#rambles over. i stop oversharing. but it's ok i overshare but barely anyone knows a thing abt me i am so mysterious ☝️🫵😎🆒👌
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astrxealis · 10 months ago
i shut up abt ffxiv for now hii good noon u all take care :3 <333
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#funny thing is whenever i ramble or talk irl. it's so alphinaud LMFAO!!!!!#actually unintentionally i do the 🤓☝️ irl. wnvr i talk and wna bring smth up or wtvr i put my finger up. my friends bully me for it 💔💔💔#even my Dad calls me a nerd but wtf mate i got this from you... bro decided to make me and my twin into video games And music And literature#and he's the kinda guy who likes all music? so me and jodi got into that. but also w lit and games LMFAOOO#and the space-nerd in us... we literally have a space encyclopaedia we were obsessed w as kids bcs of our aunt on his side (i love her!)#and it's bcs of him we have books from mr richard feynman and mr carl sagan and Evolution and#does he. did he not expect us to fall in love w science and stem and so many interests when he made us grow up w bill nye and other shows#and everything and all that. to the point i asked my friends to get me the origin of species for my bday bcs they wanted to get me smth#and i kind of begged my parents to let me buy katie mack's book when i saw it in the store for the first (and since then Only) time#LMFAO. yeah. i love being a nerd.#it's silly tho bcs he's the reason we have philosophy books on the bookshelf which made me obsessed w the nicomachean ethics when he hasn't#even finished it (but why do we have 2 copies of it... that's so silly) and Wow. yeah#so now i love classics and fantasy and nonficton and science books and philosophy and etc#and music from classical to metal to pop to rock to the random in betweens and other languages#and the reason why i am so good w tech and love games sm. wow#sorry to yap abt my dad and Our interests and abt being a nerd LMFAO#been thinking abt this again bcs i asked my dad (again) who his fav in ff7 is. and also may the 4th Star Wars i love you#and my dad has the whole collection of star trek movies but somehow depsite growing up w it i Haven't gotten into star trek properly.#OH AND b4 he said aerith is his fav in ffvii :3 or barret. for diff reasons. YAY aerith he's just like me frfr#but yeah recently he said basically all of them bcs they all have their own characters and stories that are huzzah. man i love my dad#rambles over. i stop oversharing. but it's ok i overshare but barely anyone knows a thing abt me i am so mysterious ☝️🫵😎🆒👌
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artificialqueens · 6 years ago
5 times Nina was the caretaker and the one time he needed one (Ninex) - ImposterZoe
AN: Trigger Warning for Panic Attack and a short mention of depression. Along with Bets. IZ
"Ninaaaa," The voice on the other end of the phone croaks.
"Plastique? What's wrong? You sound awful!" Nina exclaims.
"I feel awful. I think I have the flu or something."
Nina frowns, his instincts kicking in.
"I'll be right there." He hangs up before Plastique can say anything else. Finding his way to the nearest store, Nina stocks up on sick care stuff, like medicine and soup.
He then makes way over to Plastique's hotel room, banging on the door.
After a minute or so, the door creaks open, revealing a pale and shivering Plastique.
"Oh you poor thing. You're worse than I thought." Nina leads the smaller man back to bed, laying him down. The sick man's eyes shut as soon as he's down. Pulling out the thermometer he bought earlier, he slips it into Plastique's mouth.
Somehow Nina stays calm when he finds out Plastique has a fever of 101.3, and that's just barely.
Mind going into overdrive, Nina remembers reading something that said cooling someone with a fever is better than bundling up.
He hastily rids Plastique of his shirt. Nina's unbuttoning his pants when he hears a feeble, "At least buy me dinner first," come from above him.
As he yanks the pants off, he gives Plastique a soft smile.
"Speaking of dinner, have you eaten today?"
He shakes his head. "I'm not hungry and even if I was my throat hurts too bad." Plastique give a rough cough. "And why'd you strip me? I'm cold."
