#rakesh ticket
oh-three · 2 years
Unit Arrel Incorrect Quotes Part 13:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Tindri: “If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.”
Trohr: “I’m here for the cult stuff.” Jurr: “How did you find us?” Trohr: “I saw your ad on Craigslist.”
The “cult stuff”:
Trohr: “If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier.” Trohr: “Violently practices.” Vori: “Violently studies.” Brakan: “Violently sleeps.” Loktof: “Violently shoots pictures.” Rakesh: “Violently boxes.” Linaleh: “Violently murders people.” Brakan: “Violently worries about the previous statement.”
Trohr: “Hey, I say we go down there, kick Loktof’s door in, and let him know that we’re in town.” Tindri: “That ain’t the way we do things here. We may have to go in there and run a con, drop a bug, do the smooth talking.” Trohr: “Okay, you come with me, you do the smooth talking, let’s go.” Tindri: “No, we just can’t go in there and kick down Loktof’s door. We need a plan.” Trohr: “Well who makes the plans?” Tindri: “Vori.” Trohr: “Vori, what's the plan?” Vori: “You guys are gonna go down there, kick Loktof’s door in, let him know you’re in town.”
Rakesh: “Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!” Tindri: “The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.” Rakesh: “Stop.”
Tindri: “I'm bored.” Rakesh: “Wanna commit first degree murder?” Tindri: “Sure!” Linaleh, hearing them: “No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Jurr down!!”
Vori: “You’re from Ohio, right?” Tindri: “Okay, first of all, my parents live in Ohio.” Tindri: “I live in the moment.”
Tindri: “You can de-escalate literally any situation by asking ‘are we about to kiss?’” Tindri: “Doesn't work with getting out of speeding tickets, though.”
Rakesh: “Vori, this morning, I called you abhorrent and reprehensible, and I’d like to withdraw that statement-” Vori: “Aww, thanks-” Rakesh: “But I can't. Those are the 2 words that best describe you."
Vori: “I trusted you!” Rakesh: “Why?”
Tindri: “Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby?” Tindri: “I want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin a path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us.” Tindri: “I also want to softhack his circuits.” Brakan: “I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again.”
Jurr: “Damn, the power went out.” Trohr: “Don’t worry, I got this.” Trohr: stomps foot Jurr: “What-?” Trohr: Sketchers light up
Vori: “That’s the longest worm I’ve ever seen.” Linaleh: “That’s a snake.”
Tindri: “I'm not creepy.” Tindri: “I'm petty.” Tindri: “There's a difference, ya' know.”
Loktof: “You know, studies show that keeping a ladder in the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun.” Loktof: “That's why I own TEN guns.” Loktof: “Just in case some maniac tries to sneak in with a ladder.”
Brakan: “What do you guys do when you're stressed?” Jurr: “Try and calm myself down!” Loktof: “Sleep.” Linaleh: “Get myself into even more stress, so that the first reason for my stress gets cancelled out.” Rakesh: “I don't.”
Tindri: pulls back the curtain while Trohr is showering Tindri: “Hey did we - stop screaming, it’s me - did we run out of Cheerios?”
Linaleh: “I wish I was a dinosaur.” Vori: “Why? Cause they're big and scary?” Linaleh: “Because they're dead.” 
Brakan: “Why don't sentients have a specific noise that means 'there are bees here, let's leave immediately'? Why are elephants more advanced than us?” Rakesh: “We do have a specific noise for it. It sounds like this:” Rakesh: "’There are bees here, let's leave immediately.’"
Brakan: "If the neighborhood isn't going to help me wash these squirrels I guess I will have to do it all by myself." Trohr: "Why are you going to wash squirrels?" Brakan: "Someone has to."
Tindri: “I'm gonna get my pilot's license. I've already got a driver's license and a cosmetology license, that's two of the big five licenses.” Jurr: “The big five licenses?” Tindri: “Driver's license, cosmetology license, pilot's license, fishing license, and… license to kill! I can't wait to get that one.”
Linaleh: “Do you have a self-care routine?” Tindri: "’Keep going bitch' said to myself in different accents.”
Rakesh, confused and exasperated: “Trohr, how do you plan on telling a bear to go vegan?” Trohr: “Politely.”
Linaleh, texting: “Answer your phone.” Rakesh, texting back: “Wait a minute, I can’t find my phone.” Linaleh: “Understood.” Linaleh, 5 minutes later: “You’re a terrible person. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing me, Rakesh.”
Linaleh: “Why would I flip my shit about that?” Tindri: “Because you flip your shit about everything.” Linaleh: “Well, will you look at this. Here is my shit, and yet it remains unflipped. Just sitting there on the skillet, getting burned on one side. It’s a miracle.”
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9327005315 · 1 month
Ashok shrivtastav distroy Rakesh tikaet//Rakesh ticket expose// latest d...
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irctcofficial · 2 months
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An agreement was signed between IRCTC Ltd and the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power, on the 2nd of August, 2024. Through this agreement, IRCTC Ltd will provide a comprehensive range of Corporate Travel Services, including the booking of air tickets, train tickets, hotels, visas, and MICE services.
Shri Sanjay Kumar Jain, Chairman and Managing Director of IRCTC and Shri Rakesh Kumar, Secretary of CEA, highlighted that this collaboration aims to facilitate the efficient, timely, economical, and transparent execution of travel and logistics requirements for the officials of the Central Electricity Authority.
The agreement was formalized at the Central Electricity Authority Office at Sewa Bhawan in an official ceremony attended by Shri Rahul Himalian, Director of Tourism and Marketing at IRCTC Ltd and Shri Rakesh Kumar - CPES, Secretary of the Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power, along with other senior officials from both the organizations.
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twbcx · 4 months
The Indian Context of Customer Service vs. Customer Experience: by Rakesh Shukla, CEO at InStore™ by TWBcx™
“The Indian Context of Customer Service vs. Customer Experience: Differences & Technologies Driving Each in Retail”
In the competitive world of retail, businesses are constantly striving to improve their interactions with customers. Two critical concepts in this endeavor are customer service and customer experience. While often used interchangeably, these terms represent distinct facets of customer interaction that can significantly influence a company’s success. This article delves into the differences between customer service and customer experience, explores the technologies that drive each, and highlights best practices and future trends within the retail sector, particularly focusing on the Indian market.
1. Defining Customer Service and Customer Experience
Customer Service refers to assistance provided to customers before, during, and after purchasing products or services. Traditionally, customer service was limited to in-person interactions, phone calls, and later, emails. Its primary goal is to resolve customer issues and ensure satisfaction with the company’s offerings.
Customer Experience (CX) encompasses the entire journey a customer takes from the first point of contact with a brand through to post-purchase interactions. CX includes every touchpoint a customer has with a company, from navigating the website to interacting with sales and support teams. The goal of CX is to create a seamless journey that fosters loyalty and encourages repeat business.
2. Historical Context and Evolution
Evolution of Customer Service:
Early 20th Century: Customer service primarily involved face-to-face interactions in stores.
1960s-1970s: Emergence of call centers, allowing businesses to offer support over the phone.
1990s: Introduction of email support, providing an additional channel for customer service.
2000s: Adoption of live chat on websites, enabling real-time assistance.
2010s-Present: Rise of AI-powered chatbots and automated helpdesk software, enhancing efficiency and scalability.
Evolution of Customer Experience:
1980s: Focus on in-store experience, with an emphasis on store layout and customer service.
1990s: Emergence of the concept of customer journey, considering all touchpoints a customer interacts with.
2000s: Integration of online and offline experiences, with the rise of e-commerce.
2010s-Present: Development of omnichannel strategies, providing a seamless experience across all channels. Enhanced personalization through AI and big data analytics.
3. Key Technologies in Customer Service
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems:
CRM systems are essential for managing customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. They help businesses organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, and customer service processes. A CRM system allows customer service representatives to access customer history, preferences, and previous interactions, enabling personalized and efficient support.
Chatbots and AI Assistants:
AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants use natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to customer queries. These tools can handle a high volume of inquiries simultaneously, providing instant support and freeing up human agents to tackle more complex issues. Advanced chatbots can learn from interactions, improving their responses over time.
Helpdesk Software:
Helpdesk software automates the process of managing customer support tickets. It includes features like ticket categorization, automated responses, and workflow automation. This technology ensures that customer issues are resolved efficiently and that no query goes unanswered.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems:
IVR systems enable customers to interact with a company’s call center through voice or keypad inputs. Modern IVR systems use speech recognition to guide customers through menu options and provide information or route calls to the appropriate department. These systems reduce wait times and improve the efficiency of customer support.
4. Key Technologies in Customer Experience
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for Personalization:
AI and ML algorithms analyze customer data to offer personalized recommendations and experiences. In retail, these technologies can suggest products based on past purchases, browsing behavior, and preferences. Personalization enhances customer satisfaction and increases the likelihood of repeat purchases.
Omnichannel Platforms:
Omnichannel platforms integrate various customer touchpoints, including online, mobile, and in-store interactions, into a single seamless experience. They ensure that customers have a consistent and personalized experience regardless of the channel they use. For example, a customer can start shopping on a mobile app and complete the purchase in-store without any disruption.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):
AR and VR technologies create immersive shopping experiences. AR allows customers to visualize products in their environment using their smartphones, while VR provides a virtual shopping experience that mimics being in a physical store. These technologies enhance the online shopping experience, making it more interactive and engaging.
