Without even realizing, she accidentally pushed on the start button, a sudden flash as the two of them got taken by surprise, a soft giggle leaked from her rosy lips. Hopeless. Just two foolish hopeless musicians that were having tons of fun in a photo booth. He kept a rather wide smile as he turned at the camera, forcing Roxie to do  as well, bringing her face close to his, their cheeks touching as they made comical faces at the camera. She was having fun, having fun with one of her favourite friend, possibly a rather special one.
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A close friend, she thought, turquoise eyes shifted to stare at him, crimson eyeballs staring back at her, he seemingly was slightly lost in himself, his wide grin still perching on his lips. A rather cute boy—, thoughts flowing in her brain like a tidal wave, increasing doubts and lust, almost getting her senses going numb as she felt his face even closer to hers. What am I to you? Wordless, still thinking, not really capable of pronouncing those words, that question, an awful fear of getting rejected and perhaps misunderstood by her most dearie friend.
Slowly, she gently cupped his face with her pale hands, fingers grazing his cheeks as she leant a little closer to his visage, words eventually leaked from her lips as she denied risks and misapprehensions. “How do you feel about me?” a simple question, yet a meaningful one, trying to really understand his feelings toward her, even though nothing could be truly verified, mostly now as both of them weren’t completely sober. She had been indeed brave, yet she took a great risk as she asked such question, not even considering what he might think about her intentions and how he might react to her inquiry. What if he leaves? A glacial grip tightened around her heart, a dreadful fear spread throughout her skin, he couldn’t leave her, no chances.
“I’m sorry—“ she then lastly said, fingers slowly lowering on his neck, turquoise eyes seeming rather disappointed as she shifted her gaze downward, shame coloring her cheeks with hues of red.
❝ I bet you can't defeat me ❞ || Roxie & Jet
They were now squeezed up in a photo booth, the girl atop Jet’s lap. She was so tiny and light that she hardly bothered Jet. "You’re quite comfy, you know it?" she purred, closer into his face. He unconsciously pulled his arm around her, making her back lean onto his torso. His arms were kept on her lap, loosely hugging her into his body.
"So, what kind of photo do you want to take?" she asked, readjusting herself in the guitarist’s grasp.
Before Jet could answer her question, the rockette found herself sliding a quarter into the slot on the wall before the two. Zap. A bright light flashed into their eyes, Jet flinching slightly at the sudden zap. Another one and Jet was still stunned. The black-haired boy tilted his head to the left and mustered a great grin on his face, bringing the girl closer as he peered from the side of her head.
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He let out a chuckle, striking a different pose, photo after photo.
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Few moments passed before the bothered young girl from before made her appearance once again, her hair finely tied up, a welcoming smile as she approached her table, she didn’t seem the woman from before though. Welcome to Restaurant Le Yeah. Can I start you off with something to drink, and perhaps and appetizer?, her voice was softer and more gentle, a brief smile as she then apologized for her previous outcome, she seemingly thought she had been way too rude when she replied to the white-haired girl. How cute.
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The waitress reaction tugged a smug smile on her thin lips, turquoise eyes quickly analyzing the fine facial features of the girl shortly before replying, vaguely giggling as she thought about the situation. “It’s okay, I didn’t mind, really” she spoke, then continuing while gesticulating with one of her hands, “Actually, I didn’t even consider it as an umbrage or anything. You was clearly pissed off, I can utterly understand it sweets” she bluntly admitted, now shifting her azure eyes on the menu placed on the well-decorated table. “Everyone have their bad days— they happen and we cannot do a single fuck to make it better” she was rambling now, she knew it, and probably the young waitress had other orders to take. “Yet I don’t think you have the all day for me. You have other commitments to attend, I’m sorry!” she winked as she turned toward her, a brief look on the appetizer’s part of the menu and her mind was settled.
“I’ll go with a shrimp cocktail and some sparkling water please” she eventually ordered, a lastly glance on the menu before confirming her first order. “I don’t care about formality and other bullshits, so address me any way you want, Miss—?” she interrupted herself, realizing she didn’t know her name yet. “May I know your name?” kind of strange for her to ask such question to a complete stranger, yet she liked persons who just be who they are.
