#ramattra and zenyatta can get it......
teacakeezz · 5 months
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Apologies for lack of art recently, been fighting art block hjhgkhfkjg..... But have a ref for my overwatch sona/self insert before I succumb to it again
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victorygrasped · 5 months
ramyatta roleswap au extracts
Pairing: Ramattra/Zenyatta word count: 1533 Notes: some extracts from a hypothetical fic of my ramyatta roleswap au, ramblings/explanation ab it here on twitter! Takes place in a time similar to current canon. Ramattra meeting Zenyatta for the first time since the latter left Shambali
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Hidden within the shadows of chaos and discord he noted the lone omnic. Such a beautifully simple model. Face plates serene, original purpose lost to the tides of time forever to remain a mystery.
It may have been decades since he had lived his first life as a Ravager beneath Anubis’ command, built and taught for war, but he had never truly gotten rid of the lessons he’d been bestowed from that time. Unable, and more privately, unwilling, to part with such valuable knowledge, regardless of the pain and grief they brought. to him.
Every part of him that had once been a general hummed in approval at the sheer brilliance displayed by Null Sector. After all, who could possibly suspect the ruthless and feared leader of Null Sector to be such a passive appearing garden variant omnic? A perfect disguise. Ingenious. One of the millions, doubtlessly unremarkable and unimposing to any fool who didn’t know better.
But Ramattra knew. Knowledge irreversibly and deeply etched into his code and his chassis. For a moment, he'd forgotten he lacked the lungs required to breathe, his air stolen by the mere sight of the other omnic. Wires and circuits long frayed sparking to life in answer to his awestruck state.
He stole, needed, a second longer to collect himself. Forcing himself to tear his optics away from the omnic and towards the sounds of gunfire and explosions, the rubble and ruin, just around the corner. A pointed reminder of his task at hand. Ulterior motives had to wait, he could not afford to dally when his allies and his people were in danger.
(Even as logic dictated his moves, he could not stop the sheer ache within his chest cavity. How long had it been since he'd last seen the omnic? He knew, of course, down to the last millisecond. How long he had waited for this moment, since their promise. Because it had been a promise, hadn't it?)
"I see that you've been quite busy since last we've met, Zennyatta," his voice kept carefully light as he walked into the omnic's line of sight, closing the distance between them with easy steps, his grip on his shepherd staff hiding the faint tremor that ran through his hands and discord raging within his core. He had no doubt that the other hadn't noticed him yet, that he had chosen to wait for Ramattra to make the first move and it ached.
It felt as though an eternity passed before Zenyatta turned his head towards him, looking up at him. Their kind had no faces for expressions, and though some had chosen modifications to mimic them, that applied to neither of them. Still, they had body language. They had their energy.
The relief and sheer delight in Zenyatta's form could have had him weeping, had he chosen to give himself that ability.
"Ramattra," Zenyatta murmured, and oh. How long it had been since Ramattra had last heard that voice utter his name. How dearly he had missed it.
"I don't suppose I could simply put a cease to this destruction so that we may talk in peace, could I?" wry amusement colored his tone, otherwise kept steady. For all the discord within him, he could never forget his place and his duty. He couldn't bring himself to bear the guilt of trying, as much temptation rang at his door. Years of biting his tongue, metaphorically, engrained deep. Still, he did not look away from Zenyatta, the one indulgence he could excuse. His optics carefully drinking in every inch of the other omnic, quietly, desperately.
Zenyatta laughed at his quip, painfully familiar and causing warmth to bloom in his system. He hadn't even realized how cold he'd felt moments before.
"It is good to see you, Ramattra."
"Likewise," he replied immediately, because it was. Undeniably, truly, was. But his voice quieted, a heavy sigh falling out, "I only wish we could have met again under better circumstances."
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"I had noticed you were not there when Brother Mondatta condemned me."
Ramattra huffed, shifting where he stood as he glanced away, "You will find that I have held… uncertainties over some of Master Mondatta's opinions for far longer than you have."
"And yet," Zenyatta's gaze passive yet sharp, "It is only I who has decided to act upon our doubts."
"Do not be so emboldened as to assume me a fool, brother," oh, if only he could smile. Image of humans doing the same dancing at the corners of his mind, thin lipped and weary. The thought brought him to a slight pause. He'd been surrounded by far too many humans of late in search of Zenyatta, "Of course I have considered… alternative methods. Not all of my pilgrimages and ventures out of the monastery were particularly peaceful. You, of all people know that."
"So you must forgive me for failing to see why you would wish to stop me."
"There is nothing of you to forgive, for there is nothing I haven't already forgiven," his voice was quiet. A terribly foolish thing to admit, but he could not bring himself to lie to Zenyatta on his. He could lie to others and to himself, but not Zenyatta.
A foolish thing. But then again, he'd always been a bit of a fool around the other omnic. Perhaps it ought to be of relief to find that that much had not changed between them.
"You fight for our people, you fight for our lives," Ramattra continued, emboldened, "I know you take no joy in the violence, in the destruction. I know that you subjugate yourself and those innocent to it not out of sadism, not out of some corrupted coding, but out of desperation. Out of fear and care. You act out of love. Love and deep grief," he was certain, because he felt the same. It was so horribly easy to see them side by side in another life, sowing discord in vain hopes to bring order and peace, "How could I possibly resent you for loving our people?"
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“I only fear that you will only find pain and failure upon this path,” Ramattra murmured, his head tilting to the side. His hand curling around his crook and small whir of a sigh, betraying his unease, “I should know, brother."
“Failure is acceptable, giving up is not,” Zenyatta countered, words spoken far too artificially for him to take any comfort from them, “If I am to give up now, then what message could possibly be imparted? That the will of omnics is flimsy? Breakable?”
“That we are not adverse to peace,” he replied evenly. The implication of frustration shown in the terseness of his chosen tone, the stiffness of his body, if only his exhaustion wasn't made much clearer, "We have fought for it for far too long to give it up. It is not right of us to undo the progress that Master Mondatta and the Shambali had worked for-"
"Master Mondatta left us before he could succeed," Zenyatta said quietly, so surely and it was the first time Ramattra could remember feeling anger towards the other omnic.
"Do not try to imply that change can die with one being," he snapped, harsher than he'd intended, but the images that'd been haunting him ever since he'd realized just exactly who was in charge of Null Sector burned bright and vivid in his processors. His anger held naught in comparison to the paralyzing fear he felt at the mere idea of Zenyatta's demise.
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“I can't lose you!” Ramattra snapped, hands spasming in place, body frozen from overwhelming emotions before suddenly moving, lunging forward and grabbing onto Zenyatta's shoulders. His height had him towering over the other omnic, yet still, he felt as though he were on his knees, “There is only so much I can do, there is only so much I can handle. I am sorry, I am sorry and I can only beg for forgiveness for such weakness but please,” his voice module distorting as his composure, usually so proudly maintained and kept, turned to ash before them.
Foolish. Idiotic. Truly weak. Was there anyone he could save? He could not save Mondatta. He could not save their people. And now, he was failing to save Zenyatta. How pathetic could he be? How low could he fall?
“I cannot bear the weight of your loss,” desperation poured from each of his words, yet even then, his touch remained gentle. Far too gentle. Restrained and controlled, as he was taught and as he had learned, “Do not ask that of me, I will not be able to."
He could force Zenyatta to stop. He could physically restrain the more fragile omnic and take him far away. For his own good, for all of their good.
But Ramattra would not. No matter how part of him ached to demand. To take. To be. He could not. It had been so long since he was allowed to want for himself, he had forgotten how.
“Please, Zenyatta,” he pleaded, words barely recognizable past the static, because begging was all he had left, “I cannot lose you too.”
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
The Fight
Trying to pick up the pace a little bit, but I'm not very good at writing action so this might be a bit clunky. Please excuse me.
Mountain's Peak (Part 1)
Nepal Sanctum (Part 2)
Talk it out (Part 3)
In which we let it all out
Ramattra found his brother exactly where he expected to; Tucked away on the highest roof top of the Monastery's temples, an old withered place few monks visited simply for the egregious amount of single wide stairs clearly poorly placed by the original builders.
"Brother Mondatta is looking for you," Ramattra spoke with no worry of startling his brother, positive Zenyatta had already sensed his approach at least three levels down. The fact that he hadn't run was a good sign.
"He can look a while longer.." Zenyatta replied, relaxing from his curled up position to allow his legs to dangle over the edge of the building.
Ramattra sat himself down beside his brother, taking a moment to appreciate the view. The sun was setting, stars had started to dot the soft pink sky. From this high up, one could truly see on into forever if they desired to.
"You hit the human..." Ramattra finally pressed, giving a glance to Zenyatta, who curled back in on himself slightly.
"I did."
"You said you would only use what I taught you in self defense."
"I did not use what you taught me, dear brother. I used my fist."
Ramattra couldn't help the slight chuckle hearing his elder defend himself so sharply released. If he could still shoot back, then he couldn't be all that tore up about what he'd done.
"Mondatta will expect an apology when we finally return."
"I did nothing to him." Zenyatta once again uncurled himself, his legs once more dangling over the building's edge as he relaxed into the flow of conversation with Ramattra.
"To the human, Brother."
Zenyatta released a loud, dramatic sigh noise, clunking his head into Ramattra's shoulder. "I would rather be placed on cattle clean up for the next 7 years."
Ramattra chuckled once again, "And I would love to assist you with such chores, but that is not Mondatta's way."
"No... I suppose not..." Zenyatta's voice softened as he once more pulled his knee to his chest, placing a hand on the ground next to Ramattra for balance.
Ramattra found his hand placed gently over his brother's, keeping his sensors locked to the stars as he leaned his head atop Zenyatta's.