Big Data Analytics:
Big data analytics involves collecting and analyzing vast amounts of customer data to gain insights into behavior and preferences. Retailers use these insights to make data-driven decisions, optimize marketing strategies, and enhance customer experiences. For instance, data analytics can identify trends and predict future purchasing behaviors, allowing for more targeted marketing campaigns.
5. Best Practices in Implementing Customer Service and Customer Experience Technologies
Customer Service Best Practices:
Integrate AI with Human Support: While AI can handle routine queries, human agents should be available for complex issues. This hybrid approach ensures efficiency and personalized support.
Train Staff Continuously: Regular training ensures that customer service representatives are familiar with the latest technologies and best practices. This improves the quality of support and enhances customer satisfaction.
Customer Experience Best Practices:
Seamless Omnichannel Integration: Ensure that all customer touchpoints are integrated and provide a consistent experience. For example, customer data should be accessible across all channels, allowing for a seamless transition from online to offline interactions.
Leverage Data Analytics: Use big data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. This information can be used to personalize marketing efforts, optimize inventory, and improve overall customer experience.
6. Measuring Effectiveness of CS & CX
Measuring Customer Service Effectiveness:
Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Scores: CSAT scores are based on customer feedback and measure satisfaction with a specific interaction or overall service.
Response Times: Tracking the time it takes to respond to and resolve customer queries helps assess the efficiency of customer service operations.
Measuring Customer Experience Effectiveness:
Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS measures customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend the company to others. It is based on a single question: “How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?”
Customer Journey Mapping: This involves mapping out the entire customer journey and identifying touchpoints where improvements can be made. It provides a comprehensive view of the customer experience and highlights areas for enhancement.
7. Future Trends in Customer Service and Customer Experience Technologies
Customer Service Trends:
Increased Use of AI and Machine Learning: AI and ML will continue to play a significant role in customer service, with advancements in NLP and predictive analytics enabling more sophisticated and proactive support.
Predictive Analytics for Proactive Service: Predictive analytics can anticipate customer needs and issues before they arise, allowing businesses to offer proactive support and enhance customer satisfaction.
Customer Experience Trends:
Enhanced Personalization with AI and ML: AI and ML will further refine personalization, offering even more tailored experiences based on real-time data and customer behavior.
Greater Adoption of AR and VR: As AR and VR technologies become more accessible, their adoption in retail will increase, providing immersive and engaging shopping experiences.
Understanding the differences between customer service and customer experience is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive in the retail sector. While customer service focuses on resolving specific issues and ensuring satisfaction, customer experience encompasses the entire journey a customer takes with a brand. Both are essential for building customer loyalty and driving business success. By leveraging advanced technologies and following best practices, retailers can enhance both customer service and customer experience, ensuring they stay ahead in a competitive market. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest trends and technologies will be key to maintaining a competitive edge. In India there are several mature examples of leveraging technology for enhancing both CS and CX scores. For instance HDFC Bank has successfully implemented AI chatbots to enhance its customer service. The chatbot, named EVA, can handle millions of customer queries efficiently, providing instant responses and freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks. EVA uses natural language processing to understand and respond to customer inquiries, improving over time through machine learning.
On he other hand Myntra, one of India’s leading fashion e-commerce platforms, uses AI-driven personalization to enhance customer experience. Myntra’s algorithms analyze customer data, such as past purchases and browsing history, to offer personalized product recommendations. This tailored shopping experience increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.
About the Author: Rakesh Shukla is the founder of Avinya Innovation and Incubation which has launched TWBcx: CXM on Subscription™. TWBcx™ is a XaaS CXM suite that allows businesses to deliver outstanding experiences throughout the customer journeys and customer touch points as a subscription! inStore™ is a product in the TWBcx™ suite that focuses on small & medium retail store formats. More information on inStore™ on https://instore.bargains/home/
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don-lichterman · 4 months
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rakeshrajdevstuff · 10 months
Rakesh Rajdev Presents: Unveiling the Top 3 Movie Theatres in Surat, Gujarat!
Discover the cinematic charm of Surat, Gujarat with Rakesh Rajdev! 🎬 Dive into the world of entertainment as Rakesh explores the top 3 movie theatres in the city: 🌟 PVR Rahul Raj Mall: Immerse yourself in the ultimate movie experience at Surat's premier cinema destination. 🍿 Cinepolis: Elevate your movie nights with Cinepolis, where state-of-the-art technology meets unparalleled comfort. 🎥 Rajhans Entertainment: Uncover the magic of cinema at Rajhans Entertainment, a hub for unforgettable movie moments. Join Rakesh Rajdev on a cinematic journey through Surat's finest movie theatres – your ticket to the best in film entertainment awaits! 🎟️🎉 
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akultalkies · 1 year
Mahi Dubey, Jayshree Bohre, Nirmal Soni, Sonam Prajapati, Ajay Manjhi, Neha Sharma, Deelip Sen, Ashu Dubey, Niklank Jain, Ram Soni, Aadi Rajpoot, Rakesh Jain, Nirmal Krishna Soni, Ravi Jadhav, Anupam
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drsudhirgiri · 1 year
Shri Venkateshwara University held its 9th Convocation ceremony by awarding degrees and medals to over 200 students.
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On July 21, Shri Venkateshwara University held its 9th Convocation ceremony, awarding degrees and medals to over 200 MBBS and PhD scholars for their exceptional performance.
The Chancellor Dr Sudhir Giri exhorted the researchers & Doctors to offer their services to the remotest hamlet by helping the needy & poor.
This will lead to nation development & will be my real Guru Dakshina he said.
The Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri, Sugarcane Minister & the CG Mr. Sanjay Gangwar, Special Guest Minister of State for Energy Mr Somendra Tomar & the Pro Chancellor Dr Rajiv Tyagi inaugurated the Convocation Ceremony 2023 by taking the Guard of Honor & took the salute of the parade.
Dr Sumedha Didi, Administrator of Gurukul Kanya Mahavidyalaya, & Prof. VPS Arora Chief Advisor to Group Chairman, assisted them in inaugurating the event.
After this, the dignitaries honoured Dr Madonna Roy, Dr Diksha Adhlakha, & Dr Senam Sood with Gold, Silver & Bronze medals respectively.
The Chancellor, Pro Chancellor, and VC, along with dignitaries, conferred degrees to PhD researchers and MBBS graduates.
In his address, the Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri, reiterated the degrees are just an entry ticket for your profession. For success, one should work with determination, sincerity & consistently give their 100 percent to their work. He said your journey is incomplete until you help the last person in the row & bring him into the national mainstream.
The CG, Mr. Sanjay Gangwar, affirmed that education, medicine, and health are essential to human life, and Venkateshwara Group is doing a commendable work in these fields.
The MOS for Energy Dr Somendra Tomar asserted your achievements are not personal but the honor of society, nation & the Institute are aligned with it. In your life, uplifting the image of the institution should be primary.
The Venkateshwara Group is a perfect blend of education, medicine, healthcare, and culture, according to Dr. Sumedha Didi.
Dr. Rajiv Tyagi, the Pro Chancellor, acknowledged that the University's students are its real heritage. Through their achievements, they will establish new benchmarks for the University on the global stage
On this occasion, the VC Dr Rakesh Yadav presented the annual progress report of the University.
The gathering included the Chief Advisor Dr. VPS Arora, CEO Mr. Ajay Shrivastava, Registrar Dr Piyush Pandey, Dean Medical Dr. Atul Verma, and the Dean Academics Dr. Sanjiv Bhatt.
The MS Dr I B Raju, Dr SN Sahu, Consultant Mr RS Sharma, Shubham Chaudhary, Vikas Bhatia, Jasmeet Singh, Dr Rajesh Singh, Maroof Chaudhary, Dr Mohit Sharma, and Arun Goswami were also present.
Mr SS Baghel & the Media In charge Mr. Vishwas Rana gave their valuable contribution to the event.
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rakeshbhairajdev · 2 years
Know About The Assistances Of Rakesh Rajdev For The Social Wellbeing
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1. Financial help to the Refugees – During the COVID-19 lockdown, the refugees faced the most challenging time. They were stuck in the place where they were present at that time, especially those who were in other places due to their work. At that time, many people lost hope but God lit a lamp of hope in their life through Rakesh Rajdev. Rakesh arranged transport options so that these people can return to their villages. He also arranged tickets in trains for many people so that the remaining people can reach their hometowns safely.
2. Support for the Labour Community – Labour community is the most pitiful community in society. Their families usually suffered a lot more than others in society. They faced really a hard time which was understood by Rakesh. Hence he offered a supporting hand to more than 50000 labourers in society. He sent food packages, grocery packages and sanitizing materials through 34 trains so that these packages will reach their hometown itself.
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3. Educational support to the Students - Rakesh Rajdev always think that students are the future of the nation. But he felt sad thinking about the students who discontinued their education due to poverty. Hence Rakesh offered a supporting hand for them. He also offered educational kits for deserving students from Grade 1 to Grade 9 along with food packages. In this way, he ensured that they have a better educational journey.
