bangtanloverboys · 1 year
life support // knj
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summary - namjoon likes to think he’s the embodiment of the perfect example of a theurgists: positive and enthusiastic. however when his professor asks him to help tutor one of her secondary students, only then is that pushed to the limit
pairing - tutor!namjoon x neurodivergent!reader
genre - fluff; wizard 101 au
word count - 4.0k
warnings - dip’s made up lore, namjoon says one mean thing, thoughts of fraternization 
guide - theurgy = life magic, divination = storm magic; marlybonian = british dog people; pigswick = another wizarding academy; 
author’s note - last names for reasons. and this was a bit personal for me as i do have adhd and i struggled a lot with theoretical teachings. this is based off my own personal experience with school and having adhd, not everyone’s is the same
the seven schools of ravenwood
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Best in class. That is how Namjoon has always been described ever since he was a novice theurgist. It came easy to him, with a glance at a textbook he could perform the spell in an instant. Life magic was simply in his blood. So when Professor Wu asked him to tutor some of her less than stellar students, he wasn’t surprised. It took a while for each of the other students to catch on, but one by one, he helped them understand the material and soon enough, they raised their grades. Namjoon’s track record was stunning, there wasn’t any student he couldn’t help.
That was until he met you.
Normally Professor Wu only offered tutoring for her novice primary school students; young theurgists that either did not grow up where magic was practiced or simply fell behind a few lessons and needed a bit of help to get back on their feet. Never before had he had to tutor a secondary school theurgist. But he was willing to step up to the challenge. 
Pushing open the heavy oak doors of the Life School, he was greeted with the familiar sight of Professor Wu standing at the top of the platform. Standing right at the bottom of the stairs before her, was you, dressed in purple and gold. A diviner, Namjoon thought to himself. Life magic sat in between Storm and Fire, so one normally would expect a student of those primary schools would easily understand and excel at theurgy. He wondered what could be the problem. 
“Ah, Namjoon!” She smiled as he approached you both. “Y/N, this will be your tutor; Namjoon Jadeshield. Namjoon, this is Y/N Raindreamer,” she introduced.
“Pleasure,” he greeted, holding out his hand for you to shake. You don’t shake his hand, only giving him a tight lipped smile. “Okay. . .” he dropped his hand. “What exactly are you struggling with so that I can help?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but Professor Wu cut you off. “Everything, really. They’re supposed to start their initiate program, but unfortunately they must repeat their apprenticeship.”
Namjoon tried to hold back his shock. Failing the apprenticeship class?  You’d have to repeat the whole two year process, probably never catch back up to your primary school level. “Okay. So how often shall we hold tutoring sessions?” He glanced between you and Professor Wu.
“Ideally every day after class,” the professor answered.
Your head snapped in the direction of her. “No!” Turning to Namjoon, you began to plead with him. “Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. I need Wednesday and Friday free. I have-“
“You know very well that any or all after school activities are suspended until your grades rise, Raindreamer,” Professor Wu tisked.
But you didn’t acknowledge her, only keeping your eyes trained on Namjoon. “I’m sorry, but Professor Wu is right. Until you have sufficient grades to prove it, no after school activities.”
As the words left his mouth, Namjoon watched in slow motion as your face fell. Like the world had crashed around you. Quickly, your face steeled and a frown was etched onto your features. “Fine.”
“Alright,” Namjoon nodded, wanting this meeting to be over and done with. “We’ll start tomorrow. Meet me outside the Commons Library? Sound good with you?”
“Yeah, fine. Whatever,” you huffed as you shouldered your book bag and left the school building, leaving Namjoon and Professor Wu alone. 
“I swear, with a name like Raindreamer, it’s no wonder they have grades like this,” she sighed. “But thank you again, Namjoon. I know you’ll be a great help.”
“I’ll do my best.” 
The following day, Namjoon waited for you just outside the Commons Library. He was there a full 10 minutes before you finally arrived. He opened his mouth to berate you for being late but words failed to come out at the sight of you; fresh scrapes and bandages covering any exposed skin. 
“What?” You raised a brow at him.
“Are you- what happened?”
You looked down at the bandages before shrugging. “Fell.”
Whilst that didn’t feel like the full reason, Namjoon didn’t push any further, simply wanting to get the tutoring session along. You trailed behind him as he climbed up the final steps to the library, pushing open the doors. Namjoon waved hello to Harold, the old Marleybonian that served as the librarian, as he scribbled away in his ledger. 
“This way,” Namjoon said to you as he walked down the theurgy wing. Other life students, dressed in robes of greens and browns, were seated at the tables that were strategically placed alongside the tall bookshelves. He made his way over to his usual table, it sat right between the initiate and journeyman textbooks. Granted those might be a bit out of your range, but perhaps it could serve as a bit of motivation to help you move forward. 
Placing his book bag down, he looked at you, straggling along still. A bit further than he would’ve liked, but you were soon catching up. Your eyes were trained on the books as they flew across the shelves, rearranging and reorganizing themselves. There was a small smile etched into your face as you watched the books and scrolls float about, reminding Namjoon of a child on Christmas. Clearing his throat to gain your attention, he watched as that smile faded away, back into a look of displeasure. You picked up the pace, taking the seat beside him.
“Professor Wu didn’t give me any specifics as to what you need help with. So are there any particular parts that you need help with?” Namjoon asked as you pulled out your scrolls and text books. 
“Everything, I guess. It just. . . doesn’t make sense. I can’t figure out how to get from Point A to Point B,” you explained. 
“So conceptualizing it?”
You blinked at him. “I- uh, I guess that is one way to put it.”
“Okay, that gives us a starting point then.” He smiled at you. “So let’s go to basics. See if that can help.” 
“Alright,” you muttered, learning forward as he began writing.
“So theurgy is a bit different than the other schools, when using magic we don’t summon or coerce the creatures into appearing. We breathe life into them through the Song of Creation. Are you familiar with that?” When he turned to look at you, you were staring blankly at the paper. He waited a few moments for you to respond, but you didn’t. Namjoon snapped his fingers twice, you jerked back to attention.
“Sorry, I- uh. . . what did you say?”
It was then when Namjoon realized how you were able to fail your apprenticeship so miserably and how you earned your last name. 
You could not focus at all.
Every time Namjoon was going over spell casting and or creation, he would turn to you to check to see if you were following, only for you to have a blank look on your face or your eyes to be trained on the floating books again. Every time he would have to snap his fingers to regain your attention. On some occasions, he saw you scribbling away into a notebook. At first he thought you were actually taking notes, but anytime he tried to take a look at it, you shut the book in his face.
By the end of the second hour, when your session was coming to a close, you had finally managed to understand one spell. It was just a shield spell, so it wasn’t too complicated, but not enough for Namjoon to be satisfied with your progress. 
As the two of you left the library, you were about to make a break for the right, no doubt returning to your dorm room in Ravenwood, but he quickly grabbed onto your wrist. 
“I want you to read over the History of Life Magic, chapters one through four. Just the basics, that should help at least a tiny bit.”
“You’re giving me homework?” 
He blinked at you, caught off guard by the question. He’s always asked the students he tutored to reread certain materials, and they did so without question. “It’s not really homework, just helps to go over the material again,” he sputtered out in response. “I want to see you succeed and catch up in your secondary school. And reading helps.”
“Yeah, sure,” you huffed with a roll of your eyes, then walked down the pathway through the Commons.
Over the next two weeks, the two of you had fallen into a routine; every few days you’d be late by no more than 10 minutes to each session (how he had no idea, considering the initiate divination class would get out around your scheduled time) with fresh bandages, he’d try his damndest to help you understand the material, and then you’d part ways, heading off towards the right. And it was agonizing for Namjoon. You read at a snail's pace, mixing up the pixie and fairy spells, scrambling words and wand motions together. It wasn’t by lack of effort either, Namjoon could see you were trying, genuinely, but no matter how much reading he assigned you, nothing seemed to stick. You got one spell for every ten he went over with you. He simply could not believe how you managed to even get enrolled into Ravenwood in the first place.
When he expressed his frustrations towards Professor Wu when it was time for a follow up, she finally told him that you were a new student, only coming in within the past 6 months, after being kicked out of Pigswick for poor performance. He was shocked at the information, but it made sense. You were a troubled student and needed a firm hand. So he went to work, putting together another lesson plan that was more strict to try and see if that would help you at all.
It didn’t.
Barely a full session in, he watched as you failed to recite the proper incantations to summon a leprechaun, something you nearly had the day previous. 
“What isn’t clicking for you?” He found himself asking you at the end of the session.
“I’m sorry?”
“I mean, why can’t you do this? This is basic theurgy, and you’re a storm student! This should come easy to you, right? So why are you struggling so much?” He felt like he was at the end of his rope. If he couldn’t teach you, then what hopes could he ever have about being a professor?
“I mean, it just. . . doesn’t. It’s hard to explain. . .”
“Well if you don’t figure it out, you’re gonna get kicked out from another school,” Namjoon muttered under his breath.