Nina frowns, feeling Plastique's forehead. "You have a pretty high fever. Being cold is good. But you have to eat something so you can take medicine."
Oh yeah. Nina was in full Mama Bear Mode.
He quickly heats the soup up in the microwave, instructing Plastique to drink the juice shoved in his hand 30 seconds prior.  
Nina slowly feeds the other man, occasionally asking questions.
How long have you felt this way?
"I woke up like this."
Do you know anyone else who's been sick?
Any other symptoms?
"My head hurts."
Why'd you call me?
"I knew you'd take care of me."
How'd you know that?
"You take care of everyone."
Nina considers this as he hands Plastique more juice and some pills.
"Your fever broke a couple minutes ago. These should make you feel even better but they're going to knock you out for awhile."
Plastique gives a tiny smile as he takes the pills.
Almost immediately the man gets sluggish.
"Thanks...Nina." He breaths out as he falls asleep, his head falling on Nina's shoulder.
Nina just brushes Plastique's hair back.
"Nina can I talk to you?" Brooke calls.
Nina nods, walking over to his friend.
Although he was kind of shocked when Brooke roughly grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bathroom, locking the door behind them.
"Sooo…. What's up?" Nina wonders.
Brooke jumps up on the counter and stares at the ground.
"I broke up with Vanjie last week," he whispered.
Dammit, I owe Yvie 10 bucks, Nina thought.
But all he says is, "Why? You two were so good together."
Brooke starts to cry and Nina rushes over, pulling him in for a hug.
"Hey, it's ok. You wouldn't have done it if you didn't think it was for the best."
Brooke sniffed and pulled away.
"The best for who? I… We were happy together. We were in love. And we broke up because I wanted the freedom to find random trade in a club."  Brooke wipes his eyes, his sadness replaced with self-loathing.
Nina grabs Brooke's shoulders and shakes him slightly.
The last thing Nina needs is for Brooke to go into that dark place in his head Nina spent so long getting him out of.
"So you're mad that you left a relationship you got bored in? If you had stayed, you might've ended up cheating. How would that be fair to Vanjie?"
"Well it wouldn't but-" Nina cut him off.
"No buts. You did the right thing and left before it got to that point. That takes strength. Or stupidity. And let's be honest, you have plenty of the latter."
Brooke burst out laughing, punching Nina's shoulder.
"Made ya smile!" He cries happily.
Brooke laughs some more but gives Nina a hug.
"Thanks Nina. Talking to you always makes me feel better." Brooke beams up at his friend
Nina smiles back at him.
"Anytime. And make sure you don't fuck up your friendship with Vanjie, ok? The tension would kill everyone."
"You got it." Brooke walks out of the bathroom, leaving behind a very self-satisfied Nina.
Then all of a sudden a voice came from the last stall.
"You know you owe me 10 bucks, right?"
"This is why I call you Yvie the Eavesdropper." Nina responds. "And yes. I know I owe you 10 bucks."  
Nina leaves the bathroom to Yvie cackles.
"Can I talk to you?" Scarlet whispers in Nina's ear. It's just after a gig and Nina's exhausted.
But still, he nods and allows Scarlet to lead him to his room.
Sitting tiredly on the bed, he gestures for Scarlet to start.
Scarlet takes a few deep breaths, a deep blush covering his face, before blurting out, "I slept with Yvie!"
"Dammit!" Nina yells. Scarlet looks at him in shock.
"Nothing. Thinking about something else." I owe A'keria 20 bucks! I could've sworn Yvie had a thing for Brooke! Dammit!
"So… how was it?" Nina ask after a second.
Scarlet blushes harder and falls back on the bed.
"It was amazing! He's so sexy and dominating but caring at the same time. Best sex I ever had, hands down."
Nina laughs at Scarlet's rambling, not even bothered by the immense oversharing.
Eventually curiosity got the best of him and he asked some questions.
"So what's going to come from this?"
Scarlet stopped his rambling and shot Nina a confused look. Nina decided to clarify.
"Was it a one time thing? Are you friends with benefits? Are you dating? What's the outcome here?"