Order Up ! || Reiko & Roxie
It didn’t hit her at first, but she had just spoken to Roxie. She was very familiar with the girls work, during her time as a pianist she often walked past the building that doubled as a venue and a gym. Leaning against the wall she let out a sigh. It was due to her bad day, that was the whole reason she was having a bad attitude towards others. 
As she inhaled the smoke into her lungs she felt a sense of despair. Not only had she been rude to a customer, she had been rude to a figure of importance. Reiko pressed the lit end of the cigarette against the wall and tossed it into a nearby trash can. Well, it was time to go back, she wouldn’t be surprised if she was stuck waiting on the person she was just rude too. Her manager peeked his head outside to get her attention. 
"You have an important table, show them a good time. If you mess up even a little, i’m sending you home for the day.” 
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"Well, shit.”
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As the cute girl replied, a sudden remembrance rushed in her head, images of that trainer challenging her gym a year ago, if not a little more. She was familiar, Roxie had actually already seen that face, those skills, that innocence drawn on her face. Mei. Her name was the trigger that set to move all the memories she had almost forgot about her past. She was a great challenger, she had to admit it, sadly. As far as the white-haired girl could remember, the two of them had a lively battle, both their Pokèmon were strong and balanced, yet she had something more, an unique ability to command and rule the game, she won that challenge.
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“You know what? I knew you were something, I knew I had seen you before— and I was right” she bluntly avowed, her tone slightly softened. “You were that trainer who gave me some intense thrills during our challenge in my gym at Virbank. Do you remember me now?” she hoped for a positive answer, yet uncertainties were still lingering in her mind, she could easily tell by her doubtful look. Maybe she needed some more proofs.
“Look, take a glance to your Trainer’s Card, I’m sure you will find something that belonged to me” the ivory-head suggested, her smug smile never left her lips while she spoke, a spark of interest burst in her turquoise eyes since she firstly set her gaze on that slim silhouette of hers. She was a rather skilled trainer, she hold some kind of potential, and Roxie has always had a weakness for strong persons.
“And by the way, what brings you here?” curiosity was urging since the moment she saw her, “It’s not really an interesting place to be, especially for a skillful trainer like you” she wondered, not really able to answer to herself. As a matter of fact, like she said before, there was nothing special in Virbank City; it was just an industrial complex where toxic materials were disposed of.
“An interesting donut girl„ || Roxie & Mei
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Kalos wasn’t exactly the exotic destination she was hoping for, yet Roxie had to do a tour around, touching the major cities, including among these Lumiose City, a dazzling metropolis of art and artifice, located in the very heart of the Kalos region. She was engaged by her manager to make a concert in the main place of the city, where a high and shining tower was, even though that was in few days. As a matter of fact, she just came here way too early, wanting to spend some days relaxing around the city, as she has never been to Kalos before.
Her short silhouette soon disappeared in the crowd of people strolling along the avenue, the only way to recognize the white-haired girl was by her long bass-guitar’s slipcase. As it was almost lunch time, she decided to take a stroll around the city, seeking for a restaurant or a fast food, everything was fine, even though she easily figured out that it was rather impossible to find a fast food in a place like that. Everything was classy and courtly, almost making the rocker feel slightly uncomfortable, as she was used to live in a small port city of Unova. All of this refinement was too much for her.
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Yet, shrugging to classy manners and dainty persons, she continued on her way, walking along the so called Autumnal Avenue, her turquoise eyes shifting left and right as she searched for a good place to eat. On the other hand, actually thinking about the street she was, she realized a friend of her suggested her to come by a well-known restaurant, Restaurant Le Yeah, as it was said that it offered exquisite plates as well as simple tastes.
Not even thinking twice, she began her research, though not reaching satisfactory results. She spent like half an hour loitering around the same street, yet no luck in finding that damn place. “I won’t give up!” she muffled to herself, eventually coming into a young waitress smoking, her face’s expression was rather annoyed. She might not bother her, as she seemed quite pissed, yet the whitehead had to know where that damn place was.
"Excuse me, do you know where I find Restaurant Le Yeah?" 