With the sunrise the brothers would make their way back down to the village, they'd catch Master Mondatta on his way back from his morning meditation, when the monastery is silent and the human is still asleep. Zenyatta would give his apology, and be given laundry duty in return, with Ramattra would happily assist with despite Mondatta's preaching on how one must face their misdoings on their own.
That would all come tomorrow. For tonight, the two sat peacefully on the temple roof top, hands intertwined in a painfully human way, counting stars until the sun arose the next morning.
That stare made everyone in the monastery uncomfortable. Bright red eyes that only ever saw the monks as who they were, what they had been made for, how they'd failed or succeeded at a task that had been forced upon them.
It was sickening.
Across from Zenyatta stood the human, shouldering off thick layers of cloth and robes and scarves until only one remained, tied tightly off at his waist by a cream orange cincture belt. He then removed the thick, straw woven snow boots Mondatta had made for him, stepping bare foot into the chalk drawn circle of the training area, holding his hands up in a ready pose.
He'd kept his eyes locked on Zenyatta, not in a glare of malice, or even his usual annoying fascination, but a neutral look that challenged him without words.
Ramattra's hand grabbed tightly to the back on Zenyatta's upper robe. He was shaking. He was going to stop this.
Zenyatta shoulder off his brother's grasp and the robe along with it, leaving him in only his pants and the red cloth he'd kept tied around his waist.
Stepping into the ring, Zenyatta stood wide and placed his palm against the human's, keeping their gaze locked.
"If you win, I'll leave. Permanently. And I'll tell every human I meet they're not welcome here." Emile spoke evenly, despite the rapid pulse Zenyatta could feel coming from their freezing fleshy hand.
He tilted his head in amusement, "And what will you get if you happen to win?"
This was the sort of confrontation that would usually draw this particular human to tears, so it was quiet the shock to see him hold together while speaking. "You can decide that when it happens."
'When' Zenyatta thought on, wrapping his fingers around the human's small hand. It was cold, and soft, and easily crushable in even the flimsiest of Omnic hands.
"Usually a match is called when one is forced from the ring, but that feels a touch too easy, wouldn't you agree?" The human nodded along with Zenyatta's proposal, "So we keep going until one of us taps, agreed?"
Zenyatta watch the human give a small nod once more
And then kicked them as hard as he could right in the stomach
Emile flew out of the ring, scratching to a stop along the stone flooring. He hacked and coughed, gripping onto his stomach. If he'd eaten anything for the past few days he surly would have hurled it up.
"Get up." Zenyatta spoke from the ring. The human did as commanded, pulling himself up on shaky legs. He did not glare at Zenyatta for landing the first blow, he did not look on in fear for how much stronger his opponent was, he did not bask in awe at how mighty a kick it was. He kept his neutral expression.
And that pissed Zenyatta off worse than anything else.
Blow after blow, the human continued to get back up. Even after he'd started spitting up blood. Even after his glasses were shattered on the stone ground, rendering him near blind. Even after he'd stopped being able to feet his fingers in toes in the cold and after his arm stopped moving and after his ankle had made such a horrible crack and swollen to the size of an orange.
And even after Zenyatta still stood perfectly pristine.
Emile hadn't landed a blow on his opponent. Zenyatta was starting to doubt he was even trying to. Had he even raised his hand once to the monk? Had all he done was stand there and take Zenyatta's blows?
Zenyatta clenched his fists, "Get Up." He demanded, as he had over and over again, to the human laying still on the stone before him. "Get Up and Hit Me."
Emile's form shook as he pushed himself up with only one arm, his white hair dangling before his face, tips red from his own blood. As commanded he got up on shaky legs once more and looked to Zenyatta with those red eyes that pierced into his history, a history he'd been trying so hard to ignore, to hide and run away from.
"Get up." Zenyatta demanded again after landing a hard hit right into the human's nose. It was broken for sure.
Emile did as commanded.
"Brother, that is enough-" Ramattra reached to grab Zenyatta, to put an end to this, but stopped inches away.
"It's not enough..."
The human's voice was ragged, breathless and broken and shaking. He sounded on the brink of death.. He very well might have been.
"It's not... enough...."
Blood mixed with tears down Emile's face, big wet eyes stared at Zenyatta, making the Omnic hesitate.
Ramattra wouldn't dare touch a human, but he made a motion like he was going to either way, "Human you cannot take much more, please just call it-"
"I CAN'T." Emile's voice cracked, he coughed, and took a step just to keep himself from collapsing, "I can't... it's not... enough... yet...."
The human but his hand on his wrist, and Zenyatta found himself mimicking the motion. His finger tips touched delicately at his exposed arm wire, one of many fragile pieces of himself he'd been forced to show to the world after nearly loosing his life before coming here.
He could still feel the human's cold finger tips on it...
"it's not... enough... to... ma...ke up.. for what... i..."
His body was too heavy, everything hurt, and the world was spinning.. In his last few moments of consciousness Emile braced himself for one more cold embrace from the stone steps of the battle field..
And instead found warmth...
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koifish67 · 11 months
kissing headcanons with the Overwatch boys
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Sloppy af, mf doesn’t know how to kiss
Leaves the bottom half of your face wet and he looks so overly proud
When you finally teach him he’s just quick and desperate, still leaves your lips a bit of a mess
Cole Cassidy
Long, loving kisses, very sensual and gentle
Touches your jaw and pulls you in, keeps his hands on you when he does
Doesn’t do little pecs it’s either long kisses or no kisses
Doesn’t usually kiss you, he LOVES you don’t get me wrong but he isn’t a touchy person
Usually quick and simple, a little pec on your forehead
When you do get more sensual its still quick, just on your lips.
Googled how to kiss people only to find out you had to have lips to actually do that.
He doesn’t really kiss but instead puts his face plate against your forehead.
You notice his fan starts to turn on so he doesn’t overheat
Quick pecs all over your face, usually grabbing your cheeks and squishing them while he does.
He’s very straight forward and kisses you when he feels like later in the relationship
When he kisses you on the lips it’s quick and he still squishes your cheeks
Gets all giddy and excited, holds your hips and kisses you sweetly and gentle.
Makes you give him a kiss before every mission for good luck.
Also googled how to kiss you and zenyatta caught him, giggled at him for a bit
Similar to his brother, he pressed his face Oleg against your forehead, or he’ll press his face plate to your jaw, very soft *clinks*
His orbs kinda shake a bit, kinda like his version of blushing
Sometimes pulls you on his lap when your alone and kissing, make sure to warm himself so he isn’t cold
Awkward a first, but over time he takes his time and savories it, taking everything in.
Puts his hands in yours or touches your face with his fingers
Dipped you once to kiss you out of surprised but he dropped you by accident and never forgave himself for it, never does it again
Gets amped up and all excited, kind of sloppy but there loving at the same time. Squishes your cheeks to
Always says he just wants one pec but it turns into a makeout, forgot what he was going to do beforehand
Lifts you up half the time and kisses you as a surprise
Reaper (Gabriel)
Old man knows how to smooch ngl, deep and sensual kisses, pulls you in by your chin and puts his hand on your waist
HES 58???!??
Doesn’t kiss you if there’s anyone around, he wants to put his “cool mysterious guy” look on
Gets kinda grumpy when he can’t kiss you for long
Soilder 76 (Jack)
Much like reaper, it’s deep and sensual, his lips usually wonder. His kisses are usually LONG
He’s 6’1 so he usually leans down, but if you taller he’ll make you sit down so he can kiss you.
Little pecs at most in public, likes to be professional
Another old man
His kisses are gentle, romantic, loving, pure sappy tooth rotting fluff. Pulls your chin towards him.
Floats while he kisses you, so he leans down.
Randomly kisses you when he’s deep in thought and it takes you by surprise
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froggibus · 1 year
Hey can I request headcanons for overwatch characters and if their gf was drunk and asked them "would you still love me if I was a worm" with the overwatch men please (you don't have to do all of them but PLEASE include McCree and Reaper)
“Would You Still Love Me If I Was A Worm?” - Overwatch Boys
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Includes: Cassidy, Reaper, Genji, Zenyatta, Ramattra, Hanzo, Lucio + Baptiste (w gn! reader)
Genre: fluff/kinda crack?
CW: general crack, kinda dumb tbh, suggestive in Genji and Baps, Ram is Ram (lmk if I missed anything)
been in a little bit of a writing slump but this was too good to pass up lol. I want to get a bit more writing done this week so who knows how that will go. anyway, enjoy <3 hope you like it anon!
“what kinda question is that??”
looks at you in flabbergastation 
you pout and bat your eyes at him and of course, he breaks 
“you’re really not gonna let this go, huh? alright—of course I’d still love you, darlin’. I’d keep you in a lil jar and you could accompany me on my missions”
a jar????
now you’re the flabbergasted one 
jars don’t have air—he’s gonna let you suffocate?? 
what are you?? rainbow dash (sorry)??
somehow leads to him going out into the yard despite it being the middle of the night to try and find a worm
somehow finds one?? 
keeps it in a jar as a pet just to prove he would love you as a worm
even names it after you and pets it’s head and calls it “my wriggly little y/n”
weirdly wholesome experience would try again
“of all the stupid shit you could have asked me…”
he says that but he’s already considering it after the question leaves your mouth 
would he love you as a worm? 
“what kind of worm”
what do you mean what kind of worm?? does it matter?? 
obviously the pink wriggly kind 
he has to ponder this 
sits in his chair stroking his chin trying to think of how you would be as a worm
“would you still be able to talk and think or would you be an actual worm”
“it would be me if I was a worm, Gabe”
more pondering 
“I’d love you platonically but you would probably have a short life span. I’d throw you a worm funeral.”
better than any response you could have expected but would not try again
“would we still have sex”
please hit this man
he’s joking of course—he’s not that weird 
“why would you be a worm tho”
just answer the question, Genji
green cyborg ninja dude has no idea what to answer 
will you be mad if he loves your worm self more than your current self?? would you be weird if he said he would love a wormy version of you??