4. Medical assistance – During the COVID-19 pandemic time, hospitals and medical centres were jammed with COVID-positive patients. Hence, Rakesh Rajdev offered beds, test kits, sanitizing materials and other medical equipment to many medical centres and hospitals. Also, he arranged many luxurious rooms for the frontline heroes and paramedical staff so that they can take rest and continue offering treatment to the patients.
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jaishrirambhakti · 3 years
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maqsoodyamani · 3 years
ہم نہیں چاہتے کہ غذائی اجناس تجوری میں جائیں راکیش ٹکیت کی دلیل ،راستہ بندنہیں جاسکتا،روکاگیاتووہیں بیٹھ جائیں گے
ہم نہیں چاہتے کہ غذائی اجناس تجوری میں جائیں راکیش ٹکیت کی دلیل ،راستہ بندنہیں جاسکتا،روکاگیاتووہیں بیٹھ جائیں گے
ہم نہیں چاہتے کہ غذائی اجناس تجوری میں جائیں راکیش ٹکیت کی دلیل ،راستہ بندنہیں جاسکتا،روکاگیاتووہیں بیٹھ جائیں گے نئی دہلی10نومبر(آئی این ایس انڈیا) زرعی قوانین کے خلاف کسانوں کے احتجاج کو اس ماہ ایک سال مکمل ہو رہا ہے۔ ایسے میں کسان دہلی مارچ کی تیاری کر رہے ہیں۔ تحریک کی مستقبل کی حکمت عملی کے بارے میں کسان لیڈر راکیش ٹکیت نے کہاہے کہ 22 نومبر کو لکھنؤمیں ہماری مہاپنچایت ہے، اس میں مرکزی…
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oh-three · 2 years
More incorrect Guard quotes:
Part 1
Rakesh: “You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?” Vori: “Several traffic violations.” Brakan: “Three counts of resisting arrest.” Linaleh: “Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.” Tindri: “Also, that’s not our car.”
Tindri: “What did you guys get in your yearbook?” Vori: “'Prettiest Smile'” Brakan: “'Nicest Personality'” Loktof: "’Most likely to start a bar fight'” Linaleh: “'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'”
Jurr: “Good morning.” Vori: “Good morning.” Brakan: “Good morning.” Linaleh: “You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.” Rakesh: “MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS.”
Brakan: “Are we really going to let Vori keep Loktof?” Linaleh: “We kept Rakesh.”
Tindri, trying to convince Rakesh to join the group: “You know... I thought it'd be good to have someone come along who's really... strong!” Vori: “And loud!” Brakan: “And grumpy!” Linaleh: “And oblivious to reality!” Rakesh:
Rakesh: “So apparently the 'bad vibes' I’ve been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.”
Jurr: “Have you seen a person named 'Vori' around here?” Brakan: “Ugh, yes. They made a horrible mess of the blood fountain.” Rakesh: “It looks fine to me?” Brakan: “IT USED TO BE WATER!!!”
Jurr: “Apparently we’re getting someone new in the group.” Linaleh: “Are we stealing them?” Rakesh: “New or used?” Jurr: “Wonderful responses, both of you.”
Jurr: “I think we're missing something.” Linaleh: “Teamwork?” Tindri: “Cohesion?” Rakesh: “A general sense of what we’re doing?”
Tindri, setting down a card: “Ace of spades.” Vori, pulling out an Uno card: “+4.” Brakan, pulling out a Pokémon card: “Jolteon, I choose you!” Rakesh, trembling: “What are we playing?”
Linaleh: “Yo, is Rakesh sleeping or dead?” Loktof: “Hopefully dead, I hated his guts.” Tindri: “Yeah, so did I.” Rakesh: “Okay, first of all, fuck you-”
Tindri: “Is stabbing someone immoral?” Linaleh: “Not if they consent to it.” Rakesh: “Depends who you’re stabbing.” Brakan: “YES?!?”
Rakesh: “What doesn't kill me should run, because now I'm fucking pissed.”
Jurr: “Isn’t it weird that we pay money to see other people?” Vori: “Plane tickets?” Brakan: “Concert tickets?” Rakesh: “Prostitution?” Jurr, holding their broken frames: “Glasses.”
Loktof: screams Linaleh: screams louder to establish dominance Brakan: “Should we do something?” Rakesh: “No, I want to see who wins.”
Rakesh: “Someone will die.” Vori: “Of fun!”
Rakesh: “I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase.” Linaleh: “Rak, that's a coma.” Rakesh: “Sounds festive.”
Rakesh: walking in to a room “Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.” *Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder* Loktof: out of breath “HE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKIN’ STAIRS.”
Rakesh: “Am I going too far?” Tindri: “No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.”
Rakesh: “Where are you going?” Linaleh: “To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there.”
Rakesh: “Today is a day of running through hurdles.” Brakan: “Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles?” Rakesh: “Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.”
Rakesh: “With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”
Rakesh: “Brakan, can I talk to you for a second?” Brakan: “Yeah, what’s up? Lemme guess. You and Vori are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss?” Rakesh: “What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books.”
Rakesh: “Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste.” Vori: “We got spring water.” Rakesh: “NO.” Tindri: "With EXTRA minerals.” Vori: "It's like licking a stalagmite.” Rakesh: “DON'T COME HOME.” Tindri: “Mmmmm cave water.”
Linaleh, driving Vori and Rakesh: “So how was your day?” Vori: “We almost got surprise adopted!” Linaleh: “What?” Rakesh: “We almost got kidnapped.” Linaleh: “Oh, okay.” Linaleh: slams on the breaks “WAIT WHAT?!”
Rakesh: “Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so...”
Rakesh: “I know you snuck out last night, Vori.” Brakan: “Play dumb!” Vori: “Who's Vori?” Brakan: “NOT THAT DUMB!!!”
Brakan: “You know those things will kill you, right?” Loktof, pouring another glass of whiskey: “That’s the point.” Rakesh, smoking a cigarette: “We’re trying to speed up the process.” Vori: nods while eating raw cookie dough
Cop: “You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.” Rakesh: “Shit.” Brakan: “Wait, three?” Cop: “Yeah?” Vori: “OH MY GOD LOKTOF FELL OFF!!!”
Rakesh: “Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys.” Vori: “No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap!” Loktof: “Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!!” Linaleh: “Lmao self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting.” Rakesh: “If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.”
*Jurr’s helping Vori out after they get injured, while the others are watching* Rakesh: “How does Vori look?” Loktof: “A little better than you, actually.”
Rakesh: “Fool me once, I’m gonna kill you.”
Rakesh: “How did none of you hear what I just said?” Tindri: “I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.” Vori: “I got distracted about halfway through.” Loktof: “Ignoring you was a conscious decision.”
Rakesh: “I just ended a four year relationship.” Vori: “Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Rakesh: “Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. It wasn’t my relationship.” *Tindri and Linaleh fighting from across the room*
Rakesh: “Tonight, one of you will betray us.” Brakan: “Is it me, Rakesh?” Rakesh: “No, it’s not you.” Vori: “Is it me, Rakesh?” Rakesh: “It’s not you either.” Loktof: “Is it me, Rakesh?” Rakesh: Rakesh, mockingly: “Is IT mE Rakesh?”
Rakesh: “Can I be frank with you guys?” Vori: “Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.” Brakan: “Can I still be Brakan?” Tindri: “Shh, let Frank speak.”
Rakesh: “Some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
Rakesh: “Change is inedible.” Vori: “Don't you mean inevitable?” Rakesh, spitting out coins: “No, I did not.”
Tindri: “Linaleh and I are having a baby.” Vori: “That's gre-” Tindri, slamming adoption papers on the table: “It's you, sign here.”
Rakesh, negotiating with Loktof: “We have Vori. Give us ten thousand dollars and she will be returned to you unharmed.” Vori: “Whoa, whoa, wait, you think I’m only worth ten thousand dollars?” Rakesh: Vori: “MAKE IT ONE MILLION–” Rakesh: “VORI, STOP.”
Brakan: “HELP! I TOLD VORI I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK!” Rakesh, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: “And you thought I could help?”
Rakesh: “'Person of interest' is almost too flattering.” Rakesh: “Like, if the police were to pound on my door and go, 'A man has been murdered in your building and you are a person of interest,' I'd be like, 'Moi? Oh, do go on.'”
Rakesh: “When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'Haven’t decided yet' is typically a good response.”
Source: https://incorrectquotesgenerator.com/
Part Three: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/oh-three/689560364964265984?source=share
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sp00kworm · 4 years
SIREN (A Monster Metal Band)
Chapter 1 - Meeting the Band
Pairings: Various Monsters x Reader
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“And today we have some very, very special guests with us in the studio!” The radio-announcer cooed over the microphone, into the silence of your tense apartment. You turned up the volume, clutching the pillow in your lap and your phone in the other. “With us today we have the up and coming band SIREN!” He roared as the microphones turned on for the men and they laughed over the stereo. You clutched your pillow tighter as the interview started for real.
