#railway compensation on death
greport2018 · 2 years
Passengers' death compensation rules of Indian Railways
Passengers’ death compensation rules of Indian Railways
Recently, very shocking and painful news came out from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. A rod lying on the track of Aligarh railway station broke the window of Nilanchal Express and entered the passenger’s neck and crossed his head. The passenger died on the spot in this tragic accident. Man dies after iron rod pierces his neck in moving train The floor of the compartment turned red with blood. During…
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fatehbaz · 4 months
In 1833, Parliament finally abolished slavery in the British Caribbean, and the taxpayer payout of £20 million in “compensation” [paid by the government to slave owners] built the material, geophysical (railways, mines, factories), and imperial infrastructures of Britain [...]. Slavery and industrialization were tied by the various afterlives of slavery in the form of indentured and carceral labor that continued to enrich new emergent industrial powers [...]. Enslaved “free” African Americans predominately mined coal in the corporate use of black power or the new “industrial slavery,” [...]. The labor of the coffee - the carceral penance of the rock pile, “breaking rocks out here and keeping on the chain gang” (Nina Simone, Work Song, 1966), laying iron on the railroads - is the carceral future mobilized at plantation’s end (or the “nonevent” of emancipation). [...] [T]he racial circumscription of slavery predates and prepares the material ground for Europe and the Americas in terms of both nation and empire building - and continues to sustain it.
Text by: Kathryn Yusoff. "White Utopia/Black Inferno: Life on a Geologic Spike". e-flux Journal Issue #97. February 2019.
When the Haitian Revolution erupted [...], slaveholding regimes around the world grew alarmed. In response to a series of slave rebellions in its own sugar colonies, especially in Jamaica, the British Empire formally abolished slavery in the 1830s. [...] Importing indentured labor from Asia emerged as a potential way to maintain the British Empire’s sugar plantation system. In 1838 John Gladstone, father of future prime minister William E. Gladstone, arranged for the shipment of 396 South Asian workers, bound to five years of indentured labor, to his sugar estates in British Guiana. The experiment [...] inaugurated [...] "a new system of [...] [indentured servitude]," which would endure for nearly a century. [...] Desperate to regain power and authority after the war [and abolition of chattel slavery in the US], Louisiana’s wealthiest planters studied and learned from their Caribbean counterparts. [...] Thousands of Chinese workers landed in Louisiana between 1866 and 1870, recruited from the Caribbean, China and California. [...] When Congress debated excluding the Chinese from the United States in 1882, Rep. Horace F. Page of California argued that the United States could not allow the entry of “millions of cooly slaves and serfs.”
Text by: Moon-Ho Jung. "Making sugar, making 'coolies': Chinese laborers toiled alongside Black workers on 19th-century Louisiana plantations". The Conversation. 13 January 2022.
The durability and extensibility of plantations [...] have been tracked most especially in the contemporary United States’ prison archipelago and segregated urban areas [...], [including] “skewed life chances, limited access to health [...], premature death, incarceration [...]”. [...] [In labor arrangements there exists] a moral tie that indefinitely indebts the laborers to their master, [...] the main mechanisms reproducing the plantation system long after the abolition of slavery [...]. [G]enealogies of labor management […] have been traced […] linking different features of plantations to later economic enterprises, such as factories […] or diamond mines […] [,] chartered companies, free ports, dependencies, trusteeships [...].
Text by: Irene Peano, Marta Macedo, and Colette Le Petitcorps. "Introduction: Viewing Plantations at the Intersection of Political Ecologies and Multiple Space-Times". Global Plantations in the Modern World: Sovereignties, Ecologies, Afterlives (edited by Petitcrops, Macedo, and Peano). Published 2023.
Louis-Napoleon, still serving in the capacity of president of the [French] republic, threw his weight behind […] the exile of criminals as well as political dissidents. “It seems possible to me,” he declared near the end of 1850, “to render the punishment of hard labor more efficient, more moralizing, less expensive […], by using it to advance French colonization.” [...] Slavery had just been abolished in the French Empire [...]. If slavery were at an end, then the crucial question facing the colony was that of finding an alternative source of labor. During the period of the early penal colony we see this search for new slaves, not only in French Guiana, but also throughout [other European] colonies built on the plantation model.
Text by: Peter Redfield. Space in the Tropics: From Convicts to Rockets in French Guiana. 2000.
To control the desperate and the jobless, the authorities passed harsh new laws, a legislative program designed to quell disorder and ensure a pliant workforce for the factories. The Riot Act banned public disorder; the Combination Act made trade unions illegal; the Workhouse Act forced the poor to work; the Vagrancy Act turned joblessness into a crime. Eventually, over 220 offences could attract capital punishment - or, indeed, transportation. […] [C]onvict transportation - a system in which prisoners toiled without pay under military discipline - replicated many of the worst cruelties of slavery. […] Middle-class anti-slavery activists expressed little sympathy for Britain’s ragged and desperate, holding […] [them] responsible for their own misery. The men and women of London’s slums weren’t slaves. They were free individuals - and if they chose criminality, […] they brought their punishment on themselves. That was how Phillip [commander of the British First Fleet settlement in Australia] could decry chattel slavery while simultaneously relying on unfree labour from convicts. The experience of John Moseley, one of the eleven people of colour on the First Fleet, illustrates how, in the Australian settlement, a rhetoric of liberty accompanied a new kind of bondage. [Moseley was Black and had been a slave at a plantation in America before escaping to Britain, where he was charged with a crime and shipped to do convict labor in Australia.] […] The eventual commutation of a capital sentence to transportation meant that armed guards marched a black ex-slave, chained once more by the neck and ankles, to the Scarborough, on which he sailed to New South Wales. […] For John Moseley, the “free land” of New South Wales brought only a replication of that captivity he’d endured in Virginia. His experience was not unique. […] [T]hroughout the settlement, the old strode in, disguised as the new. [...] In the context of that widespread enthusiasm [in Australia] for the [American] South (the welcome extended to the Confederate ship Shenandoah in Melbourne in 1865 led one of its officers to conclude “the heart of colonial Britain was in our cause”), Queenslanders dreamed of building a “second Louisiana”. [...] The men did not merely adopt a lifestyle associated with New World slavery. They also relied on its techniques and its personnel. [...] Hope, for instance, acquired his sugar plants from the old slaver Thomas Scott. He hired supervisors from Jamaica and Barbados, looking for those with experience driving plantation slaves. [...] The Royal Navy’s Commander George Palmer described Lewin’s vessels as “fitted up precisely like an African slaver [...]".
Text by: Jeff Sparrow. “Friday essay: a slave state - how blackbirding in colonial Australia created a legacy of racism.” The Conversation. 4 August 2022.
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scotianostra · 11 days
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17th September 1745, Prince Charles Edward Stuart declared his father, James Francis Edward Stuart, to be the rightful King of Scotland.
Just a wee follow on from recent posts regarding Charlie's stay in Edinburgh.........
The Prince remained in Edinburgh until the end of October before moving south to begin his ill-fated invasion of England.
An interesting anecdote survives from this visit. The Prince’s band of Highland followers “....with their bagpipes and plaids, rusty rapiers, matchlocks and firelocks.....” had camped on a nearby field of nearly ripe pease (peas). The tenant farmer, David Wright, called at Grays Mill and demanded compensation for his ruined crop. The Prince offered a promissory note in the name of the ‘Prince Regent’ (which would have been his Royal title when the Stuart’s regained the throne), but this was not acceptable to the farmer as it relied upon the Stuart's regaining the throne. The name of the ‘Duke of Perth’ was then offered by an amused Prince as being a more credit worthy guarantor, which was accepted.
It was not until around 1835 that my Great Great Grandfather Matthew Cochrane took over the lease of Grays Mill with his son in law William Henderson becoming Mill Master at the adjoining grain mill. It was on this farm that my Grandfather learnt his farming skills under his own Grandfather, then upon the latter's death in 1870 took over the lease himself at age 19 before emigrating to New Zealand in 1879. I have visited Graysmill three times but sadly all that is evident are industrial buildings, warehouses and car parks. The only points of reference now are the Water of Leith Lodge no 1267 at 26 Inglis Green Road, the railway viaduct, and the aqueduct carrying the Union Canal, all visible in the 1933 aerial photo shown above. Gray's Mill Farmhouse will be one historic building that will unfortunately not carry the roundel
"Prince Charles Edward Stuart Slept Here, 16-17th September 1745"
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azuresins · 1 year
New here, new to your blog, very nervous, please be gentle. Real-boy said he would have invested in railways instead of a toy company. I don't know if this is just my personal squick, I don't know if he would-have had the power to force members of the estate to work on railways as part of his 'investment' but either way. I have a (great, great) grandparent who worked as a railroad Navvy, he immigrated to escape Britain's working conditions... that's literally why I'm here. Say what one will about Our!Ciel, but Funtom is providing safer jobs to people... Read a bit about Railroad Navvies during that time period, I'm betting it'll shock you. Contrary to whatever anyone says, they were NOT, "well paid" they were NOT compensated well or even given beds. They died at a high rates, and families weren't compensated for deaths. Sometimes, they weren't even paid with real money... So that definitely set off a 🚩.
I'm so glad your ancestor survived... After taking a closer look.
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I thought, initially...that this was just to illustrate differences between the two of the twins... That "Real!Ciel" would have made what he felt were more business-oriented, practical decisions for monetary gain and expansion ... and not more personal choices, like Our!Ciel.