As she asked, a fractious tone leaked from her lips, her annoyed expression didn’t change. Its right here. Behind us, her words immediately made the short girl turn, swiftly discovering what she had been searching for too much time. “Thanks cutie, better leave you with your smoke” she concluded, leaving the bothered woman behind as she entered the restaurant.
“Welcome in Restaurant Le Yeah. May I serve you in any way?”
A resonant voice, he was the owner of the place probably, a reassuring and dainty smile welcomed the petite girl inside, walking her at the first free table he saw. “Wait here please, I’ll call  your waitress for today” and then he left, heading outside, Roxie already guessed who he was going to summon.
Order Up ! || Reiko & Roxie
Reiko was having an over all bad day. Not only had she gotten to work late, but she forgot her house keys in the house and it was just a total mess for her. It was a busy day at Restaurant Le Yeah, which she had no idea why. This restaurant was awful. It was only one star above Le Nah which was the lowest of low. 
Still, it was like they were having some crazy special of awful food for the whole family. Table after table, she served and cleaned. Soon it was time for her break. After three hours of work and she only got a fifteen? What has the working world come too? Making her way outside she walked away from the door to smoke. Luckily for her, her apron had several pockets. Inside she held her cigarettes, her lighter, her phone and her order booklet. 
Quickly she lit up a poison stick and inhaled deeply. That was an easy way to calm her nerves. On days like this her anxiety was through the roof. As she loitered outside she wasn’t bothered by a single person. Or well, maybe she spoke too soon. A voice next to her had suddenly decided to speak up just as she turned away. 
"Excuse me, do you know where I find Restaurant Le Yeah?" 
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Reiko turned to see who was asking such a dumb question seeing as she was standing outside of the building they were looking for. “Its right here. Behind us.” 
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Realizing the blond top model has recognized her, she let a small sigh of relief coming out of her lips, trembling hands as she reached for her short silhouette, her warm arms around her fragile body, gently squeezing the white-haired girl in a welcoming embrace. She surely felt home now, the rocker knew it, a wide grin spread on her visage as she noticed her Yūdoku coming out of his red capsule, he apparently felt a familiar presence, Elesa’s Zebstrika. It was a bizarre encounter the one between the two Pokèmon, the electric-type Pokèmon probably didn’t exactly remember the violet spherical creature. Even though, it sufficed his trainer’s words to calm him down and make up his mind, slowly recalling their past meeting at Virbank City.
“So…how have you been since we last saw one another— Hopefully well I assume, right?”
She let go of her embrace, few tears dotting her gracious face as she spoke, she seemed to genuinely want to know about Roxie’s life, perhaps she missed her during those past months? The ivory-head could not deny she actually missed the blond Gym Leader, yet she was sure she had spent some satisfying holidays abroad, even though she knew they weren’t exactly vacations. Her job was quite tiring at times, she could easily tell but how happy she looked like when she exited the small airport of Mistralton City. She doubtlessly missed her place.
“I’m doing pretty well Elesa, thanks for asking!” she began, a smug smile appeared on her lips. “Concerts have been filling all my evenings now, and I can’t be more satisfied than now” she boldly admitted, a slight hint of excitement could be heard in her words. “Yet, I can’t deny that I’m more than happy for your sudden return— I’ve missed you, you know?” hard to confess, but she managed to say it bluntly, no regrets in doing it.
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“So, where are you heading? I can accompany you if you want” she offered, a gentle pat atop Zebstrika’s head. “Thus you can tell me about your experiences abroad! I’m actually quite curious about it” she ended up giggling, nervously scratching the back of his head as she felt like she was asking her to spend some time with her. It was indeed slightly embarrassing, yet true. Spending time with her was never a waste.
Guess Who's Back~|| Elesa & Roxie
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“Let's have fun at the amusement park, shall we?„ (AU) || WE Open
Finally, after days of concerts all around Unova, the white-haired Gym Leader, mostly known for being one of the most younger rocker of the Pokèmon World, had a day off, a real day off where she could relax all day long in whichever place she wanted to visit. She actually didn’t like to doze off in some relaxing place, far away from loud cities and busy streets; she highly enjoyed places where she could afford any kind of entertainments, mostly the childish ones. So, where do you think she could go—? In an amusement park, of course!