“Here in the studio with us today we have the entirety of the band line-up. Vocalist, Zadok. Lead guitarist, Duncan. Rhythm guitarist, Senoz. Bassist, Blagden. And our favourite drummer, Khadba!” They thanked the announcer with a chorus of gentle laughter, and you readied the dial up number, knowing exactly where the interview was going.
“So, we all know that you guys are performing in our city in a few days’ time. I’m sure every fan listening is excited for the show! You have some real reputation, guys, truly.” The announcer laughed with them before he started with the questions, “So, Zadok, rumour is that you’ve been recording some new vocals with famous artist Lady Conch?”
 Zadok’s gentle laughter hummed through your speakers, “It’s an ongoing project, but she’s a lovely woman. We’ve worked together before and I’ve appeared in her solo work before. It’s hard to find male Mers for her music so we’re basically friends at this point.”
“Interesting!” The announcer hummed, “I never thought that would be an issue for merfolk in music, but you learn something new every day!” He continued, “Duncan! How about that new guitar deal you and Senoz have with Irontars?”
Duncan huffed over the microphone before Senoz laughed and started the explanation, “We have a new deal with specific models around our specific tastes. Duncan has a very uhh…” Senoz clicked and cackled, his voice echoing strangely, “Dark taste. It looks like a very big axe. I went for a slicker look but it’s a lot of flames.” He cackled.
“We’re a metal band, Senoz. I can go as dark as I like.” Duncan said gruffly before adding, “I like my guitars like I like my partners.” He purred, “Sharp and a bit insane.”
 The announcer laughed it off before continuing on through the last question, “Here I have an interesting question from a fan for Blagden! They asked just how it is on tour while catering to such a very specific diet?”
Blagden hissed before answering, “Bicorn diets aren’t that hard to get. Mostly meat. But I can eat everything other people can. Zadok and I go fishing when we’re at the coastal cities. Fresh is better but no.” He leaned into the microphone, “I don’t have to eat people’s husbands.” He huffed and you heard the sound of hooves clacking against the floor as he settled back into his seat.
“A good revelation, thank you for answering.” The announcer added as he reached his final question, “Khadba, our favourite new addition. Before this, the band ran on hired drummers for each tour, so, how does it feel being a permanent member with this new album?”
Khadba coughed awkwardly, “It’s been a ride, but I’d say that the music is much, uh…” He stuttered for a moment, “The music is much more personal with me I’d say. I’ve had a long time to get to grips with the music in recording and even before this I was a fan of the guy’s work.”
Blagden growled, “He’s a fucking liar. He practically told us our tempo was garbage. Zadok hired him on the spot after one sound test!”
Duncan roared with great laughter, “It was a time. I’ve never had someone tear my work to pieces so well!”
 The announcer laughed with them before he went back to the audience, “Now, let’s play a song from the new album! This one is called Deep Dark featuring some very special vocals from your deep-sea merman, Zadok.”
“You’re too kind.” Zadok hummed before the voices cut out and the song blended into being, beginning with that could only be described as merfolk speak. You relaxed gently against the cushions as the gentle bubbling voice rang out. You looked at your coffee table and snatched up the latest issue of Metal Talks, admiring the front. There was a glossy latest picture of the band on the magazine. Zadok’s white eyes were close to the camera lens, his white skin glowing with purple bioluminescence as he opened his mouth full of sharp long teeth for the camera. Duncan was perched in the back with his axe guitar gripped in one hand, his body covered in black fur. Duncan was the largest member, a giant black, curly haired Minotaur with curly tresses that hung between his two great ivory coloured horns, covering his great green eyes. Senoz was a grey skinned demon, his four, blue eyes glinting with mischief as he too posed with his guitar, decked in skin-tight leather and heavy metal cuffs, his three tails poised up behind him. Blagden, the Bicorn was truly petrifying with his black thoroughbred, sleek fur rippled and his great mouth open to expose his predator teeth. You traced a finger over his dual black, unicorn horns and the curling pair of ram horns behind his ears, admiring his great shaggy mane. Khadba was placed in the back, his arms crossed and drumsticks in one hand. His moss coloured skin and grey steel eyes were intimidating, his face and ears littered with piercings to match the gruff look on his face. You admired the tattoos over his arms depicting burning skulls and giant demons before the song drew to a close.
 “After that zinger we’re back in the studio with SIREN!” The announcer called and you readied yourself as the bit you had been waiting for finally arrived, “And now, we get to the part you’ve all been waiting for, the giveaway.” He hummed, “Today, from the charitable guys here, we will be giving away an exclusive early entry ticket and backstage pass for the gig!” The guys hooted in the studio before going quiet as the man shuffled his papers, “The question is…” You felt your heartbeat in your chest as you listened with bated breath, “How long is Duncan’s guitar solo in the song ‘Burn’?” He quickly read out the number for the call lines.
“You know, I don’t even remember how long that solo is.” Duncan huffed before grumbling.
Senoz cackled, “I know!” He jeered before Duncan snorted hotly at him.
“The lines are open! Get those guesses in!”
You tapped the call button and prayed to all that was good in the world that you would get through with your guess. It was the longest solo in the band’s discography. You knew you had a chance.
 The phone was quickly busy in the studio and you listened to the hold music with your bottom lip between your teeth, worrying at the skin as person after person guessed, and was met with the loud siren. Incorrect. Fifteen people in a row guessed it incorrectly. You were in with a chance.
“And now we have another guess on the line! Tell us your name sweetheart!” The announcer said. Suddenly, you realised that he was speaking in your ear as well.
“Uhm… Oh gosh…” You stuttered your name and listened to announcer.
“Now, let’s have your guess. How long is Duncan’s guitar solo in the song ‘Burn’?” He tapped the countdown effect.
“Good luck, darling.” Zadok’s lilting voice tickled your ear.
You took a deep breath before replying, “The solo is one minute and forty-seconds long.”
Silence. You felt your heartbeat in your stomach.
“Fuck me. I didn’t even come close and it’s my solo. Well done.” Duncan hummed down the microphone as the rest of the band laughed and chuckled behind him.
“You’ve won the backstage pass and early entry ticket!” The announcer cheered before you were quickly snapped onto the line for your address and name for the premium postage and for the band’s team to know who you were. Your mouth hung open before you quickly coughed and started to try and rattle off your address to the woman, brain frazzled and still in disbelief.
 “What?!” Tom shouted from behind the bar, “You won?!” He howled in disbelief, before he slammed his fists against the countertop, “I’ll give you the money for the other ticket!” He begged, “I wanna go and you have a spare ticket now!” The brown-haired werewolf grinned with pointed teeth before clutching his hands together, “Please!” He begged again, “I’ll get on my knees for it!”
“Tom, please just chill out!” You begged with a laugh as you tucked your bag away under the bar, “You give me the money and I’ll give you my standard ticket, stop freaking out!” You promised as you struggled to tie your apron behind your back.
“Here. Let me give you a hand.” Tom tugged the ties tightly and deftly tied a knot around your waist before he let you turn back around and stroked at his beard with a clawed hand. It was a sign he was close to the full-moon and his shift, “How about we meet for a drink then before?” He asked, deep brown eyes glinting.
“No can do! The backstage stuff starts super early and I don’t want to be drunk and meet them all. The last thing I want to do is embarrass myself.” You lamented, “Do you remember when we saw Clutch after their show?”
 Tom barked a great, gruff laugh at the memory of the gig you had gone to when you were both younger, “Of course I do! How could I ever forget?” He teased, “You went flying over Rakesh’s tail!” He chuckled and wiped a glass down, “Your face met the concrete, after you cracked his ass on the way down.”
“Oh great, I’m glad you got a laugh out of it!” You bumped your hip against him with a scowl before tugging at the tail poking through the back of his jeans, “I wasn’t laughing! He nearly tore me apart!” You huffed, “Such a highly strung dude…” s
“You’re telling me!” Tom huffed, “I nearly had to shift and throw him off!” He tapped the top of his arm, “He got in that bite, which hurt like a motherfucker for three weeks, by the way.” He stuck his long tongue out at you and scratched at his brown curly hair, his hairy arms exposed out of the rolled sleeves of his shirt.
“Boo hoo.” You joked, “You’re big enough to punch a Naga, so I’m sure you can take the consequences of it.” With a smile you took out a new bottle of whiskey for the premium top shelf brands, “But again, thank you, I might have ended up in a mess without you there…well and security.” You hummed as you sorted the shelves, stood on top of the stool.
“Be careful.” Tom grumbled as he went past you, “We don’t want you spanking a customer on the way down.” He joked.
“Fuck off, Tom.” You snarked back at him.
 The ticket arrived the next day, and you rushed from your sofa when the delivery man knocked on the door, keen to sign for them and stash them away for the show. The postman jumped as you slammed the door open and turned his pad towards you with the parcel in one hand. After signing he handed you the thick, padded envelope and then nodded, quick to leave you to your ticket and pass. You grinned and stashed them in your lockable drawer before gushing to Tom over the phone. The night of the show came slowly. You had to work up until the day, and every shift had felt like it had taken an eon. Everything was slow and long, but finally the day arrived. Your instructions were to arrive about two hours before the main opening time, where the venue staff would greet you and take you through to the backstage. You were allowed to see the backstage operations before meeting the band you were far too obsessed with. At least, you reasoned, you weren’t like the fans stealing hair. You’d seen a lot of horror stories online. You admired the band members and you wished you could explain it without sounding very small and sad.
