domjaehyun · 2 months
hello! this is rainonthebathroomfloor, and i wanted to share all of my notes with you!! many of them aren’t enlightened lol as i was just recording my reactions in the moment 🤍🤍
“i know what i want” this man would get me into trouble and ruin friendships holy shit i’m a weak bitch
the conversation about drugs is doing things to my heart. i love the soft vulnerability of it and the scene overall — walking outside, late at night, new to knowing one another
not him bringing up visiting his mom ohmygod i love this ahhhhh
oc asking the deli cooks if haechan is handsome. oh this shit is GOLEN i’m giggling and kicking my feet “how many of you are back there” lmao
“do that again” after oc stuck her tongue out… i want him so bad
“it’s about the reward” im too weak for this shit. wtf op your TALENT
He ignores you. “I think it’s that I want to know what it feels like to truly live.” he finishes, and you pause at that, genuinely taking in his words. “Life is too short to be scared to indulge, you know?” ~i want what he’s having lol
oh this boy is crazy. and a walking red flag that i want to lick… like a cherry lollipop
tickling oc’s hand is CRAZY
heaching SEEing oc took my breath away
He looks at you like he’s dangerously close to seeing you; you, past your barriers and caution tape; you, with all your intricacies and contradictions; and you, with all the hope and yearning and vulnerability you’ve had since your youth that you’ve been trying to convince everyone is no longer around. ~everything about these words
haechan talking about twin flames and mirror souls… and your inclusion of the lyrics. i haven’t listened to ariana’s new album that much, and i definitely missed these lyrics, but they gave me chills worked into this scene so perfectly. you created magic
i’m loving the layers to haechan. there’s all this confidence and charm and interactions that made me feel like ‘god he’s just another man being a flirt despite having a girlfriend’ but then there are moments when complete clarity is felt and their connection is just so obvious. his comfort with oc is so obvious along with the way she’s stimulating him mentally/emotionally/physically. like i get his actions with all that in mind (is that crazy to say?), and it all makes me want insight into his rs with winter. how it got started. what it gives him. what it’s missing. well, we get a picture painted of what’s missing. i’m writing this after reading part 2, and i can’t pretend i don’t want a man who’s this obsessed with me. i know that’s partially bc i do not doubt that i’ll be obsessed right back. i also have to take a moment to say how fine and sexy haechan is. i nearly collapsed beneath the weight of his energy in your fic 😩
also, i had such a fun time listening to the playlist while reading. i also ended up with justine skye’s collide playing on repeat and that made part 2 feel even more intense. music is such a source of inspiration for my own writing, and i love that it’s something you weave into your stories. it’s also a joyous and fascinating experience to see and read the art music inspires and creates. it’s like a constant pool of rebirth and i’m obsessed with that
i can’t wait for the next part!! thank you for being here and sharing incredible work with all of us 🤍 you’re a talented gem
first of all. im snorting this next. SECONDLY: here we go the rest is under a cut bc my reply got long
no your thoughts are wonderful please they mean so much to me!!!!!!! okay im gonna try and go in order so brace yourself
HE REALLY WOULD and he’d do it all in the name of love 🫶
i loooooooove getting to know you scenes but like . not conventional stuff yknow? like realistic, deeper conversations so im happy you liked that scene too!!!!!
I GIGGLED WHEN I WROTE THAT LINE i love like inserting little bits of comedy when i can :D it was also inspired by when i was at the deli and the guy at the counter told the deli cook my order then like one other guy came out and i walked by there to get a drink and . there were like 2 more guys back there and i was like this is a small ass space how many of u are there
HEHEHEHEHEHE ME TOO he’s a shameless little flirt and we love to see it
THANK YOOOOOOU i think this fic was a learning moment for me like . some risks are worth the reward and you can’t live your life scared of “what if” yknow?
I TOO WANT WHAT HE’S HAVING im microdosing on it rn but i want like. a fuckton of what he’s on
he /is/ crazy . i also want to lick him …..who said that
teehee i thought that was cute i like that you noticed :D and i’m glad it resonated with you
I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE THAT SCENE THE SCENE IN THE CAFE BC . okay tmi time but i like this guy at work. and he STARES at me sometimes like just gazes into my eyes and it’s terrifying and electrifying at the same time and i wanted to try and capture that feeling in words so your feedback makes me feel like i did a good job!!
THANK YOU HEHEHEHEHEHE i like that line too i think i want someone to look at me like that fr like . just See Me and be like . i wanna know more. (again my crush does this but there is room for doubt there. i want an unequivocally probing and fond gaze like they see me and they like what they see, no ifs ands or buts about it)
THANK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU ugh i love the museum cafe scene it was very revealing to me abt like . their characters and stuff and that lyric quote just fit so perfectly????? i had to include it
i fully get you tbh like i started out writing the fic with no real idea of the relationship btwn him and winter and as i was writing i was like. okay but what does she fulfill for him that he’s not getting from winter like why did he switch lanes with such ease what did he SEE what did he FEEL which can be hard to capture from ….well, Not His Point Of View so i just . did my best bc MC def has the same questions so some of these get answered !!!!!!!! in some scenes it’s more in details than being said explicitly but tbh you’re such a close reader that i feel like you’ll get it when those scenes come up!!
additionally: i also want a man who’s this obsessed with me it is a dream of mine :’) i agree haechan is deeply fine and sexy i love writing him like this just like. a lovesick man
OOH i should listen to that song i def know it bc i can recall the melody and some lyrics but i really wanna . sit with the song if you think it was fitting bc i love having like a soundtrack to my fics!!!
UGH THANK YOU YOU GET IT I LOVE TO WRITE WITH MUSIC AS INSPO it just feels so right. art inspires more art!!!!!! it is most definitely a cycle of rebirth and it’s one that i personally can’t get enough of :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH GENUINELY i hope you enjoy the next part too :D this was like . actually so affirming to read it was like . i feel More Understood a bit after this message and that’s a wonderful feeling so thank you for giving that to me :’)
THANK YOU AGAIN SO SO SO MUCH i can’t put enough sos bc ………. i am truly that grateful :’) you are so welcome and people like you make it so incredibly worth it!!!!! thank you again and have a BEAUTIFUL day 💖
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holdinbacksecrets · 5 months
Do you have any fic recommendations?
yes! always! i answered this ask a while back with fic recs. these days, i’ve only been reading nct fics, mostly 18+. off the top of my head:
@yutaholic posted absolute masterpieces. i honestly don’t know what to do with myself after working my way through their masterlist. i’ll start rereading soon >.< my favorites:
call me by your name - yuta
daddy issues - johnny
deep end - yuta
flipside - mark
forget me too - johnny
heathens - yuta
jealousy - mark
small doses - taeyong
use me - taeyong
@hyuckmov rockstar haechan sent me to the moon
@smileysuh - paperclip
@hazyhae - indica dreams
@meiozis - full of love (and stars)
for more ~ i reblog nct fics to @haechanglides with the tags sticky feelings and sweet like honey. svt fic recs can be found on @toyo-u with the same tags. my nsfw recs @rainonthebathroomfloor with, once again, the same tags
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