No one is submitting anything, so I might just close the site. I thought this was going to be fun and that people would actually submit stuff but it's just not working out. Thank you for those who actually submitted, like you guys are the ones that made this whole site funny. 
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Seth Vigalitore-
Known by few as the Joe Jonas of roleplay, but more commonly as the poop googling, skype farting, placenta eating Vigalichrist.
Ex 1: I took a massive dump today and totally thought of Seth Vigalitore Ex 2: Isn't Seth Vigalitore the one who is obsessed with Perry?
Submitted by: Perry Vigalitore
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Jesse Tarver-
The most incredible little shit on roleplay.
“Damn! I wish I was as rad as Jesse Tarver.”
Submitted by: Max Tarver
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I really wish people would hurry up and submit stuff
Or I'm just going to delete the site
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Stori Cavum-
The perfect bad bitch.
"I wish I was Stori Cavum"
Submitted by: Liam/Lamb
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The Isleys-
The closest family on rp tumblr.
"Did you see how close the Isleys are?" "Yeah I want to be in a family like that"
Submitted by: Anonymous
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Submit definitions guys!!!! 
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A person, place, or thing that is worse than ratchet. Someone you definitely don't want to be around.
"Have you seen Topher lately? She looks so beat and smells like a llama!!!"
Submitted by: Brax Cavum
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Cori Crazor-
A giant super flaming lesbian obsessed with ass n titties.
"Did you see that Cori posted ANOTHER picture of tits?"
Submitted by: Keldon Moretti
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Jess Veriotti-
The most annoying girl on rp tumblr.
Shut the fuck up, Jess!
Submitted by: Anonymous
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anymore?????? i'll do a few more before i go back to my rp tumblr :)
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Beckett Isles-
Some chick that is so thirsty for a post on Roleplay Urban dictionary.
A: Did you read the RP UB? Beckett: Oh my god, was it finally about me? A: No. Beckett: NO ONE HAS SUBMITTED ABOUT ME YET!!!????
Submitted by: Gonzo
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Amelia Gabor-Isley-
The love of my life.
"I will always be in love with Amelia Gabor-Isley."
Submitted by: Anonymous
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Beckett Isles-
Jade Thirlwall of roleplay.
"Beckett fits Jade Thirlwall so well"
Submitted by: Anonymous
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One of the cutest couples on roleplay.
A: Did you see Ralissa being cute on the dash? B: They're cute everyday.
Submitted by: Anonymous
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Keep submitting guys!!!! :)
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A roleplay couple composed of the whipped Jett Dicampio, otherwise known as the Vigalitore family dog, and the Beyonce like Seattle Vigalitore.
Wow, did you see Jett tagging her posts as Jeattle again?
Submitted by: Perry Vigalitore
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