 The concert hall was giant. It was an arena which accepted shows of all kinds. You looked up as you walked inside the doors to the ticket booth. There was security everywhere. A pair of Orc security guards watched you curiously as you smiled at the venue staff and showed them the personalised pass. It was pictures with a picture of the band on hard plastic, like a credit card.
The woman behind the desk grinned, “Boys! You’ve got someone to show around!” She wiggled her finger at the two security guards and watched them huff before she collected her clipboard and handed you a printed tote, “That’s for your merchandise choice. Now, if you’d like to come this way these two handsome Orcs will show you to the backstage.” She cooed.
“Hey. I’m Frank. This is Droz.” The elder Orc shook your hand, his greying hair tied back in a long traditional braid. He was the typical soft green colour but Droz was a charcoal grey, his eyes red and his tusks large and more prominent. Droz was studded and pierced in most places, his hair cut short and styled into a wicked hawk down the middle of his head. He nodded at you but didn’t say anything.
“Ignore him. He’s quiet.” Frank cackled before shoving his elbow into Droz’s gut and opening the door for you towards the main stage area, “Comes with being part Gargoyle.” He snarked at Droz. The other male tailed behind the two of you but opened the rail for you to go behind the barrier.
“This is the way you’ll come out to watch the show later as well.” Frank added as he showed you through the curtains.
 Your heart slammed against your ribs as you clutched at your pass over your chest, holding it tightly, like a life line, as Frank showed you past the curtain and into the mess of road crew and wiring.
A heavy hand laid itself on your shoulder, “They’re good guys.” Droz rumbled behind you, “Don’t be nervous.”
You huffed awkwardly, “That’s easy to say but hard to put into practice.”
Droz shrugged, “I know but it’s good to hear it.”
“That’s the longest sentence I’ve ever heard you say, Droz.” Frank joked as he navigated through the roadcrew and made it into the back area of the venue. There was a very long corridor in the back with the dining area, small kitchen and shower room with areas for both the crew and band to chill out. You looked at the dingy hallway and felt your anxiety skyrocket.
“No need for the fright. They’re all in the lounge area waiting for you, all dolled up and pretty.” Frank chuckled before opening the door halfway down the left side of the corridor. He opened the door, and you hid behind Droz before daring to peer inside.
 The entire band went quiet as Frank slammed the door against the wall. Duncan’s forest green eye peered through the curls of his hair between his horns and he grinned with flat teeth as Zadok and Senoz span around quickly.
“Can you put your tails away you freak?” Zadok smacked at Senoz’s ass as the demon grinned, crazed, his four eyes blinking in pairs as he slinked closer to catch a glimpse of you. Droz rolled his eyes and shoved you into the room before offering a shrug and closing the door, leaving you with Frank and the band.
“This is our cute little winner I take it?” Senoz purred as he took your hand and bowed, pressing it to the hot skin of his forehead as Zadok battled against the tails twisting and smacking to greet you.
“Yep. This is the lucky one.” Frank confirmed, “Play nice, hm? You need to get the photoshoot and autographs out of the way and give away the merch.” He clicked a pen and snapped it against his itinerary before waving himself out of the door.
 “We always play nice.” Zadok’s low timbre vibrated as his gills flipped and shut tight against his neck. The singer was dressed in sheer fabric, the netting showing his torso off, and tight leather trousers. He offered you his white scaled hand, “A pleasure to meet you. I’m going to assume we don’t have to introduce ourselves, but for the sake of politeness, I am Zadok.” He shook your hand and smiled, white eyes and teeth exposed as his skin rippled with a deep blue light, “As for the rest of these hooligans then. Senoz is the drooling idiot next to you.”
“Rude as fuck.” Senoz snapped at the smaller male, blue eyes burning before he went back to sit next to Duncan, squeezed in on the sofa next to the Minotaur. The rhythm guitarist was dressed in a leather waist coat and tight trousers, his tails punched through a great hole in the back.
“Duncan, the man behind the longest guitar solo in our history.” He joked as Duncan flipped his hair back between his horns and waved once, uncrossing his hooves off the table and placing them on the floor. He was dressed only in a pair of leather trousers with a thick, pair of suspenders over his shoulders, showing off the piercings in his nipples.
“A pleasure.” Duncan nodded and flicked his tail at Senoz and his wiggling.
“Over in the armchair is Khadba. He’s warming up his arms so forgive him if he doesn’t wave.”
Khadba nodded his head at you but didn’t say anything as he drummed his sticks on a warm up pad, heavy arm muscles straining against the simple band shirt and his cargo shorts hiding very little of his legs, decorated with chains and bones.
“And last but not least, Blagden.” The Bicorn snorted at you but waved one hand before he kicked at Khadba’s stand and hissed at the Orc’s anger. His mass of flowing silks swayed with him as he reached to prune at his hair.
“Fuck off, Blag. I’ll put you through the chair.” Khadba growled as he tossed his great black braid down his back, the rings in his hair clicking. The Bicorn tugged at his tusks and the Orc was quick to kick Blagden’s backwards knee, grinning at the pain he had caused.
 “Its lovely to meet you all.” You croaked before uttering your name and trying your best to smile without freaking out.
“You have a cute name.” Senoz purred as Duncan’s eye peered through his curtain of hair.
Duncan huffed at him, “Can you please stop laying it on so thick. No one wants to sleep with you.”
“That wasn’t my intention.” Senoz grinned at you, “But if you’re down, sweet thing, I can show you what all my mouths can do.” He purred before Zadok clawed at his scalp and threw the Demon’s head back towards Duncan.
“Keep yourself in line.” Zadok warned, “This is a fan. The media is watching.” His bioluminescence burned into an angrier looking pink before he smiled at you with long, thin sharp pointed teeth.
“He’s right, as always.” Blagden’s black eyes fixed on you before he held up a purse mirror to groom his hair around his horns, “How about we have a drink and a chat, hm?” The Bicorn reached for a beer on the table and threw his long face back to drink the great bottle, pouring it past his sharp teeth.
“What do you drink?” Khadba asked quietly as he stood up, placing his sticks on top of his padded stool.
You took a deep breath as Duncan made space for you to sit, “Something strong, please.” You begged quietly.
 Zadok gave a great, hissing laugh at you and he took hold of his own drink, “Just a bit nervous, huh?” He asked gently as he sat in one of the armchairs.
You let out a sigh, “I’m shitting myself.” You confessed, “You guys are my favourite band and I just… Everything I want to say sounds super lame and I don’t want to fuck this up.”
Duncan eyed you, “You’re not goin’ to fuck it up, sweetheart.” He snorted, the ring in his nose bouncing as he spread his furry arms over the back of the seat, “We’re not exactly prim or proper.” He rolled his green eyes and scratched at the base of one of his horns.
“Especially not Duncan. He comes from a farm.” Senoz cackled, the noise echoing mysteriously in his body.
“I’ll puncture your other arse cheek.” Duncan thumped at the demon, “Farm work is the reason I don’t look like a twiggy mother fucker.”
“Boys. We have a guest.” Zadok scolded them both with a hiss, the bony fins on his head flaring.
“Here.” Khadba placed a Vodka and mixer in front of you, “To take the edge off.” He smiled before returning to his seat with a large Orcish mead.
“Thank you.” You smiled and took a drink before realizing just how strong it was, “Maybe only the one for me.” You joked.
 “So, on to the actual part of this contest win!” Senoz clapped and Zadok reached for the list itinerary with a curse.
“Merchandise?” He asked the room.
Duncan stood up, his curly hair rippling down his back as the sofa bounced back into shape, relieved of his weight, “They put it back here.” He rumbled as he opened a big box labelled ‘exclusive’ and peered inside. He pulled free a shirt before huffing, “How about you come choose, eh?” He left it open and moved aside for you to squeeze in and look.
“Holy shit. This is exclusive Fanclub stuff!” You cursed as you pulled free the shirt, lanyard, and various stickers. You looked at the pin badges before there was another item that caught your eye, “They made plushies?!” You cooed as you dragged free the soft plush of Duncan.
“When the fuck did they make that?” He looked at you and laughed, a great bark of one breath before he shrugged and pulled his hair from his eyes, “Fine just take it. Before I change my mind. You want one of each of the rest too?”
“Please. Oh gosh, thank you so much.” You let Duncan dump the rest of the items in your bag.
“Where’s the plushies of the rest of us?” Senoz whined as he peered into the box, “No way there’s only Duncan!?” He hissed, “Bull shit.”
“Too bad, Senoz. You’re not kid friendly enough.” Blagden hissed at him as he took great pleasure in peering at what else they had to do, “Picture as well.” His talon tapped the list and Zadok nodded before he shouted for Frank.
 “Behaving?” Frank asked as he walked in, “Or are you calling me in to drag Blagden off someone?” He chuckled before Zadok leaned back and tapped the clipboard.
“We need the photographer.” The merman smiled.
Frank nodded, “Sure. I’ll go and grab him. Best get situated. He’ll not want to be in here long.” Frank closed the door behind him with a click and you took another calming breath before you tucked away your bag and chugged the rest of your drink in an effort to calm yourself down.
