#ranboo lore summaries
Wow... it's been forever since I have made a theory, especially one for the Dreamsmp ...
Well, nothing like the present!
WARNING LONG POST!!! If you just want a summary without all the evidence, will put one in the notes!
So... Strange way to start this off... But I think I figured out Ranboo's other half-
A bloody big thing for me to say, I know! But I really do believe I figured it out.
I don't think Ranboo has actually revealed what it is, and with Dreamsmp season 1 over, I don't think we will ever truely know til he out right tells us.
So I figured I would give it a shot.
What if... Ranboo's other half was a player?
Hear me out-
The idea came to me when thinking about the differences between Ranboo and other players on the server.
Most of Ranboo's differences are his Endermen abilities. Other than that, there have been no hints about his other half.
So how do we figure out what the other half is, if it's only his ender side having abilities?
Then it struck me ... Ranboo is really different to the other hybrids on the server... He actually has abilities because of his ender half. No other hybrid on the server has that. Other than one outlier...
Let's look at the examples first.
Example one: Fundy
Fundy is a fox. He should have the ability to jump high and run faster than other players but he can't. He should have the ability to hold stuff in his mouth but can't!
Example two: Sam
Sam is meant to be a creeper, but he too does not have any real abilities. He does have clones, but that was biologically made with science. Not with his powers. He can't explode, and he is not afraid of cats.
Example three: BBH
BBH is a tall demon. I don't really count hight as a ability, but I will say he has that hight because of his demon ancestory. Though, other than that, BBH has no real powers other than what the Egg gives him.
None of these players have abilities. They have physical changes but other than that... Nothing. No super jump, or being able to explode, or even having demonic powers.
The only one who does is...
Outlier: Foolish
Foolish has a lot of physical changes. He is a 23'3 tall Totem shark. He has the ability to bring the dead back to life, strike lightning, and not being able to die. One of those abilities were given by DreamXD but other than that... The other two abilities are his.
The problem with it though... Foolish is a Demigod. Not a player. Not a Hybrid.
We know Gods and Demigods are different to players because we have seen gods, and they are in creative. They are close to players, but they can't die and can do some crazy stuff with their powers.
So to me, Foolish does not count as an outlier but more of a red herring.
So then, if that's the case. What defines a player?
Well from what we can tell. Players are not a definite species. They can be human like, but I don't think they are actually human. Same can be said with the hybrids, they can look like other species, but that does not mean they are hybrids of that species. They just look fox like, or sheep like, or even creeper like. But at the end of the day, they are Players.
Maybe the definition of being a Hybrid Player is that they are a mix between a Player human type and a Player Sheep type. Kinda like how dogs have different types but at the end of the day, they are still a species of dog.
So then, Ranboo is probably a mix between a Player something, (maybe a Ghast.) And a actual Endermen instead of a player Endermen.
In that sense we could also turn to the reason why Ranboo has a Ender-walking state.
This part of the theory comes from the idea of AI vs player, and the fact players can actually log out.
This evidence can be seen by the fact that:
The Pizza hut incident is canon to the lore and that is in the real world
Wilbur's leaving the SMP showed him logging out. Coming to the real world as a human.
The real world is canon to the SMP. The players, have another world they can escape to. When they do, their bodies log out with them and they disappear til they come back. We know this is also canon because of the planning for if someone logs out while in battle by other players, since the fully vanish if that happens.
Mobs can't do that. They can despawn, but they can't actually leave the world.
So what about Ranboo?
Ranboo can log out, we know this since all players can log out.
But, What if when he does log out, his body remains?
Let's take to account for the reasons why a player might log out.
Main reason is to rest in the real world. This could make sense why some players are saying he is "sleep walking." They might think he doesn't log out to rest, and that maybe in the real world, he is messing with his account while relaxing.
Another reason could be out of fear. Might explain the reasons of blacks out that happen when he starts to panic. The player part logs out of fear, leaving the mob in control.
Last reason could be from the fact of having issues with their game. These are usually quick log outs then log back ins, but even so, there is a lot that could happen there. Maybe a lost of internet, maybe their game was being glitchy. All I know, is that it could be seen as short parts of time to forget what you were doing.
With that in mind, it makes sense why Ranboo might enderwalk. He logs out, his body remains, and that's when the code for an Endermen takes over.
I feel like I can go on forever about the reasons why I think Ranboo's other half is a player, but I won't because this Theory is already too long.
So Imma end it here!
Thank you for reading all this if you did. Sorry for a long post!
I hope you all have a wonderful day or night, and I will see you on the flip side!
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ranboolivesaysstuff · 2 years
after you do the c!ranboo finale, would you perhaps consider dropping the full lore notes, or perhaps a summary of all the stuff you originally had planned?
Because I won’t be able to cover everything in the finale I’m going to just do an explanation right after of all the potential stuff as well as answer the unanswered :D
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aro-throughyourchest · 2 months
ok finally finale posting I think the original ending was supposed to be c!Sapnap killing c!Punz and c!Dream using his three lives and dying in the process. unfortunately, they never touched it.
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I'm gonna do something similar to what @dsmp-lainey did and just read out my disc 2022 finale headcanon in an alternate universe where Dream respects other people's lore and Sapnap shows up for basically anything. I did entirely write this like a dsmp wiki summary of an arc so bear with me if you hate those.
and also it is really long.
tubbo tommy and sapnap all band together to kill dream. it's july when sapnap meets with tommy and tubbo after months of being in hiding. they build a bunker off stream, despite tommy's paranoia and that's where sapnap tells the both of them about the Book of Death. He trusts tubbo with it until the plan is set. tubbo keeps it on his person at all times. neither are aware as tommy spirals into insanity.
sapnap makes progress checks with tubbo and tommy; how plans and further research is going. tubbo and sapnap develop a pact. it's unsure and built on a promise neither are sure they can keep, but tubbo promises if sapnap reveals as much as he can, tubbo will do the same.
in the same stream, sapnap goes to check on tommy and finds him in a bit under his house, messily dug out and only lit up by lichen. He greets sapnap, visibly disheveled and coughing and sputtering. fading in and out(?) and talking... Off. the entire time they talk he mines out more and more webs and tunnels from his house and keeps lining them with tnt. sapnap, not knowing what to do, coaxes tommy into the same promise as tubbo. he then leaves up the ladder, not knowing tommy's downing an invisibility potion beneath him. tommy later has a scare as an empty potion bottle lands on a plate of tnt.
a couple weeks later, tubbo and sapnap are deep within the bunker, discussing the revival book. tommy comes in, bursting off the walls, talking with the most glee they've heard from him in months. all the stuff he knows dream and punz are doing he's got them all figured out. he knows their sleep schedules and what time they eat, what time they think and what time they leave the building. tommy talks so much when sapnap shakes him it is only then he realizes how incoherent he sounds. "tommy. what are you talking about?" tubbo gets up from his seat. tommy explains he's been following dream and punz around for the past several weeks. he figured out their every move and it feels so. "tommy." sapnap's grip sinks into his shoulders. "were you followed?" "followed?"
