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purple-space-aliens ¡ 9 months ago
I hope you learn to listen to science. I genuinely wholeheartedly hope that your experience hasn't harmed you if you truly are a system. Trauma is tough, I hope you find peace.
Endos may be scientifically impossible, and the endo community has done horrible things to the system community as a whole, but I truly do hope you are okay, regardless of being horribly misinformed.
omg our first hate ask! our blog is big enough for that, yippee! /s
violet here! okay, so normally i wouldn’t respond to this kind of thing very intensely because honestly we don’t like getting into syscourse much. however, this is a good time and place to put our stance on things, as well as answer this ask anyways. (everything is going below the cut now since it is a bit long)
okay so first of all, i wanna address the fact that you are implying that we’ve had trauma, and this isn’t really true. sure we’ve had a few scary events and whatnot from when we were younger, but we don’t really have trauma. our family is and was, for the most part, kind and caring as well, and hasn’t informed us of any traumatic events.
back when we thought we were traumagenic, as it was the only type of system we had known of at the time, we were stumped on one thing. where our trauma was. and believe me when i say we dug and dug and dug, trying to find anything that would be traumatic. it became a major life focus, made us paranoid, and made us feel horrible that we hadn’t found anything. we tried to force memories that didn’t exist. starting becoming scared of things that had never happened to us. tried to reason that fictive exomemories must be telling us something about our past trauma. and yet, we found nothing.
so, despite having no trauma whatsoever, we still felt all of these things. we were scared, and felt horribly like frauds. during therapy sessions about plurality, we shared almost nothing because we were scared that because we couldn’t find our trauma, that we couldn’t be real. we were told by both the therapist and our mom that our headmates were not real. cyan started to push us away in fear. headmates began to hide themselves away too. even our happy littles, who are the whole reason we know we’re plural, hid. the only two people near the front were cyan and purple. both of them were screaming and crying at each other. cyan told purple to go away because e “wasn’t real”. purple broke, and after months of feeling so happy together, we broke apart, feeling more empty than before.
and yet, the headmates never really left. we continued to show up, even though many of us were in denial about being real. we are still there, a long time after being told we didn’t exist. we still experience changes in who controls the body, contrasting likes and dislikes, very different personalities from each other. we were still there.
so, we eventually stumbled onto the term endogenic, and things just kind of clicked. hearing that we are a system, even though it wasn’t caused by trauma was life changing. finally, we started to feel whole, we started to feel like we understood and belonged. we realized that we are still real, and much more real than we were when we were digging for trauma that didn’t exist. that’s how we know we’re real. we know our own experiences, and one person telling us that we’re “scientifically impossible” and doing “horrible things to the system community” isn’t going to change that fact that we exist.
however, i’m not done yet. you happened to say that endos are “scientifically impossible” and doing “horrible things to the system community”, as previously mentioned. however, these claims aren’t really very true.
firstly, i would love if you could provide me some actual evidence that endogenic systems can’t exist, since you are the one making such a claim. secondly, some evidence for endos being harmful would also be great as well.
thing number one, here is an article that is commonly brought up in endo related debates that i could not leave out. i suggest you check it out and give it a good read. since it is a source that mostly speaks for itself, i will simply let you read the many pages worth of information on endogenic systems.
in addition to that, here is another article i found on my own time, and while it is not particularly about endogenic systems, i felt it was informative regardless. i would like to preface this by saying i am not exact a fan of this article, as there were some parts that i didn’t like how it was written and what not, but it is a third person perspective, neutral group, with no bias. if i am reading it correctly (which i really do hope i am, though sometimes i do fail on my reading comprehension), the article is about the ties in plurality and other identities, as well as making comparisons in traumagenic plurality versus other pluralities, tulpas and endos. primarily, the comparison section is about tulpas and traumagenic, and i am not well educated on those, so i will be leaving that part at that. what i’m primarily here to call out is the way it describes how similar the experiences and symptoms are noted from both traumagenic systems and nontraumagenic systems, as well as the segments where it states that many traumagenic systems may not meet all the criteria’s for a diagnosis. i bring this up because it seems as if some anti endos think that to be plural you MUST fit all of the diagnostic criteria AND be traumagenic, when this does not appear to be true. the DSM is NOT a holy text, and scientists discover new things quite frequently.