“Don’t make yourself sick!” Khadba chuckled as he tucked his braids back over his shoulder.
“That’s not a good look on a photo.” Senoz teased before walking around you and looking at your outfit.
“Mate. Stop it. It’s concerning.” Duncan pulled him into the sofa and smacked his hoof against the Demon’s leg.
“Now then,” Zadok smiled, “What sort of poses are you wanting. Obviously we can’t do anything sexual or which could injure us.”
Blagden chortled before purring, “I don’t think that’s what Lady Conch had to say last time you saw her.” The guys shook their heads, “I heard you two through the walls.”
“Enough, Blagden.” Khadba sneered, “Fan in the room.” He punched the Bicorn none too gently, “Remember your fucking manners.”
 “Uhm.” You tried to ignore the fury on Zadok’s face, “I would just like a big group photo if that’s okay? Maybe with you guys all crowded around and me in the middle. Maybe we could do some funny back to back things?” You asked quietly to the three men around you.
“Sure thing.” Zadok smiled thinly, “Duncan will have to crouch big style.” He teased.
“Not my fault you’re all fucking tiny.” The Minotaur clicked his tongue.
“I suppose it isn’t.” Zadok looked down at the list in his lap before humming, “This has been kind of lame…” He clicked his fingers, “How about single portraits with each of us too? We’ll sign each.” He smiled.
“How about you actually talk to ‘em huh?” Senoz shook his head and smiled, touching a tip of a horn before he offered his hand, “What do you do for a living?”
You swallowed, “I just work in a bar.” Awkwardly, you continued, “Me and Tom, my friend, we always go and see shows like these and dream about having a rock bar. The place we work is this trucker place. The music is decent, but it gets rowdy.” You laughed, “But its purely luck I won this…” You hung your head, “I’m glad I did…You guys are my heroes. I listened to everything. Anything new from when you first supported Howl. It was just so pretty and hard! Amazing!” You gushed, “All your music has got me through some hard stuff and I just felt like I should tell you all that.”
 “Here.” Khadba stood over you, offering a tissue, “You’re crying.” He hushed you.
“I’ve never heard anyone talk about our stuff like that.” Duncan wrapped a warm arm around you and gave you a squeeze as Zadok sat in silence.
“I’m glad it makes you happy.” Blagden offered from across the room.
Senoz nodded, “Music is the soul. If it helps you heal, then that’s good enough for all of us.” He patted your head and you wiped at your makeup before blubbering.
“Thank you for listening to us.” Zadok whispered, his fins flattening against his skin, “To know my work makes you feel such things. That is enough for me to continue to sing.” He touched your hand with his cool fingers before Frank opened the door with the photographer.
“You alright sweetheart?” He asked with a glare at the band.
“Yeah.” You sniffled, “I’m alright!” With a smile you stood up and binned the tissue, “I think I know exactly what kind of photo I want to have!”
The photographer pinched his nose and peered over the top of his sunglasses, “I haven’t got all day, you know.” He lisped a little and you noticed the red eyes. He was a vampire, “I have to set up with the media.”
“Come on.” Duncan barked a laugh again as he led you over to the backdrop set up in the corner.
 “Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Frank asked as he helped you hop over the barrier to stand right in the centre stage. You were ready, having left your bad with Frank and Droz in the back, your new shirt pulled on after peeing. You were set for an awesome night. Before Frank could ask you another question, Khadba appeared from behind the curtain with a plastic cup in hand.
He waved once as he strode over, his rings and chains clinking before he offered you the cup, “A drink. On me.” The Orc nodded and smiled, revealing the silver rings around the base of his tusks, “I was easier on the Vodka.” He promised as he left you with Frank, “Have a good time, alright?”
“Thank you, and I will, I promise.” You shouted with a smile as he headed back behind the curtain, “You can go as well, Frank. I’ll be fine! People will be heading inside soon, and I know you have some checks to do.” You smiled, “Thank you for looking after me. You’ve been wonderful.”
“You’re very welcome.” He grinned with a nod, “Now you be careful. They’re no doubt going to get very rowdy.” He wagged his finger before disappearing behind the curtain. You nursed your drink for a few moments more before the curtain twitched again and Blagden appeared.
His black eyes quickly caught sight of you, and he huffed before offering you a small, plastic case, “Don’t burst your eardrums, cutie.” He tossed you the purple case, “Its going to get loud.” He made a horns sign at you before sauntering away, his heavy hooves clicking as his slick black fur disappeared back behind the curtains. You opened the case and looked at the industrial earplugs before smiling and slipping them into your pocket for the gig. The doors slammed open behind you, and you braced yourself for the onslaught of people as you texted Tom to elbow his way to the front.
 Tom shouted your name as he made his way close and you were quick to snag him by the shirt and pull him into the gap next to you. The werewolf was far less monstrous today. His eyes were still bright and orange, but he was not sporting his tail and snout.
“That crowd right there was a nightmare.” He sighed with relief as he laid his forearms on the banister and shuddered, “How was the meet?” Tom teased as he tugged his unruly hair backwards, “Did you suck face?”
“Absolutely not!” You smacked at his arm, “I had a bit of a cry, we had loads of pictures and I hung out with possibly the coolest band ever.”
“Oh, so just the normal then?” Tom snarked, “That sounds amazing. Sounds like you had fun.”
“Here look!” You showed him your phone and grinned clicking on the camera album, “They’re all very sweet.” The pictures were very safe. Zardok had his arm around you, his fingers up in the sign of the devil. Duncan was looming over the back of you with a monstrous glare. Senoz covered your eyes and opened up his mouth in a scarily wide grin. Khadba’s was a little awkward but he was smiling softly as you held his drumsticks with a smile. Blagden had you pose back to back with him, his snout tossed in the air like a regal pony.
 Tom gave you a smile, “Honestly, I’m really happy for you…Though I am jealous Duncan isn’t cold in only suspenders and trousers.”
“Tom he is covered in curly fur!” You laughed as you slipped your phone away, “You’re the same when you shift!”
The werewolf hummed, “But would I wear leather suspenders? I think not.” He snapped his fingers at you before looking at the empty drink in your hand, “They’ve fed you alcohol? Lord save us all.” Tom mocked a prayer before you elbowed his side.
“Khadba gave me one!” Tom went cross-eyed to look at your one finger held up to his nose, “I’ve had two in total and that’s it. I promise.”
“Maybe I needed to word my warning a little more strongly.” He tutted before laughing at you, “You’re dangerous with one. Let’s see how you manage two making you do stupid things.”
“I’ll be fine, Tom. Stop being such a mother hen.” You joked before taking a sharp breath as the room was plunged into pitch black.
“I hope you brought your wig.” Tom teased next to your ear, “Because we’re about to get our hair fucking singed off.”
The darkness made the fans in the arena roar with joy and you grinned as the support act appeared on the stage, guitars held up for the audience to see.
“Well, maybe not just yet.” Tom lamented before readying himself at the front for the show.
 The support band were excellent, and you cheered at the front after their performance, already sweating and far too hot. Tom grinned before going to fetch you both a drink. He returned with cold plastic cups.
“Water, I promise.” He clinked his plastic cup with your own and pulled his hair back away from his face as you looked at the stagehands drop a great sheet cover over the stage. It was dark and they worked by torchlight to set up for SIREN.
“I’m so excited.” You cooed, “I never thought I’d see this…”
“Come on, don’t get all gooey on me.” Tom chuckled and grinned with sharp canines as he shrugged his flannel off to expose his own band shirt, “I’m excited as well. This is going to be insane!” He laughed, “So much better than their support show.” He looked wistfully at the stage and downed the rest of his drink just as the lights snapped off. The crowd roared behind you and you threw your cup over the barrier as you bounded against it and peered up as something was placed in the centre of the stage behind the sheer purple curtain.
 There was a rumble over the speakers before the purple sheet dripped down to the floor. There was a pitch-black tank in the centre of the stage. A great hissing noise blended into something close to a whale song before white light lit up the water. The crystal-clear water held Zadok. His white skin glowed with burning purple light as he twisted in the water, a microphone taped to his chest and throat as his eyes opened, pure white. His mouth opened to reveal clear needle-like teeth as he released another great bellowing noise into the dark room. It was silent otherwise, except for Zadok’s haunting song. You peered into the water as he twisted and released a series of clicks as water began to slosh and crash in the speakers. The merman’s claws and webbed hands reached out of the water before he pulled himself free of the water and slid into the darkness of the stage, his bioluminescence lighting his path as he let out a gentle noise and merged into a soft human sounding lilt. Your mouth hung open in awe as he stood at the front of the stage, humming before he opened his mouth wide.
“And now we stand. Silent. Darkness.” There was a pause before his eyes flashed and he hissed, “THE COLD DARK WATER.”
