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ateamoffour · 7 years ago
"I'd offer you breakfast, but I think I'm too sore to move.
That didn’t really surprise him, to be honest. They can get pretty rough with each other from time to time. Still. It does make him chucle whenever she brings it up.
“C’mon.. You’re not gonna tell me I have to make us something again, right..?”
Besides, he was rather tired as well. The first thing he did when he got out of bed was grab a towel and head off to the bathroom, back muscles in full effect to give Melissa a nice view.
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wannathis-apparel-blog · 7 years ago
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УЗКИЕ БРЮКИ С ЛАМПАСАМИ. Elastic pants with side stripe, photoed by #RaLissa, a nice blogger. $16.99, free shipping. #wannathis #aliexpress #shopping #shoppingonline #onlineshopping #onlinestore #pants #like #love #todaysbest
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dreamyangxt · 6 years ago
22 Questions
I wasn’t tagged to do this, but honestly, I’m bored and have nothing better to do with my time (besides write all those prompts that are just casually sitting in my ask box that I continue to put off, but we’ll ignore that) plus, why not give my followers a chance to know me?
I won’t be tagging anyone because I don’t have any friends on this website haha I’m sad and lonely.
Here goes nothing I guess.
Name: Larissa (it’s pronounced like Clarissa but without the C. It’s not difficult I promise.)
Nickname: I used to be called Larry by some of my close friends, but I decided I hated that nickname, however, some of my friends call me Ralissa and I also go by Lawrence in my 6th period chemistry class. I don’t know honestly.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: Around 5’7
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Last Thing I Googled: One piece bathing suits (I’m going to Florida in a month and have like 0 bathing suits lmao.)
Favorite Musicians: This one is so difficult but I like Twenty One Pilots, Billie Eilish, the Duncan Fellows, and Sleeping At Last.
Last Song I Listened To: Billie Eilish’s Bury A Friend
Song Stuck In My Head Right Now: Novo Amor’s State Lines
Followers: 111
Following: 34
Amount Of Sleep: Typically 4 - 6 hours (I hate High School)
Lucky Number: 7
What I’m Wearing: Sweatpants and a T-shirt (I haven’t gotten dressed for the day because I’m a lazy piece of trash)
Dream Job: Orthodontist // Doctor of some sort // Interior Design // Author
Dream Trip: Moscow, Russia. It’s so beautiful over there
Favorite Food: Sushi and Asparagus (look at me being all healthy. That’s surprising)
Instruments: Ukulele, Piano, and a little bit of the drums.
Languages: English, attempted French but it’s really just me butchering the entire language, sarcasm, and idiocy.
Favorite Songs: Novo Amor’s State Lines // Billie Eilish’s Wish You Were Gay // Sleeping At Last’s Saturn // Cage The Elephant’s Cigarette Daydreams
Random Fact: I was homeschooled all the way up until 8th grade and almost went into High School a year early due to my knowledge and how far ahead I was in my grade.
Aesthetic: Vintage things. Anything that looks like it’s from the mid 1700’s to early 1900’s are my favorite.