He froze. He cringed to himself as he turned around to look at you, regretting even thinking the words. Once he laid eyes on you, he saw that same broken look he saw when Professor Wu said you couldn’t continue with your afterschool activities, only worse. Your shoulders sagged, and Namjoon swore he could’ve heard your heart break, shattered by him. Then your face hardened as you tightened your grip on your bookbag.
“Then I guess there’s no reason for us to really continue these sessions, considering I’m just gonna get kicked out anyways.” Then you turned on your heel and stormed off.
“Y/N, wait- I’m sorry!”
He wanted to follow after you, but he couldn’t find it in him to. He watched as you disappeared into the crowded Commons area, wishing he never even opened his mouth. 
The following day after class, Namjoon made his way over towards the Storm School. You deserved an apology, Namjoon knew that. What he said was mean, and something he never should’ve said as your tutor. It was just his luck that his mastery class ended at the same time the Storm initiate class ended, giving him the perfect opportunity to find you and apologize. He eyed through the students as they made their way past him, on their own way towards their next class or any after school club. But he could not find out. He knew he had the right year, you were supposed to go into the initiate class this year, you were the proper age for it. Where were you?
Perhaps you stayed inside to talk to the professor, he thought to himself as he approached the heavy oak doors. Thunder boomed overhead from the gathering storm cloud that resided inside the classroom. It had been years since he’d ever stepped foot in the school of storm, the first and only time being from when he was trying to find a secondary school, all those years before he finally landed on balance. 
Namjoon glanced around the room, trying to catch a glimpse of you but you weren’t in the room. Only Professor Balestrom resided in the classroom, standing on top of his desk as he gathered papers.
Taking a deep breath, he entered the school, clearing his throat to gain the frog professor’s attention. He turned on his flipper as the sound of Namjoon and bounced up to his full height of three feet. 
“Ah! How can I be of service to you?”
“Hi, I’m tutoring one of your students. Y/N Raindreamer? They would be in your initiate class.”
A frown etched itself onto Professor Balestrom’s face. “Raindreamer is my student yes, but they’re not in my initiate class.”
“Raindreamer advanced into the adept class about 3 months ago! They’re a brilliant student, one of the best diviners I’ve seen in a while,” he explained.
The information shook Namjoon to his core. You were an advanced student? But how could that be, considering your grades in theurgy? It didn’t make any sense. “I-I didn’t know that.”
“First time in my class, they struggled though. Came in on a reading day, which is everyone’s least favorite part of the curriculum. But as soon as we got to spell casting, they nearly blew the roof off this place!” The professor continued, leaping up in the air for dramatic effect. “They weren’t even here a week before I took them to the headmaster and demanded they advance to the journeyman course, only that was also too easy! They’re getting a real challenge in adept, I’ll tell you that.”
Namjoon couldn’t believe his ears. Here he was, thinking you were a walking failure, doomed to be kicked out of a second school. Only to learn that you were nearly two years advanced in your studies! “Oh. . . well, do you know where they might be? I do need to talk to them.”
Professor Balestrom looked at the clock on the wall. “Should be in the arena by now.”
“The arena?”
“Yes. The arena! They’re a duelist, did you not know that?”
Only then did it dawn on him that he never did ask what you wanted to do so badly that you wanted to schedule your tutoring sessions around it. Then he remembered what days you were late on, the fresh bandages you always had on. . . You were still dueling. Under the school’s nose too.
“Thank you, Professor Balestrom. I appreciate it.”
“Of course, of course!” The frog man called out to Namjoon as he all but ran out the door. As fast as he could, he made his way through the tunnels to the Commons and then to Unicorn Way. He pushed open the doors of the arena, the snapping of puppets and growls of different summoned monsters filled his ears as he approached Diego, the dueling master.
“A newcomer? Are you interested in learning the art of the duel?” The unicorn asked, raising a brow at him.
Namjoon shook his head no. “Sorry, I’m actually looking for someone. Y/N Raindreamer?”
“Ah, yes! They’ve been short on their dueling practice lately, but they’re in the next dueling chamber over. Come, I shall show you.” Diego led Namjoon down a hall towards an empty arena, where sure enough you were, dueling against a puppet. 
He was blown away with the sight before him. You waved your wand with practiced ease and the creatures you summoned did your bidding with little to no struggle at all. It wasn’t at all how you were when he was tutoring you. How could you manage to do so good in one class that you advance two classes, but struggle to advance in your secondary?
“Pretty good, eh? Came in from Pigswick, good school and all but they don’t actually teach magic there. It’s all theoretical. But as soon as Raindreamer was enrolled here, and with a little help from your’s truly, they advanced in no time!” Diego explained as he and Namjoon watched you battle the puppet. “They come in here as often as they can, practicing all the spells they learn in class. See the scrolls?” He pointed off to the side of the dueling sigil where sure enough, were piles of spell books and scrolls, mainly of storm magic, judging from the purple lining. But Namjoon could see some greens in there. 
You weren’t just practicing.
You were studying.
Raising your wand again, this time the life symbol appeared. Up until the last wave of your wand, it was perfect. You had twisted your wrist in the wrong direction, causing the spell to fizzle completely. You let out a curse as you stepped away from the sigil, the puppet standing still. You pulled open the life scroll, reading over it again, no doubt trying to find your mistake.
“You’re supposed to twist your wrist towards the right, not the left!” Namjoon called out to you. Your head snapped up in his direction, mouth open to probably yell at him. But you didn’t say anything, your eyes focusing on Diego behind him. 
“He’s right, you were perfect up until that last move,” Diego confirmed as he trotted down the stairs towards you, Namjoon following after. “He was looking for you, I hope you do not mind I brought him here.”
“It’s alright, thank you, Diego.” You gave the unicorn a slight smile, who nodded before stepping away, giving the two of you some privacy. Once your attention was fully towards Namjoon, your lips pressed into a thin line. “What is it, Namjoon?”
“I wanted to apologize, what I said was out of line. As your tutor, it should’ve been my priority to build you up, not to tear you down.”
You regarded him cautiously. “Doesn’t change the fact that what you said really hurt. I did try, but studying like that just. . . it doesn’t work for me. Sitting there and telling me how to cast spells, I have to see and do it to fully understand. Do you get that?”
“Yes, I can see that now.” Namjoon stepped toward the pile of scrolls and books that you had at the side of the arena. Picking up the one that was open, he flipped through it. There were a bunch of notes and scribbles in the margins, he recognized the chicken scratch as yours but what you wrote were what he would go over and teach you in your tutoring sessions. “This is why you wanted those days off, so you could practice your spellwork and could try to actually grasp what you were learning?”
Slowly, you nodded. “I will admit, I did continue dueling, but without the proper amount of dedication to practice and study, it just. . . I couldn’t do it.”
“Then we’ll hold our tutoring sessions here.”
You looked at him in shock. “What?”
“If this is what helps you learn, then this is what we’ll do to help you,” Namjoon started, “I’ll tell Professor Wu about the change and reserve an arena with Diego. We can meet here instead of the library, does that sound good to you?”
“I- yeah! That’s- that’s perfect, thank you!” You said, beaming widely at him. It was the first time you actually smiled at him, and he was going to deny the little flutter he felt in his chest. 
“Okay, so I’ll see you here tomorrow?”
“Yeah, tomorrow!”
Just as he said, Namjoon talked with Moolinda about having you study via dueling.
“I don’t know, Jadeshield. . . they’re failing, and the rules are no extracurriculars unless a student is of a passing grade.”
“I know, but this is how they learn! I didn’t understand it at first, and that’s my fault. But they’re actually really smart! Did you know they’re two classes advanced in divination?” Namjoon countered. 
Professor Wu was taken back by that knowledge, judging by the way her eyes narrowed down and focused on him. 
“Please, just give them a chance.”
She was quiet, before placing her hooves together and nodding. “Very well. You may hold your tutoring lessons in the arena.”
Namjoon was so ecstatic, he would have jumped for joy. But there was one more thing that he had to ask. . .
 Due to his meeting with the professor, Namjoon was running late to meet you at the Arena. He saw you were sitting on the grass outside the building, looking down at that book you would scribble in during your tutoring sessions, flipping through the pages. 
“Hey!” He caught your attention as he approached you. “I have great news!”
Looking up from your book, you furrowed your brows together. “What?”
“I talked to Professor Wu and she gave the green light for us to do dueling tutoring sessions and she agreed!”
You jumped to your feet. “Really?!”
“Yes, and she agreed to something even better.” 
“Spit it out then! Don’t leave me here in all this suspense!”
“If you test well enough on the next exam that’s in a few weeks, you can join the initiate program!” It took a lot of convincing on his part, and staking his whole career as a tutor on the line, but he was wrong to ever doubt you in the first place. He knew you could do it.
“You-oh my stars! Thank you!” Dropping your book, you threw yourself onto Namjoon, wrapping your arms around his neck and squeezing him tightly.
He stilled at the sudden contact, feeling heat rush to his cheeks. “You’re- you’re welcome,” he said, patting your back gently. He’d never been thanked in such a way before, usually a quick handshake or a smile. Never a hug. 
As quick as you hugged him, you released your hold on him, smiling brightly at him. “Come on! Exam may be a few weeks away, but I wanna be sure I have everything right so I can ace this test!” You said, before racing inside the arena. 