“I would get myself turned into a worm too and then we could have a wormy life together and a wormy wedding and little wormy kids”
“you just want to have wormy sex” >~>
“that too”
at least he’s honest?
exactly as you expected, would not try again
“a worm? like the insect?”
“yes? what other worms are there”
considers this
“is everything okay?”
poor omnic boy is so confused. are you planning on turning into a worm??? 
please reassure him it’s just a hypothetical and you’re not turning into a worm
goes on a ten minute tangent about how we are all the same in the Iris, and that he will love you no matter what form you take
honestly so wholesome + cute 
“i will care for you in this life, and the next, and all of the ones after that. even the ones where you are a worm.”
good enough would try again
way to sugarcoat it, babe
it’s only when you get upset that he sighs and pulls you into his lap
“why would you ever become a worm? is someone trying to harm you? you know I would never let anyone bring harm to you.”
you try to explain that it’s just a hypothetical but he’s already going on a tangent on what he would do if you got turned into a worm
talks for five minutes alone on how he would defeat your enemies and defend your honour 
says he would “put you out of your misery”????
“you would KILL ME?!”
“as an act of honour”
0/10 would not try again
idk bro just answer the question 
lots of sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose
“would I also be a worm or am i still human” 
only gets more confused when you say he’d be a human and you’d be a worm
probably looks up worm life expectancy and if worms are capable of love 
“would you even know who I am if you were a worm”
has to ask a million questions before he can give his final verdict 
lets out a long sigh before looking you dead in the eyes 
cute in the end but would not try again 
“would you still love me if I turned into a frog?”
that’s not the question 
somehow it turns into a discussion on if he would eat your worm self if he was his frog self? 
he insists he wouldn’t and would let you ride on his back but you insist his frog instincts would be too strong 
“babe I’ve once seen you almost eat your own finger while eating chips”
“ok and??”
says you guys could live in a swamp together and he would protect you from evil
“I could be like your own frog superhero. I could even sing you little froggy songs”
makes up this entire life of you guys living together as a frog and a worm and him serenading you by croaking songs at night 
honestly it’s the best reaction you could have gotten, would try again
“i would find you a cure and turn you back into a human”
honestly he’s very amused by this whole situation 
“but what if I want to be a worm”
“if I cure you and you want to turn back into a worm, that’s on you”
fair enough
insists he needs to ‘examine’ you so he knows you’re not turning into a worm 
makes a lot of jokes at your expense too
finally sighs and admits he would keep you in a little terrarium with all the food and nutrients you need 
“ha, so you would love me if I was a worm”
“love is a strong word”
good enough, would not try again
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ya-zz · 6 months
I have a quick question if you don't mind me asking. Can you please do one where a gender neutral reader is a secret singer? Like they walk on stage and their partner recognizes them even with a costume and makeup. Can I please request Hanzo, Genji, Moira, Lucio, Ramattra, Zenyatta Junker Queen, Junkrat, and Roadhog to be the ones who are the partner who figures out that they're dating a popular singer.
There was a lot to this, but I hope it's okay! (I also haven't slept when I upload this, so I apologise for any mistakes or errors.)
I'll add everything under the cut, but here is a main scenario you can use or make your own up;;;
You had been dating your partner for a few months now and things were healthy. Everything was as it should be, though, you had a secret you couldn’t exactly tell them. Fear was holding you back - you did not know how they would act, whether they would use you or leave you.
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He was three drinks into the night when the act started.
At first, he didn’t care until the voice resonated within his ears. 
Looking up, his eyes adjusted to the spotlights shining down amongst the crowd before they dimmed and the main stage lit up. 
Their voice was something ethereal. Something that Hanzo recognised instantly. 
Despite the outfit they were wearing, behind all of that make-up, Hanzo recognised the person instantly. 
Shock was present on the archers face, but that was quickly overcome with astonishment.
He couldn’t believe it. His partner was the most popular singer in Hanamura. 
Hanzo couldn’t stop staring, watching the way they performed so effortlessly.
Their hips swaying in time with the song, lips wet and shining in the spotlight, voice angelic as the day he first hear them. 
His heart flutters, flush appearing on his cheeks and not from the alcohol he had already consumed. 
When his eyes met theirs, a smile forms on their face, a wink directed to the man seated within the booth. 
Hanzo could feel the heat rise in his body as he smiled back, tipping his glass towards his partner. 
There were several emotions running through him, from love to lust, Hanzo couldn’t quite wrap his head around why you kept it a secret. 
Nevermind though, he was already planning on making you sing for him privately.
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Genji had made plans that night with a few friends he had made during his playtime in Hanamura all those years ago. Some form of a “catch up over drinks” he called it. 
Sitting in a circular booth close to the stage, the ninja looks up at the presenter talking about the opening act, a name he recognizes but had no face to put it to. 
When you come out on stage in all that make-up and wearing an outfit that catches everyone's eyes, Genji can’t help but stare either.
It took him a moment between blinks for it to register that the person on stage was his partner he had been dating. 
His jaw practically drops, hand clasp tightly around his drink.
Eyes were blown wide, either from lust or from pure adoration at your singing ability. 
Genji felt his entire body flare up in heat, something so secretive only turned him on more. 
His friends that surrounded him made their remarks but he didn’t pay them no mind.
His entire focus was on you. 
Genji could only sit there and stare. 
The moment you lock eyes with him and give a playful wink accompanied with a smirk, the dragon inside stirs. 
Oh you don’t get to play this game.
The night was still young and the ninja had so many ideas in mind.
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The Irishwoman would have rather been anywhere else tonight, but after a week of failed experiments, what other choice did she have?
The bar sat across from the stage was where she was situated, and her phone lay on the countertop in silence. 
You hadn’t even bothered to check in on her today which only fueled her rage more.
She needed time to herself, however. Perhaps the night will go in her favour of some peace. 
Just when she finished her second drink, the ice rattling in her glass, she turns to face the stage. 
The act had already started, singer atop the stage in sparkles and glitter. 
Moira felt something familiar but couldn’t quite place her fingers on it. 
Then there was that turn you did, one that the scientist recognised instantly. 
It was you singing your heart out. Not only that, but in such an establishment? She couldn’t quite believe it. 
No wonder you had been distant today, you were here preparing for this. 
He anger at you dies out instantly as she watches on, admiring the way your voice sounded along with the music. 
She knew you could sing but this was an entire new level. 
Moira clapped when the song was over, smile as wide as her face met yours to which you bashfully hid away.
Questions have answers and she was going to get them, one way or another.
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It wasn’t his first time in the venue and it sure wasn’t going to be his last.
He always had a seat at the VIP table just in front of the main stage, and tonight you were suppose to join him.
When his calls went unanswered, a sinking feeling grew in his stomach. There were many faces already staring at him on his own.
He tried to drown his sorrows with a few drinks, hopelessly texting you, wondering where you are. 
Then the announcer calls out a famous singers name and Lucio can’t help but feel somewhat hurt that you’re leaving him like this. 
He stands to leave and when a voice starts singing, a perfect harmony that his ears twitch and listen to, he spins around. 
Immediately he recognises you, he knows the frequency of your voice, they perfect, sweet noises that come from your throat. 
It was you. 
You hadn’t stood the artist up, no, you were here with him. 
He takes his seat and watches you sway in time with the music. 
Eyes meet and he can’t help but grin. No wonder you were so secretive. 
When the song was finally over, you didn’t waste anytime in jumping from the stage and sitting beside Lucio. 
His hand holds yours as he compliments you, placing a kiss to your temple. 
He didn’t mind, it’ll be all over the papers tomorrow regardless.
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What was an omnic like him doing in such a place like this?
The only time he had a need to being here was to strike deals that suited his arrangements. 
A questioning invite made him wander into the place, suit hugging his body as he unbuttoned the blazer to sit down. 
He crossed his arms, leaning back in the chair as he watched the stage, an opening act that did not pique his interest at all. 
When a familiar voice rang through several minutes later, his receptors picked up the frequencies, instantly looking up to the figure on stage. 
His optics adjusted to the light, a smirk coursing through his wires as he watches his partner, their hips moving to the rhythm. 
He couldn’t help but stare, system flaring up as he records the show for later.
When his partner finally stops singing, their vocals now a slow murmur against the next act, Ramattra watches them make their way to his booth. 
“You finally came through.” He spoke, matter of factly.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I knew.” 
Of course he knew. He had everything about you saved within his systems. 
“Plus your secret wasn’t exactly secret with me.” He muses. 
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The omnic had planned this little date with you months prior, an exquisite date fit for someone like you.
Little did he know, that the place you were currently seated in had regulars there that recognise you instantly. 
At first you passed them off, Zenyatta staying beside you throughout it all. 
He was confused until some older looking person came and pulled you away from your partner.
You laughed, brushing him off before eventually being pulled onto the stage, microphone in your hand. 
It all came naturally and the tilt of Zenyatta’s head made you smirk. 
Your voice hit his receptors just right and the monk could feel his wires warm up as he watches you perform for everyone else. 
When the show was over, applause ringing loud throughout the venue, you make your way back to him. 
“You put on quite a show.” He admits with a chuckle. 
His optics met your eyes, looking at how they glistened under the warm light. 
“How long have you kept this secret?” 
“Too long.”
Zenyatta brushed his thumb over your knuckles as he held your hand before bringing it up to his faceplate, planting a makeshift kiss against it. 
“Perhaps you could tell me more as the night goes on.”
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It was a normal night for the queen.
Junkertown bars held karaoke nights each weekend, the establishments packed with drunks and Aussies alike. 
Some nights, upon the queens request, does she have private shows before her on her throne. 