And that is it folks. Thanks for taking your time to read this incredibly boring thing that not one person actually cares about :)
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huntsvillebusinessjournal · 4 years ago
Ralissa Jones, Hannah Harrison on the cutting edge of their profession
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kimikohz · 8 years ago
18 Juni 2014 “Dua jam lagi acaranya mulai,” batinku. Setelah melirik singkat casioku, mata lelaki itu tak sengaja kutangkap. Ia duduk di bangku tunggu seberang café tempatku menghabiskan limabelas menit terakhir. Matanya tajam, melirikku dengan pandangan yang kutebak campuran marah, penasaran, dan benci. Menakutkan. “Nona Kay, nama saya Indra dari Excellent EO mari ikuti saya ke ruang tunggu.” Tepukan di bahu dari lelaki berseragam event organizer yang menyelenggarakan acaraku membuatku terhindar dari khayalan lanjutan. Aku berjalan mengikuti Indra menuju toko buku di lantai dua pusat perbelanjaan besar di ibukota ini. Masih bergidik ngeri mengingat tatapan pria tadi, tapi rasanya wajah itu pernah kulihat, apa sebenarnya dia bukan pria asing, karena aku pernah menemuinya di suatu tempat? *** ‘Meet and Greet Kay Ralissa, Pre Launching Kumpulan Cerita Pendek ‘Catatan dari Atas Jakarta’’ Tulisan di banner itu kubaca berkali kali dengan senang. Setelah ini sesi tanya jawab, pemaparanku telah selesai tentang kumpulan cerpen yang kugenggam, yang akan aku luncurkan bertepatan dengan ulang tahun kota kelahiranku, Jakarta. Aku berharap buku ke enamku ini akan laris dan semakin meyakinkan juri untuk memasukkanku ke nominasi penulis terbaik tahun 2014 di acara penghargaan tahunan yang diselenggarakan bulan ini. Aku tersenyum kecil membayangkannya. “Baik, silakan acungkan tangan untuk pertanyaan pertama.” MC menyilakan penonton dan menunjuk satu orang, memberikan mikrofon dan orang itu mulai membuka mulutnya. Lelaki yang bertanya itu, yang tadi kulihat di seberang café! “Terimakasih, Nona Kay, Anda tadi mengatakan bahwa cerita cerita ini adalah pengalaman pribadi Anda, dan sebagian besar setting tempat di buku ini adalah lokasi yang memiliki ketinggian ekstrim seperti atap gedung dan lantai teratas bangunan puluhan tingkat, bagaimana anda dapat menuliskannya, sedangkan anda.. fobia ketinggian?” Napasku tercekat, aku tidak pernah memberitahu siapapun tentang fobia ini, bagaimana mungkin lelaki yang tidak kukenal bisa memergokiku? *** PLAK Kuadu telapak tanganku dengan pipi gadis berwajah polos di hadapanku hingga rona merah perlahan muncul. Matanya menatapku tidak percaya, berkaca kaca. “Sudah kubilang jangan bercerita apapun tentangku pada oranglain!” bentakku. Setelah acara meet and greet yang tidak berakhir baik tadi aku bergegas pulang. Dalam waktu dekat harus ada konferensi pers untuk menglarifikasikan masalah barusan. Sambil menyetir aku mengumpat sepanjang perjalanan. Aku ingat siapa lelaki itu, aku sangat keras mencoba mengingatnya sepanjang perjalanan, dan aku sudah sampai pada kesimpulanku. Layla beberapa kali kupergoki sedang chatting dengan seorang laki laki, foto yang dia pasang tidak jelas terlihat tapi aku yakin laki laki itu adalah dia yang aku temui di acaraku barusan. Layla, sepupuku yang tinggal denganku karena telah kehilangan orangtuanya sekaligus kemampuannya berbicara. Sejak itu, dia tidak ingin mengingat semuanya, ia menghapus identitasnya, mengganti namanya, dan berhenti berinteraksi dengan dunia luar. Layla memegang pipinya dan mulai menenangkanku dengan bahas isyarat “Apa yang terjadi hingga kamu menamparku?” “Teman baikmu yang selalu chatting denganmu itu menghancurkan acaraku! Dia mengatakan di depan semua orang bahwa aku fobia ketinggian, setelah ini tidak akan ada yang percaya aku menulis sendiri bukuku.” Layla menunduk sedih. ”Kenapa kamu tidak beritahu semuanya saja padanya sekalian ha? Kalau semua bukuku kamu yang buat? Aku sebenarnya tidak bisa apa apa. Kenapa tidak sekalian kamu ceritakan semuanya? Hingga semua orang langsung mencapku pengaku karya orang,” Aku kembali berteriak. Layla tidak menjawab, air matanya mulai menetes, “Aku tidak punya teman setelah kecelakaan itu, cuma Ben yang mau menemaniku selama ini. Dan