Scarlet just shrugged. "Well I woke up before him and left. We haven't talked about it. Actually we haven't talked much in general."
Nina had noticed the two not hanging out as much but hadn't really thought much about it.
"Well, what do you want from this Scarlet?"
Scarlet didn't hesitate. "I want him to be my boyfriend."
"Then leaving that morning then not talking to him wasn't the smartest move. He probably thinks you regret it. You need to talk to him. "
Scarlet promptly jumps up and heads out the door.
"Woah, where are you going?" Nina called after him.
"I'm gonna go talk to him. Duh," he called back. Then he was gone sprinting around the corner. Nina just sighed and sleepily made his way to his room.
[The next morning]
As Nina walks into the lobby, he is quickly blindsided by a pair of arms gripping him tight.
"Oh Nina," Scarlet whispers in his ear, "Thank you."
Not entirely sure what he did, Nina just give his normal response.
Then, Scarlet runs to where Yvie's waiting, leaning up to kiss the man.
Oh. That's what he did.
"I knew it! Pay up Nina!" A'keria screams behind him, catching the couple's attention.
Nina just sighs as he pulls a twenty out of his wallet. At least they were cute together.
"Are you ok, Yvie?" Nina wonders as he walks toward the younger man, who was bent over a garment and glaring at it like it offended him.
"No! This dress ripped during the show and I can't seem sew it right. My latest sketch just won't work right, but I still need it sewed and done by next week or I'll be short an outfit,  I haven't had the chance to sort anything out," he gestures wildly to his cluttered table, "and in trying to do all this I haven't slept in two days! And me and Scarlet are fighting!" He slumps forward, letting his head carefully hit the table.
"But besides that I'm fine. How about you, Nina?"
Nina simply leans forward and carefully rubs Yvie's back, working out the knots.
He did this often and within seconds, Yvie was out like a light.
"Never fails." Nina mumbled as he puts Yvie over his shoulder, carrying him and laying him out on the couch in the corner of the room. Throwing a coat over him, Nina makes his way back to the table.
He'd known Yvie long enough by now to know how he liked things done. Slipping his headphones in, he got to work.
First he undos Yvie's stitching, (he really couldn't sew it correctly), and carefully redid it. After a couple missteps, the rip was successfully sewed back together.
He then ripped a piece of paper out of his own sketchbook and placed it over Yvie's sketch.
After contemplating a second, he pulled out his laptop and turned the brightness all the way up.
Somehow he manages to carefully trace the sketch.
After he gets the rough draft copied, he places himself in Yvie's shoes and  dutifully works on the sketch. It's nearly an hour later when he finishes but at the very least, it'll give Yvie ideas. Placing his copy next to the original on chair, he sets his sights on the table.
This was probably going to be the hardest, most time consuming part. But as he glances at Yvie's exhausted face, he just decides to buckle down and get it over with.
Grabbing a tub of wipes, he sets to the task.
First he grabs all Yvie's makeup containers and starts to wipe them down.
Since Yvie rushed through his makeup sometimes, his containers could usually be found with two or three different other kinds of makeup smeared on top.
Oddly enough, Yvie actually hated it and cleaned his makeup regularly. He never stopped rushing, though.
So Nina wiped down each case, making sure each were in tip-top shape. It took 30 minutes but the makeup was spotless and Nina managed to find Yvie's makeup case.
Sorting the makeup by size like Yvie did, he filled the pouch and carefully set in Yvie's suitcase.
Then he started in on the folding element of the packing. Nina carefully folded all of Yvie's garments, shaking of excess glitter or powder, and slowly filling the suitcase. Just as he packs the last garment, he laughs slightly, realizing he could hear the birds start to sing outside.
But, Yvie's table was shipshape and Yvie himself had gotten the sleep he needed.
Nina thought he had done all he could for Yvie but another idea popped into his head. Pulling up a video, he set to his last task.