Namjoon stood back for a second, still feeling the heat on his cheeks. He took a step forward to join you, only to accidentally step on your book that you’d dropped. Kneeling down, he picked it up. Curiosity gaining the best of him, he took a peek inside. It was doodles and drawings of different creatures and spells, with little notes dotted along the sides. Still flipping through the book, he began walking towards the arena, but he stopped as he turned to a page that took him by surprise. It was a drawing of him, incompleted, but was very obviously Namjoon. He felt the heat on his face return, crawling up his ears too. Reading along the sides of the page, were your own personal anecdotes about him. Calling him all sorts of names, but also things he had said; Stuff from his lessons. You had remembered, you were trying. He just couldn’t see it.
Namjoon’s eyes broke away from the sketchbook, meeting Diego’s gaze. The unicorn said nothing, only winking at him as he tossed his head in the direction of the arena doors. 
Breaking eye contact, Namjoon pushed open the doors, hoping you wouldn’t see the embarrassment on his cheeks. He spotted you almost immediately, talking with some other students he could only presume were your friends. Taking notice of him, you smiled at him again, and he swore he could see a twinkle in your eye-
No. No. No.
You had an exam to study for and he was your tutor. He couldn’t fraternize with you like that. However, he wouldn’t be for long if you ace that exam. . . 
“Raindreamer, let’s go!” 
38 notes · View notes
chrysoula · 23 days
Kazuha was not exactly arguing. He’d already repeated his casual anticipation of nighttime rain to three different, increasingly nervous Firehearts, and now he was doing it for a fourth time for Eclest.
Eclest sounded grave as it said, “The day is far too long for it to rain tonight, as it normally goes. Are you confident in your information, friend Kazuha? Steps must be taken immediately if so, and those steps will be rather disruptive.”
He spread his hands. “I’m a stranger to this land. All I can say is that everything I sense promises rainfall, perhaps including lightning—but the Great Storm makes that uncertain.” He’d been a little surprised that the Firehearts, with their own strange senses, hadn’t picked up on the many little signs of nature tuning itself for a downpour.  But he was genuinely concerned by their distress. “Is there danger involved with rain here?”
“As long as we shelter indoors, all is well. But the rain is usually so predictable, and there are special rules we must follow while we shelter— Nothing to concern yourself with, though. I don’t believe humans suffer notably from the rain, although that prankster Rago does sometimes— But at least we should be spared that concern with your party— Ah, Cerise! Play a new song, please!” Eclest seemed genuinely perturbed for the first time in Kazuha’s experience. “The village must be warned. Yes, yes, I know, so many are busy with festival projects, but they must simply take them indoors. It’s a bad night to be subject to raindreams.”
Albedo’s group approached, with Albedo well in the lead. With a strained voice, he said, “Kazuha. What’s happening?”
“Our hosts have their own customs around rainy weather, that’s all.” Kazuha hesitated, and then added, “And apparently rain tonight is out of season.” He had mixed feelings on the wisdom of calling out the unusualness of the weather, but Albedo either already knew or would figure it out soon; the only question was how much it would worry him.
But Albedo relaxed a little at the news. “Oh yes, I wondered about that, but concluded there are far too many variables involved with changes in the weather to draw any conclusions yet. They seem quite concerned, though.”
A ripple passed through the gathering crowd of Firehearts as Albedo calmed, a flicker like an eye adjusting to bright light. It happened so quickly that another man might have doubted his eyes, but not Kazuha.
“My friend,” said Eclest, returning its attention to the bearer of bad tidings. “May I ask you to take over the song once the overcast thickens? You need only maintain it until the rain falls, and after that we will sing in our homes for the duration of the storm.”
“I’d be happy to do so.” Kazuha eyed the sky, which was already developing a faint haze. “I think you have perhaps an hour or so until that point. I’ll fetch the harp. Shall I warn Firehearts along my path?”
“Warn them? No, no.” Even as he spoke, the song changed to something heavier and more ominous. The inverted bell ornament over the song pavilion shivered and released a low note that lasted uncomfortably long before fading out. “But do feel free to display your instrument as you return; it might comfort some.”
“Very well.” 
As Kazuha set out, he noted Xingqiu having an intense conversation with Mibrite, even as Albedo said, “Ah, so the song is intended to coordinate village activity—”
The new song had a visible effect on the villagers Kazuha passed on his short trip to the lodge, although the range of reactions went from disbelief to exasperation to mild panic. At the lodge, Kazuha looked around and then said quietly, “Xiao?”
The yaksha appeared in front of him, holding out the harp Kazuha had left on the table inside.
Kazuha accepted it, but also said, “Do you think there’s anything to be concerned by in this unseasonable weather?”
Flatly, Xiao said, “Rain is nothing you need worry about.”
Kazuha gazed at the yaksha, who looked stoically back at him. He and the yaksha hadn’t spoken much privately, but this was more a result of their similarly quiet personalities rather than any lack of sympathy between them. So he coughed politely before saying, “I too dislike worrying my companions unnecessarily, so I believe I understand where you’re coming from. However—”
“I also will shelter from the rain within the lodge,” Xiao interrupted. “Does that soothe your mortal anxieties?”
Kazuha thought back to the night before, when Xiao had joined the men’s tea table, and understood. Whatever concerned Xiao about the storm, he was still more concerned about Albedo’s potential responses.
“I look forward to your company,” Kazuha said, glancing up at the dimming sky. “And thank you for the loan of your harp.”
Xiao’s face twisted into the sort of scowl Zielle often prompted, but Kazuha paid no attention as he turned away. As he returned to the song pavilion, he passed Hu Tao and Klee going the other way, with Klee talking happily about rainy day dinners, most of which they simply didn’t have the ingredients for. But they still had plenty of noodles and dried fish, at least. If nobody else could assemble a warm meal from that, he certainly could once he’d finished his task. But he doubted Klee, at least, would last that long, and he trusted the others to provide what she needed.
At the song pavilion, Albedo and Xingqiu stood together still, talking quietly. Only Eclest and Cerise, the current musician, remained at the pavilion, leaving it far emptier than Kazuha had usually found it even at night. He went to verify his role with the village elder.
“Eclest. Is there a particular piece or type of music I should play? I noticed you had Cerise switch to a new song that seemed to better fit the circumstances.”
“Oh, what a lovely instrument that is,” said Eclest absently, the slight warmth of its flame’s focus flicking over Kazuha’s hands. “Strings, too. That alleviates my concern about your ability to sustain a performance for more than a song with that flute.”
Kazuha smiled. “I’m glad.” The Firehearts were familiar with wind instruments, but seemed to have serious concerns about the human requirement for breathing, and how that interfaced with breath-powered music. This had mildly amused him, but he had to admit he had very little experience with sustained, unbroken performances. The advantage of music as a hobby was that he could usually pause, stop, and rest whenever he pleased. He wasn’t nearly as proficient with the harp as his flute, either, but this would be an excellent chance to refine his skills. 
“As for the kind of music, play as your heart dictates. As long as your feelings are genuine, that will be enough for us. Ah, yes… I can certainly see the clouds extending from the Great Storm now. Cerise, if you would play a little longer, I’ll see to the belongings you left in the water garden.”
Once Cerise had indicated slightly uneasy agreement, continuing to attend to the glass harmonica that it specialized in, Eclest departed and Kazuha joined Albedo and Xingqiu.
Xingqiu said, “Apparently it’s the aurora that causes problems. When it rains, Firehearts who aren’t under a roof can hallucinate dangerously. Rain-dreaming, Mibrite called it. But since rainfall is so predictable, it doesn’t seem to be something they worry about most of the time. I figured I’d stick around in case you end up needing a break.”
Kazuha asked, “Oh, do you have experience with the flute or harp?”
“Oh, well, I had music lessons as a child, of course, but I didn’t bring a zither or anything. I can whistle like a pro, though!”
“Ah…” Albedo said diffidently. “I can probably play the harp as well, if it becomes necessary. I observed you last night and it seems reasonably straightforward, especially since I have a bit of experience with a lyre.”
Kazuha chuckled. “I think I’ll be all right for an hour or so, but I welcome the company.” He looked over at Cerise again, and then glanced at the sky. The thickening clouds, although still white and puffy, were growing visibly, amplifying the twilight.
“If you wish, I can take over now,” he suggested to the Fireheart. “As you can see, I have support. We’ll keep it going.”
Cerise played for a phrase more, barely-detectable flickers of flame brushing over each of the bowls, her own globe spinning slowly, before saying, “After this piece, then.”
Kazuha seated himself, and paid attention to the music. Albedo and Xingqiu stayed respectfully silent, which he was sure was unsettling for the Fireheart musician. It had been genuinely hard for Kazuha to tell if there was a practical reason for the village’s endless concert, because it was so deeply woven into the village life. The song pavilion was the heart of the village, where friends met and arguments were displayed for the public (sometimes through lyrics). While solo performers seemed to be the base state, additional Firehearts wandered in and out of the song, entering for a chorus or a harmony or a counterpoint. Sometimes it altered to suit the mood or the circumstances; sometimes it was a whisper of intimate chamber music, easily overshadowed by events around it, and seeking to be. Sometimes, it swelled to join a hubbub; sometimes, it expressed the performer’s own heart and the village paused to listen in acknowledgement of that.