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(( By "communications" I assume he means something literal. Telephone lines, something like that.)) But after taking another look, that is some very interesting thought-food, you provided. It's very easy, for readers to forget about the working class and common people who's lives are being played with while all of this is going on, and I think that's intentional. It was also clearly illustrated, that Real!Ciel is just not that interested, in investing in areas that might also create more opportunities, for the working class, or for providing with goods and services, to women and children. He seemingly doesn't care for the toys, and didn't seem interested in Funtom supplementing income that theoretically, the Estate could be providing by itself.... You spoke specifically about railways. From what I understand, investors in railways normally didn't want train-tracks running through THEIR property and estates, and that often created problems... but. ...Some didn't mind, so long as it meant exclusivity, and bigger shares of profits. Most especially, when land owners had canals, in their possession. Telephone lines required similar... labor, for their infrastructure (and thus the conditions were also pretty bad for those who had to build them). As for whether or not he could "force" people who lived on his estate into other trades, like that... Absolutely, he could. I think a lot of factors could determine that, but it's not entirely out of the question. It's happened to people, historically. He could certainly make it much harder for people living there, to continue to do so happily. They could move theoretically, they just have to abandon their homes and the only life they've ever known. If they can afford it. Mm. Thinking about a railroad or telephone lines, running right through the estate where that canal was built, kind of breaks my heart a bit... but regardless, I'm glad that didn't happen or hasn't happened, yet. I don't know what fate is going to befall Funtom or the Estate, but I hope the company survives, a while longer. I'm sure if the working classes who live on the Estate had a say in the matter, they'd want Our!Ciel, as their Earl. No contest.
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seemabhatnagar · 1 year
Valid train ticket implies you are bonafide passenger
Smt. Kamlabai v. Union of India
Decided on 07.06.2023
By Hon’ble Justice Smt. M S Jawalkar
Bombay High Court, Nagpur Bench
This is the First Appeal before the Nagpur Bench against the order passed by Railway Claim Tribunal dismissing the appeal the claim of the appellant (mother of the deceased).  
It was submitted by the appellant that on 28.01.2015, Kailash the deceased purchased journey ticket from Ex Badnera to Dhamangaon and boarded on the Amravati-Nagpur Passenger Train.
The train was over crowded hence, due to jostling and pushing of passengers his son fell down from running train at Pulgaon Railway Line near Starter Signal and died on the spot.
The appellant filed a claim of Rs. 4 lacs as compensation on account of death of his son. The Respondent Railway CST Mumbai resisted the claim of the appellant.
Decision of the Railway Tribunal:
Tribunal dismissed the claim of the appellant on 21.11.2017 holding that mere finding of the dead body by the side of track and recovery ticket is not sufficient to prove that the deceased was bonafide passenger.
Aggrieved by the order of the Railway Tribunal appellant mother filed First Appeal before the Hon’ble Bombay High Court, Nagpur Bench.
Observation of the Hon’ble Court:
There is no dispute over the fact, that railway ticket dated 28/01/2015,was purchased from Badnera to Dhamangaon and it has been recovered from the pocket of the deceased by Investigation Officer.
In inquest panchnama as well ticket is found on the body of the person.
The train left from Badnera station at 16.53 hrs. Train arrived at Pulgaon at 17.59 hrs and departed at 18.00 hrs. However, only on the basis of intimation given by Station Manager to the on-duty GRP/RPF, Pulgaon for necessary action and time mention by him is 17.40 hrs., the inference is drawn by the Tribunal that the body was found before arrival of train at Pulgaon station.
There might be mistake in mentioning time in memo by Station Manager, Pulgaon, as that was the only train going from Amravati to Nagpur and when a person purchases a ticket at Badnera just before 10-15 minutes cannot reach at Pulgaon before train reaches to the Pulgaon and commit suicide or tried to cross the railway crossing.
No inference other than falling from the train at Pulgaon can be drawn, in view of the ticket which possessed by the deceased at the time of accident/untoward incident. It has to be presumed when deceased was having valid ticket, he was bonafide passenger of that train.
There are no witnesses examined by the railway to show that he was crossing the railway track and met with an accident.
Railway ticket possessed by the deceased which was valid and was for the same day and body was detected on railway track.
Order passed by learned Tribunal is totally perverse and erroneous and liable to be set aside. In view of schedule to Railway Accidents and Untoward Incidents (Compensation) Rules, 1990, applicant is entitled for Rs.8,00,000/- (Rupees Eight Lakhs), as compensation for death of her deceased son.
Union of India is directed to pay to the appellant the sum of Rs.8,00,000/- and the said amount shall be deposited in the account of claimant after verification of identity within three months.
Seema Bhatnagar
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techtired · 18 days
Top Reasons To Hire A Train Accident Lawyer
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Travelling by train is one of the most popular and affordable modes of transport, offering convenience for both short and long journeys. Although air travel has become a prevalent option, trains provide a less stressful and more cost-effective alternative, especially when it comes to security protocols and expenses. Rail travel offers comfort, scenic views, and reliability, but it is not without its risks. Train accidents, although less frequent than car or bus accidents, can still result in severe injuries, long-term disabilities, and, in some tragic cases, fatalities. When a train accident occurs, it can lead to devastating consequences, including physical injuries, financial burdens, and emotional trauma for the victims and their families. This is why hiring a specialized train accident lawyer becomes crucial. A lawyer with experience in handling train accident cases can help you navigate the complex legal landscape, gather necessary evidence, and ensure that you are adequately compensated for your losses. In this article, we will delve into the top reasons why hiring a train accident lawyer is essential after such an incident. A Train Accident Lawyer can investigate the case and collect the required evidence that may demonstrate fault. A Queens personal injury lawyer can help you take the legal steps required to seek compensation to the extent available under local and federal law. Top 8 Reasons To Hire A Train Accident Lawyer 1. Thorough Investigation of the Accident Train accidents can occur due to a multitude of factors, including human error, mechanical failure, or negligence on the part of the railway company. One of the key roles of a train accident lawyer is to conduct a thorough investigation into the cause of the accident. They will gather evidence, speak to witnesses, and consult experts to determine who is liable for the crash. In many cases, train accidents are not straightforward. There may be multiple parties at fault, including the train operator, the maintenance crew, or even the manufacturer of faulty train parts. A train accident lawyer has the expertise to sift through the evidence and identify the responsible parties. They can help you take the necessary legal steps to seek compensation to the fullest extent allowed under local, state, and federal law. 2. Determining Fault for Faulty Train Parts One of the leading causes of train accidents is faulty train parts. This could involve mechanical failures such as brake malfunctions, signal issues, or defective tracks. When faulty equipment leads to an accident, it can result in catastrophic injuries or even death. In such cases, negligence may fall on multiple parties, including the train manufacturer, the company responsible for maintaining the train, or the operator itself. A train accident lawyer will work to establish that faulty parts caused the accident and will hold the responsible parties accountable. By hiring an attorney, you can improve your chances of proving liability, which is a crucial step in securing financial compensation. 3. Handling Severe Injuries and Medical Expenses Train accidents often lead to severe, life-altering injuries. These injuries can range from broken bones to more serious conditions such as traumatic brain injuries (TBI), spinal cord injuries, or amputations. Recovery from these injuries can take months or even years, and victims may require ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, or even lifelong support. Beyond the physical toll, there are often emotional and psychological consequences, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In such situations, victims may be entitled to compensation not only for medical expenses but also for lost wages, pain and suffering, and diminished quality of life. A train accident lawyer can calculate the full extent of your damages, ensuring that you receive adequate compensation. Without legal representation, victims risk accepting settlements that do not reflect the true cost of their injuries. 4. Dealing with Negligent Conductors or Drivers In some cases, train accidents may be caused by the negligence of train conductors or other drivers. For example, if a conductor is inexperienced or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they may make critical mistakes that result in a collision. Similarly, if another driver (such as a vehicle driver at a railway crossing) behaves recklessly or violates traffic laws, it could lead to a train accident. A train accident lawyer can hold these individuals accountable for their negligence. By reviewing surveillance footage, obtaining witness statements, and examining records of the conductor's behaviour, a skilled attorney can build a strong case against those responsible. Legal representation can ensure that you are not left to shoulder the financial and emotional burden of an accident caused by someone else's recklessness. 5. Addressing Poor Railway and Track Maintenance Railroad companies are responsible for maintaining their tracks and ensuring that the trains run safely. Poorly maintained tracks, malfunctioning crossing signals, or other infrastructure problems can lead to derailments, collisions, or other accidents. When railway companies fail in their duty to provide safe transportation, they may be held liable for accidents that occur as a result. A train accident lawyer will investigate whether poor maintenance contributed to the accident. This may include reviewing maintenance logs, safety inspection reports, and other documentation that can demonstrate the company's negligence. If a railroad company's failure to maintain its infrastructure led to your injuries, your attorney can help you pursue compensation. 6. Navigating Complex Laws and Regulations Railway accidents are governed by a unique set of laws and regulations that differ from those in car or truck accidents. These cases may involve federal laws, such as the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) or the Federal Railroad Administration's (FRA) regulations, depending on the nature of the accident. An experienced train accident lawyer will be familiar with these laws and can navigate the complex legal framework that governs train accidents. Attempting to handle a train accident case without legal representation can be overwhelming, especially when faced with powerful corporations and their legal teams. A specialized lawyer can advocate on your behalf, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you are not taken advantage of by insurance companies or the railway's legal team. 7. Understanding Compensation Options When you're involved in a train accident, the compensation you are entitled to can cover various aspects, such as: - Medical bills (both current and future) - Lost wages and loss of earning capacity - Pain and suffering - Mental anguish - Punitive damages (in cases of gross negligence) A skilled, train accident lawyer can help you understand your compensation options and work tirelessly to maximize your settlement or award. In cases of serious injury or wrongful death, it is essential to have a lawyer who can ensure that your compensation reflects the gravity of your losses. 8. Contingency Fee Arrangement One of the major advantages of hiring a train accident lawyer is that most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you do not have to pay any upfront fees, and you only pay your lawyer if they win your case. This arrangement allows victims to seek legal representation without worrying about the financial burden. With a contingency fee arrangement, you can focus on your recovery while your attorney handles the legal complexities. The lawyer will work diligently to secure a favourable outcome, knowing that their payment depends on the success of the case. Conclusion Train accidents can be traumatic and life-altering events. If you or a loved one has been injured in a train accident, it is crucial to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. A skilled train accident lawyer can help you investigate the cause of the accident, determine liability, and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. By hiring a lawyer, you are not only safeguarding your financial future but also ensuring that those responsible for the accident are held accountable. Whether the accident was caused by faulty equipment, negligent conductors, or poor maintenance, a train accident lawyer can be your advocate during this challenging time. Don't hesitate to reach out to an experienced attorney to protect your rights and secure the compensation you need for your recovery. Read the full article
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warningsine · 1 year
A train crash in eastern India on Friday was the country’s worst rail disaster in two decades, killing more than 270 people and renewing questions about rail safety in a country that has invested heavily in the system — relied on by millions of people every day — in recent years after a long history of deadly crashes.