for you last point, i’m a bit confused on where you’re getting that the endo community has “done horrible things to the system community as a whole”. i have never seen that before, and that is an incredibly bold claim to make without presenting any evidence of this happening. since i’m not exactly sure what you are talking about, or what you mean by “horrible things”, i will just says that endos are not harming the plural community. for starters, “plural” is a term that INCLUDES endos, and i believe it was MADE for this purpose (however i currently cannot find the source for this information, i have seen it many times). so, by pushing endos away, the PLURAL community is being harmed. i since i assume you are equating traumagenic to DID/OSDD (which i believe are not the same, but i am unsure of where any sources on that are either), i would also like to inform you that i have NEVER seen an endogenic system claim to have DID or OSDD. endogenic systems are NOT inherently claiming to be a disordered system. we are NOT taking away from traumagenic systems.
that being said, i would LOVE to inform you that we ARE okay, and are doing quite well as we are becoming informed on endogenic systems. thank you for your time to anyone who read this!
also please let me know if i said anything stupid, or messed up! i have no idea if i’m doing this right at all! i’ve never really done syscourse like this before so this is a first! (and please let me know if the second source is bad, since i bet someone is much better at reading and breaking down those types of studies and articles)
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 7 months ago
guys i’m bored so please send asks about any of these. can be for all of us or a specific headmate! (if said headmate does not want to or cannot front we can try to answer on what we know or skip that question) /nf
[pt: #one-hundred]
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In order to celebrate 100 days of posting, here are 100 questions for you to answer! You can either answer them all at once, or let others send in the numbers they are most curious about!
Some of them are general questions, others are just really silly and should not be taken too serious. I put a lot of effort into coming up with all of these, so I truely hope you have fun with this!
For simplicity sake, all questions will use the words "System" and "Members".
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1. What is your System name and / or the name you collectively go by?