He’d been forced to conclude that, whether or not it served a worldly function, the song was a holy thing. They’d let him carry it for a few minutes the day before, but they’d paid attention in a solemn silence he knew his performance didn’t deserve. It seemed clear to him that humans joining a performance was welcome—the pavilion had benches the Firehearts didn’t use—but letting one carry the song alone was extremely rare; he was grateful enough for their kindness not to seek the spotlight again.
But he’d noticed that the song pavilion almost never lacked nearby conversation. His own weak effort, and a few other brief instances over the past few days, that was all. And all of those other times, there had at the very least been an attentive audience. But Cerise, right now, was alone in an abnormal situation. He couldn’t make the situation more normal, but he could at least free it from its duty smoothly. So, when he felt ready, he began to play alongside the Fireheart, and allowed it to fade out at its own pace. After it did, it remained still and quiet, listening as he transitioned to playing his own song. Then, with a nervous bob, the Fireheart fled, and Kazuha understood it wasn’t a personal critique.
Albedo sat down next to Kazuha, with Xingqiu sitting on Albedo’s far side. “That was… unusually unfriendly for the locals. They really are concerned about the song stopping, aren’t they?”
“I wonder why…” mused Xingqiu. “They don’t seem to want to tell us, I’ve noticed.”
“I’d like to respect that,” said Kazuha firmly, his fingers resting naturally for two beats. 
Xingqiu said hastily, “Right, right.” Ducking his head, he glanced sidelong at his neighbor.
“Maybe they don’t know,” said Albedo, oblivious to Xingqiu’s nudge. “I admit to feeling a twinge of concern that we might cause unknowing harm, but I suppose if they entrusted the ritual to outsiders, it must not be that important.”
That told Kazuha quite a lot about Albedo’s current state of mind. Meanwhile, Xingqiu corrected Albedo. “They didn’t ask a random outsider; they asked Kazuha.”
“That’s true,” conceded Albedo. “Kazuha is his own special case.”
A silence fell, other than Kazuha’s playing, but it felt natural and appropriate, and he deeply appreciated it. He listened instead to the wind as it began to pick up, making cloth banners somewhere in the village snap in the wind. Although it hadn’t yet started to rain, spray lifted from the nearest pools of water to scent the air.
Abruptly Xingqiu announced, “You know what, you two don’t need my whistling and I’m apparently still a growing boy, so I’m going to head back and try to get in on Klee’s pre-dinner snack. Make sure to come back before you get too wet!”
With a wave, he ran off, and Kazuha thought wryly that Xingqiu had too high an opinion of him. Albedo said pleasantly, “Well then. I’d hoped he wouldn’t do that.”
“I don’t mind,” Kazuha offered. It was an opportunity, perhaps, although not the one he would have chosen. Yet again.
After a hesitation, Albedo said, “All right.”
After another lull, with the sky growing truly dark under the blackening clouds, Kazuha began  a familiar section and said, “I mentioned that I hadn’t smelled rain since leaving Teyvat. I didn’t realize the dread I’d awaken.”
Albedo’s gaze lifted to the clouds. “You gave them that much more time to prepare, though. It sounds like it could have been much worse.” 
After plucking another few phrases, Kazuha admitted, “I keep thinking of the Scythewind.”
“The potential for danger, you mean?” Albedo’s calm was that of a mirrored lake.
“Not that.” He concentrated on a tricky fingering before continuing. “The wind, the rain, in many ways, they paint the world for me. They shape so much. And yet, their effects here are… unfamiliar.” He sighed, and shifted to a simpler song. “I feel very far from home, at times.”
Albedo remained quiet for a time, but it was a silence so pregnant with unspoken thoughts that Kazuha was unsurprised when his companion finally stirred and said, “Your home betrayed you, did it not?”
An Inazuman folk song now, one he’d known since birth, about the farewell of the Thunderbird. “I don’t know. Maybe, although I don’t usually feel that way. The Shogun… is the one betraying Inazuma.”
The sky darkened and the clouds churned, but no lightning flashed overhead. Nobody was on the streets now, but the buildings started lighting up. Kage, his feathers glimmering, flashed by overhead on his way to the lodge, spiraling into a rising wind. 
Kazuha laughed quietly, and then said, “As you can imagine, that isn’t a popular opinion there. I am… undoubtedly a criminal to my countrymen. But the ancient slopes, the great trees, the little shrines, the sandbars and misty mornings; as long they remain… Inazuma is my home. Despite everything, it haunts me still.” He half-shrugged, and concentrated on his playing, rather than his companion, or his thoughts.
After a moment, Albedo said, “You seem to have something on your mind, but I must admit I don’t quite understand why you’re discussing this with me.”
Kazuha breathed in and out, readying himself before saying, “You already know it all, don’t you? Every little stain on my heart. I thought perhaps you might have advice for me.” Despite his preparation, his playing stumbled as he felt the dream cell around him; felt Albedo’s fingers against his skin.
(Just a memory.)
As Kazuha regained control over the music and his own reactions, Albedo stood up abruptly, and then sat back down again. “I— What I know and what I understand are two very different things, Kazuha. Wasn’t this apparent in our earlier conversations?”
“Yes. It was.” He made his fingers gentle against the strings. “But I’ve always valued your wisdom and perspective, Albedo. I’d quite like to receive the benefit of it when you’re not actively trying to break me.” He grimaced and shook his head, instantly regretting his harsh phrasing but unwilling to soften it. His fingers were playing the simplest of tunes now, finding the notes on their own according to his heart.
Then he reconsidered and said, “No, what I ask for has no value if you don’t wish to give it. I’ll drop it and we can enjoy the last twilight together instead.”
“Kazuha—” Albedo’s voice sounded strangled, until he cut himself off. Then, more rapidly than Kazuha had ever heard him speak, he said, “My situation is somewhat different. I never had a home, only a master. One day, I woke and she was gone. She’d left me a few items, some instructions, and that was all. I don’t know if I’ll ever see her again. I’m afraid of what will happen if I do. I used to long for a reunion, and now—” He dragged in a breath, and regained some of his composure. “My emotions feel complicated, but yours seem quite simple to me, which I suspect means I understand nothing at all.”
“Try me,” invited Kazuha, half-closing his eyes and remembering the autumn moon over Yashiori as his fingers moved. It was a peaceful, lonely image. Although the scarlet maple leaves faded in shadow, the heavy, cold moonlight gave them razor edges. The hills became the silhouettes of sleeping giants, black against the shining cosmos (save for the glint of bone). He remembered feeling like he was present at some rare alignment of the world. It had been an exhilarating moment for his twelve year old self. 
Albedo exhaled and then said, like he was reading a fact sheet, “You love your homeland and despise the Raiden Shogun. You’ve decided your sword is meant to protect, even though you’ve slain dozens of your own countrymen. You struggle with the intersection of desire and responsibility, over and over. And you’re afraid of what the future will bring if you follow your heart. That much, at least, we do have in common. Your next step seems obvious to me but as you pointed out, my perspective is different and I cannot cleanly adjust for my own bias.”
After letting Albedo’s observations settle into his heart, Kazuha said, “Thank you.” Then he played some variations on his earlier theme, watching and listening as the clouds swirled silently overhead and the wind became fitful. In the west, the aurora began to shimmer over the forest, lighting up the clouds in a reflecting display Kazuha knew would disorient him if he focused on it too much. Albedo didn’t seem to have that problem, watching the jarring display with half-closed eyes as if interpreting something else through it.
Kazuha left him to it, focusing on his music, so that he could time the song’s end to that moment of atmospheric balance before the clouds opened up. When he lifted his fingers from the strings and held his breath, a bubble of silence wrapped itself around him. Beyond it came musical murmurs from with the Fireheart homes, but next to his skin, he could feel the perfect stillness of the air, and the song still echoing in his heart.
Thank you, said the silence, before it was punctuated by the first drops of rain, and merged into the swell of the village chorus.
“You’re welcome,” said Kazuha, standing up and tucking the harp away from the wet. Albedo stirred and then glanced at him curiously, so he added, half-smiling,  “Come on, let’s get back before we get soaked in the process.”
“Of course.” Ever-graceful (even when puzzled), Albedo rose. As they stepped out into the still-light rain, he asked, “You stopped early, did you not? Will you tell me why?”
Kazuha shrugged, lifting his face to the sky “It felt like a melody that ended with silence, not rain. And the village chorus had been coming together for a while.” He smiled again, remembering. “I think our performance was acceptable.”
“Our performance?” Albedo’s pace hitched a little.
A raindrop landed in Kazuha’s nose. He sneezed and shook his head. Then he clapped Albedo on the back. “My friend, I could not have played that song without you beside me.” 
Albedo brooded on this for a few steps, replaying the song in his memory. Then he said, “Kazuha, I am certain that you in particular can’t forgive me so easily as that. What I did….Your mind is literally still recovering—”
Kazuha wasn’t patient enough to wait for all that, so he cut in politely. “I think that’s one of the ways we’re different. Perhaps I can explain it to you another time. But you’re on the wrong trail here.”