Several acts lay before her, the music was loud but when her eyes set upon an almost familiar figure, everything heightened. 
Their voice was angelic, something she recognised instantly as they sang their hearts out. 
Odessa thought hard about where she recognised their voice, it was just there…
The moment their eyes lock, it hit her, the one singer she had adored for years, the one partner she had loved for months. 
It was the same person. 
Her smile became something feral as she stood, practically marching her way over there.
Upon reaching her partner, hands laced together as her lips brushed against your ear. 
“Who knew you had such a voice.” 
She felt your cheeks flush against hers, a devilish smile caressing her face. 
Odessa now had several ideas whirling inside of her head.
“Your queen would enjoy a more… private ensemble.”
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The Aussie was head over heels for you, that much was plainly obvious by the way he would talk about you and show you off. 
There was something about you though that rose suspicions.
The way you would sneak off and come back late at night. While he knew you weren’t screwing around, something unfamiliar settled in his stomach. 
One night, he followed you, the nighttime heat on the back of his neck. 
Upon entering a small, unmonitored establishment, Jamison could feel the hairs on his arms stand up. 
He peered around the back, eyes searching for you and when your voice echoed through the dimly lit room, tones changing quickly as you sang, did the junker find his heart fluttering. 
His partner, the love of his life, the one he trusted everything with… 
You were singing for others, but never for him. 
He wondered why, but when he realised that you were the most sought singer in the entirety of Junkertown, he understood. 
Time passed before you eventually came home, seeing Jamison sleeping on the bed. 
Lazily, he cuddled up with you, hand stroking your stomach as he mumbles out sleepily; 
“You have the voice of an angel.” 
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Nothing could’ve prepared him for such a relationship between him and you. 
Never had he thought someone would love him the way you do, so when you invited him out on a date several weeks into the relationship, he was almost startled. 
For once, the man dressed up nice, smart suit and tie and he made his way over to one of the more prestigious places in Junkertown. 
By almost begging the queen, you managed to get him in unharmed, guards escorting him into the building and standing around to keep a watchful eye on you. 
At first he was confused as to where you were, but when a familiar voice sang out, stage lit up beautifully despite half of the bulbs flickering, his ears perk up. 
He looked up, eyes widening as he witnessed his partner, the one singer he had on repeat for the last few months, was there on the stage. 
He couldn’t believe it at first, but the subtle smiles and winks you passed to him was all the confirmation he needed that it was indeed you. 
He was dating one of the well known and renowned singers in all of Junkertown. 
It makes his head spin, the excitement taking over as he can’t help but stand and applaud when the act is over. 
Mako grasps you firmly, pulling your body flush to his as he wipes the bead of sweat from your cheek. 
“You have kept this from me?” His voice was low, gruff as he watched you. 
“I had no choice.” 
He huffs, shaking his head. 
“You sound wonderful.” He admits. 
His hand squeezes your side. 
“I’d like to hear you again.”
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aka-indulgence · 2 months
So, Ramattra huh? :3c
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Ok so um. He’s completely taken over my mind for the past month 😭 I’m in love with this man
Usually I’m a sucker for the villains who are evil mostly for the sake of being evil or aggressive monster types but he’s like… morally gray complex? My (personal opinion) least favorite thing about supposedly morally grey characters is when they’re basically just evil except they go “oh but my backstory,” >:/ But here you can see why, there’s a lot of injustices towards omnics in the overwatch universe and you can see why he’s fighting so hard to make a change, even through any means necessary.
I’ve only started playing recently and every time I play as him I just find every little thing he does attractive orz the way he moves is so determined and confident, the way his hand strains when he’s shooting his primary fire/raising his shield… his scarf makes him look so majestic when he runs… his hair, gives him this effect that makes him look elegant? I want to tie his hair back for him huhuguhghuh
And oh my god don’t get me started on his nemesis form I’m dead 💀 He turns into this huge beast of a robot with big arms?? And his voice gets an extra.. filter to it that makes him sound scarier and growlier? I used to not like how his original arms were still visible, but now it’s yet another thing why I love him uhghehgfg he looks so confident with his arms crossed while he’s pummeling his enemies into submission and his cable hair flowing in the wind liks swoosh… and things get ramped up when he’s doing his annihilation ultimate, he can just run into the enemy team and suck their life force(?) Also this is a meta reason but I think it’s hot when he ults and the team scatters away from him 😳
and ough HIS VOICE AUGH HIS VOICE!! He always sounds so controlled and collected, and when he’s in nemesis form it’s like his restrained rage gets unleashed, phew… ngl I’ve been rewatching “Ramattra Voice Line” videos so much jkdshfnejf I love all versions of his ult line, whether its “SUFFER, AS I HAVE!” or “Rip them to pieces,”, or even the april fools line bc I just think he’s silly and dramatic in that one 🥺
I also watch a lot of his interactions, because despite his (understandable) hatred for humans, he’s respectful and polite to a lot of the other overwatch heroes. I imagine it’d be easy to write him as someone who dislikes all humans, but he shows appreciation to humans he thinks are kind and helpful to omnics, even if they might not like him. Even to humans he isn’t a fan of his conversations are still polite and reserved, or at the very least, he’s passive aggressive- but he never gets into a “grr I hate all of you” thing that Reaper has (lol)
His conversation with Venture especially makes me soft… he sounds encouraging to a human who wants to go to the Shambali monastery.
And of course his interactions with Bastion and Zenyatta are soft and gentle because omnics and knowing Zenyatta from the monastery.
I just- what if I’m his favorite person? What if I’m his exception to his hatred for humans? What if he was contrasted by a soft human? What if he says “Only you,” to his human? What if the hands he used for violence were also used to gently hold a delicate human he loves? uhuguhguhuhgufdgdfhgjdfhgd
I’m being self indulgent here and I say I wanna kiss Null Sector’s leader !!!! I want him to press his forehead to mine!! I want him to dink his mouth on my cheek and I do the same on his cool faceplate! I want him to cradle me with his nemesis hands! I want to hold his face when his faceplate gets cracked and his handsome, intense eye is visible and looking at me like I’m his treasure! ARGHRGHRG
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oldhalloweentape · 5 months
🪨Venture (OW II) x (gn) reader ⛏️
(First Kiss Edition!)
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(Not my picture!)
(I thought this song was perfect for this, I remember watching this in the movie theaters way back when, loved it and still do. The first time I saw a representation of some of my culture on that scale, such an underrated movie.)
- In any situation you guys are in, working together or having two different jobs? I don’t think it’d be a surprise when I say the first kiss happens very early into the relationship and they’re the one to initiate it.
- No coaxing or dancing around the subject, you’re getting kissed like three days into the relationship tops.
- If you guys work for Overwatch together, and y’all won a particularly rough mission after going back and forth with the enemy, emotions are high as the celebration of the triumph proceeds.
- It happens so suddenly, like you’re next to Venture, happy as a clam after putting your all into your fighting. Then, out of nowhere, you’re getting grabbed and pulled into a sudden and passionate kiss that leaves you stunned and flushed, silent as a church mouse when they pull away.
- You know that one scene in ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ Where Roger kisses Detective Valiant as if his life depended on it? It’s along the lines of something like that.
- You probably said something like, “I could kiss you right now!” After they saved you from getting pulverized and in their mind they went “Bet”.
- Trust me, they’re also kind of surprised that they actually did it—
- Time freezes for a moment as y’all kissed cause the team to go silent before an uproar from the particularly positive teammates— Causing even more cheering, especially if you have someone like Reinhardt on the team, he’d hype you guys up so much.
- That or if you guys are archeologists or simply have different jobs from one another it’s more private and Sloane can try to convince you that it was on purpose. But in Overwatch? Fuck no lol.
- The whole roster was like 80% sure you guys were a thing, but that went up 1000% when Sloane kissed you as if they needed it to breathe.
- Spreads like wildfire and by the end of the day everyone knows you guys are a couple, and a rather cute one on top of that.
- At least you guys don’t have to tell everyone that you’re a thing now.
- It makes Venture a little sad. They were planning something big to announce it cause they felt like it needed to be as special as they think your guys’s relationship is. They were biting back the urge to brag about it for 72 hours (the longest time they’ve ever kept something like that to themselves besides their feelings before you guys were a thing), all for naught.
- Reassure them it isn't a big deal and that if they look at it from a different perspective, the first kiss was a great way of doing it.
- They’ll spring back up when you say that, saying something like “Oh I planned to do it like that anyways!”
- You know, like a liar.
- Besides that little hiccup, it was a great first kiss, they wouldn't have it any other way.
- As one might expect, everyone has different views on the matter, with the positive ones that are like “Aweee look at them go!” And think it’s cute: (Ana, D.Va, Junkrat; a mix between neutral but more positive nonetheless, Kiriko, Lucio, Lifeweaver, Illari, Mei, Mercy, Reinhardt, Sigma; same as Junkrat)
- Neutral, like, “Oh, cool, congrats Ig”: (Brigitte; a bit more positive but still neutral, Baptiste, Bastion, Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Junker Queen, Orisa, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Solider 76, Roadhog, Sombra, Sojourn, Winston, Zarya, and Zenyatta: same as Brigitte but a bit more happy)
- Then the negative, the “I don’t need to know about about that you keep that to yourself”: (Ashe, Doomfist, Moira; sassy about it, Mauga; He’s like an annoying older brother that is constantly trying to embarrass their younger sibling— That sibling rivalry between him and Venture is wildddd, Reaper, Ramattra; a bit more neutral, Wrecking Ball; Blunt and mean about it too lmao, Widowmaker; graduated with her master’s degree in the art of being a hater).
(FINALLY! On the last scheduled headcanon post! Yippeee! Hopefully I’ll now be able to get some requests from y’all now that I’m done with this last one!)