 Suddenly, the spotlights flashed as Khadba’s cymbals crashed and the guitars roared three chords together. Blagden’s bass rumbled on in the background as the guitar rolled with a lilting scale and Zadok continued to sing centre stage, dripping water from his skin as he kneeled at the front of the stage, glowing brilliantly as the lights died and flashed once more with another thunderous crash and guitar strum. There was silence before the guitars wailed and the song truly began and you looked up as the crowd roared, listening to the beginnings of the chorus eagerly before the water crashing started again and Zadok’s haunting melody reverberated around the stadium. Tom jumped with a cheer next to you as the song grew into a thunderous noise like water crashing against the cliffs, and you watched Zadok fall to his knees as the storm calmed and the water settled. He settled down and hummed into the microphone as he finished the gentle ending. The guitars faded as the spotlights went off one by one and you grinned as the water trickled and dropped to a stop. The crowd cheered and you smiled as the lights came on properly to reveal the band.
“Are you motherfuckers ready for some mind-blowing music?!” Zadok screamed at the audience as Duncan’s guitar gently plodded onwards with an intermediate tune. Blagden sauntered over to him, his bass rumbling as he grinned and the two of them stood back to back as Zadok introduced the next song.
“Now this one is an oldie. A very old song named Blood.” He purred before Senoz grinned and started the introduction riffs.
 “AND NOW ITS TIME TO BURN!” Zadok howled into the microphone sometime later. Duncan thudded to the front of the stage, slick with sweat, his curly hair tossing left and right as he slammed one hoof on top of the box and slapped at his bare chest. The crowd cheered as both Senoz and Duncan started the song. With a huff and a toss of his head, Duncan launched himself into the solo, his finger dancing over the frets as he felt the music in his legs, stomping on top of the box as Zadok headbanged towards the others, growling low into the microphone occasionally as Duncan’s fingers tore down the frets in another feat of speed. You screamed at the front as he ducked low, his hair flying over the top of his horns as he continued into a reverb before throwing the plectrum down to you with a wink and a great shake of his head, his fur rippling as he stomped his way over to Senoz to continue the song. You held the plectrum tightly to your chest. In the middle of the show you watched Senoz and Blagden butt heads in the middle of the stage, their horns rammed together as the song blurred into the next, stomping and kicking at each other’s legs as they battled each other in how fast they could strum their way up and down the necks of their guitars. Khadba interrupted their duel with a crashing solo, his tattooed arms bulging with overworked muscles as he spun his stick between beats, sweating in the heat of the spotlights. The crowd roared at the solos and screamed with Zadok until it was the end of the show, and the band stood to take the applause, sweating, panting and smiling as the crowd clapped and cheered.
 Tom grinned at the end of the show, his eyes wild with happiness as you both stood still, waiting for the rest of the crowd to filter out of the hall. You smiled at the stage as the crew were quick to start cleaning up.
“That was insane.” He huffed, his shirt tucked into his jeans as he wiped at the sweat on his chest, “Where’s all your stuff?” Tom asked with curious, half-shifted yellow eyes, snorting softly with the excitement of the gig still burning his nerves.
You smiled and pointed to the curtain, “Backstage. I think Droz will have them. He’s security. We might have to wait a little bit to see him though.”
“Oh, getting in with the security as well I see!” Tom teased, “Who’s that waving at you? Through the curtain there.” He pointed again and you squinted at the grey hand.
“That’ll be Droz.” You whispered as the last few stragglers collected stray plectrums and setlists before it was just the two of you. Tom shrunk away as the intimidating frame of the Orc hybrid came into view. He held you bag in his hand and you smiled brightly, tired and sweaty from the gig.
“Thank you, Droz, you’re a lifesaver.” Gently, he handed you your bag, appraising Tom with a curious red eye.
“Your welcome. It was nice having you.” Droz grumbled, spinning the ring in his nose before he gave you a wave, “I’ll tell Frank you got off safe. Be careful on the way home.”
“Thank you!” You shouted as he disappeared into the back.
“So, are all of the band that ripped, or just him?” Tom joked as you shouldered your merchandise.
“Says you! Come on. Let’s get home. I think this was enough excitement for anyone, my heads ready to explode.”
 “Never have I felt so exhausted.” You groaned in your seat as you sat down in the café near your apartment. The city was at least quiet by the time you woke up today. It was around ten, and most people were at work. You waited, half asleep, for the server to dump your coffee on your table with your meal and hummed quietly as your phone vibrated.
‘I hope you didn’t end up with one of the hotties from last night at home!’
You scowled at Tom’s message.
‘Fuck off. I’m tired and you’re not helping.’
He pinged your phone a few more times and you ignored it as your food and coffee was placed before you.
“Thank you.” You smiled and turned in your seat to look around. That was when you saw the one person you didn’t expect to see.
Chapter 2 - Duncan
Chapter 3- Zadok
Chapter 4- Senoz
Chapter 5 - Blagden
Chapter 6- Khadba
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vistaswm · 3 years
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Akasa Air is an upcoming ultra-low-cost Indian airline co-founded by billionaire and stocks trader Rakesh Jhunjhunwala and former Jet Airways CEO Vinay Dube.
In October 2021, Akasa Air received a 'no objection certificate' (NOC) from the Ministry of Civil Aviation. The NOC will be held by SNV Aviation, the holding company for the proposed airline.The airline is now in the process of receiving the Air Operator Permit (AoP) certificate after aircraft acquisition and other required procedures.
Akasa Air, backed by Indian billionaire Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, will begin flight operations in the next six months after receiving an AOC. The airline plans to operate approximately 70 planes in the next four years.
It is planning to launch flights in the summer of 2022 with an endeavour to be the nation’s most dependable, affordable and greenest airline. The airline is in talks with US aerospace giant Boeing for buying up to a hundred 737 Max aircraft. Besides discussions with Boeing for planes, Akasa Air is also in talks with Airbus for potential orders from the Airbus A320 fleet.
Rakesh Jhunjhunwal partnered with IndiGo's Aditya Ghosh and Vinay Dube to launch the carrier to tap into demand for domestic air travel.Praveen Iyer has been appointed chief commercial officer. Former Jet Airways executives Belson Coutinho, Adam Voss, Ajit Baghchandani will head marketing, engineering, inflight services respectively. Ankur Goel, former head of IndiGo’s treasury and investor relations, will head Akasa Air as the Chief Financial Officer.
While Jhunjhunwala has invested Rs 247.50 crore in the airline, another big name of Dalal street, Madhav Bhatkuly, founder of investment fund New Horizon, has also invested around Rs 6 crore in the company.
Task at Hand:
You are the new CFO of Akasa Air, Mr Ankur Goel. You need to present to a board of investors the financial feasibility of the project with the following deliverables:
Cost of launching the airlines (Cost of purchasing planes, HR, PR, Marketing, Maintenance and Operations, etc.)
Revenue structure for the next 3 years (should include the expected routes to be flown and expected ticket prices for these routes)
Any other deliverable you deem necessary
You are required to submit a report of at least 7 pages in PDF format and a presentation of not more than 10 slides.
Mail your submissions at : [email protected]
Deadline: 10:30 P.M.
For any doubts reach out to:
Yash Darira -  8951444025
Anirudh Goel -  8884166300
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brindaneer · 3 years
Finally, its time for some magic! Or may be we should say 'Jadoo'.
We remember hearing first about Koi Mil.Gaya when Mr. Rakesh Roshan announced it, possibly during the Zee Cine Awards ceremony of 2001 (the year when Hrithik swept up all awards for KNPH). By the time it released, a few years had passed which was natural considering the grandeur and scale of the film. Mr. Rakesh Roshan astutely conceived of a novel idea in the form of ET meeting Forrest Gump and gave us something Hindi cinema had never seen. Let us take a moment to deeply acknowledge this man, whose razor sharp mind not only engendered such a unique concept but also gave him the vision and stamina to actually turn it into reality.
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Koi Mil Gaya was undoubtedly going to be one of the most ambitious projects Bollywood had seen till then, and the greatest challenge the Roshans had yet embarked upon. It would have been no trivial feat if they had managed to be even moderately successful in such a difficult venture. Instead, they broke box office records, and passed with flying colours.
The fact that Hrithik Roshan is one of those rare actors in bollywood who has a terrific following among kids is widely acknowledged at present. However, it was probably John Abraham, who first pointed it out, some time after Koi Mil Gaya. He said that a 'Superstar' was someone who could attract children, thereby pulling entire families into the theatre and in his opinion Hrithik was the only one like that in his generation. More than a decade later, his statement still holds true. And 'Koi Mil Gaya' was where it all actually began. Although KNPH had catapulted him into stardom literally overnight, KMG was the film that began endearing Hrithik to kids. This frenzy reached a peak after Kkrish but more on that later. Hrithik literally played a child in the movie, and he did it with such perfection that kids immediately considered him as their best friend. Last time the Indian audience had seen a similar performance was years ago when the wonderful Sri Devi ji (May she rest in peace) had played the role of Reshmi in the splendid 'Sadma'. Not surprisingly, critics compared Hrithik's performance in the film with hers, and every one of them unanimously agreed that both performances were flawless.
