wines, mead, rum based cocktails or dark malty beers if we're going alcohol, though I tend to be the driver if I'm going to party somewhere. My giving love language is touch and words, along with acts of service. My receiving love language is words, touch, and gift giving. I love to cook or make gifts for others, usually don't expect it in turn.
I'm loud, maternal, weirdly dark yet wholesome, and able to lift a toilet with my bare hands up two flights of stairs. I tend to talk either like a southern grandma or terminally online weirdo with random swears. When friends have a bad breakup I'm like do you want a hug or does someone have to die?
In relationships I can be very talkative, but also in a sense the less dominant partner. Like, I handle the day to day, but not great at organizing the dates, the stuff like that's more romantic. I'd hope my partner could handle that part. I'm also romantically easily flustered. Like squeaking and burning red in the face from genuine good flirting.
So hope you can find someone right for me, God Bless you dear.
hello claire!! i decided to pair your with…
Lucifer !!
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First of, he loves your love of kids, and let’s be real, he probably has a love of kids as well, as much as Charlie is an adult, he would probably eagerly introduce you to her after finding out this tidbit of info
Honestly, to him, you give off very strong, emotional support wifey vibes and honestly he is all in for it haha
Lucifer doesn’t mind that you can be very talkative, infact, he enjoys it.
He tries to make it fairly easy when it comes to planning dates for you, so most of the time, you both just stay in
Also, Luci is definitely someone who gets flustered easily, so you both just end up giddy and smiley at eachothers shy little flirty comments and it’s the most heart warming thing
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callooopie · 1 month
Chat I’m trying to come back T-T send request maybe? (Or u can say hi too)
I’ve been doing a lotta homework and studying (grind doesn’t stop). And I’ve been thinking abt young Al Pacino in The Godfather and Adrien Brody in Peaky Blinders (sighhhhhh). Long story short, Russian cursive is hard and medieval(?) latin is evil, I also hunger for more info about Mafia 4… Anyway we persevere! Lowkeyyyy I’ve been working on a piece on Ao3. But it’s bad and idk if it’ll see the light of day. I wanna expand this blog into other things but I’m unsure how to… hm
Anyways. Since I’ve been stuck trying to come up with ideas, maybe others have some? Fair warning, I have not kept up with HOTD. I’ve been watching asmr cafe videos while I do homework. I’ve tagged a few of my respective fandoms/interests so if this pops up u can say hi. IDK the etiquette of tagging things, I know it’s annoying to see random things in “X reader” stuff but idk where else to go!
Anyways that’s it. There’s a tweet down below
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lunareclipsa1026 · 1 year
Genshin Impact x Twisted Wonderland AU
First Look (is that what we should call it? IDK)
(since I'm a lazy ass. I decided to make this in Gacha, it's simple and easy for me)
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Info bout our twst squad down next:
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Yuuri/Yuu & Grim
Element: Pyro (Grim is the vision haha)
Weapon: Sword
Constellation: Historia Libri
Affiliation: Twisted Wonderland
Birthday: 01/20
- An individual from a world of magic with their partner, a monster named Grim. Despite having no magic or power, their talent in leading & supporting makes up for it.
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Ace Trappola
Element: Anemo
Weapon: Polearm
Constellation: Uentum Corda
Affiliation: Twisted Wonderland
Birthday: 09/23
- A mischievous otherworlder with a blunt outspoken demeanor & brutal honesty. His skill in tricks & deception comes in handy to get away with things.
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Deuce Spade
Element: Geo
Weapon: Catylyst
Constellation: Precare Ligones
Affiliation: Twisted Wonderland
Birthday: 06/03
- A serious & straightforward hardworker from another world. He won't hesitate to use his fist & lash out to settle things in his delinquent persona. His mindset of instinct & intellect makes him a slow learner however.
There designs might change a bit, mainly Ace & Deuce, cause I'm still thinking of a good design for them
For Constellations (aside from Yuu) I based them off from the coffin loading screen in Twst. Like Riddle is a rose, Jack is a wolf, Silver is a sword, & vice versa. I just translate the names to latin, since most of the constellation names in Genshin are latin. Yuuri is basically a story book.