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llamagoddessofficial · 2 months
Hello Ms. Llama! Since weve heard Akas opinion on Ramattra, can we hear what you think about him?
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I have several opinions. I have abt 15k words of opinions, currently in my drafts, that I keep adding to in feral writing fits.
Here's 1k of opinions - particularly, from a slice-of-life AU I keep laying awake at night imagining (and @aka-indulgence keeps ENCOURAGING), where you become friends with Zenyatta while attending the same yoga class and end up getting 'close' with his roommate, Ramattra.
“I imagine this is going to sound bizarre, human. And I won’t be offended if you decline. But I have a request.”
You blinked up at him, from your spot perched on his couch, eyes drawn away from your phone screen. The height difference between you and the larger omnic was big enough as it was but now, with you sitting down and him standing up, how much you had to crane your neck to look at his face was borderline comical.
You were just waiting for Zenyatta to get home. The two of you always walked to yoga together, and since his place was closer, it made sense for you to wait there for him to get back from his Pencak Silat class. How he had the energy for both in one day, you’d never know - yoga alone left you sweaty and exhausted.
“... A request?” you repeated. Ramattra’s hands were tucked away in his hoodie pockets.
Zenyatta, when you first met him, had seemed very concerned about how you would get along with his roommate. Concerned enough to warn you in advance that Ramattra didn’t like humans - concerned enough to assure you multiple times that if the Ravager-class omnic refused to look at you, or speak with you, it was ‘very normal’. ‘Just how he was around humans’. "Please don't take it personally if he acts unpleasantly," were the exact words that left Zenyatta's voicebox.
Ramattra looked down at you. “Would you touch my back?”
Sure, Ramattra had been cordial with you. Friendly, even, seemingly to Zenyatta’s great surprise and delight. But you didn’t think yourself close enough for this. 
“T... touch your...?”
He nodded. “I have some calibration issues. If you could spare a few minutes to press the areas around my joints, I would greatly appreciate it. Though I understand if you don’t want to.”
“Oh!” You brightened. “Like a massage?”
Ramattra’s head cocked. You’d never get used to not being able to see any emotion in his face. “Massage?”
“Yeah, it’s something humans do to each other. You like... press someone’s body in certain spots to help relax their muscles.” You mimed the action with your hands.
“Hm.” By the rise in the inflection of his voice, he seemed pleasantly surprised. “Yes, something to the tune of that.”
“That’s no problem at all. Your back, yeah?”
Ramattra, to your surprise, immediately pulled his hoodie off. You supposed that was a yes.
He sat on the floor in front of you, his back to you, legs crossed. You’d never seen him from this perspective. Jeez, he really was massive, wasn’t he? His back was wider than you, shoulders past your knees. You could see the segments of dark metal that comprised his body, connecting to one another seamlessly, muscle-like in shape and angle but far stronger than anything a human could possibly grow.
Your hands hovered awkwardly above your lap. “You’re, uhm... you’re sure you’re fine with me doing this?”
“I am.” He swept his corded ‘hair’ to the side, over one shoulder. “I would not have asked otherwise.”
“Is there a spot in particular you want me to focus on?”
“No. Anywhere is fine. I have contact sensors across my entire body.”
... Hm. You eyed his back; between the metal sheets was a lining of black material. It looked thick and tensile, borderline bulletproof. You figured you might as well start there, and then Ramattra would let you know if you had the wrong idea. 
You pressed your thumbs into the rubber lining. No sound of protest. So you kept going - your hands moved up and down, with as much force as you could manage without giving yourself hand pain. You didn't consider yourself all that small of a human, but man, your hands looked so tiny up against him.
He was... warmer to the touch than you anticipated. The black material felt like rubber; the kind on a bike tyre, or computer cabling. The sort of thing you secretly really enjoyed the smell of. You pushed the balls of your hands against the metal itself, he was smoother than you expected too.
“Does this help?” you asked, softly.
“Yes.” Ramttra hummed. His voice sounded clearer, but lower, and with a softness you hadn’t heard him use with anyone but you. “A lot.”
“It doesn’t feel like I’m doing much.” You tried to find a balance between touching the rubber-like material and the huge metal plates themselves. He said he had sensors everywhere, right? So a mix of both was important.
“You are,” he replied, simply. His head leaned to the side. Following his lead, you moved your hand to his neck there, rubbing cautiously. He made a sound like a fan powering down in another room.
“I don’t know if I’m strong enough to actually help.”
“It isn’t about strength.”
“It’s not?”
“The best way I can describe it is that... you’re helping me be aware of my body. From your touch, I can pinpoint issues, adjust my internals. Your pressure is variable and allows me to reset many of my functions against an external force. A very gentle jumpstart, if you will.”
“... Oh. I see.” You eased up. “Human massages need pressure. It makes more blood flow to the area, I think.”
“Interesting. And it feels pleasant?”
“Some people love it so much they pay for a professional to do it. Some people don’t like it at all.” You pushed both your hands into the spots where his shoulders met the tops of his massive metal arms. Concentrating on touching, you missed the little twitch in his fingers.
“Do you like massages?”
“Yeah, I suppose. I’m a bit iffy about a random person touching me up. But if I trust and like the person, it feels wonderful.”
“What about you? Is this just a necessary thing, or does it feel nice?”
He thought, for a moment.
“... I am the same as you.” 
You lifted your hands, migrating away from his back, pressing your thumbs into the back of his neck. Ramattra’s head slowly rocked forward; he made a sound you’d never heard before. It was quiet, but heavily robotic, like a hum put through several audio filters until it was barely recognisable as speech.
You paused, somewhat startled. “Everything ok?”
His voice was very very soft. Very very deep. “Yes. Keep going.”
... Huh. Well, you did as he asked, starting up again, pushing circles into the back of his neck. It was easy work, and you couldn’t deny it was fascinating to see him up so close. 
He let out a long, slow ‘sigh’. He had mentioned before that he could sigh two ways - one was just an audial manner of showing emotion, and the other was a way to flush air through his system and cool any overheating components. This was the latter. You could actually hear the hissing air, sifting out from between his ribs and mouth.
Ramattra’s head rocked back. Surprised, you pulled your hands away. His head was suddenly in your lap. He was heavy - he looked up at you, masked face as unreadable as ever.
... For just a moment, though, you could see eyes behind the cuts in his face. Dim light glanced off what almost resembled two dark camera apertures - clearly staring up at you.
“Uh...” You didn’t know what to say. You signed up for giving him a shoulder rub. You weren’t expecting this. 
He took a moment to respond.
“... I’m sorry.” His voice was making you feel some kinda way. “My system just reset. It hasn’t done that in a while. I might need a moment.”
“R-reset? I didn’t break anything, did I?”
He chuckled, gently. “No. Don’t worry. It’s a good thing.”
“Okay. If you say you're fine, I believe you.”
“Thank you, human. That felt... wonderful. It was exactly what I needed.” He sounded thoughtful. Relaxed.
"I'm glad I could help."
"Give me forty-eight more seconds."
"Pft." You grinned down at him. "Okay."
... You kinda felt proud of yourself. But you also really hoped Zenyatta didn't come home to his brother's head in your lap. You weren't entirely sure how you'd live that down.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hopeful - Ramattra
Pairing - Ramattra x reader
Warnings - too much fluff frrrr
Word Count - 3,937
Notes - this fic was inspired by this post by @lady-shimada!! i am super thankful to them for allowing me to write this wonderful idea because I absolutely love how this turned out!! this is one of my longest fics yet and I cannot express how fun this was to write!! thank you again @lady-shimada and I really hope you enjoy it!!! Have a great rest of your day/night everyone and please stay hydrated!!! <3333
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You wiped the sweat off of your forehead and smiled at your work. "Does that feel better?" You asked the omnic who's arm you had just finished fixing up.
She rolled her arm and practically beamed at you, if she could of course. "Thank you! Y-You don't know how much this means to me!!" She pulled you into an embrace and you hugged her back with no hesitation.
"Of course. I'm just happy to help all that I can." Nothing felt better than seeing an omnic happy. As a human, it was rare to get along with omnics, especially after the war, but you were just glad that there was some peace in the world that you could take part in. Especially thanks to your teacher, Zenyatta, who was an omnic himself. You just wanted a better world. One in which omnics were seen as more than just robots, but another half of humans.
"How much will that be?" The omnic pulled her wallet out and started fishing out cash.
"No, please, it's on me. I don't need any money."
"Please let me pay, it's the least I could do." She started shoving money at you, but you kept declining.
"Ma'am, I'm serious. Seeing you in tip top shape is more than enough payment for me."
"You're a blessing, you know that?!" The omnic threw her arms around you once more before thanking you what seemed like a thousand times before leaving.
Genji just smiled at you from across the room. "You are very talented, y/n."
"Oh, stop it, Genij." You cleaned off a couple of tools and gave Genji a playful punch on the arm.
"It's true! I don't know what the omnics would do without someone like you. I don't know what I would do without you." He pointed to his robotic body, making you giggle a bit.
"It's seriously the least I could do. They need help, right? That's what I'm here for. To provide that help." You wiped some oil off of your face and slipped off your dirty apron. "Now I'm off to go get some food because I am exhausted."
"Brother, I just want to know why you're not fighting for us! For the omnics! The ones who raised you!" Ramattra exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. He was on a walk with Zenyatta, as it had been years since they had last seen each other.
The two decided to get back in contact after a lot of thinking Zenyatta had done on his part. Moral of the story is: he missed Ramattra. They had an unbreakable bond that was taken away from them over a few disagreements. It's not that Zen wanted Ramattra back to change his mind. He just wanted to see him again. Without that brother-like omnic by his side, Zen was becoming a bit lonely.
"Don't you care about your people, brother?! Don't you care that they are dying?!"