Hrithik changed his voice, his way of speaking, his looks and his body language so much that he actually looked like a little boy. He was optimally sweet, innocent, and annoying, just like you would expect a naughty child to be. Some of his best scenes were with the ever glorious Rekha ji who played his mother in the film. Rekha Ji has often claimed that if she ever had a son, he would be like Hrithik. Offscreen, they actually share a similar relationship and probably that fuelled their amazing mother-son chemistry on screen. The other fantastic partnership in the film was between Hrithik and Preity Zinta. Rohit and Nisha were one of the most unconventional couples of Bollywood. And also, one of the cutest! ☺☺
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Nonetheless, the best pair in the film was undoubtedly Rohit and Jadoo. Hindi cinema has been responsible for presenting us with a number of iconic friendship duos over the years. Mohan-Ashok, Anand-Bhaskar, Somu-Vicky, Vijay-Sher Khan, Jai-Veeru, Vijay-Ravi, Kishan-Bishan, Ram and Rahim, Amar-Prem, Munna-Cirquit constitute quite an elite club and Rohit -Jadoo definitely made it to the list.
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The kids who played Rohit's mates also deserve a mention here. Hrithik surely must have had a gala time while shooting scenes with them.
However, it was the script and direction that really binded the film together. We have often seen films fail dismally despite having a stellar cast, and the reason for such failure is almost always a lacklustre script or uninspiring direction. Fortunately, Koi Mil Gaya was perfect in both these departments, as a result of which Hrithik could literally soar above every other performer that year.
A few words need to be mentioned about the music of the film although it needs no introduction. The songs were a rage then; they are equally hummable now. Sadly, present bollywood rarely makes such melodious music anymore! The good old days...Ah! But let us not lament. Instead, why do we not just relive those moments for a while? Hrithik dancing in Rohit’s character remains one of the best bits of acting he has done in his life.
Coming to the scenes! Yes, the most exciting part 😉! It is really difficult to choose favourites from a film like Koi Mil Gaya. Even so, we decided to give it a shot. Lets start with the moment when Rohit discovered that he had not been promoted with his friends. Didn't the sudden disappointment on Rohit's previously excited face make you want to go and give him a cuddle? 🥺 Also, don't even try to tell us that you did not cry when the goons broke his scooter and later hit him with the basket ball leaving him battered and bruised or when he pleaded to Lord Krishna for more strength ('Thodi shakti mujhe de do Bhagwan) 😟🥺😭😭.
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And what about the scene in which he was angry and upset about Nisha not being his 'girlfriend'? Hrithik and Rejha ji in intense emotional scenes are always a treat to watch. The scene where Jadoo met Rohit and Nisha for the first time and healed Rohit's scars with his touch after that iconic hand extension moment attracted silent awe from the audience in theatres then and remains goosebump- inducing even now. No discussion about Koi Mil Gaya can ever be complete without mentioning Rohit's splendid transition. We got the Greek God on screen for a few scenes in which he generated hysteria among the audience that had been viewing him as a son or younger brother for most part of the film. What an actor! The ending was bittersweet for many. After all, Rohit did revert back to his childish self as a price for saving Jadoo's life. But, Jadoo gave him his powers back! And thank God for that. How else would he go to Singapore and meet Dr. Siddhant Arya later in his life? Our Superhero Kkrish would not have a villain to kill in his debut film! My God, worse could have happened. Kkrish would have never become a superhero if Jadoo had not given Rohit his powers back! So well done Jadoo 🤗🤗
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OMG! This blog has been running over pages! Excuse us for the length 😁. But one of us did watch KMG from the first row, all the while straining neck on the first day of its release. The other one watched it comfortably the first time ( tickets were prebooked, of course) but got a sore neck after watching it from the front row a second time, and also gave the same to the entire family. However, no one complained. So, now you know what this film means to us. Thank you for your love, encouragement and support. They keep us going. Adios Amigos till the next one 😉😊
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salmankhanholics · 5 years
★ Why doesn't Salman Khan fulfill his potential as a superstar?!
31 January 2020
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December 29, 1989. Rajshri Productions' 'Maine Pyaar Kiya' hits the screens and scorches the Box Office. The newcomers, Salman Khan and Bhagyashree, become nation-wide heart-throbs. The critics laud film and the female lead, but aren’t so kind to Salman. ‘Another flash in the pan like Kumar Gaurav’ is the common refrain. But destiny and the audience have different plans.
Thirty years later, in 2020, Bhagyashree has long vanished into the wide blue yonder, while Salman is still shimmering as the brightest star in the firmament.
In the last 30 years, Salman witnessed periods of untrammelled domination at the turnstiles where his presence alone turned films into blockbusters. He holds most of the Box Office records of the last three decades — such as the most number of highest grossers of the year, the most blockbusters and many more.
Still, a section of critics continued to dismiss him as a 'non-actor' and gave credit to other actors/factors for the success of his films. But Salman kept marching on, even as his co-stars — from Bhagyashree to Madhuri Dixit — succumbed to the vagaries of time. A slew of flaming controversies and spells of flops threatened to halt his strides, but the paying public continued to endorse and celebrate him unwaveringly. But, as is the case with many supremely successful people, Salman is possessed of a self-destructive streak, which rears up from time to time. It is apparent that only Salman can fell Salman. Call it paradoxical or ironical, but the superstar who has had the best connect with the audience across the length and breadth of the country is also the one who takes his audience for granted the most.Be it unabashedly promoting nepotism or choosing to work with sycophants, who willingly dance to his tunes — rather than with proficient directors — Salman's whimsical attitude is directly proportional to the loyalty of his fans.The abundant, and often blind, love of his hordes of fans gives him the safety net to become complacent and lackadaisical. After all, at present, even his under-performers such as 'Race 3' and 'Dabangg 3' rake in more money than the super-hits of mere mortal stars.Recently, Salman chose to opt out of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Inshallah' and gave his nod to Prabhu Deva for 'Radhe'. That's because Bhansali is a prodigiously skilful and visionary director who doesn't kowtow to the whims of stars. While 'Bhai' mostly likes to work with directors he can arm-twist and get his way with regard to casting, music and screenplay.That's the reason, Salman merrily antagonises self-respecting, sterling directors and patronises ciphers such as Remo D'Souza and Prabhu Deva.Of course, in between come directors such as Kabir Khan and Ali Abbas Zafar who work their way around Salman’s ego and manage to conjure up 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' and 'Sultan', but even they eventually get browned off by his petulance. Kabir, in fact, has gone on the record to say that he didn't want Sohail Khan, Salman's brother, in ‘Tubelight', but the superstar put his foot down. The outcome was disastrous. The director of the classic 'Bajarangi Bhaijaan' eked out a dud like 'Tubelight' and chose to work with Ranveer Singh for his next film.His propensity to swamp films with his acolytes, instead of stellar actors, in side-roles also dilutes the impact of his films. ‘Prem Ratan Dhan Payo’, although a super-hit, is a shining example. ‘Jai Ho’ suffered massively on this count where he shoehorned an army of discrads such as Yash Tonk, Ashmit Patel and Mukul Dev. Earlier, the late Inder Kumar and Mahek Chahal were regular beneficiaries of his misplaced benevolence.'Veer', 'Tubelight', 'Garv', 'Hello Brother', 'Race 3', 'Tumko Na Bhool Payenge', ‘God Tussi Great Ho’, ‘Kahin Pyaar Na Ho Jaye’ — the list of movies wrecked by Salman's rabid interference is a long one.Make no mistake. In the past, Salman worked with some fabulous directors in his career - Sooraj Barjatya, Rakesh Roshan, David Dhawan and Raj Kumar Santoshi, to name a few - and that’s why he attained the stardom he did. But many a time, he blatantly promoted grovelling filmmakers such as Punit Issar (‘Garv’) Rumi Jaffery (‘God Tussi Great Ho’) and his own brother Sohail Khan. That always prevented him to go full steam and measure up to his true potential.The other two Khans - Aamir and Shah Rukh - have been far more prudent, conscientious and wiser than him in this matter. Even when they promote a director or an actor, they do it on merit.He has just witnessed perhaps the best phase (2010-2017) ever enjoyed by a mainstream superstar in terms of Box Office returns. Every eminent director wants to work with him. From Bhansali, Rohit Shetty and Farhan Akhtar to SS Rajamouli, all have expressed their desire many times to work with him, but are antagonised and shunned by him, simply because they aren’t going to pander to his whims and fancies.
As a result, the sheen seems to be wearing off. 'Tubelight', 'Race 3' and 'Dabangg 3' have under-performed at the ticket counters in successive years. In fact, they made more money than they actually deserved. Only a self-destructive megalomaniac can squander his mega stardom and misuse the loyalty of his fans in such a slapdash manner.
This isn't the first time in his career when his mercurial and blase attitude has come to the fore. He has got away with it thus far. But now he's in his 50s and no longer a spring chicken. He no longer has the age on his side. Moreover, his fans also seem to be cheesed off and are no longer in the mood to cut him more slack. Some of them will perhaps still stick around and wait for him to do the right films. He may stay afloat for next few years but will not dominate the landscape like he has. To be treated like a mere mortal after decades of being worshipped would be a stinging blow to Salman.
If one objectively looks at his enviable and an unusually long career as a leading man, there are a host of blockbusters and classics. But given the kind of unconditional and frenzied adulation he has been bestowed upon by the audience, the lingering sentiment is that he hasn't fulfilled the potential of his stardom. While his place among the pantheon of all-time Box Office greats is firmly ensconced, the potential is still waiting to be fully realised.
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