“Enlighten me, then.” Albedo’s voice was neutral. 
Kazuha shrugged. “Very simply, I’d rather be angry at a friend than a stranger.” 
“…Ah,” said Albedo, after a moment. Kazuha was happy to let him sit with the thought.
As they approached the lodge, water puddled on the road as the rain intensified. Abruptly Paimon darted out from the basecamp door and halfway across the road. Putting her fists on her waist, she called, “Hey, Kaeya, you look pretty cool out here brooding.”
Kaeya, who had been leaning on the building across the street again, glanced up as Paimon kept talking. “But you also look kinda pathetic. So why don’t you come be warm inside? I’ll even chase Xiao out of the shadowy corner for you.”
The two stared at each other. Then:
“Fine, fine,”Kaeya said, straightening up. “I was just taking a break from the noise.”
Paimon glanced down the street, saw Albedo and Kazuha, and waved. “Come on, you two. Lumine saved you some dinner. We got fresh supplies from the teapot!”
“Oh good,” said Albedo. “Tubby is doing well.”
“It’s totally a party now,” Paimon said happily, as they joined her. “Everybody’s in there but us, even Xiao and Kage.”
Joining them, Kaeya said, “Uh-oh, maybe we should let Xiao keep the shady corner.” 
But when they got inside, Xiao was sitting on the floor across from Klee, a chessboard between them. Once Klee saw them, she stopped carefully placing pieces and ran over to tell Albedo all about how she was going to teach Master Yaksha how to play just like her mom taught her.
Albedo’s brow furrowed as he looked across the large room at Xiao. The yaksha remained expressionless as he met Albedo’s gaze. “It’s kind of him to agree to play with you…”
Klee’s smile spread across her face. “He asked me to teach him!”
At a complete loss, Albedo said blankly, “Well, don’t keep him waiting.”
Kazuha chuckled as Klee happily skipped back to Xiao. “It looks like some card games are assembling. Perhaps Xiao chose this to avoid being drawn into a bigger game.”
“Ah,” said Albedo. “Perhaps so.” He clearly had very little interest in entertainment at the moment.
Dainsleif moved to greet them. “Xingqiu is organizing a bluffing card game he calls Cheat. I’m wary, personally, and Mona has asked me to come up with an alternative where she won’t, ah, ‘ruin the fun.’ I thought a game of skill and calculation might work. You three can join us. Paimon, Lumine is expecting you.”
“Of course,” said Kazuha promptly.
Lumine was in fact waving cheerfully at Paimon, so Paimon said, “Whoops, be right there. Kaeya, kick their butts.”
Without saying anything, Kaeya watched her fly over to Lumine. Then his gaze moved to Mona, who was trying to lurk behind Dainsleif and failing miserably. He said, “Sure, I’ll play.”
“Hmph,” said Mona, but she focused on Albedo, her gaze intent. 
The alchemist stared at the ground for a moment before saying, “All right, I’ll give it a try.”
Xingqiu’s group carved out a place amidst the pillows and bedding in the sleeping area, while Xiao and Klee played quietly near the shadowy corner, aided by a lamp Albedo created. At the table, Dainsleif taught the rest of them the basics of a complicated trick-taking game, and then ruthlessly beat them all in a practice hand despite stacking the deck against himself. After that, he distributed amber toothpicks to the group, reserving only two for himself. 
“These are your points. They can be spent in a few ways, but the most common and important one is continued survival within the game, even when things go poorly. There’s several variants, but we’ll keep it simple tonight.”
Mona sniffed. “I see we each have seven, while you’ve given yourself only two.”
“Ah,” said Albedo. “A handicapping mechanism. Interesting.”
“When I’ve lost my points, perhaps we can step up to an intermediate complexity,” said Dainsleif blandly.
Kaeya drawled, “You never were very popular at parties, were you, Dain?”
“That depended entirely on the kind of party.” Looking up from shuffling, Dainsleif flicked his gaze over Kaeya, up and down. “I’m sorry, Your Highness, if this is too much for you, say the word.”  
Holding up his hands, Kaeya said, “Hey, I’m just saying you could afford to be a little more subtle about your utter lack of respect for us.”
“But doing that would be entirely counterproductive,” Dainsleif replied, dealing out the first hand.
“See, I just knew you were going to say that,” Kaeya said accusingly. “I knew you’d have some ‘reason’.” His voice contained air quotes.
“Yes, I wanted a challenge. Now pick up your hand and try, if you can, to defeat me.”
As they played, shrieks emerged from the other group n the sleeping area, and Paimon’s cackle of triumph was the loudest of all. Rapid, nearly incoherent arguments broke out between Xingqiu, Hu Tao and whoever else they could rope in. Zielle was repeatedly used as a bellwether despite her earnest attempts to keep her facial expressions under control. Lumine baited the others repeatedly into ridiculous claims, and then laughed as much as Paimon when she was exposed.
Outside, the rain tapped insistently against the walls and skylight cover, a steady rhythm that should have been soothing but also muffled the sound of anything else beyond the walls. Occasionally, a gust of wind would rattle the shutters, and the Fireheart’s floating lights flickered intermittently despite being shielded from the storm.
The game at the table was meant to be a game of skill and calculation, not reading the others, and Kazuha thought he’d enjoy playing it that way against members of the other group. But he had no qualms about recognizing that, at the current table, he was completely outclassed. So he used his personal gifts to guess at the strategies of the others as long as he could, and then went down gracefully, offering himself as a learning example for the others. He was just as happy to return to the role of observer, deriving the same pleasure from watching the play as the other four did from taking tricks and winning hands.
True thunder reverberated through the walls, a low growl that felt much closer than the Great Storm. The rain intensified, slashing against the building in waves, as if the storm outside were growing impatient.
Mona went out next, due to Dainsleif’s unexpectedly aggressive persecution. Kazuha was surprised; the sword-master had never given the impression of being cruel, and Mona was clearly taken aback by Dainsleif’s focus on driving her out of the game. But as the game progressed, Kazuha thought he understood. Mona had been startled, but prosaic about her loss. But Albedo responded to the attack on his friend by calmly making Dainsleif his own target. His gameplay improved notably within several hands, until Dainsleif finally had to toss in his first point. 
Kaeya played quietly, without interfering in Albedo’s revenge, but he paid sharp attention to the various strategies both the other men used. While Albedo took Dainsleif’s second point, it was Kaeya who won the hand that knocked Dain out of the game.
“Well done,” said Dainsleif, leaning back and stretching his fingers. “There are a few extra mechanics in two-player hands, to keep things interesting. I’ll teach them to you now.”
Kaeya gathered up the deck and began to shuffle it. “And now it all makes sense. Go for it.”
Albedo said nothing, but his unreadable gaze remained fixed on Dainsleif. Without acknowledging the stare, Dainsleif concisely took them through the complications and then sat back to watch, with apparently deep interest.
It didn’t end as quickly as Kazuha half-expected. Once he was Albedo’s only opponent, Kaeya seemed to wake up. He made decisions that surprised Albedo while making Dainsleif nod in recognition. There came a moment where Kazuha saw hesitation in Albedo’s gameplay and wondered if this had become a rematch of whatever had happened in Albedo’s dream cells.
But it felt different, although Kazuha couldn’t say how he knew that. Before the dream-cells, Kaeya’s interactions around and with Albedo had been infused with a wry affection. That was gone now, just like the rest of Kaeya’s warmth. Instead, he played absolutely ruthlessly, and Albedo responded to it by first losing his hesitance and then proceeding to crush his final opponent as methodically as he’d defeated Dainsleif.
After that final hand, Kaeya leaned back. “All right, now I can forgive you for always holding back in sword drills.”
“That was a good game,” said Albedo, stacking the cards. “I’d be happy to play again. Is there an advanced version?”
Watching him, Kazuha thought that the alchemist wasn’t simply being polite. He was far more relaxed than he’d been the night before. Although he’d flinched in the beginning from the laughter of the other group, that had faded as the game progressed. And when Klee had come to visit when Xiao had begged a brief break from her version of chess, Albedo had boosted her into his lap and made her giggle with his silly description of the gameplay. He’d gotten a point off Kaeya that way, too, before Dainsleif had sent his ‘cheat code’ back to Xiao again.
Now Dainsleif accepted the deck from Albedo as he said, “Indeed there is. In the advanced version, we defeated work together to destroy you. Perhaps teamwork can succeed where individual effort failed.”
Albedo’s eyes widened briefly before he said composedly, “That sounds interesting. I’d like to give it a try.”
Kaeya said sardonically, “Of course you would. Well, I’m game. I think we can still surprise you.”
Mona shot a sidelong glance at Kazuha, as if trying to determine his reaction. He gave her a reassuring smile and added, “I would too. I think I can contribute a little more this time. That is, if the rules aren’t changing too much.”
 “Mona?” asked Dainsleif, reshuffling the cards. “Will you be joining us, or would you prefer to sit on the sidelines and observe?”
“Come on, Mona,” wheedled Kaeya. “Join the fun.”
After skeptically regarding first Kaeya and then Albedo for a moment, Mona huffed out a sigh. “Yes, I’ll play.” Then she muttered under her breath, “Fun? But I’ve watched quite enough, thank you.”