"Of course I do, Ramattra," Zenyatta sat next to a nearby lake, looking up at the stars. "But doesn't everyone die?" His tone was soft and Ramattra was already getting frustrated.
"Yes! Everyone dies! But not like this, brother... not like this." He sat next to Zen, looking to the stars as well. "I just want peace for our people. I want to avenge Mondatta. I don't want it to happen all over again... especially to you." Ramattra sighed, feeling a little more at ease, waiting for Zenyatta to say something. Praying that he would agree with him.
"I understand how you must feel, brother," Zen's tone was still soft, not breaking once. "But we each have our own ways of thinking. I don't think anyone should die for the sake of others. I think in the end, we should all be equal."
"But how are we supposed to be equal when-"
Ramattra's rough tone was quickly interrupted by Zenyatta skipping a stone over the lake they were next to. "Listen, Ramattra. I invited you here because I missed you. That's all. We can have talks about war and death later, but for now," Zenyatta got up from his spot, continuing the walk. "I want to know how you've been."
"What did you get?" Genji walked up to you, taking a fry from your meal; the omnic he was talking to that was in recovery went back into rest mode. There were a lot of omnics that had to heal up, especially some who have seen some bad places. Your shop wasn't the cleanest, but at least you had a space for them to stay for a while.
"Well it looks like you already figured it out Mr. I Like To Steal Fries." You giggled, placing your food on a nearby table with tools strewn across it.
"Sorry, sorry," Genji put his hands in the air in joking defense. "Look, I'm just hungry too, y/n. You can't blame me."
"I thought you would be," you sighed, pulling out another bag. "So I got you some food too."
"That omnic was right... you are a blessing."
"Shut up Genji and just take the food. And you owe me a fry now!" You laughed, handing him his food.
"Do you have any more patients today?" Genji took off his mask to reveal his scar covered face. If only you could do something about that.
"I think I have one more... but it's a Junkertown patient."
"Are you serious?" Genji's mouth was full of food, shock painted on his face.
"Yeah," you said solemnly. "I hate getting those patients. Not because they're hard to fix, but because I feel so bad. The Junker Queen really fucks them up, I tell you what."
"I bet. I'm sorry." Genji looked at a patient who had been bed ridden for weeks. Another one from Junkertown, still trying to regain consciousness.
"Genji, I'm the last person you should be apologizing to." You looked down at your food, getting prepared for the patient you were going to have to help soon. You wished it didn't have to be this way between humans and omnics, but for now, this was the only thing you could do to help.
"Wait," Ramattra pinched the bridge of what would be his nose. "So you're telling me that you're teaching... a... human?"
"Two actually." Zenyatta said casually, watching an airplane fly by.
"Two?! Have you gone mad?!"
"Perhaps a little mad." Zen giggled to himself.
"You have got to be playing some sort of sick joke on me. I can't believe you would do something like that."
"Not all humans are bad. You do know that, right?" Zen gave Ramattra a playful look, which was returned with glaring eyes.
"Yes they are. Why else would we still be going through this pain and suffering?"
"Follow me. I want to show you something."
Ramattra sighed, but didn't argue with Zen. "Fine."
"Might I ask when the last time you spoke to a human was?"
Ramattra went silent, trying to think. "I don't really... speak to them. They made us suffer, so I make them suffer."
Zen hummed in response. "I see."
For the rest of the walk, the two omnics were silent. They didn't feel like more needed to be said, so they just listened to the nighttime birds sing and the slight breeze blow onto the nearby lake.
Ramattra loved when the world was peaceful. It was rare for him. Not often did he get to just enjoy the sounds of the world, it didn't feel like he was allowed to yet. He still had things he needed to do for his people. It was like a breath of fresh air was unheard of for Ramattra.
In that regard, he was very thankful for Zenyatta reaching out again. It was like how he used to live. And even if it wouldn't be permanent, it was nice.
"Right this way, brother." Zenyatta pointed down a dark alleyway, the only light coming from a dim lamp next to a sign that said in dark colors: "Omnic Repair". Zen opened the door to a dimly lit workshop with tired omnics lying in hospital-like beds.
Ramattra looked around the workshop, his gaze finding Genji who was sitting with an omnic that was in better condition with the rest, joking and chatting with him.
"Brother, what is thi-"
Ramattra was quickly interrupted by Zen putting his finger over what would be his mouth and pointing to you, who was hard at work fixing the omnic from Junkertown.
Ramattra turned to you and felt like everything around him had stopped. Like nothing existed in the world but you.
"Not all humans wish to see us suffer, Ramattra," Zen whispered with a smile, seeing how gentle you were with your patient.
"H-How?" Ramattra's tone was almost as soft as Zenyatta's.
"What do you mean, 'how?', brother? This is what they love to do. They want nothing more than to see an omnic live out its life."
"B-But... they're human."
"Very observant brother," Zenyatta giggled, putting his hand on Ramattra's lower back. "Why don't you say hello?" He pushed him to you, but Ramattra quickly stepped away.
"Zenyatta, I can't. They're doing something important right now." His eyes stayed glued to you, watching as your eyes didn't once leave your patient. You were so focused on fixing them, on helping them not be in pain, it was admirable.
You tilted your head, fixing a screw and stood up, stretching. "I'll be back." You said to your patient, who was already more than halfway completed. "You're a trooper."
The barely conscious omnic seemed to smile at you, giving you a limp high five and saying a soft "thank you."
You nodded and turned around, almost bumping into a large... omnic?!
You apologized and took a step back to find Ramattra standing in front of you. He was taller than any other omnic you have ever seen and a hell of a lot scarier too. But he also looked so... cool. Definitely unlike any other omnic you've met.
"y/n!" Zenyatta stepped out from behind Ramattra as you took off a face mask you had on. "You're doing excellent work in here!"
You smiled and gave Zenyatta a short hug. "Thank you, master. It's been a long day, but we're almost done."
"I'd like you to meet someone." Zenyatta pushed Ramattra in front of him, revealing to you the tall omnic. He had to be way over 6ft, he was gigantic.
"Hi!" You smiled, sticking your hand out to him.
"Hello there." Ramattra just stared at your hand and you let it limply fall to your side. You gave Zenyatta a confused look.
"This is Ramattra," Zenyatta introduced him because he knew that Ramattra wouldn't do it himself. "Ramattra, this is y/n."
"Does he need repair? Because he looks just fine to me. I mean I could check a couple of his bolts and wires, but like I said, he looks in tip top condition." You took a fry from the table in the corner of the room and popped it in your mouth.
"I need no repair, human." Ramattra's tone was rough, but it didn't scare you. It was just alarming to hear someone speak to you like that.
"Alright then... What can I help you with?"
Zenyatta just laughed and shook his head. "y/n, Ramattra here is like a brother to me. We've taught each other a lot, but got separated due to differences. I just wanted to show him the work you conduct in here, perhaps show him another side."
"Nothing will change my mind about humans." Ramattra turned around and crossed his arms, looking around the small workshop.
"That's not what I said, brother. I just wanted to show you something new, that's all."
Ramattra just ignored Zenyatta, walking over to an omnic who had to get all of his limbs replaced and was clearly exhausted, but still awake.
"Why are you here, brother?" Ramattra grabbed the omnic's hand, looking at his tired figure. "Why not get repaired by one of our own kind?"
The omnic just looked at Ramattra and stretched, his eyes getting brighter. "y/n is great. They make sure we're cared for and in our greatest condition."
"Yes, but they are human."
"I've met a lot of good humans in my day. And they are definitely one of them. If not for them, I wouldn't be here, talking to you."
"I see... Well, I will let you rest now. Godspeed, brother." Ramattra left the omnic to rest and saw that you went right back to work on your patient from when he walked in.
He walked over to you and sat down, watching you as you worked, not once thinking about anything else but saving this omnic.
"How long have you been doing this job?" You jumped slightly, shocked to hear Ramattra's booming voice.
You giggled, a little embarrassed about getting frightened. "I've always been interested in repairing, but it wasn't until I met Zenyatta that I realized that I can use those abilities on omnics too. Plus, I know that you all have been through a lot and I just want to start the movement to help. It's not much, but it's what I can do."
If Ramattra had a heart, it would be pounding. Perhaps he felt the simulation of it or at least his brain was telling him that his heart would be pounding. Whatever it was... he didn't like it. "W-Well, human's have been the reason for our destroyed life. The reason we are so hurt and suffer this much. It is because of you that you are fixing us. You're not helping with anything."
You didn't know how to respond. You had never been through what he has, nor do you even know how he would feel. So you just kept working on your patient. "I'm sorry." You ended up saying. "I know a simple apology isn't enough, but I am really trying to do better as a human. Omnics deserve much more than they are currently given and how they are treated, so, I'm sorry Ramattra." You looked up at him, making eye contact. "Truly."
For the first time, Ramattra couldn't say a single word. He had no rebuttal, nothing rude to say, no singular comment, nothing. He had nothing to say to you.
So instead of words, he opted for a head nod and continued watching you work. You were so precise, so caring, making sure not to hit any vital wires that would hurt the omnic in front of you. You knew what you were doing, and you were clearly skilled.
Shortly after, you took off your mask and smiled at your patient. After a couple of hours, this poor omnic that was torn apart by the citizens of Junkertown was finally as patched up as you could get them. Definitely able to live a mostly normal life and that was all you wanted for them.
The omnics eyes lit up. They couldn't walk or move too much due to their current condition, but they could definitely feel the difference. If they could smile, they would, but you could certainly tell how happy they were. "Th-Thank you." Their voice was weak, but sounded way happier than before. "You don't know how much this means to me."
"Of course," you smiled, grabbing their hand. "I'm just glad you're all better now. Like I said earlier, you're a trooper. Now get some rest, alright?"
They nodded lightly and pulled their blanket up their body, drifting off into sleep.
