#ramnicu sarat
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ellacmn · 1 year ago
Pasare calatoare
Sunt in tren si imi tremura pixul pe hartie. La propriu. Azi sunt pasare calatoare. “Hai la mine!” mi-a fost de ajuns incat sa iau primul tren spre Ramnicu Sarat. Imi era dor de duca. Trecuse cam mult timp. Ce imi place cel mai mult la calatoria cu trenul este ca poti privi, din ultimul vagon, sinele care se pierd in urma, asemenea unui drum vechi si uitat de lume, care dispare sub rotile…
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creativeadsbursasite · 4 years ago
A venit zăpada!!! Râmnicu Sărat
A venit zăpada!!! Râmnicu Sărat - Galerie foto & Video
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icst · 6 years ago
No more weddings, no more prom queens by Cristian Iohan Ştefănescu Via Flickr: A limousine cemetery near Râmnicu Sărat, in Romania
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mizzproblem · 6 years ago
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tacitudore · 7 years ago
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mannnek-blog · 7 years ago
20th Century Home Decorating Guide
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The custom of appropriate and harmonious treatment of home decorating, interior decorations and suitable furniture, seems to have been in a great measure abandoned during the present century, owing perhaps to the indifference of architects of the time to this subsidiary but necessary portion of their work, or perhaps to a desire for economy, which preferred the cheapness of painted and artificially grained pine-wood, with decorative effects produced by wall papers, to the more solid but expensive though less showy wood-panelling, architectural mouldings, well-made panelled doors and chimney pieces, which one finds, down to quite the end of the last century, even in houses of moderate rentals. Furniture therefore became independent and "beginning to account herself an Art, transgressed her limits"... and "grew to the conceit that it could stand by itself, and, as well as its betters, went a way of its own." Interior Conservatory Finishing The interiors, handed over from the builder, as it were, in blank, are filled up from the upholsterer's store, the curiosity shop, and the auction room, while a large contribution from the conservatory or the nearest florist gives the finishing touch to a mixture, which characterizes the present taste for furnishing a boudoir or a drawing room. There is, of course, in very many cases an individuality gained by the "omnium gatherum" of such a mode of furnishing. The cabinet which reminds its owner of a tour in Italy, the quaint stool from Tangier, and the embroidered piano cover from Spain, are to those who travel, pleasant souvenirs; as are also the presents from friends (when they have taste and judgment), the screens and flower-stands, and the photographs, which are reminiscences of the forms and faces separated from us by distance or death. The test of the whole question of such an arrangement of furniture in our living rooms, is the amount of judgment and discretion displayed. Two favorable examples of the present fashion, representing the interior of the Saloon and Drawing Room at Sandringham House, are here reproduced. How The Gather Inheritance Influenced On The Home Decorations There is at the present time an ambition on the part of many well-to-do persons to imitate the effect produced in houses of old families where, for generations, valuable and memorable articles of decorative furniture have been accumulated, just as pictures, plate and china have been preserved; and failing the inheritance of such household gods, it is the practice to acquire, or as the modern term goes, "to collect," old furniture of different styles and periods, until the room becomes incongruous and overcrowded, an evidence of the wealth, rather than of the taste, of the owner. As it frequently happens that such collections are made very hastily, and in the brief intervals of a busy commercial or political life, the selections are not the best or most suitable; and where so much is required in a short space of time, it becomes impossible to devote a sufficient sum of money to procure a really valuable specimen of the kind desired; in its place an effective and low priced reproduction of an old pattern (with all the faults inseparable from such conditions) is added to the conglomeration of articles requiring attention, and taking up space. The limited accommodation of houses built on ground which is too valuable to allow spacious halls and large apartments, makes this want of discretion and judgment the more objectionable. There can be no doubt that want of care and restraint in the selection of furniture, by the purchasing public, affects its character, both as to design and workmanship.
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toshogosho · 4 years ago
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nenuials · 5 years ago
Some Romanian City/Town names when translated into English sound so fantasy/lotr-esque ( @marta-elentari you’d get it hehe )
Curtea de Arges - The Silver Court
Pitesti - Hidden / The Hidden City
Craiova - The Lord’s City
Ramnicu Valcea - River Dell so... Rivendell
Ramnicu Sarat - The Salty River
Alba Iulia - The White Julia
Satu Mare - The Big Village 
Baia Mare - The Great Quarry
Rosiorii de Vede - The Red Seeing
And then there’s everything else
Bucuresti - Sheepville
Calarasi - Riderville
Miercurea Ciuc - Wednesday Pickaxe
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tataurspolar · 3 years ago
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It's been a great weekend! (at Eden Ramnicu Sarat) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYy8eQ2oOyDJ9-mMVtFwnkivwm-FWbA-rIWzJ00/?utm_medium=tumblr
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creativeadsbursasite · 5 years ago
Cum să conectați imprimanta prin wireless în Windows 10
Nu disprețuiți doar acele perioade în care trebuie să imprimați rapid ceva, dar imprimanta dvs. este ambalată undeva sau trebuie să... #ImprimantăWireless, #ConfigurareImprimantă, #Imprimantă, #Softweare, #TutorialeIT, #StoreDayRomânia, #Configurare, #IT.