I'm still deciding which of them will be a support, dps, sub dps, etc. I already have an idea what their skills and burst will be like
They will have their own Signature Weapons, which I'm working on.
Will they reveal to the Genshin Characters that they from another world (aside from Traveler and Paimon cause they know as well as other characters that know) ? Hmmm I'm still deciding. Option 1: they will, or Option 2: they can lie and say they are from a hidden unknown land in Teyvat called the Isle of Sage, a land where magic is in the air.
Grim is still the same stupid cat we all know and love in this au, but he'll also be Hmmm what's the word? Smarter? A bit wise? Idk, this takes place after the 1st years graduated from 4th year so he gain knowledge.
My Yuu in this, in a Future AU, they became the new headmaster of NRC. In this they are basically a substitute headmaster whenever Crowley is out. And this is also helps Yuuri for learning experience.
They are around 19-20 in this au.
Anyway, I think this all. I would prolly make some headcanons of this au. That would be fun. Oh maybe some voice lines as well.
This is just a random au I made of 2 of my favorite games.
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letyukisayfuck · 6 months
Do you have any ideas on Kyon's real name? The fact that we still don't know it drives me freaking crazy.
one time someone said the official latin american spanish translations reveal their take on it from the get-go but i never received any followup info on that and it haunts me
i'm personally partial to the concept that it's kyonosuke sudo or something along those lines. thank you to a random youtube comment for converting me to this line of thought (apparently it can be translated to mean something along the lines of 'servant of mystery'? i like it.)
it could also be a number of things, though. (i do think 'his actual name is john smith' is funny, but probably not correct)
the major hints we have toward his name are that his nickname comes from his relatives and happened to catch on, his actual name is iirc considered to be noble and old-fashioned in some way (am i imagining that someone said it was ill-suited to him? what am i thinking of. this is gonna bug me all day), and depending on the originally class 1-5 seating system we may be able to narrow down the start of his last name
something i consider interesting is i'm pretty sure we have no source for how haruhi, kyon, or mikuru's first names are written in kanji. kyon and haruhi use katakana and kyon's real name is a mystery; mikuru uses hiragana.
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beesmygod · 1 year
bea what's the best wiki for diving into bloodborne lore. theres like 5 of those
[looks at you emptily with only darkness and evil in my heart] none of them
this is a good reason why good, consistent and coherent bloodborne lore is impossible to find. there are three...er. four. bloodborne wikis.
fextralife: frequently wrong, poorly maintained, and permitted randoms to use the wiki to post their lore theories like they were world of god. i guess theres a bunch of ads and streams and shit covering the pages too but i have them blocked. at the very least they might have the item descriptions on the page which is the bare minimum for lore diving.
fandom: has all the problems that a fandom.com based wiki has when it comes to navigation but at least it uses the correct names for enemies and has at least one editor who can translate jpn. the speculation is way less unhinged and while it has more info on the setting and characters, if you need actual gameplay info (like item drop locations or what enemies take bonus damage from special weapons, all lore things!) then youre shit out of luck
e: also the latin lyrics that were listed here were completely wrong
bloodborne-wiki: the crown jewel of the bloodborne fandom when it comes to raw data and information. its drier than uncooked rice but absolutely comprehensive when it comes to numbers, detailed maps, interviews, cut content, tomb prospecting (a term used for the exploration of randomly generated chalice dungeons), data-mining and more. but god fucking help you if you want to look at an image of anything in the game bc all they will offer you is the single most worthless 125px x 125px blurry jpg. i have no idea why no wiki has prioritized getting well lit reference images of all things when the game can be hacked to do so.
oh and...wikidot: well. theyre trying their best
i basically have to use all of them and hop between them looking for what i want. nightmare mode
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ruxluvsanic · 6 months
RANDOM INFO YOU NEED TO KNOW ABT CHARLOTTE ‼️‼️‼️‼️(I wrote a whole lore HELP 🙏💀 btw english is not my first languege but still, enjoyy)
Name: Charlotte
Mastery title: A walking disaster!