Dainsleif smiled, but said only, “ All right, let’s get started. To start with, Albedo gets all the points…”
As Dainsleif explained and play began, a hint of Albedo’s long-missing satisfied little smile began to show, if only in his eyes. Although slowly, he really was beginning to enjoy himself, and Kazuha felt a sense of warmth settle over him. It had been too long since he’d been able to take pleasure in the camaraderie of his traveling companions. Although the storm was loud outside, he had solid walls and a dry roof protecting him from the weather. Within, light and laughter surrounded him. It had been another long day, but he was delighted to stay at the table as long as the others wanted, cherishing the sense of normalcy the expedition had finally, finally reclaimed.
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raindreames · 4 months
guess who FINALLY updated their fic! only god knows when i will do that again LMAO 😭
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lt1211 · 1 year
I just wanna live a quiet life so I can focus my time and energy on reading and writing and daydreaming, and nightdreaming, and dawndreaming, and duskdreaming, and mistdreaming, and raindreaming, and winddreaming, and sexdreaming, and stormdreaming, and dreaming in general.
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This Classico quartz features two layers of slate greys accentuated by soft dark grey strokes contoured in neutral highlights, creating a sleek and contemporary look perfect for any modern kitchen. . . . Read more: https://www.marbleandgranitedesigns.co.uk/1003-raindream?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fsp . . . #MGD #kitchenworktops #marble #granite #quartz #porcelain #worktops #flooring #kitchens #bathrooms #quartzworktops #dekton #silestone #herefordshire #mgd
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mfpphotographer · 5 years
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#marielizfalerophotographer #canon #photography #photographer #professionalphotography #canon #focus #Godismyboss #create #color #lovestory #love #portraits #rain #rainphotography #rainphotoshoot #rainphoto #memories #dreamphoto #raindreams #rainmemories https://www.instagram.com/p/Bg3sNo9HBco/?igshid=t8qr8rnjawlc
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thelilyfae · 3 years
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Fun things to do with your friends: secretly commission a UMA each to give out to everyone! 
These are my dragons displaying ours!
Imperial (Kaiju): Bibbs idea that was inspired by Disney art and was created by nonaline
Wildclaw (Raindream): My idea that was inspired by Bastion in WoW and was created by the (in my opinion) underrated Rhapsodus 
Veilspun (Rose): Fao’s idea that was inspired by tiger lilies and was created by Atramentia
Snapper (Lily): Maya’s idea that was inspired by lilyponds and was created by PlatonicPluto
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pastelcrowtales · 2 years
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Raindreaming ~ Sims 2 Machinima
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raindreamers · 6 years
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metaforique · 2 years
Minimal, deep house & tech house mix (Pablo Bolivar & Sensual Physics, Anton Kubikov, David Soto)
00:00 Pablo Bolivar & Sensual Physics - 1ST OFF (Seven Villas)
04:53 David Soto - Clave [Sag & Tre]
11:08 Pheek Kike Mayor - Bahia [The Other Side - TOS012]
16:33 Da Kine - Samoa
23:26 Mark Thibideau - Transition Glide
29:20 Unknown Artist – Bonobo / Bobby
35:28 Size 8 - Raindream
42:04 Devv - Sundial [YUNA001]
49:30 Anton Kubikov - Whales Song
55:20 Alexander Bogdanov - Blessed Love
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raindreames · 5 months
just posted the continuation to my first sasuhina fic (all flowers in time bend towards the sun) which will be a multi-chapered one :)
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taumada · 2 years
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klaineharmony · 7 years
Updated Klaine fic recs
Hi everyone,
So there was a small disaster earlier this year in which the first page of my Klaine fic recs had all of its links wiped out. At long last, I have reconstructed a chunk of that first page - all of my canon recs and fill-in fics, and then a few of the Dalton! Klaine fics. This was a long process, as I had to go through AO3 to find new links there for as many stories as I could, and then back through my old LJ and FF.net bookmarks for those stories that have not made it to the Archive. Many of these are stories that were were written during S2 and S3, early in the Klaine fandom, which means they may not be familiar to those of you who joined the fandom later. I will keep working on reconstructing this page (and the other two that follow it) on my blog, but I wanted you all to be able to enjoy the stories I have re-linked so far. More notes and explanation under the cut, as well as all the links. Please enjoy! :)
Canon Klaine: one-shots, fill-ins, slight AUs.
Unless otherwise noted, links lead to AO3. If authors have multiple pseudonyms, they will be separated with a forward slash, e.g. aspiringtoeloquence/mybriefeternity.
A Hint of Blaine by OccasionallyRestless. The “Furt” wedding scene with a Blaine twist - When Blaine gets a call from the New Directions offering to let him help with a surprise for Kurt, he readily agrees. Cue singing, cute dancing and Klaine fluff. Posted on FF.net.
After Opening by Aeditimi Scriba. Artie notices an improvement in his leading actors as “West Side Story” goes into its second performance. Klaine and Finchel, Artie’s POV. Posted on FF.net.
And A Thousand Moments Like This by DaybyDay. Post-Original Song kiss fic. Fluff. Posted on FF.net.
Be It You Outside My Door by water_nix/the-water-nixie. 4x04 fix-it fic. Blaine’s instincts lead him to the right place at last. Posted on LJ.
Before You Met Me (I Was All Right) by purplehairedwonder. Without New Directions, Kurt never goes to Dalton to spy on the Warblers. For Blaine, life goes on… except for those strange moments he feels like something is missing.  This is an AU inspired by that “Glee Actually” promo with Kurt asking Artie, “Who’s Blaine?” during the dream sequence.
Blame It On Insecurity by sunandrainfic/rainingaces. Blaine does not like blaming things on alcohol. A conversation between Kurt and Blaine during BIOTA. This is one of the most poignant and insightful BIOTA fics out there. Posted on FF.net.
Blaine Anderson is Missing by lovely-sparkle. AU spec fic for Season 4 Regionals. The break-up is included. What will New Directions do when Blaine goes missing on the morning of the Regionals competition? And why is Blaine worried about Kurt? Posted on LJ.
Blessing by antarcticbird/Alianne82. Happy engaged boys and the world’s best dad. 5x01 reaction fic.
Blossoming by avaserenity. Post-“The First Time.” Burt Hummel’s perspective. He knows because he���s never seen anyone look at Kurt the way Blaine does. Posted on LJ.
Box by trufflemores. 3x09. “But what are you promising?” Blaine surprises Kurt with a special gift before Christmas break. Gap filler.
Call by trufflemores. 3x22. Blaine makes a special phone call after Kurt tells him about his NYADA rejection. Gap filler.
Can’t Explain (How the Wind Went and Pulled Me Into Your Hurricane) by ahmarionette. After the kiss in “Original Song,” Kurt gets Blaine to explain some of his swings in behavior since they met. Posted on LJ.
Captivate and Enrapture by trufflemores. 3x08 and 4x09. “Oh my God, it’s the Gerber baby.” In which Blaine sees Kurt lip-syncing during Harmony’s performance, and Kurt finally sings for NYADA.
Convalescence by trufflemores. Quickie reaction fic to 4x07. Sometimes healing comes in unexpected ways. Blam friendship, with heavy Blaine angst.
Coping by trufflemores. 4x01. Kurt has been gone at college for months now. The New Directions’ newest member helps Blaine cope. Kurt/Blaine. Marley-Blaine friendship.
Counting Down the Days by skintightsocks. “It’s okay to be sad, you know,” Rachel says, petting at his hair. “You can pretend I’m Blaine if you want; I know we’re almost the same size.” It’s Kurt’s  first birthday in NYC, and he’s missing Blaine. AnderHummelberry friendship. Posted on LJ.
Enough by flaming_muse. 4x02. Standing there silently as Rachel works, Kurt wonders if he should say anything to her. He’s just not sure there’s anything else to be said. Klaine, HummelBerry friendship.
Epiphany by trufflemores. 4x12. Sam thinks he’s worthless. Blaine shows him otherwise. Sam/Blaine friendship.
Everything Changes by wowbright. The more Kurt thinks about Rachel’s yearbook message, the more he doesn’t know what to make of it. Finn does, though. (Reaction fic to “Goodbye” and "Rachel’s Yearbook Message to Kurt Scene".)
Fearlessly and Forever by missbeizy. 5x01 reaction fic. They hold court on a leather sofa in the common room where Blaine and the Warblers had sung “Teenage Dream” to a wide-eyed and very unsubtle McKinley High spy.
Finish Line by klaineaddict/iconicklaine. 4x01. Burt’s perspective on sending Kurt to New York. Originally posted on LJ; posted to AO3 by my request, for the Glee AO3 Fest. :)
Firsts by tweeney. 4x11. Kurt goes on a date with Adam, but his mind refuses to cooperate and decides to take a trip down memory lane to his first date with Blaine. Adorable and sweet fix-it fic. Posted on LJ.
Five Times Blaine Wanted to Kiss Kurt But Didn’t (and One Time He Did) by tweeney. Some S2 Klaine, missing moments and kisses. Posted on LJ.