At least 275 people are confirmed dead.
Two passenger trains collided around 7 p.m. local time Friday after one of them struck a stationary freight train at full speed and derailed in the Balasore District of Odisha State, according to an initial government report. At least 275 people were killed, according to the state government on Sunday, revising an earlier death toll of 288 after an official said some victims had been counted twice. More than 700 passengers were injured — 56 of them suffering “grievous” injuries.
In a preliminary assessment, officials say it began when the first of the two passenger trains struck the idled freight train at full speed, and then derailed. A second passenger train, heading in the opposite direction, then struck some of the dislocated cars. Officials are focusing on signal problems as the probable cause.
More than 2,200 passengers in all were onboard the passenger trains, according to railway officials, and at least 23 cars were derailed in the disaster. The force of the collision left cars so mangled that rescuers used cutting equipment to reach victims.
One of the trains was a Shalimar-Chennai Coromandel Express train, according to South Eastern Railway. The Coromandel Express service has been known for connecting the biggest cities on India’s east coast at a relatively high speed. The other passenger train was a Yesvantpur-Howrah Superfast Express train, running from a commuter hub in Bangalore to Kolkata, the capital of the eastern state of West Bengal.
India’s railway minister, Ashwini Vaishnaw, said that he had ordered an investigation into the cause and that those affected by the crash would receive compensation.
The train derailed near Balasore.
The crash occurred at Bahanaga Bazar station near Balasore, a city near the coast in northeastern Odisha State, which is known for its ancient temples and history as a 17th-century British seaport
Balasore is several hours by car to the nearest airport, in Bhubaneswar, Odisha’s capital. May is usually the hottest time of year, and daily high temperatures were around 100 Fahrenheit in the days before the crash.
The rescue operation was over by Sunday morning. Dozens of trains had been canceled but crews were rushing to restore service after pushing off the train cars involved in the crash off the tracks. The railway minister has said he expects service to resume by Wednesday at the latest.
Derailments have become less common.
Often referred to as the lifeline of India’s economy, the country’s vast rail network is one of the world’s largest, and is vital to lives and livelihoods in India, particularly in the more rural pockets. Nearly all of India’s rail lines, 98 percent, were built from 1870 to 1930, according to a 2018 study published in The American Economic Review.
The deadliest accident in the history of Indian rail is believed to have been in 1981, when a passenger train derailed as it was crossing a bridge in the state of Bihar. Its cars sank into the Bagmati River, killing an estimated 750 passengers; many bodies were never recovered.
Derailments were once frequent in India, with an average of 475 per year from 1980 to about 2002. They have become much less common, with an average of just over 50 a year in the decade leading up to 2021, according to a paper by railway officials presented at the World Congress on Disaster Management.
Rail safety more generally has improved in recent years, with the total number of serious train accidents dropping steadily to 22 in the 2020 fiscal year, from more than 300 annually two decades ago. By 2020, for two years in a row, India had recorded no passenger deaths in rail accidents — a milestone that the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed as an achievement. Until 2017, more than 100 passengers were killed every year.
Even so, deadly crashes have persisted. In 2016, 14 train cars derailed in India’s northeast in the middle of the night, killing more than 140 passengers and injuring 200 others. Officials at the time said a “fracture” in the tracks might have been responsible. In 2017, a late-night derailment in southern India killed at least 36 passengers and injured 40 others.
Friday’s accident was the deadliest at least since a collision in 1995 about 125 miles from Delhi that killed more than 350 people.
Modi has made improving transit a priority.
A main reason for the improved safety of the trains was the elimination of thousands of unmanned railway crossings, which Mr. Modi’s government said had been achieved in 2019. The relatively low-level engineering work of building underpasses and posting more signal conductors also drastically reduced crashes.
Mr. Modi has made it a priority to improve infrastructure, especially transportation systems, around the country. In recent years, the railroads, among the most visible projects for ordinary citizens, have received attention for a series of high-tech initiatives. Mr. Modi has been inaugurating electric medium-range trains and is building a Japanese-style “bullet train” corridor on the west coast to connect Mumbai with Ahmedabad.
On Saturday, though, instead of inaugurating a new train as scheduled, Mr. Modi visited the scene of the train wreck.
The train system, and especially train accidents, have long affected the fortunes of India’s politicians. The cabinet position of railway minister has been one of the most sought after posts because it is both high-profile and influential in business and industry. Suresh Prabhu, who is credited with designing New Delhi’s world-class subway system, was pressed into resigning from his post in September 2017, after a series of accidents.
Within hours of Friday’s disaster, some opposition politicians were already calling for the resignation of Mr. Vaishnaw, the railway minister.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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How many people in Britain today have benefited from industrialised slavery in the Caribbean? A vast and many-stranded enterprise, it was responsible for 11% of British GDP at its height in 1800. Wealth and privilege seeps down the generations, and British slavery ended only 185 years ago: there must be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Britons whose lives are touched by the money it generated.
“You aren’t responsible for what your ancestors did. You are responsible for what you do,” says the writer on culture and racism Emma Dabiri. I examined my ancestors’ involvement in a book published two years ago. Now I, and others with similar histories, have decided we should go further.
We’ve tried to listen and learn from the descendants of those who were enslaved. Today, we launch a new lobbying group – Heirs of Slavery. We hope to support the existing movements asking nations and institutions for apology and discussions about repair. First on that list is the Caricom group of nations and its 10-point action plan for reparative justice, delivered to Britain and other European nations in 2014. That request for talks has been derided and ignored in Britain (though not by the governments of Denmark and the Netherlands).
Acknowledgement, repair and reconciliation: these are good things to work for in modern Britain. We hope more heirs will join us.
They are many. Records from the 1830s show that 46,000 individuals, including two of my three-times great-grandfathers, received British governmental compensation for “giving up their slaves” at abolition, which was completed in 1838. Some put the money into land, or into shares in railways and the other tech startups of the British industrial revolution. That huge injection of cash seeded new fortunes: some of those families remain among the richest and most powerful in our country today.
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But LBS’s list is just of the people who held the 700,000 enslaved of the Caribbean as property at abolition – it is only a snapshot of an industry that went on for 250 years. There were a host of ways to make a fortune, or a living, out of the vast enterprise of exploiting the free labour of enslaved human beings – most without ever setting eyes on the horror that was a sugar plantation or a slave ship.
Shipbuilders, gunmakers, rum distillers, cutlery manufacturers all profited. As ever, the big money was made by the financiers – money-lenders, mortgagers and insurers – many of whose companies were gobbled up later by the banks whose names we know today.
Looking at my own family’s history, you see just how wide the economic reach of their business was. Every year they shipped out basic British manufactured goods – from salted herring and beef to cloth woven in the east of Scotland – to feed and clothe the enslaved Africans and the hired Scots men who ran their plantations.
The profits from sugar were so great that it was cheaper for the plantation owners to manufacture everything – from bricks to saddles – back in Britain and buy new enslaved people from Africa when they had worked those they had to death. The life expectancy of an African adult newly arrived in the Caribbean colonies at the height of the trade was just four years.
And at the other end of the story is government. My ancestors’ records show they paid more in tax on their slavery businesses than the family ever made from them. It is clear, too, that involvement in banks that lent money to slavers was far more lucrative than the business of running a sugar plantation. The men who helped found the Manchester Guardianfor the most part made their fortunes not from slave ownership, but from manufacturing with slave-grown cotton. Obviously, that makes the people behind those institutions no less culpable.
What do you do with this knowledge? People have been getting in touch with me since I published my not-for-profit book. Like me, many are aware that though not directly wealthy from slavery, we have privilege that derives from our recent ancestors’ comfortable and empowered lives, and the violence and greed that enabled those.
“I can’t feel guilty about something I had no part in, but I do feel shame,” such people say. There’s much to feel ashamed of, then and now. But there is atonement of a sort available.
The obvious thing is to ask people who are descended from those who were enslaved what we should do. In my experience, the first answer is almost always “apologise”. Britain has apologised for its part in the Irish famine of the 1840s, for the murder of civilians in Kenya in the 1950s – why not for this great crime against humanity? Apology has power: those who mock proposals for reparation and reconciliation with west Africa and the Caribbean fear it.
And then there’s justice and money. Simply put, how can it be fair that those descended from the enslaved are so much poorer today than those descended from the enslavers? That’s generally true in unequal Britain and in the Caribbean. Guyana, once one of the richest of the British sugar colonies, is now among the poorest countries in the northern hemisphere.
Some of my family, and others I’m in touch with, give to educational projects and other organisations here and in the Caribbean. Glasgow University and the Scott Trust, owner of the Guardian, have started their own multimillion pound reparations projects. Lloyds of London and Greene King brewers have made promises. Hundreds of other institutions are watching.