Nu disprețuiți doar acele perioade în care trebuie să imprimați rapid ceva, dar imprimanta dvs. este ambalată undeva sau trebuie să continuați să conectați un cablu USB neplăcut?
Ridicarea unei imprimante fără fir va permite accesul la distanță, permițând imprimării, faxului și scanării în Windows 10 fără a fi atașat fizic la unitate.
Haideți să aruncăm o privire asupra modului de configu…
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strangecreatoroafstudent · 4 years ago
Vizionează „Stefan De La Barbulesti - Lacrima-mi sapa obrazul, Mi-a pus piedica necazul (Live Ramnicu Sarat)” pe YouTube
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misterady · 4 years ago
O tânără de 34 de ani din Râmnicu Sărat și-a găsit sfârșitul la Maternitatea Buzău, după ce aceasta s-a prezentat la unitatea medicală pentru că era gravidă și i se făcuse rău.
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tacitudore · 7 years ago
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juanvaldescesar · 5 years ago
Crímenes del comunismo, conmemoración y sanciones.
Corina Cristea (mayo 31 del 2016)
(En Bucarest ha sido inaugurado el monumento “ALAS” dedicado a los combatientes de la resistencia anticomunista de los años 1945-1989 de Rumanía y Basarabia.)
“Durante los 45 años de dictadura comunista, a los rumanos se les contaba un cuento mentiroso sobre la historia de la nación. Nos decían que nunca hubo resistencia y que los rumanos habían deseado y respaldado el régimen comunista. Hoy por hoy, sabemos, sin lugar a dudas, que el régimen comunista fue instaurado con el crimen y el terror, con la fuerza de las armas, por un ejército extranjero de ocupación en contra de la voluntad de la nación.”
Esta es la declaración del presidente de Rumanía, Klaus Johannis, hecha ayer en Bucarest, con motivo de la inauguración del monumento “ALAS” realizado por el escultor Mihai Buculei, hijo de un ex preso político y dedicado a los combatientes de la resistencia anticomunista entre los años 1945-1989, de Rumanía y Basarabia.
El monumento “ALAS” representa una victoria simbólica. “¿Qué ironía del destino más grande y qué victoria más poderosa que este monumento se alce en el mismo lugar donde, hasta hace 27 años, vigilaba la estatua de Lenin, uno de los más maléficos dirigentes soviéticos, el doctrinario del bolchevismo?”, declaraba con satisfacción Klaus Johannis, al recordar que en contra del comunismo se habían alzado cientos de miles de personas, conocidas o no hoy en día, que arriesgaron sus vidas y la libertad para que la democracia y la dignidad del pueblo rumano no fueran destrozadas. Por otra parte, el jefe del Estado ha criticado el hecho de que últimamente han aparecido señales de que hay personas que ponen en tela de juicio el sacrificio y la tragedia de las víctimas del régimen comunista.
“El pasado debe representar una señal de alarma para los jóvenes de hoy y la acción de la justicia es fundamental en este sentido. Me preocupa el bloqueo de las investigaciones sobre los crímenes del comunismo tras los progresos registrados en los años anteriores. La continuación de las investigaciones debe ser una prioridad para la institución habilitada por ley y solicito a los encargados de la toma de decisiones que adopten medidas para desbloquear la situación.”
En opinión del jefe del Estado rumano hace falta una legislación que prohíba cualquier forma de negación de los crímenes del comunismo, una ley que sancione también a las personas culpables de haber promovido los abusos en base a criterios políticos durante el comunismo. En Rumanía, durante este 2016 se han dado las primeras condenas históricas para dos extorturadores. Alexandru Visinescu, excomandante de la penitenciaria de Ramnicu Sarat, fue condenado a 20 años de cárcel por crímenes contra la humanidad, siendo considerado el culpable directo de la muerte de 12 presos encarcelados por motivos políticos. Otro torturador, Ion Ficior, excomandante de la penitenciaria de Periprava fue condenado por el tribunal también a 20 años de cárcel por crímenes contra la humanidad que causaron la muerte de más de 100 presos políticos.
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toshogosho · 4 years ago
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cabinafotospecialmoments · 5 years ago
Cabina Foto Buzau poate fi inchiriata in tot judetul. Conteaza pe noi pentru inchirierea cabinei foto in Buzau, Nehoiu, Patarlagele, Pogoanele, Ramnicu Sarat si alte localitati limitrofe.
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