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malesocklust · 4 months ago
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kacper-kiec · 1 year ago
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rainmen by @kacper-kiec
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frozen-fountain · 1 year ago
Get to Know Me/Nine People Tag
Thank you to @vcaudley for the open tag!
Last song: Rainmen by Atoma.
Last movie: Talk to Me, which I really, really liked. Fantastic acting and character writing, genuinely scary, deeply deeply sad, a great antidote to how on the nose and awkwardly message-forward a lot of recent horror releases have been, to me.
Currently watching: Technically I'm still watching Bebop because my brother and I wanted to watch the finale two-parter together; his second child is barely a month old, so it might be a while until we can schedule that. I'm also going through a Silent Hill 4 playthrough but I think - and this pun is absolutely intended - that it might be a little too close to home for me just now.
Currently reading: The Other Wind by Ursula Le Guin. Just three hundred pages to go until I say goodbye to Earthsea for another few years; it's a series that grows with you and I've found a lot of opinions and perceptions changing on this reread, so I'm looking forward to the next to see how that continues. I've also started reading Animorphs because we're going through the series as a weekly book club in a Discord server I'm in. You guys weren't kidding when it came to either the overt anti-authoritarian messaging or the Cronenberg body horror in this series for middle schoolers, and I really wish I hadn't skipped these as a kid.
Last thing researched for writing purposes: What it would actually look like if you could deep freeze a limb and then smash it, Snowpiercer-style (answer: a fucking mess).
I in turn offer the open tag to anyone who wants to do it.
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mikaila-orchard · 2 years ago
uchawi 🌧️🤝
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
Uses magic to make rainmen.
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Tajul. She's Uchawi's rock.
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beatsforbrothels · 6 years ago
Deep Puddle Dynamics - Rainmen (Controller 7 Remix)
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markovapaa · 5 years ago
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Lentokentän Suuntarastit 1st - 4.33 Mikkoon. #wunderbaum #rainmen (paikassa Kemi-Tornio Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCUCfSLFXGJ/?igshid=2evgrgdze8cx
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koopsala · 5 years ago
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🎧🎤🎚 On pige dans les souvenirs et on sort des moments clés comme Pas d'chilling 2.0 avec @rainmenlesdeux et @godfathaproductions qui mène aujourd'hui à @hitstory.official 🔥🔥🔥 Download l'app sur le app store de ton choix #souvenirs #photography #rainmen #koopsala #rapqueb #rapfrancais #beer #car #music #newapp (at Vieux-Montréal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-0AiI-g-X6/?igshid=20jphwy6iism
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asknicorobean · 5 years ago
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Happy Valentine's!!!
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forgottensexymen · 3 years ago
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The mysterious Don Pedro, spy from the Land of Rainmen from the from Porwanie Baltazara Gąbki
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thegalievthought · 3 years ago
On Abundance And Production Under Anarchism
In Anarchism it is no secret that the means of production would be far freer, than under our current system of capitalism. Knowing this, a question is often levelled at anarchists and socialists in general. How would a non-capitalist society handle production and distribution? 
First, let's introduce a few terms. Scarcity, a state where an item or good is in short supply. Post-Scarcity, Post-Scarcity is an economic theory where the majority of goods can be produced to abundance.
And Artificial-Scarcity is an economic idea, that states you can drive up the prices of some goods by making them seem artificially scarce, despite it not being scarce.
Now that we have established the terms we will be using now. 
How does post-scarcity affect anarchism? Well first, since the end of the first industrial revolution it has been said that if workers left to produce on their own could eliminate scarcity for most goods. Ideas like this were widespread among leftist scholars in the early 20th century. I will be using Peter Kropotkin and his book The Conquest Of Bread where he goes into detail about scarcity and post-scarcity. 
Peter Kropotkin in the conquest of bread points out that for at least a hundred years, Mankind has been able to produce an abundance. This leads Kropotkin to say that the reason many people throughout Europe, The Americas Asia and Africa go hungry, have no clothes and no shelter to speak of. Is because of restrictions by capital owners. Or lack of technological advancements, Kropotkin argues that sense bosses and capital owners restrict when the factories may run when the fields can be worked and what can be planted. What if we did not restrict when the workers ran the factories, let the land be tended and cultivated with new crops and technology, that humanity would have true abundance. 
He is arguing that if we didn't have capitalists telling the workers how to do things and rather, leave the workers to do these things. That we would eliminate the Artificial-Scarcity, made by them when restricting when the workers can work. Even in our modern-day, this is still a problem, I would argue even more so, with goods and long-lasting food sitting in warehouses for months if not years. We see this in industries like the GemStone companies, where they mine millions of Diamonds, Emeralds, Amethysts per year! Yet, for one of these common gemstones. You could be paying through the teeth because they are made artificially scarce by the people who sell them to drive up prices.