No regrets flowed in her mind as she quickened her pace toward the ticket office situated nearby the entrance of the fun fair, a wide grin pursed her lips as she eventually got her papery ticket, a soft giggle as she passed through the gate, enthusiastically handing her pass, now she was in her domain.
The fair itself was rather big, there were tons of amusement rides to afford, as well as many food stalls where there was every kind of tidbits, there was a quite large variety of edibles to choose, all of them looked delicious the same way. Even though, the first thing that caught the attention of the short girl was a colorful carousel, a very unique amusement ride which almost seemed to come from ancient times, in some ways slightly baroque, the wooden horses almost seemed to come to life. She had to ride one of them, indeed.
Few steps and she was at the destination, there were lots of children struggling to get to their favourite galloper, parents patiently waiting for them nearby the circular platform, most for her surprise she actually found many other persons older than her on the carousel. Shrugging with nonchalant, she swiftly made her move toward what she deemed to be the perfect horse for her, not noticing another person was aiming for it.
“I think I saw it first pal” she bluntly admitted, not even concerning about the interlocutor's thoughts, “Get lost and choose another one, yeah?”
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On the other hand, I'm still suffering for Riley's disappearance. It's like a have a enormous hole in my soul and I can't fill it with nothing. It's truly awful. I just wish she would come back..right now.
And since I'm jotting down this, I might as well made a thread list, so you could figure out something about my threads;
- I owe no one, so yeah, I'm thinking about a starter at the moment, actually I thought about two starters.
- Ingo, Emmet, Grimsley, Red, Rukko, Jasper, Mei and Jet owe me. yup
- I owe N, Twins Garth&Vince, Gracey and I'm thinking of replying August's starter. 
-I'm waiting on N, Jet, Iris, Aselia, Florence. 
I'm open for plots of any kind for both Roxie and Brielle, and I'm getting TONS of ideas for Brielle for starters. lolz
So, if you perhaps want to rp with me, just hmu ♡
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The limpid sky above her head was something quite unique in Mistralton City, as it used to rain a lot around that area. The short white-haired girl was strolling around the long airstrip of the airport, patiently waiting for her to come. She knew about her arrival while reading a newspaper of the last week, The Shining Beauty is coming back!, and many other futile information, mostly about how and where she has been spending her time till now. Roxie honestly didn’t care that much where she has been during those months, yet she did care for her to come back to her gym in Nimbasa City, to come back to her old friends, she actually missed her a lot since their last meeting in Virbank City.
I wonder how she’s been doing lately—
Thoughts quickly filled her mind as she took few steps closer to the airport’s entrance, she hold her breath as she eventually saw an airplane landing on the landing field. She was on that plane, she knew it for sure. Swiftly, she quickened her pace toward the main entrance, a hint of emotion flickered in her turquoise eyes as she eagerly waited for her older colleague to come out of the building, as the doors were shut down, in order to keep the famous top model safe. Will she remember me?
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Few moments passed, and finally the gracious Gym Leader made her appearance, an elegant gesture of her hands as she threw a red capsule on the ground, a zebra-alike Pokèmon was summoned, that vivacious electric-type Pokèmon who befriended with Roxie’s Koffing, Yūdoku; they liked each other a lot, as far as she could remember.
“Elesa..?” uncertainties filled her tone as she leant closer to the top model, a shivering hand grazed her shoulder, gently claiming her attention. Then, a sudden move, a soft smile, an inquisitive look on her pale face, And who might you be my dear?— Delicate words that still harmed her a lot, she realized she didn’t remember her, after all those months. But— how so?
“It’s me..Roxie, Gym Leader of Virbank City. Don’t you remember me?” she dared, a rather sad smile pursed her lips as she almost surrender to the apparent evidence imprinted on the model’s face.
Guess Who's Back~|| Elesa & Roxie
It’s been a good three weeks since the black haired beauty has seen or even stepped foot inher gym. It pained her so much to even be away from it for even a minute. But… her managers thought it was best for her to do more promotion all things with all of her fans and such. And she truly did love all of her fans. However, she wanted to see the lights of the Nimbasa Gym that she’s the leader at. “I really hope that I didn’t miss too many challenges this time around…” She thought to herself as she took a flight back to the place she called home.