the door upstairs opens and footsteps can be heard.
sapnap stops. looks between the two of them. "run"
sapnap was slain by dream
the hideout is burned down by dream and punz. they never find out; they never go back. it's almost october. now with even less gear and whatever books they could carry. sapnap is on two lives now. everyone is considerably less confident. sapnap has been adamant that neither of them use their lives, but now it's going to take both of sapnap's lives to kill dream. tommy doesn't try to stop him. he's too tired.
every time they miss a single thing from their list of items, they swap base. scorched earth everything and run as if they never existed there in the first place. eventually tubbo directs them to his nuke base, empty of a nuke. tommy asks why he never mentioned this. tubbo says it was a last resort. he explains the effects of nuclear warheads what they do to the surrounding area. "it's worse than l'manberg." nothing survives, he calls it. nothing can grow back. nothing, nothing, nothing at all.
for several weeks, they don't see the sun. they grow food using tommy's shitty farming method and occassionally, ranboo brings them food and gift baskets. tubbo wishes in private he could stay down there with them. he misses him family.
before they launch the mini-nuke as tubbo calls it, he'll ask tommy about the invis potions. "jesus tubbo wasn't that fucking ages ago" "tom, I'm serious." tommy says he only used them to spy on dream. tubbo asks if he has one in his offhand. tommy asks him about the pufferfish. tubbo says that's not relevant. they have the first honest conversation they've had since the disc war. possibly before. tubbo thinks it's a final goodbye. tommy can't be sure tubbo's not lying to him.
within that time, tubbo has built a rocket not as big as a nuke, but large enough to blast a hole through the prison. they're banking on the server being dead enough, only they'll have to deal with the consequences. while tubbo and tommy keep dream and punz busy, sapnap will be on the sidelines, trying to kill one of them.
they get in position. a massive hole explodes through the siding of the prison. tubbo joins the vc. "if you know what's good for you, you'll drop your weapons and come out."
dream and punz gather at the side of the blast hole, suddenly taking radiation damage. they rush backward, as tommy and tubbo swarm in with hasmat suits.
sapnap hides underground, relying on his communicator and downing water-breathing potions in the meantime.
dream says some bullshit about how he always wins, how he gets up every turn. punz starts coughing. "punz?"
punz was killed by admin command
sapnap was killed by admin command
dream doesn't move for a second. tubbo, taking no chances, charges him. He doesn't allow him a single hit out of pure blind adrenaline he keeps hitting until dream's on half a heart. dream calls out to tubbo and doesn't even get to finish his sentence.
dream was killed by admin command
sapnap was killed by admin command
"What?" tubbo stares at the message in shock. tommy sputters. "we... we almost had him—he didn't have to—"
It's, with a heavier heart, they realize Dream didn't have the revival book. Both then flee the scene, back to snowchester.
Tomorrow, Foolish and Eret will fight XD. They will send everyone home or lose. But today, Dream is dead, tubbo and tommy are packing Michael's bags, and all is good, if only for three seconds. or maybe, 24 hours.
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quietwings-fics · 3 months
set your sights to new horizons
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Dream SMP Ship: Gen Additional Tags: Ranboo-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Enderman Hybrid Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), The End Portal, dude dropped lore on us at midnight and suddenly Fic Happened, Light Angst, Denial, Ficlet, Ranboo Has a Tail (Video Blogging RPF) Wordcount: 667 Summary:
Ranboo investigates the End Portal.
It was an accident.
Both times. Both times, it was an accident. Because there was no way Ranboo could have planned this. There was no way he could have known. He’d been mining in a random direction. Nothing pulled him here. There was no pull. There was no-
He didn’t approach it at first, distracted himself with collecting the cracked stone nests of silverfish. One hissed as it retreated back into the stone, but it didn’t fight back. The rest stayed inside their stones as Ranboo picked them up and ignored the table in the other room. Table? Yes, like the Syndicate, and there wasn’t another name for the portal.
He had to approach it eventually. It wasn’t... hesitation, exactly. The feeling was too buoyant, an excited clamor in his chest when he got near that made him dizzy with every thud, thud, thud of his heart. Dizzy and almost nauseous, like even his stomach was trying to jump its way out of his throat. He wanted so badly to reach out and touch it climbed the steps and peered down through the ring into the bubbling lava below. He should have been able to feel the heat, but the air stayed as chilly as the rest of the caves he’d traversed. Colder. Ranboo hadn’t been shivering before.
Ranboo sat down at the top of the stairs. If he wasn’t brave enough yet to touch the table with his bare hands, he could try something else. Reaching out a leg, he nudged one of the... parts with his shoe. Part of him expected it to open react to being kicked, but it stayed stubbornly still, silent, sealed. He could hear the rising whisper-hum of particles, hungry with curiosity. He looked over each part in turn. A crystallized green gem lay over one corner. It stared at him.
Gems couldn’t stare.
He lifted his axe with surprising ease. He could pry the gem out with the tip, maybe, if he got the angle right. But when he moved, his balance felt off. Overcompensating? For what? He wore the same armor he always did and wielded the same axe, but as he adjusted his grip on the handle, he felt the difference starkly. When he stepped back without thinking, it grew heavier in his hands, and with each subsequent step back, it weighed more and more. After a few more passes, he confirmed it. The axe reacted to the... Table. Right. Table.
He didn’t try to touch it, not even with the axe. His tail curled up and around his wrist. It was a small and welcome comfort. He couldn’t name the anxiety, born out that same excitement that was rattling through him still. There was something familiar like an Enderman’s warbling calls wrong about this old, dead place. Part of him wanted to go home now, home where Michael would squeal excitedly at his return and the sky was so filled with the static of stars and Tubbo would ambush him with a wild grin that screamed mischief and where the cold didn’t steal but filled your every cell until you knew where you belonged, where you would always belong.
Home. He would go home. Ask Phil about this. Get far, far away from here.
But he would come back, demanded some part of himself.
He could make a reason, if only to ease the panic that rose in knowing that a piece of him needed to return. (That a piece of him might decide to return whether he wanted to or not.) He had his experiments, and here would be as good a place as any to run them.
Still too far, so far, but here, he might fool himself into believing he was there. Close his eyes and listen. If he listened, it almost sang. Run his hands over the portal's foundations and feel the call of somewhere locked away and forgotten.
He’d come back. But for now, he was going home.
He was going home.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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maximus3307 · 1 year
alright!! here is a summary of @aimseytv lore! all of it, every universe!
WARNING: this is not extensive, if you want to know everything you should (ofc) watch the videos and read the tweets and summaries from aimsey that are at your disposal.