2. Which word do you prefer to use for your System? (example: System, Collective, Constellation, ...)
3. What are your Systems origins, if you choose to label them?
4. Do you have any Subsystems?
5. Do you have any Sidesystems?
6. What is your opinion on you& / your& language and similar types?
7. What methodes do you use to keep track of your System and it's Members?
8. What is your Systems ways of communication?
9. Is communication hard or easy for you (and why is it the way it is)?
10. Do you view yourselves as parts of one person or as multiple people in one body?
11. Who are you out to as plural?
12. What languages do you collectively / one of you speak?
13. What is something you can't seem to collectively agree on?
14. If you have a collective Identity (such as Gender or Orientation), what is it?
15. Do you collectively identify as queer / LGBTQIA+?
16. Do you collectively identify as Otherkin, Alterhuman or Nonhuman?
17. Do you have a collective rentry / carrd / something along those lines? (feel free to share!)
18. What does switching feel like for you?
19. Are you Monoconscious, Polyconscious or something else?
20. What does fronting feel like for you?
21. How many System members do you have?
22. Which word / words do you prefer to use for members of your System?
23. Which age group seems to be the most common in your System?
24. Which gender seems to be the most common in your System?
25. Are there any talents / hobbies you picked up because of a Member?
26. Do you have any in-system relationships?
27. Do you label roles within your System (and if yes, which ones?)
28. Are most of your Members introjected, brainmade or something else?
29. Do you use names, emojis or something similar to sign off messages (and if yes, which ones and why?)
30. Do any of your System members use Xenogenders?
31. How do Members pick face claims?
32. Do you have any Introjects of popular sources?
33. Do you have any Introjects of unpopular sources?
34. Do you have nonhuman Members?
35. Do any of you use Typing Quirks?
36. Do all of you front, or only a selected amount?
37. Are there any Members who can't or prefer to not speak?
38. Are most of you short or tall in height?
39. Is there a Member that is collectively loved by all in the System?
40. Do any of you struggle with being front-stuck a lot of the time?
41. Do you have a Headspace (if not, is there a reason)?
42. What does your Headspace look like?
43. How do Members look like in Headspace? (example: Cartoony, Foggy, Realistic, ...)
44. Is there a reason why the Headspace looks the way it looks?
45. Is it easy for you to enter Headspace?
46. Do you remember what happened in Headspace when you switch into front?
47. Does time in Headspace pass (and if yes, is it at the same speed as in real life)?
48. What is your favourite place in Headspace?
49. Are there "NPCs" within your Headspace?
50. Are there any interesting fun facts about your Headspace?
51. Are there any "System Stereotypes" you fit into?
52. Who of you would be considered the "evil alter"? (in a lighthearted, joking manner)
53. What is your favourite inside-joke with a Member?
54. What is your favourite Plural meme?
55. Is there any character that you headcanon as plural?
56. Is there any show or movie that you believe is a good plural representation, despite that not being its intention?
57. Is there any song that you believe decribes your plural experience?
58. What about an artwork that describes your plural experience?
59. Which Member of your System do you believe to be the prettiest of them all?
60. Do you collectively have a lucky number?
61. When did you first discover your System?
62. How many Members did you know about during your Syscovery?
63. Was accepting your Plurality a challenge for you?
64. How did you learn about Plurality?
65. Where there any signs of your Plurality, if you look back at your past?
66. Do you think your Syscovery changed a lot in your life?
67. If you're out to others as plural, have they ever told you later on that they already thought about it before you realised?
68. What was the biggest struggle during your Syscovery?
69. Was there any big event that led to your Syscovery?
70. What is something you want questioning plurals to know?
71. Are you Neurodivergent (and if yes, how?)
72. Do you have any physical disability?
73. Do you have a dissociative disorder?
74. Do you have any other disorder?
75. Do symptom vary in intensity depending on the fronter?
76. Do you think your disability / disorder has an influence on your plurality?
77. Do you have amnesia of any kind?
78. Are there Members who deal better with symptoms than others?
79. Do your disorders / disabilities influence communication or switching within your System in any way?
80. Does being plural help with your disorders in any way? (example: another Member switching in to take care of the body during difficult times, ...)
81. Which is your favourite plural flag?
82. If you have one, which is your favourite plurality related tumblr blog?
83. What is a fun fact about your System?
84. What is a flavour of ice cream that describes you collectively?
85. Which pride flag is the prettiest, in your collective opinion?
86. If you collectively had to choose between being a sweet or a sour candy, which do you pick?
87. Your body always morphs into what the current fronter(s) look like, would you want this power or not?
88. Is there a Hatsune Miku in your System?
89. Who has been in your System the longest (if you can remember)?
90. If you collectively had to choose, would you rather only eat sweet foods or only eat savoury foods for the rest of your life?
91. If you collectively had to choose, would you pick to become a vampire or a werewolf?
92. Your body is transfered into one of your Members sources, which do you pick and why?
93. If all of you turned into animals right this second, which animals would we find in your System?
94. What would a Minecraft server with all of your Members look like? (example: chaotic, peaceful, laggy, ...)
95. If you could choose between only living in Headspace or only living in Meatspace (real life), which would you choose?
96. What topic would you collectively make a youtube channel about? (it can't be plurality!)
97. Which superpower would your body obtain, if you had to collectively decide on one?
98. Who would pick the coolest tattoo for the System and who would pick the worst?
99. If you only were allowed to eat one food for the rest of your life, but you would have to decide on the food collectively, what would it be and what would the decision making look like?
100. What is the most fun about doing polls and answering questions, in your opinion?
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 8 months ago
(note: this contains usage of plural me and a general plural identity that our system uses. this is noted because we don’t want this to read as too confusing. however, this is still kinda abstract and confusing so i have no idea if this makes any sense at all)
i wish we didn’t have to say “i can’t explain my gender” to everyone else. the gender connects so deeply and directly to what this creature body is, that it can’t be explained without outing our non humanity. we are no female nor male, and we serve no function in reproductive processes. we are another, more complex role. a care taker of sorts, one who watches over, with no urge to create more ourselves. we are not only another gender, but another sex. one that is unlike those of humans. our role is different, but is it not just as important? i must watch over and take care, for both the young and the old. it is my duty to simply observe, care for, protect, and sometimes even raise, yet not create. to take in those who are in need. to oversee, and intervene. to serve for those who are other than me. my gender is creature and my gender is to serve.