We all understand this work is a token. In our case, how can you compensate for the 900 or so people who died on the plantations, and for their descendants, left to live in poverty? How to calculate the worth of a ruined life?
Charitable giving is just the easiest of many options: coalition is more interesting. Our privilege and influence can be put to use in the work that our institutions and our nation should do.
Britain’s governments and the royal family legitimised and encouraged British transatlantic slavery; it is for the whole country to address the racism, poverty and inequality that derive from it. We who are the heirs of slavery’s wealth have a part to play in that. “We cannot change the past,” says Sir Geoff Palmer, the Jamaican-born Scottish campaigner for acknowledgment of the legacies of slavery, “but we can change the consequences of the past.” That is inspiring.
Alex Renton’s Blood Legacy: Reckoning With a Family’s Story of Slavery is published by Canongate. He is a co-founder of Heirs of Slaver
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railroadasbestos · 2 years
Stomach Cancer Asbestos Lawyer Flagstaff AZ
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Were you employed by a railroad company prior to 1982? Have you since been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease? Our team wants to help you. Our stomach cancer asbestos lawyers services Flagstaff, AZ work with individuals like you to get the compensation you deserve for the time you spent working with this toxic material.
What Is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals with current or historical commercial usefulness due to their extraordinary tensile strength, poor heat conduction, and relative resistance to chemical attack. For these reasons, asbestos is used for insulation in buildings and as an ingredient in a number of products, such as roofing shingles, water supply lines, and fire blankets, as well as clutches and brake linings, gaskets, and pads for automobiles. The main forms of asbestos are chrysotile (white asbestos) and crocidolite (blue asbestos). Other forms include amosite, anthophylite, tremolite and actinolite.
Asbestos Was Used Heavily in the Railroad Industry
As a railroad worker, you helped develop America’s economy and transportation system. Through repairs and inspections, you made sure railways were safe for passengers and cargo. Employers and manufacturers should have made sure railways were safe for you. Unfortunately, they didn’t. Railroad equipment manufacturers knew asbestos exposure could cause irreversible damage to your health but did nothing to change their asbestos-containing products. Because of their negligence, they were required by the courts to set aside over $30 billion dollars to compensate affected railroad workers and their families. If you worked as a railroader prior to 1982, there is a high chance you have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos was a popular material for railroad equipment and buildings because of its heat-resistant properties. In particular, if you worked on older equipment or in repair yards, you may have inhaled dust containing asbestos as the parts wore down. Although your employment was decades ago, the symptoms of asbestos-related diseases can manifest 10-40 years after exposure, so it is important to monitor your health and watch for symptoms of exposure.
Asbestos Exposure Linked To Colon Cancer
There are many asbestos related cancers that come as a result of working closely with this toxic material. While many people are aware of lung diseases, such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. less people are aware of the other types of cancer that can result from exposure such as colon cancer. Individuals with colon cancer commonly will not experience symptoms in the early stages of this disease. When symptoms do appear, they’ll likely vary, depending on the cancer’s size and location in your large intestine. If you have been exposed to asbestos, regular cancer screenings are recommended as it may take decades for cancers to develop. Catching cancer in its earliest stages provides better treatment options.
Free Asbestos Exposure Consultation in United States
At Sammons & Berry, P.C. we offer a no-cost, no-obligation consultation, so you can discuss the facts of your case without paying for anything upfront. Asbestos trusts claims do not require a lawsuit, depositions, or courtrooms. The process is simple and easy for the client and should not require any stressful legal confrontations for the client. The law firm handles all of the claims for the client, helping you maximize your compensation. We do not accept any payments from our clients until they receive compensation. We charge on a contingent fee basis, which means you pay a percentage of what you get paid in your claim. If we are unable to collect anything for you, there is no cost to you. Call (800) 519-1440 to speak with a Sammons and Berry, P.C. representative and start your journey towards compensation.
Wrongful Death Claims For Families of Asbestos Victims
If you have lost someone in your family due to the harmful exposure of asbestos, you may be entitled to compensation. If you can provide the work history and a death certificate for your loved one, our attorneys can help you file an asbestos claim. We understand how difficult this process can be, this is why we work with you every step of the way to help you get the money you deserve. Reach out to our team today to learn more about filing a claim for a family member.   See if you qualify for compensation Sammons & Berry, P.C. 800-519-1440 View our Google Listing View our Facebook Read the full article
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filmsdulosange · 2 years
Railroad Crashes: Common Reasons, Statistics and also Avoidance
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Train mishaps aren't as usual as various other transportation mishaps, which probably is why they aren't considered as a significant danger. Although railroads aren't utilized as commonly as they were in centuries past, they still stay fairly energetic. Actually, trains are still rather common in the United States - especially metros, commuter trains, cable cars, etc. In the United States alone, there are around 600 railways, numerous hundreds of miles of tracks, and over 209,000 railroad crossings.Unfortunately, when train accidents happen, they  often|frequently|typically|commonly|usually} result in severe injuries and also fatalities.When this occurs, acquiring payment from the company or specific accountable can be extra difficult than it needs to be. Nobody wishes to be held responsible for such a tragic mishap, as well as their insurer will combat tooth and also nail to refute or decrease your benefits.Whether you were injured while benefiting a railroad firm or you're a train traveler hurt in a wreck, we motivate you to get in touch with the seasoned Tennessee train crash attorneys at Gilreath & Associates.Train Accident Data -According to the Federal Railroad Management, in 2014 there were 11,896 train crashes at railroad & crossings, causing 804 fatalities and thousands of injuries over the course of that year.-Trains are estimated to kill 1 person every 100 mins. Yearly almost 1,000 individuals are killed in train related crashes.-Majority of all railroad crashes take place at unguarded crossings. -Greater than 80 percent of crossings lack appropriate caution devices such as lights and gates.-Owners of lorries that hit a train are 40 times a lot more most likely to die than if they had hit an additional vehicle of equivalent dimension. Sever Car Crash Compilation Can Hep: - Every 2 weeks a train carrying dangerous products thwarts in the United States.The Great Train Wreck of 1918 Tennessee has a specifically troubling background when it involves train mishaps. The Great Train Accident of 1918, which took place near Nashville on July 9, 1918, is extensively considered to be the worst rail mishap calamity in United States background to this particular day. Over 100 individuals died and a minimum of another 170 were hurt when two traveler trains, run by the Nashville, Chattanooga as well as St. Louis Train ("NC&S tL" ), collided head-on at 50 to 60 miles per hour.When the Interstate Business Compensation(ICC )explored the source of the mishap, they identified a number of aspects were at fault such vital errors made by the staff and tower drivers. The ICC likewise positioned several of the blame for the high number of deaths on the absence of a system for precisely identifying train positions and the wooden building of the cars.Top 10 Sources of Train & Railroad Accidents There are a selection of reasons that train crashes occur-many of which happen at crossings when cars attempt to"beat"the train. When these crashes take place, they frequently involve the guests, chauffeur, as well as some passersby.While every case is unique, the most common sources of train crashes include: -Carelessness -Human error-Negligent pedestrians and also chauffeurs-Mechanical failure- Speedy trains-
Bad Drivers are Crazy:
Defective tracks- Derailments -Unprotected railway crossings -Delayed cars on the track-Suicides 1. Negligence Railway accidents as a result of oversight can be blamed on different teams. Some might be the fault of the railway firm itself, whereas others are due to the fact that a conductor or railroad worker was irresponsible. Some crashes are even brought on by the overlook of a government agency. Russian Car Crash are Everywhere. Or probably an equipment maker can be a reason that the mishap happened.One instance of railway carelessness is when a crossing arm is operated incorrectly. Another negligent blunder is if the driver neglected or fell short to activate the signal light, which ought to have offered appropriate warning.A typical element that adds to this problem is the decades old, outdated modern technology still frequently used for railways and also trains today. Much better innovation is offered to enhance railway security, but embracing these features is often placed on hold because it involves a significant investment.For instance, all Course I main lines that deal with either unsafe materials or traveler trains (or both )were called for by Congress to carry out a system of train control technology called Positive Train Control(PTC )by the end of 2018. PTC aims to avoid numerous various sorts of train crashes such as crashes between trains, grade crossing mishaps, as well as train derailments due to high rates. However, an estimated two-thirds of united state traveler railroads stopped working to satisfy the due date, and also PTC is only in operation on 45%of tracks owned by freight railways as well as 24% of tracks had by guest railways.2. Human Error If the conductor is unskilled, train accidents can conveniently happen. Even those who have actually been functioning in the railroad sector for rather time might make a blunder that hurts other individuals, consisting of passengers. An additional growing issue with both experienced and also brand-new conductors is fatigue. They can not operate the train safely if they're worn down, yet they do so anyway due to pressure they deal with from their managers and company.Human mistake has constantly been just one of one of the most typical reasons for any type of crash. From bad judgment to vision problems to impaired responses, these elements can(and do) add to educate disasters.3. Negligent Pedestrians & Drivers Train mishaps aren't always the fault of the train driver or firm.