Regardless, here we go!!
c!aimsey is a traveler who arrived on a server owned by a lonely bear, and decided to become friends with him and encourage him to make more friends.She became the self-proclaimed Towns Knight, promising to defend the town and its people.Every time c!aimsey would become friends with someone, she gave them a flower (her own flower is a daisy). When she met c!guqqie (an alien who crash landed to earth) she gave her a pink tulip and promised to always protect her. The two became quick friends and also fell in love, but always with the knowledge that c!guqqies main goal was to go home.c!aimsey met beep, a ghost who spoke in song, and learned from him that aliens are not to be trusted and also began to wonder about herself and who she was. With c!Guqqie leaving, c!aimsey decided to leave first which led to an argument.Whilst c!aimsey was gone, c!guqqie fell into a deep depression all alone going to extreme lengths to try and get home, slowly deteriorating. When c!aimsey came back to check on the server, she found c!guqqie in this state and they had an argument. c!aimsey then left but returned the next day to apologise, but found c!guqqies dead body from where she had jumped off her tower. c!aimsey then left again and found another server where she unknowingly befriended a ghost (c!ranboo) and inhabited what she believed to be his mansion - only for his husband (c!tubbo) to get mad and take her first life, revealing that c!Ranboo was dead and couldn’t own a house. Before the server reset, or whatever it was that happened, c!aimsey left once more to find herself and to live a peaceful life, finally able to feel happy despite all that she had lost. She met up with c!Ranboo and his son again during her travels and all was well. Despite everything she is happy and she is learning to cope.
In an alternate universe, both aimsey and guqqie stay they get married and live in a cottage together. one day, arg!guqqie decides to tell arg!aimsey that she's an alien. arg!aimsey, filled with misconstrued motions from beep, kills her. she regrets it immediately and apologizes over and over, but the action can't be undone. arg!guqgie revives herself and proceeds to kill arg!aimsey over and over, using them as a test subject on her studies of revival. eventually, arg!aimsey is too weak to be revived, so arg!guqgie moves on to different test subjects - some random, but eventually some versions of herself from other universes.
au!aimsey is a demon from hell who has a penchant for mischief and is a bit of a kleptomaniac, especially when it comes to potion tables. this annoys au!guqgie, and the two start off as enemies. au!aimsey doesn't understand how to make friends, at first, and pesters au!guqqie in order to get her attention. eventually, they start to become friends, and au!aimsey develops a crush on au!guqqie.
one day, au!aimsey's brother, scott, finds him and decides to stop by and cause trouble under the guise of checking up on his little brother. (it is eventually revealed that au!scott drowned au!aimsey when they were kids, and this has caused au!aimsey to have a deep fear of water). au!scott threatens aulguqqie and the rest of his friends, and au!aimsey knows he needs to find a way to get rid of his brother before anything bad happens. he decides to work with au!eloise to conduct research on how to do so, and finds a stronghold with books detailing ways to kill a demon. this leads them to create a sort of crystal, which they think might be the solution.
au!aimsey and au!guqqie eventually confess their feelings for each other, and au!guqgie seems to react strangely to things in the stronghold. they finally get to go on a date, which seems to go well, until they meet up later and au!guggie seems Off. this is because arg!guqqie has come and possessed au!guqqie.
using au!guqqies body, arg!guqgie beats au!aimsey to death and cuts off his horn. au!aimsey is traumatized and builds a separate home for himself away from a confused au!guggie. the two decide to keep their distance from each other for a while. now, au!guqgie knows that she is a clone of arg!guqgie that can be controlled by arg!guqgie and has since decided to barricade herself away from everyone. she left a note to au!aimsey apologizing and saying that she is going to lock herself up and keep her distance. auaimsey is confused and conflicted, but left a note back, saying he misses au!guq.
!aimsey first appeared on the conclusions smp (rip). he's an endearian prince, step-brother of o!ranboo. he's mischievous and doesn't know how to relate to others without name-dropping celebrities and talking about his life as a prince, which tends to get on other people's nerves. he and his sister get up to no good in order to make the server their own - i.e. making a giant glass roof so they can't be hurt by the rain.
olaimsey views everyone as his fans, even those who explicitly dislike him. he also has some daddy issues, which come up from time to time.
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angelsandarsenic · 2 years
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Tadaa! Here's an easy way to find everything I've written and possibly will write! (Beautiful banners by CafeKitsune! Top banner by me, plz don’t use)
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁. ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
— Whump Stuff
Dream SMP/Origins/QSMP/MCYT/etc.
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Series: Unseelie
Description: Ranboo is a neglected child who stumbles across fae!Techno, and all the shenanigans that ensue
--Your Name is Precious (And so are You)
Ranboo had heard of the Fair Folk. He left his fallen food for them to take whenever he dropped something, he was careful to avoid potential fairy mounds and mushroom rings when he walked in the woods and he knew you should never ever give a faerie your name.
And now one was standing right in front of him, grinning a fanged (tusked?) smile, with it's hand held out, asking for just that.
In which Ranboo is a neglected child who stumbles across fae!Techno, inspired by the tumblr post (and anon ask) by anarchy-and-piglins. Family will be found, names will be revealed, and maybe (definitely) some angst in between.
Satus: Completed Words: 24,555
--Stay for a Drink
The Quackbur/tnt duo coffee shop au with a twist 
Quackity meets a very handsome barista at his favorite coffee shop who speaks a little weird, but he's nicer than Quackity's boyfriend, who pisses Quackity off enough all the time, that he unknowingly avoids all of Faerie!Wilbur's attempts to steal his name.
Status: Completed Words: 38,270
--The Monarch Project
Ranboo is half faerie. Somehow stranger, he’s been adopted by a wonderful, loving family after being neglected his whole life. They think they’re starting to get used to it, (and the fact that they live in the faerie world now), but they’ve never had people who care about them before, much less a brother who was willing to die to save him. Of course, things can’t be that easy. The Sootcraft family has a history; now shadows of the past have started cropping up and they don't intend to leave Ranboo out of it.
Status: Abandoned Words: 34,537
—Tales from the Land of the Faeyeryes
A collection of oneshots of Ranboo, Technoblade, Wilbur and Quackity and maybe even Dream and others in the Unseelie universe
Status: Abandoned Words: 10,065
--(Also related--the official lore book for the au also on Ao3)
Series: Saltwater in Our Veins and Sand in Our Bones
Description: a pirate au! With magic, swashbuckling and characters of every imaginable disposition, but this time featuring Ranboo and Tubbo! However, there is more than meets the eye with the suspicious young captain.
--What Lurks in the Depths
Four months ago, Ranboo woke up on a deserted island with torn, bloody clothes, a bejeweled sword in his hand and absolutely no memory of how he got there. Completely unintentionally, he finds himself as the captain of a pirate ship with the king of the biggest continent on the Essempi Seas in his brig and the Royal Navy hot on his tail to get them back. Meanwhile, the king has proposed a deal. Now, Ranboo, along with captains Tubbo and Technoblade and their combined crews hunt for the totem god before the Navy can get them first. If they succeed, vast riches await. If not...well, let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Status: In Progress Words: 14,379
--Eyes on the Shoreline
Summary: Pirate Technoblade never dies (but that's not to say he hasn't come close) ---- A Technoblade prequel to What Lurks in the Depths about the Blood God's past, including some surprise old shipmates
Status: Complete Words: 5,608
--Tesoro Dorado
Set before What Lurks in the Depths, Foolish was just a totem trying to live his life. He didn't mess with humans, the merman had already learned his lesson about that. As far as he was concerned, they could all rot at the bottom of the sea. That was, until he met Vegetta.