aku bercerita macam macam padanya, aku tidak sengaja bercerita tentangmu sedikit, tapi aku tidak memberitahunya tentang hasil tulisanku.” “Terserah apa katamu, Jika kamu ingin terus tinggal denganku, buat aku terkenal dengan terus menulis cerita, dan tetap bungkam, itu yang paling penting, jangan bilang setelah ini kamu akan memberitahu semua orang tentang rahasiaku?” “Tidak, tentu tidak Kay. Aku akan diam dan tidak membicarakan tentangmu kepada orang lain setelah ini, termasuk Ben. Aku janji, tapi tolong biarkan aku tetap disini.” Sepupuku itu memandangku, dengan mata yang seringkali terjaga sampai larut malam untuk memenuhi deadline dari penerbit, jari jari perempuan itu yang melompat lincah di keyboard computer jinjing membuat cerita demi cerita, hingga setelah menjadi sebuah buku, aku akan mengambil alih perannya sebagai penulis buku itu, melakukan semua publikasi dari buku yang ditulis atas namaku. Aku hanya harus menemaninya mengunjungi banyak tempat di Jakarta untuk observasi tiap cerita, yang sebagian besar berada di ketinggian, sementara Layla berkeliling, berlarian kecil, tersenyum sana sini karena dapat melihat pemandangan seluruh kota, biasanya aku menunggu di bawah sampai bosan. Aku dan dia berkebalikan, aku benci pada ketinggian, sedangkan dia mencintainya. Sekarang aku tau apa yang aku benci, lebih daripada ketinggian: Layla yang membocorkan rahasiaku. Layla yang mengancam reputasiku. Layla yang semakin lama mengalirkan air mata semakin banyak. Tapi aku tidak merasa sedikitpun iba padanya. Maafku tidak untuknya kali ini. *** 22 Juni 2014 Konferensi pers tentang klarifikasi masalahku telah kuselesaikan kemarin, aku katakan pada mereka bahwa aku dituduh oleh Ben, dan semua percaya pada ceritaku. Ben hanya memiliki bukti chattingnya dengan Layla, yang dia bilang adalah sepupuku, tapi namanya bukan Kay kalau tidak bisa menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri. Saat media itu menanyakan apakah benar tentang pembicaraan mereka di media online tentang fobiaku itu, aku memasang wajah innocent dan berkata, “Aku tidak kenal mereka, aku hanya tinggal sendiri di rumahku karena keluargaku berada di luar negeri. Aku tidak kenal siapa mereka dan aku menolak semua yang mereka tuduhkan terhadapku. Terimakasih,” Dengan anggukan singkat aku menutup berita hari kemarin tanpa jejak lain dibelakangnya. Sekarang aku sedang duduk di kursi utama yang disediakan di acara launching ‘Catatan Dari Atas Jakarta’ tersenyum lebar pada para penggemar, media, orang orang penerbit, dan beberapa kritikus sastra. Beberapa menit yang lalu aku mendapat telepon bahwa aku berada di salah satu nominasi penulis terbaik tahun 2014, persis seperti yang aku inginkan, dan setelah mendengar komentar luarbiasa baik dari pada sastrawan hari ini, aku yakin akan bisa memenangkan penghargaan itu. *** “Saya melaporkan dari acara peluncuran buku Kay Ralissa yang keenam, walaupun kemarin terjadi masalah tentang seseorang yang menuduhnya, Kay telah melakukan klarifikasi dan tetap melangsungkan acara peluncuran bukunya dengan sukses. Kay Ralissa mendapatkan tujuh penghargaan penulisan tahun lalu, ia dinominasikan juga sebagai penulis terbaik di acara penghargaan sastra bergengsi tahun ini, namun ada berita yang mengejutkan dibalik itu yaitu Kay memberitakan bahwa ini adalah bukunya yang terakhir, setelah ini Kay akan mundur dari dunia penulisan, sayang sekali jika Kay mundur pada tahun ini karena buku bukunya selalu menuai kesuksesan dan dapat dikatakan bahwa ini adalah masa masa puncaknya.” Seorang reporter meliput setelah acaraku selesai, aku melewati sesi wawancara dengan baik, peluncuran bukuku berjalan sukses, tidak ada yang lebih baik daripada ini. Aku mengambil tas milikku dan berjalan ke arah lokasi parkir, sambil menenteng Koran pagi hari ini dengan berita utama : ‘Perempuan Ditemukan Jatuh dari Lantai Teratas Gedung Belasan Lantai” Ingatanku melayang ke peristiwa yang kusaksikan tadi malam, tidak ada yang tahu,tidak ada yang mengenalnya, juga tidak ada yang mendengar karena sepupuku itu tidak banyak mengeluarkan suara saat melompat. Bagaimana jika hal yang kau cintai membunuhmu? Tanya Layla, dia sangat tahu hal itu.