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 8 months ago
filter tags list:
we have most of the broad ones (such as food) filter tagged with their traditional/basic filter tags as well, but are leaving them on the list so it is known who is uncomfortable with what
tags are organized by who is being tagged for because some headmates will still want to look, it’s just so we can tell the ones tagged for to look away. the tags have different titles because some headmates need different wordings to prevent them from looking anyways. these may be updated at any time, and we will post if anything is updated.
iris: (#tag for violet)
talk of eating and food
talk relating to stomachs
cannibalism in all forms
extreme gore imagery
v0re (i have doubts it will show up but just in case)
anything about rotting (almost always triggers delusion thing)
purp/purple: (#purp go away)
prey drive
consumption of eggs
yandere content (just in general ig)
hard to read text just so we can warn him or tell him what it says before his eyes hurt (colored text, cursive fonts, fonts like tumblr font “chat”, images with text that don’t have an image id or alt with image id, text gifs, weirdly shaped text)
nick: (#orange please ignore)
fakeclaiming and mentions of it (she gets really pissed at fakeclaimers, which is reasonable but we don’t want him to start vauge posting about it)
nothing else for him yet, but we have a feeling she will need some in the future because under some circumstances he can get really aggressive
ace: (#tag for ace)
claustrophobia triggers and discussion
talk of trapping individuals (humans and nonhumans)
religious talk (very personal stuff)
the name morgan (we’re working really hard on him with this one but for now, please tag for this)
anything that tells you to reblog things (good or bad, he has isssues with being told to do things)
we will add more as time goes on
lars: (#closed donuts)
ship content (art or otherwise) of lars and sadie (makes him very uncomfortable)
as of february 3, 2025, this is everyone and everything that would be nice to have filter tagged
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 6 months ago
basic dni (harmful paraphillias (pro/neu/complex contact), racists, queerphobes, intersexists, ableists, antisemites, etc)
anti endos and sysmeds (we are endo)
anti mcyt (our source is not a reason to be rude, also we like the content personally, thought not all the creators)
weight and body shamers of any kind
pro ana
nsfw blogs
disordered abuse believers
anti nonhuman (all forms of nonhuman)
SH and ED centric blogs
anti-self-dx with research
those who do not filter tag animal death and gore
anti palestine
las nevadas fictionfolk be warned that our purp fictive is quite “territorial” so to say. when interacting please be aware of this because he very frequently can do a complete 180 in attitude and we’re not exactly sure how ey would interact with a las nevadas fictionfolk. (this especially applies to quackitys. e is not scared of them, quite the opposite actually.)
some of our headmates are very sensitive so if your blog frequently posts about our headmate’s triggers please do not ask to be mututals unless willing to actually filter tag
ask to be mututals please
purp has a lot of behavioral “issues” and gets upset very easily. we’re not asking for him to be babied just for other to be careful when interacting with him, and we have a guide on interacting with him that you can search for
if you consistently and/or intentionally trigger headmates we will let headmates go after you, and some of them will not be as nice as the rest of us will be
purp is also very picky about the portrayal of his canon counterpart, and may get upset if something doesn’t fit what he sees
we’re not anti-kink, just uncomfortable with seeing nsfw in our safe space
do not mention food or stomach related things to us without filter tagging. if iris reads it they will not feel good and we will all be upset. do not ask for reasons behind this.