Goodnight Sweetheart (Well, It’s Time To Go) by antarcticbird/Alianne82. Kurt and Blaine say goodnight on their third date after becoming a couple. S2.
Happy Days Are Here Again by klemonademouth. It had been eighty-two days since Kurt had been in Ohio. Eighty-two days since he’d touched Blaine. Eighty-two days since he’d held him against his chest and pressed his face into Blaine’s hair, inhaling the scent of sandalwood and pine. Posted on FF.net. Also here on LJ.
Hurry Up Please, It’s Time by lookninjas. This is technically part of lookninjas’ stripper!AU ‘verse, but it is really a reworked version of The Box Scene, and it is fluffy and lovely.
Hurt by foraworldundeserving. A “Never Been Kissed” missing scene. Kurt finally looked up, his eyes glassy, and Blaine had to stifle a gasp at the absolute terror reflected in them. “He snapped,” Kurt whispered. Posted on FF.net.
I Don’t Have to Tell You, But You’re the Only One by aspiringtoeloquence/ mybriefeternity. Takes place during the events of “Rumors” - 2x19. With all that’s going on at McKinley, Kurt misses his boyfriend more than ever. Posted on FF.net.
If This Ain’t Love Then What Is? by aspiringtoeloquence/mybriefeternity. "I mean, what would you do if Blaine proposed to you today?“ Takes place during 3x12 - Kurt’s thoughts. Posted on FF.net.
If You Let It Go by trufflemores. 4x04. “It’s an expression,” Marley explained. “If you love something, you have to let it go. If it comes back, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.” Blaine and Kurt’s phone calls post-break-up.
I Guess We Thought That’s Just What Humans Do by sunandrainfic/rainingaces. Missng scene from “I Do,” in which Tina and Blaine argue and work out their differences after the Vaopor Rub incident. Posted on LJ.
I Love You More Than I Have Ever Found a Way to Say by lavender-love00. Kurt and Blaine after junior prom, S2. Adorable and sweet, awkward and romantic.
I’m Beginning to See the Light by normal_scaresme. It’s Kurt and Blaine’s two-year anniversary, and even if they aren’t technically together, Kurt still thinks they should celebrate. S4. Posted on LJ.
In Want of Magic by trufflemores. This story is how I found Truffles, and it is a truly amazing piece of writing. 3x01 - 4x01. “I just … I want my senior year to be magic.” Kurt knew that there would be challenges to overcome his senior year. Little did he know just how tumultuous it would be. Kurt/Blaine. Blaine as a senior. Minor canonical alterations, but otherwise canon compliant. Posted on FF.net.
Initiation by WickedForGood13. The aftermath of Blaine’s first slushie facial.
I Thought You’d Keep Me Warm by water_nix/the-water-nixie. 4x04 fix-it fic featuring Sebastian. Sometimes the right push comes from the most unlikely of places. Posted on LJ.
It’s All Fiction by happyinchintz72. Follow on from 2x15 and their ‘non-conversation’. Kurt is frightened and doesn’t ever see how that will change… ONE-SHOT. Angsty fluff. Posted on FF.net. Also here on LJ.
It’s Not Unusual by gigi42. 4x21 reaction fic in Kurt’s POV. Kurt’s in survival mode, but the idea of Blaine is in everything he does.
It’s Time by trufflemores. 4x01. Blaine, after Kurt has left for New York.
It’s You They’re All Waiting For by missgoalie75. 4x02. Blaine tries to get used to the eccentricities of the new New Directions. Wonderful Blainetana and Brittaine friendship. Posted on LJ.
Journey’s End by the-cimmerians. 4x04 fix-it fic. After the break-up, Blaine flees Lima, and Kurt finds himself enlisted by the Andersons to help find their son. Kurt is as surprised as anyone that he agrees to go looking. Posted on Tumblr.
Kiss by foraworldundeserving. The now-famous, 234-chapter prompt fic that is equal parts fun, fluff, angst, and gorgeousness. While the kiss in “Original Song” was oh-so-beautiful, there’s millions of ways those two boys could have shared their first kiss. Posted on FF.net.
Kiss & Tell by impromptucoffee/engorgioblaine. Kurt and Blaine’s progression through the four bases. Originally a GKM fill. Awkward, sweet, gorgeous emotion and description. Posted on LJ.
Kiss Me Slowly by skitzzy. "He wasn’t even paying attention to the sky anymore; the only thing he wanted to see was the beautiful boy in front of him that no sunset in the world could ever compete against.” Posted on FF.net.
Last Night by Icicle Raindream. “The First Time” missing scene. Rachel and Blaine share a secret with one another backstage. Posted on FF.net.
Letting Go by trufflemores. 4x08. Kurt finally calls Blaine intending to end his relationship with him permanently. It doesn’t go as planned. Canon-compliant.
Locked Out of Heaven by trufflemores. 4x11. In which Blaine can’t have Kurt, and so he finds love wherever he can. One-sided Blaine/Sam, with mentions of Kurt/Blaine.
Memory by trufflemores. 4x10. “Who’s Blaine?” Kurt/Blaine. Sebastian/Blaine. A take off from “Glee, Actually,” in which we see what has become of the Blaine who never knew Kurt.
May Your Days Be Merry by manywingedescape/wingedescapes. “Glee, Actually.” Kurt and Blaine have a discussion about love and life after Burt falls asleep on Christmas night. 4x10. Posted on FF.net. Also here on LJ.
Need by trufflemores. 3x07. “I have to find Blaine.”
Never A Good War, Never a Bad Peace by foraworldundeserving. Finn and Blaine in S3. Nobody’s perfect. So under that logic, it was entirely unfair to watch certain people just float through life without so much as stumbling, and Finn wasn’t going to stand for it any longer. Posted on FF.net.
New Meanings by flaming_muse. 4x01. It’s with a little hesitation that Blaine pushes through the doors of the Lima Bean and breathes in the familiar scents of coffee and baked goods.
Oh, Whistle and Come to Us by purplehairedwonder. 4x08. Whistles had come to mean something both haunting and seductive to Blaine by the time the Warblers performed “Whistle” at Sectionals. This amazing story was written based on a meta post I wrote for fyeahgleemeta, and I am so flattered and awed by it.
One Fine Day and Catch the Wind by arainymonday. They had talked about their dads enough for Kurt to know three things: One, Mr. Anderson desperately wanted a straight son. Two, Blaine desperately wanted an accepting father. Three, Kurt had everything Blaine wanted. And they had talked about their families enough for Kurt to know three more things: One, the Andersons do not get along. Two, the Andersons are not happy. Three, Blaine does not feel loved by them. But Kurt had no idea it was this bad. Posted on FF. net. Also One Fine Day on LJ and Catch the Wind on LJ.
One More Night by trufflemores. 4x11. Once he starts thinking about Sam that way, he can’t stop. In which Blaine projects, Sam reflects, and lines dissolve. Explores Blam, but remains firmly Klaine. Kurt features fairly prominently. One-sided Sam/Blaine, Kurt/Blaine.
One Thing Kurt Got Right by abbypotter327. 3x22. Kurt takes his NYADA rejection hard, but he has Blaine to hold him together. Posted on FF.net.
Out of Control by trufflemores. 4x12. Sam’s on a downward spiral with the ‘Men of McKinley’ calendar. Blaine intervenes. Unbeknownst to him, he, too, is on a downward spiral that leads up to “Diva.” Blaine/Sam friendship. Posted on FF.net.
Pamphlets by foraworldundeserving. 2x15, leading up to 3x05. Because as much as he wanted to, no matter how easy it was to stay naive and pretend that relationships never went beyond the touch of fingertips, Kurt had to face up to the facts and the truth. He couldn’t stay a baby penguin any longer. Posted on FF.net.
Perhaps by aspiringtoeloquence/mybriefeternity. 3x03. The aftermath of Blaine being cast as Tony in West Side Story - Blaine and Kurt aren’t exactly experts at this whole healthy relationship thing yet, but they try, and that’s half the battle. Posted on FF.net.
Pink Sticky Notes and Portable Hearts by hopewithfeathers. Post-“Dance With Somebody,” 3x17. Kurt and Blaine couldn’t talk out and fix all their sadness and insecurities in one conversation, so Kurt goes to apologize properly. Angst, fluff, and sexy times. Posted on FF.net.
Play It Cool, Boy, Real Cool by aspiringtoeloquence/mybriefeternity. Pre-3x06. McKinley is where Blaine’s heart is… but he’d feel better if he spent more time with some of the members of New Directions. Posted on FF.net.
Please Don’t Come and Go by sunandrainfic/rainingaces. 4x04 fix-it fic. He doesn’t say these things, because how can you say those things to the boy you cheated on? Anything that had happened before is meaningless, now. It’s been blotted off the paper by the huge ink-stain Blaine spilled on the canvas. Posted on LJ.
Promises by bluecloudsupabove/ca_te. 4x01. Blaine sends Kurt off to NYC with love.
Put Up the Tree Before My Spirit Falls Again by water_nix/the-water-nixie. 4x08-4x10. Kurt has secretly hated Christmas since he was eight years old, and now that he’s living away from home he can avoid it with nothing but a little excess guilt. So when he calls to say he isn’t coming home for Christmas this year, Burt decides it’s about time he did something about that. It’s a good thing he’s bringing along a right-hand man. Posted on LJ.