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riverdamien · 5 years ago
Irrevocable Luke 14:25-35; Luke 15:1-10 It is 4 a.m., yesterday 3 a.m., I wake up in a cold sweat, soaked, from the night mares, and lately from the pain in my shoulder, a knife wound, and being hurt physically a number of times. Saturday night a friend's mom made a bed for me, and I lied to her about why I did not stay, it is the night mares. The mental health field calls it "PTSS", for me it is the Angel of Death circling, reminding me life is short and get my but out there and do the work. The call is irrevocable! Having lunch with a priest friend yesterday she asked me "How much longer are you going to to this work?" And I think of a quote by Ralissa Maritain, "I have the feeling that what is asked of us is to live in the whirlwind. .to pray incessantly... in fact to let ourselves pitch and toss in the waves of the divine will till the day when it will say, "That's enough." I will do the work until the Divine says, "That's enough," and it is easy for those of us of privilege to turn our eyes away from the needs of others and to not do the work. Jesus is blunt in his words in the Gospel of Luke, "If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and sisters, yes, even his own life, he can not be my disciple. .So therefore any one of you who does not renounce all that he has can not be my disciple......."What man of you having a hundred sheep, if he had lost one of them does not leave the ninety and nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost until he finds it." Those are blunt words, harsh words, and what I believe he is trying to do is to knock some sense into our heads, and remind us we are all brothers and sisters and we have responsibility to one another. We are to share of what we have, and by sharing--our finances, and our lives--getting our hands dirty. Looking people in the face, and walking with them on the same level. Painful, sometimes dangerous, but we are all called in some way to do this, but the call is irrevocable. Little Sister Magdeleine towards the end of her life commented, "To be a contemplative will mean simply that you try to turn to Jesus within you and enter into conversation with Him, as with the one you love the most in the world." In so doing we realize that we are all brothers and sisters, and we are called to love one another until "divine will . .will say, "That's enough." For our call is Irrevocable! Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God! ------------------------------------------------------- Fr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T. P.O. Box 642656 San Francisco, CA 94164 415-305-2124 www.temenos.org
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tellmeoflegends · 11 years ago
Ralissa Moment Drabble #30
"Under the Rain"
"Thanks for giving up your afternoon off," Elissa said, sitting down on the floor of Gipsy's conn-pod once the Sikorskys had dropped them off.
She was testing out a new armour plating on the Jaeger and also wanted to double-check the anchor capabilities in the legs. An approaching storm she'd been tracking for the past couple of days gave Gipsy's team an excellent opportunity to put the Jaeger through some tests, so Elissa had arranged for a drop and pickup a few miles away from Hong Kong.
Not one to let the petite tech or his machine out of his sight for too long, Raleigh had tagged along.
He grinned down at her and looked out at the viewport, rain sliding down in heavy streams over the gold hexagons in the visor. Lightning flashed a good ways out from them, but already thunder rolled over the rising gray waves far below the mech.
"Getting to hang out with two of my favourite girls? Anytime." He moved to one of the storage spaces set in the bulkhead to retrieve their lunches, only to peer in the cubbyhole with an amused laugh once he'd opened it.
"What ?" Elissa asked, her nose wrinkling as she lifted an eyebrow before pushing up to stand and walk to him.
Raleigh shook his head and pulled out a folded piece of paper and the large, compressed plastic bag it rested on.
"What the hell is that?" EJ laughed as he set it down at his feet to read the note.
