outlawandorder · 10 years
surrender (finale drabble)
She was so tired, and it was all his fault.
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Who knew that a purely instinctive kiss on their first encounter would lead to this, the breakdown of her character? Morty had saved her life not once but twice, and still Elise occasionally found herself grazing slender fingers over her lips, as if willing back the feeling of that first intimate contact...
She was cold, strong, and sadistic. But despite her best efforts to maintain her cruelty, Morty was slowly cracking her icy exterior, chipping away at her rigid resolution with frequent gifts, visits, and smiles (Oh, how she loved those smiles).
Elise still maintained her pride, so she would never tell Morty exactly what effect he had on her, even though anyone could note the subtle changes in her behavior. Her once alert eyes now stared right past some criminals, glazed over as if they were focused on a grander image. The officer went out on patrol less often, she went shopping for the holidays, and she even paused to drop Mrs. Slater’s case files off for the gang member whom she had terrorized in the past. The files wouldn’t help Faust much, but she hoped that he could see the extensive amount of research that she had poured into locating the killer, whom she never really found in the end.
Elise relaxed her iron grip on the law, becoming softer and more bored as her days in Lumiose wore on. It was all starting to feel like a routine: catch stupid criminal, jail stupid criminal, rinse and repeat. The buildings, roads, and alleyways all started to blend together...and it was his fault for making everything else seem so boring. 
The officer let her guard down more and more until she was walking through her patrols like a robot, issuing the same orders and punishments to every wrongdoer she blindly stumbled across. Looker eventually caught her in this oblivious state, and she remembered smiling as he placed the handcuffs around her wrists. Her former mentor had outsmarted her with his patience after all...perhaps Elise still had much to learn.
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It was torture to sit through all of the legal proceedings that followed her arrest, but her icy glare made conversations and negotiations blissfully short. The condemned officer was to spend life behind the other side of the cell for her crimes, but Elise always had a plan. She could not waste away in jail, even with new senses of fatigue and longing weighing her down. The caged-up Elise would fight back one night, calculated as ever, her sword slicing through the darkness one final time. 
The only things that Looker found upon entering his student’s cell were the officer’s famed sword and cap, laid out neatly on the cushioned bench. He decided not to chase her further. 
She had nowhere to go.
“Thank you for riding the Battle Subway today. I am the Subway Boss, and I will choose the next destination...”
The carefully-rehearsed lines fell on deaf ears as the quiet, blue-haired woman boarded the subway late, the automated doors sliding shut behind her. Before the Subway Boss could complete his usual enthusiastic announcement, the stranger held up a hand for quiet, her icy blue eyes making Ingo shudder with their intensity.
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“I don’t want to battle you. Is this the train to Anville Town?”
Ingo shook his head ‘no’ and the annoyed woman sighed, long blue tresses shimmering on her back. Without a word, the Subway Boss opened the doors for her and she swiftly departed, her boots clacking on the concrete. Somehow, Ingo could tell that this no-nonsense stranger was not to be trifled with.
Safe travels! he wished silently, watching the woman stride confidently towards the correct train, her departing figure growing smaller with distance.
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railway--helios · 11 years
railway--eclipse replied to your post:*trashes inbox*
[dude…. this is worst…… Ingo has to clean up after his little brother as well…..]
[I blame N for this. :'IIIIIII He's just jealous of our wicked hats.]
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gogogobarry · 11 years
railway--eclipse said: HE IS UNRIVALED
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railway--eclipse replied to your post:If I join Team Aqua will you let me wear an eyepatch?
Nate… No.
"You know this kid? Get 'im off my back, ain't got time for some fool brat wantin' to play pirate."
swimmingvisors replied to your post:If I join Team Aqua will you let me wear an eyepatch?
sweet, I’m a super-villain now!
"You're a mad one brat, and I don't think you've a clue what you're tryin' to get into."
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heliotrop · 9 years
4, 11
4. What sort of relationship can you see our muses having?
After the situation at the concert Lacuna imprints on him like a duckling. There’s no way she’s going to rest until she’s made all of the trouble she’s put Ingo through up to him somehow! Probably with the exact opposite outcome of getting on his nerves, hahaha ;o;
11. A fluffy situation you think our muses would be cute in?
Ingo’s hard day at work is made slightly better by a knock at his cabin window. Exhaling on the glass, Lacuna scrawled a message, though hardly legible, was well intended—
ッ !ti od nac uoY
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rocket-thief-archive · 11 years
♣✘ [A text that's a mix between those two? *obnoxious French laughter*]
Hey girl, I’m free tonight so why don’t you get your fine ass over here and keep me company for a while? ;)11:55 pm
Shit, bro, wrong number. My bad.11:57 pm
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DW! Still a cute Roxie there!
Aw, you such a sweetie pie! ;;
railway--helios ha risposto al tuo post : occ
[Aaaah,I hope you fix your theme woes soon! No worries, yeah~? ;v;]
Aw, thanks Emmet-mun! ;v;
Well guys, now it's fixed, even though I'm not satisfied yet (I don't like the big icons, omg) and I'll probably try to fix it later. Dunno why my goddamn theme won't scroll and gets stuck. MYSTERY!
Anyhow, for now, it's good enough.
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steel-and-smoke · 11 years
Ingo & Roman
"S-Stop! Oh, Arceus, don't hurt me!"
Placing a freshly lit cigarette between his lips, Roman fixed his dark eyes on the trembling man. He was cowering with his back against a brick wall with his arms out in front of him, as if that would be enough defense against the Haxorus towering over him.
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"Relax," Roman snapped, wisps of smoke tumbling from his lips as he spoke. "I don't get paid to hurt people... Although I wouldn't recommend trying to run."
"L-Listen... Whatever they're payin' you, I'll double it if you let me go!"
"Doubt it," Roman sneered as his Haxorus emitted a deep grumble. "Reed."
At the sound of his trainer's voice, the gray Haxorus visibly calmed down, relaxing his tensed muscles. The menacing dragon was clearly itching for a fight, but this sniveling coward surely would be no match for him. The three were huddled in a narrow alley in Nimbasa City, but the man's frantic pleas were beginning to attract a bit of attention from bystanders, and a small crowd was beginning to gather at the entrance of the alley.
"Looks like it's time to go," Roman sighed, an expression of annoyance on his face as he noticed the curious group of faces. Reaching out and grabbing the man by the sleeve of his jacket, he shoved him ahead of him, following him out of the alley as the crowd parted around them.
"W-Where are we going?" the man asked shakily, turning his head slightly to face the black dragon that had fallen into step just behind him.
"To the police station. You'd be surprised how much they pay for common thieves like yourself--"
Roman stopped short as the other man took off suddenly, shoving people out of his way as he charged clumsily down the street. Running his fingers through the side of his short, dark hair, he nodded down at Reed, who looked up at him, dutifully awaiting a command.
In an instant, the Haxorus darted off on all fours at surprising speed, quickly gaining on the man, who had begun to yell for help.
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