Ready or Not by unwrittenfic/drunkonwriting. Kurt and Blaine come to Santana’s aid in the aftermath of the Finn and Santana situation in “Mash-Off.”
Remind Me To Forget by peanutmeg. Blaine’s moved on from Sadie Hawkins. He’s fine. It was years ago. But it seems that the past isn’t done with Blaine. Canon-compliant through 5x07.
Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall by flaming_muse. January 21, 2013. Blaine watches the inauguration alone in his house, a bowl of microwave popcorn cooling on the coffee table and a glass of soda fizzing gently by his hand.
Shooting Star by trufflemores. 4x18. AU spec. Blaine’s bad morning spirals rapidly downward when a gunshot is fired. Here there be Blangst. No character death. TW: shooting. Features Blam friendship and Klaine romance. Posted on FF.net.
Sometimes It Takes a Storm to Calm a Storm Within by thefatesallow/comewhatmay. Another beautiful 4x18 reaction fic, in which Kurt and Blaine talk after the shooting and are on the road to mending. Background Brittana as well.
Something New by the-cimmerians. Post-4x14. Kurt and Blaine reconnect and being again. Posted on Tumblr.
Swallow My Heart and Flee by fallovermelikestars. Blaine Anderson comes to New York thinking the world is his oyster, overjoyed at the prospect of taking a bite of the Big Apple, moving into an apartment he and Kurt can call home and finally living the Manhattanite life together they’ve always dreamed of. But then Kurt gets an offer that he’s not sure he can refuse, the plans they’ve made are turned on their head and Blaine finds out that having a dream and living it are two very different things. While the first three seasons of Glee are canon here, it goes AU after 4x01.
The Art of Fixing Hearts by bluecloudsupabove/ca_te. 4x04 fix-it fic by the incomparable Cate, immediately following the confrontation in Battery Park. Also here on S&C.
The Key Series, comprised of ‘The First Steps" and “The Next Steps” by Fabrisse. This is probably my absolute favorite 4x04 fix-it fic. Blaine comes back to New York the week after “The Break-Up,” and talking, domesticity, and forgiveness ensue.
The Five New Voicemails of Chandler Kiehl by aspiringtoeloquence/ mybriefeternity. 3x17. Chandler Kiehl’s phone number finds itself in the possession of the members of New Directions. Who have a lot of feelings. Set after “Dance With Somebody.”
The Perspective of Age by flaming_muse. 4x10, “Glee Actually.”  If there’s one thing that Burt does know, besides how to take any car engine apart and put it back together running better than before, it’s his son. Gorgeous fic from Burt’s POV in which he muses about Kurt and Blaine, love, loss, and his relationship with his son.
The Plans That We’ve Made by aspiringtoeloquence/mybriefeternity. Kurt and Blaine are back in Ohio for the holidays, and it feels like the next few weeks could be important in so many ways.
The Sparrow by wowbright. On March 8, 2013, at 3:42 p.m., the same calendar reminder pops up on both of their phone displays: “THERE YOU ARE - ANNIVERSARY in one week.” Kurt and Blaine do their best to cope with being broken up on their second anniversary. So poignant and sweet.
The Worst is Far Behind Us Now by normal_scaresme. Blaine calls Kurt after the events of 4x18. Lovely emotion and wonderful Anderson family moments at the end. Posted on LJ.
This House Doesn’t Burn Down Slowly by sunandrainfic/rainingaces. 4x01. It’s not the kind of “confronting what you’re afraid of” fear that got Neville Longbottom to win points for Gryffindor, or Diane Lane to dive into a lake and admit that she loves John Cusack. It’s the kind of paralyzing, one-wrong-move-and-the-snake-kills-you fear that boxes you in and turns out the lights and whispers in your ear, “Don’t make a sound.” Posted on LJ.
This Is It by impromptucoffee/engorgioblaine. AU for “Goodbye”; originally a GKM fill. Kurt gets into NYADA and Kurt and Blaine celebrate, all by themselves. Posted on LJ.
Till We Come Face to Face by the-multicorn/multicorn. They end up together at the Lima Bean, promises made over the phone at Thanksgiving long left behind. “I know the relationship between us is - complicated,” Kurt says. His hands are folded around the cardboard cup as if in prayer. “But I need to talk to my best friend. Can you do that?” Reunion fic, AU after 4x22. Also here on Tumblr.
To Love You Is To Need You Everywhere by undesirablenumber1/warble_on. 3x11. Blaine needs Kurt; a discovery reflected upon in Kurt’s arms. Blaine’s inner monologues on love and necessity and people who save you. Also posted here on LJ.
Transference by flaming_muse. Kurt and Blaine’s relationship is complicated; other people (and objects) are much more simple. Transference is the phenomenon of unconsciously redirecting feelings about one person or object to another. Set before through soon after 4x17, “Guilty Pleasures.”
Two Years Ago Tomorrow by flaming_muse. The afternoon of the day after Kurt and Blaine’s first kiss. Set within 2x16 (“Original Song”) and written for the second anniversary of Kurt and Blaine’s first kiss. So lovely.
Waiting, Hoping by flaming_muse. 4x21. Blaine’s perspective during “Wonder-ful.” There he is, Blaine’s Kurt. Almost.
When the Lights Go Out, Will You Take Me With You? by narceus. AU spec fic for 3x02 and 3x03. Blaine moves to New York with Kurt, and it takes his parents months to notice he’s gone. Beautiful and heartbreaking. Posted on LJ.
When We Can Say Goodnight and Stay Together by antarcticbird/Alianne82. 3x12. Kurt and Blaine talk about Finn’s marriage proposal to Rachel while doing … other stuff. Absolutely sweet and adorable perfection.
Wherein Blaine is Well on His Way to Becoming a Crazy Cat Lady by water_nix/the-water-nixie. Kurt’s impending move to New York may be upsetting Blaine far more than he is letting on. Cue Kurt and a plan to help soften the blow. Absolutely hilarious fic with spot-on voices for the the boys and the old ND members.
Wrapped in a Bow by livehighnmighty. Adorable Box Scene reaction fic. Posted on LJ.
You Are Not Perfect … To Me by cinnamont. 4x04. Kurt calls the universe’s greatest Dad for comfort and understanding and gets a whole lot more. Or, Burt Hummel giving Kurt a fatherly reality check. Posted on LJ.
You Touch Every Place in My Heart by bluecloudsupabove/ca_te. Alternative S4 Thanksgiving, where Blaine comes to NYC to surprise Kurt, with some loving and insistent help from Rachel.  Cate wrote this for me after talking to me for the first time, during one of the hardest periods of my life, and it is so gorgeous and sweet and perfect that it made me cry. Posted on LJ. Also here on S&C.
Warblers! Klaine fics
A Fine Frenzy and A Fine Frenzy: Outtakes by arainymonday. The New Directions and the Warblers experience new friendships, hookups, and breakups as they perform a musical rendition of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream at a Renaissance Faire. Posted on FF.net. Also here on LJ.
Dalton by CPCoulter. Post-“Furt,” Kurt begins an entirely new chapter in his life at Dalton Academy for Boys. Blaine, Wes, David and the boys of Windsor House make his life, for better or worse, far more eventful than he imagined. It’s hard to say enough about this beautifully imagined fic, which is now over 400,000 words and has its own fandom. CP Coulter also has her own extensive Tumblr with updates, Dalton fics by other authors, and lots of additional info, which can be found here. Dalton is also on FF.net, here.
Klaine, As Told by David and Wes by Ultraviolet-Ink. When David and Wes do something, they don’t do it by halves. So when David suggests they document ‘Klaine’ in all of its entirety, it’s not going to be some half-arsed job - they’re pulling out all the stops. This was one of the first Wevid fics I ever read, and I laughed until I cried. Hilarious. Posted on FF.net.
Lantern by Salazarfalcon. The power’s out, and all the Warblers have is a single, flickering light that may or may not be a literary metaphor for one Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. Posted on FF.net.
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klaineharmony · 7 years
Glee AO3 Fest: Glee Fic Recs, 5/30/17
Hi everyone! Here are today’s recs:
Journey’s End by the-cimmerians. 4x04 fix-it fic. After the break-up, Blaine flees Lima, and Kurt finds himself enlisted by the Andersons to help find their son. Kurt is as surprised as anyone that he agrees to go looking. Posted on Tumblr.
Kiss by foraworldundeserving. The now-famous, 234-chapter prompt fic that is equal parts fun, fluff, angst, and gorgeousness. While the kiss in “Original Song” was oh-so-beautiful, there’s millions of ways those two boys could have shared their first kiss. Posted on FF.net.
Kiss Me Slowly by skitzzy. "He wasn’t even paying attention to the sky anymore; the only thing he wanted to see was the beautiful boy in front of him that no sunset in the world could ever compete against.” Posted on FF.net.
Last Night by Icicle Raindream. “The First Time” missing scene. Rachel and Blaine share a secret with one another backstage. Posted on FF.net.
My previous rec posts can be found here and here.
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