Yvie rubbed his eyes as he woke up. He really needed to stop letting Nina give him back rubs. He went out no matter what each time. Stretching slightly, he groaned as he realized he still needed to get his stuff together. But he freezes in shock as he takes in his clear work table.
He knew for a fact that he hasn't done this. He opened his suitcase and found his clothes packed just how he liked it. His makeup was perfectly arranged and spotless.
He pulled out his outfit from the night before, the rip sewed seamlessly. Putting it back and zipping up his suitcase, he looks at his table.  
He finds his sketch and frowns at it before he notices the copy under it. He pulls out Nina's sketch and stares at it wordlessly. He could see how it had come from what he had in his other hand but Nina had unleashed his inner oddball and Yvie approved.
The sketch was gorgeous and Yvie couldn't wait to make it.
Admittedly, after a few tweaks
Then something else caught his eye. At the very end of the table was a bouquet of different types of paper flowers. They were beautifully crafted and took Nina 10 tries per flower.
Yvie saw a note next to them.
To end your fight with Scarlet ~ Nina
Yvie laughed at that. He knew Scarlet would love the flowers. He had been so focused on the table, he didn't notice Nina coming out of the bathroom.
"Oh you're awake. Sleep well?" Nina asked from behind him.
Yvie turned on his heel, taking in the bags under Nina's eyes.
"You did this Nina?" Yvie asked incredulously. Nina just gives a tired nod.
Yvie launches across the room, throwing his arms around who he was pretty sure was an angel.
"Thank you! I owe you big time!" Yvie blurted in the man's ear. Nina winced at the volume but hugged the man back.
"Anytime, Yvie."
Nina takes a deep breath as he rings Monet's doorbell.
The two queens had been dancing around each other for awhile before Monet had found the courage to ask Nina out.
And by, "Found the Courage," he meant, "Cracker shoved him in Nina's arms and shouted 'Get Some' before running away, forcing Monet to stutter out a date offer."
But Nina also stuttered out a yes, so maybe Cracker was in the right.
Not that Monet would ever admit that to his face.
Nina stood awkwardly at the door, stupidly hold the flowers Bob claimed Monet liked.
The door flew open, revealing a flour-covered Monet, in a Kiss The Cook apron.
Nina promptly started laughing, the flowers in his hand the only thing preventing him from taking pictures.
"Shut up and get in here." Monet laughs, waving Nina in. Nina strides in, shutting the door behind him. As soon as the door shut, the sexual tension expanded ten fold.
"I brought you flowers," Nina blurted, holding them out.
"Aw. Thank you." Monet cooed. He leaned forward and smelled them, wrapping his hands over Nina's.
He grabbed the flowers, while still holding Nina's hand and pulled him into the kitchen.
"Quaint." Nina mumbles staring around the kitchen as Monet puts the flowers in a vase.
"I hope you like baked chicken and collard greens."
Nina pulled a face.
"What, you don't like southern food?"
"It's not that. If that's what you made, how did you manage to get flour all over yourself?"
Monet blushed slightly. "I was reaching for something and some fell on me."
Nina laughed again. "Aww. You're clumsy." He cooed.
Monet just sticks his tongue out as he heads for the oven. The tension melts as the banter continues. But unfortunately, it also distracts Monet.
Who proceeds to stick his bare hand in the oven and grasp the broiling chicken pan.
As the man screams, Nina hurries to help. He grabs Monet's burnt hand and examines it. The burn wasn't bad enough to warrant a hospital trip, just a whole lot of pain.
"I'll be right back," Nina calls as he runs out the door. Monet was in too much pain to question it.
After a couple minutes, Nina came back with a first aid kit.
"You just happen to carry a first aid kit with you?" Monet grunts out.
Nina just rolls his eyes as he grabs burn ointment.  "My friends are some clumsy mofos."
Smearing the ointment on Monet's palm, Nina flipped the hand and laid a kiss to the back of it.
"I'm sorry I ruined dinner. I'm pretty sure it's burned," Monet mumbled.
"It's ok. I ordered pizza when I got the first aid kit."