Ramattra was amazed. You were so... gentle with the omnics. You really did seem to love your job.
You slipped off your mask and your apron, receiving a high five and a "good job" from Genji.
"Thanks Genji. Another day done." You stretched, a couple of bones in your body popping.
"So," Ramattra scoffed, still trying to keep his intimidating front. "How much do you get paid for this?"
"I don't," you admitted, hanging up your apron and slipping on some slippers, yawning. "Why would they have to pay to continue living? That's just not fair."
God, Ramattra hated the way you were making him feel. Humans weren't supposed to be this... nice. They were evil. All of them. Right?
"Oh shoot!" You ran up to Ramattra, gently brushing your fingers over his arm. "There's a crack."
"It's nothing." Ramattra quickly pulled away from you.
"I saw a missing screw in there, it's not nothing. Can I please look at it?" You reached out your hand to him again and he pulled away again, walking away from you.
"No. I won't let a human touch me! I-"
Ramattra was interrupted by Zenyatta putting his hand on Ramattra's shoulder. "Just let them try. I promise they won't hurt you."
Ramattra sighed, but sat down anyway. He wasn't super stoked about having to be fixed by a human, but that crack and missing screw have been messing with his ability to use his arm properly. "Fine. But if you try anything, human, know that there will be prices to pay."
You could tell that Ramattra was stiff. You realized something though, perhaps this motion he made around humans wasn't because he was trying to defend himself or wanting you to fear him... it was because he was... scared. At least it seemed that way to you. He has only seen humans as something to harm him and the people he loves. Maybe being able to see a human as an ally was frightening to him.
"You don't have to be so tense," you giggled, pulling out a bag of assorted tools. "Loosen up a bit and this might be easier for both of us."
"It's a little difficult to do that... I don't want to drop my guard."
You hummed in response, picking out the tools you needed. "I understand... It must be weird to see humans as a nice thing, huh?"
Ramattra went silent for a moment, looking at a dim light bulb above him as you went to work. "I suppose. Your race has done nothing but hurt mine."
"I wish it didn't have to be this way," your tone was gentle as you concentrated on your work.
"Me too." For the first time, Ramattra's tone dropped. He wasn't trying to intimidate you anymore. It sounded almost... friendly.
"I'm going to bed, y/n." Genji took a step away from his desk that was cooped up in the corner of the workshop and stretched. "Great job today."
"Thank you Genji," you smiled. "Get a good night's rest, alright? It's already pretty late."
"I will. Don't work yourself to the bone, got it?"
"I won't. I'll be heading to bed myself after I fix up our new friend here." You chuckled as Genji went off to his room.
"After I fix up our new friend here."
Was Ramattra really stooping so low to find a human... friend? No. There was no way.
"All done!" You put any tools away and looked over Ramattra's metal body to see if there was anything else you needed to do.
Ramattra moved his arm and was shocked. It was the best his arm has felt in years.
"Thank you." Ramattra bowed at you. "I... appreciate your efforts."
"Anytime," you cleaned up and smiled at Ramattra, your hands moving to your hips. "Just be sure to come back again if there's anything wrong, alright?"
Ramattra just nodded and followed Zenyatta to the door of the workshop.
"Oh, y/n?"
You were headed up to your room to finally get some rest after such a long day, but were stopped by Ramattra's voice.
"Yes?" You stuck your head out from the top of the stairs.
"Promise to get a good night's rest?"
You thought for a moment as a smirk painted your face. "Yes. Promise to be back?"
Ramattra thought for a moment. "...Yes."
Ramattra did, in fact, come back. A lot actually. More than you expected him to, at least.
At first, it was for small upgrades he was thinking about related to his body and his weapon. And then it was to just see what you were working on and to visit other omnics. And finally, it was just to see you.
It was odd building a relationship with someone who hated your kind. Someone who was afraid that you would turn your back on him at any second. But you noticed every day that he would warm up to you more and more. Even if it was just little things like scooting a little closer to you or telling you about his day.
There started to be days where you would rarely not see his face.
"Good morning, y/n." You heard that familiar bell of your workshop door opening and Ramattra ducking his head to get through.
"Good morning, Ramattra." You smiled, continuing to sweep the floor.
"Any big plans for the day?"
"Nope! Today's my day off so I'm going to try to organize this hellhole."
Ramattra chuckled at the sight of your messy workshop. It wasn't unsanitary by any means, just cluttered.
"Sounds good." Ramattra nodded, sitting on a nearby stool, looking giant in it.
"Do you need any upgrades or anything fixed, Ramattra?"
"No, not that I can think of."
"Then do you have any big plans for the day?"
"No. I trained with Zenyatta this morning, but that's the only plan I made for today."
The two of you did what you needed to do in silence. You cleaned up all the clutter, trying to organize it to your best ability, and Ramattra would be on standby if you needed him to reach anything.
"Can I be honest with you, y/n?" If Ramattra could blush, he knew he absolutely would've been.
"Sure, Ramattra. Go ahead." You finally got a chance to take a breather, so you sat across from him.
He cleared his throat and kept his composure. He couldn't lose that stoic posture, couldn't let his guard down. "You are the most tolerable human I have ever met."
You laughed out loud. "Thank you?"
"I mean it. You're kind, caring, and helpful. I hate to admit it, but I think I'm actually starting to like you." He laughed, not believing he was actually saying any of this to you.
"That's actually very sweet, Ramattra. I've liked you from the beginning, so nothing has really changed over in my department." You smiled, laying your hand on the table.
"y/n? I just wanted to let you know, I hate the way you make me feel."
"Really?" You laughed. "Why's that?"
"I don't particularly enjoy conversing with humans, let alone take pleasure in being around them."
"Is it scary?" You asked, tilting your head a bit.
"To be honest with you, it's terrifying. I feel like I'm losing that hard edge. Growing softer. I'm not keen on that." He chuckled almost nervously and you slid your hand over to his.
"Well, I like guys with a soft side." You smiled and immediately made whatever heart Ramattra did have melt. How dare you!
"Don't you dare." Ramattra chuckled, giving you a playful smack on the hand.
"I'm glad I met you, Ramattra."
"I feel the same... I'm thankful that there are humans out in the world like you. It's almost making me..."
Ramattra walked up to you and placed his forehead on yours. You planted a small kiss on his cheek and he hugged you.
Yeah. You were making him feel hopeful.
overwatch masterlist --- pinned post
(these were all people i saw that were interested in this specific writing and ramattra x reader in general <3) @deepparadisesheep @tarotbonez @xoneaboveallx @snufkuluf @jinne-lee @igzsatelier
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professionalranter31 · 4 months
I have several headcannons for the Overwatch Heroes, I’m going to share them
Moira is a coffee addict however caffeine can’t affect her, like it won’t wake her up or energize her it does nothing but if she goes without she experiences withdrawal. She has a side project where she’s trying to create a serum that will allow caffeine to actually affect her, unbeknownst to her however he colleagues both at Oasis and Talon have been sabotaging this project as they are terrified of what will happen if she can actually experience caffeine
Roadhog’s name was actually started before the Omnium explosion, a kid had given him a pig to stitch onto his shotgun holster and some of his friends called him Roadhog as a joke, it stopped being a joke after the explosion
Venture has a house that while they don’t often stay there long they do keep a collection that they started from their various jobs. Jars of dirt from each dig site they’ve ever worked at, with a flag for the country it’s from and a sticker with some information about the dig site. When they’re hunting down relic thieves they collect some dirt from each place they go on their search and adds it into a singular jar with some barriers but in to separate the different dirt from the rest alongside the usual things they put on the jars
Mauga is trained in how to be a bartender. He learned back during his days as a Raider to do undercover work on their targets, either for assassinations or information gathering. He still makes plenty of drinks for Talon and he does hope to share a drink with Baptiste again at some point, either when one of them is on death’s door or as friends again so he keeps a small bottle on his person of Bap’s favorite drink just in case
Genji occasionally forgets to take his mask off when drinking or eating, not because he’s embarrassed about his face but because at times it feels like his mask is actually his face. Zenyatta has been trying to help him with this, with more difficulty than expected
Zenyatta actually had several jobs before the crisis happened, so many that not even Ramattra knows all of them. He uses this knowledge to mess with people a lot but it also makes him a jack of all trades so he helps out with a lot of things around Shambali with a lot of things
Before Zarya joined the military she had several flavors for protein shakes that she loved to have, however after she joined she has stuck with unflavored mixed into water so that it’s quick to make and take before and after her battles. She hates the lack of flavor so much that she intends to expand her pallet of flavors once she is done fighting so she can forget the unflavored
Dr Winston (the human) got Hammond into contact with an engineering friend on Earth in an effort to at least lessen the amount of time the hamster escaped a day. This friend didn’t know about the cruelty the Horizon Test Subjects faced and Hammond could see that. The friend helped Hammond develop the first version of his hamster to human translator be showing the blueprints of past translators and shared all sorts of ideas with him on things to make. Before he met the Junkers Hammond only liked this one human, and he hopes to meet her someday, if nothing but to at least tell her he’s okay. Until then he busies himself with crossing off ideas on the list they made together, and making sure each one works
Mei had friends she would talk to from other ecopoints, she hopes to get back in contact with them at some point and catch up but with the program having been shut down for a long time she hasn’t had much luck in that endeavor
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leorawright · 6 months
Hi!! So glad you're back to writing and hopefully feeling better op!!
Could I ask for some hcs with a teen!reader with Ramattra (platonic ofc 😃) who ALWAYS tells him every day the latest gossip. Each time there's just new tea about something old they discussed, Reader shuffles to him quietly and is just like "...👁👁 did you hear what [name] did today?" And rants to him for the rest of the day even if they're doing something in the meanwhile, it's all just mindless rambling at that point
Ramattra with platonic reader who always tells him the tea
Where did you find out about this stuff???