some of us don’t use tone tags, but can provide them if asked to
we try to avoid discourse, but occasionally purp engages because ey feel that it is a way of protecting us by eliminating the problem. do not try to criticize him about this because we are already working on it
some of us can’t read typing quirks so please translate if we ask
singlets who engage in syscourse and system related identity policing are on thin ice
last updated september 10, 2024
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 1 year ago
mutuals please filter tag posts about and relating to the election with #tagging for goops
if you would like to avoid our posts about our non positive feelings towards winter/prewinter and holidays such as thanksgiving, new year’s day, and possibly christmas, christmas eve, and new year’s eve, please block/filter the tag ‘#goops seasonal moping’
we don’t use code names anymore because none of us gaf lmao. we have dsmp fictives so if you don’t like that then leave. also we swear. a lot
we’re a endo system who has been on tumblr for a little bit and are redoing certain aspects of our blog to be a bit more accurate! many of us are nonhuman in the headspace in one way or another (kin, holothere, etc). in addition to this, we’re all collectively a goop dog alien who also has parasites, or as we call them, “bugs”! we are physically goop, but are usually in a human form as it takes too much effort to intentionally shift so might as well stay in disguise. we are also able to rarely shift into other creatures, such as a jerboa, but we usually stay human or sometimes our true body. originally we were nervous about bringing up the whole physically nonhuman thing, but with the recent in holothere content, we decided to go ahead and show that part of ourselves to tumblr. also, we mostly use the color purple, despite the rainbow username so yeah.
filter tags
goopsona refenerce image
✮🛸basic info🪐✮
~ our name is goop (collective identity) or lemons (tumblr system name)!
~ collectively maverique!
~ collectively we currently use they/them (in a plural sense), it/its, and be/bim/bis/bimself!
~ we use the label holothere usually, but don’t rlly care much abt or mind labels
~ we’re probably neurodivergent so keep that in mind!
~ some of us are adults, while others are not (the body is a minor tho so don’t be weird and shit)
~ endo system (no syscourse, most of us hate discourse and all that stuff)
~ we’re still learning abt the whole parasitical bugs thing, and will add more abt that whenever we find stuff out
~ plz interact u you want, we like to try and meet new people even tho we’re bad at social stuff! (rbs, asks, comments are much appreciated!)
~ we mostly post nonhuman and alterhuman stuff, so except to see that kind of thing on this blog as we get better at writing (we struggle with writing so we’ll see how much improving actually happens lol)
~ the purple goopy alien dog designs is a more online sona version of what we look like, which was designed by a friend!
✮🛸headmates list🪐✮
codename+emoji (pronouns//non-human?//kin type//other)
~ tommy (moots and headmates can call me toms/tom)🌹(he/fae/she//existence related to tommyinnit in some way but we don’t know for sure the details//red panda and bird hybrid//polar bearkin//minor)
~ nick or nikki 🏵️(he/she//piplup and vampire//huskykin//age regressor?)
~ yellow 🍋(alien//whalekin and monkeykin//dsmp ponk but doesn’t rlly like talking abt it)
~ phil 🍃(he/him//part crow//shockingly philza,idk where he’s been tho)
~ cyan (can also call pup) 🦋(kinda dogkin but it’s complicated, hawkkin, arctic foxkin, sockeye salmonkin//minor)
~ ranboo 🫐(he/him//some kind of creature//ranboo fictive but dunno where he’s been)
~ sodalite/soda 🌀(dragon//uses translations form other alters)
~ purple(d)/finn/cosmo (moots and headmates can call me purp)🪻(ey/em/eirs/emself and he/him//dsmp purpled fictive, don’t like me? fuck off then because i like me//alien, rabbit, and jerboa (complicated)//rabbitkin, duckkin, agoutikin, maybe something else but idk)
~ iris ☂️ (they/them//alien//polecat therian//minor//age regressor)
~ pink 🌸(he/him//pig//technoblade fictive but doesn’t rlly care if you call him that or not)
~ crimson 🧣(he/him//demon dog)
~ frost ❄️ (any pronouns, including neos//bug alien//questioning sea turtle kin)
~ taffy 🎀 (any//angel)
~ lime 🍊(any of he/she/they/it//lion)
~ ube 🪁 (he/him, sometimes they, never she//eevee//luigi fictionkin(i think)//age regressor//i’m not the brightest or best at communicating sorry//trans in a kinda confusing way??? [complicated but i feel the need to specify as it is very important to me specifically])
~ forest 🐊 (he/it, maybe other but dunno//crocodilian or gator thing//maybe agre?//it types like this a lot so be patient with it)
~ ace🌙 (he/him//demon//please read his filter tag list)
~ littles 🌤️ (anonymous)
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 5 months ago
genuinely wondering, don’t rlly care who answers this coz just wanna know lol:
*for example: headmates that capitalize words or specifically type differently
this was scheduled to be posted btw so yeah
edit: btw we picked other because we forgot to add an option for ourselves lmao
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 7 months ago
do really wish we could talk about that source because many of us do really like one very small specific part of it that was mostly away from the really shitty parts (which is the mentioned headmates specific source) without people disliking us for it though. it not like we *chose* that source or we *chose* that character anyways
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 8 months ago
here it is!