Monet grins. "You're too sweet, Nina. Thank you."
Before Nina can talk himself out of it, he leans forward and pecks Monet's cheek.
"Anytime. Now do you own oven mitts because that pan is about burst into flames."
Nina needs a Caretaker
Nina could tell as soon as he woke up that he was going to freak out. His pulse was too fast and his breathing was too shallow.
But there was a Season 11 brunch today. Nina had booked the whole restaurant so everyone could catch up in peace.
He'd also invited Monet so everyone who hadn't been able to meet him yet could get to know him.
He didn't want to be the one to back out, especially considering how many people cleared their day to make it.
So he hopped in the shower, doing his breathing exercises the entire time. He makes it all the way to the restaurant before he realizes he's hyperventilating.
No wonder the uber driver was staring at him.
He walks into the restaurant before everyone else. The deafening silence combined with the large space drives Nina over the edge.
His breathing picks up and he falls to his knees just as the door opens.
"Nina!" Several concerned voices call. There's running sounds and Nina feels hands embrace him. Holding him and rubbing his back.
Monet steps into Nina's direct line of sight, rubbing his shoulders.
"Baby, we wanna help you but you gotta tell us what's wrong," he coos.
Yvie pipes up, "Yeah, you always take care of us, girl. Let us help."
There were several mumbles of agreement.
Nina forces his words out.
"I woke up...and I couldn't breathe ...but I didn't want to back out of brunch… And now I ruined it because I'm freaking out!" Nina starts to cry, his breath getting shorter and panicky.
Brooke brushes Nina's hair from behind. "Hey, Nina it's ok! No one's mad at you. It's a panic attack. There's no shame in it. That's what you always tell me."
Nina's heart rate slows. His breathing becomes more steady.
"You gotta take care of yourself or you won't be yourself," Plastique mumbles, "We'd all be lost without you Nina."
There were more mumbles of agreement and praise.
Nina slowly calms down, wiping his now flushed face.
"I feel kinda silly now. Thanks guys."
They all embrace Nina in a tight group hug and reply in unison.
"Anytime Nina."
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princelettow-archive · 6 years ago
4, 5, 6, 8, 12, and 15 for catasharky and 3, 4, 5, and 6 for beccroix (i’m allowed to do 2 bc i love you)
ur allowed to do 2 because ur my best friend and i love u
under the cut because...Long
catasharky aka the two biggest morons in hoe county
4. Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun?
Sharky tells puns all the time and Cata barely gets like 80% of them OR it takes her long enough so he thinks it has not been funny but then she starts laughing and he’s like “ok I still got it”. Honestly Cata just thinks he’s gotdang hilarious even if his puns are the worst so she always ends up laughing anyway. That’s why he can’t stop telling them, he just likes it when she laughs.
5. When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?
They just hang out together on the trailer park, climb up to one of the trailers, legs dangling and they drink beer and talk about whatever, mostly it’s just Sharky oversharing shit but it makes Cata laugh so she does forget about whatever it was that upset her. In Sharky’s case it’s mostly just her presence that cheers him up! She’s always there when he needs her and if she’s busy or at work she still takes at least a couple of minutes to send him a dumb text or call him to chat for a bit. If they’re at the trailer park she rests her head on his shoulder while he vents about what’s troubling him and she squeezes his hand to let him know she’s still listening and that she’s there for him.
6. If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear?
I mean...none of them are actually peak fashion sense so whatever they wear is going to be casual and comfortable because that’s the only thing on their wardrobes. Cata would get rid of his hoodie for once and maybe switch the look for a plain t-shirt + denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up (and NO baseball cap allowed, let her ruffle his hair!). Sharky likes it when she wears shirts with a few unbottoned buttons (but like...not too much, let’s not get thotty) and waist up jeans with plain sneakers! Casual...but make it fancy-ish!
8. In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer?
Cata as the employee and Sharky as the guy who absolutely doesn’t like coffee but thinks the bartender is cute and pretends to like it just so he can talk to her a bit each morning. He sits like a buffoon with a cup of coffee he doesn’t even drink just because she’s the nice girl who always greets him with a smile!