At first, he just kinda tunes you out until he realizes just how much you remind him of Zenyatta
Now, whenever you tell him something, he puts down what's doing and focuses all of his attention on your words
Gets really into the gossip, too, especially if people are breaking up or someone cheated
Eventually, he starts to approach you first and asks about something or someone so you can give him the gossip
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hey all what would you do if someone is homophobic or transphobic and racist to venture?
Ana: I'd put them to sleep. They often say lack of rest creates a bad temper.
Ashe: Always like to keep my aim sharp fer just an occasion.
Baptiste: They call me a combat medic for a reason.
Bastion: Baw, Vree! >:(
Brigitte: Have you ever heard my catchphrase: Mace to the face!
Cassidy: They should know I've got my dead-eye on them.
D.Va: I've grown up on the Internet, so I'd flame them back to the 4Chan hole they crawled out of!
Doomfist: I am always ready for combat.
Echo: Discrimination perplexes me. My observations indicate it does nothing but hurt humans, yet they inflict it apon each other, anyway. Strange.
Genji: Have you heard of what my brother did to me? ...That.
Hanzo: Have you heard of what I did to my brother? ...That.
Illiari: Let's just say they live to regret it.
Junker Queen: Throw 'em in the pit!
Junkrat: I always need an excuse to test out me experimental explosives.
Juno: Why would anyone think of doing that? It's so cruel!
Kiriko: Sometimes, I feel like being descriminatory back, see how they like it.
...Maybe not.
Lifeweaver: Life protects life. All life.
Lúcio: Boop!
Mauga: Hehehehehe... just imagining it.
Mei: I think they'd need some time to cool off.
Mercy: You know, I'm sometimes known as 'Battle Mercy.'
Moira: I would have to study how a brain as unintelligent as theirs can still function.
Orisa: I'd like to see them say that with me around!
Pharah: We'll hear what they have to say when I kick their ass!
Ramattra: Those pathetic humans will rule the day they dared open their mouth.
Reaper: ...This account would get banned if I said.
Reinhardt: I'd like to see them try!
Roadhog: Arson.
Sigma: Such a small little ant, it would be a shame if gravity were to crush you with its weight.
Sojourn: Y'know Murphy is technically a guard dog? You just need to let 'em loose.
Soldier 76: I've heard it all before, so I'd have a few words of my own.
Sombra: Someone like that always has some serious skeletons in their closet.
Symettra: It's not worth stooping to their level.
Torbjörn: I may be small, but I have a big mouth!
Tracer: I'd run back in time and stop them before they even have the chance.
Widowmaker: A shot to the head solves all of my problems.
Winston: ...They wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
Wrecking Ball: The hampster says words too vulgar to repeat.
Zarya: I'm a proffessional weightlifter, I love showing off what my muscles can do!
Zenyatta: We are all one within the Iris, so they are foolish for othering who are ultimately our siblings.
Venture: You guys! These are the nicest things I've ever heard in my life!
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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I am once again making a long annoying post but after posting my Overwatch S/I references I kept rattling the timeline of events for them around until I finally sat down and made it
This is the most bare bones way I could write out the current string of events I have, To Be Continued due to current lack of actual in-game story events
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shiroisotto64 · 8 months
I have a quick question if you don't mind me asking. Can you please do one where a gender neutral reader is a secret singer? Like they walk on stage and their partner recognizes them even with a costume and makeup. Can I please request Hanzo, Genji, Moira, Lucio, Ramattra, Zenyatta Junker Queen, Junkrat, and Roadhog to be the ones who are the partner who figures out that they're dating a popular singer.
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He’s a bit taken aback but he could tell you were hiding something from him. He is a ninja after all. He’s a little hurt that you’d keep something from him.
But after seeing you preform and and all he has calmed down. After meeting back up with you, he’d asked why you hadn’t told him. And after hearing your reason he’d nod and go back to normal. As long as you’re happy he doesn’t mind.
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He’d been scrolling through his phone when all of a sudden he scrolled past a video of an idol that strangely resembles you…wait a minute..that is you!
He’s shocked and the next time he sees you he brings it up. Genji teases you a bit but would also compliment you on your voice and performance.
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She’d found out and was indifferent. Once again Moria isn’t dumb..she knew you were hiding something, but she thought I’d be more juicy or interesting..
But whatever, she did complement you on your voice. She finds it quite soothing actually. And whenever she’s feeling a bit overwhelmed or tired she’ll asked you to sing something.
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Good luck hiding this from Lucio, but once he’d found out? Oh he was ecstatic! So many compliments. He loved the performance and your voice. He’s just so in love.
Expect him to ask to collab with you, I mean imagine how legendary it would be!? But if you turn him down he’s still super supportive, if you’ll let him he’ll repost some clips of your performances on his pages.
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He’s another indifferent one. He likes your voice but he doesn’t really care for the crowd and such. Don’t let this fool you though he’s still very supportive and if you need anything from him, he’s there.
Junker Queen
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She’s cool with it. Doesn’t know why you wanted to hide your talent but she digs it. From time to time you’ll hear her playfully singing along to your songs when she’s bored or just trying to get your attention.
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He lovessss it! He’ll try to convince you to let him join you on stage! He said he could really help you spice up your performance! Don’t…cause he’ll blow up the stage.
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Head pats after he sees your performance. He’s supportive of it in his own way. But he urges you to take breaks and remember to prioritize your health.
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rfpetals · 2 months
Why I think Ramattra deserves a redemption arc
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OKAY HEAR ME OUT. First of all, what I mean by “redemption arc” is a bumpy journey of self-discovery and inner peace akin to Zuko’s. I don’t think Ramattra will ever forgive humanity or join Overwatch. The end goal of a redemption arc that I want to see is one where he finds inner peace and forgives himself for his sins.
Exhibit A: It would parallel Zenyatta which is really cool because I love characters that are foils of each other and follow a similar path with an outcome opposite of the other’s and-
It’s implied that Zenyatta didn’t have the best circumstances before joining the Shambali. When Ramattra found him, he may have saved his life, as the “nearly got him killed” line in Ramattra:Reflections seems to allude to a dangerous situation. Ramattra also set him on the path of the Shambali, where Zen found belonging, purpose, and perhaps inner peace. Ram gave Zen a second chance and he turned his life around because of it.
(Side note: This may be why Zen was so adamant in helping Genji. He knew from experience what a second chance can do for someone. This makes Genji and Ram’s hatred for each other even funnier.)
It’s clear that Ram is not in the best mental state right now. I don’t think normal people attack the planet and subjugate their own people. I believe if Zen successfully reaches out to Ram and (somehow, idk we’re too early into the plot) gives him a second chance to go on a journey of self-discovery, and he does end up finding inner peace because of Zen, it would be a very satisfying payoff and poetic parallel. It would also lean into the implied thesis of Ramattra’s character arc: “You didn’t have to fight alone”.
Exhibit B: Throwing him in jail/killing him off would be a waste of potential
Yes, Ram needs to face the consequences of his actions. Yes, throwing him in jail is a realistic and satisfying punishment. But you know what else is a realistic and satisfying punishment?
Facing worse discrimination from the humans who hated you and hunted your kind to near extinction and also being cast out and feared by the very people you tried to save and now you’re left with the guilt and shame of your ultimate plan to help your people having failed and you’re left with nothing and nowhere to go. Seeing Ram struggle with these consequences, try and fail to be better, and finally achieve inner peace for himself despite everything, would be ten times more narratively satisfying than watching him rot in jail for 10+ years.
Exhibit C: The seeds are already in place
There’s already a lot of foreshadowing and word choice in Overwatch official media that implies that this is the direction that Ram may be heading towards. Hell, even Ram himself has literal redeeming qualities. In one of the Ram Dev Updates, it’s stated that the Narrative Designers wanted Ram to be “exciting, felt understandable, dangerous, and someone you wanted to get to know better”. In the iconic Invasion cutscene, there is a lot of stuff that Mondatta says to Ram, and his reply, “Perhaps, one day, we truly will be together again”, implies he once had hope for peace, which could be a key motivation in his arc, or could lead to a realization he needs. In a 2022 Polygon article, it’s explicitly stated that “players should not think of Ramattra as a villain, but an ‘antagonist’”, again, alluding to the possibility that he’s meant to have an arc. There’s also the fact that Talon is clearly being set up as the bigger, actual villain, and they’re cooking up some sort of plot that leads to their betrayal of Ram. Why else would Doomfist send Mauga, Reaper, and Sombra to steal Ram’s technology instead of just asking him for it? (maybe he did and Ram told him to fuck off)
Ok so, Ramattra gets a redemption arc. What happens? I DON’T KNOW! YIPPEE!! Exhibit D is that Ram is already such an unpredictable and complex character that his journey could go in any direction.
He could try to regain his following, he could atone for his sins, he could return to the Shambali, he could try to reconnect with humans again, he could be an ally of (not join) Overwatch and get to know them, he could wander the world and find the answers somewhere out there, he could see the errors of his ways and try to rebuild the world he destroyed knowing full well that it wouldn’t make people forgive him and he does it because his journey has led him to a path where he finally chooses to do things for himself and achieve the life HE wants and thus fulfilling the sacrifice and wish Aurora made for him, meaning he accepts his own sentience and finds inner peace! What makes the possibility of a redemption arc so fun and exciting is that anything can happen. It’s what storytelling is all about!
Why wouldn't you want that? And why can't I be a little delusional sometimes? If Ramattra ends up being thrown in jail or nuked or whatever, I will definitely be disappointed, unless I am horribly wrong and the foreshadowing is actually pointing to that fate instead.
Anyway Bliz please stop dumping the budget into collabs and pay attention to the lore more thanks farewell
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