Dashcam can be good source for Videos: Sometimes, a negligent or sidetracked pedestrian can cause an accident by depending on or crossing the tracks at the incorrect time. In various other circumstances, the vehicle driver of a car, vehicle, motorbike or other automobile can trigger an accident by leaving their lorry parked on a train track or trying to defeat the train across a going across.4. Mechanical Failing The train operator, train staff members and the business itself can do whatever within their capacity to follow all the needed safety and security treatments, however a train crash can still happen. Mechanical failure and also faulty parts are extra unusual than various other common root causes of train collisions, however they do periodically happen.Trains are large makers with complicated systems and many moving components. All of the different systems have to work together perfectly to give locomotive as well as electrical power . If some item of guidance tools( such as a rail button) or security devices(such as a rail signal )fails, it can create a fatal accident.5. Quick Trains Time and also once again, vehicle accident information shows that driving carelessly fast can lead to serious injuries as well as fatalities. Trains are no exception. Several train mishaps recently revealed that the faster the train, the even worse the consequences end up being in case of an accident and also the higher probability of
derailment.6. Malfunctioning Tracks Obstruction is a common issue with the tracks and also can cause train derailment. International things left inadvertently at the website where the train will pass can be dangerous. Conductors ought to be aware of their environments in all times to manage a potentially dangerous scenario quickly and also safely.
However, in some cases, a conductor stops working to see these obstacles whatsoever or in time to stop a collision.7. Derailments A derailment is when a train runs off its rail, either due to the fact that of a crash with an additional item, a conductor error, mechanical track failure, broken rails, or faulty wheels. A derailment does not always imply the train leaves the tracks- some may be minor. However, a severe derailment can be devastating if it occurs while the train is relocating at a high rate of rate.8. Unguarded railroad crossings Even more than 80 percent of crossings lack sufficient warning devices such as lights and gateways, and also over half of all railway mishaps occur at unsafe crossings. Tennessee locals understand well that there are numerous unprotected railroad crossings across the state. Mishaps at unprotected railway crossings are usually created by: -Poor visibility- Driver diversion- Chauffeur inebriation/intoxication-Motorist attempting to race the train-Malfunctioning signals-Barriers that block a driver's view-Conductor falling short to seem an alarm 9. Stalled automobiles on the track Autos rarely obtain stuck on railroad grade crossings . Much more common is when motorists delay out when decreasing to cross rough qualities because of a badly tuned engine. If this happens to you, first you try to start it again instantly. If it will not start, put your automobile in neutral and also ask for aid to push your lorry off the tracks. But if a train is swiftly coming close to as well as there's no time to conserve your auto, bear in mind that your life and safety are first concern. Get as far from your car as possible|feasible}.10. Suicides Sadly, some individuals pick to take their own lives by standing on the tracks or jumping in front of a train. Federal data show that 266 people eliminated themselves by tipping in front of trains in 2017. Unfortunately, this unfortunate and also hopeless act also jeopardizes other lives such as train teams, emergency responders, passengers as well as bystanders.Train Mishap Liability The information of a train mishap should be evaluated completely in order to figure out fault as well as appropriate payment. In the Department of Transportation Act of 1966, the Federal Railway Management is presented with the authority(and also responsibility) to manage and also advertise train security regulations.Railroad companies as well as commuter railway have a legal responsibility to keep the highest degree of safety for all guests. Additionally, they are needed to mount a black box on all locomotives -a gadget that records details that may be very needed to assess in the occasion of an accident.While the railway is liable for safety and security, they might not constantly live up what they're meant to do. However, it's not always the fault of the train or conductor. There can be lots of aspects associated with accident situations emerging from a significant or dangerous train crash, which is why it is vital to hire a lawyer that is extremely educated in railway mishap litigation.Train Mishap Avoidance & Train Safety And Security To attain safety and security for railways as well as trains, firms are obliged to carry out everything they can to make sure the defense of the travelers, operators, pedestrians, as well as the public.When a train wreck takes place, the black box must be recuperated immediately as it will certainly give information of what resulted in the mishap, such as the speed as well as instructions of the train. The black box is necessary in confirming whether or not there was carelessness for the railway.Fortunately, everybody's safety is more vital than ever before for the railway industry. Operators go through rigorous training and also only those that fulfill strict requirements can be accepted. State assessors likewise collaborate with the FRA to ensure all the railway tracks and centers across the country are safe as well as updated according to security laws.
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emarimac · 2 years
Railway Accidents: Typical Causes, Data as well as Prevention
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Train accidents aren't as usual as other transportation crashes, which probably is why they aren't considered as a significant hazard. Although railroads aren't made use of as typically as they remained in centuries past, they still stay rather active. Actually, trains are still quite typical in the United States - particularly subways, traveler trains, trams, etc. In the United States alone, there are about 600 railroads, thousands of countless miles of tracks, as well as over 209,000 railway crossings.Unfortunately, when train crashes occur, they  often|frequently|typically|commonly|usually} cause major injuries as well as fatalities.When this happens, obtaining compensation from the company or specific responsible can be extra challenging than it should be. No one desires to be held accountable for such a terrible crash, and also their insurance provider will battle tooth and also nail to refute or decrease your benefits.Whether you were injured while working for a railroad firm or you're a train passenger pain in a wreckage, we motivate you to call the skilled Tennessee train mishap attorneys at Gilreath & Associates.Train Mishap Data -According to the Federal Railroad Administration, in 2014 there were 11,896 train mishaps at railroad & crossings, resulting in 804 deaths and also thousands of injuries over the training course of that year.-Trains are estimated to kill 1 person every 100 mins. Yearly virtually 1,000 individuals are eliminated in train associated crashes.-Majority of all railway crashes occur at unprotected crossings. -Even more than 80 percent of crossings do not have appropriate warning gadgets such as lights and also gates.-Residents of cars that hit a train are 40 times much more likely to die than if they had hit an additional lorry of comparable size. Sever Car Crash Compilation Can Hep: - Every two weeks a train bring harmful materials derails in the United States.The Great Train Wreckage of 1918 Tennessee has an especially uncomfortable history when it comes to train mishaps. The Terrific Train Wreck of 1918, which happened near Nashville on July 9, 1918, is extensively taken into consideration to be the worst rail accident catastrophe in US background to today. Over 100 individuals died and at least an additional 170 were harmed when two guest trains, run by the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Train ("NC&S tL" ), collided head-on at 50 to 60 miles per hour.When the Interstate Business Payment(ICC )checked out the reason for the mishap, they figured out a number of variables were responsible such crucial mistakes made by the crew and tower drivers. The ICC additionally positioned a few of the blame for the high number of deaths on the absence of a system for properly establishing train positions as well as the wood construction of the cars.Top 10 Causes of Train & Railway Accidents There are a selection of reasons train mishaps happen-the majority of which happen at crossings when cars and trucks attempt to"beat"the train. When these mishaps occur, they often include the travelers, vehicle driver, and also some passersby.While every instance is distinct, the most common root causes of train crashes consist of: -Neglect -Human error-Negligent pedestrians and also vehicle drivers-Mechanical failing- Quick trains-
Bad Drivers are Crazy:
Defective tracks- Derailments -Vulnerable railroad crossings -Stalled cars and trucks on the track-Suicides 1. Carelessness Railway mishaps due to oversight can be condemned on various groups. Some might be the fault of the train company itself, whereas others are because a conductor or railroad employee was irresponsible. Some crashes are even brought on by the neglect of a government firm. Russian Car Crash are Everywhere. Or probably a devices manufacturer can be a reason the mishap happened.One instance of railway oversight is when a crossing arm is operated improperly. An additional reckless mistake is if the operator neglected or stopped working to activate the signal light, which should have supplied adequate warning.A common aspect that adds to this problem is the years old, obsolete modern technology still frequently used for railways as well as trains today. Better technology is available to enhance train safety and security, but adopting these attributes is often placed on hold due to the fact that it includes a substantial investment.For example, all Class I primary lines that handle either hazardous materials or traveler trains (or both )were needed by Congress to execute a system of train control technology called Positive Train Control(PTC )by the end of 2018. PTC aims to stop several sorts of train crashes such as collisions in between trains, quality crossing mishaps, and train derailments as a result of high speeds. Nonetheless, an approximated two-thirds of united state traveler railroads fell short to satisfy the due date, and PTC is just in operation on 45%of tracks possessed by products railroads and 24% of tracks possessed by traveler railways.2. Human Error If the conductor is unskilled, train mishaps can conveniently occur. Even those that have been operating in the railway industry for rather a long time may make a blunder that harms other individuals, consisting of passengers. An additional growing trouble with both experienced and brand-new conductors is tiredness. They can not operate the train securely if they're exhausted, yet they do so anyway due to pressure they deal with from their supervisors and also company.Human error has actually constantly been just one of the most typical reasons for any kind of mishap. From bad judgment to vision concerns to damaged responses, these factors can(as well as do) contribute to train disasters.3. Reckless Pedestrians & Drivers Train accidents aren't constantly the fault of the train operator or business.
Dashcam can be good source for Videos: Occasionally, a reckless or distracted pedestrian can cause a collision by standing on or going across the tracks at the wrong time. In other circumstances, the motorist of an automobile, truck, motorbike or various other motor lorry can create a crash by leaving their car parked on a train track or attempting to defeat the train throughout a going across.4. Mechanical Failing The train driver, train staff members as well as the company itself can do every little thing within their ability to adhere to all the called for security procedures, but a train crash can still occur. Mechanical failing and also defective parts are a lot more rare than other usual sources of train accidents, yet they do sometimes happen.Trains are large equipments with facility systems and also many moving parts. Every one of the various systems should work with each other perfectly to supply engine as well as electric power . If some item of advice tools( such as a rail button) or safety equipment(such as a rail signal )fails, it can create a fatal crash.5. Speedy Trains Time and also again, car crash data proves that driving carelessly quickly can result in serious injuries as well as fatalities. Trains are no exception. Several train crashes over the last few years showed that the faster the train, the even worse the consequences end up being in case of a crash as well as the greater possibility of
derailment.6. Malfunctioning Tracks Obstruction is a common issue with the tracks and can cause train derailment. International items left inadvertently at the site where the train will pass can be deadly. Conductors ought to be mindful of their surroundings at all times to take care of a possibly hazardous scenario swiftly and also safely.