As the flight arrived at the Mistralton Airport, she quickly grabbed all of her items and headed outside so she could let her partner out of his pokeball. As she approached the exit from the Airport; she took one of the Pokeball from off her beltclips, holding it gently in her palm.”Ok Zebstrika, it’s time to go home!” With that, she threw the Pokeball out of her hand, as a zebra like creature appeared from the afterglow of her throw. “It’s really nice to see you old friend…” She went up to her Pokemon, hugging his neck with her arms. “I know you’re ready to go home, so lets saddle up!” Just as she was about to jump on Zebstrika’s back, a sudden tap was felt on her shoulders. “Hmm…” she said, turning around to a figure in front of her. “And who might you be my dear?”
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He lastly agreed with her suggestion, a deep sip as he lift his drink, an inebriate glance when she made eye-contact with him, a rather wide grin as he spoke; he was different from usual, his attitude has changed till the moment he sipped that alcoholic. Man, today’s gig rocked, he spoke louder than he usually did, a surprised expression as the girl noticed his sudden change of behavior. How unusual of him, she thought, a poisonous smile pursed her slim lips as she realized what a lustful turn that night could turn.
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“I see you’re finally enjoy the atmosphere of the place” she hissed as she leant nearby his ear, a soft giggle as she pulled back, sipping what it was remained of her drink, concluding it before he took her again against his chest, now dragging her away from the counter, not going toward where she was hoping, sadly. “Heeey, weren’t we going to the poker table?—“ her simpering was effortless as the taller guitarist wasn’t interested in that dingy play that she utterly loved, yet his interest seemed to rebound on those photo booth things you could often see in shopping malls and such, what the heck did he want to do?
“Jet, what theee?—“
She just stared at him as he pulled the short curtain with his hand, motioning the girl to enter first, a languid smile as he insisted for her to enter. On the other hand, she couldn’t refuse such offer, she truly wanted to join the green table, yet she couldn’t disappoint his best friend, right?
“Right, I’m entering, geez” she snorted, a sudden sly smile as she turned toward him, “Are you coming? Here, have a seat underneath me” she offered, her tiny hand gently grabbing his arm, letting him enter and accommodate on the rather small footstool, a moment after her minute body was on his lap, comfortably making herself at ease. “You’re quite comfy, you know it?” she whispered as she leant near his face, more like a purr than a normal speaking, the alcohol didn’t have a nice effect on her.
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“So, what kind of photo do you want to take?” she questioned, she was actually opened to any kind of suggestions, no brakes could stop her.
❝ I bet you can't defeat me ❞ || Roxie & Jet
The girl grabbed one of the brown bottles of beer, taking a swig of the booze. As lively as ever. His crimson optics eyed the tray of liquor, attentively studying the alcohol. Ah, what the hell. He gave in to the girl’s offer, laying his fingers on one of the glass bottles and chugging down the liquid it held. Bang. Jet was a delicate person, especially when his throat was shot with alcohol. 
It stung his body, sure, but this meant that he is now free. Roxie is about to meet the devil within Jet. Not quite the devil, but the Jet who is much more lively and flirtatious. Otherwise known as Avalon, drunk Jet isn’t crude or evil, he is just the Jet who isn’t afraid to say anything. The night was just about to get interesting. 
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"Man, today’s gig rocked," he yelled, stretching his arms upwards as he wore a wide grin. He could see Roxie’s eyebrow lift at his sudden change of attitude. Anyone who has ever met Jet would know that he wouldn’t even say one word at such a volume. As he chugged down more of the spirit, he walked over to one of those cheesy photo booth things with his arm around Roxie’s shoulders. 
He gestured for her to enter, bobbing his head to the side. He’d like to make as many memories of his youth possible. 
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“An interesting donut girl„ || Roxie & Mei
The purplish gas emanated from one of the highest tower in the industrial area was one of the most important part of the Virbank Complex, and honestly speaking, was Roxie’s pride. There were few other towers in the zone, the area was even divided in two zones, the waterway part and the rest was dedicated to a distillation tower, or a topper, that separated the crude oil into different components, the smokestacks were burning up waste gas, and the gas holders were spherical in order to be optimum for the gas, and were a symbol of harmony. Even poison could symbolize perfection, even though it usually was emblem of wickedness.