12. When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another?
Ok wrow let’s see. Sharky probably crushed on her quickly because she’s just...a very warm and loving person and she knows how to make people feel welcome and comfortable and honestly she encouraged him to talk about things and never shut him down and actually remembered the things he told her and laughed at his jokes and he was like wow I can’t believe she’s the love of my life. For Cata it was...a bit weirder I guess? She probably didn’t even notice she loved him Like That until she talked to someone about it, she just thought he was a Very Good Friend! (Cata/Santi solidarity is that they’re both oblivious dumbasses)
Also the first time they said I love you to each other was like 2 days after becoming friends because Cata gave him half her nuggets and then he shared his soda with her.
15. Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars?
Neither of them are the romantic type so they probably just happened to be outside at night and there were a bunch of star so it’s like wrow isn’t this romantic....totally planned....i just so happen to have a can of pringles we can share...as a romance meal. Really peak dumbassery.
beccroix aka my emotional support vampires
3. Who compliments the other in front of everyone?
They never hang out with anyone because L*cr**x has no friends other than Becca because he’s an ass but if they did it’d probably be Becca because he would only compliment her if they were alone because he’s just like that.
4. Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun?
Sebby doesn’t have a sense of humour because it died with him like 200 years ago (if he ever had one!) so Becca is the one who tells puns (that don’t even make sense because you know, welcome to my malkavian twisted mind) and he either 1) ignores them because they were obviously not even funny or 2) was too busy gazing longingly into her eyes to even pay attention to it in which case he just looks stupid for a while
5. When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?
Seb doesn’t usually reach out to people when he’s had a bad day but if he’s had a particularly straining meeting or if he has lots of things on his mind he might send her an email (so short, impersonal and formal it almost seems like he’s calling for a staff meeting) and request her presence for some urgent matter (yeah that’s a lie) BUT Becca knows him and he never tells her to come so she shows up ready to start rambling about whatever and for some casual hand holding (that he only allows because it has proven to be good for concentration!). She also lets him ramble and vent about what’s been troubling him so by the time the night is over he feels better! It’s…surprisingly easy for Becca to cheer mousy up.
When Becca has had a bad day it usually shows. She doesn’t say it and you can’t really tell by looking at her face or listening to her talk but if you’ve known her for a while (which L*cr**x has, for better or worse) you start noticing things! She doesn’t wear her usual colourful (and hideously combined) clothing and if it’s been a rough week she’s probably sporting a very normal hair colour with no neon scrunchies. She usually keeps her troubles to herself (or only confides on Cass) so if she’s feeling lonely or sad she avoids going to Ventrue Tower altogether! BUT if they meet and Seb notices it (and he does notice it, all the time) he probably is the one to start conversations, asking her opinion or something or about her latest Hollywood adventure (he even asks her about her Toreador friend, even if just pronouncing her name leaves a bitter taste on his mouth, thanks Great Mural Incident of 2002).
6. If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear?“
Please don’t ever let Becca pick what L*cr**x has to wear unless you want him to call a blood hunt on her. IF she had to pick clothes from his own wardrobe (which is just identical suits and ties because he is Boring) she’d probably go for the most casual look she could find because she finds his slightly disheveled look to be very Cute. So ditch the suit jacket, shirt sleeves rolled up, no tie whatsoever and for the love of god go easy on the hair gel and let her mess it up a bit!
Mousy would, surprisingly, not try to make her look fancy. He complained nonstop about how she was an eyesore for a long time but now he just likes how she clashes with everything that surrounds him. He has a soft spot for her champagne pink hair dye or the pastel orange/peachy one (not that he would say it of course), particularly if she wears it loose or braided. As for clothing…her demin jacket with stars embroidered on it, black leggins and her favourite yellow sneakers. He probably can’t believe he’s picking that instead of a clean cut suit but imagining her wearing something so formal just feels wrong. 
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