Nonetheless, sometimes, a conductor stops working to see these obstacles whatsoever or in time to stop an accident.7. Derailments A derailment is when a train runs off its rail, either due to a crash with an additional item, a conductor error, mechanical track failing, busted rails, or defective wheels. A derailment doesn't always mean the train leaves the tracks- some may be minor. Nevertheless, a severe derailment can be catastrophic if it happens while the train is moving at a high rate of rate.8. Vulnerable railroad crossings Greater than 80 percent of crossings do not have appropriate warning gadgets such as lights as well as gateways, and over half of all railway accidents occur at unguarded crossings. Tennessee locals know well that there are many unprotected railroad crossings throughout the state. Accidents at unprotected railroad crossings are frequently brought on by: -Poor visibility- Motorist disturbance- Motorist inebriation/intoxication-Motorist trying to race the train-Malfunctioning signals-Challenges that obstruct a driver's view-Conductor failing to sound an alarm 9. Stalled vehicles on the track Cars and trucks rarely get stuck on railway quality crossings . Much more usual is when motorists stall out when reducing to cross bumpy grades as a result of an inadequately tuned engine. If this occurs to you, first you try to begin it again instantly. If it won't start, put your automobile in neutral as well as request help to push your vehicle off the tracks. However if a train is quickly approaching and also there's no time at all to save your vehicle, bear in mind that your life as well as security are first top priority. Get as far from your car as possible|feasible}.10. Self-destructions Unfortunately, some people select to take their very own lives by basing on the tracks or leaping in front of a train. Federal data reveal that 266 people eliminated themselves by actioning in front of trains in 2017. However, this unfortunate and hopeless act additionally jeopardizes various other lives such as train crews, emergency situation responders, travelers and also bystanders.Train Crash Obligation The details of a train crash must be analyzed extensively in order to figure out fault and also correct payment. In the Division of Transportation Act of 1966, the Federal Railway Administration is presented with the authority(and also obligation) to manage and promote railway security regulations.Railroad firms and also commuter railway have a legal responsibility to preserve the highest degree of safety and security for all passengers. Likewise, they are required to install a black box on all engines -a device that tape-records information that might be extremely needed to evaluate in case of an accident.While the railway is liable for security, they may not always live up what they're expected to do. Nevertheless, it's not always the fault of the railway or conductor. There can be many variables entailed in injury instances developing from a major or harmful train accident, which is why it is important to employ a lawyer that is very educated in railroad accident litigation.Train Accident Avoidance & Train Security To attain security for railroads and trains, firms are required to perform every little thing they can to guarantee the protection of the guests, operators, pedestrians, and the public.When a train wreckage occurs, the black box needs to be recouped right away as it will give information of what brought about the mishap, such as the rate as well as direction of the train. The black box is crucial in showing whether there was carelessness for the railway.Fortunately, everybody's security is more vital than ever for the railroad market. Operators undergo extensive training and also only those that satisfy stringent demands can be accepted. State inspectors also collaborate with the FRA to see to it all the railroad tracks as well as centers across the country are secure as well as updated according to safety regulations.
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ehtokki · 2 years
Railway Mishaps: Typical Causes, Statistics and also Prevention
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Train mishaps aren't as usual as other transport crashes, which maybe is why they aren't seen as a major risk. Although railways aren't utilized as usually as they were in centuries past, they still continue to be quite active. Actually, trains are still fairly typical in the United States - specifically trains, commuter trains, cable cars, etc. In the USA alone, there are roughly 600 railways, numerous hundreds of miles of tracks, as well as over 209,000 railway crossings.Unfortunately, when train mishaps take place, they  often|frequently|typically|commonly|usually} lead to severe injuries and fatalities.When this takes place, obtaining compensation from the company or individual responsible can be a lot more difficult than it ought to be. Nobody desires to be held accountable for such a terrible crash, and their insurance policy firm will deal with with every available resource to reject or minimize your benefits.Whether you were wounded while benefiting a railroad firm or you're a train traveler hurt in a wreck, we urge you to speak to the experienced Tennessee train crash attorneys at Gilreath & Associates.Train Mishap Stats -According to the Federal Railway Administration, in 2014 there were 11,896 train accidents at railroad & crossings, resulting in 804 deaths as well as thousands of injuries over the course of that year.-Trains are approximated to eliminate 1 individual every 100 minutes. Every year virtually 1,000 individuals are eliminated in train relevant crashes.-Over half of all railway accidents occur at vulnerable crossings. -More than 80 percent of crossings lack ample warning devices such as lights as well as entrances.-Owners of automobiles that clash with a train are 40 times more probable to pass away than if they had collided with another vehicle of equivalent dimension. Sever Car Crash Compilation Can Hep: - Every 2 weeks a train bring harmful products derails in the United States.The Great Train Accident of 1918 Tennessee has a particularly troubling history when it involves train accidents. The Wonderful Train Accident of 1918, which happened near Nashville on July 9, 1918, is commonly considered to be the most awful rail crash catastrophe in United States background to today. Over 100 individuals died and also at least another 170 were wounded when two passenger trains, run by the Nashville, Chattanooga as well as St. Louis Railway ("NC&S tL" ), collided head-on at 50 to 60 miles per hour.When the Interstate Commerce Compensation(ICC )investigated the root cause of the accident, they figured out several factors were responsible such vital mistakes made by the crew as well as tower operators. The ICC likewise positioned some of the blame for the high variety of deaths on the lack of a system for precisely identifying train placements as well as the wood construction of the cars.Top 10 Reasons for Train & Railroad Accidents There are a selection of reasons that train accidents occur-many of which take location at crossings when cars and trucks try to"defeat"the train. When these crashes occur, they frequently involve the passengers, chauffeur, as well as some passersby.While every situation is distinct, the most usual sources of train crashes include: -Oversight -Human error-Careless pedestrians as well as motorists-Mechanical failing- Rapid trains-
Bad Drivers are Crazy:
Faulty tracks- Derailments -Unsafe railroad crossings -Stalled autos on the track-Self-destructions 1. Carelessness Railway mishaps because of oversight can be criticized on different teams. Some might be the fault of the railway company itself, whereas others are since a conductor or railway staff member was irresponsible. Some mishaps are also created by the neglect of a federal government agency. Russian Car Crash are Everywhere. Or perhaps a devices producer can be a reason the accident happened.One instance of railway carelessness is when a crossing arm is run inaccurately. An additional negligent mistake is if the driver failed to remember or fell short to transform on the signal light, which ought to have given appropriate warning.An usual element that adds to this problem is the years old, out-of-date modern technology still regularly used for trains and also trains today. Better modern technology is available to boost train safety, but taking on these attributes is usually postponed since it includes a hefty investment.For instance, all Course I main lines that deal with either harmful materials or guest trains (or both )were needed by Congress to execute a system of train control innovation called Favorable Train Control(PTC )by the end of 2018. PTC aims to stop various types of train mishaps such as accidents between trains, grade going across accidents, as well as train derailments due to broadband. Nonetheless, an estimated two-thirds of U.S. commuter railways failed to satisfy the deadline, as well as PTC is just in procedure on 45%of tracks owned by products railroads and 24% of tracks possessed by traveler trains.2. Human Mistake If the conductor is inexperienced, train mishaps can quickly occur. Even those who have actually been operating in the railway industry for rather a long time might make a mistake that damages other individuals, consisting of travelers. One more growing trouble with both experienced and brand-new conductors is fatigue. They can not run the train safely if they're exhausted, yet they do so anyway due to push they encounter from their supervisors and company.Human error has actually constantly been just one of one of the most usual reasons for any kind of mishap. From bad judgment to vision problems to impaired reactions, these variables can(and do) add to educate catastrophes.3. Reckless Pedestrians & Drivers Train accidents aren't constantly the mistake of the train operator or firm.
Dashcam can be good source for Videos: Sometimes, a careless or sidetracked pedestrian can cause a collision by basing on or crossing the tracks at the incorrect time. In other circumstances, the motorist of an auto, truck, motorbike or other car can trigger a mishap by leaving their automobile parked on a train track or trying to beat the train across a crossing.4. Mechanical Failing The train operator, train staff members as well as the business itself can do everything within their capacity to comply with all the required security procedures, yet a train mishap can still take place. Mechanical failure and defective parts are extra unusual than various other usual reasons of train accidents, yet they do periodically happen.Trains are huge devices with complicated systems as well as several relocating components. All of the various systems need to collaborate perfectly to give locomotive as well as electric power . If some piece of advice equipment( such as a rail switch) or security equipment(such as a rail signal )fails, it can create a fatal mishap.5. Rapid Trains Time and once more, cars and truck accident data verifies that driving recklessly quick can lead to major injuries as well as deaths. Trains are no exemption. Many train accidents in current years showed that the much faster the train, the worse the repercussions come to be in the event of an accident and also the higher possibility of
derailment.6. Faulty Tracks Obstruction is a common issue with the tracks and can cause train derailment. International items left unintentionally at the website where the train will pass can be fatal. Conductors must be mindful of their surroundings at all times to handle a possibly dangerous circumstance rapidly and also securely.