Roxie utterly loved to stroll around its intricate pipelines, long mazes of lead and puffs of steam, now and then confident trainers challenged her in a Pokèmon battle, most of them hopelessly losing, though not desponding, nay, they kept their smug smile, as they were rather satisfied to have battled one of the eight Gym Leader of Unova, the youngest one and probably the fierce one, you wouldn’t underestimate her skills.
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Swiftly moving along the rusty duct, her pale hand gently ran above it, fingertips grazing against that corroded tubes, a brief smile as she eyed two young trainers battling each other, a boy and a girl; the young man actually didn’t catch Roxie’s attention, nay the girl did. She was such a lovely lass, her chocolate brown hair tied in two long pigtails, rolled up at the base, much alike two donuts. Her battling skills were rather unique, her ability to issue orders to her Pokèmon were precise and soft at the same time, such grace she wasn’t used to see that often in trainers that attended the Virbank Complex. She was rare, she was something, the whitehead had to know more about her and her stunning talent.
She took few steps in her direction, a complacent smile pursed her lips, hands clapping against each other, she was pleased. “Nice battle you had, sweetie” she blurted, a quick glance over the beaten trainer, not blaming him for having lost, as she recognized her unbelievable abilities. “You’re not from here, right?” she returned her gaze to the young girl, a crafty smile now curling her lips, “I’ve never seen you around this zone— And I’m often strolling around the area” she pointed out, now examining more accurately her fine facial features, marveling for such gracefulness. She was indeed a cute girl.
“So, who are you then?”
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"A nerdy lover at the exhibition!" || Roxie & Charen (Event)
And there she was, apathetically standing in front of an enormous picture, the main subject of the painting wasn’t actually certain, even the white-haired girl couldn’t really tell. It seemed one of those spooky piscis you could find in the depth of the ocean, no, not a Lanturn. Far more scarier than it. The whole background was dark, probably resembling the deep profundities of where this type of fish lived, the solely thing you could see was its ominous toothing and a tiny light hanging from a protuberance growing from its forehead. Creepy as hell. Yet, on the other hand, Roxie wasn’t there just for spending her time while staring at a huge painting; she was waiting for someone. Not a fan, not a challenger, she actually didn’t know who he was, nor if he was a good persons or not; she simply knew he was going to be his accompanist for the whole day. A lover basically, as what she got through was a so called blind date,  a social engagement between two persons who have not previously met.
I wonder what kind of person he would be..
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Turquoise eyes fixed on the picture, the whitehead waited aimlessly for him, not even bothering about the persons all around her, several people walked past her, not so many actually stopped at the painting, it wasn’t a famous artist; yet his way of painting was rather unique, and Roxie utterly fell in love with it, her soul trapped in what it was called Stendhal syndrome. Actually thinking about the place they chose, she was rather surprised to admit she would be able to enjoy such place without get bored in less than a minute. She was indeed an artistic person, yet she had never considered art as its main form; she loved art in the form of music, but she might consider it as paintings and sculptures, huh.
I guess I still have to wait . . . 
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  As the taller guitarist eventually nodded, surrendering to her request, the two of them made their way to the first counter, the one which offered any kind of beverage, next to it was the one Roxie wanted to attend first, the area of the local dedicated to the card game of poker. She was a big fan of card game, mostly the one where you can bet money. She wasn’t that great in card games, yet she was a sneaky dealer and an excellent cheater, not to mention she was greatly capable of detecting whenever someone was cheating. You couldn’t fuck around with her.
Arrived at the counter, an unpleasant scenery was shown; drunken man casually hitting on young woman, ominous dudes betting with others, shady figures talking about dirty business. As I said before, it wasn’t  exactly a place for a young girl as Roxie, yet she thought she was older enough to attend such spot, not even bothering about that trash, she as well loved to be drunk or to waste her money, she had her little guilty pleasures, you know.