Status: In Progress Words: 18,250 Pirate AU! Part of the Saltwater in our Veins, Sand in our Bones series, but can be read as a standalone
Series: A Bunch of Deathduo Oneshots
Description: as it reads on the cover. All listed individually below, but here's the link to the series on AO3
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--As the Fates Decreed
Sol 17 was the day I died... ------ The three fates of Emperor XD's pantheon have officially declared Tommy a dead man. On the one hand, he'll finally be with his brother again. On the the other… Tommy isn't ready to die yet. The vigilante has given up on any chance of being saved, but Tubbo has always been willing to take a long shot chance if it's to save his best friend and the Antarctic Empire might have exactly what they need.
Status: Completed Words: 13,915 Space au!
--APEX --two shot
Has it been days? The blackness darkening the windows up above does a really good job, so there seems to be no discernible change in lighting at all. Ranboo isn’t allowed to have his wrist watch (or his shoes or hair tie or sunglasses). Their captors have no discernible schedule, the boss comes and goes sporadically, here for the longest amounts of time whenever he's actually performing a "surgery". Maybe these hours are just dragging on and it hasn't been the week Ranboo feels like it has. Maybe he still has a chance that someone will find him.
What was the statistic? After the first 24 hours-
In a time when the black market is flourishing, Ranboo, an enderian college student finally falls victim to the Hunters of non-human species. Tommy and Tubbo won't let their friend go, they're determined to get him back, but will they make it in time to save him?
Based off of the minecraft surgery mod, but make it real life (ish)
Status: Abandoned Words: 15,705
--Say "I Do"
A Fooligetta wedding oneshot where absolutely nothing goes wrong
Status: Completed Words: 4,697
--Fair Game
Villains try to take revenge on Superhero!Foolish by attacking his family
Status: Completed Words: 6,984
--Skeletons in the Closet (And Gay People, Of Course)
Foolish knew that falling for a one night stand was dangerous, but if Vegetta liked him back, then really, what's the harm?
Status: Completed Words: 6,776
--Don't Worry, It's Just Marinara Sauce (ordem paranormal: quarantina)
The one where we realize Dr Benito is a quack doctor and he wishes he had gone to medical school 
Status: Completed Words: 2,128
To Hell and Back
The Deathduo Corpse Bride AU!
Status: Completed Words: 17,933
Something About Pretty Pale Skin, Dark Hair and Lips Turning Blue at the Edges
Summary: As Quesadilla Island's only coroner, Phil is also the medical examiner and also the small town's first defense against the supernatural. i.e. overworked. On top of all that, his extensive experience with the Otherworld has not adequately prepared him for whatever the hell is going on with his friend's..."daughter"...and the devastatingly cute grim reaper that's showed up to deal with it
Status: Completed Words: 2,568
The Eyes of Ghosts
Summary: The Count of Monte Cristo Deathduo AU!
Status: abandoned
Safe to Rest
Summary: Remember when Phil was trapped and slowly going crazy in that birdcage and we were all begging for Missa to come back and save him and it never happened? I'm still mildly upset about that. Gift for Annzorua for the QSMP gift exchange! Happy Valentines :)
Status: completed Words: 4,137
--Under Starry Skies
BadBoy Halo is an awful prince and a worse potential fiance. The mysterious warrior he meets on midnight excursions doesn't seem to mind.
Status: Draft
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--Go Tell the Bees
The adventures of spiderman-esque superhero!Tubbo, because there aren't enough Tubbo centric superhero AUs and I took that personally. ------ Being L'manberg's only official (and capable) superhero is hard, but even with three of the most powerful supervillains targeting his city, he's managed. Then, in the span of only three days his world turns upside down when new players enter the field, both in his civilian life and alter-ego. Now, he may have to choose between protecting his friends, his family and his city, and he can't do everything alone anymore.
Status: Abandoned Words: 32,859
--Diamonds, Emeralds and Other Useless Crap
Quackity and Wilbur have been at each other's throats as long as they can remember, both in civilian life and the criminal underworld. With one being a seemingly infallible master thief and the other as the biggest, apparently heartless, mafia boss history has seen, one new client decides it's a fantastic idea to make them work together on the biggest operation of either of their lives. Neither consider that they could be getting in over their heads, but this job has far more in store for them than they anticipated.
Status: Abandoned Words: 31,018 Pairing: TNT duo
--My Father Wasn't Around
Fundy was a mistake. His father was never meant to be a father, he didn't know how to be and he didn't try. Sometimes Fundy thinks it's a miracle that he’s still around to see that Wilbur's adopted a new child. As if Fundy wasn't enough. As if he never mattered. Doesn't he deserve love too? --------- Fundy comes home and meets Tallulah. Understandably, he's a little upset. But...maybe having a little sister wouldn't be so bad.
Status: Completed Words: 26,939
—It’s Not Love, I Swear (It Might be Closer to Despair)
After Charlie found out about Mariana’s cheating, his husband swears he regrets it and would do anything to fix his mistakes. The only reason Charlie is giving him another chance is for their daughter, but Mariana doesn’t disappoint. It’s like falling in love all over again
Status: In Progress Words: 8,289
--Maybe This Dream Isn't so Bad -- sleeping beauty!Techno au oneshot that got turned into three parts
Inspired by the comic by behrjbehr on tiktok and instagram, orphans Wilbur and his terminally ill brother Tommy stumble upon a mysterious deserted castle, clearly centuries old, yet seemingly frozen in time. Inside they find a prince, cursed to sleep for a thousand years, an immortal dragon and much more.
Status: Abandoned Words: 11,240
Summary: A Maleficent au featuring Chayanne and Tallulah! Formerly Emeraldduo, but recently required some changes :/
Status: In Progress Words: 3,650
--Kindergarten is Ruthless --Blood God centric based on this prompt: post
The chronicles of the blood god and his devoted followers...a class of kindergartners. -------- In which a long forgotten god is awoken by children, Philza is a tired kindergarten teacher and Etoiles is very suspicious of the new teacher's assistant and nothing bad ever happens
Status: In Progress Words: 6,510
--Ghosts in my Closet
When Tubbo moved into a new house a year ago, strange things started happening. He brushes it off. He doesn't believe in ghosts. Even his best friend, the son of an actual medium, doesn't believe in ghosts. But...maybe there actually is something inside his house. Whatever it is, it's not playing games anymore. It's malevolent and Tubbo isn't the only one it's affecting. With Phil and Tommy's help, he plans to get rid of the spirit and be done with it, however not everything is so black and white.