So when it comes to items like food, clothes or even housing! Kropotkin argues that with ever-advancing technology and no artificially imposed restrictions, the workers would "Cry - “Enough! We have enough coal and bread and rainmen! Let us rest and consider how best to use our powers, how best to employ our leisure.” -Kropotkin The Conquest Of Bread 1892.
From this quote, we can see how Kropotkin saw the matter he thought that in a matter of years of working unrestricted and not for the capitalists. That we would not only have an abundance of good. That the workers would not need to work. For now, we have such an abundance of goods we can consider how to use these goods so that we can rest for leisure.
Though some claim that this would be bad for the environment. A post-scarcity society would require to produce so much that the environment would be harmed deeply. To their credit, that makes sense at first glance. With the false idea in our modern society that most goods are scarce due to Artificial-scarcity. To many, it sadly may seem that we are not already in a post-scarcity society, yet I can still see the argument of how this has harmed the environment. Overproduction is a burden to the planet. However, in an anarchist post-scarcity society, it can be argued that the burdens would be less.
For when we know leisure because we have produced enough food to last us 30 years, the fields can rest and heal. When we have secured enough timber to build houses for everyone. The forests can be replanted and regrown. When the wool and cotton for clothes has been stored to the brim. We need not steal from animals or plant cotton to produce your clothes!
I argue that a post-scarcity society would be better for the environment if not under capitalism. That the unethical consumption we see under it, 
hinders us to the good and joy that comes from abundance!
So as Kropotkin argues, the best way forward for humanity is not only for our joy and leisure but for those we share the planet. We must work toward a society where we produce what we need and thus gain the joy of leisure and let our planet rest and heal from the evils of the past and capitalism. This is why in his book The Conquest of Bread, he argues this as one of the reasons why workers must seize the means of production!
In closing, I hoped to highlight why under capitalism overproduction is a bad thing. While under Anarchism it is not only a good thing for us, but also good for the environment too. I hope I went about it in the right way and could convince you why producing in such ways after the revolution is not reckless but a necessity to make sure everyone can have leisure and enjoy the finer things in life.
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psikonauti · 5 years ago
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Marc Standing
The Rainmen, 2015
Oil on canvas
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outralapieuvre-blog · 4 years ago
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Outra La Pieuvre est la moitié du duo Rainmen. Après une année 2020 remplie de musique, Outra nous revient avec un EP "Ere Tentaculaire". 2021 s'annonce avec plusieurs autres projets qui verront le jour sou peu, notamment le tout nouveau label de Outra TAT Records. No Luv = Mo Money, now lets get it
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randomvarious · 4 years ago
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Today’s compilation:
Cream 98 Music Festival 1998 House / Hip Hop / Techno
You have no idea how hard it was for me to find any evidence that Montréal’s Cream Music Festival ever existed, but it did, from what looks like 1996 to 2004. And it’s crazy how there’s almost nothing about its history online, because it sounds like it drew thousands of attendees every year.
Anyway, this CD is a rare promotional item that was pressed for the 1998 festival. And even though it’s a forgettable compilation, there’s two interesting things about it. One, this was one of the first ever releases from one of Canada’s greatest dance music labels, Turbo, which was founded by Tiga, and two, it looks like even though dance music was always Cream’s main concern, they tried to incorporate some hip hop into their 1998 lineup, too.
So, here we have a CD that’s two-thirds dance music and one-third hip hop, and in all honesty, a pair of the French-language hip hop tracks towards the end blew me away way more than the dance music did, which should tell you something about the overall quality of the dance music on this CD.
I also don’t know if everyone who was included on this CD actually performed at Cream that year, but if they did, it’s both super random and super funny that they managed to get New York’s own “Superthug,” Noreaga (aka N.O.R.E. and P.A.P.I.), to perform at a Montréal electronic dance music festival in 1998 since he was a very big deal in hip hop at the time. I mean, his solo debut, N.O.R.E., peaked at #3 on the Billboard 200 just the month prior to this festival taking place. So if he did actually perform there, I hope the paycheck was good.
Fred Everything - “Think” Urban Myths - “Midnight Marauders” The Advent - “Mononix” Noreaga - “N.O.R.E.” Fonky Family - “Cherche Pas A Comprendre” Rainmen - “Pas D’Chilling”
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dilebe06 · 4 years ago
Wild Heroes
Piove, governo ladro!
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(rara immagine del Presidente che annaffia le piante)
Ci sono due motivi del perchè io abbia visto questo drama: il primo è che dopo Someday or one day necessitavo di qualcosa di più leggero e meno impegnativo.
Il secondo è la presenza di mezzo cast di High & Low. Si sa che la carne è debole e per me vedere i ragazzi di High and Low impegnati in altri ruoli....vale tutto. ok, l’80% del mio volerlo vedere è a causa di Cobra lo ammetto
La trama è semplice: Kibo (Takahiro) trova e salva per strada una ragazzina dodicenne Hikari, che ha perso la memoria e che molte persone poco raccomandabili sembrano cercare. Riunendosi con i suoi vecchi amici - e membri della sua vecchia gang - perchè se hai fatto High & Low le gang ce le hai nel sangue - decide di prendersi cura e di proteggere Hikari aiutato dal vecchio gruppo.
