#raina is in the background but you can barely see her lol
jarael · 3 years
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Togruta Thursday: Ilum edition
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childotkw · 5 years
What do his friends and peers in France view Hadrian as or like? What were their initial impressions of him, over the years, and the new students first time seeing him or listening to rumors about him? I'm sure his early days at school must've been...dynamic lol. Does his different accent make them wonder if he even originated in France? Spectacular work by the way darling. 10/10 would read again!
Ooohhh, so much to go through. Lemme break it into sections, because it is long. 
What do his friends and peers in France view Hadrian as or like?
The general consensus about Hadrian amongst his peers is that he’s a prodigy. The kind of witch or wizard that is born only once a generation. The kind of person that will leave a lasting impact on the world, good or bad. The kind of person that makes you want to follow, regardless of the end result. 
There’s a gravity around Hadrian. A physical presence that draws everyone helplessly in. His abilities and skills and intellect make him an appealing figure, more so when coupled with his looks and charm. He’s wildly respected, and though many are envious of him, most of them also hopelessly adore him because on top of it all, he’s just a really nice guy. 
This reputation of his is solid amongst his peers, and has since spread to the parents and upper echelon and other political figures in France. Now they’re all paying attention too, wanting and waiting to see which ways the winds will blow for Hadrian Evans. There are whispers, some he himself might not even be aware of, that for the first time France might have its own blossoming Lord of Magic. 
Minister Lécuyer has seen and heard a lot about young Hadrian, and her interest is no secret to anyone with eyes. As such, France is, shall we say, possessive of their little star. For now, in their eyes, he can do no wrong.
But Hadrian’s friends - the ones he actually talks to, the ones he lets see behind the mask - they know that Hadrian is a little off. That sometimes his smile is a little too perfect, and that his eyes can be as cold and cutting as steel. They get glimpses of something ugly lurking deep inside Hadrian, hidden beneath the honeyed words and sparking laughter.
Though, instead of scaring them, or pushing them away, these flashes of darkness only serve to make them more loyal to him. The vulnerability shown to them makes them want to protect him all the more. Makes them want to ensure that nothing ever puts that glint in his eyes ever again.
What were their initial impressions of him, over the years, and the new students first time seeing him or listening to rumors about him?
Claire’s first impression of Hadrian was he won’t last here, and he doesn’t belong. She had, much to her own embarrassment, written him off. The son of a witch barely above a squib in terms of magical abilities. A little boy from a poor background that thought he could run with the children of such prestigious families. 
That opinion lasted until their first class together, where this little boy answered every question their professor asked perfectly. And the next class, where even at eight years old and with no wand, he somehow managed to move a jar across his desk with only a wave of his hand and a slight frown of concentration. And over the years she’s only watched him grow in frightening leaps and bounds, leaving all of them in the dust, his gaze forever fixed on a distant future none of them could see.
Jacob’s first impression of Hadrian was he’s very small and he’s incredible. Jacob hadn’t cared about Hadrian’s family or his status as a muggleborn. All he needed to see to be utterly fascinated was Hadrian moving that jar and then demurely accept the astonished praise of their teachers. From that moment, Jacob knew, with all the certainty of a young child, that Hadrian was going to be big. 
It took him years to navigate his way into a friendship with Hadrian, taking two steps back for every right step he managed. Disguising gifts and jokes in between favours and information, all the while slowly chipping away at that frosty exterior, until the ‘professional’ aspect to their relationship was more an inside joke then anything. Jacob’s always had faith in Hadrian, and even with the break between them now, he still believes the other will soar high.
Raina’s first impression of Hadrian was he has a lovely smile, followed immediately after by he’s a raging arsehole. She transferred into Beauxbatons during the fourth year, and as such missed the rise of Hadrian Evans. Instead of seeing how he had gotten to where he was, she was confronted with a boy that was already at the top, and found herself clashing spectacularly with him. One offhanded comment about being impressed that a muggleborn could beat the purebloods in their class, and suddenly she was at war.
Their fights were vicious and petty and full of underhanded taunts and remarks. But despite it all, they both respected each other. And for Raina, that little niggling thought about how nice Hadrian looked when he smiled, even when it was with teeth, even when it was insincere and aimed at her like a weapon, never really left. And now, through circumstance or luck, she was trusted. Hadrian picked her, out of everyone, to place his trust in, and she’ll be damned if she does anything to lose it.
As for everyone else - most new people are initially sceptical over how amazing Hadrian Evans sounds. Then they meet him, and go oh. 
Does his different accent make them wonder if he even originated in France? 
When Hadrian is speaking French, he has no discernible accent. He was raised speaking the language after all. When he speaks English, the same applies. No noticeable French accent. None of his peers find it strange. If anything, they just think he’s worked really hard to learn English so well that he looses his accent when speaking English. 
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