He scanned the few lines and laughed again, handing her the paper to read while he opened the bag. 
"Hey, you two, thought I'd make your outing more comfortable. Stay safe! --Beth"
"Our good doctor is sneaky," Elissa remarked, watching as Raleigh shook out a puffy comforter and a set of pillows tumbled out also.
"As long as our lunch is in there, she can be as sneaky as she wants," the other pilot returned, looking back in to the cubby and nodding in satisfaction to find the cooler he'd packed earlier shoved to the back.
He hooked the handle over his arm along with the blanket, then gripped the pillows in his other hand and walked over to the viewport to spread everything out. 
He knelt down, smiling up at Elissa as she walked over, lighting flashing closer to Gipsy when he offered his hand to her. "EJ?" he said invitingly, and she grinned, sliding her hand into his and sitting beside him.
"Tell me again when you want to schedule more off-campus tests," he requested, making sure she was comfortable before he set out their lunch, the Jaeger's feet holding steady in the sea below them.
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ateamoffour · 8 years ago
👖 (rag)
Send a symbol for my Muse’s reaction to the following scenario. Add a + to reverse roles!
👖: My Muse witnesses your Muse wearing tight jeans / clothing
Having just finished polishing his latest project car, Ragnor felt liek he could use a shower, considering the amount of dirt he had to remove from the bodywork. The moment when he had removed his Tee and entered the bedroom, all he could see was Melissa wearing a rather tight pair of jeans. Much to his pleasing, of course. It wasn’t the first thing he expected to see when he was about to undress, but it was a rather remarkable sight. One that did raise his eyebrows, but also made him smirk.
“You trying something new or are ye feeling lucky today?”
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rpurbandictionary-blog · 12 years ago
One of the cutest couples on roleplay.
A: Did you see Ralissa being cute on the dash? B: They're cute everyday.
Submitted by: Anonymous
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salemyates · 12 years ago
i'm gonna black list ralissa until i'm not completely single and alone.
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ateamoffour · 9 years ago
✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦| Sexual Attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Romantic Attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Crushing✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | Squishing✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Sensual Attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
Low ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ High
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ateamoffour · 9 years ago
Send my muse the word ‘lust’ and my muse will reveal a naughty thought they’ve had about your muse.
~Ragnor~“Very well.. I do often think of you giving me head while I’m still dressed. And then in a public place. It might not be your favourite kink, but it surely gives me a rush even if I think about it.
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ateamoffour · 9 years ago
If they had a kid meme
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Kenshi
Gender: Male
General Appearance: He mainly resembles his mother when it comes to looks. Long hair, regular skin colour and a slim build. Has aquired some of the muscly bits from his father, including his length.
Personality: A bit of a mix between his parents. Contains the more lively personality of Melissa, while having Ragnor’s habits of being left at peace, which is why he rather has just an average, close group of friends.
Special Talents: Able to phase in and out of space time, Very nimble, quite stealthy and speedy (Melissa’s traits), Inhuman endurance, able to create portals, Archium based powers (Ragnor’s traits)
Who they like better: Gets equal love
Who they take after more: Read above
Personal Head canon: Due to Melissa being an agent and Ragnor being an outlaw, Kenshi visits them at least two times a month to make surethat everything is going fine, since their backgrouds are sure to clash at some point.
Face Claim: Jin Kazama
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ateamoffour · 9 years ago
Send '(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)' for me to describe my muse and yours as a fusion
Bonus:Name- Ralissa (why not xD)Height- 8′33Appearance- Buff, but femininePersonality- Serious and cold, but can be quite a tease.Noticeable traits- Medium-long hair, mechanical right arm, slim but strong legs and the third eye on her foreheadWeapon (if there is) - She’s specialized in various Matial Arts. If that’s not enough, she can spawn a Gunhalberd.
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ateamoffour · 9 years ago
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
My muse(s): Ragnor
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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ateamoffour · 10 years ago
‘ღ’ _Ragnor
attraction meme ~Ragnor
Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following:
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeSexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeAesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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