Status: Abandoned Words: 15,578
--Secret Identity
There were whispers that The Wolf of Quesadilla Island wasn't human; that he was an actual beast, disguised as a man, or that he was an ancient deity come to wreak havoc on a sinful world. Small groups across the country advocated for him--even idolized him, while most others lived in fear of the villain prowling their streets. Whatever he was, he didn't so much as flinch as flames licked his heels, dragging the senator by his collar. A black suited security guard lay motionless at the entrance, and it suddenly occurred to Foolish that he should call the fire department, or the police. Instead, he stood, frozen, gaping in horror as the supervillain lifted a full grown man with one arm and threw him to the sidewalk, not four yards from where Foolish stood. -------- In which Foolish doesn't realize that the local supervillain is his boyfriend and Vegetta keeps failing successfully to flirt with him
Status: In Progress Words: 27,984
—Dream Smp Top Gun AU
not a written fanfic but I really liked this au and there’s a short story with it
--The Universe Conspired to Help Me Find You
Tnt Duo Cupid AU! (link to og post)
Quackity is a Cupid tasked with ending toxic relationships. Wilbur is a…frequent flier. At this point he’s really starting to become a problem, and once more Quackity descends to the mortal realm to work. However, this time, Wilbur acknowledges him.
Status: In progress Words: 15,263
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—A Lifeweaver battle whump oneshot
Status: completed Words: 2,308
This on is going to get way too full so HERES A LINK TO THE NEXT FICS MASTERLIST POST (other fandoms)
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spritebblz · 1 month
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The sona. <3
Decided to give some art of her while I make the effort of remembering all her dsmp lore and compiling it into a post. It's been a long while since I've thought about her personal lore, so I'm watching summaries and overviews of the dsmp storyline to remember what I had decided for her, haha. 😅
I will talk about her a little bit now, though. Spritely is part phantom. Originally, I was going with just a full phantom hybrid thing, and half of her body was just covered by shadow. My Minecraft skin was like this before (I really liked the phantom mob, I thought it looked cool), and the shadowed part was supposed to represent my fears and anxieties and everything messed up in my head ;-;.
I remember being heavily inspired by Ranboo's character at the time, and so I decided Spritely had another side to her underneath the shadow. I had not known what I wanted at the time, and settled for creeper or drowned. After the dsmp and the update with the ancient cities in the deep dark biome, however, I finally decided what her other half was going to be: warden.
I'm realising now I sort of messed up the wing, ugh. I also forgot her tail, as I always do. Anyway, her eye is green like the phantom mob. Her skin is the same shade of blue they are, and her hair is a bit of a lighter shade of blue, closer to a dark teal rather than a purpley blue. Her horn is made of bone, as are the structural parts of her wing along with the entirety of her tail, and they are shaded with the same greyish cream colour the phantoms have. Lastly, for this section, Spritely has grey markings on her body where bones are located. There are no markings for her skull, however.
For clothing, she wears an off-white fabric as a makeshift tank-top and black shorts. Over top, she dons a beige poncho. On her feet are socks resembling trapeze boots. They are not the boots, just sort of a sock/legging that looks the same. She wears no footwear because she likes to be connected to the earth.
I hope this satisfies for now, lol. I am working on getting that lore situated for that one person who wanted to know <3. Thanks for being interested. :D
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also hey what the FUCK was up with the "its happening again" that first time ranboo was in the panic room. bestie what the fuck r you talking about. what again. not with the same people but the same things what the fuck are you ON about ranboo. we never got an answer to this and i mull it over in my head CONSTANTLY
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
You Never Let Yourself Forget
by Raccoo
Tommy was falling to the ground. Before he hit the ground, he managed to catch on to the edge of a roof with his hands, his leg slamming into the wall with a small crack.
Tommy is a Vigilante with a guilty past and SBI are heroes who just want to unmask him (SO ORIGINAL, I KNOW)
or or
The author just got an Ao3 account and wanted to post something.
( I suck a summaries )
Words: 872, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Phil Watson | Philza, Toby Smith | Tubbo, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Vigilante TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Hero Wilbur Soot, Hero Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Hero Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Traumatized TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), BAMF TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), BAMF Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Identity Reveal, Secret Identity, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Technoblade Hears Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Avian Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Piglin Hybrid Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Wils just human :/, Poor TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), this fic is like a crack/action/ity bity bbits of dark lore, ok maybe I bit more darkness, Author Is Sleep Deprived, TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot needs another coffee, this is my first fic :D
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theeyoungalabastor · 2 years
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Dream (XD)
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Karl Jacobs
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Technoblade And His Apprentice: The shattered Totem- Kill, or be Killed (Part 1)
>Hybrid Technoblade x Bear Hybrid Reader (Platonic)
>Warnings: Blood, Death, descriptive but mild gore, fluff, explosions, murder, freezing, manipulation,
>Status: Platonic, angst, fluff, (Technoblade see's (Y/n) as a close friend)
>Pronouns used: They/Them
>Word count: 7,306 (7k)
>Page Count: 21.4
Technoblade And His Apprentice: The Shattered Totem- Kill, or be Killed (Part 2) (Fin)
>Hybrid Technoblade x Bear Hybrid Reader (Platonic)
>Warnings: Blood, Death, descriptive but mild gore, fluff, explosions, murder, freezing, manipulation, Character death
>Status: Platonic, angst, fluff, (Technoblade see's (Y/n) as a close friend)
>Pronouns used: They/Them
>Word count: 7,306 (7k)
>Page Count: 21.4
Summary: Having been included with the aid of destroying L'Manberg with Technoblade both the Piglin man and dear reader soon become the main target for a certain quartet. Nailing wanted posters to the wooden poles around New L'Manberg the ensemble set off with the intent of having the duo pay for their crimes. Public Execution.
Technoblade fanart
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None as of currently, check back later!
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The Weeping Willow Waltz
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''loneliness is a language you have yet to learn dear child, but it is sadly one that I speak quite fluently.'' The fuchsia haired male quoted softly, stern intimidating act crumbling under the teens firm gaze that had been picking endlessly at the titanium walls he had built around his heart. "And I hope one day, you will never experience the pain of anguish as I have felt."
Disclaimer: I do not own the Dream Smp at all. This story is for entertainment only and I will try and make it as respectful as humanly possible. This does not follow the DSMP timeline but lore will be hinted here and there! sbi, hybrids, fantasy, adventure, action ) this story was encouraged by the story Passerine by Thcscus. (Please check it out its so good!) (COVER ART IS MINE PLEASE REQUEST PERMISION IF USE IS WANTED)
OC insert
WARNINGS: adventure, angst, battle, death, dsmp, entertainment, fanficion, fantasy, humor,
Chapters: Authors Note Before We Begin, Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2,
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kaytrawrites · 2 years
Summary In which the Crowfather is reborn. And a Resistance is formed.
Possible CW: possible descriptions/depictions of slight memory dissociation (not sure the what correct word for it is)
Notes I’m blaming o!Phil’s overarching semi-lore during stream for this story. What is it with Phil, Ranboo, and Sneeg playing on Origins that makes me wanna write! :D
The figure flew soundlessly over the tiny community nestled in the water filled crater down below, their wings shedding tiny flecks of ash that were quickly wicked away by the cold wind.
They winged over, gazing down at the buildings carved into the sides of the mountain.
The library. Star Boy’s hobbit home. The little shack beside the massive carrot farm. Tower of Ninjology. Beau’s little cabin. The floating islands slowly rotating around the one massive island that was floating square in the center of the crater. And the most significant structure in the entire crater.