Nonetheless, in some situations, a conductor stops working to see these barriers in any way or in time to quit a collision.7. Derailments A derailment is when a train runs off its rail, either as a result of an accident with one more things, a conductor mistake, mechanical track failing, broken rails, or defective wheels. A derailment doesn't necessarily imply the train leaves the tracks- some might be small. Nevertheless, a serious derailment can be tragic if it happens while the train is relocating at a high rate of speed.8. Vulnerable railway crossings More than 80 percent of crossings do not have ample caution devices such as lights and gateways, and also more than half of all railway crashes take place at unguarded crossings. Tennessee residents know well that there are lots of vulnerable railway crossings across the state. Accidents at unsafe railroad crossings are usually brought on by: -Poor presence- Driver interruption- Chauffeur inebriation/intoxication-Chauffeur attempting to race the train-Malfunctioning signals-Challenges that obstruct a driver's sight-Conductor stopping working to appear an alarm system 9. Delayed cars on the track Autos hardly ever get stuck on railway grade crossings . A lot more common is when vehicle drivers stall out when decreasing to go across bumpy qualities due to an improperly tuned engine. If this takes place to you, initially you try to start it once again immediately. If it will not begin, place your lorry in neutral and also request for aid to press your lorry off the tracks. However if a train is quickly approaching as well as there's no time to save your automobile, bear in mind that your life and also security are initial priority. Get as far from your vehicle as possible|feasible}.10. Self-destructions Sadly, some individuals pick to take their very own lives by depending on the tracks or entering front of a train. Federal data show that 266 people killed themselves by actioning in front of trains in 2017. Sadly, this unfortunate as well as desperate act likewise threatens other lives such as train crews, emergency situation -responders, travelers as well as bystanders.Train Mishap Obligation The information of a train mishap must be evaluated extensively in order to identify mistake and correct compensation. In the Department of Transportation Act of 1966, the Federal Railway Management is presented with the authority(as well as duty) to supervise and promote railway security regulations.Railroad business and also traveler rail lines have a lawful obligation to preserve the highest degree of security for all travelers. Also, they are required to set up a black box on all engines -a device that records info that may be really required to examine in case of an accident.While the railway is accountable for security, they might not constantly live up what they're expected to do. Nonetheless, it's not always the fault of the railway or conductor. There can be many elements included in injury instances developing from a significant or harmful train accident, which is why it is vital to work with a lawyer that is very experienced in railway accident litigation.Train Crash Prevention & Train Safety And Security To attain safety for railways and railways, firms are required to perform everything they can to make sure the security of the guests, drivers, pedestrians, and also the public.When a train wreck happens, the black box must be recuperated right now as it will certainly provide details of what caused the accident, such as the rate as well as instructions of the train. The black box is crucial in showing whether or not there was neglect on the part of the railway.Fortunately, everyone's safety and security is more vital than ever before for the railroad sector. Operators undergo rigorous training and just those who fulfill rigorous requirements can be approved. State assessors likewise deal with the FRA to make sure all the railway tracks as well as centers throughout the country are risk-free and upgraded according to security laws.
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eatordrinkme · 2 years
Railroad Mishaps: Common Causes, Statistics and Avoidance
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Train accidents aren't as usual as other transport crashes, which possibly is why they aren't deemed a significant hazard. Although railways aren't utilized as usually as they remained in centuries past, they still remain quite active. Actually, trains are still rather typical in the United States - specifically trains, commuter trains, cable cars, etc. In the United States alone, there are about 600 railroads, hundreds of hundreds of miles of tracks, as well as over 209,000 railroad crossings.Unfortunately, when train accidents take place, they  often|frequently|typically|commonly|usually} lead to significant injuries and fatalities.When this happens, obtaining compensation from the firm or private accountable can be more difficult than it must be. Nobody wants to be held accountable for such a terrible crash, and also their insurer will fight with every available resource to deny or minimize your benefits.Whether you were wounded while functioning for a railroad company or you're a train traveler pain in an accident, we motivate you to speak to the knowledgeable Tennessee train mishap legal representatives at Gilreath & Associates.Train Crash Stats -According to the Federal Railway Administration, in 2014 there were 11,896 train accidents at railway & crossings, resulting in 804 deaths and thousands of injuries throughout that year.-Trains are approximated to eliminate 1 individual every 100 mins. Yearly nearly 1,000 individuals are killed in train relevant crashes.-More than fifty percent of all railway crashes happen at unsafe crossings. -Greater than 80 percent of crossings lack ample warning tools such as lights as well as entrances.-Occupants of lorries that clash with a train are 40 times most likely to die than if they had collided with another lorry of similar size. Sever Car Crash Compilation Can Hep: - Every two weeks a train carrying hazardous materials hinders in the United States.The Great Train Wreck of 1918 Tennessee has an especially uncomfortable background when it pertains to educate accidents. The Fantastic Train Wreck of 1918, which occurred near Nashville on July 9, 1918, is extensively thought about to be the most awful rail crash catastrophe in United States history to this day. Over 100 individuals passed away and a minimum of an additional 170 were injured when 2 guest trains, run by the Nashville, Chattanooga and also St. Louis Train ("NC&S tL" ), collided head-on at 50 to 60 miles per hour.When the Interstate Commerce Commission(ICC )checked out the root cause of the accident, they figured out a number of aspects were at fault such crucial errors made by the staff and tower drivers. The ICC also put a few of the blame for the high number of casualties on the absence of a system for precisely identifying train placements as well as the wooden construction of the cars.Top 10 Root causes of Train & Railway Accidents There are a range of reasons why train mishaps take place-many of which take place at crossings when automobiles try to"beat"the train. When these mishaps occur, they usually entail the guests, chauffeur, as well as some passersby.While every case is distinct, the most usual reasons of train mishaps include: -Negligence -Human error-Reckless pedestrians as well as vehicle drivers-Mechanical failing- Rapid trains-
Bad Drivers are Crazy:
Malfunctioning tracks- Derailments -Vulnerable railroad crossings -Delayed automobiles on the track-Suicides 1. Oversight Railroad accidents due to negligence can be blamed on different teams. Some may be the fault of the railway company itself, whereas others are since a conductor or railroad staff member was irresponsible. Some accidents are even triggered by the disregard of a federal government firm. Russian Car Crash are Everywhere. Or perhaps a devices manufacturer can be a reason why the mishap happened.One example of train negligence is when a crossing arm is run incorrectly. One more careless error is if the driver failed to remember or stopped working to switch on the signal light, which should have supplied appropriate warning.An usual variable that contributes to this issue is the decades old, outdated innovation still regularly used for trains and also trains today. Better innovation is available to enhance train safety and security, however taking on these features is typically put on hold due to the fact that it entails a hefty investment.For example, all Course I primary lines that manage either hazardous materials or traveler trains (or both )were needed by Congress to carry out a system of train control modern technology called Favorable Train Control(PTC )by the end of 2018. PTC intends to stop various kinds of train mishaps such as crashes in between trains, quality crossing accidents, and train derailments because of high speeds. However, an approximated two-thirds of U.S. commuter railways fell short to satisfy the deadline, as well as PTC is only in operation on 45%of tracks possessed by freight railways and also 24% of tracks possessed by guest railways.2. Human Error If the conductor is unskilled, train mishaps can quickly take place. Even those who have been functioning in the railroad sector for fairly time may make a blunder that hurts other people, consisting of travelers. One more expanding problem with both knowledgeable and brand-new conductors is exhaustion. They can not run the train safely if they're worn down, yet they do so anyhow as a result of press they face from their managers as well as company.Human mistake has constantly been one of one of the most common reasons for any mishap. From poor judgment to vision concerns to impaired reactions, these factors can(and do) add to educate catastrophes.3. Negligent Pedestrians & Drivers Train accidents aren't always the fault of the train operator or company.
Dashcam can be good source for Videos: Sometimes, a careless or sidetracked pedestrian can create an accident by standing on or going across the tracks at the incorrect time. In various other situations, the vehicle driver of an automobile, vehicle, motorbike or various other automobile can create a crash by leaving their automobile parked on a train track or trying to beat the train across a crossing.4. Mechanical Failing The train driver, railway workers and also the business itself can do everything within their ability to comply with all the needed safety and security treatments, but a train crash can still take place. Mechanical failing as well as defective parts are much more rare than various other common reasons for train collisions, but they do periodically happen.Trains are huge equipments with complex systems and many moving parts. Every one of the different systems should collaborate perfectly to offer locomotive and electric power . If some item of advice tools( such as a rail switch) or safety and security equipment(such as a rail signal )stops working, it can create a harmful mishap.5. Speedy Trains Time and also once more, automobile crash data proves that driving recklessly quick can lead to severe injuries as well as deaths. Trains are no exception. Many train crashes in recent years showed that the faster the train, the worse the consequences end up being in the occasion of an accident as well as the greater probability of
derailment.6. Malfunctioning Tracks Blockage is a common problem with the tracks and can trigger train derailment. International items left inadvertently at the site where the train will pass can be lethal. Conductors must know their surroundings in all times to handle a potentially dangerous situation swiftly as well as securely.