sorry it’s a bit complicated:’)
Hi uhm mutuals! We were wondering if anyone has filter tag lists if they could perhaps reblog this post with a link to them? We realize as of late that we're having a hard time being able to remember what we need to filter tag for specific individuals who have filter tag lists. Or if it's in an intro could we be notified about that? /nf
We don't want to forget what to filter tag constantly because we don't want to distress mutuals :(
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 8 months ago
ahahahaha why is the physical shift thing happening again and why is it happening in publiccccc
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 6 months ago
just made some changes to our pinned!
btw we have other fictives that are not dsmp, we just latched onto that source when we were troubled, and they’re the only fictive who actually like to use tumblr lol
the changes in a nutshell:
-purp stopped caring abt ppl knowing he’s a dsmp fictive and also uses the names finn and cosmo (he also very much so likes being called purpled, and moots+headmates can use purp for him. can also still call him purple) new tag is #purp🪻
-violet’s name is iris! also doesn’t mind bein called violet tho. new tag is #iris☂️
-cyan can also be called pup, no tag change
-orange’s name is nick and she also uses nikki. new tag is #nick🏵️
-yellow is technically a dsmp fictive but plz don’t talk abt it with them, no tag or name change but more detail in pinned
-green and blue (who don’t use the account but showed interest before we made it) are philza and ranboo. their tags are updated but again, we don’t use those tags
-red’s name is tommy and was created in some way, shape, or form that relates to tommyinnit (moots+headmates can call him toms) new tag is #tommy🌹
-indigo’s name is sodalite/soda, new tag is #sodaliteee🌀
-arctic’s name is frost, new tag #frost❄️
-pink is also a fictive but doesn’t rlly care, no tag change but details in pinned
-also were adding a dni sometime soon i swear
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 6 months ago
we’re probably getting rid of the whole code names thing coz most of us don’t actually care abt it. was only done for our fictive’s safety, but apparently most of them don’t care anymore, and the ones that do enjoy using their code name as a sceond name anyways
so liek sometime very soon (possibly in the next hour) we might get rid of that so then everyone will know our actual names! (excluding the body’s name, and those who don’t wnat their actual name out there)
might hold a poll for something beforehand, but i wnat it mututals only so i will likely make an sideblog for that
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 8 months ago
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oops, our bad lmao
@tired-nonbinary-rat @emberslimehunts @confused-therian @clockworkcorvid and anyone else who wants to! (all /nf!)
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Can you fight god?
I- what laws prevent me from fighting?
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 7 months ago
Things are… not going well innerworld. We will try our best to keep the issue away from Tumblr, as we do not want to bother anyone with it. However it is becoming more difficult for me to monitor the front, so things might be said regardless. All I’m doing is giving a heads up so mutuals know.
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 8 months ago
mututals! we’re gonna be on a plane for a few hours so we were wondering if we could draw some of you? (nonhuman specifically)
if so, let us know!
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purple-space-aliens ¡ 8 months ago
as a minor clarification, to us the like button can be viewed as just “oh i like this” or as “i support you/this”
just stating this to prevent further misunderstandings, don’t feel obligated to do anything /nbr,informing
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