The Pub.
At the very back of their mind, memories of yelling at a certain ghost boy for stealing bricks, and of going along with the antics of a certain little anvian child tickled the back of their mind. But those memories were long gone.
As was the person they were before.
The crowfather was gone.
Well, the ones living so far down below didn’t know that.
And they shouldn’t. Not until it was too late.
The memories that they were now long detached from told them that the little ones down below needed a guide.
Someone to keep them from self-destruction once more.
And the one once affectionately referred to as ‘Crowfather’ would do that.
Well. Not with the name ‘Crowfather’ now. Hmm…Phoenix. Dark Phoenix? Black Phoenix? Eh. The name could be workshopped. Later. When it was time for The Meeting.
Ah. They were getting a bit too low. They downwingged powerfully, sending them high into the air without a sound.
Two flying figures down below caught their attention. One was small, their wings translucent. The other had no wings, but was trailing glowing purple stardust behind them as the pair flew up to the pub.
The Star Boy and the Bee Boy. Memories of the pair tickled the back of their memories. But they shook their head, dismissing the memories.
It was almost time for the meeting.
They winged over, heading out of the crater and toward the ocean.
As they flew over the woods and toward the ocean, a particular memory tickled the back of their mind. One that they allowed to surface.
Memories of a beautiful woman. The old feelings of affection toward this woman were powerful. The feelings squeezed his heart, and his hand rested against his breast pocket, where the weight of the old pocket watch rested. The memory of the tiny picture that was tucked inside the watch made him smile.
Those memories from before the rebirth; he allowed them to once again become part of himself. His eyes drifted downward toward the ocean waves down below. A large dark shape was silhouetted below him, following his shadow exactly.
He grinned, and burst of gleeful laughter causing him to falter a little. The silhouette down below fell back a bit, then put on a burst of speed, and took a flying leap out of the water. The black and white figure grinned wide, her dark wet hair clinging to her cheeks.
A second burst of laughter burst from Phil as his beloved wife’s antics. The drops of water from splash of her returning to her watery home sizzled against Phil’s feathers, washing away some of the ever present ash, causing the furnace white feathers’ color to briefly sparkle through before ash once again obscured the color.
He backwinged and his beloved merling peeked out of the water. She folded her hands into a heart shape, her joyful grin mirrored by Phil’s own. “I love you.” She mouthed.
“I love you too.” Phil mouthed back, mirroring her hand gesture. His hand rested against the pocket that contained his pocket watch.
Trixtin tilted her head, gazing up at Phil. A slightly sad expression crossed her face, which made Phil’s heart drop a little.
She gently smiled and shook her head. “I miss the green.” She mouthed.
“Oh.” Was all Phil could say in reply.
“Visit me soon.” Trixtin said, ducking under the waves, her dark silhouette still present, waiting for him to move on.
And move on he did. The memories were tucked away again. They were approaching the meeting place that Sneeg had given them.
Well, they had already been there to set up a nest. For the future.
And the future was now.
They approached the nest, and winged back, a tiny amount of ash swishing out from their landing.
“Finally!” The inching perched on the edge of their nest snarked. He stood and hopped down. “Alright. Let’s go.”
They cocked their head sharply.
Sneeg sighed. “I set up a portal at the foot of the tree. My…associate has set up the entry portal.”
They nodded curtly. Sneeg climbed up their cloak.
As soon as the inchling was secure, they hopped off the nest, dropping swiftly. Just in time, their wings snapped open, slowing their descent to a safe velocity. Sneeg released his grip and pointed to the glowing purple portal. “Well, here we go!”
They nodded sharply and the pair entered the nether portal. The portal snapped shut behind them, and a second glowed to life not too far off.
When the pair entered, they were faced with a structure that immediately drew out old memories. Very old memories.
Their fingers trailed against the edge of the off-white structure. The twelve dark indentations were empty, hungering for Something to be placed within.
“This way.” Sneeg said, gruffly.
They nodded, walking around the edge of the frame, and toward the staircase leading to the space below.
A tall, almost impossibly thin figure stood before the pair who had just arrived. Their back was to them, and gently grasped in their hand was a glass containing a off-purple fluid.
They turned, and cocked their head, a mysterious expression on their face.
“Welcome gentlemen.” They smiled, but the smile did not reach their mismatched eyes.
“Shall we begin?”
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I posted 390 times in 2022
That's 390 more posts than 2021!
66 posts created (17%)
324 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 231 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#snake's rec feed - 27 posts
#lore - 19 posts
#snake rattle and roll - 15 posts
#fic - 15 posts
#snake's rec list - 11 posts
#dreamnap - 11 posts
#laugh rule - 8 posts
#fav - 6 posts
#ideas - 5 posts
#mcyt g/t - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#lmfao i'm just imagining either all the gods are super big and so c!dream is like...sitting on their laps just doodling and not paying
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clay | Dream/Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF) Characters: Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs Additional Tags: First Meetings, Misunderstandings, Alternate Universe - Bakery, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Meet-Cute, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, DreNapWk2021_D1, Clay | Dream Being an Idiot (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap is So Whipped (Video Blogging RPF), Rivalry Summary:
Day 1: Meet-Cute
In the box were four neatly presented chocolate croissants. He had never seen anything more threatening.
The owner of the new patisserie across the street leaves a treat outside Dream’s bakery every week. This can only mean one thing: war.
5 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
shoutout to roman for 1) being my only follower and 2) somehow finding 6 of my 22 tumblr blogs and following them wtf
6 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Hey do you guys wanna read fic that updates on average once every 5 days and has been ongoing since August? One that focuses on heavy themes of grief, found family, revolution, and overcoming trauma? One that currently has 97,788 words across 46 chapters? One where none of the creators (except Schlatt bc that seems like something he'd like) are irredeemable, and, honestly, even villans? One where Dream and Tommy are actual, genuine friends? One where SBI family is a thing? Where Puffy is Foolish and Dream's dad? Where Dream and Ranboo are half-brothers and therefore Endersmile??
Then you may like my fic, The Ties That Bind!
It's got karlnapity, puffy/niki, Emotional Trashfire Wilbur Soot, baby Fundy (coming soon), dteam family feels, velvet is there sometimes, Dad Bad, mind control curses, and the end of the world! Oh, and have I mentioned that they're all kings/queens/princes (some exclusions apply)??
And there's more!
Puffy and Phil are married (for political reasons only)
Through marriage Techno, Tommy, Wilbur, Dream, Foolish, and Ranboo are all brothers
I accidentally made past Sam/Puffy but its okay it was platonic
Niki is Trans! I love her
Technoblade is a nerd. Half of this fic he's literally just been reading and its great
Tommy is a smart kid!!!
There is a slight hint of lemur throughout the fic
George is pissed off!!! If you want to see Rabid George click the link!!
This is essentially a Sapnap sickfic
tbh its everyone whump no one is having a good time lol
esp not the dream team tho
There is no smut at all. I cannot write that and I don't want to lmfao
Ender dragon Dream, Niki, and Ranboo! Yeah!