Nonetheless, in many cases, a conductor stops working to see these obstacles at all or in time to stop an accident.7. Derailments A derailment is when a train runs its rail, either due to a crash with another things, a conductor mistake, mechanical track failing, damaged rails, or faulty wheels. A derailment does not always indicate the train leaves the tracks- some may be small. However, a significant derailment can be devastating if it takes place while the train is relocating at a high rate of rate.8. Unguarded railway crossings More than 80 percent of crossings do not have adequate caution devices such as lights as well as gates, as well as over half of all railway accidents occur at unprotected crossings. Tennessee locals understand well that there are many unsafe railway crossings throughout the state. Mishaps at unsafe railway crossings are most typically triggered by: -Poor exposure- Chauffeur distraction- Vehicle driver inebriation/intoxication-Driver attempting to race the train-Malfunctioning signals-Barriers that obstruct a driver's sight-Conductor falling short to appear an alarm system 9. Delayed vehicles on the track Autos seldom get stuck on railway quality crossings . More usual is when drivers stall out when reducing to go across bumpy grades as a result of a poorly tuned engine. If this occurs to you, initially you try to begin it once more right away. If it won't begin, place your lorry in neutral and request aid to press your lorry off the tracks. But if a train is swiftly coming close to and there's no time to save your car, keep in mind that your life and safety and security are initial concern. Obtain as much from your vehicle as possible|feasible}.10. Self-destructions Sadly, some people select to take their own lives by depending on the tracks or jumping in front of a train. Federal stats show that 266 people eliminated themselves by actioning in front of trains in 2017. Regrettably, this awful as well as determined act also threatens various other lives such as train staffs, emergency situation -responders, travelers and also bystanders.Train Crash Obligation The information of a train crash have to be examined extensively in order to determine fault and also appropriate payment. In the Division of Transport Act of 1966, the Federal Railroad Administration is presented with the authority(as well as responsibility) to look after and advertise railway safety and security regulations.Railroad companies and traveler railway have a lawful responsibility to preserve the highest degree of safety for all travelers. Additionally, they are required to set up a black box on all locomotives -a device that records info that might be really required to evaluate in case of an accident.While the train is accountable for safety, they may not always live up what they're expected to do. Nevertheless, it's not always the fault of the railway or conductor. There can be numerous factors entailed in accident cases emerging from a major or fatal train mishap, which is why it is vital to work with an attorney that is highly experienced in railway accident litigation.Train Mishap Avoidance & Railway Security To achieve safety and security for railways and trains, companies are required to carry out every little thing they can to ensure the protection of the passengers, drivers, pedestrians, and also the public.When a train wreckage happens, the black box should be recouped immediately as it will give information of what led to the accident, such as the speed and also instructions of the train. The black box is important in confirming whether there was carelessness for the railway.Fortunately, every person's security is more crucial than ever for the railway sector. Operators go through extensive training as well as just those that satisfy strict demands can be approved. State examiners additionally function with the FRA to see to it all the railway tracks and also facilities across the nation are safe and upgraded according to safety guidelines.
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seemabhatnagar · 10 months
Manual Scavenging is inhuman and against the dignity of an individual
A Public Interest Litigation was filed before Apex Court Dr. Balram Singh v. Union of India & Others seeking direction from the Court to the Union of India and all the States and Union Territories to implement provisions, inter alia of the Employment of Manual Scavengers & Construction of Dry Latrines(Prohibition) Act 1993 & Prohibition of Employment s Manual Scavengers & their Rehabilitation Act 2013.
The Petitioner Dr. Balram Singh appeared in person before the Bench of the Apex Court comprising Hon'ble Mr. Justice S Ravindra Bhat J & Hon'ble Mr. Justice Aravind Kumar J.
The Apex Court observed & I quote, "The Union and the states are duty bound to ensure that the practice of manual scavenging is completely eradicated. Each of us owe it to this large segment of our population, who have remained unseen, unheard and muted, in bondage, systematically trapped in inhumane conditions."
1. The government of India should take appropriate measures and frame policies, and issue directions, to all statutory bodies, including corporations, railways, cantonments, as well as agencies under its control, to ensure that manual sewer cleaning is completely eradicated in a phased manner, and also issue such guidelines and directions as are essential, that any sewer cleaning work outsourced, or required to be discharged, by or through contractors or agencies, do not require individuals to enter sewers, for any purpose whatsoever
2. All states and Union Territories should ensure that all departments, agencies, corporations and other agencies make sure that guidelines and directions framed by the Union of India are embodied in their own guidelines and directions. The states are specifically directed to ensure that such directions are applicable to all municipalities, and local bodies functioning within their territories.
3. The Union, state and Union Territories are directed to ensure that full rehabilitation (including employment to the next of kin, education to the wards, and skill training) measures are taken in respect of sewage workers, and those who die.
4. The court directed the Union and the states to ensure that the compensation for sewer deaths is increased from ₹ 10 lakhs to ₹ 30 lakhs.
5. The SC also directed development of a portal and a dashboard at the earliest date. This should contain all relevant information, including the information relating to sewer deaths, and victims, and the status of compensation disbursement, as well as rehabilitation measures taken, and existing and available rehabilitation policies.
The Supreme Court will examine the progress made in the implementation of its directions on February 1, 2024. 
Seema Bhatnagar
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
Calls are mounting in Kenya for Britain to return the head of a revered tribal leader who led a bloody resistance movement against colonial rule more than a century ago, after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
Koitalel Arap Samoei spearheaded fierce opposition to the construction of the so-called "Lunatic Express," a railway from Kenya's Indian Ocean port of Mombasa through Nandi in the Rift Valley to Lake Victoria in Uganda.
Many thousands of people are believed to have been killed in the more than decade-long struggle that began in 1895 when surveyors first marked out land in Nandi as a route for the railway.
Kenyan historians say British colonial authorities lured Samoei to a meeting in October 1905 ostensibly to negotiate a truce but instead he and a number of fellow warriors were shot dead. Samoei, an Orkoiyot or spiritual leader of the Nandi people, was decapitated and his head taken to England as a war trophy, according to Nandi elders.[...] Nandi County government attorney George Tarus told AFP the Nandi people wanted Samoei's head returned to his ancestral homeland for a proper burial, a call echoed widely on social media in Kenya. [...]
Tarus said 20,000 people were killed during the uprising and thousands more displaced when British authorities seized 140,000 acres of fertile land in Nandi now used for tea plantations by British multinationals.
"To this date there hasn't been any compensation from the British government," said Tarus, who is leading legal efforts to seek justice for the Nandi community.
He said this was despite Britain agreeing in 2013 to compensate over 5,000 Kenyans who had suffered abuse during the 1950s Mau Mau rebellion against colonial rule.
11 Sep 22
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a-funeral-pyre · 3 years
Sharing my writing #4
This one is about the project of mine I’m currently most passionate about (”Secrets of Lunyan”, a fairly standard fantasy trilogy with lots of angst and slightly cosmic horror implications that I look forward to actually write now that I have invented tons of characters. Incidentally, it’s where the OCs from my quiz come from).
I wanted to start with the geography. It’s pretty semplified for storytelling purposes, but so far we have:
-Othanar, in the west. A very vast territory, technologically quite arretrated (the main inspiration is medieval/Renaissance Europe), but with the largest number of trained wizards. The most powerful among these wizards form the ruling class. Othanar is a theocracy, since said wizards are also the priests of Falham, the main divinity of this universe, protector of humankind. Its main economical strenght, apart from trading, is its monopoly over magical education. 
-Agzym, in the south. A very wide territory, but mostly barren. It’s not an unitary state like Othanar, but in city-states in the shape of towers moving through railways or crawlers or of airships. They have the lowest number of mages, trained or born, but they compensate by being the most technologically advanced area of the world (steampunk style). Every city-state forms a tribe, every one with its own sacred animal, but with very diverse cultures and costumes. Occasionally there are conflicts between cities, but it’s actually quite rare, and usually the relations are peaceful. The main danger are the wraiths that haunt the land, especially in the north, near Lunyan.
-Uaxhakil, in the south-west. Its original population was the most numerous Agzym tribe, that inhabitated the most fertile part of the territory and decided to convert to a sedentary lifestyle and form its own political entity. It’s a monarchy. One of its last bonds with Agzym is the worship of a sacred animal - in their case, a butterfly. Around nineteen years before the beginning of the story, the former king attempted to expand its territory by waging war to Agzym. The army managed to conquer several territories, but the tribes of Agzym united and ended up taking back their lands. The amount of deaths, including several slaughters of civilians, was extremely high on both sides and as a result, while peace was signed, the two lands still see each others as enemies. Uaxhakil was always a secluded country anyway, although it’s got a faithful trading partner in Othanar and before the war peaceful contact with Agzym was not uncommon. They underwent a technological revolution for a few decades before the war, starting to use firearms (mainly imitating Agzym’s technology, although the results are less efficient and the army still mostly uses bladed weapons as is the tradition) and small airships (originally created for exploration purpose, but converted to military purpose when the war started). Occasionally there are wraiths attacks, but less commonly than in Agzym. However, there are several trained mages. Some of them, as Falham priest, are the most powerful entity after the king (along with the army). Some others form élite battalions.
-Deorhnem: in the north. Its mainly inhabitated by two different people. One came from Agzym but moved north several thousands of years before. They are now very different than their southern ancestors, apart from keeping the tribal structure and the cult of their sacred animals. Every tribe has at least one wizard, be it trained or born with magic, that acts as the leader. The other people is native to the north and organized in republican fortress cities. Most of the population receives military training and those that form the army have the task of defending Deorhnem from the dragons and monsters that have been threatening it for millennia. There are very few wizards among them, but it’s not really a problem. Their technology is mostly on par with Othanar. They actually trade with Agzym and have tried using firearms, but it turns out they are mostly useless against the dragons, since they are mostly blind and hunt in packs and loud noises only make attacking difficult.
-Pawyr: in the east. Its inhabitants are not human but madil (children of humans and nymphs, or descendants of these children with enough nymph blood). As such, all of them are born with magic (except for first-generation madil, that have a 50% chance of being able to use magic, but can pass it down to their own children). Most of them don’t really have a wish to train in magic (although magic learnt by training is different than the one they are born with). Politically it’s formed by small independent monarchies. The main dangers are two demi-gods/demons, but I’m probably going to talk about them in another post.
-Lunyan, east of Othanar and the center of the whole story. Several thousand years before the story begins it was a sort of steampunk Atlantis (but on land), inhabitated by powerful trained wizards (every knowledge about how to learn magic comes from here), but it was mysteriously destroyed. However, its magic and knowledge remained, at least in part. Near the ruins there is the studying center, managed by the Othanar Falham priests, where people can go to train as wizards. Those that manage to learn enough either go back to their own lands, and if they are powerful enough they usually become part of the ruling class, or they go to another to help fighting whatever is the problem there (wraiths, dragons, etc.). However no one dares walking through the actual ruins. Space and time are quite distorted in there. There’s a reason why.
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