Wild Heroes si presenta come un drama carino, divertente e pieno di alti valori: dall’amicizia all’eroismo, dal sacrificio alla famiglia. Da cosa significa essere adulti fino ad arrivare all’amore e ai suoi tantissimi significati. 
Ma da dispensare buoni valori a salire sull’altare e farci il sermone come alla Messa, il passo è breve. Innumerevoli le volte in cui Padre Kibo indossa la tonaca e parte per 15 minuti - non sto scherzando... una volta è durato veramente 15 minuti - a parlare di fiducia, credere in se stessi, l’amicizia ecc ecc. 
Che ecco...apprezzo una volta, ascolto due, alzo gli occhi al cielo tre...al quarto sermone mi parte giù tutto il calendario del santi.
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Ma Wild Heroes non è solo buoni principi. e bromance
Da metà stagione in poi, la serie diventa più impegnativa con elementi di mistero ed una trama più complessa e quasi utopistica. Peccato che a mio parere, non siano riusciti a gestirla benissimo.
Devo fare tuttavia i complimenti agli autori per tutti i vari colpi di scena - e si ce ne sono tanti e inaspettati - che incuriosiscono lo spettatore e smuovono la storia.
Ultimo appunto sul cast ed i personaggi: Palma d’oro a Takanori Iwata con il suo Choko, uno dei miglior personaggi in campo sia da un punto di vista umano, sia a livello recitativo. Anche Mikki (Sho Aoyagi) non è stato per nulla male. Sicuramente però il più “strano” - almeno per me - è stato vedere Keiji Kuroki nei panni del neopapà Ten Ten. Ogni volta che lo inquadravano ripensavo ad High And Low: vestito di bianco, capelli biondo ossigenato, bastone, denti di metallo e “party timeeeee”. Il cambiamento è così drastico! 
Bravissima e intelligentissima Hikari. Questo personaggio nonostante l’età dimostra più QI di tutto il gruppo messo assieme. Anche la recitazione dell’attrice è particolarmente buona. 
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Complimenti invece che non posso fare a Kibo. E non per la recitazione perchè per quello è stato ok. Ma proprio per il personaggio: noioso, bidimensionale, piatto. però la domenica quando sale sull’altare fa dei sermoni che il Papa si è commosso
Voto: 6,5
Ad un certo punto della storia la trama prende una piega molto più complessa. Viene introdotta una Setta Religiosa e un certo Rainman. Si parla di costruire un nuovo mondo più controllato e sicuro grazie appunto a Rainman. Ma alla fine dei salmi - perchè siamo in tema religioso - cosa colleghi Rainman a questo Nuovo Mondo...non si sa. Come i potenti vogliano costruire o usare Rainman rimane un mistero e credo che questo sia un vero peccato. 
Quando vedi con quanto impegno tentino di prendere Hikari per farle fare il rituale e come sia essenziale per loro il personaggio di Rainmen, pensi che tutti e due abbiano “un qualcosa da fare”.  Siano funzionali al grande piano per cambiare il mondo e non siano dei meri simboli. D’altronde chi è che manda la polizia, l’esercito e compagnia...chi è che vieta di eseguire un operazione chirurgica in tutto il Giappone - spendendo soldi e uomini - per un rito che non ha nessuna conseguenza del grande piano?
Invece probabilmente è così. Cioè Hikari, i dati che cercavano, il padre della bambina, la storia in se....sono tutti mezzi per fare questo rituale che all’atto pratico però non serve a nulla. 
E va bene, ce ne faremo una ragione. 
La serie inoltre fa inoltre uno sforzo non solo nel presentare gli altri ragazzi della gang, ma anche per dargli una piccola storyline: un contesto familiare o il lavoro. Purtroppo però che il loro ruolo sia spesso solo di supporto e con un lead così poco complesso, sarebbe stato bello se avessero avuto più spazio. Anche per diversificare.
Prima di chiudere però, voglio mandare un atto di amore al Presidente. Passato al lato buono - perchè è un ragazzo delle gang come i Nostri e quindi tra delinquenti ci si capisce - si rivela spesso un aiuto fondamentale. Lo adorato tantissimo! 
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E quindi...andate in pace, la Messa è finita. Amen.
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jusky · 5 years ago
Deep Puddle Dynamics - Rainmen (Controller 7 Remix)
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alanmackcomics · 7 years ago
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Montreal, 1999: I painted the stage backdrop for the hip hop group, Rainmen, for their tour. The second photo gives you more of a sense of the scale. During the performance there were skateboarders on the half pipe and a rain machine! #stagedesign #backdrop #painting #art #rainmen #montreal #hiphop #rap #tbt #music #dj
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