Some considerations before you start reading:
HEAVY mentions of child abuse, torture, and violence. This fic's main driving thing is mind control lol
A/B/O is a thing in this world but ONLY for like...5 characters and it is completely unrelated to romantic relationships. The A/B/O is just used for 1) mind control and 2) family dynamics.
(Sorry I'm over explaining but I know a/b/o is a turn off for a lot of people and I wanna let you know its different and only relevant in that they're literally bound together through platonic love!!! They care about each other your honor!! Also I wanted to give them telepathy)
If you want to read a fic with all of this, check out The Ties That Bind Today!!!
6 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
/dsmp /rp
my favorite thing on earth is platonic dreamnap they're just so *clenches fist*
it was like a year ago but I read a post about quackity selling sapnap an "enderdragon" and quackity dropping a fucked up dream off at his door and then bouncing. The thing had stopped there but my brain hadn't
was it one of those where quackity knew it was wrong? one where he expected sapnap to agree with him? did he see dream as so subhuman that he didn't think twice about it? did he hear sapnap rant about how much he hated dream and assume that he would enjoy owning Dream and getting to do to him the same things Quackity had enjoyed?
and, if he didn't, if quackity knew that delivering dream like that would cause sapnap distress, to ruin anything he may have had left with his once-fiance, did he do it out of spite? had he had dream the whole time, broken and under his thumb, until his fight with sapnap escalated? and he begun to associate dream with sapnap, and dropped him off in a way to 1) get dream off his hands and 2) get back at sapnap?
How would sapnap react? Would it be anger? would he chase quackity? would he bring dream inside and try to help, only learning more and more howbad a shape dream was in? Would quackity lie and say dream had chosen this, or it was sam's idea? Would sapnap buy it? would there be some part of him that was happy?
I dunno man my brain just keeps going
18 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
George's Desk Light
Vauge Hollow Knight au in that Dream is a lumifly. Nothing else is really specified lol
Trigger warning for dehumanization and objectification, as well as a sprinkle of neglect. This is my first writing I'm posting directly on tumblr so please be kind >.<
George loved his desk light.
It was just an object, one Quackity had given him for his birthday, but it was so perfect that he loved it.
It was a little glass jar, not ornately carved. For all he could tell, Quackity may have made it out of an old jelly jar. The top was covered in a thin metal lid that had two latches on either side. Holes were poked through, allowing the small lumifly hybrid to breathe. One in the center was larger than the others, allowing George to drop food flakes every few days to keep the hybrid alive. For a while it had begged, asking for food more often, but Quackity had warned him that this one was particularly gluttonous, and that if he fed it more than every other day that it would become sick. So, for the sake of the lumify, he ignored the small cries. They stopped eventually, anyways. 
Turning the lantern off and on was pretty simple, considering its power was near limitless. Lumiflies created their light through flight. George’s hybrid, however, would often just curl up in the bottom of the jar, sleeping or shaking. Quackity had found a solution, however. On the outside of the jar there was a small chain. On one end it was connected to a small collar around the lumify’s neck. The other had something akin to a clamp, one big enough it wouldn’t fall through the hole in the lid and get stuck. On the side of the jar a small peg had been attached. Whenever George wanted to turn the lantern on, all he would have to do is tug the chain and attach it to the peg. The chain was short enough that, once attached, the lumifly would not be able to touch the ground without choking itself. This meant that as long as the clamp was attached, the lumifly would have to fly and therefore create light. 
The chain doubled as a way to keep the lumifly contained. If George decided to change the glass, all he would need to do is affix a peg to the side and keep ahold of the little chain to place the lumifly in its new home. Sapnap had given him an ornate bottle a few days ago, one that had originally stored alcohol. George had started preparing it, just waiting for the glue to set. He’d tried to clean it out as best he could, but he figured the scent would probably last a long time. He asked Quackity, and the man said that it would be fine, that lumiflies were resistant to any fumes in the air. 
He sat at his desk, smiling as he read his book. Beside him, the lumifly fluttered, pretty and graceful in the center of the jar. Sometimes, George could swear the other was watching along, but that was silly. Lumiflies bred for captivity never learned how to read, only wild ones. And Quackity wouldn’t be the type to steal a lumifly from its home. 
George hummed, turning the page. 
Maybe he should find a couple picture books at the library. The lumifly would probably enjoy looking at the pictures. 
George loved his desk light. 
35 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lilyfreshwater · 1 year
Mctruth 2, AKA-
Frank | lilyfreshwater/gene | I-am-the-real-gene, friends to enemies to lovers, 5k words or less, inspired by dmsp lore, April fools, SPOILERS IN TAGS!!!!
What tntduo could have been 😩
technically it's what tntduo was, i just copy/pasted directly from the dsmp wiki. also shoutout to freddie for having put the ranboo copypasta in the discord o7
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darcy-vega-mc · 2 years
I’m planning on writing a lot of random one shots in a mcyt Harry Potter AU inspired by a few posts I saw. I’ll post them here, but I’ll also put them on AO3 bc I crave external validation. However, I don’t support jkr, so some of the harry potter elements will be incorrect but idc I’m just cherry picking worldbuilding elements I want to use. DLDR :)First i’ll post some context and info about the general AU, then each one shot will have its own chapter summary and will likely be heavy in dialogue. Thanks for any interest in my ideas :) Eventually I may put these in order and make it a coherent story but for the foreseeable future, it’s just gonna be one shots in the same timeline but probably extremely out of order
Ok here’s the general context:
In this AU, Wilbur is seventeen years old and a Sixth year at Hogwarts. He’s a Ravenclaw, and has his friend group, but people outside of his friends see him as a little odd and confusing. He’s very interested in how wands are made and how they function, and so he studies books on them quite often. Tommy is Wilbur’s younger brother. Well, technically half brother but they never really call each other half brothers since they’re so close- though they’re not very close in age, as Tommy is eleven and is a first year. Tubbo is Tommy’s best friend, they’ve been friends practically all their lives as Tubbo’s dad is friends with Tommy’s. He is Tommy’s age, eleven, and is a first year as well.
The other aspect of this AU is certainly not original at all- as it’s another ‘transfer student’ fic. Regardless, Quackity is in this fic, and will be referred to as Alex or Alexis. He is sixteen and is placed as a sixth year. Originally from Mexico, his family moved to California when he was young so he grew up in America. Hailing from America, he was taught magic under a much stricter statute of secrecy, so he learned not to associate with ‘no-maj’es or muggles. Ranboo is also here, and he’s also from America but he’s eleven (first year) and is more open minded than Quackity but I don’t have like an AU backstory for him- but in this fic, Ranboo is a vampire except it’s not Harry Potter vampire lore it’s like generic vampire lore.
Other characters info will be added here if they’re added into a one shot. This is gonna be a big project of mine, so I’ll probably pin this post.
If you see this and have any questions about any of it, feel free to ask!
