#rami malek fanfictio
rami-writes-blog · 6 years
Someone like... Me? - Part 6  (Fem Reader x Rami Malek + Gwilym Lee)
Wordcount: +1,6 k Warnings: none
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I wake up and see it's still dark outside. The clock behind my TV says it's 1.41 am. I honestly don't know how because it feels like I've slept for hours. I'm wide awake. When I want to get up I can immediately feel what sleeping on this tiny couch with someone, did to me. I feel stiff. Gwil is laying next to me, all crawled up to me. He doesn't seem bothered by the lack of space. Well.. I couldn't move a muscle all night so I really need a stretch. I'll just go for a smoke. I carefully get up to not wake Gwil, but that fails. ''What are you doing?'' he's immediately awake the moment I leave the couch. ''Just going to the toilet real soon''. I'm actually not but he doesn't need to know. ''mhmmm. Ok'' he says. I walk to the bathroom, to make sure if Gwil is still awake, at least my story sticks. He'll be passed out in a few seconds anyway.
And right I am. When I walk into the living room again he's asleep. I put on my Adidas-slippers and a coat. Just as I'm about to close the door behind me, I remind myself that my keys are still inside. When I take them I see my phone lighting up, oh right.. forgot about that. I take it with me too and in the most quiet way I sneak out, closing the door behind me. I walk down two stairs and the main door to walk out my apartment complex. I light a cigarette and sit down on the stairs leading to the main door. I take a look at the messages I received. Of course lots of messages and missed calls from Rami. Also a few voicemails.. I decide to listen to them. Just the standard ''baby please. I miss you. Please call me back. Please. I love you''. Holy shit, he sounds hammered.
I'm actually about the reply to his messages.. ''Hey...''. I type some more, and hit backspace. And I repeat it for 4 time, but 'hey' is as far as I come. My finger hovers over the send button. Should I?.. Nah.. Fuck him. As I hit backspace to delete the letters and lock my phone, someone calls me. I can see a phone number but it doesn't have a name. Probably someone I know but I don't have their number? I actually don't want to pick up, it's almost 2 in the morning. On the other side, someone who calls me at this hour must really need me. So I pick up.
"Yeah it's A-''.. ''AMELIA" ''Amelia are you there???'' I don't immediately recognize the voice because it's so noisy in the background I can't hear it properly. ''Who's this?'' I ask. ''Amelia it's Lucy I got you-''. I hang up. Fuck this. And fuck her for calling me. I smoke my cigarette in peace while she keeps calling me. I just push it away. Luckily she stops after 4 times. I don't have time nor the will to talk to her. When I put out my cigarette and I'm about to go back inside, another number calls me. What the fuck is it now. I pick up rudely, ''yeah.''
''Amelia – is this you?'' it's a male voice I don't recognize, but again it could be the noise in the background. ''Yeah who's this''? I ask. ''It's Sami – you don't know me but I'm Rami's brother''. I actually want to hang up but him calling me must mean it's serious. I never met him before. It kind of hurt because at that moment I realise I've never met his family before. ''Can you please come here?'' he asks. ''Where is 'here'? And why?'' I'm actually pretty annoyed. Not with him but in general.
I can hear him walking outside to get a better listen. ''It's Rami. He's really drunk and someone beat him up'' I don't say anything.. He'd probably had it coming ''He's making trouble and you're the only one who can get him to calm down, you have to come before he-'' ..''IS THAT AMELIA?'' I hear his voice in the background. Jesus he really is wasted. ''GIVE HER TO ME WILL YOU'' . I hear him arguing with Sami on the background ,,I'm fine leave me alone'' he's so stubborn. There's some mumbling and arguing and then I hear him saying ''well fucking all of you then''. Sami quickly comes back on the phone ''Amy please you really have to come – Lucy will send you the address'' and then quickly hangs up.
I sigh. I really don't want to but I need to. I can't let him get into something serious because I refused to help him, I can't leave him like this. I quickly and quietly run upstairs to put on my jeans, a bra and a sweater. At that moment Gwil wakes up ''what's wrong?''.. I tell him it's okay ''don't worry. I need to get out for a minute. Sami called, Rami's putting himself in trouble''. In a matter of seconds he gets up and puts on his clothes. ''No Gwil you really don't have to come with me'' I try to reason with him. ''You really think I let you wander the streets alone? At 2 am in the morning? No way Amy I'm coming with you''. I know he won't budge so I just let him come with me.
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''Can you and your giraffe-legs PLEASE slow down. It feels like I'm running a marathon'' I tell him annoyed. ''I'm sorry'', he slows down.. ''I'm sorry Gwil I really didn't mean it like that'' and I put my arm through his. I really shouldn't be snapping at the people who don't deserve it. I'll just save it for Rami later. After a few blocks, we reach the cafetaria Rami's at. Lucy's already outside, waiting for us. She wants to say something to me but I don't pay attention to her and walk past her, directly inside with both Gwil and Lucy on my heels. I see Rami sitting at the bar, with a drink, his back facing me. Sami's standing right next to him, following his every move. He's trying to get Rami to come with him, back home. Rami just sits there, ignoring Sami, gazing at his glass of scotch.
As soon as Sami sees me walking in he comes walking towards me, ''there you are.. Hi, I'm Sami, nice to meet you. Wish it was under different circumstances''. He hugs me and at that moment Rami turns around. He has a black eye and some blood on his eyebrow. Why the fuck is he acting liket his? He wants to hug me. ''No. You're going home. NOW'' I'm really angry at him now but try my best to hide it. He grins ''I finish my drink first''. I frown my eyebrows ''you already had enough'' I try to get him off the chair. ''says who?'' he asks. ''Me. You're coming with me. Now''.. .. ''you can't tell me what to do anymore, you don't even love me anymore''. Tears pinch behind my eyes but I keep on trying anyway ''Rami come on, let's go'' .. he just keeps sitting there, not doing anything, Totally ignoring me.
Then Gwil tries, ''Mate, come on let's go home..'' and at that moment he flies off of his chair ''You better mind your own fucking business or else we can take this outside just as easily'' he growls at Gwil. Gwil surely is ready to do so, so he grabs him by the arm, leading him outside. ''No ones gonna fight no-one. We're going home'' Gwil says. I don't want them to fight so I try my best to keep Rami calm but he's too busy with Gwil to take notice of me  ''Well then, you're not only a girlfriend stealer but also a pussy'' Rami yells at him, laughing. I walk up to Rami and with the most calmest, most angry voice I tell him ''HOME. NOW''.
He's clearly upset and with a sad-ish look in his eyes he says ''I'm sorry..'' and then his voice took an angry turn.. ''that they had to disturb you and Gwil while he was shagging you'' he says with a smile on his face but I could see the pain in his eyes. Thisis the fucking last straw that breaks the camel's back. That hurt, so much. Tears fill my eyes and without even thinking about it I smack him in the face with my open hand   ''FUCK YOU'' I yell and walk away ''I'm going home Gwil, you're coming?''.
Gwil quickly catches up with me to walk home and now it's me who has a fast pace.
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