“Yo! Two astrongdrinks please!” she ordered, a mischievous tone leaked from her words as she spoke to the barman, then swiftly turning toward Jet, a smug smile curling her lips. “Hope you don’t mind alcohol—“
A sudden rush against the couple, the whitehead found herself mashed onto Jet’s upper chest, an awkward feeling spread throughout her stomach, abashment maybe? She herself wasn’t quite sure about it, he was her favourite guitarist after all, nothing more and nothing less. Roxie?!? Are you okay?? he almost yelled, his face astonishingly closer to hers, his arms wrapped around her slender waist, they seemed a lovable couple.
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“J-Jet..! I’m fine..Don’t worry—“ she was breathless, heartbeat increasing as she felt his closeness, not really expecting such reaction from him. Once again, he surprised her with his stunning concern, acting as if she truly meant something for him. Was it far more than an impression?
“Uh..Let’s drink, shall we?” she suggested, her cheeks slightly flushed, gently pulling back from his embrace. “Here—” she took her drink as well, already sipping it in her mouth. “We’re here for having fun, right?” she mischievously giggled, already forgetting her embarrassment, alcohol had an immediate effect on her.
❝ I bet you can't defeat me ❞ || Roxie & Jet
With the girl within his hold, she had whispered something to him. "Wanna play something with me?" she asked, a grin turning up on her face as giggles slid out of her lips. She held onto Jet, securely crawling up closer to his body in the tight space. Jet’s face deepened a slight shade of reddish peach as he felt her body against his. Eh, a game or two couldn’t hurt. He gave in to her request, nodding silently at her.
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"Sure, why not?" he spoke, smiling a slight warm smile in her direction. He grabbed her closer until her face was inches away from his chest. They scurried past the crowd to get to the counter that was packed with drunken men and wasted trainers who had stopped by to take a break. 
A strong rush passed the two, pushing Roxie closer to Jet, to the point that her face was muffled against the guitarist’s upper torso. Jet looked down in shock, checking if the rocker was alright. He wrapped his arms around her, prying her head off his chest. Now it just looked like they were hugging in a loving embrace.
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"Roxie?!? Are you okay??" he asked, his eyes full of concern as he hadn’t noticed that his face was just centimetres away from hers.
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Her turquoise eyes wondered on his face, an inquisitive glance hit him as their eyes met, she actually hasn’t realized he’s got such peculiar eyes; they were a mixture of green and azure, not much as hers, darker, more darker, yet intriguing. She could spend the whole rest of the day while staring at them, even if it could sound a little creepy. She liked staring at persons, yet she didn’t like to be stared. Pretty selfish, isn’t it? But that wasn’t the point, she wanted to know the truth that laid behind what it seemed to be a mask, knowing what his true intentions were, acquire some useful information about that spooky dude.
“I liked it. I never learned to play an instrument and I’ve always wanted too but..”
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How surprising. Never ever she thought a thief wanted to steal one of her instruments just for pleasure. She always thought most of her attempted thefts were done just for making money, a hoard as her instruments were rather valuable and expensive, some of them specially made for her needs. There was nothing more precious than an original bass-guitar. Those things are expensive, y’know— he concluded his phrase, leaving a bitter taste in Roxie’s mouth. He couldn’t afford even a simply economic guitar? Perhaps his parents weren’t that rich, or maybe he was living on his own and couldn’t afford enough money. That could be a possible explanation of his ‘career’ as a thief, nothing wrong with that. But then again, why her, why her instrument, why a rockstar like her? He could easily have tried to steal from a music store, it would have been much more easier than trying to steal something from that tough white-haired girl. Maybe you couldn’t really tell, yet she could be rather fierce when dealing about her main interest, music. You could bet anything that she would risk her own life for it, no matter what. It was part of her life, it was her life, she couldn’t do without it. Stealing one of her instruments was comparable to spoil her own life.
Yet he seems different—
Turquoise eyes never shifted as he spoke, he got her interest, her pity, her affection. He seemed to be genuinely interested in the field of music, his eyes spoke for him, yet something, someone deprived him to accomplish what it seemed to be one of his dreams. If you don’t believe me, that’s fine. I ain’t gonna bother you anymore, his tone was no more harsh as before, a bare hint of gentleness leaked from his words, a tender gesture toward his ghostly Pokèmon, he was a caring man, after all.