Rarity: Epic
Class: Controller
Voice claim: Smth similar to Gumball Watterson from TAWOG
Health: 3400 (Lv. 1. Grows +250 on every level up)
Movement speed: Fast (She runs)
Range: Long (Similar to Mandy)
Attack power: 1300 damage (On every level up it grows +150, after a enemy gets hitted by a ammo of Charlotte, gets burnred for 10 seconds and 350 damage per second)
Attack: Firework bullet (Mimics her hand like a gun and her bullets are fireworks. She has 3 aims and charges an ammo in 1.5 seconds)
Super Attack: 1. Chaotic Showtime (She will spin and while doing it will shoot tones of fireworks in a circle making chaos)
2. Shadow puppet (She turns herself in a shadow and will possed a enemy and then controlling them for 10 seconds)
3. Pocky petards (Charlotte will throw a pack of petards that each of them will cause 350 damage for 20 seconds in a area)
Gatget: 1. Whoosh! (The gatget will give her a boost long enough like Collete's super, leaving behind her back some fire that who will pass on it will get slighly burned and 50 damage)
2. Confetti boom! (The gatget gets usefull if the brawler is close to an enemy, pops a explosion of confetti that stones the enemy for 6 seconds and 890 damage; chargers per match: 3)
Star Power: 1. Dizzy lights (Charlotte's attack with slow down the enemy for 15 seconds and 1400 damage (+100 damage attack) when she's 500 below health)
2. Flamma Mahemium ((Translate from latin: Flame of mayhem) Charlotte's attack after hitting a enemy will double and triple pass the time (Like Chester's))
Descripion: Used to be a little wooden puppet and bringed to life by the effect of the gems and a mix of spells from a wizard that was owning her, Charlotte learned before her mentor passing away about diffrent spells to use them to became a witch as she wanted. After that event, she got a job as a performer in The Starr Park at its Bizzare Circus to impress people with her chaotic spells and tones of bright colors!
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t4t4t · 1 year
About your beaddle post, I've seen the word float around for years without ever being able to find any information about what it means nor it's history (I've genuinely tried finding info myself but I haven't had any succes). I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it or point me in the direction of some info on it. feel free to ignore this ofc.
Well Phoenix chrisdornerfanclub wrote a post about it that I would link but she has me blocked for other reasons. The user baeddel has had a semi tradition of making history posts about the word and has updated that a few times but you could imagine how hard it is to try find posts with that when her name is that, just pulls up random posts from her whole blog. I'm pretty sure other users have made commentaries on it over the years, especially with the transunity debacle. (autogyne-redacted possibly?) But yeah I would have followed Yillow, morphodyke, and baeddel in 2017 so I became attached to the word between those two moments.
Well anyway to be brief, it partially comes from Old English law texts that forbade intercourse with a baedling, and gave a worse punishment for a baedling fornicating with a baedling. Baedan is an anarchist journal that's been around since 2012 (Yillow told me she was unsure if Baedan 2 was written by the same people as Baedan 1) that references this term baedling, but only once at the start.
(They say: "No Future, Edelman’s magnum opus of queer negativity, offers a series of crucial lessons for baedlings; that is, for those of us whose queerness means the refusal of society and not any negotiation with or within it." Which is some explanation but not much.)
Baedan is a verb that means, to defile. The defiled defiler, think of the anti queer groomer narratives. But this was like, the 13th century, I think. Interestingly, it might have been an invented slur of someone trying to translate a slur from Latin, if I remember correctly from baeddel's posts. But yeah.
Also it's probably where the word bad comes from.
Etymonline says:
c. 1300, "inadequate, unsatisfactory, worthless; unfortunate;" late 14c., "wicked, evil, vicious; counterfeit;" from 13c. in surnames (William Badde, Petri Badde, Asketinus Baddecheese, Rads Badinteheved). Rare before 1400, and evil was more common until c. 1700 as the ordinary antithesis of good. It has no apparent relatives in other languages. It is possibly from Old English derogatory term bæddel and its diminutive bædling "effeminate man, hermaphrodite, pederast," which probably are related to bædan "to defile."
"The orig. word, AS. bæddel, ME. baddel, on account of its sinister import, is scarcely found in literature, but, like other words of similar sense, it prob. flourished in vulgar speech as an indefinite term of abuse, and at length, divested of its original meaning, emerged in literary use as a mere adj., badde, equiv. to the older evil." [Century Dictionary, 1897]
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