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fandom-sheep · 2 years
MCC Pink Parrots
Wilbur POV 23 JUL 22 Part 1/1
My streamer was so late someone help him
I also forgot to type my thoughts
Anyway now he’s stuck in a hot air balloon
Dogs!!! My favorite thing! At least when watching Wilbur stream.
I want to pet the dogs. My little statistics loving brain wants to devise the most efficient method of petting the dogs in relation to click speed and several other factors.
Oh the people who broke the elevator swapped skins.
Wilbur and Shubble staying in the same skins because they prioritized dogs, as they should.
ACE RACE!!! Time for new AceRaceXWilbur Lore.
Ace Race got a facelift.
Turtle Run? Tortles?
I want to make cosplays of the different MCC games. But only closet cosplays with stuff I already got in my closet and cosplay hoard.
Aimsey comforting Wilbur after a new girl moves into his high school crushes house after their family moves away.
Only reason I don’t like turtle run, it’s keeping us from listening to Wilbur do the little music dude thing.
“How do you lose a girl?” “You forget to cherish her.” Y’all remember that quote? Seems fitting.
Oh Wilbur is falling for Sands of Time now. Can’t wait to hear this saga.
Summary of Ace Race Lore: Wilbur doesn’t like turtle run, misses ace race, gets over ace race slowly, now likes “dogging” and sands of time.
Hey! Not Last!
Also the streamer is quietly singing and is huffing a kazoo (?)
Oh he’s puffing aerosol. Aerosol something.
Not Noxcrew approved. Language “Dogging”
We’re in 6th not that bad. 9th. 9th. 10th. 10th. 9th. 10th. 9th. 9th and Not Last!!!
Oh Wilbur’s flying off the map again. He’s going to find something he shouldn’t find again.
It’s interesting seeing all the scores pop up there.
Wilbur knows one thing and it’s zoom through gaps.
Doggy! Doggy! Pet! Pet!
Now the high heck did we do that? I was distracted trying to get everything set up for school.
Yes we are noble shrews.
Oh poor Aimsey. Burrow away lil mole.
Well that was a round.
Go little burrowers! You’ve got this!
It’s hard to hide when you are bright pink.
Ranboo was dropped.
Bridge. Boarder! Run for it! You know what sure split up. Harder to kill the whole team at once.
Sapnaps there! Go Wilbur! Nooo. Good try.
Wilbur eating a cucumber didn’t even register in my brain. Streamer just does random stuff like that.
Dog time! Or you know potty break.
Now dogs!
Oh look there’s tumblr’s favorite Goodtimewithscar
Audience vote! I didn’t vote I watched my streamer pet dogs.
Oh I swapped the quality of my stream and I was so behind.
Them just saying hey to random people. Glad I just lurk and don’t really speak in chat.
The Sneeg got the Ranboo! The Sneeg got the Blushi! The Sneeg got the Wilbur! We got the nobody.
Ranboo singing random ditties while he hunts.
The Ranboo spin? Oh Hamster Dance!
10 seconds. Good try Wilbur.
Go Wilbur! You’ve got this! Come on Will you’ve got it! Hooray!
We won that round!?! Good job Ranboo! Mans just entered Gamer Mode.
Wilbur feeling stubby towards Phil.
Good job Will! I love watching hunter POV because it’s so cool seeing them in the zone.
Ranboo! 10/10 hunter!
8th! We’ll take it!
Dogs! Oh yeah I can check the MCC live website!
We’re 10th overall but we’re making our way to not last.
It’s nice seeing my streamer on my main leaderboard on the site for his animal petting accomplishments.
MELTDOWN! I haven’t gotten to see it played yet.
Or you know Rocket Spleef.
Ok I’m back now that rocket spleen is done. I’m never invested in that one.
Dog pets!!!
Wack a mole!
Now for Phil to beat everyone this round of the game.
Ooo not a bad round. And the background noise of them talking about… whatever this is… is perfect.
Ranboo “Mom!”
Aww. Wil and his mama trying to stay aware of where each other are.
Wilbur how have you not hit one! How did you miss all of those!
My poor streamer. The treadmill hamster is sleepy.
Streamer has escaped.
Is Ranboo alone? Did we all abandon him?
Wilbur returns with the American Anthem just before game time.
My streamer is laying on his mic.
Wilbur don’t you hate buildmart? Why are you pouting over meltdown?
No sands for you sad boy.
Really Wilbur switched from Ace Race to Sands that quick.
Oh we’re struggling. We did really good.
Wilbur flying through random gaps.
Go team go! Don’t get frozen this early.
Well we did significantly not as good that time but you know it wasn’t horrible.
Now to fly through gaps and cause problems.
Go Fox!
You guys got this! Get your coins!
Wilbur Hmming while frozen and wishing he could place the ice. Understandable.
Doggies! And getting 11 channel points back on the 10 I bet. Woo 1 more point.
Go Tommy!!!
Hello Philza
Oh yeah red did have someone sub in.
Come on Red. I believe in you!
Oh no red isn’t going to make it.
Oh well maybe not! One on One!
Go Red!
I love Eret and would love for her to win. But go Tommy!
Please Red. Please. Shubble.
I’ll be happy no,after which team wins but.
Good job orange! I’ll have to go back and find a clip of Eret realizing their team won!
Ah the Brothers.
Pet the dogs? Dog rank?
That was a horrible to get to the other side round. He should have been able to win that one.
Wilbur with his dogging rank. Good for him.
Bye Bye Wilbur!
Ooo Raiding Dream. Let’s get those raid points.
Oh dream left. Alright off to Ranboo.
Did Ranboo f-ing end at that exact same time?
Fine off to Eret.
Anyway see y’all! Have a good rest of your MCC.
I’m going to see HannahKate’s day 500.
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lesbooblur · 2 years
Hi! (/Spoilers) Just so you know, Tubbo actually did talk about the nukes. He mentioned multiple times that he and Tommy should nuke Dream from a distance since they know where he is. Tommy rejected this as being stupid.
Tubbo, after separating from Tommy and going off to get supplies from Eryn, was talking about how Tommy was suffering and that was why he was willing to get involved. Even if he was happy on his own, the knowledge that someone you care about is hurting puts a damper on that glow.
He attributed his distance from the rest of the server to his new project (New dawn, I believe it was called?), not necessarily a want for peace and quiet.
There was no mention of Ranboo and Michael, even when talking about revival, which was a bit sad though.
You said you didn't watch stream so I just wanted to give you some extra details that might not have been mentioned in the summary! It's totally fair if you still don't like the stream anyway.
YAAAS BIG WIN FOR ANNOYING PEOPLE!! so glad he mentioned the nukes seriously but i wish c!tommy said yes to c!dream being nuked bc that shit did so much damage the last time. 
honestly i expected no mention of ranboo and michael bc actual cc beeduo r doing whatever nonsense w ignoring each other on every platform including their own lore where theyre gay married so not surprised
i totally get why he did want to help c!tommy i mean i would too if i were in c!tubbos shoes and i think him suggesting the nuke was a fantastic play on his part in terms of the past lore really happy he said that it makes way more sense w his character.
anyway can u tell the nuke arc was a favorite of mine thank u op
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