“You’re probably right— Yet I can’t just let you go like this” her tone was soft, confident, a hint of concern leaked from her lips as she leant closer to the ominous man, a brief smile as she took one of his hand, her hand rummaged in her pocket, a black marker wrapped in her fingers. Swiftly, she opened his hand, pointing the black marker at his palm, jotting down an address. “Come to see me if you want, I’d be glad to teach you something about music” she giggled, lastly dropping his hand, beginning to walk away from the male figure, Seviper speedily following his trainer. She wanted to give him a chance, he deserved it.
Her fragile body was perched on a chair, azure eyes looking into space as she plucked the strings of her bass-guitar. Even if she wouldn’t admit it, she was waiting for him, friable hopes lingered in her mind as she ventured any possible options, wondering if he really has been honest with her about his intention, his eyes spoke to me, they weren't lying, she kept thinking, the same melancholic melody was resounding in the soundproof room, an infinite loop with no ending. Will he come to see me?
grand theft bass ;; jasper & roxie
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Nothing was better than a game corner for a childish rocker like her, no nothing was far too entertaining than a place like this. Well, maybe there were certain situations that were surely even more interesting to undertake, yet she couldn’t let such occasion slide down on her expectations. It has been a rather busy week for the young whitehead, a short stop at a place like this wouldn’t ruin anything, nay, it would surely enhance her mood, things couldn’t get worse.
Speeded her pace inside the building, the youngster swiftly found the taller boy beside her, he wouldn’t let her go inside alone, that was for sure. On the other hand, she wouldn’t enter all by herself, or maybe she could have done it, yet the more you were, the more fun you had, right? That was what the bleached-haired girl thought as she stepped forward in a crowd of young persons, each of them lurking in front of slot machines of every kind, coins spilling on the floor, loud sounds coming from old arcade cabinet, several man perched on the counter, demanding for more alcohol. Sure not a nice place for a lady, yet she didn’t care, at all, she as well enjoyed those kinds of activities, she couldn’t deny it. Everyone have their own skeleton to hide in a closet.
"Stay close, Roxie,"
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A sudden grasp, his warm arms completely covered her fragile silhouette, his jacket emanated his strong essence, such a redolent fragrance Roxie could melt in his embrace, sweetly lullabied against his chest. I’m okay she wanted to say, yet no words leaked from her dry lips, just a brief smile curled her crease, a gentle grin, she really appreciated his concern, he was her favourite guitarist, after all. Guess I have to stick with him, huh— that was rather rude to think, he was trying to protect her in the end, nothing wrong with that, correct? Yet, the short lass was highly surprised with such reaction, she couldn’t really expect him to act that way in her regards, she didn’t deem she was something for him, or was it just an impression?
Gently, she perched her slim fingers on his arms, tightening her grip, few words eventually came out her mouth, almost muffled, “It’s okay Jet, I’m fine—“ she pointed out, another giggles followed her explanation. “Wanna play something with me?”
She came here for a specific reason: enjoy herself and chill out. He wouldn’t be an obstacle, indeed, he would be one of her toys if that was the case, yet one thing was for sure; he as well needed to enjoy himself.
❝ I bet you can't defeat me ❞ || Roxie & Jet
The great thing about being with Roxie, for Jet, was that she never made him feel obliged to do something. She never put him under any pressure. Though she may seem overly upbeat and hyperactive, she is understanding and fun to be around. The rocker dragged her body towards the brightly-lit area with a neon sign bolted onto the front. 
"GAME CORNER"it read, its flashy lights blinding Jet’s eyes in multiple directions, each ray of light outstretched from the centre of his vision.
"Shall we stop here? Pleaseeeee?" she asked, a sheepish smile on her face. 
He couldn’t just let her go alone. Who knows what kind of trouble she’d get herself into… He hesitantly trailed behind her, speeding up his pace to get by her side. The loud sounds of coins piling on top of each other, the jingle of casino machines and the chattering of drunken men and women flowed in the murky, alcohol-reeking air.
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"Stay close, Roxie," he called out to her, slinging his arm over her shoulder. This was rather easy to do, considering his and her height.
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